Saturday, September 27, 2014


I need a caption for this pic.

Play nice.  


  1. Anonymous7:59 PM

    "What? No tequila? Hey, I'll drink anything."

  2. Anonymous9:34 PM

    "2016 here I cooooome!Let's paaartaaaayyyy!"

  3. This feels familiar, how many shakes 'til this thing explodes?

  4. I can't think of a single way to "play nice" over a photo of Sarah "F*** This, I Quit" Palin.

  5. How do I deal with the fact I cost McCain the election? Yep. Hic.

  6. So in 2014 a black Democrat gets firebombed and field won't post about it?

    Oh wait. The guy who firebombed Cleaver’s office is a liberal.

    Like field.

    Don't choke on your hypocrisy field.

  7. Anonymous11:25 PM

    oooo wee! Now that feels good baby.

  8. And continue on with your single white female obsession with Sarah Palin.

    Just don't let your wife find out.

    You know how black women get when they find black men obsessing over white women.

    1. Yeah we laugh our asses off Kuckoo because rarely does a Black man choose a WW of any educational or physical quality.


  9. "Hey guys, watch how high I make Field jump."

  10. "Bad Loser Still Stalks Winning Opponent Years Later"

  11. Anonymous3:03 AM

    You hear about a cop getting shot in not going to believe this.....a black person......can you believe it? Someone black got caught trying to rob a store and shot a cop.

    He was a good kid turnin his life around he din't do nuffin, police brewtaliwty...sheeeet.

  12. This is what happens when you ask Sarah to throw back a few.

  13. Was that first comment an ode to Glen Rice? :)

    Seriously, we have some pretty good captions so far. Although with Sarah it's so easy.


  14. Hey FN,

    I'm assuming these caption threads are because spending time with your wife is more fun than reading my words. Go figure.

    Instead of captions, have guests submit an article.

  15. MsYellowDog1:19 PM


  16. "And continue on with your single white female obsession with Sarah Palin."

    That's odd, I could have sworn she was married.

    "You know how black women get when they find black men obsessing over white women."

    No I don't. Is it anything like how white women react when they think about black men's giant penises?

    Cuz I know all about that.

  17. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Purple Sow wrote,
    No I don't. Is it anything like how white women react when they think about black men's giant penises?

    Probably the same thing they react when they think about the STD rate among Black men.

  18. 12thManUnited2:25 PM

    QLB is just a sad pathetic loser who can't get any pussy.

  19. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Is this Starbucks? You know I can't tolerate that wimpy liberal stuff!!

    Mama Grizzly only drinks the steaming blood of dead Moozlum children. (Also Ten High Bourbon and Mountain Dew -- but that makes everything go blurry and I wake up in handcuffs.)

  20. STD's can be cured with antibiotics QLB, your minute penis on the other hand...


  21. The Purple Cow said...
    No I don't. Is it anything like how white women react when they think about black men's giant penises?

    And yet again talking about dicks.

    Get some therapy PurpleCow.

  22. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Allow me to show you how to jerk a Negro off!

  23. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Mr Field, you are losing membership due to bs that helps no one. However, it is understandable that posts like this and others is about all your fans can intellectually handle.

    As for me, I am leaving like so many have done. This may be a blog for Blacks but it's for bottom self Blacks with no character.

  24. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Purple Sow said,
    STD's can be cured with antibiotics QLB, your minute penis on the other hand...
    Wow, didn't know AIDS, herpes and genital warts were curable by antibiotics. Here's a huge hint. They're not. No wonder the rate of STD's among African Americans is astronomical.


    PS: The weekend shitshow in Chicago is still ongoing. Six confirmed homicides with most (all) being AA.

  25. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Wow, didn't know AIDS, herpes and genital warts were curable by antibiotics. Here's a huge hint. They're not. No wonder the rate of STD's among African Americans is astronomical.
    But white women still love that black dick....LMBAO!!

  26. Anonymous1:16 AM

    "STD's can be cured with antibiotics QLB, your minute penis on the other hand..."

    That's not a penis, that's her large clitoris. QLB knows a thing or two about obsessing over Black men, that's why she's here.

  27. Limpbaugh1:15 PM

    Who mixed this drink? Martin Bashir?

  28. Good one, Limpaugh. :)
