Tuesday, October 07, 2014

No love in the "Heartland".

I  I don't want to upset you Negroes more than you already are, but there is yet another troubling story of color aroused police officers acting out their irrational fears of the black male here in America.

This one comes to us from Hammond, Indiana.

"A federal lawsuit accuses Hammond police of "malice" and "reckless indifference" when they smashed a car window and used a Taser on a passenger during a traffic stop last month.

But Hammond police, in a two-page rebuttal, said they resorted to force only after the passenger repeatedly refused to leave the car and kept reaching toward the back seat, prompting fears he may have had a weapon.
Neither the police statement nor the lawsuit say a gun was found in the car.

The incident happened around 3:30 p.m. on Sept. 24 when Lisa Mahone was pulled over as she drove with a friend, Jamal Jones, and her two children, 7 and 14, according to the lawsuit filed Monday in Indiana.

The officer told Mahone, 47, she was stopped for not wearing her seatbelt and asked for her driver's license. The officer also asked to see Jones' identification, according to both police and the lawsuit.

Mahone produced her license, but Jones told the officer he had been ticketed for not paying his insurance and did not have his license, the lawsuit states. 
Jones claims the officer drew his gun "for no reason" after Jones retrieved the ticket from his backpack and "offered the ticket to the officer."

But police say Jones refused to hand over the ticket. "(Jones) refused to lower the window more than a small amount, then told the officer that 'he was not going to do (the officer’s) job' and for him to get a piece of paper," police said in their statement. "The first officer then called for back-up after asking (Jones) several more times to provide his name."

As the back-up officer arrived, "the first officer saw the passenger inside the vehicle drop his left hand behind the center console. . .Fearing for officer safety, the first officer ordered the passenger to show his hands and then repeatedly asked him to exit the vehicle," according to the statement.

The lawsuit says Jones refused to leave the car "because he feared the officers would harm him."

Around this time, Mahone shifted the car into gear and began moving until officers warned her that a "stop strip" had been placed in front of her car and would puncture her tires.

Mahone told the officers they were on the way to Stroger Hospital in Chicago to visit her sick mother.  In a video recorded by Mahone's 14-year-old son, she can be heard calling the Hammond police department to explain the situation.

"Just give me a ticket for no seatbelt so I can go to the hospital because the doctor called me to tell me to come in because my mom is about to pass away," Mahone said as officers continued to ask Jones to get out of the car, according to the video.

One officer tells Jones if he does not step out of the car, they will "have to open the door for [him]." Jones nods and, after a few moments, one officer breaks the window with a club and uses a Taser on Jones, the video shows.' [More]

Someone just sent me a book that should be required reading for all of you Negroes here in America. It was written by an attorney from Georgia, and it is kind of a how to guide on navigating the criminal justice system and knowing "the rules".

The police in this particular incident say that the Negro didn't follow "the rules", but given their track record of late, can we really believe them?

"Police told Jones they had drawn their guns because they did not know who he was or what he would do.

'That’s why I have my windows up,' Jones told officers. 'I’m not no harm to you right now. I got my kids in the car and you’re drawing your weapon.'

Jones told WFLD that he was afraid to leave his frightened children in the car, and he was also afraid to get out because officers were acting so aggressively toward him.

He tried to give the ticket to police, but they refused to take them."

Honestly, the more I read this story is the more familiar it looks.

Finally, let's go out to the ball park, where those fun loving, apple pie eating Cardinal fans from Middle America, are letting their feelings known about protesters supporting that young dead Negro interrupting their pursuit of happiness.

"Ferguson protestors emerged at Busch Stadium last night after game three of the NLDS playoff game between the St. Louis Cardinals and the visiting Los Angeles Dodgers; and wow, did things get ugly real fast.

Argus Streaming News, which did an excellent job of posting real-time information during the August clashes with Ferguson police, posted a 25-minute video showing a small group of demonstrators chanting outside the ballpark Monday evening, with another group of white Cards fans chanting right back at them.

At the top of the video, an older gentleman looks directly at the camera and shouts about how if these (all-black) protestors had been working (at night?) “we wouldn’t have this problem!”

The crowd soon begins chanting “Let’s go Cardinals!” to drown out the protestors’ chant about “shutting the shit down” if they aren’t given justice for slain 18-year-old Michael Brown. That Cards chant quickly changed into “Let’s go Darren!” referring to Officer Darren Wilson, the Ferguson cop who killed the young man.

Things continue to get uglier as the video progresses.

One Cardinals fan calls a protestor a “crackhead,” while another fan presumably made eye contact with one protestor and began questioning his “tough guy” status, telling the unseen protestor that “if you ever saw me in the street, you’d look at the ground, that’s what you’d do.”

While one protestor waves an upside-down American flag (symbolic of “country in distress”), a blonde lady enters, telling the crowd: “We’re the ones who fuckin’ gave all y’all the freedoms that you have!” Another lady takes it upon herself to question the cameraman’s background, suggesting she doesn’t believe he’s an ex-Marine, while asking incoherent questions about his rank. All fun times.

Peppered throughout the rest of the video are “USA! USA!” chants from the Cards fans, along with one woman getting real clever and shouting at the protestors: “Africa! Africa!” There were also more calls for the protestors to get jobs, pick up their pants, and remove their caps. [Source]

Go Dodgers!



  1. Anonymous9:12 PM

    BTW, QLB was in the crowd yelling, "You Negroes go get a job or go back to Africa! You have ruined Detroit, Camden, Baltimore, Atlanta, Philadelphia, Trenton, Newark and Richmond...you are a bunch of incompetent racists."

  2. Anonymous9:19 PM

    I'm pretty skeptical of the usefulness of these protesters' tactics. They'd be better off meeting with conscientious white community leaders and attempting to develop some allies to support police reform.

    It's not as though there's an official policy of shooting black people without justification, and if only that were repealed, everything would be fine. Incidents like the one that resulted in Mike Brown's death are already not supposed to happen. It's going to require sustained pressure to improve training, discipline, and accountability in police forces. There is no quick fix.

    Just showing up and yelling at a bunch of randomly selected white people is unlikely to elicit a useful response from the non-racist white folks, but it definitely will bring out the knuckledragging bigots like the ones at this ballgame.

    The protestors' chant didn't help matters any, either:

    , What do we want? Darren Wilson
    How do we want him? Dead

    If this is the direction the Ferguson activists are headed in, I can predict some ugly violence to follow.

  3. Anonymous9:26 PM

    I can think of no worse place for Blacks to test the police than Indiana, esp Gary and Hammond, IN,

    What the hell were those folks thinking? Our peeps really need to understand the law and procedures....

    And it's not the way they think is should be but the 'way it actually is'. One would think we would know 'something' about the law after centuries in America.

    We damn sure KNOW what is going to happen if we antagonist white cops in INDIANA! Or anywhere in the Mid-West for that matter. They were some dumb-ass Negroes begging for trouble. What's more ignorant and "unloving" they had children with them.

  4. Anonymous9:33 PM

    It sure looks like we are headed for a race war soon. The hatred between some Whites and Blacks is so intense that I doubt it can be controlled in St Louis. There appears to be a violent raging fight on the horizon in Ferguson as well as St Louis.

    Who knows what that fight might trigger in other cities and towns across America?

    I wonder if Darren Wilson would handle Michael Brown differently if he had a second chance? Probably not. Racists don't change.

  5. While we're at the ballpark where those fun loving, apple pie eating,paid, astro-turfed sons and daughters of Obama were shouting-

    "Who do we want? Darren Wilson. How do we want him? DEAD"

    “USA… F*ck ‘em!… USA!… F*ck ‘em!”

    Of course field won't post the whole story...

    STL WON!!!!

  6. Anonymous9:44 PM

    In an interview with Leon Panetta it is quite obvious that Obama is very incompetent.


  7. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Sons and daughters of Obama? You certainly have some real classy racists on your site Field.
    My favorite is the white woman who says she "gave" us our freedom. Ha! That was probably QLB. Maybe she isn't as fat as I thought.

    1. Anonymous11:42 AM

      Umm..it was white people and a white president who fought for and ended slavery.

      I guess life as a savage with ebola or aids in africa is better than being a black in america ay!?

  8. Anonymous9:46 PM

    If you have such a low opinion
    of FN, why do you make it your business to comment on his site? Are you taking orders from your butt buddy QLB?

  9. teh stupid stupid9:48 PM

    Yeah Anonymous 9:45 PM, talk about classy racists.

  10. Anonymous9:56 PM

    PT 2: Leon Panetta is letting out the truth about Obama. It's not good:


  11. Anonymous10:03 PM

    I watched the video and I think this was a GREAT thing!

    Why? Because each side got to air their grievances. It's not good for them to keep their feelings bottled up inside and build up pressure to the point of exploding.

    It's good that the police were there and both sides got to yell and scream everything they think about each other at each other.

    If you notice, towards the end both sides kind of calm down and they seem to be looking at each other with a different look in their eyes.

    I think this will be happening more often, and I think as long as they do not come to fisticuffs, and the police is present, it will be a good thing. Eventually they may even come to see the good in each other. I pray so. It is a beautiful thing when minds meet!

    This,as bad as it looked, is the beginning of dialogue, it must happen in order for there to be healing and understanding. I have faith it will happen.

    These feelings on both sides cannot be swept under the rug. They have to e expressed,voiced, aired if you will.

    I saw it as very positive.

  12. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Lilac, we must have viewed different videos. There is a race war coming that is born out of hatred and evil.

  13. lol @ the comments. especially Lilac's. now THAT is positive thinking!


    no disrespect.

    i needed that laugh, too.

    on a more somber note:

    divide and conquer is working out just fine...

    which makes me sad.

    so i may just re-read Lilac's comment and Anon @ 10:11pm's polite, say what, now? response. lol!

  14. Anonymous10:20 PM

    anon9:44pm, 9:56pm, 9:59pm thanks for the videos with Panetta. I agree that Bill O'Reilly did a splendid job. We now know what was missing: Obama is smart but not a President. And it has cost our position in the world and has put the USA in danger with the growth of of a very dangerous enemy known as ISIL.

    I am reminded that our security has warned that the Islamic State will be attacking us on our soil. Much of the things that have happened in the world DID NOT HAVE TO HAPPEN. In fact, it probably wouldn't have happened if we had had a competent President.

    O'Reilly nailed it: "Obama just doesn't have it to be President."

    It hurts but it's true.

  15. Anonymous10:27 PM

    What side will Obama be on? Will Obama unleash ebola on us before the race war starts?

    It's depressing to be black. Damn depressing.

    Kinky was right. Now i know how the girl in the gangbang feels.

  16. Anonymous10:28 PM

    What's weird about this Panetta interview and his book is the timing almost exactly one month before the elections in November!

    It's as if Panetta himself planned it this way. So much for Liberals for Obama and Dems. They WANT Obama to fail miserably. Of Course, like a good Negro, Obama himself did their every bidding and threw his own people under the bus.

    There is going to be tremendous fallout from Panetta's book as well as O'Reilly's interview with Panetta. They all looked good except the bm called Obama.

    But what else is new?

  17. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Field, the photo of the white woman looks like an evil demon hissing.

    Satan is becoming bolder and bolder.

    1. Anonymous12:03 PM

      Yes because alot of the blacks that get arrested for murder and rape dont looke evil whatsoever in their mug shots right!? Get real...

  18. Anonymous10:56 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Lilac, we must have viewed different videos. There is a race war coming that is born out of hatred and evil.
    10:11 PM

    Only if all of the feelings on both sides are kept bottled up inside and not vented.

    Once they are expressed the pressure is released, at some point understanding begins.

    This is the problem, the races have
    not expressed to each other what and how they feel. They did that in that video.

    It's a beginning.and I'm sure both sides felt good about it afterwards. It's a beginning. I personally hope it happens more often!

  19. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Lilac, I am sure you KNOW what's happening and how to end over 400 years of racism in America. Thank you for the solution. It's so simple.

    No wonder PR is such a haven of equality! You are a people of such insight and wisdom.

    America would do well to listen to PR! God bless you.

  20. Anonymous11:06 PM

    Anon10:49pm, I agree. that blonde looks like Dracula's concubine hissing and threatening Blacks. Poor white trash drunk as a skunk.

  21. Anonymous11:14 PM

    "I think this will be happening more often, and I think as long as they do not come to fisticuffs, and the police is present, it will be a good thing. Eventually they may even come to see the good in each other. I pray so. It is a beautiful thing when minds meet!"

    I dunno. It seems quite likely to me that it WILL lead to violence.

    When Eric Holder said that America needed to have a conversation on race, I don't really think what he had in mind was a bunch of black people sounding like a lynch mob (and yes, I see the irony of that statement), and a bunch of white people yelling, "You're lazy, pull up your pants, you're lucky we give you rights, go back to Africa!"

  22. Oh please. You field negroes would run over 20 black women to get a smell of that white woman......

    So stop acting......

    "I don't want to upset you Negroes more than you already are,"

    Just stop field...

    The racial grievance industry makes its coin off of keeping negroes upset and in a state of racial paranoia.

  23. Anonymous11:42 PM

    Blogger señor kinky said...
    Oh please. You field negroes would run over 20 black women to get a smell of that white woman......

    So stop acting......

    Does your analogy apply to FN bw running over 20 bm to get a smell of one of those wm? i know lilac would.

  24. Anonymous12:09 AM


    Black people in America, especially the ghetto contingent, want to bear no responsibility or criticism for the violence and cost they create for the productive people in America. From birth, they have been raised to hate white people and blame their failures and shortcomings on a racist America. A racist America, mind you, that has for over 50 years supported the violent, non-producing, ghetto contingent with welfare money, food stamps, Section 8 housing, Affirmative Action, etc. While not accepting responsibility for the violence and expense they cause today, ghetto black America wants whites living today to accept responsibility for slavery

  25. Anonymous12:09 AM


    Black people in America, especially the ghetto contingent, want to bear no responsibility or criticism for the violence and cost they create for the productive people in America. From birth, they have been raised to hate white people and blame their failures and shortcomings on a racist America. A racist America, mind you, that has for over 50 years supported the violent, non-producing, ghetto contingent with welfare money, food stamps, Section 8 housing, Affirmative Action, etc. While not accepting responsibility for the violence and expense they cause today, ghetto black America wants whites living today to accept responsibility for slavery

  26. Damn Field, you're on top of shit. Mrs X and I just saw this on the news and I thought of sending you this story about Hammond but you already had it (let's be real i probably would have forgotten or just been to tired to send it). You really are the talking drum.

  27. Anon 11:42pm- rather than getting angry with BW, who are at least 40 years behind on the date out tip- what about you suck it up?

    OR bring it to the brothas that just.can't.wait to announce to the world how much better ww/strange women are than their own mothers,sisters and daughters even?

    notice that the MAN in KC won't allow him to silently allow that obvious nephilim ww caught on tape to be dissed. the MAN in him puts him on Protective mode.

    your answer is to throw your tribe women under the bus.

    BM...please...wake + MAN up.

    folk will emulate all things white but the Good.

  28. Anonymous1:34 AM

    That lawsuit against Hammond is going to get bounced.

    With all the media focus on unjustified shootings by cops, I can easily see how that dude might be afraid to get out of the car. Nonetheless, from a legal standpoint, that doesn't count for anything. Refusing to cooperate with officers during a traffic stop is still not an option. They had a right to bust into the car, tase him, and arrest him.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. What happened to my new buddy 'Hitler was a Socialist'? I asked him a couple of easy questions and he fucked off!

    Sheeeeshh, it's so difficult to make friends around here...

  31. To the person above who sent me the links from fox views, u lost me at hello. Sorry.

    Not sure if this lawsuit will be tossed. We will see.

    Could the police officers "reasonably" think that they were in danger? Looking at the video, I don't think so.

    But hey, there might be more of the video that I am not seeing.

  32. Anonymous6:50 AM

    "You have ruined Detroit, Camden, Baltimore, Atlanta, Philadelphia, Trenton, Newark and Richmond..."

    Is this not true?

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Quotes Kinky

    1. "Oh please. You field negroes would run over 20 black women to get a smell of that white woman......So stop acting......"

    2."The racial grievance industry makes its coin off of keeping negroes upset and in a state of racial paranoia."

    Ummmmmm Kinky, do you not see the essential dichotomy in the two things you are saying?

    Has it not occurred to you that your 1 might cause 2?

    Well of course it has, attempting to cause 2, is the only reason you come here. So perhaps you need to roll back the hypocrisy of your position - complaining about black grievance when causing black grievance is the only thing that gives your life meaning.


  35. “I didn’t have any specific information, but the fact was: when you bring grenade launchers to a demonstration, there’s something else going on. And I just, from the very beginning, sensed that this was an attack — this was a terrorist attack on our compound.”

    Old school democrats knew it was an attack.

    New school democrats believe it was because of a youtube video.

    My how democrats have lost touch with reality.


  36. Just 24 percent of Americans say they are extremely or quite confident in Obama's economic policies and goals, down from 33 percent when the question was last asked in June 2013


    24% approve

    Even democrats have lost confidence in obama.

  37. The black man with ebola just died field.

    Why didn't the Obama Administration give the black man the ebola drug?

    Oh that's right. Wasn't enough for the black man.....

    Purple cow, socialist math never adds up. Which is why it's failing in the majority of places it's tried in.

  38. Bill is a F'n retard12:24 PM

    "Just 24 percent of Americans say they are extremely or quite confident in Obama's economic policies and goals, down from 33 percent when the question was last asked in June 2013"

    Shocking, white folks don't want to give the Black man credit for reviving the economy and giving millions of them healthcare.

    “I think he really should go to the black base. I don’t think there’s any other place I would trust he wouldn’t create an adverse reaction rather than a positive reaction.”

    Even more shocking that he is still popular among Black folks.

    Your posters are so informative Field. Especially Captain Obvious.

  39. Bill is a F'n retard12:24 PM

    "Just 24 percent of Americans say they are extremely or quite confident in Obama's economic policies and goals, down from 33 percent when the question was last asked in June 2013"

    Shocking, white folks don't want to give the Black man credit for reviving the economy and giving millions of them healthcare.

    “I think he really should go to the black base. I don’t think there’s any other place I would trust he wouldn’t create an adverse reaction rather than a positive reaction.”

    Even more shocking that he is still popular among Black folks.

    Your posters are so informative Field. Especially Captain Obvious.

  40. Kinky is an idiot12:25 PM

    "Why didn't the Obama Administration give the black man the ebola drug?"

    Why don't they give you a brain?

  41. Field, I guess you know Thomas Duncan died. Any bet whether the shortage of vaccine will be mentioned in his connection? Not on the Mainstream News.

    The Daily Show last night featured an item about statistics on police shootings. Would you believe NO STATISTICS EXIST? No one keeps any, this in the most statistic-happy country on earth. Can't say whether the numbers are going up or down. But let me guess...
    Of course you Negroes are being more uppity than before, trying to act like full-fledged citizens whose police are public servants. Why should a passenger be asked for his ID? "No," would have been all the answer Jamal needed to give. Am I naive? No need to answer...

  42. Quote Kinky

    "Purple cow, socialist math never adds up. Which is why it's failing in the majority of places it's tried in."

    Come on little man, you are going to have to do a lot better than that if you are going to weasel out of this one.

  43. teh stupid stupid1:13 PM

    "The Daily Show last night featured an item about statistics on police shootings. Would you believe NO STATISTICS EXIST? "

    Oh the stupid is strong in the fields.

    No wonder blacks vote Democrat 90% of the time.

    They beleeverate anything democrats tell them.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. To Bill: "Romney by a landslide".

    Bill, O beating your boys twice will always hurt. No matter what kind of poll u throw out to ease the pain. :)


  45. field negro said...
    To Bill: "Romney by a landslide".

    I would ask you to link to me saying that except you and I both know you are lying.

    "Romney by a landslide".

    "You can keep your doctor."

    One said by a troll, one promised by the president to people needing healthcare.

    And FN ignores obama's lie and focuses on a troll's smack talk.

    Priorities FN.


  46. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Damn Fake Field Negro, my entire life I thought stinky Jamaicans were Negroes as well. You never cease to amaze me!

  47. Limpbaugh3:14 PM

    I guess we got a peek at the jury pool for a Darren Wilson trial.

  48. I feel ya Boz, when do passengers need to show drivers licenses? I knew what time it was when I got hauled off in cuffs for something I should have been given a simple warning or citation at best. Like our WW2 vets who fought for the country but had to watch German POWs et better treatment. Racism is a bitch.


  49. PilotX said...
    I knew what time it was when I got hauled off in cuffs for something I should have been given a simple warning or citation at best

    Is this the same story when your sister had to come save you from the police?

    The way you talk, I would have expected you to have had hundreds of such experiences with the cops.

  50. teh stupid4:20 PM

    "Oh the stupid is strong in the fields.

    No wonder blacks vote Democrat 90% of the time.

    They beleeverate anything democrats tell them."

    Oh no, the stupid is strong in the GOP. First, the statement the brotha made about the stats he saw on the Daily Show are either true or not. If they're not true prove it. What are the stats? If you can't provide such stats you are the stupid one. Secondly, I'm sure he doesn't believe everything he hears and no Black folk do. We don't vote Republican because it's the home of 100% of white racists like Kinky and QLB and it's also the party that thinks Sarah Palin would make a good VP. You really want sane people to join THAT party? Go find those stats or admit you are just a stupid troll.

  51. Bill is a F'n retard4:23 PM

    "The way you talk, I would have expected you to have had hundreds of such experiences with the cops."

    The way you talk I would have expected you to have smothered yourself drinking a glass of water.

  52. Anonymous4:24 PM

    "You can keep your doctor."

    I still have my doctor. How bout you Field.

  53. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Anonymous Limpbaugh said...
    I guess we got a peek at the jury pool for a Darren Wilson trial.

    3:14 PM
    What trial? There isn't going to be a trial. What you saw was some of the Grand Jury members who see Darren Wilson as having done the right thing.

  54. I still have a doctor as well.

    And, I might add, a damn good African American one.

    BTW Bill, I am glad u consider all those FOX VIEWS pundits trolls. They said those infamous words.

  55. "And, I might add, a damn good African American one."

    He must be giving you the same medicine they give white folks?

  56. Uh oh, according to Republicans ISIS fighters are crossing the US/Mexican border! We're doomed unless of course they are lying. They wouldn't lie would they?

  57. Since the government has no clue about who is/isn't crossing our borders-why is it a stretch to think terrorists have crossed into this country?

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. Field, I am just floored by the photo that accompanies this article. That bleached blonde chickenhead in the foreground, imo, is the embodiement of every white racist nutcase in America. Just look at her eyes, Field. Does that bytch look sane to you?

  60. @KC-

    how long before folk realize that the government is in on all of this?

    it is not accidental that the borders are not being enforced. north american union is on its way.

    even isil has the government's hand all over it. this is why folk will find pics of politicians sitting and chatting it up with these folk.

    the opposition is controlled.

    it is not a lack of clues...

    it is a lack of concern since they are compromised + controlled.

    the alphabet soup agencies are moving their families to "safe" places that most are not familiar with. just as most have no clue about the deep underground military bases + all the foreign troops that are already here.

    arrogant americans are in for a very rude awakening...

    the judgment is already lined up.

    martial law on a whim laws already in place.

    all hidden in plain sight right in our face.


    folk want to be distracted by...



  61. field negro said...
    BTW Bill, I am glad u consider all those FOX VIEWS pundits trolls. They said those infamous words.

    The pretty people on that morning variety show?
    Good catch there FN.
    Keep quoting entertainers.

    Maybe QLB can do a rosie o'donnel highlight post for you.

    Let me quote someone more important than fox news entertainers, the President of the United State...

    "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan."

    Maybe you got a hannity quote handy?

  62. Amen FP. We has a nation won't realize truths until it is to late to stop our masters.

    That's our MO. Always has, always will be.

  63. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Anonymous said...
    That lawsuit against Hammond is going to get bounced.
    1:34 AM

    I don't think so. The police had no legal basis for wanting them to get out of the car. It wasn't a drug stop or anything with a warrant or like.

    To me it seemed like an ego trip where the policeman wants the man to obey him by hook or by crook, in this case by busted window and tasering! It most def did not have to go that way. All he had to do was give her the no seat belt ticket and goodby.

    They just wanted to break chops, it's obvious. Disgusting really!

  64. Kinky is an idiot1:17 AM

    "Since the government has no clue about who is/isn't crossing our borders-why is it a stretch to think terrorists have crossed into this country?"

    Got any proof they have? If not then STFU! I don't have proof of big foot does that mean he exists? You are a dumbass Kinky!

  65. Anonymous1:30 AM

    Kinky is an idiot said...
    I don't have proof of big foot does that mean he exists? You are a dumbass Kinky!
    1:17 AM

    He might!

    Do you have any proof that he DOESN'T exist? :D

  66. Anonymous11:35 AM

    These protesters in St . Louis are nothing but URBAN TERRORISTS!! Just like the thug criminals that they protest for. Get rid of them all..by whatever means necessary.
