Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Garden State blues.

There is a dark shadow of lawlessness that is engulfing those who should be upholding the law these days here in America. You have police officers openly declaring that they don't have to obey the Constitution, because, sadly, they are so deep in the right- wing echo chamber that they have been led to believe that the president himself does not follow it.

" New Jersey police officer was caught on video arguing with someone at a municipal building, declaring that if President Obama doesn’t follow the Constitution, then he shouldn’t have to either.

Steve Wronko had a camera inside the public building as part of an investigation he was doing, and Officer Richard Recine tracked him down to ask who he is what what he’s doing there. Wronko repeatedly asserted a First Amendment right to be doing what he’s doing, but Recine was having none of it.
In fact, he said, “Obama has decimated the friggin’ Constitution, so I don’t give a damn, ’cause if he doesn’t follow the Constitution, we don’t have to.”

Police Director Robert Manney appeared in the video too, but after Recine had made those comments, and upon learning what Recine said, he called it an “embarrassment” and said there’s an investigation underway. [Source]

Take those Obama bumper stickers off your cars, folks. The next police officer you pass on the road might be just like Officer Recine.

I am staying in the Garden State for this next story.

You Negroes should really familiarize yourselves with the laws of different states when you own a firearm. Just because you have a legal right to carry in Philly, it doesn't mean that that the same rights apply when you cross over the bridge to New Jersey.

Poor Shaneen Allen had to learn this lesson the hard way.

"The words common sense were mentioned quite a bit during Shaneen Allen's hearing yesterday in Atlantic County Superior Court. Allen, 27, cried for a moment in the hallway with her son Naiare and his father after a judge denied her motion to dismiss weapons charges filed against her in October and refused to overturn a prosecutor's decision to deny her entry into a first-time-offender diversion program.

So Allen walked back into court, turned down a plea deal that would have given her a 3 1/2-year sentence and decided to go to trial in October, hoping a jury would use some common sense and not send a working mother of two to prison for not knowing New Jersey's gun laws.

"There is no public need to prosecute Shaneen Allen. I'm sure the public is just begging for Shaneen Allen to go to jail," her attorney, Evan Nappen, argued sarcastically to Judge Michael Donio.

Allen, who has no criminal record, was pulled over by New Jersey State Police on Oct. 1 while driving to Atlantic City with the father of her sons. She told the officer that she had a license-to-carry permit in Pennsylvania and had her .380 Bersa Thunder in her pocketbook.

New Jersey does not recognize any other state's license-to-carry permit, and Allen was arrested and charged with unlawful possession of a weapon and possession of hollow-point bullets. She faces a mandatory minimum of 3 1/2 years in prison.

Her story has garnered national attention, and Nappen says it's proof that New Jersey's gun laws are "out of control." Gun-control advocates say there's a positive side to all the attention Allen's case has received.

"Fortunately, the notoriety of this case will make it less likely Pennsylvanians will carry concealed and loaded handguns in New Jersey, thereby making them and the Garden State safer from gun violence," said Bryan Miller, executive director of Heeding God's Call, a faith-based movement to prevent gun violence.
Donio said Nappen's argument that Allen's gun possession fell under a 180-day New Jersey amnesty period was "ridiculous," but said she could appeal the denial of her Graves Act waiver - if she pleaded guilty or was later found guilty.

The Graves Act requires mandatory-minimum sentences in firearms-possession cases. [Source]

I know what you Negroes are thinking: poor Ms. Allen never stood a chance.

From the initial stop, to getting turned down for the diversionary program, the deck was always stacked against her.

Now let's see if the NRA comes to her defense and stand in her corner like we know that they would have with some other folks.


  1. "There is a dark shadow of lawlessness that is engulfing those who should be upholding the law these days here in America."

    This is what Obama has wrought .

    I'm sure if asked, the NRA will help a sista out.

    And you (field) will be right there to attack the NRA if/when they do.

    When are going to post a correction-

    "Here in this country the NRA is advocating letting blind people own guns."

    This is a lie.

  2. During the time I was back and forth to G'town, I ALWAYS remembered to leave my hollow point holder at the state line.

  3. Anonymous9:17 PM

    More mandatory minimum sentencing nonsense. If that weren't in force, at least there would be the possibility of the judge offering leniency to this woman, rather than an automatic jail sentence.

  4. Anonymous9:47 PM

    "Here in this country the NRA is advocating letting blind people own guns."

    Kinky, "This is a lie."

    8:53 PM
    Oh my, Kinky. Lawyers of Field's status DON'T LIE. You should know this. I am surprised that you would make such a condemning statement.

  5. Anonymous9:50 PM

    Mr Field or WC, my understanding of the law is limited but is it illegal to tape or record someone without their permission?

    Isn't it a form of entrapment?

  6. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Field wrote,
    Now let's see if the NRA comes to her defense and stand in her corner like we know that they would have with some other folks.

    Once again Field is behind the power curve. The NRA ILA branch has already published a number of articles about how she was unfairly treated. If the ILA is involved then that means financial and legal support as well. Please Field, I thought you would be smarter than that, but your hatred of the NRA and especially YT prevents you from even vetting your story.
    BTW who do you think brings you these stupid gun laws? It's the same political party you blindly support.


  7. Anonymous10:10 PM

    Senor Kinky is a dirty, stinking liar. The NRA said no such thing. This is what was said on the NRA website: A news commentator on the National Rifle Association’s online news site defends the right of blind people to carry guns. And he says anyone who disagrees doesn’t understand the Constitution NRA did not say that they endorsed blind people having guns.
    Senor Kinky is your typical lying white cacasoid devil who has no credibility.

  8. " New Jersey police officer was caught on video arguing with someone at a municipal building, declaring that if President Obama doesn’t follow the Constitution, then he shouldn’t have to either.

    This is exactly how the Criminal In Chief wants it to play out - all part of the gradual unraveling of American society that will permit it to be "fundamentally changed".

    Are you starting to understand Leftism, Field?

  9. Allen, 27, cried for a moment in the hallway with her son Naiare and his father after a judge denied her motion to dismiss weapons charges filed against her in October and refused to overturn a prosecutor's decision to deny her entry into a first-time-offender diversion program.

    Well, isn't this exactly what you want Field? You have constantly called for tougher gun laws and tougher enforcement, and you should be applauding this.

    Oh, that's right, Ms. Allen is black, and you just wanted white people to be punished for having guns.

    BTW, this happens to white folks all the time:


  10. FieldNegro said...
    Now let's see if the NRA comes to her defense and stand in her corner

    Did you visit Shaneen Allen's facebook page and see what she says about the nra?


  11. Anonymous10:28 PM

    BTW, this happens to white folks all the time
    As it should.


  12. FieldNegro said...
    argued sarcastically to Judge Michael Donio

    I wonder how Judge Michael Donio feels about beating women unconscious.

    Rice has an arraignment conference on his felony aggravated assault case scheduled for Thursday morning in Atlantic County Superior Court before Judge Michael Donio.,0,457170.story

    It appears black women with the ability to defend themselves are scary to this old white judge.
    Black women should be unarmed and beaten unconscious.

  13. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Field wrote,
    I know what you Negroes are thinking: poor Ms. Allen never stood a chance.

    But now with the NRA and YT support she has a much better chance now doesn't she Field. Face it Field, you FUBAR'd this beyond all recognition. This doesn't happen in court does it?


  14. Anonymous10:53 PM

    BTW, this happens to white folks all the time
    As it should.

    Victims of the kind of fascist gun laws Field Negro advocates are everywhere:

  15. Wait, I thought all cops were union democrat government workers.


  16. General requirements:
    Current, valid passport
    Legal right to work in the United States
    High school diploma or GED equivalent

    For some reason, I thought being a pilot required more than a high school diploma.

  17. StillaPanther22:07 AM

    "come on Sister"... If I was the judge I would give her ONE DAY for breaking the law and give her 3years, 5 months and 29 days for not bothering to know the laws when having a deadly instrument on her persons. We as a people should stop and decide that as a people we should not always pull the sympathy card when we neglect to do things in a safe and LAWFUL manner.

    Too often we (my people) cry foul when we do wrong and UNLAWFUL things. An example- we don't try to discourage our young men when they are not in synch with the majority. I am not making reference to their clothing, music or other acts that are special for us/them. I am suggesting that they should be made aware of all the things we think are "innocence", such as driving with no licenses, dealing weed in public, breaking curfew, shunning noise level laws and others too many to enumerates.

    A statement from my core values; mans should protect his mate and his off-springs. Where was that Brother when they were rolling in the car New Jersey's highways. EVERY Black man on the east coast that drives KNOW about New Jersey and their police mob. Being in the southern part of the east coast, every Brother I know have been stopped and frisked on the Jersey Turnpike. Driving to New York we can go the back roads.... they will be waiting in every one of those small towns. The NJTP was the conduit to bring drugs (smack) on this coast. Guns traveling North to NY via NJPT and drugs coming back on the return trip. Shout out to my peeps that made many runs but it took only one stop to make you a resident of NJ prison complex.

    NJ gun laws are centered around the transit of guns from my "all the guns you can carry" State of Virginia. Majority of homicides in Jersey and NY were carried out by Virginia origin sales. These comments are a reflection of the 80s and 90 when I was out trying to "get well" before I go on my evening shift.

    I am sorry the Sister did not have the knowledge to travel legally... or she could have said "frig it, I do what the hell I want to, F the law". Something is surly unrevealed in this case. Unless first time offender options are not available to offenders having guns precludes use of the program.

  18. SAP, on some levels I agree with you, we should be smarter than that and not put ourselves in this position. Still, do u think if that trooper who stopped her say missy in the car he would have taken it this far?

    He would have warned her, made her turn around, and drive back to Philly to put away her gun.

    Heck he would have escorted her to the bridge.:)

    Chairman, as a proud leftist, let me say for the record that I do understand leftism, and sadly, this ain't it.

  19. (saw not "say")

    Damn smart phones ain't that smart.

  20. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Hey Field,
    Still no retraction about the NRA? How so utterly typical. It must gall you that it's YT to the rescue one more time.


  21. Bill said:
    For some reason, I thought being a pilot required more than a high school diploma.

    Black Pilots DO have to have college degrees.

    But if it were that easy, your Uncle Bubba would be flying an airplane.

  22. Anonymous11:07 AM

    PilotX said...

    Wait, I thought all cops were union democrat government workers.

    You are pretty much correct there.

  23. field negro said...
    Chairman, as a proud leftist, let me say for the record that I do understand leftism, and sadly, this ain't it.

    I think of you really, truly understood leftism you would not be proud, nor would you any longer be a Leftist.

    If you do have some understanding, then you should be aware that the modern Leftist social democratic state uses anarcho-tyranny to encourage the people to act passively in the face of perpetual revolution.

    Anarcho-tyranny is a strategy where the State refuses to control real criminals (that’s the anarchy) so it controls the innocent (that’s the tyranny).

    Sam Francis: What we have in this country today, then, is both anarchy (the failure of the state to enforce the laws) and, at the same time, tyranny—the enforcement of laws by the state for oppressive purposes; the criminalization of the law-abiding and innocent through exorbitant taxation, bureaucratic regulation, the invasion of privacy, and the engineering of social institutions, such as the family and local schools; the imposition of thought control through “sensitivity training” and multiculturalist curricula, “hate crime” laws, gun-control laws that punish or disarm otherwise law-abiding citizens but have no impact on violent criminals who get guns illegally, and a vast labyrinth of other measures. In a word, anarcho-tyranny.

    Ms. Allen's incarceration in the very state that John Corzine walks free, at the very moment thousands of illegal immigrants pour into the country each day, is a prime example of anarcho-tyranny in action.

    Free Shaneen Allen.

  24. You are correct Doc. Almost all pilots for major airlines have college degrees because it's an individual airlines requirement and not a FAA requirement. Same in the military with the exception of the Army. For a time Continental didn't require a college degree so we have a few pilots at the "new" United who only have high school educations but they're all white. We cut that shit out because we don't want any more Bubbas. Ha!


  25. United States Commission on Civil Rights-

    illegal immigration has a negative impact on black employment, both in terms of employment opportunities and wages.
    Professor Vernon Briggs writes that illegal immigrants and blacks (who are disproportionately likely to be low-skilled) often find themselves in competition for the same jobs, and the huge number of illegal immigrants ensures that there is a continual surplus of low-skilled labor, thus preventing wages from
    Illegal immigration has a disparate impact on African-American men because these men are disproportionately represented in the low-skilled labor force.

    It's been pointed out many times that FN, PilotX, Doc and PurpleCow won't have their careers threatened by amnesty so they don't care.

    Others that live in a much lower socioeconomic level aren't as lucky.

    But hey, FN and his online friends got theirs. That's all that matters.

  26. Just went to the career opportunity page for United. For pilots there are four general requirements not three. Damn, we really have some liars here. •current passport
    •legal right to work in the United States
    •High School diploma or GED equivalent
    •Bachelor's degree from acccredited school is preferred

    How did that last one get left out by someone else? Did they think no one would catch it and not figure out that they lie constantly?


  27. PilotX said...
    You are correct Doc. Almost all pilots for major airlines have college degrees because it's an individual airlines requirement and not a FAA requirement.

    If you were right and a college degree was a requirement for YOUR job wouldn't that be listed in the requirements page I linked to?

    Southwest requires a college degree, United doesn't.

    Delta requires a college degree, United doesn't.

    Alaska Airlines requires a college degree, United doesn't.

    I see a pattern.


  28. PilotX said...
    Just went to the career opportunity page for United. For pilots there are four general requirements not three. Damn, we really have some liars here. •current passport
    •legal right to work in the United States
    •High School diploma or GED equivalent
    •Bachelor's degree from acccredited school is preferred

    PilotX is channeling clinton and trying to redefine the meaning of words.

    Is a valid passport preferred or required?

    Is a high school diploma preferred or required?

    Is the right to work preferred or required?

    Bachelor's degree from acccredited school is preferred

    Get the point PilotX?

    High school diploma required for YOUR job.

  29. "illegal immigration has a negative impact on black employment, both in terms of employment opportunities and wages.

    No. it. does. not.

    We've been over this thousand times.

  30. No matter how many times you go over it PC they won't get it.

  31. Probably right PX.

    Problem is I find it difficult to pitch arguments so simply that people like Bill, Kinky and QLB will even understand what I am saying.

    It's difficult to argue complex issues with people like them who have such a shallow, overly-simplistic, binary world view.

  32. PC, that is the meme the right is pushing to get blacks to sign on to their xenophobia.

    Sadly, it is working in some quarters.


  33. The Purple Cow said...
    "illegal immigration has a negative impact on black employment, both in terms of employment opportunities and wages."

    No. it. does. not.

    Don't whine to me, I only posted the link.

    Contact Peter Kirsanow, the commissioner from the United States Commission On Civil Rights.

    Why do you think the Commissioner has a different opinion than you?

  34. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Re "illegal immigration has a negative...disparate impact on black employment... terms of opportunities and wages".

    Complete and utter bull-sh....t!

    Negroes/Black men(and women), if one listens, "...ain't working no job picking anything, or pays the equivalent of welfare/SSI, etc.". These sentiments precede current and recent waves of immigrants.

    And, Black people:
    These so-called "immigrants" - Mexicans and Central Americans, un/documented, or otherwise -


  35. field negro said...
    PC, that is the meme the right is pushing to get blacks

    Peter Kirsanow, a black man, commissioner from the United States Commission On Civil Rights is part of the right-wing?


  36. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Is a valid passport preferred or required?

    Is a high school diploma preferred or required?

    Is the right to work preferred or required?

    Bachelor's degree from acccredited school is preferred

    Get the point PilotX?

    High school diploma required for YOUR job.

    12:57 PM
    Interesting. I recall PilotX claiming that a college degree was required to be a pilot. Turns out all you need is a high school education. However, a college degree is 'preferred', but it is not 'required'.

    Now it all makes sense. PilotX claiming to have gone to some Jesuit College, but doesn't sound educated. Not only that, why would an African American, who is a fundamentalist atheist, go to a Jesuit school know for racism, for a college degree to be a 'pilot'?

    It just doesn't make sense. A moron would know better, esp if he is Black.

    Btw, what Jesuit College did you go to? LIAR. No wonder you are such an accuser of lies!

    The lies you detest in others is really what you detest in yourself...It must be hard to live with yourself.

  37. If you get sick of reporting only the bad news:

  38. @1:31, YAWN!!!

    Yet another hillbilly rant from an uneducated, jealous, underachieving bubba!!

  39. Heyzoos2:18 PM

    The Purple Cow said...

    "illegal immigration has a negative impact on black employment, both in terms of employment opportunities and wages.

    No. it. does. not.

    Because there's no way that massively increasing the supply of workers in a high unemployment country would make it harder for anyone to find a job.

    Anyone who believe the things you do Cow is a deluded moron.

  40. Heyzoos2:20 PM

    The Purple Genius said...
    It's difficult to argue complex issues with people like them who have such a shallow, overly-simplistic, binary world view.

    At least they've got "binary" in there.

    You just regurgitate agitprop that you don't understand.

  41. Anonymous2:25 PM

    "And, Black people:
    These so-called "immigrants" - Mexicans and Central Americans, un/documented, or otherwise -

    Who is?

  42. Dr. Bubba Ghanoush2:36 PM

    Yīshēng said...

    @1:31, YAWN!!!

    Yet another hillbilly rant from an uneducated, jealous, underachieving bubba!!

    What are the educational requirements to wash glassware for the Indian and Chinese medical students?

    BTW, you I think you got some of that VO5 on the last batch of beakers. Please do them over. Now.

  43. What are the educational requirements to wash glassware for the Indian and Chinese medical students?

    I have NO idea, but I'll be sure to ask the Chinese and Indian medical students I regularly tutor during the school year at 100 bucks/hour, ROTFL!!!

    BTW, how many pairs of overalls could your pappy buy with $100 bucks??


  44. Dr. Bubba Ghanoush3:26 PM

    You tutor people in washing glassware?

    Who'd have known. You're not even that good at it.

    Now get back to that sink, your work is starting pile up.

  45. Good deal...

    Ted Wafers is going to jail ....

    Looks like the jury got it right this time...

    Once again for the fearful gun owners....

    If your scared ...go buy a dog....and call 911 first..

  46. Ok anon @ 1:31pm let me clear up a few things. I'm not going to tell you what college I went to but it may not be too hard to figure out where one can get a degree in Aeronautics from a catholic university. As far as a college degree being required for a United pilot that used to be the case until we merged with Continental. All legacy United pilots (of which group I am a part ) have college degrees, not all Continental pilots do. I guess this was a part of the give and take that comes with merging two pilot groups. My bet is all UAL guys would follow the rest of the industry but neither here nor there. This is probably because some CAL guys have buddies at Express and they want to get them on and the preferable language gives them their chance. Bottom line is for the record when I got hired at UAL pre-merger a college degree was required.

  47. Good points BiB.

  48. PilotX said...

    Good points BiB.

    Towelie is going to be easy to rob.

  49. Pilots "R" Us4:51 PM

    PilotX said...
    Bottom line is for the record when I got hired at UAL pre-merger a college degree was required.

    I guess they figured out it wasn't necessary.

    Like the grocery store used to require high school diplomas to bag groceries, but now retards can do it. There's a good chance if Yingyang could learn to keep her mouth shut, even she could do it.

  50. Nope, we're bringing Continental up to our level of professionalism not descending to theirs. Guaranteed every pilot hiring at United will have a college degree. I'm sure you think QLB can get a pilot job without a degree but that aint gonna happen.

  51. Pilots "R" Us5:20 PM

    Because he's not black.

  52. PilotX said...
    Guaranteed every pilot hiring at United will have a college degree

    Eric Holder says doing criminal background checks as part of the hiring process is racist because it has a disparate impact on blacks.

    He has sued to have the results of qualification tests for fire, police, and civil service jobs on which blacks have not done as well thrown out, again on the principal of disparate impact.

    Since whites are more likely to have a college degree, requiring one would have a disparate impact on blacks and would therefore be racist.

    I see a DOJ lawsuit in United's future...

  53. Purple Cow is typical of the left.

    They post lies and bullshit they get from biased sources-and get pissed when they are fact checked.

    Who knew the "United States Commission on Civil Rights" is part of the right trying to get blacks to buy into their xenophobia?

  54. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Blogger PilotX said...
    Ok anon @ 1:31pm let me clear up a few things. I'm not going to tell you what college I went to but it may not be too hard to figure out where one can get a degree in Aeronautics from a catholic university.

    Since you won't name the college you went to, WHY do you insist on QLB telling you which college he went to? HYPOCRITE!

  55. Father Orville6:51 PM

    "a degree in Aeronautics from a catholic university."

    Did they teach about the concept of lift, or did they just tell you Jesus holds the plane up?

  56. PilotX said...
    Nope, we're bringing Continental up to our level of professionalism not descending to theirs.

    By getting rid of the required college diploma and accepting GED?

    Sounds the standard is being lowered.

  57. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Mr PilotX, I have an Aeronautical Engineering. So I am curious what does a degree in Aeronautics entail?

    NASA requires such degrees but I can't imagine UAL or any other airline needing pilots to fly their planes needing a degree in aeronautics.

    Please explain.

  58. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Yisheng wrote,
    I have NO idea, but I'll be sure to ask the Chinese and Indian medical students I regularly tutor during the school year at 100 bucks/hour, ROTFL!!!

    I've always thought you were full of crap. Medical students are rarely if ever tutored and they certainly don't pay a nickel for any additional time in basic sciences. But then again maybe they do in HBCU's which are essentially remedial education schools.


  59. QLB.....

    Have you donated any funds for newly convicted murderer Mr. Wafer...???

    It looks like he may be in for a looong time...

    Now just in case you start internalizing all the crime stats that you post daily, and proceed to your front door with a gun in hand......

    before you think of "Leveling The Playing Field"...

    You should remember to call 911 first....

    I dont want you to end up like Mr Wafer...

  60. I've always thought you were full of crap. Medical students are rarely if ever tutored and they certainly don't pay a nickel for any additional time in basic sciences.

    What in da' does an uneducated hillbilly like YOU know about higher education, much less professional school education?

    Not only do I tutor medical students, I've tutored dental, pharmacy, graduate, AND nursing students as well.

    Ya' know, I know it's hard for you to accept your academic and professional inferiority compared to the Blacks who post on this blog. But perhaps if you spent more time reading books instead of trolling Field's blog all day after about 100 years, you could one day be "smart" too.


  61. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Yisheng wrote,
    Not only do I tutor medical students, I've tutored dental, pharmacy, graduate, AND nursing students as well.

    No you don't and you certainly don't do it for money. That doesn't happen very often if at all. You're full of crap.


  62. BIB,you do know this happen in Detroit, don't you?

    Why don't you take a road trip to D-town and ask the folks there what happens when you call 9-1-1.

  63. Dr. Bubba Ghanoush7:27 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    Not only do I tutor medical students, I've tutored dental, pharmacy, graduate, AND nursing students as well.

    Everybody needs clean glassware.

  64. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Kinky, "Why don't you take a road trip to D-town and ask the folks there what happens when you call 9-1-1."

    D-Town is Dallas. This proves you know nothing about Detroit.

  65. OLB, i think "tutor" needs to be defined.

    Black prosties often use the word "tutor" has slang for sex.

    So Dr. Queen, are you talking about $100/hr for sex? You had sex with all these students you speak of?

    Have you tried Ghetto Gaggers?

  66. Anonymous said...

    D-Town is Dallas. This proves you know nothing about Detroit.


    Yeah, i know nothing about Detroit.

  67. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Yisheng said, "Not only do I tutor medical students, I've tutored dental, pharmacy, graduate, AND nursing students as well."

    Flying N my 40's, You continue to show your ignorance of the Med Profession, Med Students, and Med Schools. Please stop it. You are giving those 'authentic' black doctors, students and nurses a bad name.

    At 'best' you clean up med labs at the end of the day.

    FN is, however, your place to come to pretend and fantasize about becoming someone you haven't the ability to become. Please stop the merely give QLB more fodder to beat you over the head with.

  68. señor kinky said...
    Black prosties often use the word "tutor" has slang for sex.

    And the reason you KNOW that is because your other name is "John"!!!

    Man, the internet REALLY brings out the psychos who can ONLY get laid by paying someone to use their tweezers!!!


  69. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Anon said,
    FN is, however, your place to come to pretend and fantasize about becoming someone you haven't the ability to become. Please stop the merely give QLB more fodder to beat you over the head with.

    It should be certainly and painfully obvious to Yingyang that BS is becoming not just weak but stupid. She has absolutely no idea of what's she's talking about. The selection process involving medical school pretty much excludes the need for any significant tutoring and for those who can't master the material it's becomes a selection process. Indeed the pace and volume of material precludes anything that would be construed as tutoring. Yingyang is a fake, pure and simple. She may be a lab tech or something similar but probably not much else.


  70. Kinky said...

    "Why don't you take a road trip to D-town and ask the folks there what happens when you call 9-1-1."

    Now Kinky this doesnt mean that every time you hear a Knock...

    or a POUND on your door that You get a SHOTGUN??

    To answer the POUND at your door...??

    Nahhh ...

    even if U dont dial 911.. at 3am

    You really gonna SHOOT as soon as you open the door??

    Come On........

    Dude has the same mentality of QLB..

    Fearful.. armed with weapons...and statistical crime stats....

    Coupled with past grievances...

    Mannnn... that's the..
    Columbine....Aurora....Newtown....special right there ...

    I'm sure there will be some crime stats to follow this post....

    You know Im tellin the truth...

  71. Anonymous8:01 PM

    BIB wrote,
    Columbine....Aurora....Newtown....special right there ...

    That's about a month of carnage in the city of Chicago. But lets no forget the Maryland naval yard shooter either.

    As far as Mr. Wafer is concerned, he'll get his appeal. It will also accelerate the death of the detroit area.
    BTW I live in a state where where you can defend yourself against some drunk trying to break down your door in the middle of the night.


  72. Anonymous8:11 PM

    BTW I live in a state where where you can defend yourself against some drunk trying to break down your door in the middle of the night.


    8:01 PM
    What state is that, and what would be your defense against someone looking for your help in the middle of the night?

  73. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Brother BIB, where in the hell have you been?

    Since those stocks you recommended are sucking air you seemed to have disappeared on your own people who bought those cannabis stocks.

    I used to have money, but now I am as broke as the Negroes in Detroit. Was that your plan?

  74. BTW I live in a state where where you can defend yourself against some drunk trying to break down your door in the middle of the night.


    Do ya SHOOT said drunk trying to BREAK down your door ya??

    Is that LEGAL??

    I know... you got some more crime stats for me ....

    Have you sent any money for Ted's appeal ??

    Are you really hoping for the downfall of Detroit because of Ted's appeal??

  75. Anonymous8:20 PM

    BIB wrote,
    What state is that, and what would be your defense against someone looking for your help in the middle of the night?

    In many western states deadly force can be used for trespassing especially if there is the commission of a crime and especially at night. Plus, if you're in fear of your life then there will be no prosecution. Since I live in rural America on fenced posted property there's not much that would happen to me if especially if said perp had already committed a crime and was dead drunk.


  76. Anonymous8:23 PM

    BIB wrote,
    Are you really hoping for the downfall of Detroit because of Ted's appeal??

    I don't have to hope because Detroit is already dead. But the surrounding areas will fall as well when with increasing ( Black ) crime forces them out without the ability to defend themselves.


  77. Anon said
    "I used to have money, but now I am as broke as the Negroes in Detroit. Was that your plan?"

    Yep...all in a days short..

    Nahh just playin... LOL

    You had plenty of opportunity to get in and get out like yours truly has done...

    Although Im still holding about 5,000 shares or ERBB ..

    which I have no idea which way thats going..

    You gotta research first..

    Even I take losses....but remember its only a LOSS when you sell...

  78. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Mr Field, Kanye does not belong in the 'house'. In fact, he should be honored as a Hero, like James Brown. Make sure you go see the movie, then you'll understand what it means to be Black in America.

    I see nothing wrong with what Kanye said re: Civil Rights Movement:

    "Kanye says there's a parallel between blacks fighting for civil rights in the '60s and celebs fighting for theirs today: "I mean in the '60s people used to hold up 'Die N****r' signs when my parents were in the sit-ins also." Goldberg asks if he equates the
    struggle of blacks in the past with celebrities today and Kanye says, "Yes, 100 ... I equate it to discrimination. I equate it to inequalities."

    Read more:

  79. QLB said...

    Plus, if you're in fear of your life then there will be no prosecution.

    That's what Ted thought....

    What kinda guns do you have QLB??

    Grenades...Rocket Launchers...

    What lengths does a fearful White Guy go to feel safe on his many acreages???

  80. Anonymous8:32 PM

    BIB, "Even I take losses....but remember its only a LOSS when you sell..."

    8:23 PM
    Oh 'now' you tell me!

  81. Anon @ 6:46pm. If you pay attention I only ask QLB if she has a college degree not what college she may have gotten that degree. Trolls are not good at attention to detail.

  82. Also, don't worry about our hiring standards going down we won't let that happen. I know the CAL side is used to high school Bubbas flying their planes but we don't play that at UAL. Ha!

  83. Anonymous8:48 PM

    That's what Ted thought....

    What kinda guns do you have QLB??

    Ted should live where I live, not in some Democratic Party cesspool.

    Why do you ask about firearms? It's not something I usually talk about but for you I will answer. I was formally trained on the 1911 and when I shot comp I used a Wilson Combat 1911. Nice website if you want to get a look at Bill Wilson's work. Now I prefer a Glock or H&K which I shoot equally well. However, none of them have shown a propensity to hurt anything except B27 paper targets. If I get through this life without injuring another human being that would be fine by me.


    PS: Now you owe me one.

  84. Anonymous9:00 PM

    I doubt if pilotX knows where Continental is based.

  85. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Pilot X's aeronautical degree is not much more than a 4 year flight school with English and PE thrown in. He's trying to pass it off as a aeronautical engineering degree.


  86. Pilot and Dr, the hate is strong tonight.

    But take comfort in that old saying: "There is nothing a white man with a penny hates more than a N****r with a nickel." :)

  87. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Field wrote,
    Pilot and Dr, the hate is strong tonight.

    But your people's BS is weak. YIng yang is full of crap and we've proved it with her so called tutoring claims. Then there is you. Still no retraction regarding the NRA? Typical.

  88. Anonymous9:22 PM

    If Yisheng and PilotX are 'fronting' degrees, what about Field? Can we as anons really 'trust' that Field has an authentic law degree? I don't think so.

    Let us not be fooled by Field.

  89. Trying to pass off as Aeronautical Engineering degree? When did I do that QLB?
    Do you have a college degree QLB? What do you do for a living?

    Continental Airlines was based in Houston but since the merger it is now known as United Airlines headquartered in Chicago.

  90. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Anonymous Pilots "R" Us said...

    "Because he's not black."

    That's funny because the only guys at Continental who got jobs with only high school diplomas are white. All us blahs have degrees much unlike the whites here.

  91. Bullshit Detector6:49 AM

    "Mr PilotX, I have an Aeronautical Engineering. So I am curious what does a degree in Aeronautics entail?"


  92. Anonymous6:53 AM

    "It's not something I usually talk about but for you I will answer."

    But this idiot doesn't know if she has a college degree or not.

    "Pilot X's aeronautical degree is not much more than a 4 year flight school with English and PE thrown in. He's trying to pass it off as a aeronautical engineering degree."

    Aw, isn't it sweet, QLB is jealous. It's ok sweety, we won't think any less of you because you don't have a degree. No one else in your trailer park has one either.

  93. Anonymous6:55 AM

    "Since whites are more likely to have a college degree, requiring one would have a disparate impact on blacks and would therefore be racist.

    I see a DOJ lawsuit in United's future..."

    Nope, all of the blah pilots on both sides all have degrees unlike our white counterparts. We know how to get down to business.


  94. Anonymous6:56 AM

    "Since whites are more likely to have a college degree"

    Not on this site. All of us have degrees while none of the white trolls do. Ha! QLB definitelly doesn't have a degree.

  95. Sister Shaneen Allen knew she was leaving the jurisdiction of Pennsylvania as she approached whichever bridge she crossed over to get to New Jersey. She also knew she had her gun in her purse and she was in violation of New Jersey state laws. True, it is highly possible that the only reason she was stopped is because she was driving while Black; yet, it is what it is. We Black African Americans have few if any rights because we have few if any supporters whether their skin is Black, White or Brown. The tragedy and travesty is that whenever our Black American politicians get elected; the first thing they say is, “I’m not just a Black “Mayor, Commissioner, State Legislator, Congressman, Senator and yes, even the President of the Unite States. I’m here to represent all citizens in spite of the fact that I would not have been elected had it not been for the Black African American voters.” This is why I steadfastly say, “It’s Still Time To Stop Blaming The White Man.”

  96. Obama didn't abide by the Constitution at his original inauguration as he is not eligible for the Presidency by his own admission:You must be an Indonesian citizen to attend their schools and relinquish your USA citizenship.Since it is impossible to become a born again natural citizen,he is ineligible.

  97. RE: Michael Brown, over at the Daily Banter:
    "Media coverage has focused as much, or more, on reports of crowds chanting “kill the police” and a dumpster that was set on fire than on the shooting itself.

    Yes, well, shooting an unarmed kid ten times is one thing, but that trash fire could really hurt someone!"

    Nine times? I hope the trial (can we be even confident that there will be one?) is made public. I really want to hear why the nine times.

    On another note, Charles P. Pierce's blog over at Esquire quotes a 19th c. wag, to wit: Be afraid of the man who is afraid of YOU. Since white policemen are generically afraid of black men, the latter should immediately follow orders. Treat them like hysterical children with badges.
    But maybe that's not enough, that that's already been tried. I myself, as a white man, have been stopped by a rookie cop so nervous I was prepared to do anything, no matter how silly, so he would calm down.

  98. This comment has been removed by the author.
