Saturday, October 11, 2014


Please give me a caption for this picture.

Y'all have been great with these so far.


  1. No danger.

    Please excuse our hazmat suits.

  2. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Everybody relax! just fucking relax. You aren't dead yet.

    There is someone on this plane with ebola but we will find him. So, relax everything is under control.

    White folks occupy your minds by blogging on FIELD NEGRO.COM. It should keep your leftwing and rightwing white asses busy.

  3. Wesley R8:47 PM

    They are looking for Jamison Winston. They don't want him playing against Notre Dame next week.

    1. NCAA football thugs5:18 PM

      Oh Jameis? Hes probably out stealing some food or sexually assaulting some chick somewhere.

  4. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Notice to all of you headed for CA. The golden state will quarantine you for 21 days and then some, IF AND ONLY IF YOU ARE A DEMOCRAT.

    If it turns out that you have ebola, CA hospitals will do everything possible to save your life.

    However, IF you are a REPUBLICAN, you must remain on the plane for 21+ days and then some.

    If it turns out that you have ebola, the Gov himself will drench you in gasoline and strike a match to your ass.

    Our Governor does not play.

  5. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Take a look at what your police department has been spending its free-flowing never-ending money on.

  6. See, I told you we'd get through security in these.


  7. I'm from the government, and I'm here to help.

  8. I have one:

    Jet Blue flight attendants in action.

  9. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Posts like these are just not informative nor are they interesting. There is so much going on in our country and the world that we should give more attention to.

    We are living in dangerous times, esp Blacks in America. We must put unrelenting pressure on police for they are not protectors of Blacks,..they are executioners.

    Ebola has come to America and our CDC doesn't seem to be up to the task of saving lives, esp Blacks.

    The events of what happened to Duncan is quite disturbing but typical of how the medical profession cares for Blacks in general.

    What a waste of precious life.

    1. Stop the race baiting5:15 PM

      "What a waste of precious life"

      Why dont you feel the same way about all these young African males dying in the streets every day from killing each other?

      If the medical professions didn't care for blacks, than why do they get expensive surgeries to pull bullets out of young African males bodies after they get shot up in da hood?

      Wouldnt they just say "ahh fuck it" pull it out yourselves" and toss their bodies out by the dumpster?

  10. Your Government12:09 PM

    "Worrying about Ebola is racist. There is nothing to fear. Please remain seated with your seat belts fastened."

  11. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Profiling will not be tolerated in MY America.

  12. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Anon wrote,
    We are living in dangerous times, esp Blacks in America. We must put unrelenting pressure on police for they are not protectors of Blacks,..they are executioners.

    Ebola has come to America and our CDC doesn't seem to be up to the task of saving lives, esp Blacks.

    The events of what happened to Duncan is quite disturbing but typical of how the medical profession cares for Blacks in general.
    Typical Black delusion and BS. African Americans kill each other in droves compared to the popo. BTW the Chicago shit show box score is unofficially 3 dead and 13 wounded for the weekend.

    But lets look at the Ebola outbreak. What I do see is a lot of White faces in the medical community doing their thing but not many if any Blacks. In fact Blacks have attacked YT aid workers in Africa. Money says that the Dallas health care worker infected was White too. Typical and so utterly ungrateful for anything. Once again it's going to be YT to the rescue.


    1. Brotha from BK5:10 PM

      QLB preaches the truth as usual. Way to go QLB!

  13. "Don't worry folks, it's just the CDC testing your response to their latest line of fashionwear Hazmat suits for their upcoming Halloween extravaganza."

  14. Anonymous4:23 PM

    "Passengers, please remain in your seats. It has been reported that Wiz Khalifa has recently used the first-class restroom to join the Mile High club. Decontamination is in process."

  15. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Anon wrote,
    We are living in dangerous times, esp Blacks in America. We must put unrelenting pressure on police for they are not protectors of Blacks,..they are executioners.

    Ebola has come to America and our CDC doesn't seem to be up to the task of saving lives, esp Blacks.

    The events of what happened to Duncan is quite disturbing but typical of how the medical profession cares for Blacks in general.
    Typical Black delusion and BS. African Americans kill each other in droves compared to the popo. BTW the Chicago shit show box score is unofficially 3 dead and 13 wounded for the weekend.

    But lets look at the Ebola outbreak. What I do see is a lot of White faces in the medical community doing their thing but not many if any Blacks. In fact Blacks have attacked YT aid workers in Africa. Money says that the Dallas health care worker infected was White too. Typical and so utterly ungrateful for anything. Once again it's going to be YT to the rescue.


    2:10 PM
    Yeah, it's YT to the rescue just like YT rescued Blacks during the "Tuskegee Syphilis experiment.

    You low life evil shithead demons used lied to Blacks so you could test your deadly medicine on them for YT's benefit.

    Look at your racist history, you wretched bastard. Then you have the audacity to tell Blacks they are ungrateful and should trust you?

    You, like so many of you racists, people are the sickest of the sick. You are totally irredeemable. You have bought a one-way ticket to hell.

    And I say this as a wm, without reservation. All of the mishaps that happened to Duncan has the same pattern that happened to Blacks during the Tuskegee experiment.

    Of course, a died in the woods racist like you don't care about that and the impact it has had on Blacks for generations, all you can see is what's wrong with Blacks, you self-centered selfish piece of shit.

    Not only do you shame the white race, you shame humanity and spit on the Divine Creator of Life. You have got to be Satan's favorite.

    1. Dudes lying saying hes white5:09 PM

      You are not white. You never will be.

  16. Anonymous4:42 PM

    anon8:53p wins the caption. I'm still laughing. Californians are

  17. White male passerger: "Oh
    $hit, here comes the man in the blue hazmat uniform, I'm gonna die"!!!

    Black male passenger: "Whew, thank goodneess it's not the blue police uniform, I'm gonna live!!!"

    1. Ebola kills more than cops5:07 PM

      Black male passenger: "Whew, thank goodneess it's not the blue police uniform, I'm gonna live!!!"

      How ironic. Ebola kills more Africans than the men in blue do by a mile.

  18. Fly Ebola5:04 PM

    Caption: "Welcome to Ebola airlines. There will an optional beverage selection but a mandatory body temperature test".

  19. Kit, that was good. The anon that followed was good as well.

    Anon, I blog every day about the troubled times we live in.

    Can a brotha get a day off?

  20. Anonymous5:29 PM

    A really stupid anon wrote,
    Of course, a died in the woods racist like you don't care about that and the impact it has had on Blacks for generations, all you can see is what's wrong with Blacks, you self-centered selfish piece of shit
    Actually I think the term you're looking for is "dyed in the wool." Keep watching Al Sharpton and pretty soon you'll be as stupid as he is butchering the English language. Keep hope alive.


  21. Please remain seated while the infected passenger is removed, you will be conducted to quarantine by rows.... Please remain seated while the infected passenger is removed. You will be conducted to quarantine by rows...

  22. Please ladies and gents. No need to panic.

    The CDC is warning of a virus. It began to show up here in America in 2008.

    It's called Obola. It effects white liberals and 90% of the black population.

    Obola attacks the brains of white liberals and 90% of blacks.

    Symptoms are-

    1. A belief that Obama is the messiah.

    2. A belief that Obama is the greatest president everrrrrr.

    3. A belief that all of Obama's policies have been a success and the reason for poor and middle class suffering is Republicans.

    4. All criticism of Obama is racist.

    Unfortunately,there's no cure.

    People infected with Obola usually suffer a slow death by stupid.

  23. Anonymous6:45 PM

    You're cribbing your jokes from the incredibly unfunny Daily Caller, Kinky?

    I will go ahead and assume this means that humor-impaired comedian Dane Cook must be dead. Maybe that idiot who smashes watermelons for a living, too.

  24. Anonymous7:18 PM

    señor kinky @ 6:28 PM

    Laughing my a** off.

    Very good. Very, very good!

  25. Kinky, don't quit your day job. :(

  26. Anonymous8:57 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    A really stupid anon wrote,
    Of course, a died in the woods racist like you don't care about that and the impact it has had on Blacks for generations, all you can see is what's wrong with Blacks, you self-centered selfish piece of shit
    Actually I think the term you're looking for is "dyed in the wool." Keep watching Al Sharpton and pretty soon you'll be as stupid as he is butchering the English language. Keep hope alive.


    5:29 PM
    "dyed in the woods", "dyed in the wool"...whatever. You got the message you evil disrespecting piece of shit. I don't watch TV like you do in that cellar of yours. You are an MF, a ghostly draconian sick fuck. You aren't fit to breathe air or be part of the human race. You are a scumbag of the lowest order who seeks out weak poor vulnerable Blacks whose lives where cast down generations ago by white fucking genocidal fucks like you.

    I say this as a wm, the white race does not "want" you. You aren't White, you are an alien on earth to destroy humanity. May you rot in hell.

    Why Mr Field allows a racist degrading piece of shit like you to comment on FN yet others off like AB is beyond me. Be glad AB is gone. She would have walked up one side of your ignorant ass and down the other. You would have left FN a long time ago with her being here.

    My last comment to a shameful White like you: "Go fuck yourself."

  27. Anonymous9:23 PM

    You're not White, but you are stupid. Typical.


  28. Anonymous9:33 PM

    QLB, anon is still a lot smarter than you are.

    BTW, I AM White. As the anon said before: Whites don't want you.

  29. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Prove it.


  30. Limpbaugh1:36 PM

    Please remain calm. These suits are just a standard precaution.

  31. Anonymous8:22 PM

    "Prove it."

    Prove you have a college degree QLB. Can you do it?

  32. Oh lord QLB, the whites are kicking u out. You better hope u get picked up during the next race draft.
