Tuesday, September 16, 2014

This is not how it went down in Pretty Woman.

It's tough being a sister out here these days. Even professional sisters who are just out on the town and trying to kick back get profiled and embarrassed.

First it was Daniele Watts, now it's Kantaki Washington and her friends who were mistaken for ladies of the night.

''In an interview with AlterNet, New York City lawyer Kantaki Washington claimed that she and two friends — all three black women — were having drinks at the Standard Hotel bar in the Meatpacking District back in August when security approached them and accused them of “soliciting.”

At first, Washington said she did not know what the man meant, asking him, “Soliciting what?” When he persists, she said she replied, “Dude, I’m a lawyer and these women are educators. Why the hell would I be in here soliciting prostitution?” [Source]

Because you are black Miss. That's why. *sarcasm off*

"Following the incident, Washington received an email from the hotel offering her a bottle of champagne and dinner for four at The Standard Grill as an apology with not addressing the specifics of the offense. She told the site she believes she and her friends were racially profiled."

Gee, ya think?

Ms. Washington, of course you were racially profiled. Just because you live in New York City doesn't mean that you are immune from the ignorance and "color aroused" thinking that is associated with the South.

The same can be said for Ms. Watts. She was given the business in very liberal -and very blue- Los Angeles. It doesn't really matter where you are in the land of the free, at any moment you can get a reality check from a color aroused asshole.

BTW, Ms. Watts, because she lives in California, was under no obligation to show that police officer in Los Angeles her ID just because he demanded it. And those women in New York had every right to be offended when some hotel security guard accused them of being prostitutes.

The hotel offered Ms. Washington a bottle of champagne and dinner for four for her troubles.

If only it was that easy to make the pain and humiliation that these women were subjected to go away.



  1. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Field wrote,
    First it was Daniele Watts, now it's Kantaki Washington and her friends who were mistaken for ladies of the night.
    First of all there is plenty of evidence that Ms Watts was getting boned in her car by her BF.
    Secondly if you dress and act like the profile I'm not sure what the problem is.


  2. Police responded to a citizen complaint that “a male white and female black were involved in a sexual act inside a Mercedes” outside the gate of CBS Studio Center on Thursday, according to a spokeswoman for the Los Angeles Police Department.

    Legal experts said the officer had the right to request identification if he suspected illegal behavior, but audio of part of the encounter with police, published by TMZ, revealed that Watts did not believe so.

    “Somebody called, which gives me the right to be here,” the unidentified Los Angeles police officer is heard saying to Watts. “So It gives me the right to identify you by law.”


  3. Daniele Watts, felt her black privilege allowed her to have sex with a good white man anywhere she pleased.

    As far as Kantaki Washington, what are you doing hanging out in the meatpacking district?

    The tenderloin district not exciting enough?

  4. Anonymous9:52 PM

    This is not a Black thing or a White thing. It's about having a huge chip on the shoulder thing.


  5. Anonymous10:12 PM

    ''In an interview with AlterNet, New York City lawyer Kantaki Washington claimed that she and two friends — all three black women — were having drinks at the Standard Hotel bar in the Meatpacking District back in August when security approached them and accused them of “soliciting.”

    Brother Field, from the described location "MEATPACKING" disstrict", I can understand why security might have thought they were soliciting.

    I mean, "MEATPACKING" District? Come on. That sounds like prostitute haven.

    Brother Field, I have never understood why our folks end up in places like that. Why can't we just stay clean?

    And if Kantaki is a lawyer, a dinner for four offered by the hotel is bullshit. IF she were a competent lawyer, she might as well sue the "F" out of them cause that's what they thought she was there for anyway.

    Finally, it's coming to light that Daniele was indeed "F-ing" in the car in broad daylight outside the studio. Again, my brother, why can't we as black folks ever just do the right thing?

    Then there would be no need to go thru all this bullshit. Let us stop giving these demonic lipless scraggly haired ghostly freaks 'extra' stuff to insult and abuse and kill with us. Just being Black will bring offense from them anyway.

    Why give them anymore fale-justification to hurt and insult us?

    Let's avoid these wretched people as much as possible.


  6. FN said...
    The same can be said for Ms. Watts. She was given the business in very liberal -and very blue- Los Angeles.


    Give FN a prize.

  7. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Signor Kinky... you like to hang out around little boys. What business is it of yours where this woman chooses to have drinks. See how that works? Aaiiichee wa wa you have NO credibility.

  8. Anonymous10:29 PM

    QLB said "Here's a huge hint for you. If you find a bone in your chicken strips, it's not a Cracker Jack type free item of jewelry for you to stick in your nose. It's just a bone."

    9-1-14 @10:16PM

  9. Anonymous10:53 PM

    QLB's hatred of Blacks is profound. I doubt if you could find a KKK or Nazi that could come close to QLB.

  10. Anonymous10:57 PM

    I hope there will be many more comments discovered where QLB has made his racist hateful remarks against Blacks.

    I have a feeling that maintaining QLB'S remarks will come in useful...soon. We need to know who this hateful evil monger is.

  11. Anonymous11:07 PM

    That hotel security guard sees a group of women having drinks together -- no men involved -- and his first thought is that they're prostitutes? A racist AND a dumbass -- quite an accomplishment.

    Then again, if he's working security, he might not be the sharpest tool in the shed to begin with.

  12. Anonymous11:16 PM

    Brothers and sisters, did Field forget to mention that the security guard might have been Black?

    No? Well, there you go. But for me as a bm, it's important to know the color of the security guard. I mean, this IS FN, isn't it?

  13. Anonymous11:22 PM

    "Legal experts said the officer had the right to request identification if he suspected illegal behavior, but audio of part of the encounter with police, published by TMZ, revealed that Watts did not believe so."

    CNN's "legal experts" appear to have gotten their law degrees from one of those mail-order diploma mills advertised in a old-timey comic book. In California, you are not legally required to show ID to cops (unless you are pulled over while driving).

    Daniele Watts lost her cool and did not handle her encounter with that L.A. cop in a particularly sensible manner. However, in her defense, the cop was an idiot, and the person who called the police was a raging racist.

  14. Anonymous11:33 PM

    "Ms. Washington, of course you were racially profiled. Just because you live in New York City doesn't mean that you are immune from the ignorance and 'color aroused' thinking that is associated with the South."

    I don't think anyone is so foolish as to believe that the South is the only part of the country that contains bigots. That has, unfortunately, never been the case.

    It's just that the "bigots per square mile" count is noticeably higher, away down south in Dixie. Throw a rock and you might knock off someone's white hood.

  15. WHO projects the image of BW as whores around the world?

    from the hi jacked corp plantation "music" ( as Chuck D from PE calls it:) to madness coming out of occult laden h-llyweird.

    WHO is sitting at the top of all this madness making $ hand over fist off of it?


    thought that with the actress immediately. those that play the parts, literally, act as if they have no choice. the movie attached to her name recognition is enough to make a sane, awake person throw up an internal organ.

    so this is just the natural fall out.


    notice after the movie pretty woman + we have half naked ww EVERYWHERE...ALL the time.

    the daughters of edom somehow missed out on the same treatment. despite being uber "liberated" in the walk on the wild side department. white co eds are not auto tagged as girls gone wild. but it's all Good. everything has its season. the bitter cup WILL pass. this madness won't last. that's what's written...

    the hotel should keep their little dinner and the lawyer lady should go to work thinning out the pockets of that hotel. sue 'em until they see lawsuits when they see BW- not prostitutes. lol. since folk CLEARLY watch too much tv. let 'em think about the consequences of getting sued going forward.

    leverage your "education" to take dents out the system folk. otherwise folk talking 'bout their education are just bad jokes.

    what i want to know is...

    did she take the dinner? if so, what are we discussing really?

    the actress needs to get her kicks out of the view of folk that will call the po po. disguise things somehow. lol. had she been a ww, folk would have thought it a nice frisky couple spicing up their love life. aka, wouldn't have thought twice. those crazy lovers!

    side note: it is not just other folk that perpetuate these anti BW images + views. it is other Blk folk, too.

    just removed from my view on FB an image that promotes the same madness. and it was a nice Black church lady posting it up.

    the chocolate sista had boobs out, thighs out + a grip of negatives associated with her image. the less melanin, paler sista had on a business suit with mainly positive attributes.

    the mess comes from all sides.

    when historical enemies behave like...historical enemies. it is all Good for me. that is in order.

    it is when it comes from one's own tribe that my spirit is somewhat vexed. i used to get offended + rage. not too offended 'bout much these days. reached a place of it is what it is. what is written shall be done. more interested to sound the alarm for those that are still sleeping- not realizing the time and that the enemy is creepin' on US all. or as Prince would say, we got thieves in the temple.

    those that distress Yahudah/Judah + the daughters of Sion will...


    blessings all!

  16. Anonymous12:21 AM

    It's just that the "bigots per square mile" count is noticeably higher, away down south in Dixie. Throw a rock and you might knock off someone's white hood.

    11:33 PM
    My friend, you've got it all wrong. Today, in America down South there are fewer bigots than you realize.

    In addition, Whites in the South no longer tolerate the KKK. I could give you links showing White mobs turning on the KKK in hoods but you still wouldn't believe me. Also, the purest justice a bm will ever get is in the court rooms of the South.

    Yes, times and people have changed. Why do you think so many Blacks are leaving the North for the South?

  17. Anon 11:33pm-

    i prefer southerners. they will look you square in the eye and tell folk where they are coming from.

    it is the sneaky, fork tongued, smile on the mouth that doesn't reach the eyes others that used to get under my skin. now...

    i have had a lot of practice dealing with 'em. it's truly whatever:)

  18. Anonymous12:30 AM

    The standard hotel is smack dab in the middle of the main prostitute walk on the bowery, not next to it not nearby, smack dab dead in the center of it.

    Next....if you're boning a guy in a car with your door open and people are watching...you might just be a pig slut or a hooker. the cop had every right to ask for her ID. She played the race card and then the do you know who I am card.....please racism..on her part yes.

    grow up Field.

  19. Anonymous12:33 AM

    "Yes, times and people have changed. Why do you think so many Blacks are leaving the North for the South?"


    Mind you, they are terrible jobs, with terrible wages. But factories and some service sector companies have opened in that part of the country because of the union-busting laws down yonder that let them treat their employees like dirt, and desperate people have to take what they can get.

    It sure as hell isn't because the South has become especially black-people friendly, that's for sure.

  20. Yeah, good for sista for putting those fools on blast. Ya just never know who you're messing with. Hopefully they'll think twice before approaching sistas with some BS.

  21. Just landed at LAX and the FA's informed me we flew an actress from House of Cards here. Gotta go on IMDB to see who she is, I haven't watched it yet but Rachel Maddow suggests watching the British version first.

  22. "Grow up field."

    I think America has more growing up to do than I do.

  23. Anonymous7:54 AM

    "Daniele Watts, felt her black privilege allowed her to have sex with a good white man anywhere she pleased."

    Daniele Watts thought it was ok to have sex in a car with the car door open with a convicted FELON. The felon white male calls himself a "raw food chef" (goggle his name). BTW, what is a raw food chef?

  24. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Daniele Watts thought it was ok to have sex in a car with the car door open with a convicted FELON. The felon white male calls himself a "raw food chef" (goggle his name). BTW, what is a raw food chef?

    7:54 AM
    I happen to be a raw food chef. It is a specialized skill where the chef handles and prepares raw vegetables, fish such as sushi...

    There...that wasn't so hard to understand, was it? I can tell you don't get out much. Is it because you are ashamed of yourself or can't afford it? Maybe both?

  25. New Yorkers are under NO ILLUSIONS that racial profiling doesn't exist here. Think Stop and Frisk, for Chrissakes.

    All the celebrities stopped and asked to show their sales slips outside department stores.

    I'm sure DeBlasio's wife and kids have stories, too.

    Police and guards everywhere seem to be recruited out of the same 50's time machine. Either that or selected for dumbassery.

  26. Anonymous12:35 PM

    "WHO projects the image of BW as whores around the world?"

    In Daniele Watt's case, she was the individual alleged to be having sex in a car with the car door open.

    A 72% (or more) out of wedlock birthrate for black babies speaks loudly and clearly all by itself.

    The FACT that black women in America are the majority of female HIV/AIDS victims speaks for itself.

    The FACT that at least half of black women in America have genital herpes speaks for itself.


  27. Want a gun?


    Make sure you tell the federal government your ethnicity and race.

    Just in case biden is working on a followup gun law to his racist drug law.

    If only all blacks could be clean, bright articulate and without negro dialect like the democrats keep noticing about obama.

  28. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Dear Mr Field, I can't connect the title and context of your post with Daniele and the LAPD.

    What was in the movie Pretty Woman that was similar/different from what happened to Daniele Watts other than Julia Roberts has a better body, looks, hair, lips, voice and is more intelligent?

    Also, what part did Daniele play in Django? I saw the movie but don't remember her.

    I mean, what's up with the post title and Daniele? It doesn't make sense. Is this a Black Thing?

    Now, don't any of you leftist FN Negroes get it all twisted about me. I am not a racist nor am I even the slightest bit prejudice.

    Understand, brothers and sisters, I am Black like you and Daniele. And I am down for the cause.

    I can't stand Kinky and I hate the racist hater QLB.

  29. Anonymous12:45 PM

    You gotta love TMZ. TMZ has video of Daniele Watts and her felon boyfriend having sex in the car with the door open in front of her studio where everyone in the studio could see them.


  30. You gotta love TMZ. TMZ has video of Daniele Watts

    And still no video of the palin family brawl?

  31. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Bill said, "If only all blacks could be clean, bright articulate and without negro dialect like the democrats keep noticing about obama."

    Mr Bill, that can happen if, and only if, the Republicans quit blocking a fair and equitable education system like the one Obama went through.

    Of course, I am sure people like you would not want that. Too many smart Negroes would soon overtake Whites like you. Isn't that 'why' slaves were not allowed to 'read'?

    If you're White, you have got to keep it White for the good of Whites, right? Isn't that how you keep your superiority?

    By denying Blacks an education? Isn't that why you stopped affirmative action?

    Just think. Affirmative Action only lasted 25-30 years and you Whites 'couldn't stand' it because you felt it was unfair and discriminatory.

    Yet, you had no problem keeping Blacks in slavery and under Jim Crow laws for centuries! THAT, you had no problem with whatsoever. No where in your White history did you say, "This affirmative action for Whites over the centuries is wrong." Nope, you didn't say a word.

    You folks are such insecure gutless weak hypocrites! And you wonder why the world does not particularly trust or like you?

    Come on, Bill...spell it with me: H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E-S....very good, there's hope for you still.:)

    1. Anonymous6:00 PM

      Yes and im sure the world LOVES blacks. /sarcasm off.

  32. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Brother Field, what's with the fighting over left over chicken with this couple? They make black folks look bad.

    It's a good thing that the good in our race overrides the bad:


  33. Remember "Romney in a landslide"? Let's not start measuring the drapes just yet.

  34. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Romney can easily win in 2016. In fact, I know he will carry a substantial AA vote. I myself will vote for him before I vote for Hillary. The Democrats need a much stronger 'trustworthy' candidate who has a 'positive' ambiance about her. She does not.

    However, if Elizabeth Warren runs, the Dems will handily win. She will easily sweep the popular vote. Americans love her and quite honestly are praying and hoping she runs.

    No one really cares about Hillary. She is 'there' because no one else is 'there'. Rest assured, someone will emerge and be 'there' and will be a solid competitor.

  35. Who is this anon claiming half of sistas in America have herpes? How many white girls have herpes?
    Field, what happened to upgrading your trolls?

    1. That herpes cohort were primarily inner city, uneducated, single women.

      Sample women in rural Iowa or West Virginia and you'll see a similar trend.

  36. Anonymous2:21 PM

    "Who is this anon claiming half of sistas in America have herpes? How many white girls have herpes?"

    Don't blame me. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) put that info out there about 5 years ago. Look it up, bro.

  37. Yeah, funny you couldn't provide the info. That's ok, I see you don't have any info on the number of white women with VD. Bet there's a lot.

  38. Anonymous4:33 PM

    I told you the source. You've heard of the CDC? Look it up yourself.

  39. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I told you the source. You've heard of the CDC? Look it up yourself.

    As if a governmental agency isn't capable of publishing misleading/ill-intended scientific studies. Pfft!

    Ever hear of the Tuskegee Experiment?

    Let me make this simple for you. If I sample 10 red neck meth heads looking for red neck meth heads, I will easily be able to demonstrate that red necks are meth heads 100% of the time.

    Got it?

  40. "Romney by a landslide" , I keep hearing that in my head.

  41. Why does this Anon @1:33 say "our race" when referring to me? Let's try this again:YOU ARE NOT BLACK!

  42. Bob Harley5:23 PM

    field negro said...

    "Grow up field."

    I think America has more growing up to do than I do.

    Somewhere in Jamaica, a village is missing its idiot.

  43. Anonymous5:25 PM

    field negro said...

    "Romney by a landslide" , I keep hearing that in my head.

    Nothing a walk down the beach with the fat man and a lot of voter fraud couldn't fix.

  44. Al Whore5:26 PM

    Yīshēng said...

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I told you the source. You've heard of the CDC? Look it up yourself.

    As if a governmental agency isn't capable of publishing misleading/ill-intended scientific studies. Pfft!

    Ever hear of Global Warming?

  45. Lilacpr5:43 PM

    So be it that in California you don't have to show ID.

    You also don't have to say 'thank you', 'you're welcome', 'excuse me',or any of those other niceties that grease the wheels of society and make it turn smoothly!

    In my opinion she should have just complied and finito, end of incident.

    But her actions imply that she was guilty as charged, so instead she went on the offensive in order to turn the tables on the officer. Slick is what that's called.

    They were watching her from the studio offices and they were prolly the ones that called them in!

    IMHO this has nothing to do either with race or profiling, but with indecent exposure and lewd behavior.I think they would have been called in no matter what their race or colors. IMHO anyway.

    Anyway, praying they weren't, I think that's a given :D

  46. Lilacpr5:53 PM

    As for the Ms.Washington Esq. and her friends,that WAS definitely a case of profiling.

    In my opinion that security officer did it with malicious intent in order to humiliate them as much as he could.

    If indeed there are hookers in that area, I'm positive he knows exactly who they are by now!

    Def she should take legal action because that kind of humiliation has to be compensated.

  47. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Segregation is the first answer. White and black people cannot live together. Black and black people cannot live together, but that is their problem. They don't want white cops policing them, so let them police themselves.
    They can stop relying on white people for everything and start relying on themselves. When someone gets shot in a cowardly drive by shooting, don't call the white police. Get your sticks out, start beating a hollow log, and call the black police.
    You have earned a reputation as being greedy, dangerous, easy to offend, welfare queens, liars, murders, rapists, thieves, etc etc. Then bitch about it when you're treated as such. Most white people are not as stupid as you would like. (I said most). You don't like your reputation, you fix it!

  48. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Young black males doing what they do best..


  49. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Brother Field, what if that lawyer did prostitution on the side to make ends meet? I mean, most lawyers are poor, and that's not counting the fact that most are dumb on top of it.

    Why in the world would she and her two friends be in the MEATPACKING DISTRICT? to have a few drinks? GTFOH...

    Brother Field, I pray THIS TIME the Blacks are innocent. But I wouldn't be surprised if that lawyer turns out to have been there before soliciting.

    As far as Daniele is concerned, she was dead wrong. That kind of behavior, i.e. fucking in public, is foul, rude and uncivilized. That sorry B should be fined thousands of dollars for harassing the police and fucking in public. They should lock her trashy boyfriend up where he belongs.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. Lilac7:24 PM

    Anonymous7:13 PM
    and that's not counting the fact that most are dumb on top of it.
    It's obvious you've never known any huh? :D

  51. @7:13
    Yaaaaaaaawwwwwnnnnnnn! And I thought this lecture on Navitoclax treatment for CLL was boring.

  52. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Anon wrote,
    I have a feeling that maintaining QLB'S remarks will come in useful...soon. We need to know who this hateful evil monger is
    Wow and considering that internet stalking is a federal and state crime. You might want to look these things up. Compilation of remarks works both ways keeping in the mind the number of kill YT statements that have been written here.. Meanwhile in Chicago, the 24th homicide of the month recorded.


  53. Anonymous7:54 PM

    "As if a governmental agency isn't capable of publishing misleading/ill-intended scientific studies. Pfft!

    Ever hear of the Tuskegee Experiment?

    Let me make this simple for you. If I sample 10 red neck meth heads looking for red neck meth heads, I will easily be able to demonstrate that red necks are meth heads 100% of the time."

    Hey, I was not the one who put that statistic out there. Don't get mad at me. Get mad at the CDC. They put it out there.

    I remember it was a big deal at the time. I remember The Root did an article on it and the comment section exploded.

    Some black women were incensed and ranted about how that stat could not possibly be true. Several blogs devoted to "black women's issues" questioned the figures. It continues to be controversial whenever the subject comes up.

  54. Anonymous8:19 PM

    They are dragging Danielle Watts ass on several black women's blogs: "Clutch" and "Beyond Black & White". She deserves it. Having sex in public and then playing the "race card" when the police were summoned asked to see her ID. She makes that much harder for blacks in general and black women in particular to be believed when they say they are being treated differently because of race and/or sex.

  55. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Wow and considering that internet stalking is a federal and state crime. You might want to look these things up. Compilation of remarks works both ways keeping in the mind the number of kill YT statements that have been written here.. Meanwhile in Chicago, the 24th homicide of the month recorded.


    7:47 PM
    The only 'stalker' on FN is YOU and your hateful racist comments.

  56. Anon@6:39, I pray that I am segregated from you. I am allergic to stupid people.

  57. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Stupid people!? Or allergic to the truth? Truth hurts FN, I know.

  58. I'm laughing so hard I almost cannot hear all of the fapping going on in the basements of that little collection of recast meatheads you've got collected here, Field. Reading your comments section is like wading into a cesspool of stupid. (Perhaps we should turn loose Wonkette's readers on these sad little wankers.) They're barely coherent babbling away about what? Anyway, it makes me laugh every time I drop by and bother to read the comments. I wonder why you allow "anonymous" comments or don't just block them, but you're one sly lawyer. You hold out the bait and these clowns prove you right EVERY single time. Racism chases you, my friend and this knot of self-satisfied Klan wannabes are parked here to prove it.
