Monday, August 18, 2014

When being the "Magic Negro" is not enough.

Police confront demonstrators on August 15. "..Obama expressed sympathy for the "passions and anger" sparked by the death of 18-year-old Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, but said giving in to that anger through looting and attacks on police only stirs tensions and leads to further chaos. He said overcoming the mistrust endemic between many communities and their local police would require Americans to "listen and not just shout."

Sorry Mr. President, but with all due respect, when they do "listen" all they hear is just more of the same kind of things you have been saying.

And I get it, you are the president of all Americans, you can't seem to be favoring those Negroes over all others. It's how you got elected in the first place: The "Magic Negro", the "uniter", who speaks well and seems so non-threatening. The Negro who views himself as an American first and who only sees "one America."

If you had been any other kind of Negro you would not have been elected.

But I also understand the angst and criticism that you are getting from folks like my homeboy, Marc Lamont Hill.

 "In an official White House statement on Wednesday and a brief speech from Martha's Vineyard on Thursday, the President played his usual role of "the uniter," preaching calm and healing to the American public.
I wish he'd just said nothing.

To be clear, I didn't have any unrealistic expectations for Obama. I didn't expect him to pump a black fist in solidarity or scream "fight the power" from the makeshift press room. I didn't even need him to take a clear side on the issue. I did, however, expect him to tell the truth. Instead, the President delivered a polite but ultimately dangerous message to the American public.

Noticeably absent from President Obama's remarks was the issue of race. Despite Ferguson being 68% black, Ferguson's police force is nearly all white. Blacks in the town comprise 86% of all vehicle stops and 85% of all arrests. Over the past week, black residents of the town have complained of racial harassment from law enforcement. That, combined with the trend of unarmed black men being the victims of extrajudicial killings, makes the racial implications of Brown's death quite strong.

Even if one were to believe that Michael Brown's killing had nothing to do with race -- a naïve position at best -- the wave of protests and debates that emerged after it happened have been undeniably racial. By not mentioning this racial dimension, the President reinforced the immature notion that racism can be defeated simply by pretending it doesn't exist." [Source]

The thing is, Marc, in the minds of most Americans it doesn't exist. And that black person speaking from the podium with the Presidential seal on it, in their minds, proves it.

One of the bitter ironies of all of this is that in spite of Barack Obama going out of his way to be the president of all Americans and not show favoritism to his father's ancestors, he is still viewed by those on the right to be the most divisive president ever.

They are decrying the fact that racial tensions have increased and not decreased  during his presidency. Failing to realize, of course, that the anger and hate have come primarily from their ideological soul-mates in the majority population, who resent the fact that a black man such as Obama could have been elected to lead them. (Twice!)

So yes, racial tensions have increased, but it's not because of the way that the very non-racial Barack Obama acted in office; it's because he is in that office in the first place.

"There are young black men that commit crime. We can argue about why that happened — because the poverty they were born into or the school systems that failed them or what have you— but if they commit a crime, then they need to be prosecuted," Obama said. "Because every community has an interest in public safety."

Yes they do "need to be prosecuted," and so do the police officers who are charged with keeping the public safe and not breaking the very law that they are charged to uphold. 

*Pic from Scott Olsen-Getty Images.




  1. The Ferrgeson Cops shit on the peace produced by that smart state police captain by releasing that video before the shooting report.

    1. Anonymous10:15 AM

      Morning Must Reads: August 19
      OPINION The Coming Race War Won’t Be About Race
      Kareem Abdul-Jabbar @kaj33 Aug. 17, 2014
      Ferguson is not just about systemic racism — it's about class warfare and how America's poor are held back, says Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
      On May 14th, 10 days after Kent State ignited the nation, at the predominantly black Jackson State University in Mississippi, police killed two black students (one a high school senior, the other the father of an 18-month-old baby) with shotguns and wounded twelve others.

      There was no national outcry. The nation was not mobilized to do anything. That heartless leviathan we call History swallowed that event whole, erasing it from the national memory.

      And, unless we want the Ferguson atrocity to also be swallowed and become nothing more than an intestinal irritant to history, we have to address the situation not just as another act of systemic racism, but as what else it is: class warfare.

      By focusing on just the racial aspect, the discussion becomes about whether Michael Brown’s death—or that of the other three unarmed black men who were killed by police in the U.S. within that month—is about discrimination or about police justification. Then we’ll argue about whether there isn’t just as much black-against-white racism in the U.S. as there is white-against-black. (Yes, there is. But, in general, white-against-black economically impacts the future of the black community. Black-against-white has almost no measurable social impact.)

      Then we’ll start debating whether or not the police in America are themselves an endangered minority who are also discriminated against based on their color—blue. (Yes, they are. There are many factors to consider before condemning police, including political pressures, inadequate training, and arcane policies.) Then we’ll question whether blacks are more often shot because they more often commit crimes. (In fact, studies show that blacks are targeted more often in some cities, like New York City. It’s difficult to get a bigger national picture because studies are woefully inadequate. The Department of Justice study shows that in the U.S. between 2003 and 2009, among arrest-related deaths there’s very little difference among blacks, whites, or Latinos. However, the study doesn’t tell us how many were unarmed.)

      This fist-shaking of everyone’s racial agenda distracts America from the larger issue that the targets of police overreaction are based less on skin color and more on an even worse Ebola-level affliction: being poor. Of course, to many in America, being a person of color is synonymous with being poor, and being poor is synonymous with being a criminal. Ironically, this misperception is true even among the poor.

      And that’s how the status quo wants it.

      The U.S. Census Report finds that 50 million Americans are poor. Fifty million voters is a powerful block if they ever organized in an effort to pursue their common economic goals. So, it’s crucial that those in the wealthiest One Percent keep the poor fractured by distracting them with emotional issues like immigration, abortion and gun control so they never stop to wonder how they got so screwed over for so long.

      One way to keep these 50 million fractured is through disinformation. PunditFact’s recent scorecard on network news concluded that at Fox and Fox News Channel, 60 percent of claims are false. At NBC and MSNBC, 46 percent of claims were deemed false. That’s the “news,” folks! During the Ferguson riots, Fox News ran a black and white photo of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., with the bold caption: “Forgetting MLK’s Message/Protestors in Missouri Turn to Violence.” Did they run such a caption when either Presidents Bush invaded Iraq: “Forgetting Jesus Christ’s Message/U.S. Forgets to Turn Cheek and Kills Thousands”?

      How can viewers make reasonable choices in a democracy if their sources of information are corrupted? They can’t, which is exactly how the One Percent controls the fate of the Ninety-Nine Percent."

      Google it and read the rest.

  2. They needed their citizens to be portrayed as barbarians and so made sure to give the barbarians the day.

  3. , the "uniter"

    I thought W. was the uniter.

  4. There's always an excuse, right whitey's conspiracy?

    Like field blaming the right for Obama.

    Sorry field. Obama is the most polarizing, divisive president since honest Abe-by choice.

  5. Well whitey, if "their citizens" don't want to be portrayed as barbarians, they need to stop acting like barbarians.

    Simply enough.....

  6. Anonymous7:57 PM

    "Obama is the most polarizing, divisive president since honest Abe-by choice."

    And what choice would that be?

  7. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Lets face it. TNB IS rioting and looting. They simply can't help it. The face of chimpout is Black America.


  8. Anonymous8:28 PM

    Señor kinky - Perhaps if the LE is Missouri didn't act like an occupying force out to annihilate the local population, we could have an honest dialogue.

    Captain Ron Johnson had really made significant strides into defusing tensions. Then comes the idiot governor, back with the tear gas and armored vehicles; not to mention idiotic statement to the press. No, Jay was not talking to the community, much less with them.

    Credit to Reverends Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton for having the gumption to be present and see for themselves. So unlike the talking heads, who went to the "reporters on the ground" only to cut them off or babble on later missing everything they heard and were shown.

    Hillary? Rand? and all you other 2016 hopefuls care to show your leadership? And, you 2014 candidates, please recognize most of you have your own Ferguson in each of your states. So, hope about showing some statesmanship and address all the issues.

    I hear crickets.

  9. Anonymous8:37 PM

    who resent the fact that a black man such as Obama could have been elected to lead them. (Twice!)


    Obama was elected the first time, in part because many middle class white americans wanted the race-baiting and the shakedowns to stop. They genuinely wanted to move beyond race, and deal with issues on substance.

    It was the black grievance industry that refused to let issues be framed around another other criteria except race.

    The second time, Obama was not elected. It was a process of outrageous fraud that our troops overseas trying to run elections in other countries were openly laughed at by their hosts when they tried to complain about election fraud, intimidation, ballot box stuffing. The activities of OFA delegitimized the electoral process in the USA.

    I don't recognize the legitimacy of the current Regime, nor does anyone else I know.

  10. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Yes they do "need to be prosecuted," and so do police officers who are charged with keeping the public safe and not breaking the very law that they are charged to uphold.


    We should not be second guessing the police when faced with an enraged, drug fueled 300 # 6 ft 4 black man rushing him.

  11. Anonymous8:41 PM

    signor kinky...unless you link to the statements that you pull out of your greasy ass, then you have NO credibility. Example:"Sorry field. Obama is the most polarizing, divisive president since honest Abe-by choice."
    Prove it.

  12. Protest On the Mall8:44 PM

    I don't watch the big cable news programs, especially for some bullshit conflagration like Ferguson, however, I have been kinda monitoring Twitter.

    I have been laughing my posterior off at the journolistees who are crying about being arrested, having their rights violated, wondering where are the Constitutionalist TeaBaggers to rally to their defense?

    Seriously. They still called them "TeaBaggers" wondering why they weren't rallying behind them.

    It's all too, too delicious.

  13. Anonymous8:44 PM

    We should not be second guessing the police when faced with an enraged, drug fueled 300 # 6 ft 4 black man rushing him.
    So. What's your point?

  14. Anon@8:37, I feel your pain. I didn't recognize the guy before him.

    But hey, what are u going to do? Nothing, right?

  15. Wesley R8:53 PM

    "Despite Ferguson being 68% black, Ferguson's police force is nearly all white. Blacks in the town comprise 86% of all vehicle stops and 85% of all arrest."
    OK, we can't play victim here, we should have voted to prevent this from happening. Hopefully this is a lesson learned. Get out and vote. That Mayor needs a kick in the ass on his way out of the door.
    There was a huge rally in LA over the weekend for another young man killed by the cops. The media was absent.

  16. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Hillary? Rand? and all you other 2016 hopefuls care to show your leadership? And, you 2014 candidates, please recognize most of you have your own Ferguson in each of your states. So, hope about showing some statesmanship and address all the issues.


    I'm afraid none of us understand what you feel are "all the issues" as is being protested in Ferguson.

    Black people in America have it better than any other place on earth. The Progressives tell us to think globally. The global poverty marker is $1.50/day. Even a bum collecting pop cans can rustle up more than $1.50/day. "Poverty" does not exist in America.

    These people who are complaining are housed, given a stipend for food, have access to clean water, their children are offered the opportunity of an education paid for with the tribute stolen from others, and yet it's not "enough".

    It appears from the protests that every black person in America feels entitled to sit at home in a comfortable mega mansion, with free utilities, a luxury car and unlimited spending cash for all the trinkets and baubles their grasping grubby little selves could imagine. They want an upper class lifestyle delivered to them, because they are "entitled" to it. Anything else is rayciss.

    That seems to be the summation of the complaints.

    It really is tedious.

  17. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Field -
    Since I realized the whole game is rigged, and have withdrawn from anything controlled by Progressives, I am much happier.

    We took our children out of public schools. It was a relief to know they were actually being educated, not indoctrinated.

    We cancelled the cable subscription. There are so many hours in the day which are now filled so much more productively.

    We advocate on the local level to roll back everything the Progressives have worked to implement over the past several decades, and we're making progress.

    I don't buy anything from corporations that fund Progressive causes, especially "Negro" sympathy causes. We haven't had any Coca-Cola products in this house in over six years, and we don't miss it.

    The local community college rang me up and asked me to teach a class in my specialty to help "disadvantaged youth". I politely declined. In the old days, I would have agree to do so pro bono.

    My husband and I both retired early, travel alot, and reduced our income and our expenses to also reduce the taxes we pay. Most of our passive monthly income is taxed at a much lower rate and there are no withholdings. Makes me feel good I am no longer supporting Shaniqua and her brood in Fritos and Grape Drank.

    We sold our house at over market to a black family as our community was going through "transition" and moved to the country with low taxes and lots of white people. Our old neighborhood is now majority minority, and the school system is for shit.

    Let the black community solve and pay for their own solutions, without any help or funding from me. We are definitely NOT "all in this together".

    Small steps, I know, but at least we can all be true to ourselves.

  18. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Wesley R @ 8:53

    Hopefully any remaining white people in Ferguson will pack up and leave, and the business owners were fortunate enough to have insurance so they can just cash out and leave too.

    I was tricked to go to St. Louis once to speak at a conference. What a shithole. I would never, ever go back.

    The obvious solution is to hand over all of Ferguson to the blacks, and let them raise the taxes and fund the police department of their dreams.

    Except, as we all know from experience, black people don't pay their bills and have no clue how to open or run businesses, so I am sure it will all work out well. /s/

  19. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Anon @ 8:44

    The point is all this Ferguson crap is made up bullshit just to try and shakedown more gibmedats.

    Another thug was liquidated. I'm not so sure why anyone is supposed to be crying in their beer over it.

  20. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    The Ferrgeson Cops shit on the peace produced by that smart state police captain by releasing that video before the shooting report.

    7:38 PM


    That was a brilliant move on the part of the PD.

    I also loved Baden's explanation of the autopsy reviewed he carried out at the request of Crump, which undermined Crump & Sharpton's shakedown cashola payout scheme.

    Another ME helpfully stated on CNN that the shot through the hand probably happened when Brown reached for the officer's weapon.

    To watch the lying race baiting scum now trying to spin it all away is beyond delicious.

    "Hands Up, Don't Shoot - We're only here to Rob and Loot!"

    That pretty much sums up black America. Only difference is the looters like Sharpton dress nicer than the thugs burning down the Quickie Mart.

  21. Long before the public gets a look at the shooting report, while the focus is so strong, we're going to be treated to a parade of all of this 18 year old young man's foibles, official and unofficial. Then, some Friday before a 3 day weekend, they'll release it and be unavailable for comment, leaving that to the police union reps who will have long before had an informed PR plan well in place and ready to roll.

    Tonight we hear the "shocking" (-ly irrelevant) news leaked from the official toxicology report that an 18 year old American male tested positive for THC. Tommorrow, we'll no doubt hear that he left skidmarks on his gym towl.

  22. Brown lies are the new Martin9:27 PM

    we're going to be treated to a parade of all of this 18 year old young man's foibles, official and unofficial


    We'll also be subjected to the mythology of the innocent gentle giant, or what else it takes so that the fambily can get their arress' and proceed with the "wrongful death" civil suits.

    Because at the end of the day, for blacks, it's always about the money. Might as well make his death count for something, right?

    I still can't get over the glee in Trayvon Martin's stepbrother's face when charges were announced and he leaned over and whispered to Sybrina, "Does this mean I get a Porsche?".

    Trayvon Martin got a tombstone that stated, "Job Well Done". He really paid out for the family.

    Time will tell if Mike Brown is that juicy a payout for his greedy, graspy shakedown fambily.

    The minute the Brown fambily partnered with Crump and Sharpton, they lost not only any credibility they may have had, they lost sympathy from anyone else who doesn't fantasize about getting a big litigation payout for no other reason than being an aggrieved black perpetual "victim".

  23. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Oh, Obama, he is such the jokester:

    "Ours in a nation of laws"

    (Except for me. Laws! I don't need no stinking laws! I gots a pen and a phone!)

    "As Americans we need to use this moment to seek out our shared humanity".

    Um, no one I know shares anything in common with the thugs on the ground in Ferguson defending the "rights" of black men to rob, attack and even kill without being challenged, let alone stopped.

    "This requires that we build and not tear down".

    Bwa hahahahahahaha!

    He is really that narcissistic that he doesn't realize that he's the last person to be speaking about "building" over "tearing down" ???

    However, he has a HNIC black commander of the National Guard tasked with laying the smackdown on Ferguson, so it's all good.

  24. Anon@9:02, as u and your family withdraw from society, I can't help but think that society is better off because of your bold moves.

    Thank you.

    Let's hope that more folks like u do likewise. ;)

    1. Yes..let them all go out to far obscure places where no one wants to see or hear them...... Sadly they are still close enough for an internet connection... hopefully one day they will disconnect from that too....

      There should be a donation fund for that cause

  25. Wesley R9:45 PM

    Anon @9:06,

    I used to live in St. Louis and I loved it. I got a better gig someplace else to I had to leave. St. Louis has some of the finest women you ever want to see. Anyway, this isn't a Black/White issue like you try to make it. It is a issue of Black Folks taking care of business, which in the case of Ferguson they have not. We can vote for someone of any race who will represent us. The problem with Ferguson is they don't vote and then the people in office feels like they don't have to represent their population. That's what has been going on.
    By the way, the fools that are clowning don't even live in Ferguson. And they need to be locked up.

  26. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Let the black community solve and pay for their own solutions, without any help or funding from me. We are definitely NOT "all in this together".

    Small steps, I know, but at least we can all be true to ourselves.

    9:02 PM
    This is so sad. Whites moving away from Blacks who really need their help. However, I do understand. There just doesn't seem to be Blacks worth the effort of Whites and quite honestly, Blacks as well.

    The majority of the remaining Whites in Ferguson will be gone shortly and I don't blame them. Hell, I am Black and if I were in Ferguson, I'd be moving too. However, I'd do a state move straight out MO and never look back. MO is a shit state with a shit Governor and St Louis itself has nothing attractive about it.

    And the brothers and sisters in St Louis make the brothers and sisters in Detroit look adorable. Yep. It's ugly in St Louis MO. Satan has a real stronghold there.

    Now I know why no brothers or sisters want a job on the Ferguson PD. I mean, who the hell wants to deal daily with the likes of a 6'4" 296lb corrupt police defiant Negro? Not me.

    Btw, they said he was going to college in this Fall. What Cigar smoking college was he going to? Notre Dame? QLB'S old alma mater?

  27. Anon@9:02, you are just like Arthur Chu. No country you can call your own.

    Anon@9:48, keep your black head up.


  28. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Blogger Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    The Ferrgeson Cops shit on the peace produced by that smart state police captain by releasing that video before the shooting report.

    Bullshit it was part of the crime. Truth is not racist.

  29. Anonymous10:46 PM

    Anonymous Wesley R said...
    Anon @9:06,

    I used to live in St. Louis and I loved it. I got a better gig someplace else to I had to leave. St. Louis has some of the finest women you ever want to see.
    It doesn't take much for you does it? Anybody claiming St Lois has some of the finest women in the world is definitely deprived and been NO WHERE.

    Hell, Jackson, MS or Duncan, Okla would look good to you. Son, you need to get out more.

  30. Anonymous10:56 PM

    Dear Kinky, in all seriousness, what can I do as a bm to accepted by you?

    Please, tell me. I've tried everything and the police stop me while driving black, they harass me. White Citizens call me the N-word, they call me boy, coon, and a few other names. When I smile at them to be congenial, they call me buckwheat and monkey shine.

    Kinky, I am serious. What can I do to earn some respect and to be treated equally? I mean, I've even joined the GOP and stood with the Tea Party and married a ww. Still, they treat me like shit. Please tell me what I must do to be accepted!

    Do you think they treat Clarence Thomas the same way?

  31. Anonymous11:07 PM

    Brother Field, don't you think you are being unfair to Martin in your sidebar just because he supports Officer Wilson?

    Come on, even George Wallace had some Black support. and nobody came down on them.

  32. Bullshit detector11:08 PM

    "The local community college rang me up and asked me to teach a class in my specialty to help "disadvantaged youth"

    Bullshit Legacy! the only thing your fat ass can teach is how to not end up like you, fat and on welfare. Nice try but nobody is buying your dumb bullshit. You don't even believe it. No run back to your doublewide and eat some Cheetos and drink some Busch and finish listening to NASCAR. And get some damned wheels on that pickup on your front lawn!

  33. Anonymous11:13 PM

    "We haven't had any Coca-Cola products in this house in over six years, and we don't miss it."

    Can't afford Coke huh? That's just sad. I see their stock is falling because your fat assed family isn't buying their products. They'll be out of business by next week. Nice going dumbass. Retired, ha! More like living on a "fixed" income. We all know what that means. Got rid of cable but spend an inordinate amount of time on websites by Black people. This fat ho is smoking some good shit huh Field?

  34. "I used to live in St. Louis and I loved it. I got a better gig someplace else to I had to leave. St. Louis has some of the finest women you ever want to see."

    Uh Wes, I'm gonna have to go with the anon on this one. You may want to get out a bit more. I spent some time in the Lou and sure there were a few cute women overall it wasn't that impressive. You can have fun there for about a week but then you run out of things to do. I couldn't live there because of the racism but it is a nice little town with everything you need but nothing more. That being said the music scene in Soulard is cool. Me and the wife drove down there and on a Monday night we caught some good jazz and blues. OK, honestly some decent blues. Stayed out til 2am.

  35. from last thread:

    " Anonymous Anonymous said...

    My dear FP, you don't seem to be in a very good Christian mood today.

    Well, there's nothing you can say to stop me from loving you. And guess what? there's nothing you can do about it.:)...(ducking for cover.)

    Love, depressed Negro

    6:19 PM"

    @Anon 6:19pm- i am a follower of Messiah, not so much a "Christian" i tend not to be the most docile, controlled of the bunch.

    i am resisting mind kontrolle on ALL levels. there is a religious program that is quite insidious. there are some programmers on FB that make me want to persecute Chr-stians. lol. j/k. sortta.

    much like Messiah was not this docile figure either- despite how He is depicted. believe it or not, those were soft answers on the heels of blatant disrespect. disagree with me. don't disrespect me. don't lie on me. don't hang folks' lack of Faith on me. don't verbally sexually assault me. and expect a kumbayah in return. won't happen. not today nor any day. and i have nothing but Love in my heart.

    i confess it angers me that Yahudah/Judah seeks to sleep + defy Almighty at EVERY turn in ALL areas...

    while chasing after every false idol possible. denouncing His Word as white and rejecting it- while they chase white folks' approval/acceptance double time. white folk can't give us equality nor freedom. those blessings come from Yah and are all laid out with the curses that Yahudah/Judah presently embodies in His Word. KJV Deuteronomy 28. that whole chapter is about US.

    someone on FB said they were letting go in disgust at my refusal to act like a good little takes disrespect well Christian. or at least that is how i read it.

    that will be fine.

    i wish i could just let go on all levels.

    the condition of His People/my people put me on edge. while folk tell me routinely to "relax", "chill out", play...

    this post did nothing for me either. i found it nauseating actually and opted to erase my comment altogether rather than sugar coat it to the point of straight fakery. whoever caught the smackdown Fuhrer BO delivered= paying attention.

    Anon, thank you for checking me gently and letting me know you Love me. i got nothing but Love for you and humanity. it saddens me to see folk play into the foolishness that is set up to divide, distract and make us all more controlled/in devilish bondage. screaming 'bout racism when the battle is of a spiritual nature.


    even the demonic smackdown issued to the sons and daughters of Sion. the Shemites as described in Scriptures= spiritual more so than racial.

    Much Love Anon. no need to duck unless you were one of the Anons throwing blows. i follow Messiah. i am NOT a soft target. folk can freely concede there is much leavening in the bread. then will turn right around and pull out all the lie down and take this beating like a good slave Scriptures to enforce the religious mind kontrolle program.

    no thanks.

    imma let other folk show me how THAT'S done. especially the believing slappers that insist i turn the other cheek for 'em with nary a reciprocal whack back. they can judge or pray for me, while e'erbody work on forgiveness. whatever is clever really. Messiah and i constitute a majority. i am with Him and He knows my heart. that's Good enough.

    if a table needs to get turned over, that's what's up + what's goin' down.

  36. BIB, brother man i have nothing but Love for you. as we move into the police state out in the open- folk ain't seen nothing with brutality. gloating edomites won't know what hit 'em. this is why bickering back and forth with 'em= dumb. they got a whole book, too. KJV Obadiah.

    IF we Blessed Blacks don't get back to Yah and Right behavior that we had under more brutal conditions than today...

    there is no better time than NOW to discuss. we are seeing the bitter fruit of our wayward spiritually wicked ways.

    a 6'4 teen acting like he doesn't know what time it is nor where he is = quick trip to the pen, best case scenario. where the new slaves go as outlined in the constitution.

    "amendment xiii, section 1- neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, EXCEPT as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted..."

    or to the morgue aka the chop shop 'cause organs fetch a pretty penny- though folk don't really discuss that much either. those that stay rich off of our slumber and miseducation don't quit when we die. they keep profiting off of US when we are dead. peep who has the organ market in a grip like all other markets for that matter.

    IF folk want to focus on the now militarized cops, more strapped than when the military occupies foreign lands- which america LOVES to do and will be judged for... the same cops that have not EVER had Love for US...

    that's called free will.

    this is not so much about race for me. though i won't pretend if homie had been a big, young, Billy Bob acting out of order, he MIGHT have gotten more humane treatment. but then, maybe folk are not paying attention, but white folks are catching the po po smackdown, too. all ages both genders.



    we are all in the same boat fighting over melanin.

    just plain dumb.

    i wasn't saying earlier to bow down to anyone. i WAS advocating that our sons be taught how to increase the odds of walking away, free + in one piece. THIS is the role of the father to reinforce when sons get to that place when what momma is discussing = nothing.

    menfolk must turn from the sin they are in and get Real. IF your house is Right, help the next one that looks like you. charity begins at home then travels abroad. other nations get this already. it's US that refuse to get on the bus. lol. when some white folk come through calling it...

    they are not being racist. they are just not patty caking the delivery.

    i Love US enough to call it.

    before all of this jumped off, He put this on my heart:

    folk in Egypt, acting like heathens and like His Word won't stand...


    i pray to be better able to patty cake the message. 'cause if i didn't Love folk i would not say a word. i would act like e'erbody else, zip it and worry 'bout my self. period. the Christians just as scary as the rest despite what is written re: fear no man. they just tend to be more judgmental. at least that is my opinion that i am very much entitled to...

    Blessings all...from my heart.

  37. Anonymous11:43 PM

    FP in the house!

  38. Hillbilly Bob12:09 AM

    "My husband and I both retired early, travel alot, and reduced our income and our expenses to also reduce the taxes we pay. Most of our passive monthly income is taxed at a much lower rate and there are no withholdings. Makes me feel good I am no longer supporting Shaniqua and her brood in Fritos and Grape Drank."

    Let me translate for those who don't speak Hill Billy, they don't have jobs and had to move to a trailer and are on welfare.

    "Let the black community solve and pay for their own solutions, without any help or funding from me. We are definitely NOT "all in this together"."

    Oh trust me sister, your help is not needed. In fact I bet my taxes pay your benefits you white trash hoe.

    "We took our children out of public schools. It was a relief to know they were actually being educated, not indoctrinated."

    Caint have none of that book lernin, them kids need to make a liv'n. So they put their daughter on the corner to sell ass and the son sells meth. Good parenting job trailer trash.

    "I don't buy anything from corporations that fund Progressive causes, especially "Negro" sympathy causes. We haven't had any Coca-Cola products in this house in over six years, and we don't miss it."

    OK, this is where this dumb broad really jumped the shark. Does anyone, and I mean anyone, on this entire planet give half a shit what this fat, smelly uneducated broad and her fat assed husband and kids drink? Really? Why would her po white trash ass even bring this up here? WTF is wrong with this broad? Does she want a fucking cookie because she doesn't drink Coke? What kind of ignorant, self important, vain, little bus riding white folks have you attracted Field? Holy shit!

  39. Good read.

    Perhaps the most dangerous element in society (other than lowdown police officers) is the jury that simply refuses to convict.

  40. Anonymous12:46 AM

    "How sad that you would take advantage of these circumstances to loot these hard working people.... why were those officers standing back? why didn't they shoot those looters away?...."

    It seems not everyone is down with the "No Justice, No Peace" plan.

  41. Anonymous12:49 AM

    "OK, this is where this dumb broad really jumped the shark. Does anyone, and I mean anyone, on this entire planet give half a shit what this fat, smelly uneducated broad and her fat assed husband and kids drink? Really? Why would her po white trash ass even bring this up here? WTF is wrong with this broad? Does she want a fucking cookie because she doesn't drink Coke? What kind of ignorant, self important, vain, little bus riding white folks have you attracted Field? Holy shit!"

    You know, Coke is poison, you DO know that, don't you brother? Or did you miss the doctors' health memo? Anyway, that's why she mentioned Coke, because it is a BIG DEAL! It is a health hazzard. In other words, it is bad for your children's health, you dumb ass.

    See, this is why Negroes can't get anywhere. They are too stupid to understand something as simple as "Don't drink Coke." That's because they don't 'get it' that Coke clogs your arteries, gives you high blood pressure, makes you gain weight, and can give your stupid ass a heart attack.

    Yet, this Negro is castigating a white person for talking about coke because this stupid ass Negro hasn't the slightest idea of what's going on even though it's been in the news for years.

    This is the kind of Negro that doesn't vote because he doesn't see the value in voting either. Then he wonders why the entire police department is White in a majority black area?

    What gets me is a Negro has the unbelievable arrogance coupled with ignorance to call a white person a bunch of stupid names while his stupid ass is still imprisoned and CONTROLLED by Whites.

    Negro, you need to STFU, you ignoramus. If we don't get White help, we're doomed. Get it? If Negroes like you and fat ass Negroes who rob stores and bully the clerk and defy law enforcement officers and 'justify' their wrongs because of 'whatever', we Blacks are doomed....GET IT? YOU STUPID FUCK.

    Let me be clear. I am a brother who can't stand Negroes who think like you do. You haven't an ounce of brains in that thick skull of yours.

    It's clear. The Black race is NOT together, never has been, and never will be. You make me want to throw up.

  42. Anonymous12:57 AM

    Dear Hillbilly Bob, sorry I came down so hard on you. It's just that I see "red" when I hear a black moronic imbecilic Negro start criticizing someone who is clearly smarter than than a black hillbilly.

    Stick with Kinky and QLB, they got no problems with Coke.

  43. Anonymous1:03 AM

    Dear Depressed Negro-If you want Signor Kinky and those like Signor Kinky and those who are light, bright and most likely white to like you, then you must learn to like little children in that special way.

  44. Two shots to the top of the head. That's gangland execution style. So here come po-lice chief Bull Connor and the sister fisters of internetland trying to do to the victim's character what the scared, white cop did to his dome. Pathetic how he is being "Trayvonned" while Obama asks for erryone to just be patient and wait for the all or mostly white jury to twist the knife in the bullet holes.

  45. Hillbilly Bob1:13 AM

    "It's clear. The Black race is NOT together, never has been, and never will be. You make me want to throw up."

    Fuck you and your white ass. You must be Legacy's fat assed husband.

    "Dear Hillbilly Bob, sorry I came down so hard on you."

    You should be sorry, now kill yourself.

    "Negro, you need to STFU, you ignoramus. If we don't get White help, we're doomed."

    I seriously hope you are really white because of not you are the biggest bootlickingest, buck dancing, shuffling, cooning assed negro this side of Clarence Thomas. I bet you pray to white Jesus Steppin Fetchit. Once again, KILL YOURSELF!

  46. Anonymous1:26 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Dear Depressed Negro-If you want Signor Kinky and those like Signor Kinky and those who are light, bright and most likely white to like you, then you must learn to like little children in that special way.

    1:03 AM
    Now why would you want to drag depressed Negro into this? Isn't he depressed enough about how Whites treat Blacks without some Negro effing with him? I swear. Some Negroes are off the chart.

  47. Anonymous1:34 AM

    Lord have mercy, FN Negroes are messing with poor depressed Negro who never hurt anybody....LORD HAVE MERCY.

    Mr Field, it is time you start monitoring your blog. some of these folks are trying to hurt depressed Negro. That is only going to depress the man even further.

    Do you really want him jumping off the Ben Franklin Bridge in your city of brotherly love? Wouldn't that hurt its reputation?

    That would force Obama to send Eric Holder to Philly for an investigation. Fyi, depressed Negro is well-known in DC. He reminds some folks there of themselves.

    How about you, Mr Field? Can you relate to depressed Negro?

  48. Darken Up1:49 AM

    "Anyway, that's why she mentioned Coke, because it is a BIG DEAL!"

    Nope, you're too dumb to be Black. You're a dumbass hillbilly because she wrote this you retard.

    "I don't buy anything from corporations that fund Progressive causes, especially "Negro" sympathy causes. We haven't had any Coca-Cola products in this house in over six years, and we don't miss it."

    So, you can't read, you're retarded and you're a dumbass white boy pretending to be Black. If you haven't already KILL YOURSELF!!!!!

  49. Anonymous1:50 AM

    "Stick with Kinky and QLB, they got no problems with Coke."

    Yep, the prefer meth.

  50. Anonymous2:25 AM

    Ew. Smells like a Klan meeting up in here.

    This just might be the trolliest of trolly comment sections on this blog.

  51. OK, here goes. We have been putting up with this shyte for almost 500 years in the Americas. Seven years ago a Black man from Chicago decided to run for President. They called him Gay, racist, dumb, stupid. They asked about his Flag Pin. They asked for his birth certificate. They attacked his wife, children, and mother-in law. They brought guns to his rallies. Ted Nugent and Peter Fonda threatened his life, AND STILL HAVE NOT BEEN ARRESTED!Now I think that after almost 500 years of putting up with this bull it took seven years to have a riot.The whole reason the right have been doing this is to incite black people to riot. Blacks have never threatened Reagan's life on national TV. We didn't bring any guns to Republicans rallies. If Republicans are really true Christians as they say they are they wouldn't make up all these damn lies. We seen a Governor put her finger in the President's face. What will happen to a Republican Presidential candidate when they get near a person that has really been oppressed, unlike the Tea Party fake outrage over their Grandchildren (some of them didn't even have Grandchildren) paying for the deficit that Bush caused? There's a difference between imaging outrage and real outrage. Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Gays, Women, and poor whites are waking up.

  52. Limpbaugh3:42 AM

    That is a great article. I had forgotten all about Obama's "one America" speech. At the time I thought it undermined the other Democrats' complaints about Republicans. Obama is a uniter to a fault. But I expected the "only Nixon can go to China" effect to mean that the first black president would be a conservative like Colin Powell. Obama never went that route. If anything, Obama might have come across as more liberal than he is, when he campaigned. He's probably pretty similar to the Clintons. I think he's made some better decisions than Bill did, or Hillary would, but the decisions didn't have anything to do with race. Obama seems to be pretty genuine to me, and while there is a racist backlash to him being black, the long term effect might be that he did more to end racism than anyone has ever done. Black kids can grow up to be president now, etc. I can also envision a trial for the Michael Brown killing where racism is never proven. We know less about the beginning of the confrontation than the end, and there might never be proof that the cop wouldn't have killed a white person under the same circumstances, or alleged circumstances. A president saying too much would give the defense an excuse to say he prejudiced the jury. And Obama would undoubtedly rather calm things down than incite strong emotions. in a situation like this. It is true that he wouldn't be president if that wasn't the way he is.

  53. the real jews are black8:16 AM

    All that weeping and protesting for Michael Brown but negros are quiet about the Chicago black on black bloodshed. Negros can't pick and chose which evil they want to condemn. If a white cop shooting a innocent negro male is wrong then it is just as wrong when a nigga shoots up a block. Also, the negros are looting for materialistic possessions. Instead of taking medical goods, weapons, and food, these niggas are after Jordans and liquor. The riot police are not there to stop the looting, they are there to contain it and make sure it did not spread to the white neighborhoods. If it did then that's when it will look like the 1960s. 

  54. @ the real jews are black...

    You're right those gangs in Chicago kill their own. Do you want to know who helped establish those streetgangs in Chicago in the 60'sCllleges ands the federal gov't, look it up. Ronnie Reagan was the one that had Ricky "Freeway" Ross put gangs and crack all over America.

  55. Cllleges= Colleges.

  56. Country of cowards?? Holder was right!!!

  57. They narrative continues to fail apart.

    Reporter says more than a dozen witnesses to Brown shooting back up police officer's version of events

    "Michael and his friend turn around. And Michael taunts him... And then all the sudden he just started bumrushing him. He just started coming at him full speed. And, so he just started shooting. And, he just kept coming. And, so he really thinks he was on something," the caller ("Josie") said. "The final shot was in the forehead, and then he fell about two or three feet in front of the officer."

  58. Anonymous@@10:56 PM you need the help and love of a nice white lady.

    I will pray you find what you seek...

  59. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Bunch of angry negros up in here.

  60. Anonymous1:07 PM

    If the situation in St. Louis upsets you...
    If the comments by some folk here angers you...
    If you want the power to fight back in a constructive way:

    Identify a business you think supports the type the negativity and racism you are experiencing and boycott it; then identify a Black business that sells the same product and support it. If that Black business does not exist yet, start one up.

    And every time you read or experience something racist, repeat the above.

  61. Kinky is a liar!2:10 PM

    "Anonymous@@10:56 PM you need the help and love of a nice white lady."

    No you don't, white people are evil. Just look at Kinky. Don't ever take advice from an uneducated racist like Kinky. He like QLB aren't college educated. Take advice from an educated person like Field, X, PC or Yisheng. You'll do much better.

  62. Polly wanna2:46 PM

    "Anonymous@@10:56 PM you need the help and love of a nice white lady."

    White chicks are crazy man! Just look at Legacy, she actually believes somebody gives a shit about her choice of soft drink. Run away if you see a white chick.

  63. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Sweeping dirt under the rug eventually makes it lumpy.

  64. The Power Of White Vagina6:01 PM

    If only it was that easy for us black men to run from white vagina.

    From the beginning of time,the white devil has tried to keep us down.

    Slavery. Racism. Denying us equal rights. The Prison industrial complex. The Sickle cell gene.

    Diluting our race with their blood.

    We kept rising up. We kept beating back the white devil.

    Then the white devil unleashed his greatest affliction on us-white vagina. The white devil begged us to take their wives, daughters, sisters, grandmothers. They begged to watch us satisfy like they never could.

    In reality, the white devil wanted to watch our demise. Our downfall.

    BM@10:56 PM stop trying to please or seek approval of the white devil. They will only lead you into their mothers bed while they watch. White vagina is like crack-once a nigga is hooked?

    Well you know.

    Listen to focused purpose.

    Crackers crumble funny.

  65. Anonymous6:03 PM


    With all the things going on and no new post by FN?

    Given recent information regarding Michael Brown (a.k.a. the Gentle Giant, Saint Swisher of Sweets, Saint Michael of Brown Leaf Tobacco), FN must be furiously massaging the desired narrative.

    Go for it Field....

  66. Anonymous6:15 PM

    You stupid white bitch, why do you find it necessary to belittle and smear someone's dead child. How would you like it if someone called YOUR son saint cracka of incest?

  67. They arent people.... Anon@6:15

    Just White Victim bots with pre programmed responses...

    Robots cant empathize with humans...

    These are programmed bots with NOTHING else to focus on.

    They cant tell you WHY there are more White People on Welfare...

    They just have been trained to blame black people for the system they helped create....

    Lots of psychological dillusions with the Victim bots...

    They only know a couple of themes...

  68. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Bunch of angry negros up in here.

    1:06 PM
    No, they are not. They are 'depressed' as I have been trying to tell you Negroes for a long time. But TNB, you never listen.

    depressed Negro

  69. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Blogger señor kinky said...
    Anonymous@@10:56 PM you need the help and love of a nice white lady.

    I will pray you find what you seek...

    12:33 PM
    The only ww I want in my life is Lindsay Lohen. That woman is a knockout.

    The trouble is I don't drink. Kinky, what should a brother do?

  70. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Kinky wrote,
    Reporter says more than a dozen witnesses to Brown shooting back up police officer's version of events

    Yep, the officer was just following his training. I figure that that the officer fired two double taps followed by the two CNS shots. That would be a standard engagement for an unarmored opponent. He reportedly dropped Brown at 2 to 3 feet. QLB personally likes to the three round engagement with two to center of mass and one CNS shot. I'm just wondering what the firearms was. TDA or striker fire?


  71. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Justifiable homicide.

    If those negroes don't go home, there will be some more justifiable homicides.

  72. QLB is a liar and never finished college and needs a job7:58 PM

    "QLB personally likes to the three round engagement with two to center of mass and one CNS shot."

    Puleeze, the only shots you take are semen shots to the face you slut.

  73. QLB is a liar and never finished college and needs a job7:58 PM

    QLB, do you have a college degree? More sucking and jiving huh?

  74. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Dear Mr Field, this report by Mike Ditka re: The Redskins' Name is something you desperately need to listen to:

    I sincerely hope this will broaden your understanding of what the name of the Washington Redskins mean to DC fans.

    depressed Negro

  75. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Anon wrote,

    Puleeze, the only shots you take are semen shots to the face you slut.

    Meanwhile St. Louis popo clipped another BM. Does that make you want to riot/loot? And you wonder about low IQ in your community.


  76. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Dear Brother Field, in case you didn't listen to Mike Ditka, a great coach and genius of the football game, I have personally posted the high points for you to read. You have depressed the shit out of me about the Redskin name:

    From the interview:

    “What’s all the stink over the Redskin name? It’s so much [expletive] it’s incredible. We’re going to let the 'liberals'(Field) of the world run this world. It was said out of reverence, out of pride to the American Indian. Even though it was called a Redskin, what are you going to call them, a Brownskin? This is so stupid it’s appalling, and I hope that owner keeps fighting for it and never changes it, because the Redskins are part of an American football history, and it should never be anything but the Washington Redskins. That’s the way it is.”

    Later on in the interview, Ditka identified what he saw causing the controversy:

    “It’s all the political correct idiots(Field) in America, that’s all it is. It’s got nothing to do with anything else. We’re going to change something because we can. Hey listen, I went through it in the 60s, too. I mean, come on. Everybody lined up, did this. It’s fine to protest. That’s your right, if you don’t like it, protest. You have a right to do that, but to change the name, that’s ridiculous. Change the Constitution — we’ve got people trying to do that(Field), too, and they’re doing a pretty good job.”
    --Mike Ditka, Da Bears, 1985 Superbowl Champs--greatest football team EVER!

  77. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Meanwhile St. Louis popo clipped another BM. Does that make you want to riot/loot? And you wonder about low IQ in your community.

    No, the ones with the low IQ's are the popo. Do you know what's going to happen because those dumbasses shot another bm? Take a guess you racist to the core evil piece of shit.

  78. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Anon wrote,
    No, the ones with the low IQ's are the popo. Do you know what's going to happen because those dumbasses shot another bm? Take a guess you racist to the core evil piece of shit.

    Why don't you tell me what's going to happen. Hell you kill each other wholesale. If there's nothing to loot, you'll go back to eating buckets of chickens, drinking 40's and watching reruns of Sanford and Son.


  79. Anonymous8:44 PM

    ....And fuck you and mike dickface you coonish cracker loving sellout. If you're that depressed why don't you fucking kill yourself??? Me thinks you aren't really Black you sockpuppet. And if you ARE Black, it's in skin color only steppin' fetchitt.

  80. Anonymous9:00 PM

    QLB you dumb bitch, a retarded kid riding the short bus is on a higher mental plane than you, you inbred cracka racist piece of euroshit. You are the last "person" (I use the term loosely)to come here that should be talking about IQ. Hell, my cat is more personable than you.

    Let's see how witty you are hilly, I wonder what stereotypical epithet you will hurl from out of your daddybrother's kkk handbook. I mean we have heard them all, ebt, obamaphones, gov't gibmedats, bongo party (whatever the fuck that is) and chimping out. You and your sockpuppets really need to work on your material if you expect sane people to take your rants seriously. You have about as much credence as monopoly money.

  81. Anonymous9:02 PM

    QLB, "Why don't you tell me what's going to happen. Hell you kill each other wholesale. If there's nothing to loot, you'll go back to eating buckets of chickens, drinking 40's and watching reruns of Sanford and Son."

    You are one dumb racist piece of shit who doesn't have a clue about Blacks. Your prejudice runs so deep you can't think straight. I bet you can't even sleep at night because you are thinking about Blacks. Even when you fall asleep, which is rare, you have dreams about Blacks. You can't get us out of your head.

    Here is a clue you stupid racist piece of shit:

    The more time you spend on FN the more time you have to spend with Blacks.

    And get this>: the more time you spend here, the more your wretched evil racist to the core ass becomes more restless, self-hating and antagonized. Get it, you empty useless racist moron? Everything you do here is a losing proposition for your dumb ass that keeps growing and growing into more and more emotional racist debt.

    I hope I have helped you to get a glimmer, however dimly perceived by you, to lower your worries and concerns about your evil satanic racist idiotic ass.

  82. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Anon said,
    No, the ones with the low IQ's are the popo. Do you know what's going to happen because those dumbasses shot another bm? Take a guess you racist to the core evil piece of shit.

    Please do tell. What's going to happen. More importantly what are you going to do besides the shuck and jive?


  83. Anonymous10:43 PM

    Since you have been on FN the only person who has 'Shuck and jive' is YOU. As a matter of fact, you have stolen that term that used to belong to us, but it now belongs to you.

    'Shuck and jive' is now White, which means it has gone wretchedly EVIL.

    Yes, you and your folks have an undeniable history of evil since the birth of this nation.

    Like a loyal follower of EVIL, you have left a trail of evil comments on FN for all to see. YOU have been a good Stormtrooper. Don't forget to go see the next Star Wars movie, there will be plenty of them just like you in it.

  84. Anonymous11:09 PM

    Anon wrote,
    'Shuck and jive' is now White, which means it has gone wretchedly EVIL.

    Would that be as evil as the thug rats who robbed and looted the businesses of innocent people, many of whom are Black. Yep, nothing like a free TV while screwing over your own people.


  85. Anonymous11:26 PM

    Would that be as evil as the thug rats who robbed and looted the businesses of innocent people, many of whom are Black. Yep, nothing like a free TV while screwing over your own people.

    Looting and robbing by thug rats isn't even close to the evils of white demons. Your history is full of robberies, slavery, rape, genocide and lynchings. That's the kind of EVIL I'm talking about. It's the kind of EVIL that requires an EXORCIST. Unfortunately, it's so wretched, most exorcists lose their lives to it.

    So, thug rats is small time compared to demonic White evil thefts backsd by a so-called white justice system. Your judgment of black thug rats is a joke compared to what your kind has done.

    You ought to STFU cause your history is as 'immoral' as a human being can be...totally animal like. I mean, isn't that how you STOLE America from the native Indians, you piece of white evil shit?

  86. Anonymous11:31 PM

    Anon wrote,
    Looting and robbing by thug rats isn't even close to the evils of white demons. Your history is full of robberies, slavery, rape, genocide and lynchings. That's the kind of EVIL I'm talking about. It's the kind of EVIL that requires an EXORCIST. Unfortunately, it's so wretched, most exorcists lose their lives to it.

    Sort of like Rwanda right? Or maybe the CAR. Then again Mozambique or Zim.


  87. Anonymous12:46 AM

    "Sort of like Rwanda right? Or maybe the CAR. Then again Mozambique or Zim."

    Nope, not even close. Besides, whatever goes on in Rwanda doesn't even come close to the shit you white demons have done in America. There is no comparison.

    Of course, you are going to minimize the horror you have done by looking elsewhere to keep from looking in the mirror. Nevertheless, you are still demoms with EVIL as your history and that won't change no matter where you look around the world......You are still EVIL and will always be EVIL. That's your nature, and your religion.

  88. DIE, WHITE DEVILS!!2:07 AM

    White Asshole Ferguson Police Chief Bull Connor only "released" the Brown videotape to give rhetorical ammunition to every white racist in the country; just like the crooked Sanford FL.PD did for George Killerman:(scrubbing "COONS" off the 911 tape).

    Whites are truly the scourge of civilization.

  89. Anonymous10:14 AM

    "Whites are truly the scourge of civilization."
    2:07 AM

    Maybe so, but they seem to be running the earth.

    And where do Blacks truly fit in civilization? What are they truly like?

  90. DIE, WHITE DEVILS!!2:24 PM

    @Anon 10:14
    Yeah fool, the greedy, homicidal, almighty White race are running the earth, alright....right into ireversable pollution, social ruin and financial oblivion!

    Blacks fit nicely in civilization: Mother Africa and her people have enriched the European thieves for the last 700 years. Wholesale rape and free slave labor laid the financial foundation for this country.

  91. QLB is a liar and never finished college and needs a job4:20 PM

    "Please do tell. What's going to happen. More importantly what are you going to do besides the shuck and jive?"

    No, you tell us if you have a college degree. All you do is shuck and jive and accuse others of doing it. You are the queen of shucking and jiving.
