Saturday, November 29, 2014

Caption Saturday.

I need a caption for this pic.


  1. Anonymous9:29 PM

    There's my handsome chocolate bunny. Come here right now. I love you so much.

  2. Anonymous9:32 PM

    Black child thinks to himself:

    "Whoa, look at this marshmallow store."

  3. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Peace on earth, good will to all.


  4. Anonymous9:36 PM

    I will remember these days before we grow up and apart.

  5. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Hi, I am Kinky's daughter and I have jungle fever.

  6. PS: How that riot go for you kinky? Seems that the people really hurt were Black. All you're seeing now is the pouting.-QLB

    That's usually what happens when blacks act like petulant children.

    They throw temper-tampers, break their toys and cry because YT won't buy them new ones.

    Until blacks wake-up, get-up and leave the Democrat plantation, blacks will continue to get what they deserve.

    1. First off that's not what happened at all. That was pent up frustration over young blah men being killed under suspicious circumstances not about white people buying shit. Next no one is on any kind of plantation. The most successful sistas and brothas around are Dems. The way we vote hasn't stopped our success. By your logic poor southern whites should get off the Republican plantation to stop getting what they deserve.

  7. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Kinky, "Until blacks wake-up, get-up and leave the Democrat plantation, blacks will continue to get what they deserve."

    9:50 PM
    Kinky, with a little help from you and QLB, we can wake-up and leave the plantation. We just don't know how to do it because it's been so ingrained in us by White Dems and Blacks like Field, it's hard to get off the plantation alive.

    I mean, you saw what the Repubs prosecutor and police and national guard did to those poor Negroes in court and out of court in Ferguson.

    Man, that was too scary. I bet even Field did some sweating. What do you suggest we do?

  8. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Oh Lord, that white girl is coming for me. HELP!!

  9. Anonymous10:21 PM

    Did you just hear? Holder is going after Wilson!!!!!!

  10. Anonymous10:34 PM

    “I have a dream that one day little black boys and girls will be holding hands with little white boys and girls.”


  11. Anonymous10:47 PM

    The man next door brought me some plywood and put it over my damp carpet so my wheelchair can roll easily. He's a good boy and I don't know how to replay such kindness. Now I can roll to the bathroom without so much pain in my arms. There are still good people on this earth. It's good to be reminded of that.

    He told me the city might condemn my house because of the water damage, mold and roaches and not to call them. He will help me clean up some of the mess so I don't become home homeless.

    I'm a little nervous because I spoke someone at social service Friday. They are coming Monday to see the flood damage. I am so worried. I should never have called them. I know Mr.. Lilac was trying to help but I may have made a terrible mistake. If I lose my house, I don't know what I'll do. Please pray for me. Thank you.

  12. Yisheng10:54 PM

    Field FP is gonna get you for this post, LOL!!


  13. Anonymous11:24 PM

    Anonymous said...
    I will remember these days before we grow up and apart.
    9:36 PM

    Indeed. The unconditional love of children.

    They look into the soul and see the essence and joy of life.

    Then the grown ups come along and spoil everything!

  14. Anonymous11:33 PM

    " I know Mr.. Lilac was trying to help but I may have made a terrible mistake. If I lose my house, I don't know what I'll do. Please pray for me. Thank you."

    10:47 PM
    Let me tell you something about Lilac. She will mess up your life if you let her.

    I know of several guys who tried to cross the Atlantic to get PR to see her, maybe start a relationship, maybe even get married.

    Well, when one of them got there, she was no where to be found. She had moved, AGAIN.

    May I suggest you leave those PR women alone? They ain't nothing but trouble.

    As a matter of fact, stay away from all those folks from the islands, including Field. They are trouble I tell ya, pure trouble.

    They all have some kind of game they will pull on you. Take this blog for instance. Have you figured out what the game is? Ask Kinky, he'll tell ya.

    Oh I forgot to tell you about the second guy who tried to cross the ocean in his yacht. To make a long story short, the man drowned and Lilac didn't lose a minutes sleep.

    Wheelchair brother, leave that PR woman alone. You think you got water troubles in your home now? Well, you gonna have a lot more and it will be from PR!

  15. Anonymous12:06 AM

    @ Anon 11:33

    Not true, on second thought I told Antiquity not to call social services.

    And I waited, and waited for that Anon,never showed up!
    The first Anon you know darn well he met up with that Kennedy woman that newly separated from Ahnold dahlink. She was on the rebound and they partied their way to all the islands on their yachts, except not to this island!!! x(

    So any Anon that wants to come and visit is fine with me, but I think I've become like PR, everyone knows where it is, but nobody wants to go! xD

    Oh and Antiquity just rip that carpet up and throw it away! Carpet holds too much dust and allergens it will only do you arm. Just keep your wooden floors.

    and get an exterminator for Petes sake. For the roaches and that giant spider.

    Matter of fact, when social services show up, (if they ever do haha) Just casually open the garage door then step aside! Ahahahaaa!

    Let the spider do the exTerminating!


    1. PR, I believe trailers are made of metal so he doesn't have wooden floors.

  16. Anonymous2:32 AM

    Little white girl:

    "Do you want to play house? I'm going to be the mom, Connor will be the dad, Jenna and Logan will be the kids, and you can be our faithful manservant, Willie."

    Okay, that was wrong of me.

  17. Anon@9:3$, you so wrong for that, *still laughing*

    Some pretty good captions so far.

    Anon@10:47, are u seriously going through these problems? Let us know so that we can send u some donations. We are kind people here in the fields.

  18. White girl to white friend-You wanna see me make all these future black queens jealous? Make them turn into angry hateful women like dr. queen?

    White friend-Sure.

    White girl-Come here my pookie baby.

    Let me give you some suga.

    Black kid-Get away from me woman. You know how jealous these black chicks get. Don't kiss me, your breath smells like fruit loops.

    White girl-Mmmmmmm baby.

  19. Anonymous said...
    Hi, I am Kinky's daughter and I have jungle fever.

    9:37 PM


  20. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Regardless of how (THEY) fight it many WHITE parents are going to have BROWN grand-childrens. HELLO!

  21. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Anon9:48am, it's the Blacks who should be fighting it.

    But Blacks believe what WHITES believe: "White is better."

    Black self-hatred is an evil desperate monster that nobody wants to talk about.

  22. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Brother Field, any chance of making your photos a little larger for FN readers whose vision may be deteriorating? Seriously...thought I would ask. Thanks.

  23. Anonymous10:15 AM

    field negro said...
    Anon@10:47, are u seriously going through these problems? Let us know so that we can send u some donations. We are kind people here in the fields.
    7:23 AM

    Uh uh Field...right now and here I tell you, I am kind, I can give wonderful advice and all, but I have no money for donations, sorry.

    I can mail him some bananas or some coconuts maybe, but I have no money, no really, Lord knows I don't...but hey why doesn't he sell the giant spider? He can make thousands with that thing! He has to learn to use his creativity!

    Anyway I wish him luck!
    Oh, and yess, make those pictures big! Some of us are oldies here xD

  24. Anon@10:05, I apologize.I will work on that in the future. (Larger pics)

  25. Anonymous10:26 AM

    LILAC: "Uh uh Field...right now and here I tell you, I am kind, I can give wonderful advice and all, but I have no money for donations, sorry."

    Now this is the biggest lie ever told.

    FYI, Lilac has a booming thriving bakery.

    Kinky and Field know this is true. They have been stuffing their fat faces with cakes, cookies and pies from Lilac's bakery AT NO CHARGE!

  26. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Dear commenters,

    I strongly recommend that you do not invest too much energy in organizing a charity drive for Antique Anon.

    Your efforts will only go to waste as I am quite hungry and in the very near future, I plan on eating this elderly gentleman, his TV dinners, and his Talmud. Does red or white wine go with cranky old man?

    A Giant Spider

  27. Kkkuckoo, you're just angry that when you played those nasty games on the playground where you showed your genitals to stringy blonde Becky, she laughed her way over Jamal.

    That's why you ALWAYS support the murder of Black boys/men you think you're cutting out the competition. Problem is that Black is genitically dominant which means that Becky will ALWAYS options that don't require tweezers.

  28. Tal vez, mi isla princesa, plátanos, cocos se utilizarían mejor en un pastel o torta?

    En su famosa paradoja, la ecuación de dinero y excremento, el psicoanálisis se convierte en la primera ciencia declarar lo que el sentido común y los poetas han sabido por mucho tiempo - que la esencia del dinero está en su inutilidad absoluta.

      Norman O Marrón

  29. Damn dr. queen. You talk about white penis more than purple cow.

    Field, why are your field hands so sexually frustrated? Why do they desire white penis?

    No worries dr. queen. I'm sure there's a meth head out there that would give you some white penis-if you paid him a lot of money.

    1. Kkkuckoo, even Becky knows that if the subject is white penis, we're not talking about much.

      Besides I only need my tweezers for keeping my brows in shape.

      Notably the so called shortage of educated Black men haven't changed BW preferences for BM. Who really wants to risk being called the n-word by tweezer man?

  30. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Yīshēng said...

    Kkkuckoo, you're just angry that when you played those nasty games on the playground where you showed your genitals to stringy blonde Becky, she laughed her way over Jamal.

    That's why you ALWAYS support the murder of Black boys/men you think you're cutting out the competition. Problem is that Black is genitically dominant which means that Becky will ALWAYS options that don't require tweezers.

    Do you have any idea how much of low life hoodrat you are?

    Whales and Donkeys have big dicks too, if that is your only sense of pride, you must be one skanky slut.

  31. Anonymous11:35 AM

    You will never be a Doctor said..

    " Problem is that Black is genitically dominant "

    According to Darwin, that you liberals love. Black "is" not human, you are the missing link.

    Look at that sentence.

    Black is genitically dominant....yeah uhhhgggg now gimme some dick. You aren't a woman, you're a she-ape.

  32. Geez, I think tweezer assnon's LITTLE feelies are hurt.


  33. lilacpr11:45 AM

    Giant spider I think it best that you do eat him. Put him out of his misery. Prolly a cold beer would go better though. At least that's what I would drink :) Bon Apetit!

    Kinky ousted Esra hecho in filosofo! Bravo!

    Anon I only bake for friends so yes maybe I may have sent them a. Make or two, but that's it! And you're just jealous!

  34. Anonymous11:52 AM

    I meant a cake or two! :) I can't type from the tablet keypad, but I was resting my back, I'm packing. Packing is a PITA!

  35. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Yīshēng said...

    Geez, I think tweezer assnon's LITTLE feelies are hurt.


    Is that what you really think?

    Poor little she-boon. You're supposed to be a geneticist, yet you say things like "Blacks are Genitically (sic) dominant. Both content and presentation are quite comical.

    They don't make them any dumber than you, hoochie mama. And despite your never ending hunger for penis - you would be shocked to find that all those white boys who reject you, because you make them puke at the site of some greased up she-boon, cellulite fat assed sasquatch like you - with fake hair and nails and skin scars everywhere, probably could split you wider than you've ever been split before. But we just aren't into bestiality - she-boon.

    1. Poor little racists crack. Upset that you'll never out educate or out earn me. Actually I'll bet my kid's 4 year scholarship to study engineering is more money than you've made in the last 4 years living with your mammy. You're inferior to EVERYONE that posts here because only a coward stalks someone as you have for the past 5 or 6 years now, KNOWING that in that time you've become more deranged in your obsession of me and my family's success.

      You'll never be smart and college educated, earn an advanced degree, earn a six figure income, or live well in your ENTIRE life. Because life doesn't typically go well for pimple faced weirdos starved for sex with humans who live with their mammies.

      BTW, you forgot to add QLB to your post.

  36. What does dr. queen have against Becky? I remember when you two were friends. What changed, dr. queen?

    Oh wait, i know. Little Becky stole your good white man. The white man that was gonna be your ticket out of the ghetto and give you children with fine hair.

    Isn't it time to forgive little Becky?

    Forgive white men?

    Don't deny your desires. Stop sneaking around and watching Ghetto Gaggers.

    Be proud of who you are, dr. queen. Admit your love of white penis.

    1. Ghetto Gaggers? I knew your obsession with Black penis would show itself sooner or later.

      BTW I still think you're mad you couldn't "gag" a lizzard.


  37. señor kinky said...
    Damn dr. queen. You talk about white penis more than purple cow.

    I also noticed that.

    At least the Dr is a female.

    1. But Kkkuckoo is a little man. Hmmmmm.


    in the midst of all of this chaos...

    i see the decent, righteous folk stepping up. no color lines, just what is Good + Right. Love.

    if anything a Good caption for the pic= before the "education" kicks in:( hatred= learned, it is not something with which folk are born.

    the devils are busy as well in the midst of all this hell. all folk gotta do to know who's who = pay attention to the nonstop hatred + foolishness they spew.



    Blessings all!

  39. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Dear Ms. Lilac,

    I did not know you are a woman. I am so embarrassed. I am so sorry. Tomorrow, I will face people from the city. They want to see my house. I think I will be moving too.


  40. Is 'professor' who helped with Michael Brown autopsy who he says he is?

    When a legitimate forensic pathology expert won't testify the way you want, hire a fake.

    And thankfully for the democrat agenda, the media pushed the fake as an expert.


  41. Ferguson protestors have gained the lead in TIME’s Person of the Year poll, with seven days to go in the voting.

    18 businesses burned to the ground.

    Time's person of the year.

  42. Anonymous1:48 PM

    "18 businesses burned to the ground.

    Time's person of the year."

    Protestor ≠ Rioter

    If you don't agree with the protestors' agenda, that's one thing. But most of them had no part in the burning of buildings.

    Stop lying, Bill.

    1. Good point, a lot of the protesters are college students and people who want to bring light to the subject of racial inequality. Some people miss the point and focus on the few knuckleheads to justify their anti-blah racism. I applaud the protesters giving attention to a serious subject, maybe people will wake up and understand but some folks don't want to understand.

  43. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Dear Ms. Lilac,

    I did not know you are a woman. I am so embarrassed. I am so sorry.
    1:18 PM

    Oh no need, I understand,not to worry! :) Have you said hello to Mr.Giant Spider today?

    Aww, you really should go over, just crack the door open a smidge and say 'hi spidey' just by way of being kind to animals, which today is 'Be Kind to Animals Day' Did you know? Oh, and bring him a cold beer,who knows, he might be really thirsty...:)

  44. "The more I read, the more I am convinced that the function of the news media, the arts, education and entertainment is to deceive and make us stupid.

    While we are numbed and distracted, our leaders carry out their orders under occult discipline (or blackmail.) As human life becomes degraded, it seems less worth saving. The devil is afoot and all-powerful. As long as he uses deceit, good people seem helpless to resist.

    Three things give me hope. 1) The Constitution gives Americans the right to own guns. 2) The Internet. (Tyranny has never had to face instant communication.) 3) Our ingrained habit of freedom."


    the devil is NOT "all powerful"..

    his defeated behind has to go by the playbook, aka Scriptures/ Almighty's Word. THIS is why it is all lining up with what's written.

    the helplessness = learned. which is why time will never find me getting down with the message that one cannot expect more from the Blessed Black man. can't expect a return to his Good sense if you will. those that are materialistic, dumb'd down + twisted can't hear my message, 'cause they are not on my level. but we already covered that here before...

    folk can simply exercise their free will + refuse to fall in line with the non stop demonic agenda.

    i took note of all that babylon sign throwing- brand new + repackaged to represent a school, when BO spoke at UC graduation.

    IF folk watched the signs it would be hard to miss all the blatant devilry on front street. it would immediately register as a foolish waste of time to bicker over color, political party lines + penis size. as if there isn't little and big in all colors. + who cares, really?

    may i NEVER become so "educated" that such utter foolishness seems like Good sense + something to go on and on about in public. seriously...




    folk best be glad getting de- Black'd = not permissible for Real. we have no choice but to keep the shameful Black dum dums;(

    folk may want to read the article. i don't agree with Mr. Phd Makow on a few things, but he knocked the ball out of the park on this one. it seems like a continuation of this post:

    credentialed + un credentialed...

    righteous souls trying to let folk know.

    it no longer even phases me when sleeping folk treat it all like a "conspiracy theory" or joke.

    what these souls can NOT say is that no one ever told 'em or they did not know.

    Blessings all!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. FP you're not intelligent enough to bicker over politics, you're bitter about how "yo' Black man dun did you wrong" to discuss penis size, and your self-hatred won't allow you to discuss color because you resent yours (dem' high yella gals stole yo' man. Again).Yet you side with Kkkuckoo who hates your nappy headed BLACK ass?

      So really what other that biblical plagiarism do you have to offer a site like FN other than links to your own blabbering web site???

  45. Hey Phil! Glad to see you made it back from St. Louis safely!

  46. Yisheng-

    you DON'T know me. keep that in mind as you foolishly speak.

    i am too aware to bicker over politics. precisely NONE of it= organic.

    i side with Truth and it doesn't matter who speaks it. when folk come out of left field, i address that as well. pay attention + catch up.

    ps. you seems to hate "nappy" more than any White person that posts here. but we ALREADY covered THAT, too. project your "self hatred" accusations elsewhere. maybe in the mirror?


    if i were you, i would speak with my husband 'bout scheduling a few more marriage maintenance visits. your public obsession with penis + foul disposition = you might could benefit.

    no shade...

    just a suggestion shared in Love.


    that's all the attention i got for you today. so do you, boo boo. keep my name in your mouth while hollering 'bout stalking. lol.

  47. correction:

    ps. you seem...

    forgive any other typos:)

  48. Actually a self hating, man hating coon can't hide from ANYONE. I know your type VERY well, the dark skinned sista' with the nappy fro hatin' on ALL Black women lighter than them. Add your lack of education beyond high school and your ENTIRE ignorant profile makes sense.
    But it's your decision to side with Kkkuckoo when he speaks ill of me and find humor in the bull$hit he writes on this BLACK blog, that makes you a permanent member of the Coon Club, with your chicken $hit negro card forever in tack.

    You have NO IDEA how IitI feels when the folks I'm in school with realize that I'm the one that jacked up the curve for the rest of the class, the sista' with the natural hair usually braided with MY hair, setting the standard for almost every class I take. And I when present my research, wearing braids or natural twists thank you very much, I represent myself AND my people in ways you could NEVER imagine or even hope for because NO ONE is checking for a insecure and uneducated sista'. So instead of supporting someone who looks like you and is majing strides so that less of US suffer needlessly from cancer, you go the 'ignant coon route. Yet you wonder who are the mothers of people like Micheal Brown? Women like YOU are, that's who.

    Class dismissed!

  49. Funny, I didn't read where Bill was up in arms about all those Cliven Bundy protestors who brandished automatic weapons at the police in Nevada.

    Double standard? Hmmmmm.

  50. Dr. Queen, you still haven't told us why you hate little Becky. Or why you are so obsessed with white penis.

    Keeping all that hate pinned up can't be good for your soul.

  51. lol @ Yisheng.

    po thing...

    please know that suggesting more BM take care of their children = Righteous.

    either that or quiet down when the military po po comes through blasting on folk that did not get the how to protect their lives memo. which even stay way off base Yisheng must concede is best taught by BM.

    notice the menfolk here went on and on 'bout what their daddies taught 'em?

    so CLEARLY the problem/beef= personal.

    Yisheng's personal business.


    the rest of the has-nothing- to- do-with-me foamy mouth hissy fit you just threw...

    i won't stain my soul reading it.

    but what i will do=

    pray for you.

    i control me. not you.


    ps. notice FN = quiet as a church mouse when menfolk bring it to you.

    yet, he eggs you on in your foamy mouth foolishness.

    BM mules deserve to be used.

  52. "insecure and uneducated"

    Usually are the ones who feel the need to come to the comment section of a blog and talk about how great thou are.

    "insecure and uneducated"

    Speaks of those who use vulgar terms and insults in place of logic and reasonable debate.

    "insecure and uneducated"

    Speaks of you, dr. queen.

  53. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Yingyand wrote,
    You have NO IDEA how IitI feels when the folks I'm in school with realize that I'm the one that jacked up the curve for the rest of the class, the sista' with the natural hair usually braided with MY hair, setting the standard for almost every class I take.
    We have only your word for it. It's like that tutoring job at $100 an hour or that make believe medical degree or the equally make believe PhD or the fantasy league business or the mentoring delusion that you have claimed but can offer no proof thereof. You're not only a fraud but a huge fraud.


  54. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Dear Mr Field, over the years I have noticed that you shun everybody else in order to support dr queen, pc and Pilotx.

    Why? Surely you are a rational logically thinking man. Why encourage stupid shit?

  55. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Field wrote,
    Get em, Doc. :)
    You usually have to earn the degree before you can use the title Field. Of course in HBCU's, the standards are probably somewhat different.
    She's offered little evidence that she's nothing more than a middle aged perpetual student at very best. She probably just feeds the lab rats.


    1. Do you have a college degree QLB?

  56. @KC-

    all that obvious will go Right over her head.

    + i will be a "race traitor" since Truth takes greater position in my flow than melanin levels.


    it is a pure sad comedy of sorts.

    when i bring it to you, to your credit, you don't come all undone. maybe folk could take some notes? then adjust their flow?

    or at the very least let folk forget they are Black. we got enough whack to mitigate as it is. humanity does in fact. but White whack doesn't get charged to my BW tab- except folk trying to give US KK. lol. i gave her back + pray for her whole house on all sides.


  57. Why does dr. queen feel so threaten by FP?

    Is it because FP is smarter? Because FP can articulate and debate without insulting anyone or talking about penis?

  58. Anonymous6:07 PM

    FP, "mmediately register as a foolish waste of time to bicker over color, political party lines + penis size. as if there isn't little and big in all colors. + who cares, really?

    may i NEVER become so "educated" that such utter foolishness seems like Good sense + something to go on and on about in public. seriously.."

    FP, I thank you for telling it like it is. This blog needs some sense of direction toward the Truth. Unfortunately it's crawling with liars and deniers of Truth.

    Everyone knows from the past that Yisheng, aka dr Queen and a bunch of other fraudulent psychopathic names, is a big liar so much that she makes Pinocchio look like a truth-sayer.

    The thing about penises is so true. There is no difference in size of penises by race. That is a dumb myth that low-self-esteemed, sexually deprived AAs who feel powerless in a country where they are considered less than Whites.

    Yisheng hates being Black but can't change so she deals with myths and other bullshit that does nothing but prove that white racists are right in their judgment about Blacks.

    Yisheng is an idiot and so is Field for edging her on with shit. You see, Field is NOT a champion for AA cause in America. He could care less. The same goes for Lilac.

    I swear. These days you don't know who is who and who to trust....

  59. Anonymous6:12 PM

    "She's offered little evidence that she's nothing more than a middle aged perpetual student at very best. She probably just feeds the lab rats."


    6:00 PM
    Let's be clear and honest. It is clear that Yisheng has no degree. I doubt if she finished hs IN DC, which an idiot could graduate.

    Secondly, she's not smart enough to feed rats.

  60. Anonymous6:13 PM

    focusedpurpose said...

    + penis size. as if there isn't little and big in all colors. + who cares, really?

    may i NEVER become so "educated" that such utter foolishness seems like Good sense + something to go on and on about in public. seriously...

    Blessings all!

    2:59 PM

    FP Why are you always defending kinky? What do you care! You negress you!

    Why butt in on a convo that had nothing to do with you? What do you care if someone is talking bout the size of his penis? hmmmmm? You do like white men! You fraudulent coon!!!

  61. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Yisheng @ 6:13pm. You are showing that you have lost the battle with FP. Everyone knows its you....IDIOT!!

  62. FP, haters gotta hate. Don't let dr. queen get to you.


  63. field negro said...
    Funny, I didn't read where Bill was up in arms about all those Cliven Bundy protestors who brandished automatic weapons at the police in Nevada.

    Double standard? Hmmmmm.

    Did you confuse me with someone else?
    Can you link to where I complained about blacks brandishing guns, giving you hope to call me out on my double standards/hypocrisy?

    Double standards?
    Quite the opposite, unlike you, I posted this months ago

    A new group calling itself the Huey P. Newton Gun Club launched armed self-defense patrols Wednesday with one stated purpose: to protect Dallas neighbors from police.

    Sorry FN, no double standard here.

    Better luck next time. :)

  64. Anon 6:07pm-

    ALL praises due to Yah. the mistakes are mine to claim.

    you say one doesn't know who is who...

    i am learning daily that one shall know them by their spiritual fruit= Truth.

    you seem pretty clear.

    the nonstop perpetuating of racist lies aka myths and stereotypes while crying about racism= exercise in double mindedness.

    Black Americans would do well to know that our cousins from elsewhere are Real clear 'bout who we are to them. Black Americans would do well to know that Black skin does not necessarily = friend.

    this is why i don't get caught up on melanin levels. the Black devils do.the.most.harm.

    it is by the Spirit that folk will know friends. and they come in all shades + hues.

    so all the Black vs White. Left vs Right = devil's play.

    all day.


    i would hate me, too, if i did not Understand that it is written...



    KJV 1 Corinthians 27- But Almighty hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and Almighty hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;


    so it is actually the Yah in me that Yisheng's green eyed devil hates.

    she will be ok.

    'cause i will pray for her...

    + the prayers of the righteous availeth much.


    Much Love + Blessings all!.

    that's to FN + Yisheng, too. ain't nothing they can do about it:)

  65. You KNOW how we do, Field!! ;)

  66. The irony is thick. QLB of all people is questioning Queen's educational credentials? Really? Ok let's look at the facts, the Queen, like myself, got her undergraduate degree from a distinguished private Jesuit institution and is now persuing a doctorate in medicine while our buddy QLB refuses to even respond when questioned about whether or not she has a college degree. We all know "professional students" and we should applaud them for their dedication and committment. I have a friend who finished a doctorate in engineering after decades but hey gotta give her props.
    So for the record QLB, what do you do for living? Do you have a college degree?

  67. Ha! Hey Field, if you want to talk double standards just think about if the brothas in that Huey Newton gun club even THOUGHT about pointing a weapon at a cop like the fools out in Nevada did. That wouldn't end well. Not one white guy who had a rifle pointed at a cop in Nevada even got a slap on the wrist but an unarmed blah teenager is gunned down. Gotta love double standards right?

  68. Kkkuckoo, Black people have been brilliant since the
    beginning of time, I'm simply following in the footsteps of my brilliant ancestors.

  69. Anonymous6:39 PM

    FP, "Black Americans would do well to know that our cousins from elsewhere are Real clear 'bout who we are to them. Black Americans would do well to know that Black skin does not necessarily = friend.

    this is why i don't get caught up on melanin levels. the Black devils do.the.most.harm.

    it is by the Spirit that folk will know friends. and they come in all shades + hues.

    so all the Black vs White. Left vs Right = devil's play."

    I am beginning to see this. How could I have been so blind?

    My experience of being hurt the most has been from fellow Blacks. It makes complete sense now.

    Unity? Forget it.

    True unity and trust is with God.

    "You forgive and love humans, but you TRUST GOD."--Mother Teresa

    Well, I think she's saying you can't trust humans because of who they are. But you can certainly trust God for who HE is.

  70. Anon 6:13 PM-

    BW are hyper sexualized as a result of the racist hatred directed at US.


    with a different filter, revisit the nonstop penis rants by our resident uber educated + won't stop talking 'bout it being...

    then go sit down somewhere until you catch up.

    okey dokey?

    and yes, i do Love some WM, because they have shown me Love. i got Love for those that Love me + those who don't, 'cause that is what i am called to do.

    i will not.ever. divide along color lines in this humanity project. especially not while Blk folk = hot, following everyone but Yah mess. see the regulars here that will pretend how He/His Word= joke? i wish i would try to overlook that to fixate on folks' color...

    try never.

    it was at this blog that folk were beaming with pride at how safe WW are in close proximity to some BM. when i posed the question of where BW were the safest? folk couldn't respond.

    most violent crime is intraracial = hint.

    figure out the answer then add some shut up with your sit down somewhere. with all due respect.

    you are welcome for that much needed clue.

    ps. ANY married lady talking 'bout penis nonstop in public = letting folk know what she is missing. THIS is why i suggested she get with hubby on increased maintenance visits.

    who can blame him if the thrill is gone? NO.DOUBT she shouts at home 'bout all her degrees.


    so rather than spending time on this blog...folk need to go get that together. 'cause if he ain't giving it to you, it is going elsewhere.

    when you find she is super pale don't be surprised as hail either.



    sortta. lol.

  71. Anonymous6:39 PM

    What BS. I've no claims whatsoever, but the obvious should be readily apparent. Lets look at a portion of the above statement.
    PIlot X freeing slaves. ( probably another persona of Yingyang wrote
    Ok let's look at the facts, the Queen, like myself, got her undergraduate degree from a distinguished private Jesuit institution and is now persuing a doctorate in medicine

    Really? We have no proof whatsoever. You can claim anything you want. But lets look at the BS. To pursue a doctorate in medicine you have to be in medical school and there's no indication that she's currently a student. None. She knows nothing about the process thereof. Even her claims of tutoring medical students at $100 an hour is totally fraudulent. I really wouldn't worry about me.


  72. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Blogger PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
    Ha! Hey Field, if you want to talk double standards just think about if the brothas in that Huey Newton gun club even THOUGHT about pointing a weapon at a cop like the fools out in Nevada did. That wouldn't end well. Not one white guy who had a rifle pointed at a cop in Nevada even got a slap on the wrist but an unarmed blah teenager is gunned down. Gotta love double standards right?

    6:35 PM

    PX, if you are White in America, you can do things a Black cannot do. You ought to be old enough to know that by now.

    There is no double standard, it's just the way things are in America.

    Nothing has changed. Wake up to the truth, man. Live according to the rules. It could save your life.

    1. By definition that is what's called a double standard.


  73. "Unity? Forget it."


    won't forget it.

    just won't try to make it over something as inconsequential as color/hue.

    try the spirit by the spirit = serious business. when Black folk do this...

    the game will change.

    not a moment sooner.

    Much Love!

  74. Do you have a college degree QLB? Simple question.


  75. PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
    Not one white guy who had a rifle pointed at a cop in Nevada even got a slap on the wrist but an unarmed blah teenager is gunned down.

    That is hard to explain, except the unarmed teenager attacked a cop sitting in his patrol vehicle.

    Since it was the federal government, I'm sure there was a political advantage for Obama to not do anything against the white guys.

  76. "Yīshēng said...

    You KNOW how we do, Field!! ;)

    6:27 PM"


    who is "we"?...

    folk call it demon possession or d.i.d.

    either way, you might want to get that checked, sis.

    just sayin'..

    Much Love.

  77. Anonymous6:53 PM

    FP-"so rather than spending time on this blog...folk need to go get that together. 'cause if he ain't giving it to you, it is going elsewhere."


    That was a hard blow to the gut...did God tell you to give a body punch?

    I thought spiritual people 'turned the other cheek' to folks like Yisheng?

    But it is clear you have skills in ducking and counter-punching.

  78. Pilot X-

    you just shed some light...

    do you know who the Jesuits are in the grand scheme of things?

    probably not.

    this could explain some things. lol.

    thank you.

    1. Actually no, I don't know who the Jesuits are in the grand scheme of things. I just went to a pretty good school to get a degree. If you could hip me I'd be cool with that.

  79. Anon 6:53 PM-

    i AM turning the other cheek.

    as best i can.

    did you see how she + the rest of whoever comprises "we"...

    came at me?

    i only saw a bit of it. 'cause i recognize my limitation. i would still be mopping the FN comment section with her otherwise. lol.

    guess you would need to have known me before Yah showed me who He is to appreciate the growth:)

    + i told folk i was Hebrew already. there is much leavening in the bread/His Word. those that seek to come through slapping the ish out of folk = banking on the fact that the "religious" will bow down beaten + controlled.


    that comment was written in full restraint, meekness + Love.

    Believe what you choose.

    free will.

    already told folk i ain't all that religious, nor am i a soft target. homegirl needs to go hop in her lane + stay there 'til i call her name.


    it is my name that stays in her mouth.

    what's up with THAT?

    i pray she works that on out...

    for Real.

  80. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Ms lilac, formerly Mr. Lilac is a fine lady. She helped be though the trauma of my house flooding on Thansgiving. I want all of you to remember that. So, please stop insulting this fine young lady. let her goodness be an example to all of use.

  81. Anonymous7:15 PM

    My vacuum cleaner is clogged with roaches. It won't work. I don't think the water helped either. I'll never get ready for the inspectors coming tomorrow. I at least wanted to get rid of the dear roaches. I just know my home will be condemned. I'm 87 and have no place to go. I'm finished! I'm finished!

  82. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Dear Ms lilac,

    The courage to face that spider, I do not have. The last time I looked, he was weaving a me sized web.

  83. Anonymous7:46 PM

    FP, "i only saw a bit of it. 'cause i recognize my limitation. i would still be mopping the FN comment section with her otherwise. lol.

    guess you would need to have known me before Yah showed me who He is to appreciate the growth:)"

    ROFL! You are funny and a beautiful sister.

    Much Love to you. I see Yah choses carefully that there are no wimps in HIS army.

  84. @7:46pm- ALL praises due to Almighty!;)

    yes, His + the devils coming through are bold as lions...

    as it is written.

    Much Love + big cyber hug!

  85. "Where's your daddy? OMG, I'm soooo sorry!"

  86. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Blogger Josh said...
    "Where's your daddy? OMG, I'm soooo sorry!"

    7:59 PM

    he's in bed with your mother and sister...OMG, I'm soooo sorry!

  87. the purpose of the jesuits was military not education.

    though i suppose it is a smart move to get folks' mentals under control then less military might = necessary. making it easier for these mercenaries to fit into the rest of society.

    and the jesuits DO believe the end justifies the means. so time typically finds them doing the most devilish things...

    "Using their unheralded powers, the Jesuits established a counter education movement to the Protestants, using their priceless access to the secret Vatican archives, the Jesuits dedicated themselves to manipulating every major stream of science and philosophy against the Protestant intellectuals, including subverting their secret societies.

    The recruitment and promotion of Education had a secondary benefit for the Jesuits in that it ensured higher calibre recruits and made their services more attractive across the Catholic world. The Jesuits quickly became known as the Order dedicated to education excellence in Catholic countries, a perverse notion considering their original purpose for existence and structure was military."

    as a place to start looking for additional information:

    it was a jesuit priest that told me as calm as you please that catholicism was not christianity. seems most did not get that memo. those in the know...


    they don't broadcast it though.

    there is a bit of cluelessness here that is awe inducing to me. if folk have been on the receiving end of jesuit splicing + dicing of Knowledge...

    that 'splains a lot.

    thank you for the clarification.

    if folk could cut out the Black vs. White for a second, more Understanding could be had over here. when i visit i am Real clear on why despite more degrees than ever, there is no change in the condition of Black folk...



    it should be noted that folk can sit in the same integrated class and some are being trained to be the bosses, while others are being trained to be employed.

    no disrespect to you, Pilot X. to your credit, you tend to stay in your lane. i appreciate this...

    Blessings to you in Abundance.

  88. Good looking. The Jesuits were well known for "converting" people whever they went. We had a statue of an Indigenous person genuflecting to a Jesuit priest. I found it offensive but they tended to get converts by coercion or force. To me all religions/religious beliefs are manipulative, some more than others. Thanks for the clarification.

  89. Silly FP devoid of anyting resembling a spiritual, God like woman.

  90. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Wow, a real live monkey to play with.

  91. @ anonymous

    How many of you "anonymous" trolls actually end up ever being good trolls? I see y'all all over the place, attempting like hell to troll people, but even the barely literate on this blog manage to plow through your troll asses like loose snow on a hot road.

    It has to be emasculating, one would think, to hide behind anonymous yet still be so weak at trolling. Like those idiots who wear the Anonymous mask just to use a webcam. WTF is the point? They're not out there in the streets doing anything that would require a mask; they're sitting in their bedrooms yet still scared shitless of revealing their identities. So, so weak.
