Wednesday, September 10, 2014

An old familiar road.

I feel like we have been down this road before.

The first time it was after commercial airliners loaded with innocent people struck New York City and the Pentagon. And now, it's a monster beheading American journalists on the Internet for the entire world to see.

I can hear the saber- rattling all the way over here. (I see you John McCain.) All that's missing is the American flags in the FOX NEWS studios. Americans, once again, want war.

An all too willing president, who is tanking in his approval ratings, will soon address the nation and tell us that he will do everything in his powers to kill those ISIS people, and that he wants them just as bad as the rest of us.

Over at FOX the screams for blood have reached a fever pitch,
and the usual political suspects , as is expected, will try to score political points.

Of course he will do it (or so he says) without putting boots on the ground. (Because Americans still don't have the stomach to watch all those coffins with our sons and daughters coming into Dover.) We will see if we can win a war from 40,000 feet and by arming our "friends". Friends, of course, being a relative term.

Tomorrow is September 11th. It is 13 years since that horrible day when, as  Americans, we realized that terrorism can come to our shores.

As I write this post the president is giving his address to the nation now about America's future and what will be needed to fight our new found enemy.

I suspect, that like all Americans, he is worried about that terror revisiting us again. Not just from our computer screen, but live on Main Street.

I am listening to the very left leaning Chris Matthews, and he is saying that the president is not doing enough. More is needed he is saying, just merely saying we will hit with air strikes is not enough.

"It’s fear-mongering,” Harkin said. “It’s what happened after 9/11. ‘Oh my god, they’ve got these planes crashing. Now they’re going to take over America.’ That’s nonsense.”

“We overreacted to 9/11,” he continued. “Most of the people that did 9/11 were Saudis. Why the hell didn’t we invade Saudi Arabia? There wasn’t one Iraqi involved in 9/11. We just keep jumping from one mistake to another. I have a feeling we’re going to do the same thing with [ISIS].” [Source]

One thing I did learn is that Barack Obama is sending 475 troops to the Middle East.....

Yep, this road looks familiar.


  1. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Great speech. Send them to meet their virgins asap.

  2. Interesting reactions on Fox. They're singing the praises of Bush Cheney and their great leadership during the Iraq invasion and now Ted Cruz is using the phrase "Obama/Clinton" foreign policy every two seconds. Cruz calls the prez's response unserious. Conservatives lack introspection and do not understand irony.

  3. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Who was singing the praises of Bush Cheney?

    Who was interviewing Ted Cruz?

  4. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Well, I don't know if it was such a great speech. Time will tell.

    I am interested in what QLB and Kinky thinks. Also, nothing on FN would not be complete without the insights of BIB.

    I'm thinking QLB and BIB will concur on Obama's speech...right?

    This whole thing has me nervous because it 'feels' like we are headed for a religious war and a very 'long' one at that.

    Can someone tell me what Revelations say about the signs of the end of the world?

  5. "Who was singing the praises of Bush Cheney?

    Who was interviewing Ted Cruz?"

    Turn of Fox now. I'm sure the same cast of characters is still on.

  6. Anonymous10:17 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Well, I don't know if it was such a great speech. Time will tell.
    Anon wrote,
    I am interested in what QLB and Kinky thinks. Also, nothing on FN would not be complete without the insights of BIB.

    I'm thinking QLB and BIB will concur on Obama's speech...right?

    I think the POTUS said what he had to say and said it reasonably well. HOWEVER his timing is awful. He should have said this two the three years ago. Now his leadership is in significant question and so is his competence. For one he needs to ditch Valerie Jarred and Susan Rice pronto. Heads rolling works here as well even if they are figurative heads.
    Churchill didn't inherit his mess either but he fixed it. Unfortunately it seems he has nowhere the talent of Churchill.


  7. It's not my job to rate the Obama Administration's actions in Iraq. But i will tell you that after 2011 the administration basically ignored the country. they did not want to see what was really happening because it conflicted with the narrative that they left Iraq in reasonably good shape. In 2012 as violence was escalating I wrote a story, citing UN statistics, that showed how civilian deaths from attacks were rising.

    Tony Blinken, who was then Biden's national security guy and a top Iraq official, pushed back, and even wrote a letter to the editor, saying that violence was near record lows. But that was not true. even after Fallujah fell to ISIS at the end of last year, the administration would push back on stories about Maliki's sectarian tendencies, saying they didn't see it that way.

    So there was a concerted effort by the Administration to not acknowledge the obvious until it became so apparent -- with the fall of Mosul -- that Iraq was collapsing.

    New York Times Baghdad Bureau Chief

    This is what happens when a president plays politics with war.

    ISIS could have, should have, been wiped out before they even got started.

    Obama lied and tried to pressure the media to push a false narrative.

    Of course, Obamaholics like field and his ilk will never blame Obama for ISIS.

  8. A President Whose Assurances Have Come Back to Haunt Him

    WASHINGTON — When President Obama addresses the nation on Wednesday to explain his plan to defeat Islamic extremists in Iraq and Syria, it is a fair bet he will not call them the "JV team."
    Nor does he seem likely to describe Iraq as "sovereign, stable and self-reliant" with a "representative government." And presumably he will not assert after more than a decade of conflict that "the tide of war is receding."

    As he seeks to rally Americans behind a new military campaign in the Middle East, Mr. Obama finds his own past statements coming back to haunt him. Time and again, he has expressed assessments of the world that in the harsh glare of hindsight look out of kilter with the changed reality he now confronts.

    Obama is clearly out of his depth.

  9. Obama The Magical Negro Thinker10:43 PM

    Obama- "If you threaten America you will find no safe haven."

    Unless you return from Chechnya and our FBI misspells your name even after Russia tells us you are a radical.

    Or unless you walk across our southern border which any 9 year old child can easily do but for some magical reason a warrior filled with hate won't.

    Operation Magical Thinking has commenced

  10. Mitt Romney was right about Russia being a threat.

    Sarah Palin was right about Russia invading Ukraine.

    Dick Cheney was right about Islamic terrorism.

    Obama was wrong.

    Who's that on the phone? It's 1978. They want Jimmy Carter back.

  11. Anonymous11:05 PM

    Kinky, "This is what happens when a president plays politics with war.

    ISIS could have, should have, been wiped out before they even got started.

    Obama lied and tried to pressure the media to push a false narrative."

    Obama never lied and never pushed the media to put forth a false narrative.

    Obama is an honest man with integrity and you should be proud to have him as your President.

    Furthermore, he would never play politics with war.

    The most important thing is that you, Mr Kinky, is safe because of Obama. You can sleep at night because of Obama. The American people can sleep, confident that their President will be looking out for them. God Bless America.

    Field's Assistant

  12. Anonymous11:15 PM

    Kinky, I hate to admit it, but Dick Cheney has been right all along. It's too bad Field didn't recognize that "Cheney might be right."

    The question now is, "Can Field give Cheney credit for having the insight to be right?"

    I'm not sure. Because if Cheney can be right, then it's got to hurt Field very deeply. I mean, it totally destroys his Philly Pride, better known as "PP". When you hurt a man's PP, it hurts like hell.

    This could be the end of FN. Cheney might have destroyed FN! This will truly be a test of Field's character...can he come back from this Cheney in-your-face-ass-whipping?

    I don't know. I just don't know. But I am pulling for brother Field. He has server the blogosphere well for a decade.

  13. Anonymous11:20 PM

    "Sarah Palin was right about Russia invading Ukraine."

    How dare you violate this blog with her name.

    When did she say this?

  14. Melodie Homer, wife of Leroy Homer, will be among those to receive the congressional gold medal today. Leroy Homer was one of the pilots of United 93.

  15. "Dick Cheney was right about Islamic terrorism."

    Kinky... This is how I know your ingesting some kind of psychotropic drug over there...

    Your telling us to Trust Darth Vader again.??? Are you insane???

    Anyway .... nothing good can come from this.. the PR spin will that the U.S. is attacking Sunnis...They will use the attacks as campaign weapons... This needs to be an internal middle eastern united front of the nations, and armies that want to get rid of ISIS... Amazing none of the WMV's attribute our involvement in Libya as the pre cursor for the violence in Iraq. You can see it across the board people are too near sighted to see the entire picture .

    How ironic we revisit more war on the eve of 09/11 anniversary...Looks like everything going as planned for "The Empire"

  16. Looks like the WMVs are confused now that there aren't any high ranking negros (Rice, Powell) available to justify starting an illogical war.

  17. Anonymous12:46 AM

    Kinky said, "Dick Cheney was right about Islamic terrorism."

    BIB replied, "Kinky... This is how I know your ingesting some kind of psychotropic drug over there...

    Your telling us to Trust Darth Vader again.??? Are you insane???"
    BIB, fyi, I am a Star Wars fan and Darth Vader is one of my favorite characters. Please do not insult DV by calling him Dick Chaney! DV is a much better person than Cheney.

  18. "Your telling us to Trust Darth Vader again.??? Are you insane???"

    That's what cons do, rewrite history and rehabilitate the images of these stooges. Look at the op ed Pat Buchannan wrote about Nixon. Gotta love Fox.

  19. "Mitt Romney was right about Russia being a threat."

    No, not really, he said Russia was America's greatest geopolitics foe, but Iran and North Korea were greater threats. Russia has been America's foe for over a 100 years. Not exactly news.

    This is the exact quote:

    ""I'm saying in terms of a geopolitical opponent, the nation that lines up with the world's worst actors," Romney said. "Of course the greatest threat that the world faces is a nuclear Iran, and a nuclear North Korea is already troubling enough." But when these terrible actors pursue their course in the world and we go to the United Nations looking for ways to stop them ... who is it that always stands up with the world's worst actors? It's always Russia, typically with China alongside. And so in terms of a geopolitical foe, a nation that's on the Security Council that has the heft of the Security Council, and is of course is a massive nuclear power, Russia is the geopolitical foe."


    "Sarah Palin was right about Russia invading Ukraine."

    Well you say that, but what she said was that Russia might be encouraged to invade Ukraine after they invaded Chechnya. They invaded Chechnya when George W. Bush was President....


    "Dick Cheney was right about Islamic terrorism."

    No he wasn't. Cheney does not understand Islamic fundamentalism. He does not understand Al Qae'da. He never has and he never will.

    I can think of nobody in world politics who has been a greater recruiter for Jihad than Cheney. Al Qae'da must have had his picture on their cave walls.

  20. Dick Cheney should be in jail.

  21. I heard an actual honest analysis on NPR last night, although I think they did it by accident. On the Marketplace Money Report they went off on a tangent about what a boon attacking ISIS will be for the various weapons manufacturers. The stock prices for the corporations that build missiles was predicted to climb.

    "War? What is it good for?" The answer isn't "Absolutely nothing." The answer is corporate profits.

  22. The NYT Baghdad Bureau editor in 2012 answered some questions in a Reddit "Ask Me Anything:"

    After 2011 the administration basically ignored the country. they did not want to see what was really happening because it conflicted with the narrative that they left Iraq in reasonably good shape. In 2012 as violence was escalating I wrote a story, citing UN statistics, that showed how civilian deaths from attacks were rising.

    Tony Blinken, who was then Biden's national security guy and a top Iraq official, pushed back, and even wrote a letter to the editor, saying that violence was near record lows. But that was not true. even after Fallujah fell to ISIS at the end of last year, the administration would push back on stories about Maliki's sectarian tendencies, saying they didn't see it that way.

    So there was a concerted effort by the Administration to not acknowledge the obvious until it became so apparent -- with the fall of Mosul -- that Iraq was collapsing.

    The left has long charged Bush/Cheney with "overstating" the case for War in Iraq, or the threat of terrorism generally. However, on the point of WMDs, it should be noted that these were not Busy/Cheney's overstatements; they were the CIA's. Bill Clinton repeated the same overstatements, for the same reason: Because that's what the CIA's best intelligence was (even though it turned out wrong).

    So did Al Gore. So did Hillary Clinton.

    As to the threat of terrorism or major terrorist attacks, all of these are speculative glimpses into the future. One can charge Bush/Cheney with "overstating" the risks, but this is itself speculative: Bush and Cheney do not know the future, and neither do their critics.

    However, Obama did not just mislead the country as to speculative guesses about the future. His Administration lied as regards currently-ascertainable facts existing in the current moment.

    At each turn he lied about the facts about Iraq to support his particular political narrative.

    Obama lied, people died. And there will be many, many more.

  23. field negro said...
    Dick Cheney should be in jail.

    Barack Obama will be.


  24. FN said...
    I can hear the saber- rattling all the way over here. (I see you John McCain.)

    You always mention mcsame.

    Why no mention of democrat warmonger Dianne Feinstein?

    Is it because of her connection to bechtel and their no-bid war contracts?
    Is it because you are being an obedient democrat and isn't allowed to mention her?

    Is mcsame profiting off the war like feinstein does?

    Not all warmongers are equal to FN.

    Partisan hack?

    How cute that obama flip-flopped and proved his fake patriotism by wearing the american flag lapel pin when talking about going back to war, on the eve of 9/11.

    Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, D-Ill., said he will no longer wear an American flag lapel pin because it has become a substitute for “true patriotism” since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

    When are the democrat war protests scheduled?


  25. PilotX said...
    Interesting reactions on Fox.

    You watch fox news?

  26. No, PilotX is just lying and making shit up again.

  27. Barack Obama will never go to jail. Unfortunatly, neither will the war criminals who came before him.

    Fortunately Cheney will be dead soon and hanging with his buddy the devil.

  28. "Unfortunatly, neither will the war criminals who came before him"

    Link to the court that has convicted Bush/Cheney of committing war crimes.

    Don't have one? A leftwing extremist lawyer/judge wants to convict without a trail?

    How liberal of you.

    "Fortunately Cheney will be dead soon and hanging with his buddy the devil."

    Why woul;d you wish anyone to hangout with Teddy and JFK?

  29. Anonymous Bill said...

    PilotX said...
    Interesting reactions on Fox.

    You watch fox news?

    Pilotx, like field negro, never watch Fox News. They depend on massa to tell them what to think and how to feel about Fox News.

    With Obama it's one domestic/foreign policy blunder after another.

    It would be funny, if not for the price of Obama's blunders being death and suffering.

    Georgia state Senator Fran Millar is proven right everyday.

  30. Link to the court that has convicted Obama of any crimes.

    Don't have one? A far-Right extremist drunk and high-school drop-out wants to convict without a trail?

    How fascist of you.

  31. Fact Check Negro1:38 PM

    So you admit field negro is a fascist.

  32. Anonymous1:40 PM

    There will be a trial, and there will be a rope.


  33. The Purple Cow said...
    Link to the court that has convicted Obama of any crimes.
    Don't have one? A far-Right extremist drunk and high-school drop-out wants to convict without a trail?

    If an educated lawyer like FN can't answer the question, why would you expect someone you consider a drunk high school drop out to answer?

    Why do you hold a white (WMV) drunk high school dropout to a higher standard than FN?

    Double standard?

  34. Bill said.....

    Why do you hold a white (WMV) drunk high school dropout to a higher standard than FN?

    Because purple cow wants to see his penis?

  35. More Africans arrived in America during the last decade than during all of the slave trade years. Some people have an insatiable appetite for oppression.

    1. Of course the difference is that Africans today weren't raped, sodomized, tortured, and killed for shark bait on the way here. And they get to keep their strong African culture too.

  36. Once again this has turned into the schoolyard dodgeball fight...with folks picking sides and callin names... For the Repubs that are dying to see O-bomber in jail... What is he doing that MCain wouldn't do .....? and how is it that you want War... ASAP ...BUT u also want the absolute circus that is congress to decide first... NeoCons want both sides of the bread buttered ...without using a knife.. the lengths u go to deride the opposition who essentially is doing the exact same thing the party you support would do... hypocritical at best..

    1. Anonymous12:49 AM

      Close. I would say Bush 2.0 (Obama) is doing a jam up job for the neo cons (jews). There is hypocrisy in the air but, not just from one side of 'Tardsville(voters).

  37. Yīshēng said...
    "Of course the difference is that Africans today weren't raped, sodomized, tortured, and killed for shark bait on the way here"

    The point was, genius, if as is so often asserted on this site that American is irredeemably racist towards Africans, why are Africans moving here in droves?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. They're coming here to take advantage of opportunities Black Americans are too triflin' to take advantage of.

      And yeah the fact that YOU couldn't figure that out for yourself makes the four idiot fingers pointing back at you confirmation of your poor rationalization skills.

  38. Anonymous6:44 PM

    "Operation Magical Thinking has commenced"

    That is funny! Correct and funny.

    "Dick Cheney should be in jail."

    On what charges?

    "Barack Obama will never go to jail."

    This is true. He could shoot a YT on the White House lawn and get away with it. Being the first Black President immunizes him against all transgressions.

    "And they get to keep their strong African culture too."

    Yep. The "strong African culture" is why Africa is such a shining example of success and prosperity.

    For the Repubs that are dying to see O-bomber in jail... What is he doing that MCain wouldn't do .....?

    Break the law? Ignore the constitution?

    Play food nazi?

    Give a wink and nod to "Black Domestic Terrorism"?

    List goes on.....

  40. Señor, u are even dumber than I thought.

    If he is breaking the law why don't the people in your party impeach him?

  41. Yīshēng said...

    They're coming here to take advantage of opportunities Black Americans are too triflin' to take advantage of.

    And yeah the fact that YOU couldn't figure that out for yourself makes the four idiot fingers pointing back at you confirmation of your poor rationalization skills.

    Ergo blaming black dysfunction on white racism is a lie.

    It's interesting to see you once again display the kind of casual bigotry toward black Americans that you accuse whites of.

    And btw, that's not what "rationalization" means, genius.

    1. #7:20pm you post on a blog ALL day, EVERY day. Talk about a lack of "genius".

  42. Anonymous7:21 PM

    If Obama were consistent, he'd call in airstrikes on those black protesters in Ferguson.

  43. Quote poor old Bill.

    "If an educated lawyer like FN can't answer the question, why would you expect someone you consider a drunk high school drop out to answer?

    Why do you hold a white (WMV) drunk high school dropout to a higher standard than FN?

    Double standard?"

    Bill, stop and think about your logic here. Do you see the fault in your thinking?

    If you are too stupid to work it out I will explain it in the morning.

    Let me know...

  44. Anonymous1:09 AM

    I like how almost everyone who post here thinks when a new president is elected that it isn't business as usual. I mean do you honestly believe the entire federal government has a personality change?
    Really what has changed? Obama signing in Patriot Act 2, Indefinite detention, Oiled the war machines, divided the country, what's a little waterboarding between friends. Get real.
    Btw, black people, how does it feel to be as bioweapon for the Jews? Do you really think they care about you? Do even know why a majority of you listen to rap. Has anyone even listened to the lyrics? What do you think is going to happen if whites aren't here to actually half way give a damn? If the Jews are successful in diluting white culture do you think they will just turn the keys to the country over to your newly found civilized ways...shhiiiitttt.
    Better start knowing your real enemy. Who runs Hollywood, Media, Wall Street, the White House... the EU.
    If you are CIA/Mossad trolls/shills/bots, please disregard this message and/or post a predictable rebuttal.


  45. field negro said...
    If he is breaking the law why don't the people in your party impeach him?

    The same exact thing rush/hannity said when the democrats whined about bush.

    Your sounding more like rush every day.

  46. Limpbaugh1:16 PM

    There is video on youtube of Wesley Clark saying that plans were already in the works to eventually attack seven countries (including Syria) before Bush attacked Iraq. I suppose there was an urgent humanitarian need to attack ISIS.. They might not be any more evil than Boco Haram, but they are more dangerous because they are more powerful. But I don't trust the media or government not to exaggerate or lie about it. War profiteer and Israeli lobbyists own our politicians and the media shares their goals.

    We all know how Fox News blatantly promoted the Iraq War, but the supposedly liberal network, MSNBC, might have been even more despicably deceitful. They pretend to expose the lead up to the war while they cover it up. Their Hubris documentary might has well been written by Dick Cheney. It had nothing about Cheney's energy meeting maps of the Iraqi oil fields divided up for the oil companies. Nothing about Germany telling us Curveball was a liar and an unemployed drunken taxi driver. Their documentary called him an engineer. They did cover evidence that contradicted the incorrect conclusion about the aluminum tubes, but there was nothing about how this false intelligence was extorted by reassigning CIA analysts who wouldn't go along with the White House pressure to derive the false conclusion. Nothing about surrounding Osama bin Laden on three sides at Tora Bora. The documentary just said he escaped at Tora Bora. No mention of Bush warning the U.N. inspectors to leave. MSNBC just gave the misleading explanation that the U.N. pulled the inspectors out. There was no detail about how badly forged the yellow cake uranium document were, although NBC did report that when it was first learned by the media. Like a lot of things, the media covers something when it first happens, and then sweeps it under the rug. I first learned of the media consortium Florida recount results in a Rupert Murdock newspaper. There was justification for it not being the top story since the results came out on the same day as the first airliner crash after 9/11. But the finding that Al Gore had more statewide votes under any set of recount rules was buried in a long article in the middle of the paper. The article emphasized that the original four county recount wouldn't have justified a full statewide recount so Bush would have won under that scenario, but they did at least mention something that they didn't want us to know on the day it happened.

    The media and government should tell the truth about the last war before they have new ones. Right now, NYC is working to block an independent investigation of the collapse of World Trade Center Building Seven . It is the one that wasn't hit by a plane and has almost never been mentioned by the media since it happened on 9/11, even though there are a lot of questions about it and evidence that contradicts the official story. You'd think even people who believe the official conspiracy theory would want to know things like how long it is safe for fire fighters to stay in burning buildings, what can be done to prevent future collapses, and if there is a cheaper way to demolish buildings.


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