Tuesday, September 23, 2014


This ODS (Obama derangement syndrome) is no joke. And here I thought that the folks over at The National Review were the smartest of the wingnut lot.
William F. Buckley, Jr., the intellectual racist, must be turning over in his grave.

Sarah Palin blaming the media and Obama for her daughter's potentially criminal behavior I can understand. Let's face it, she is not too bright. But this kind of rhetoric coming from a so called intellectual is surprising.

I never heard of Jim Geraghty before, and after reading what he had to write for National Review I am glad I didn't.  

This genius actually said that Barack Obama is to blame for the NFL's domestic violence problem.

  "Jim Geraghty, an editor at the conservative National Review wonders if it’s possible that the recent scandals rocking the NFL might in some way be traced to President Barack Obama.

“Does our president just reflect a broad cultural trend in the behavior of leaders,” Geraghty wrote Monday, “or does he set the tone from the top?”
From there, Geraghty goes on to chronicle a number of national scandals, like the IRS’s alleged targeting of conservative groups and NFL Commissioner Roger Goodel‘s botched response to a rash of misconduct within the league:
… Goodell told CBS This Morning he never saw the second tape of Rice striking his wife before Monday. He said, “when we make a decision we want to have all the information that’s available. When we met with Ray Rice and his representatives it was ambiguous about what actually happened.” Friday afternoon, he announced the league would be making a new effort in dealing with unacceptable player conduct . . . by forming a special committee. …
The country feels deeply betrayed by its governing and economic elites. Enter Obama. He’s elected. … 
And you know what we got. Stimulus waste; State Department employees on paid leave over Benghazi; “At this point, what difference does it make?”; the VA, where the secretary belatedly discovered an “unacceptable lack of integrity within some of our veterans health facilities,” Obamacare, where Kathleen Sebelius let the president go out and say things about the website she knew weren’t true, and still kept her job for several months. The NSA.
Geraghty concludes: “The message has been sent, far and wide: Accountability is for suckers.” [Source] 

Just wow.

Let's give conservatives a gold medal for the shark jumping event in the clueless Olympics.

My man even threw in a Benghazi reference for good measure. He made sure that there is enough red meat for all the hungry ODS sufferers out there.

I can only hope that their coverage under Obamacare will help them pay for a cure.

*Pic from debatepolitics.com


  1. Anonymous8:11 PM


    The above says it all about not only Obama, but about Blacks in America in general. The GOP has a problem with the existence of living.

    During the slave days and Jim Crow days Negroes actually had to appease Whites by apologizing to them for existing.

    It's always been that way. Most Whites have a problem with the God given lives of Blacks.

    Left up to the GOP, we would not exist, unless we were slaves. That's a fact.

  2. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Brother Field, it's wonderful to see David Nelson helping the folks in Haiti. That IS Field Negro behavior.

    I sometimes wonder, though, why brothers in professional sports don't go all out to help our folks, bm and bw, in our cities across America. It almost seems as though we have 'given up' on Blacks in America. Blacks who can help our people in America go abroad to help. Even Oprah could be of immense help, but she doesn't help either.

    Why is that? I mean, we severely need help and support from the David Nelsons and the Oprahs but we get nothing from them.

    What about you, brother Field? Are you helping in Philly?

  3. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Eh, even at the "intellectual" conservative organizations like the National Review or the Weekly Standard or the Heritage Foundation, most of the so-called brainiacs are relatively stupid. (The people at right-wing cesspools like Breitbart or WorldNetDaily, of course, are so dim that they probably need help figuring out how to put on their pants in the morning.)

    For example, National Review proudly employs rocket scientist Jonah Goldberg, who published an entire laughable book on how the Nazis were really a left-wing movement. I imagine this argument would have come as quite a shock to the German communists who were fighting the Nazis in the streets throughout the '20s and '30s. But whatever. Doesn't have to make sense in a conservative publication -- any old angry shit will do.

    So this is par for the course for the conservative "intelligentsia." Why not blame Obama for Ray Rice being a member of the Slapaho tribe? They're both black dudes, so it must be all Obama's fault, amirite? #conservativelogic

  4. So someone with Bush/Cheney/Fox News derangement syndrome is mocking those with Obama derangement syndrome?

    Why can't people with syndromes get along?

    Why do people with syndromes pretend their derangement is just and others are crazy?

    Buenas noches y buena mañana a la chica encantadora isla saben tiene lilac.



    No, Obama didn’t invent this “leadership” dynamic, but you can argue America’s frustration with it in the previous administration helped drive the president there: The wrong intelligence about Iraq. “Brownie, you’re doing a heck of a job.” The Abramoff scandal. The Wall Street meltdown, jeopardizing the entire economy, with the lingering sense that few of those who made the decision to invest heavily in the “toxic assets” ever paid the price for bad judgment.

    The country feels deeply betrayed by its governing and economic elites. Enter Obama. He’s elected. In his inaugural, he declares, “In the words of Scripture, the time has come to set aside childish things. . . . Our journey has never been one of short-cuts or settling for less. It has not been the path for the faint-hearted, for those that prefer leisure over work, or seek only the pleasures of riches and fame.”




  6. Anonymous10:56 PM

    Thank Mr Kinky for bringing out the 'whole truth'. Field probably left it out because he is a politician for the left.

    In politics, it is best to lie if it will help you. So why not cover up the truth if it will benefit the Left and hurt the Right?

    It makes good sense for someone dedicated to the Left regardless of morals.

    By now, you should know Field's M.O. Liars don't change. But you must admit it's fun here even if there isn't a shred of honesty in the house.

  7. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Uh, 9:03. Written by Jews to appear intellectual - not!
    Stop reading, watching and listening Jew crap.

  8. Shame on you for even holding the notion that conservatives have sense. C'mon man, when have they ever been reasonable or logical? These fools actually thought Sarah would make a good VP. Scary.

  9. Anonymous12:32 AM

    Blogger PilotX said...
    Shame on you for even holding the notion that conservatives have sense. C'mon man, when have they ever been reasonable or logical? These fools actually thought Sarah would make a good VP. Scary.

    12:14 AM
    Conservatives actually thought Palin would make a good VP?

    That's nothing. Liberals actually thought Obama would make a good President....can't get any scarier than that.

  10. Anonymous12:33 AM

    Blogger PilotX said...
    Shame on you for even holding the notion that conservatives have sense. C'mon man, when have they ever been reasonable or logical? These fools actually thought Sarah would make a good VP. Scary.

    12:14 AM
    Conservatives actually thought Palin would make a good VP?

    That's nothing. Liberals actually thought Obama would make a good President....can't get any scarier than that.

  11. Here's the thing Anonymous 12:32/12:33, if a joke ain't funny the first time, simply repeating it won't help.

  12. Anon@9:03, great comments. You are on point about wingnuts . I should have known better than to give them the benefit of the doubt.

    PC, the wingnut fails to realize that when Palin is his political hero the joke is on him.

    Kinky, flattery will get u nowhere.


  13. Didn't FN post about the woman with the third breast?


    No surprise FN ran with it. It fit his agenda.

    If some girl with a fake third breast can fool FN, how easy is it for Obama to fool FN?


  14. Obama and his "coffee cup" salute as he got off the helicopter.

    No doubt other presidents have been too preoccupied/lazy to do a proper salute.

    The difference...

    The obama administration saw nothing bad about it and posted the photo.

    Smartest president ever?

  15. Anonymous12:02 PM

    A 14-year-old Louisiana boy is dead after he was fatally shot by a Terrebonne Parish deputy Tuesday night in Houma, La.

    The boy was shot multiple times in the back by a black law enforcement officer.

  16. Anonymous12:19 PM

    I don't believe a black policeman in La would shoot a 14 yr old boy multiple times in the back.

    It just is not morally possible.

  17. Oh it's possible. That's what trained house Negroes do. But that's your kind of Negro, right?

    Bill, do u masturbate to pictures of Obama?

  18. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Per information obtained from "The Root", "Cameron's [the boy's name is Cameron Tillman] family told reporters on the scene that the Ellender High School student was shot approximately four or five times in the back."


  19. field negro said...
    Bill, do u masturbate to pictures of Obama?

    And to think just today I was concerned about your habit of masturbating to fox news.

  20. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Yet another obama bottom licking article.

    What's wrong with you?

  21. Well Harris Faulkner is somewhat attractive, so I can understand the accusation.

    So what is it about Obama that you find so attractive?


  22. field negro said...
    Well Harris Faulkner is somewhat attractive, so I can understand the accusation.

    So what is it about Obama that you find so attractive?

    You watching fox news, that's not a good optic.

    Your accusation...
    Some lame attempt to insult me by inferring I'm gay and masturbate looking at males?

    I thought you were a little more progressive than PurpleCow.

  23. Anonymous5:02 PM

    I disagree! Mi Signor Kinky, flattery will get you everywhere, especially with moi! xD

  24. Why is that an "insult"to insinuate that you masturbate by looking at men?

    Hmmm, methinks u are a little homophobic.

    My accusation was based on your obsession with Obama the president, not the fact that he is a man.

    But hey....

  25. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Field, you are an indecent man. Immoral and against everything wholesome and good.

  26. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Meanwhile in breaking news. A BM, Jesse Matthew was arrested after being on the run for the abduction of Hannah Graham. In Chicago we've recorded the 33rd murder of the month. Also arrested were 4 YBM's who murdered a 9yo Black boy because they thought he "might" be a gang lookout. Plus rioting breaks out in Ferguson once again. It just has to be YT"s fault somehow and Blacks parrot the tired old phrase of "raycism" which is rapidly being worn out.


  27. Anonymous10:18 PM

    More breaking news. The police officers who shot and killed James Crawford 3rd in a Walmart for holding a BB gun in Beavercreek, Ohio were not indicted by the grand jury.

  28. Anonymous10:47 PM

    Grand Juries are White. They do not indict White officers, no matter what the evidence is. Everybody knows that.

  29. 12thManUnited1:00 AM

    QLB is the type of internet warrior who talks tough behind his monitor but wouldn't have the balls to say shit to anyone's face. What a bitch.

  30. Anonymous1:19 AM

    You are mistaken. QLB is 6'4" 250lbs and a mixed martial arts fighter, which he learned while a student at Notre Dame. He worked as a bouncer at clubs to help pay for his schooling at ND. He was never defeated by any challenger. Bm didn't stand a chance. QLB was unmerciful with Blacks with loud mouths.

    My brother, believe me, you don't want to mess with QLB.

  31. Anonymous9:53 PM

    "You are mistaken. QLB is 6'4" 250lbs and a mixed martial arts fighter"

    Ha! QLB is a short, fat white woman who wants a Black man but is always turned down because she stinks. This is why she's always here with negative views on Black people.
