Saturday, December 06, 2014


Republican supporters, including John Eads, centre, cheer as a television broadcast declares the Republicans had taken control of the Senate at the Colorado Republican party's election night event at the Denver Tech Center Hyatt, in Denver, Colorado, on November 4


  1. The GOP reacts to the "Name everything after Reagan Act", the first law passed by the new majorities in both houses and quickly vetoed by the prez.

  2. GIVE THEM (White cops) FREE!!!

  3. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Don't ever forget that we are the Chosen Ones!

  4. "The GOP reacts to the "Name everything after Reagan Act", the first law passed by the new majorities in both houses and quickly vetoed by the prez."

    We know this is true because the look on the brotha's face says "are you f'ing kidding me"?

  5. Liberal white speaker- By voting for obama, you will receive absolution and be freed of your white guilt.

    White people scream "praise obama!!"

    " obama is jesus!!!!!"

    "we're free to be white!!!!"

  6. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Grand Jury decision in NYC was just as we expected. Let's celebrate.

  7. Where is this pic from?

    I haven't seen this many white people together since the last Netroots convention.

    Wait... Is this Obama's re-election team?

  8. Well it can't be a gop event because I count at least two people of color.

  9. "The early reports show Romney in a landslide"!

  10. Anonymous9:37 PM

    "Don't believe the lies"

    "If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep your healthcare plan. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor"

  11. Anonymous9:38 PM

    "What wave election?"

  12. Anonymous9:41 PM

    "Well it can't be a gop event because I count at least two people of color."

    It is a GOP event, but I see zero people of color (as expected). You must be better at Where's Waldo than I am.

  13. Anonymous9:42 PM

    "Where is this pic from?

    I haven't seen this many white people together since the last Netroots convention."

    Please, when was the last Netroots convention you attended, Kinky? Wouldn't you burst into flames the instant you walked through the door?

  14. Rick Santorum: "let's give it up for the blah guy in the audience, first one ever here at the GOP convention. Just to be clear I won't be doing anything to make his life easier".

  15. Anonymous10:16 PM

    "All race-based special protections under the law and government benefits are repealed, and all property rights including restrictive covenants are reinstated. Public schools will serve the communities that fund them. The despotic reign of Black Run America is over."

  16. Anonymous10:27 PM

    It's official. Rick Santorium's name of Blacks is now blah. This has been sanctioned by a black guy by the name of PX who hated the word Black anyway. He likes being called "blah"....(roar from GOP).

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Hasn't been a good week for the left.

    Republicans are on the verge of having the largest majority in the house they've has since 1929.

    Hillary Clinton continues to talk her way out of the presidency.

    The New Republic continues to embarrass the hell out of it self.

    The Rolling Stone continues to show why the liberal media shouldn't be trusted.

    Lena Dunham's raped by a Republican story is falling apart.

    Senator Mary Landrieu loses by 13 points.

    And obama has acid reflux.

    Can it get any worse for the left?

  19. Bradley11:35 PM

    What did Obama ever do to you personally?

    GO HAWKS!!!


  20. Kinky no más said...

    Where is this pic from?

    I haven't seen this many white people together since the last Netroots convention.

    Wait... Is this Obama's re-election team?

    I posted links to both of those white events you talked about.


  21. U.S. Birthrate Declines for Sixth Consecutive Year; Economy Could Be Factor

    6th consecutive year?


    What happened 6 years ago??


  22. Kinky no más said...
    Can it get any worse for the left?

    Lets not forget Chris Christie was found to have nothing to do with inconveniencing drivers by blocking the freeway.

    Although, the people whining about Khristi Kreme blocking traffic never worried about the same drivers being inconvenienced by the Michael Brown protestors blocking them.

  23. Staten Island police react to grand jury news

  24. Bradley3:17 AM

    Who is truly the hypocrite: the person who talks about race or the person who doesnt?

    GO HAWKS!!!

  25. WC, that was a good one.

    Bill and Kinky, this was a bad week for dems.
    But i am thinking that 2016 will be a bad year for wing-nuts.

    1. Exactly Field, this cycle happens over and over. In off year elections turnout is low so the Gop does well but we all know what comes next, they will overreach and in 2016 the dems will have a good year and the cycle will repeat. Conservatives don't know history.

  26. Berkeley '749:08 AM

    Segregation now, segregation forever!

  27. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Welfare has never failed to pay promised benefits, and Blacks will fight to make sure that Whites, through high unemployment rates, do not turn a guaranteed benefit into a guaranteed gamble. The historical reality is that Whites must work not only to support themselves but to support Blacks who have no real desire or obligation to work after the atrocity of slavery. This is the burden Whites must own for the guilt of their forefathers. This is justice. This is reparation. Free education, free financial support, free housing and food, these are the birthright of the Black American.

  28. Anonymous9:36 AM

    In what terms should we think of these people, behind us in evolutionary terms, yet possessing so very many human-like characteristics? How should we treat them? Surely we should treat them with the same consideration and kindness as we show to other humans; and as we recognize human rights, so too should we recognize the rights of those who are so similar to us.

  29. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Josh said...

    So, it's okay for you to find multiple ways to use petty racism in your replies, but as soon as someone else does it -- boom! It's game over. It just shows that you've been right all along, and people eventually show their true colors.

    Damn, yo. That be sick, son.

    I live by a simple standard: Return in kind.

    When you act hostile with me and take me out of context, I do the same. When you act like a racist and display a hostility toward whites, I'm going to give back in kind.

    Or, let me guess, you're one of those who work on the postulate that blacks can't be racist because they don't have enough power.

    Dropping your "typical white person" nonsense is petty racism, which Field didn't seem to call out. Maybe he agrees. But respond in kind with some Ebonics -- Oh, hell no, son! The streets be watchin'; time to go hard.

    Josh gets it.

    1. I appreciate Josh showing us who he really is. He'll be gone soon so praise him while you can. You racist white types really stick together huh?

  30. Anonymous Bill said...

    Kinky no más said...

    Where is this pic from?

    I haven't seen this many white people together since the last Netroots convention.

    Wait... Is this Obama's re-election team?

    I posted links to both of those white events you talked about.

    Hey field, why does the Netroots convention ignore the contributions of minority bloggers such has yourself?

    I mean, ain't white liberals all about diversity?

  31. Anonymous10:24 AM

    People who want more govt now complaining when more govt shows up

  32. Anon@9:25, you are the recipient of all types of welfare and privilege. Your very existence in this country is based on the welfare of others.

    That, and the fact that u probably pay way less taxes than u pretend to. But that's typical.

    Carry on.

  33. "Josh gets it" , when u typed that garbage did u say to yourself that this makes sense?

  34. Kinky, I have never been to a Netroots conference, although, to their credit, I have been invited to participate.

    Never been extended an invitation to attend any of those right wing conferences, though.

    My feelings are still hurt over that.

  35. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Hey field, why does the Netroots convention ignore the contributions of minority bloggers such has yourself?

    I mean, ain't white liberals all about diversity?

    10:20 AM

    You ought to know that Netroots invites 'high' end bloggers and people. Field 'was' invited several years ago. Recently, his blog has deteriorated, especially in the comment section....too many white rightwingers and stormfront you and a few other black hater anons.

  36. ctrl+halt+del11:21 AM

    Donald Fagan leads cheer at inaugural "it's so hard being white pity party" in Colorado.

  37. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Dear Mr. Field, as far as I know, I am not receiving any welfare of any kind. If I am, then the check is being routed to someone else, perhaps to a P. O. Box in Mexico City. But I'll never be able to prove that. So I try not to think about it.

    All I was saying was that the least we Whites can do is speak out for the millions of Blacks on Welfare who, right now, sit hunched, miserable and without hope, staring out with dead eyes from their societal prisons. They cannot speak for themselves. So, we taxpaying Whites must be their voice. We must not neglect our obligation to support the Black People in their every need. Free cell phones, iPods, bling, big pants, bongs, and racially appropriate hair products. This we owe them.

    By the way, thank you for running such a well organized and informative blog.

  38. field negro said...
    Never been extended an invitation to attend any of those right wing conferences, though.

    Sorry, but we cannot be associated with any Hate Sites.

    However we are sure the DNC would welcome your presence at their next conference, as long as you can speak Spanish of course.

  39. "Free cell phones, iPods, bling, big pants, bongs, and racially appropriate hair products. This we owe them."

    And fresh kicks. Don't forget the kicks.

  40. Anonymous11:51 AM

    I know see some criticism of Mr. Field for not moderating the comments section of his blog. But I believe this criticism is quite unfair. If I know anything about him, then it is that he is exceptionally fair and wants everyone to be able to share their views here. So, please withhold your judgement on this matter since he is being quite generous in allow comments with which he may not agree.

    In addition to this, he is clearly a very busy professional. Between his work, cutting and pasting to this blog, keeping his wife and White maid satisfied and spending quality time with his penis butler, what time is left for moderation?

  41. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Obama is in the hospital!!!!!

  42. Anonymous12:06 PM

    All this stress is causing acid reflux.

  43. Anonymous12:12 PM

    I heard he got some bad weed.


  44. field negro said...

    Kinky, I have never been to a Netroots conference, although, to their credit, I have been invited to participate.

    FN, why do you believe there was only a couple black faces at yearlykos?

    If blacks won't even attend dumbocrat events, why do you believe blacks would attend rethug events?

    Why do you keep holding rethug events to a higher standard?

  45. Anonymous2:03 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  46. Bill,

    Why do racist Whites post vulgar messages on a Black blog?

  47. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Yisheng, is it true you make toilets in South Carolina? I saw that on another thread.


  49. Anonymous2:39 PM

    This is not a "Black blog." It recently made the hate map.
    See for yourself...

  50. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Yo! FP,

    You've finally come over to the dark side, baby. Check out this site. Learn who you really are. It's already obvious to me. You just need to awake.


  51. Yīshēng said...
    Why do racist Whites post vulgar messages on a Black blog?

    Psych 101
    To express their feelings of inadequacy.

  52. Troll, I do not see TFN blog anywhere on that SPLC link u provided. Could u be more specific with your links or with quotes?


    I always wonder why I attract so many of these ignorant racist Stormfront types. There are so many other black and progressive blogs they could troll. :)

    I know that a few of them link to this site- which, that in of itself is a mystery- but at some point you have to get tired of embarrassing yourself over and over to the very same black folks u hate so much.

    Calling Dr. Freud.

  53. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Field, "I always wonder why I attract so many of these ignorant racist Stormfront types. There are so many other black and progressive blogs they could troll. :)"

    Must I repeat myself, Mr Field? Why do you ignore my comments while still asking yourself questions that I have already answered? Think, brother Field, Think.

    Anon10:54am's Answer repeated:

    You ought to know that Netroots invites 'high' end bloggers and people. Field 'was' invited several years ago. Recently, his blog has deteriorated, especially in the comment section....too many white rightwingers and stormfront you and a few other black hater anons.

  54. Hows about a little racial humor from Saturday Night Live-

    Funny as all get out.

  55. Dec 7, 1941 Pearl Harbor was bombed which gave cause for another world war. These events also gave the world another divisions of the spoils of war.

    I was just thinking about "violence". Obviously sometimes it must be a good thing. Today, we label people bad when they can find no resolution in a system or government that has never shown any fairness and they result to violence.

    Just like the third world countries that we kill- by violence- the oppressed in America has not a chance to use any violence toward a system that have mastered violence world-wide. Many years on this same site, we discussed how the fighting in Iraq was akin to fighting in America's urban enclaves.

    The purpose of violence is to suppress your adversaries. Is not the force we have seen recently accomplish the same. How can America integrate the submissive into a society designed for the good and the bad? Something I heard recently. When you build a hotel, you are expecting to fill the rooms. When the State of Virginia builds a new prison, we are designed to have some occupants. It so important to have the "bad".

  56. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Stop being the "bad".

  57. Anon.. usually I don't respond to Anons. It not that simple. I guess just saying "so" makes it so. An example is that people in power dictates the good and the bad. When growing up when us Black boys was stopped for any thing we were taken to jail. When white boys did their misdeeds, their parents came and got them. We like to talk about statistics , think about the misdeeds that are overlooked by the people having discretionary powers.

    Anon, wake up or continue to have such a "Pollyanna" view of the world. You will always have degrees of what is tolerated... therefor the extremes will always be identified, the good and the bad.

    Question for Anon, was Rosa Parks "bad" when she violated the law of the city that required Blacks to subjugate and defer to whites? You can goggle Rosa Parks if you so desire.

    Was Martin Luther King "bad" when he intentionally committed crimes that were lawfully presented.

    Next time Anon, identify yourself before I put you in the bad side of human equations. StillaPanther2

  58. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Hope this helps...

    Hatewatch Headlines 12/5/14
    By Hatewatch Staff on December 5, 2014 - 7:57 am, Posted in Hatewatch Headlines
    Missourian: ‘Journey for Justice’ march meets ugly counter-protest, complete with Confederate flag, keeps going.

    WDAF-TV (Kansas City): Driver angry at Muslims intentionally crashes car into teen outside Somali Center, killing him.

    Houston Chronicle: Teacher accused of anti-Muslim remarks to resign, get three months’ pay.

    Think Progress: The Austin shooter and the violent Christian terrorist movement no one wants to talk about.

    Daily Kos: Forum for police officers reveals raging racist undercurrents in discussion of Ferguson riots.

    Breitbart Unmasked: Bircher-backed South Carolina state representative writes bills to nullify federal laws.

    Raw Story: The Field Negro Blog Crosses the Line: Hate speech plentiful at

    Talking Points Memo: Five Ohio sheriff’s deputies under investigation for racist text messages directed at fellow cops.

  59. Anonymous8:20 PM

    The time has come to disarm law enforcement. Too many innocent black men are dying because of militant, honky cops. Take away their guns and they can shoot young men like Michael Brown. They can shoot little boys with toy guns.


  60. PING FN...

    Next time Anon, identify yourself before I put you in the bad side of human equations. StillaPanther2

    Ever consider letting guests write posts instead of caption comics?

  61. Anonymous8:31 PM

    "When growing up when us Black boys was stopped for any thing we were taken to jail. When white boys did their misdeeds, their parents came and got them."

    Sounds like Black boys need better parents.

    My teenage sons got into some trouble and I had to come out and get them out of jail in the middle of the night.

    One of them was being extremely disrespectful to the officers and I kicked his ass all over the parking lot as soon as we walked out the door.

    Both of them spent the summer working their asses off to pay for the damage they had done.

    That was the last time I had to pick them up from the police station.

  62. Anonymous10:17 PM

    Dems are done thanks to Obama.

  63. Anonymous11:21 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  64. Anonymous11:27 PM

    Stillapanther2, I mean Larry,

    Probably a good idea you stop threatening people on this blog.

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. Anon@11:27, not a good look being an Internet stalker. We are serious about that kind of stuff in the fields.

    There are folks in every prosecutor's office to handle stuff like that. Unless u live in another country I would recommend u chill. Being a troll is one thing; online stalking is quite another.

  67. DIE, WHITE DEVILS!!7:24 PM


  68. DIE, WHITE DEVILS!!9:32 PM

    Anon 8:31
    "Sounds like Black boys need better parents"

    OH, GTFOH!!!
    What are you, high? drunk? or White?

    One of the main tenets of Amerikkkan jurisprudence is, Two men (one Black, one White) with the same exact record go before the same judge; and 99.9% of the time------

    The prison-industrial complex piggies gotta keep those birdcages full to the brim with Black bodies!! KA-CHING!!!

    "One nation indivisible, with liberty and justice FOR CAUCASIANS ONLY!!!!!
