Monday, December 08, 2014

"Dems, It's Time to Dump Dixie" and let Republicans have "Free-Market Jesus Paradise".

I just read a terrific article about the political shift taking place in the South, and why the people in the majority population from those states support one  political party over another.

The South, in case you all didn't notice, is now the domain of the republican party. (At least when it comes to state wide elections)We can thank gerrymandering and inherent racial bias for this interesting political development.

As a result of this shift, the author of the article had some interesting advice for the democratic party.

"Dems, It’s Time to Dump Dixie

With Mary Landrieu’s ignominious exit, the Democrats will have lost their last senator in the Deep South. And that’s a good thing. They should write it off—because they don’t need it.

I don’t remember a much sadder sight in domestic politics in my lifetime than that of Mary Landrieu schlumpfing around these last few weeks trying to save a Senate seat that was obviously lost. It was like witnessing the last two weeks of the life of a blind and toothless dog you knew the vet was just itching to destroy. I know that sounds mean about her, but I don’t intend it that way. She did what she could and had, as far as I know, an honorable career. I do, however, intend it to sound mean about the reactionary, prejudice-infested place she comes from. A toothless dog is a figure of sympathy. A vet who takes pleasure in gassing it is not.

And that is what Louisiana, and almost the entire South, has become. The victims of the particular form of euthanasia it enforces with such glee are tolerance, compassion, civic decency, trans-racial community, the crucial secular values on which this country was founded… I could keep this list going. But I think you get the idea. Practically the whole region has rejected nearly everything that’s good about this country and has become just one big nuclear waste site of choleric, and extremely racialized, resentment. A fact made even sadder because on the whole they’re such nice people! (I truly mean that.)With Landrieu’s departure, the Democrats will have no more senators from the Deep South, and I say good. Forget about it. Forget about the whole fetid place. Write it off. Let the GOP have it and run it and turn it into Free-Market Jesus Paradise. The Democrats don’t need it anyway.

Actually, that’s not quite true. They need Florida, arguably, at least in Electoral College terms. Although they don’t even really quite need it—what happened in 2012 was representative: Barack Obama didn’t need Florida, but its 29 electoral votes provided a nice layer of icing on the cake, bumping him up to a gaudy 332 EVs, and besides, it’s nice to be able to say you won such a big state. But Florida is kind of an outlier, because culturally, only the northern half of Florida is Dixie. Ditto Virginia, but in reverse; culturally, northern Virginia is Yankee land (but with gun shops).

So Democrats still need to care about those two states, at least in presidential terms. And maybe you can throw in North Carolina under the right circumstances. And at some point in the near future, you’ll be able to talk about Georgia as a state a Democrat can capture. And eventually, Texas, too.

But that’s presidential politics. At the congressional level, and from there on down, the Democrats should just forget about the place. They should make no effort, except under extraordinary circumstances, to field competitive candidates. The national committees shouldn’t spend a red cent down there. This means every Senate seat will be Republican, and 80 percent of the House seats will be, too. The Democrats will retain their hold on the majority-black districts, and they’ll occasionally be competitive in a small number of other districts in cities and college towns. But they’re not going win Southern seats (I include here with some sadness my native West Virginia, which was not a Southern state when I was growing up but culturally is one now). And they shouldn’t try.

My friend the political scientist Tom Schaller said all this back in 2008, in his book Whistling Past Dixie. I didn’t want to agree with Schaller then, but now I throw in the towel. He was a man ahead of his time. Look west, Schaller advised the Democrats."  [Source] 

You could argue, of course, that this is all about the democrats choosing to support the black guy to become president. But I saw this trend long before Barack Obama came on the scene.

Nope, this is about white Southerners choosing sides. A form of political segregation if you will. If those Niggers are voting for the liberal democratic guy it can't be good for me.

The article continues:

"But it’s not just a question of numbers. The main point is this: Trying to win Southern seats is not worth the ideological cost for Democrats. As Memphis Rep. Steve Cohen recently told my colleague Ben Jacobs, the Democratic Party cannot (and I’d say should not) try to calibrate its positions to placate Southern mores: “It’s come to pass, and really a lot of white Southerners vote on gays and guns and God, and we’re not going to ever be too good on gays and guns and God.”

Cohen thinks maybe some economic populism could work, and that could be true in limited circumstances. But I think even that is out the window now."

It's all out "the window now". Maybe the author is on to something. Secession could be next.

I wonder what they will call their new country. I bet they won't give me a passport.

Sadly, I will need one. My in- laws live in Louisiana for crying out loud.  

*Pic from


  1. Anonymous8:14 PM

    "It's all out 'the window now'. Maybe the author is on to something. Secession could be next."

    Secession won't get a second try.

    Back in the 1860s, the South had a strong economy that was going to be badly damaged if they gave up slavery.

    Today, the South has anything but a great economy. California's economy alone dwarfs that of most red states. Places like Arkansas and Mississippi survive on the federal taxpayer teat, all while bitching and moaning about how the federal government is screwing them. Texas and Louisiana have some fossil fuel resources, but those won't last forever, and they've not developed their economies that much beyond the energy industry.

    If disconnected from the rest of the U.S., the South would become a third-world country. So for all their secession talk, they'll never secede. They'd have to be expelled from the Union.

    Maybe then the rest of the country could merge with Canada and become a functional, 21st-century nation.

  2. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Interesting article. I agree with most of what the writer argues especially the part about Mary Landreau. I had the same feeling watching Blanche Lincoln when she was throwing her party and Barack under the bus. She could have stood proudly and fought for health care in her state which was badly needed and gone out at least knowing you fought the good fight but as was the case with Landreau she tried to out Republican the Republican and that NEVER works.
    On the other side of the piece I don't like the idea of giving up on any state or election because lightning can and will occasionally strike (Barack and Bill Clinton come to mind). I like Howard Dean's 50 state strategy which lead to Barack winning states such as North Carolina. One never knows how fast demographics can change and if you're caught flat footed you may miss an opportunity.


  3. Anonymous8:16 PM

    "If disconnected from the rest of the U.S., the South would become a third-world country. So for all their secession talk, they'll never secede. They'd have to be expelled from the Union.

    Maybe then the rest of the country could merge with Canada and become a functional, 21st-century nation."




    Bro Field:

    They suck like a Hoover De-Luxe!!!

    Let those bigoted, dim-witted, KuKlux, inbred, Neo-Confederate, Republikkklan asswipes secede; and stop all those Social Security and welfare payments too! I give it one month, and those pale-faced, shoeless, toothless, racist chickenshits will be begging for re-admission!!


  5. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Anon said,Texas and Louisiana have some fossil fuel resources, but those won't last forever, and they've not developed their economies that much beyond the energy industry.
    Typical Negro BS. The east coast would have to redevelop it's entire port system. The majority of the sea born cargo in the US in loaded and unloaded in the Red States. If you take into account the entire Texas Gulf Coast with the intercoastal it's the largest port system in the world. That's just the tip of the iceberg.
    Meanwhile in Chicago the box score for the weekend shitshow was 4 dead and 22 wounded. Among the dead was a young Paki student and a 9 year old YBM. Yep. all Black lives are important. It's not I can't breathe, it's I can't grow up because Black people murder us wholesale.


  6. No surprise field and px would eat up this liberal cheese and whine fest.

    "The South, in case you all didn't notice, is now the domain of the republican party. (At least when it comes to state wide elections)We can thank gerrymandering and inherent racial bias for this interesting political development. "

    This how obamaholics think. It can't be because people are rejecting dear leader's/democrat policies.

    Nope. Can't be that . Has to be racism. Has to be gerrymandering(which democrats fully supported).

    Can't be our fault.

  7. Anonymous9:09 PM

    A problem the Democrats have is that they don’t have a coherent ideology worth sparing. It’s evidenced even here when their Hail Mary is out-and-out pandering.

    As far as Democratic strategy is concerned, they will find more success in perhaps not being blatantly condescending to vast swaths of peoples. You don’t have to be from the South to be turned off by this sort of venomous rhetoric. It would be better for Democrats to at least acknowledge some of the concerns of conservatives, and it would be better for America as a whole to not be so divisive.

  8. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Liberal hypocrisy in microcosm. When they win:

    ~ “Shut up, we won”
    ~ “Mandate, because we won”
    ~ “Why compromise, we won”

    When they lose:

    ~ “Shut up, you’re too stupid for your own good”
    ~ “Mandate, didn’t you hear the voice of those who didn’t vote?”
    ~ “Compromise, because we love trees and you hate Grandma”

  9. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Field, interesting video that everyone should see re: cops and their so-called training:

  10. "Dems, It’s Time to Dump Dixie"

    Too late, Dixie already dumped you.

    It only took 50 years of the Democratic Party shitting all over southern whites to get enough of them to finally realize that the party was no longer the advocate for the working man, but merely the Anti-White Party.

    And as the rest of the country catches on, the Democrats will become a permanent minority party, not only in membership but in electoral success.

  11. Anonymous9:22 PM

    KC, you are absolutely right. There is not racism in America, only an illusion by Blacks and Liberals. Thanks for the tip. I'm sure Bill will co-sign with your view. "If you are White, you are right."

  12. Anonymous9:23 PM

    What a bunch of entitled little babies are the Democrat Left. They really think that they have squatter’s rights to the South and if the people actually living there reject them, then it must be due to racism and hatred and they need to be cast out of the union.

    GOP Free Market Jesus Paradise? Please, threaten us with that again. We could do without your leftist punitive regulations/taxation and deplorable political correctness. We would love to create a social safety net that’s not a non-sustainable bullshit welfare state. We’d love to see a foreign policy not based upon appeasement of our enemies and hostility to our friends. We’d love to create a school system that doesn’t teach deliberate lies and substitute phony social engineering for education.

    Problem is, if the South decided to “do it again” and split off to form a “Free Market Jesus Paradise” or anything else, it’s beyond doubt that leftist authoritarians like Tomasky would be the first to call for the U.S. Military to invade and slaughter civilians in a way that makes Vietnam look like a cricket match until we surrendered. The left hates the South because the South apparently will not capitulate to them, and that’s a wound that secession won’t heal. Personally I wouldn’t want any sort of secession and regard it as slightly less plausible than any science fiction story, but Democrats keep bringing it up every time they’re reminded that they don’t own the South anymore. It’s despicable hypocrisy because they’d freak out and call for the arrest of any Republican who seriously suggested it. Yet they keep threatening us with it, as though we’d be so very lost without the guiding hand of a professional elite class of vote-buyers.

  13. 21st Century Man9:24 PM

    PX said...
    "Maybe then the rest of the country could merge with Canada and become a functional, 21st-century nation."

    What's Canada have in common with the "rest of the country" outside the South that would make it more likely to be a functional, 21st-century nation?

    A lot less black people.


  14. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Meanwhile, there's more violence in Berkeley, CA.

    Where is Granny?

  15. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Some of those Canadians are just as racist if not more, than the KKK.

    So knock off the BS about merging with Canada. Might as well stay with the Stormfront.

    Is there anywhere on earth where a bm can live in peace?

  16. "Maybe then the rest of the country could merge with Canada and become a functional, 21st-century nation"


    maybe the US could merge with Canada and Mexico to become the North American Union?


    @9:14pm- thanks for the link.

  17. Personally, I like Canadians.

    I bet QLB is from a red state.

    Any takers?


  18. FN Said...
    (At least when it comes to state wide elections)We can thank gerrymandering and inherent racial bias for this interesting political development.

    Excuse my ignorance.

    How did the rethugs gerrymander a state wide election?

    Move state boundaries?

  19. Anonymous10:15 PM

    OH lawdy, lawdy.

    I is gonna have to go back pickin' cotton and singin' negro spirituals.

    I might as well star-

    Lead: Swing low, sweet chariot

    Chorus: Coming for to carry a nigga home

    Lead: Swing low, sweet chariot

    Chorus: Coming for to carry a nigga home

    Lead: If you get there before I do

    Chorus: Coming for to carry a nigga home

    Lead: Tell all my niggas, I’m coming too

    Chorus: Coming for to carry a nigga home

  20. They didn't Bill, they didn't have to.
    You do know what I mean by state wide elections, right? Senators; Governors; ...... that's the racial bias part. The congressional districts have all been gerrymandered to create more seats for white republicans and to marginalize all others.

    That's the political resegregation part.

    I know that anything that puts your beloved party in a bad light sets u off in a tizzy. But hey, it is what it is.

  21. Anon@10:15, I bet you actually have a day job where you have to communicate with other humans. *shaking head*

  22. Anonymous10:23 PM

    FP, "@9:14pm- thanks for the link."

    9:46 PM
    Thank you, FP. I thought it was a very informative piece of how the cops operate from the 'inside'.

    I have posted other links to FN but never have received a "thank you" or a H/T from Field.

    However, I have noticed that he uses it in his next post. I guess that is his way of thanking me. lol

    Again, thanks.

  23. Anonymous10:27 PM

    Field, I know the identity of anon10:15pm.

  24. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Who is it?

  25. Oh the horror. Field is upset cause Dems are getting beat at their own game.

    Dems never have a problem with gerrymandering until they come out on the losing end. Funny that.

    And those majority/minority gerrymandered districts? Seems like they have Democrat finger prints all over them.

    Field doesn't want to talk about that.

  26. Anonymous11:00 PM

    If not for gerrymandering, there wouldn't be any black democrats in Congress.

  27. Anonymous11:10 PM

    "This how obamaholics think. It can't be because people are rejecting dear leader's/democrat policies."

    Uh no Kinky, the south has been moving towards the gop long before Barack was even a state senator but I'm sure you already knew this.

    "Typical Negro BS"

    How is this typical negro BS QLB? Was the author of this story a blah person?
    BTW do you have a college degree?


  28. Anonymous11:12 PM

    "KC, you are absolutely right. There is not racism in America, only an illusion by Blacks and Liberals."

    Ha! Good observation.

  29. Anonymous11:13 PM

    "Nope. Can't be that . Has to be racism. Has to be gerrymandering(which democrats fully supported).

    Can't be our fault."

    Partially but you also have to admit some of it is actually racism. Don't you think some of it is racism Kinky? this isn't a zero sum game.

  30. This has been the debate since Barack was elected. Of course some of the opposition to him are because of policy and of course some of it is racism so now the only real debate is what level of each is present. Most whites will say the opposition to racism is very small while most blah people will say it's a higher amount. We really live in different worlds and our perceptions are usually vastly different and the thing is perception is reality.

  31. Nametag11:44 PM

    We're all fucked

  32. Limpbaugh11:50 PM

    Liberals should vote Green Party and conservatives should vote Libertarian. Democrats and Republicans both represent the corporate elite, not you.

  33. Brownstein11:53 PM

    PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
    "the thing is perception is reality."

    I wish negroes like PX could think logically.

  34. GoNiners12:14 AM

    I enjoy Jews

  35. Anonymous12:15 AM

    Dearest FP,

    The Plenilunium is upon you. I have invoked the ancient spirits on you behalf. Take nine grains of oats in your mouths, and going forth to the window, gaze upon the moon before sleep overtakes you. In the night, you will hear a voice sounding with the quality of glasses striking together. But remain silent and listen. The voice will touch the deepest longing of your soul. But do not call out. For truths will be revealed in this speaking. Should you not preserve the most careful silence the charm will have no effect. If you feel a bit weak at dawn, then know that this is normal. For you have been host to the goddess herself and she takes her meed of sustenance. This is her due as Queen of Wandering Souls.

  36. DIE, WHITE DEVILS!!!1:09 AM

    Anon Asshole Racist Ofay @10:15 PM

    Here's a question for YOU, Skunk!



  37. Jerry1:42 AM

    My neighbor to my right is a Democrat. The neighbor to my left is a Republican. It's great! You should all get some!

  38. The cities in the South are little different from those in the North & West. Mostly progressive and multi-ethnic. The Southern rural counties are overwhelmingly racist, but hardly more racist than those of the rest of the country. it's the suburbs where things are really different in the South. While Suburbs everywhere else skew progressive, those on the South more closely resemble their rural than their urban cohort.

    This reflects the difference in how suburbs developed in the South where they attracted people straight from the countryside Without the Common Northen & Western sojourn in the city center between the country and the suburbs.

  39. Anonymous3:27 AM

    Although the ethos of the Hillbilly was not fully developed until the 1700's, yet anecdotes such as this of the Hillbilly, late though they be, all display something more than the germ of the Yankee Negro tradition. It is, of course, very difficult for the Negro mind, if not impossible to distinguish between these Hillbillies who crave for whiskey, these white spectres who batten upon the vitality of alcohol, these malignant apparitions so mysteriously attached to the whiskey still who may terrify and injure the health of those who drink of its corn mash, and the gun and Bible carrying Southern Christian. As it is often supposed that Hillbillies in their full life had been persons of exceptional and enormous laziness, so in the South it is no surprise that a class of slave "animals" was necessary to perform the work neglected by these violent, uneducated, pious alcoholics. For they are true children of the corn with a genetic code programed for dominance.

  40. "In fact, its early usage included references by English people to the poor Irish folk they were shipping over to America to be slaves (before black slaves became the much more popular option, and back when white-on-white bigotry was a common thing)."

    The Irish slaves thing is a myth. The clear majority of slaves brought over to the colonies were English.

  41. Anonymous4:20 AM

    In Scripture we find approval of slavery again and again in the most uncompromising terms. It is plain that cults connected with slavery played so important a part in the popular ideas of religion that even Jehovah was closely connected with them. And indeed slavery was sanctified by supernatural revelation as is seen in the Letters of St. Paul who returns a runaway slave to his master after baptizing him. So, aversion to the institution is relatively modern, perhaps even a passing fad. As we see slavery already returning in the Muslim areas of Africa and the Middle East. Most of these new slave owners are non-white.

  42. Help me understand, someone, why "racism" is the first thing looked at, when there are so many other things to consider staring you directly in your face.

    Oh, let's just go over a couple.

    1) Bobby Jindal isn't exactly a privileged white male, part of the old boys network, or anything that, if he were a Democrat, wouldn't be the supposed arch nemesis of these racist Republicans.

    And if anyone wants to make the argument that, oh, Jindal's only accepted because he kowtows, fetches and Indi-coons for the white man, then let me be the first to offer a big LMFAO! You mean to tell me there isn't another white guy who will do the exact same, only instead of being an Indian (or, "sand nigger," as most probably believe white southerners refer to them), you have a white man! I guess logic isn't a butthurt politico's strong suit.

    2) Landrieu wasn't rejected off-hand in favor of a Republican by those nutty racist regressive whites. No. Quite the opposite. She has been a career politician, elected in the same place multiple times. Multiple!

    So, what happened here? All these people in the electorate went from electing her and being fine, to not electing her and instantly becoming backward retards?

    This sounds more like butthurt than any type of logical, rational breakdown of the demographic. As long as Landrieu was winning, everything was aces. She loses, suddenly...racism! Backward idiots who don't know what's good for them, getting rid of progress as fast as they can.

    Is it not conceivable that these people were familiar with Miss Mary and did not approve of her as a politician? No. Of course not. Must. Be. Racism. They must be bass ackward moron bigots who want to get rid of all minorities and women to institute their version of Protestant white male patriarchy.

    It might even be possible that they rejected Landrieu because they're sick and f'n tired of hearing progressives tell them that they, all-knowing progressives, are their betters in every way. Maybe these folks want to reject elitism. Maybe they want to reject a woman who, as soon as she found out she was down in the polls, called the entire region racist and sexist!

    Maybe, just maybe, these progressive politicians dig their own proverbial graves by sticking their noses in the air and talking down to southerners as white, know-nothing, Bible-thumping racists.

    Would majority black communities elect a white Republican who constantly called them gang-banging, dropout criminals?

    Shit no! And how retarded would I be to say that's because blacks are racist?

  43. Anonymous4:55 AM

    While Americans fight among themselves over matters of race, slavery is on the rise in Africa and the Middle East. Muslim extremists are enslaving tens of thousands of men, woman and children white we burn our own cities. If the West falls, history may look back on our petty squabbles with much irony. A greater enemy looms among us than ourselves.

  44. Anonymous5:07 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    The Irish slaves thing is a myth. The clear majority of slaves brought over to the colonies were English.

    Uneducated Peak Negro said:

    "The clear majority of slaves brought over to colonies were English...."

    Where was the argument made about any majority or plurality for that matter?

    "From 1641 to 1652, over 500,000 Irish were killed by the English and another 300,000 were sold as slaves. Ireland’s population fell from about 1,500,000 to 600,000 in one single decade. Families were ripped apart as the British did not allow Irish dads to take their wives and children with them across the Atlantic. This led to a helpless population of homeless women and children. Britain’s solution was to auction them off as well.

    During the 1650s, over 100,000 Irish children between the ages of 10 and 14 were taken from their parents and sold as slaves in the West Indies, Virginia and New England. In this decade, 52,000 Irish (mostly women and children) were sold to Barbados and Virginia. Another 30,000 Irish men and women were also transported and sold to the highest bidder. In 1656, Cromwell ordered that 2000 Irish children be taken to Jamaica and sold as slaves to English settlers.

    Many people today will avoid calling the Irish slaves what they truly were: Slaves. They’ll come up with terms like “Indentured Servants” to describe what occurred to the Irish. However, in most cases from the 17th and 18th centuries, Irish slaves were nothing more than human cattle."

  45. Mary Landrieu is not a progressive. And yes, calling out fellow whites for their racism was a political death sentence for her.

    Bobby Jigg-Da l is a product of an Indian caste system. He fits right in with the good ole boys in Da Boot.

  46. I'd suggest we just give Texas back to Mexico, but I bet the Mexicans would refuse it. Besides, we'd still be stuck with the rest of the deep South.

    As far as I can tell, the only honorable thing Mary Landrieu did in her political career was being honest about the racism in Louisiana. Anyone who thinks she was a progressive has no clue what a progressive actually is.

  47. field negro said...
    Bobby Jigg-Da l is a product of an Indian caste system. He fits right in with the good ole boys in Da Boot.

    Field is racist against Indians too...

    Go figure.

  48. Josh, Mary Landreau won in 08 with 98% of the blah vote and 33% of the white vote. This time around she only got about 26% of the white vote. At a point we do have to look at race when considering voting patterns and we also have to admit the deep south hasn't always been the most progressive place on the planet when it comes to race relations.

  49. Fail Mary9:46 AM

    Mary Landrieu (and Democrats in general) lost this past election cycle because they are out of touch.

    Americans were concerned about the state of the economy and world.

    Democrats were concerned with the war on wimmins, jim crow, slavery and the gentle giant.

    The best thing Obama ever did was destroy the Clinton collation.

    Instead of the left showing their hate , they should be asking themselves what can they do to reach out and appeal to white voters.

    But their feelings of superiority won't allow the left to do that.

  50. Anonymous9:47 AM

    PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
    Josh, Mary Landreau won in 08 with 98% of the blah vote and 33% of the white vote.

    Bullshit numbers. Where'd you get 'em, ThinkProgress?

  51. Nan said...
    As far as I can tell, the only honorable thing Mary Landrieu did in her political career was being honest about the racism in Louisiana.

    For Nan, "honorable" means a failing politician calling the people who elected her three times "sexist", and calling the people who elected the first Indian American Governor in the US "racist".

    Nan is a "progressive".

    A "progressive" is someone who desires to use the government to force other people to live the way she wants them to live. Whatever personal failures or resentments or fears she has must be ameliorated by restricting the actions of others. To get the power necessary to do this, a progressive will tell whatever lies and cause whatever damage it takes. In this sense, Landrieu was very much a progressive.

  52. @Pilot:

    Hey, if folks want to look at race, I have absolutely no problem with it at all. Just do it fairly, would be my only hang-up. Know what I mean?

    For instance, as soon as Mary heard that she was trailing in preliminary polls, her first big political move was to lambast all white people as sexist, racist bigots who were going to vote against her because she's a woman and Obama's black.

    Who does that and still expects to win? She was hedging her bets, it seems. Lose, but still have an out: "They're bigots!"

    Is it not more logical to conclude--or at least assume on its face--that the few percentage points of white voters who went against her this go 'round did so because she viciously attacked them? Or is it more logical to conclude that more whites have suddenly turned into racists or sexists over the past few years?

    The deep south is most certainly not a very progressive place. I would say it's probably also the most racist place, by demographic, in the nation. However, Democrats-liberals-progressives are not endearing themselves to the white voters by constantly calling them all racists!

    At some point, a person whom you label a racist is going to vote against you. Usually it's at the starting point. So, seriously, if you're a southerner and white, you're in a catch-22. Either vote against your beliefs to show you're not a racist, sacrificing your principles, or vote your heart and be labeled a racist. Any way you slice it, whether it's 22% or 72%, the reasoning behind it every time a Democrat loses is that whites are racist, regressive, stupid, etc.

    Maybe they are. Or maybe they're simply not going to vote for the very people who call them nasty names.

  53. Berkeley '7410:28 AM

    Lol, Steve Cohen's district is 100% black and is the crime and murder capital of Tenn., maybe the whole USA. Tribe member, white hater.

  54. Tony Gramsci10:53 AM

    Fail Mary said...
    Instead of the left showing their hate , they should be asking themselves what can they do to reach out and appeal to white voters.

    They can't reach out to any more white voters, because they are a coalition dedicated to subverting white interests. They own the votes of self-hating whites, but beyond that the left offers nothing but destruction to White America.

    Modern liberalism has devolved into rank anti-white, anti-male hatred.

    What do Jews, Blacks, Hispanics, Gays, husbandless women, and opportunistic immigrants have in common? They all hate Whitey.

    That's a pretty diverse group, with wildly divergent interests. But hate is a pretty strong glue.

    They keep their coalition together through phony claims of racist oppression, rape epidemics, the non-existent pay gap, and global warming, all with the same theme of the evilness of white men.

    There is no long term success possible for the Left. Either enough white people figure out what is going on in time to stop their dispossession, or the Left succeeds in collapsing the country in a multi-cultural swamp, at which time "liberalism" and "progressivism" instantly vanish in the face of outright tribalism.

    Enjoy the decline.


  55. PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
    of course some of it is racism so now the only real debate is what level of each is present.

    The simple test.

    If joe biden or john edwards, white male democrats were elected president, would rethugs go along with bidencare and all the other democrat policies?

    Of course not.

  56. 12thManUnited11:32 AM

    Yaaaaaaaaaawn. White people boring the shit out of me again


  57. Josh said...
    So, what happened here? All these people in the electorate went from electing her and being fine, to not electing her and instantly becoming backward retards?

    It appears that Obama turned democrat voters racist.

    Which explains the increased racism under Obama.


  58. PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...

    Josh, Mary Landreau won in 08 with 98% of the blah vote and 33% of the white vote. This time around she only got about 26% of the white vote

    Like I said, Obama turned democrat voters into racists.

    Thus the increase of racism since Obama was elected, democrats.

  59. You nailed it Josh, is it the chicken or the egg. The fact is the Dems have a problem with southern white voters and I don't believe that they should give up on them. As I stated before I strongly think Howard Dean was right in his 50 state strategy. I also think that the Dems need to recruit new voters because in low turnout elections the gop does well. Case in point in the most recent elections only 18% of people of voting age voted. The gop also needs to expand their base because with the changing demographics a party dominated by southern whites is not a winning strategy, look at the last 2 presidential elections.

  60. Tony, if this is a 'decline" what were we experiencing under W?

    Anyhow, when u are dead.and gone your Gay grandson with his black partner and their adopted Hispanic daughter -who also happens to be a feminist -will visit your grave and place flowers picked by llegal immigrants on it.;)


  61. President Obama's ratings hit bottom in a new Bloomberg Politics poll
    President Barack Obama struggles with his lowest job approval rating, at 39 percent. The White House also is facing a backlash from independents who oppose his unilateral moves on immigration, and just 24 percent say the country is on the right track, the lowest rating since September 2011.

    Hope & Change turned into historic midterm losses for Obama.

    Rethugs & racists NEVER supported Obama.

    How many democrats turning racist does it take for Obama to drop to 39 approval?

  62. Pilot, u and I part ways on that one. I agree with the author: Right off the redneck vote. Besides i can't stand being under the same tent with them. I am allergic to stupid people. Let then wallow in their own ignorance. They all deserve each other.

  63. Bill, he beat u, TWICE! And I suspect that if he could run again he would beat u three times.
    Get over it.

    Sucks doesn't it?

    Kind of like going into the ring with a longer reach, better record, and better trainer than your opponent, but once that bell sounds u never make it out of the first round.

  64. field negro said...
    Right off the redneck vote. Besides i can't stand being under the same tent with them. I am allergic to stupid people. Let then wallow in their own ignorance. They all deserve each other.

    These rednecks say the same things about blacks and democrats.

    Funny how racists think alike.


  65. field negro said...
    Bill, he beat u, TWICE! And I suspect that if he could run again he would beat u three times.
    Get over it.
    Sucks doesn't it?

    Bush beat me twice too, sucked. What's your point?

    I remember rethugs defending their guy refusing to acknowledge dismal approval ratings, ostriching the needs of the country, and in obama's case, historic midterm losses.
    You doing the same is nothing new to partisan politics.

    What happened to "preaching to the choir?" :)


  66. Disculpe señorita, usted tiene una luz said...
    field negro said...
    Right off the redneck vote. Besides i can't stand being under the same tent with them. I am allergic to stupid people. Let then wallow in their own ignorance. They all deserve each other.

    These rednecks say the same things about blacks and democrats.

    Funny how racists think alike.

    Time for a democrat double standard card to be played.

  67. Anonymous1:04 PM

    I don't agree with writing off any geographic area because then you take away any choice for those who live in these areas. I say expand the electorate such as the attempt in Georgia to register new voters. I hate the fact that 18% of the population get to make so many decisions that affect all of us.


  68. Anonymous1:14 PM

    I hate the fact that 18% of the population get to make so many decisions that affect all of us.


    But you're ok with one person (Obama) unilaterally making decisions that affect us all?

  69. Anonymous1:28 PM

    "But you're ok with one person (Obama) unilaterally making decisions that affect us all?"

    Well, Presidents typically have certain authority to make unilateral decisions but that is why we have two other branches of government to hold the WH accountable. Trust me, I've sat in Danny Davis' office and discussed matters that concern myself, my family and my community.


  70. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Also Field, we can't abandon our sistas and brothas in the blue islands surrounded by red. Austin, Atlanta, Birmingham, Dallas, New Orleans, ect. come to mind. They need reinforcements. Ha!


  71. Affirmative Action Jackson1:55 PM

    field negro said...
    Bill, he beat u, TWICE! And I suspect that if he could run again he would beat u three times.

    You just can't fire a negro in BRA, no matter how bad he is at his job.

  72. Negrodamus1:59 PM

    field negro said...
    Right off the redneck vote. Besides i can't stand being under the same tent with them

    The Mexicans are going to kick your black asses out the demo-rat tent pretty soon, then you'll be out in the rain with the rednecks.

  73. OldGit2:04 PM

    I think you may be interested in this.It's about Ferguson.It comes from,a site that might interest you & you regular posters.I'm repeating it exactly as I posted it elsewhere.It should get more widely known

    The real reason for Ferguson riots: Mom and Pop refused to sell.
    What triggered Ferguson to become the center of a national propaganda campaign that could very well be used to take
    away more rights and freedoms? Why was that exact spot chosen for this? Because some high level super rich corporate
    types decided they wanted to take the main avenue of Ferguson and turn it into a large strip mall, and mom and pop
    stores refused to sell.
    The government & corporations of Missouri, conspired together to reduce the property values of "mom & pop" stores
    that refused to sell their livelihood.
    Mike Brown's death on August 9th 2014, was a Satanic ritual blood-sacrifice, to gain the Devil's blessing for this
    evil scam that the fascists hoped to accomplish.
    His body was also left lying in the street for 4 hours, to gather as much negative energies as possible.

    Th link is to his forum,not his main site.Forum has a lot more info.Also,I've added my comment & opinion.Over to you

  74. Negronomics 1013:04 PM


    That's genius!

    Turn an area into a burnt-out ghetto, and then build a large strip mall there that no one with any money or sense will go anywhere near!

    Can I get in on this investment?

  75. Well it was on Florissant ave which is a major street in the St. Louis area right off I-70.

  76. @Pilot:

    All I know is that it seems simpler to me.

    There are plenty of white Republicans out there who claim the "black community" has declined morally, is willingly welfare dependent, and embraces criminality, sinful behavior, and is destroying itself.

    Do black people vote for the people who insult them? Hell no! And are blacks the ones considered the racists for not voting for the very people insulting them? Again, no.

    Democrats certainly don't have to kowtow and placate those they feel are already racists, but calling them such, at the very least, allows them to create a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    E.g. "These people won't vote for Democrats because they're racists and regressive separatists" Lo and behold, they don't win their votes.

    Chicken or the egg does play in many cases, but there are certain instances where data can be tracked to show a clearer distinction. In Landrieu's case, it seems to me she herself killed her chances of winning by unnecessarily polarizing the electorate. She was doing well enough considering the changing tide for the midterms, and may have been close enough to eek one out like Al Franken in the end. But, no, as soon as she heard she was behind in the polls, her brilliant strategy: Call every white person in her constituency a racist.


    Some people do not deserve to hold political office and reap the mass amount of benefits therein.

  77. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    In Scripture we find approval of slavery again and again in the most uncompromising terms. It is plain that cults connected with slavery played so important a part in the popular ideas of religion that even Jehovah was closely connected with them. And indeed slavery was sanctified by supernatural revelation as is seen in the Letters of St. Paul who returns a runaway slave to his master after baptizing him. So, aversion to the institution is relatively modern, perhaps even a passing fad. As we see slavery already returning in the Muslim areas of Africa and the Middle East. Most of these new slave owners are non-white.

    4:20 AM
    Whoa! I didn't know about that in the Scriptures. Wow!

    Hmmmmmm. I wonder what FP has to say to about this? I doubt she will agree with you.

  78. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Brothers and Sisters, here is a link that tells you your rights if a cop stops you.

    However, keep in mind that there is a double standard in America....Blacks don't have the same rights as Whites.

    All Whites and Blacks know this.

  79. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Don't end up like Field or PX who determine people's worth by their education and jobs:

  80. Anonymous7:19 PM

    LeBron James put his arm around the royal princess from UK. Can you believe it?

    The man should know you don't 'touch' royalty, esp if you are a Negro....this is disgusting.

    What the hell was he thinking?

    Negroes have no damn etiquette.

    PS. I bet Field won't post anything about this.

  81. Anonymous7:23 PM

    "She did what she could and had, as far as I know, an honorable career."

    Capstone: "the Lousiana purchase" got Obamacare passed in the Senate.

    "...the crucial secular values on which this country was founded..."

    Ummmm, there is nothing in the Constitution regarding a "secular" country. (Yes, there is an admonition against a "state religion," but that is at the Federal level -- many states had official religions. THere is nothing in the founding documents that dismisses religon as part of the social compact.)

    "...only the northern half of Florida is Dixie."

    The author has, obviously, never been to Florida. (Unless the author considers Miami and Tampa to be in the norther part of Florida....nothing but Yankees in those towns.)

    "....this is about white Southerners choosing sides."

    And then, I suppose, that your problem with this is that only blacks are permitted to "choose sides."

    "My in- laws live in Louisiana for crying out loud."

    Do not worry about it. They will move North. After all, that is where the EBT, section 8, and Government subsidies will be.

  82. No Josh, Landrieau was not going to win regardless of what she did. Look at the polls once the third candidate was removed, she was doomed.
    As far as racism in the Republican party we have to use the old truth, not all Republicans are racist but all racists are Republican. She was right to call out the racism in the gop. They should root them out themselves but why would they chase away a large percentage of their base? You say you know people who are racist against blahs, lemme guess with which party they identify. As another poster wrote, she was going to lose but at least she did something courageous.

  83. "...but all racists are Republicans."

    Evidence for that claim? It is an empirical claim, so it should be able to stand up to basic scrutiny.

    And, seriously, I'm not buying that calling southern whites racist is "courageous." It's done frequently by hordes of Americans in media, academia, and politics. It is simply rare for a politician seeking election to do so. White southerners being racists is a meme at this point in pop culture. From hacks doing stand-up comedy shows to some random celebrity waxing sophocratic in an attempt to appeal to base emotion, throwing out the label of racist is the number-one insult in all of America.

    Want to inject a nonstarter? Want to libel an opponent? Want to garner sympathy? Want to gain attention? Want to insult someone? Throw it out there -- "Racist!"

    A close second is the charge of misogyny. E.g. "America hates women."

    And I predict that charge will eventually replace "racist," as too many people are getting sick of being called a racist for simply not being a progressive Democrat or believing in broader government, or not using emotion to guide rationale and decisions.

  84. Anonymous8:22 PM

    "Evidence for that claim? It is an empirical claim, so it should be able to stand up to basic scrutiny."

    Plenty of evidence. Many Republican politicians and staffers making racist comments, Republican governors and state legislators supporting confederate history month and confederate flags, ect. I wouldn't make the claim if I didn't believe it or have evidence Josh.
    The problem is that if your party has racists and you don't do anything to get rid of them or out them then you are complicit and you have to accept the charges. Hell, just look at some of the racist posts right here and just guess which party those who make these comments belong. Ask QLB what party she supports. This is nothing new Josh, since the southern strategy racists feel at home in the gop.


  85. Anonymous8:24 PM

    "And, seriously, I'm not buying that calling southern whites racist is "courageous."

    In a political climate of cowardice it was an act of courage whether you see it or not. To many blah people it was an act of courage.


  86. Anonymous8:26 PM

    "as too many people are getting sick of being called a racist for simply not being a progressive Democrat or believing in broader government, or not using emotion to guide rationale and decisions."

    Like I said, if you belong to a party that is comfortable for racists then you have to at least acknowledge there is some merit for the claim. Those that allow racism are just as complicit IMHO.


  87. Anonymous8:34 PM

    And what has the Democrat party done to get rid of their racist?

    " Many Republican politicians and staffers making racist comments,"

    And so do Democrats. But you never call them out. Funny that.

    What political party do you vote for px?

  88. The Fixer9:16 PM

    PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
    As far as racism in the Republican party we have to use the old truth, not all Republicans are racist but all racists are Republican.

    Not all criminals are negroes, but all negroes are criminals.

  89. Anonymous9:18 PM

    "What political party do you vote for px?"

    I'm an independent.

    "Not all criminals are negroes, but all negroes are criminals."

    Gee, I wonder what party the Fixer belongs?


  90. Anonymous9:28 PM

    "And what has the Democrat party done to get rid of their racist?"

    Not as big of a problem. That's like Charles Manson scolding someone about a speeding ticket. What Dem governor instituted confederate history month upon his/her election? What dems in state legislatures are fighting to keep the confederate flag flying? The dems are very diverse and as evidence look at the last few national conventions. The D's had the most diverse convention in history while the R's had the least diverse convention in recent history. The D's are becoming more diverse while the R's are becoming less. Why is this?


  91. HellShell11:33 PM

    Democrats. Republicans. Can't they both just go away?

  92. @ Anonymous:

    1) I'm not a Republican. Try again.

    2) The claim was that all racists were Republicans. You're providing evidence* that some Republicans are racist.

    The claim was simple: If there is anyone out there who has racist ideology, that person is a Republican.

    *Personal anecdotes, vague and general brushes, and further claims to support a claim qualifying as evidence is the type of standard you better pray nobody else uses if you ever go to court!

  93. Anonymous12:33 PM

    "The claim was that all racists were Republicans."

    Josh, come on man, your ability or lack thereof to identify hyperbole is getting old. OK, for the not so swift among us, THERE ARE A LOT OF RACISTS IN THE REPUBLICAN PARTY. Is that better? Stop wasting time in the weeds. You're making Bill look like a genius.



    I don't know anything about "better." Different than claiming that the truth is every single racist is a Republican? Vastly different.

    So, intermingled bits of sarcasm strewn about serous rhetoric is supposed to be instantly spotted. To the extreme, in fact, that if the sarcasm is not spotted in the middle of an otherwise serious point, the person not spotting it is an anti-social loser, an idiot who cannot even earn a living. Now, yet a new standard emerges. Someone claims all racists are Republicans, and rather than attempting to back that empirical claim with evidence to suggest such, instead blames the other party for taking hyperbole seriously.

    There's a common denominator here, and that's that one party in question is pretty loose with their language, basically addressing serious topics and points with sarcasm and hyperbole, while simultaneously feigning a superior intellect over all those to whom he's speaking.

    As I suggested in the way-back machine: Maybe speak plainly to people? It's worth a damn shot, I would think.

    Say what you mean, mean what you say. Or is this just another example of the white man trying to oppress the brotha man?

  95. "As I suggested in the way-back machine: Maybe speak plainly to people? It's worth a damn shot, I would think."

    Nah, i would suggest using an ounce of common sense. I'm noticing a trend here too, an obtuse need to take every word literally. There is no need to even attempt to have a serious debate with someone so literal. Good luck with the writing thing man.

  96. @Pilot,

    Do me a favor, if you don't mind and if you don't feel your fellow blahs would think you were steppin' 'n fetchin' for whitey:

    In the below text, which is a verbatim quote of your previous text, please point out wherein I am supposed to spot these not-so-subtle cues.

    "No Josh, Landrieau was not going to win regardless of what she did. Look at the polls once the third candidate was removed, she was doomed.
    As far as racism in the Republican party we have to use the old truth, not all Republicans are racist but all racists are Republican. She was right to call out the racism in the gop. They should root them out themselves but why would they chase away a large percentage of their base? You say you know people who are racist against blahs, lemme guess with which party they identify. As another poster wrote, she was going to lose but at least she did something courageous."

    In the first part of this statement, you seem to be very serious and attempting honest discourse as a reply to my assertion that Mary screwed herself by playing the race card unnecessarily. There is no indicator, that I can see, which would suggest, "Hey, this next part -- don't take it seriously. It's just hyperbole!"

    It immediately goes in to explaining how you see racism and Republicans. Then, immediately after the part where you're now not supposed to be serious, you seem to be rather serious again, as if you're attempting to offer an honest assessment of the context.

    I think you just put your foot in your mouth here, and now need to blame me to backtrack because I dared to question Bruce Dickinson and ask the claim to be supported. I see nothing whatsoever to indicate that you were simply being hyperbolic and thus not literal. You seemed pretty f'n literal.

    As for "common sense," what's so common about sense? Most people probably believe ice melts faster in hot water than under cold water. That'd be "common sense," like there being a higher power or something.

  97. "I think you just put your foot in your mouth here, and now need to blame me to backtrack because I dared to question Bruce Dickinson and ask the claim to be supported. I see nothing whatsoever to indicate that you were simply being hyperbolic and thus not literal. You seemed pretty f'n literal."

    Notice you didn't include the part in which the hyperbole took place. Why is that? My guess is that the person of average intellect could notice the hyperbole. Oh I get it, a post has to either be all ironic or serious for you to keep up. Ah, I get it now I have to dumb it down for Josh. Check.

  98. What are you talking about, I didn't include the part in which the hyperbole took place? I copied and pasted your entire comment to me up there, where you initially stated all racists were Republicans.

    Is that not the statement you're attempting to tell me was just hyperbole and thus not to be taken literally?

    Here, let's try it again, in case you glossed over your own comment too quickly:

    "No Josh, Landrieau was not going to win regardless of what she did. Look at the polls once the third candidate was removed, she was doomed.
    As far as racism in the Republican party we have to use the old truth, not all Republicans are racist but all racists are Republican. She was right to call out the racism in the gop. They should root them out themselves but why would they chase away a large percentage of their base? You say you know people who are racist against blahs, lemme guess with which party they identify. As another poster wrote, she was going to lose but at least she did something courageous."

    If that's not the supposed hyperbole, then WTF are we even talking about here? You claimed all racists were Republicans, I asked for evidence of that claim, and you took to again insulting me as too dim to understand obvious jest in text.

  99. "If that's not the supposed hyperbole, then WTF are we even talking about here? You claimed all racists were Republicans, I asked for evidence of that claim, and you took to again insulting me as too dim to understand obvious jest in text."

    You're right, I did overlook that part. My bad but the idea that 1. I would know every single racist on the planet and 2. they are all registered Republicans doesn't require 3 degrees to get a whiff of hyperbole but hey if you want to argue minutia you can do it without me.

  100. That one cannot prove a claim in no way prohibits one from making a claim.

    Just look at every single devout religious person in existence. I'm supposed to believe they're being hyperbolic if they tell me they believe there's a spirit man in the sky who created and controls everything? They cannot possibly provide evidence for this, but they believe it to be so.

    And believing all racists are Republicans isn't that outlandish a belief, considering the beliefs some people hold. Many believe all whites are racists, full stop; or all blacks are worthless criminals, or all liberals are communists, and so on. They cannot possibly provide evidence for these beliefs and claims, but that in no way stops them from making them.

    Why should I put you in a category above the everyman? As I stated, maybe speaking plainly about what you mean is a better formula, rather than speaking seriously to someone in one sentence, and then deciding in the next to mix in a new literally device for -- what? I don't know. Shits and giggles maybe; laziness. Who knows.

    Far from "minutia." It's the meat of the context, not the small stuff.

  101. Literary device* even...

  102. I give up. Good night Josh.

  103. Don't blame you. It's kind of a lost cause here.

    Not only did you use the word "truth" in your initial statement, which would suggest you were being quite serious, you also then did attempt to provide evidence that Republicans are racists before ultimately turning it back around on me and suggesting that I was stupid.

    Can't win 'em all. Sleep well.
