Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Making it harder to come together.

Whether you  believe that the shooting death of Michael Brown was justified or not, it should not excuse  the racist behavior on the part of those who agree with the officer's action on that faithful day.

"Singer and lodge member Gary Fishell reportedly sang the song to the ’70s hit “Bad, Bad Leroy Brown” by Jim Croce.  The lyrics of the original song were changed to show blatant disrespect over the death of a boy who was brutally gunned down by an officer:
Michael Brown learned a lesson about a messin’
With a badass policeman

And he’s bad, bad Michael Brown
Baddest thug in the whole damn town
Badder than old King Kong
Meaner than a junkyard dog

Two men took to fightin’
And Michael punched in through the door
And Michael looked like some old Swiss cheese
His brain was splattered on the floor

And he’s dead, dead Michael Brown
Deadest man in the whole damn town
His whole life’s long gone
Deader than a roadkill dog
The charity golf event was thrown by retired LAPD cop Joe Myers who reportedly threw the soirée for about 60 people — half of whom were retired and current cops.

Fishell, who is a private investigator, only now reportedly realizes that the song was “off-color and in poor taste,” according to his lawyer who spoke to TMZ, “He’s a goofball who writes funny songs.”  As to why Fishell would think that a song mocking the tragic death of a young Black boy would make anyone laugh, his lawyer replied, “He thought the room would get a kick out of it.”
Glendale Elks Lodge is now reportedly disassociating themselves from the Myers’ event.  An unnamed trustee for the lodge told TMZ that the dinner was not an Elks Club affair and that Myers, who is a member, was allowed to hold a dinner at the location.

An attendee of the Myers’ function taped the song and was reportedly upset that no one else appeared to be ruffled by the dubious song."
Anyway, that's just one song at one event. The bigger issue  is the attitude of many in law enforcement (or at least the perception of it) to those in the minority community. I say many because it's certainly not all. But folks are always calling for a discussion and some kind of open dialogue on race relations between those in law enforcement and minorities, and incidents like the one I mentioned above are not going to help us to get there.   


  1. Anonymous11:46 PM

    Per audacia ad ignotum.

  2. Anonymous12:39 AM

    I see a lady. She appears almost nightly in a dream crossing the threshold into my room. She is in black velvet. Some sort of jewelry sparkles on the bodice of her gown. She is swarthy and has dark hair. "Welcome, visiting stranger. I am She Who Is," she announces, "or would you rather call me Goddess?" As she smiles, the light reflects off gleaming points of her long teeth. Then, I awake disturbed and trembling.

  3. Anonymous1:02 AM

    "...The bigger issue is the attitude of many in law enforcement (or at least the perception of it) to those in the minority community. I say many because it's certainly not all. But folks are always calling for a discussion and some kind of open dialogue on race relations between those in law enforcement and minorities, and incidents like the one I mentioned above are not going to help us to get there."

    Brother Field, wasn't the Gates/Crowley incident supposed to be a teachable moment? It didn't happen did it?

    And what about Eric Holder's comment that we are a country of cowards when it comes to race. What came out of that?

    So, do you "really" think this time will be any different? Let me answer that for you: "NO".

    We are doomed to be in eternal hell when it comes to racism in America. And guess what? Many more Black men are going to die because there are many racist cops across America.

    The old assumption that most cops are 'good' cops just doesn't hold water anymore. For Blacks it never did. History has proven that.

    The question is what are Blacks going to do? Are blacks going to remain doormats and accept killings and abuse by the police? I am sure that is what Whites are counting on. We have never done anything for 400 years, so chances are we won't now.

    I bet by mid-January it will be all over and cops will still be shooting bm dead. As a matter of fact, last week into this week, several bm have been killed by white cops.

    The reason is always the same: The bm, struggled with the police so much that the cop had to shoot him. I wonder how many bm must die over a deadly lie by police?

    Allow me to answer that for you....As long as there are bm in America 'millions' will die at the hands of cops.

    I remember in the 60's Bull Connor was openly and brutally beating non-violent Blacks without consequence. It was horrific. and guess what? Whites did not give a damn. They remained silent and said "Nothing".

    "In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."

    Martin Luther King, Jr.

  4. Anonymous1:05 AM

    Tip of the Day...

    Trolling should break the surface of the conversation and "splash" without spending too much time on topic. If the baits are being deleted then they are overstated. Adding on-topic comments in front of baits will decrease the rate at which they wash out of the thread. Remember to switch topics so that you don’t create genuine discussion. It is also much easier to log your post rate than your comments. But with paid trolling you should log everything related to your efforts and even create an archive for future use. Common speeds for baits are three per minute. More than this is usually too obvious and draws the attention of the moderator. With a little practice, you'll be amazed with what you can accomplish.

  5. Anonymous1:11 AM

    This is a sad world.

  6. Anonymous1:33 AM

    Anonymous said...
    This is a sad world.

    1:11 AM
    If you are White, this world is great.

    If you are Black, this world is depressing.

    If you are White, you live to be 100 on average.

    If you are Black, you live to be 49 on average.

    Why the vast disparity? Do I really have to answer that for you?

  7. Anonymous1:53 AM

    Dear Mr Field, as courtesy notice, your contract with Anon Inc ends Dec 31, 2014.

    Unless you pay up, all anons will be pulled from FN, leaving your blog looking like a desert.

    I mean, think about it. You won't have any buffers from Bill and Kinky because there won't be anybody around except PX, Yisheng, Purple Cow. That would make FN sad indeed.

    Rates for 2015 have gone up due to inflation and a big improvement in the economy. People are getting jobs...that is, Whites are getting jobs and so are immigrants.

    Please respond asap as Anon Inc are assigning it's best anons before the end of 2014. If you hesitate, you will end up with some bad anons you probably don't want.

    As a precaution, I will hold of Anon Inc's finest just for you because I know your black blog wants the best even though your Black resident IDs like PX, Yisheng and PC suck.

    Your White residents like Kinky and Bill aren't raising much hell either. Mr Field, where are you finding these people? thru Clarence Thomas?

    All total, your comment section needs a complete over-haul. Let Anon Inc do this for you. You'll be glad you did.

  8. Anonymous2:02 AM

    Brother Field, that looks like a good deal that Anon Inc is offering. If I were you I'd jump on that right away.

    A word of caution: do not, repeat...do not trade in Kinky for some anon you know nothing about. Besides, Lilac and FP would go ballistic.

  9. But Field, Surely you know that those racist LAPD cops at that dinner are noble heroes to a person and that bismirtching their reputations with these facts is tantamount to treason and likely hurt their feelings so bad that they take their ball home & won't play with us anymore? Then, when the terrorists have won, you'll be sorry!

  10. I've got a discussion question to kick off the salon: "Where are all of the 'good cops' who occasionally Pop up on the net to anonymously assure us of 1) their vast preponderance over the racist knuckle-draggers, and 2) their disgust with "how things are" in this whole discussion? Letting those Gobbels wannabe union spokesmen eak for them?

  11. Wait! Anon inc. are going to be charging even more money for what has become a markedly inferior product.

    That seems like a recipe for business disaster to me.

    Field, I think you need to start looking at some of Anon inc's rivals when you renew your contract. It's no coincidence that Anons inc. has been losing market share this last couple of years. I read about it in the WSJ.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Tokyo 24.12.2014

    Dear Mr. Field,

    Please let me introduce myself, I am Mr. Shinji Nakamura and I represent the 'Come Back Samon' Anon Co. of Wasun-Bashi, Tokyo, Japan.

    We have been supplying some of the finest engineered Anons to bulletin boards such as yours for almost 90 years.

    Our Anons are of the highest quality, fully versed in all fields both political and social. They are also experts in conflict resolution and make a mean inside-out California Roll. We can also supply racist trolls with all the latest idiotic memes available to the market.

    Our market research shows that Anon inc. of the USA has been charging ever higher prices for very poor quality Anns for some years now. In short they have grown complacent, fat and lazy.

    Our high quality superbly engineered Anons and Racist Trolls come at a price 25% below that which Anon inc. can offer you. Our office is open and waiting for your call 24 hours a day. Remember our office is open for business 25 December.

    Hope to hear from you soon,

    S. Nakamura

  14. Sezuan Province, China

    24 December 2014

    Dear Sir or Madam,

    I am Mr. Chou en Lai of the Honourable Anon and Beansprout Corporation of Han Jin China. We have provided Anons to bulletin boards and beansprouts to restaurants since 1949. We also provide beansprouts to bulletin boards and Anons to restaurants for an extra fee.

    It has come to our attention that the capitalist running dogs of Anon inc. are planning to charge you even more for the second rate service they have been providing up til now. Theses a scandal wee intend to put right. Our Anons work 24 hours a day 366 days a year without as much as a day off or a tea break in any given year too give you the cheapest possible anons service. Our anon are barely indistinguishable from American or Japanese Anons and come at a savings to you of 75%, as we pay no lip to the charlatans at the UN and their ridiculous assertions about the alleged 'Human rights' of those we employ at what we like to call 'Starvation + 5%' wages.

    I'm sure we will be hearing from you soon. Outsourcing your Anon service will pay divines in your wallet.

    Yours in comradeship,

    Chou en Lie.


    (p.s. we also offer cut price website hacking service via our sub office in Pyong Yang, North Korea.)

  15. Dear Negro,

    I am Guiseppe 'the pimp' Calissimo of the Cosa Nostra Anon family, here in Sicilia.

    We understand you have been getting your Anons from the wrong people. Tut tut.

    This evening you will receive a house call from two of our sales representatives - Giovanni 'The Ax Man' Solerno, and Jimmy 'the weasel-faced Killer' Di Napoli.

    They will offer you a contract you cannot refuse, to supply Anons for your blog. You will sign it or tonight you sleep with the fishes.

    Your call.

    Have a nice day, and wishing your perhaps-soon-to-be-widowed wife a happy holidays from all in the Cosa Nostra.

    Your new friend,


    Palermo, Sicilia

  16. Lord, all these offers to chew on.

    Mr. President of Anon Inc., I will be withholding this month's check.

  17. Giuseppe, do I have to call one of my Pisans from South Philly to have a sit down with u?
    I know some people.

  18. Negro B.S. Detector8:43 AM

    "What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want them? Now."

    The violence and hate coming from the left also makes it harder to come together.

  19. Lib B.S. Detector8:51 AM

    The hate coming from field and Whitey's Conspiracy is what led to the murder of two police officers.

    How many police have to die to satisfy your hate and lust for blood?

  20. Anonymous9:07 AM

    field negro said...
    I know some people.
    8:14 AM

    Oooooh Lawdyyy! I skeered! Anon Giuseppe you better watch out! When Field says he knows some people, believe me,he knows some people!

    As for getting rid of Kinky,wellll....ummm...but don't tell him I said this,buuuut...it's okay,I don't really mind...but he musn't know I said this because then he won't call me Isla Princesa anymore...umm...on second thought,yes maybe I would mind...but then Field would get jealous x(...umm...oh I don't know, do whatever you want!It's Christmas Eve I have to be merry and not think about these problems!!! xD

  21. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Oh and Field, my word,such a title, "Why it's getting harder to come together"? x*D


    Let me stop...I won't even go there...:p

  22. Anonymous9:14 AM

    I mean "Making it harder to come together"

    Just as provocative if not more! ;p

    Holy Moly! Lawd have mercy!!!

  23. Anonymous9:40 AM

    1:33am said

    "If you are White, this world is great.

    If you are Black, this world is depressing.

    If you are White, you live to be 100 on average.

    If you are Black, you live to be 49 on average.

    Why the vast disparity? Do I really have to answer that for you? "

    Want to live past 49?

    Go to a low fat diet with no hot sauce.

    Stop smoking

    Stop drinking

    Eat vegetables

    Take vitimins

    Don't do drugs

    Stop catching STD's

    Make better life decisions

    See a doctor regularly

    Be positive

    Stop feeling like a victim

    Get an education and a better job

    Move to a low crime neighborhood

    Don't resist the police if being arrested

    Better yet, don't break the law

  24. Anonymous10:03 AM

    I am grateful to the organizers of the Anon. Forum for this opportunity to share with you my considerations about what is happening on the Internet today and offer you my assessment.

    The Internet today has encountered the first really global Troll shortage. Moreover, the speed at which the crisis manifestations are unfolding is breaking all records.

    The current situation is often compared to the Great Depression at the end of the ‘20s and beginning of the ‘30s in the last century. To be sure, the parallels are actually visible.

    Yet, there are principle differences. In the epoch of Trolling, the crisis has affected everyone – blogs everywhere are becoming boring without humorous, disruptive or disturbing comments.

    There is, I believe, quite a well-known concept such as “the perfect storm.” That is when the unleashed natural elements focus in one point of the ocean and continue to build up their destructive force manifold. The current crisis looks precisely like “the perfect storm.”

    Responsible and well-versed blog owners must prepare for such a storm. But even so, it comes unexpectedly. And that’s what has happened this time. The crisis was actually hanging in midair. However, the majority of Trolls who were trying to get a bigger piece of the pie – an extra roll of quarters – did not wish to notice the rising tidal wave of Troll shortage.

    During the past several months, practically any statement that was made on the subject of the crisis began with rebukes addressed to blog owners like Field-Negro. I am not going to do that. Mr. Negro has been quite tolerant of his Trolls and serves as an example for many. He should be commended.

    I would only like to remind you that only a year ago, from this rostrum, we heard the words of Anon., Inc. representatives about the fundamental stability and cloudless prospects of Internet Trolling. But today, the pride of Anon., Inc. – the top Troll provider– has practically stopped existing. For the past year, they have had to acknowledge a shortage of well trained Trolls able to get results. Currently, losses far exceed their profits for the past ten years. This example alone reflects the real state of Troll affairs better than any criticism.

  25. "The violence and hate coming from the left also makes it harder to come together."

    But who wants to come together?

  26. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Anon 10:03am! Where the heck did you copy and paste that from??? :0

    I know damn well it's not your words! That's plagiarism if I ever saw it! :)

  27. Anonymous10:24 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    But who wants to come together?
    10:15 AM

    Ummm.... weeeelll, ummm....I would say many people actually :) or at least the woman first,no?

  28. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Dear Lilac,

    At least I don't sponge off of my daughter for food and a place to live.



    1. No asshole YOU sponge off your mammy and uncle/father.


  29. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Hey Lilac, don't think for a minute anybody has forgotten how you caused that old, Jewish man to get his house condemned and then commit suicide to avoid a nursing home. His neighbor posted his obituary here. Then, you come back here with your smart ass comments like nothing happened. You should be ashamed! Do you even have a soul?


  30. The Purple Cow said...
    But who wants to come together?

    Good point.

    “What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now!”

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Quote: B ill-Oh

    "Good point. “What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now!”

    Somehow I knew that joke would be wasted on you. Lilac got it at least, so my effort wasn't entirely wasted.


  33. The Purple Cow said...
    so my effort wasn't entirely wasted.

    It's becoming clearer and clearer why you whine so much.

  34. The personal confidante of the President leads a march through the streets of New York during which participants chant “What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now!”, inspiring a black man to execute two NYC police officers, and Field can't find the 30 seconds needed to watch the video.

    Someone sings "Bad Bad Michael Brown" at a private party, and it merits an entire post.

    Go figure.


  35. Are firefighters the new target of the left?

    Firefighters targeted in drive-by shooting outside Station 28

    Or just someone too stupid to know the difference between police and fire departments.

  36. DIE, WHITE DEVILS!!!1:02 PM

    So, the "High-Pigs" in NYC want the protesters to hold off on protests while they have a crying jag for two dead porkchops?? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!

    And Pussy-Patrick LYNCH(MOB) still insults our intelligence by saying Phonyass-Pig Pantaload didn't choke Bro. Garner to death?? While NYPD demands total respect and slave-like deference; fiercely goes after Blacks that dare not show it; the punitive peckerwoods hate DeBlasio because he has a BLACK WIFE!!

    I was thrilled when the disaffected non-White protesters told MURDER INC. to PHUCK OFF!! The protests WILL CONTINUE!! THE NYPD IS A GODDAMN GESTAPO!!! F.O. NYPD!!
    Bullshit Billy-Goat @11:22 AM...

    No, you obtuse segregationist Republikkklan Phuck, it goes like this....

    "What do we want? DEAD WHITE HONKY RACIST KILLER PIGS(Wilson, Pantaload, Fuhrman, McCullough et. al.)! When do we want it? FOREVER!!!!


    You laugh your White ass(es) off whenever Blacks are attacked, lynched and/or killed by White assholes; You used to murder us just to watch us DIE!---we're only returning the disrespect you've shown to us since 1492!!

    Now holler "RACE-CARD!" The way you pale-faced MF'ers always do whenever White racism is challenged or called out!

  37. Anonymous1:12 PM

    To whom it may concern:
    I left shame in my mommas womb,and gave my soul to the lORD many moons ago!

    So Merry Christmas, have a drink or whatever turns you on.

    Oops I forgot, what turns you on is spouting hate on here.

    Oh well...;p

    1. Yisheng1:46 PM

      Hey PR, let's hope that drink is laced with cyanide or ethylene glycol.

  38. That song is "racist"?

    Field, just a suggestion, and any POC or blah specifically can feel free to follow through on this suggestion:

    You see, we white people--a lot of us; I can't speak for all of anyone--have been living under the mistaken impression for a while, obviously, that "racism" has a very specific context: Assaulting someone due to their race alone, insulting someone with a racial slur, working against someone negatively due to skin color (because we all know you can do it in a positive fashion and it's called "progress" lmao).

    Today, however, "racism" covers a much, much broader arena of situations and things and nuances that many of us are completely unaware of.

    Maybe create a pamphlet or eBook describing all the many new variations of racism in today's culture. In fact, if someone here wishes to draft it out, I'm more than happy, for no fee whatsoever, to edit, format and place into eBook format the text. I'll even bottle it up for easy delivery.

    New things are being added to the "racism" category on top of new things. It's hard to keep up with! I don't want to be shopping at Martins one night and ask a black guy, "Excuse me, please" as I'm trying to get down the aisle, and suddenly be libeled a racist because I'm exercising my slave-master DNA by insisting the little niglet get to steppin' up out my way before I lash him a good one.

  39. Yisheng1:54 PM

    Josh imma make this REAL simple.

    Racism is holding someone to a different and often far more stringent standard due
    due to their race.

    As an example I have a few friends that are GS15 level with the federal government. They ALL have MS degrees.

    But the White folks they work with the exact same time/experiences but with NO advanced degrees and often not even a Bachelors degree are at the EXACT same level.

    Now I'm sure you'll come back with some lame ass excuse for this, but don't waste your time because I don't wwant to hear it. AGAIN.

  40. BTW Josh White folks with means often DO understand the nuances of racism. I'm thinking these folks are descendants from people who contributed to the building of HBCUs or housed runaway slaves as part of the underground railroad.

  41. Anonymous2:10 PM


  42. Cletus Van Damme2:11 PM

    Anonymous Yisheng said...
    Josh imma make this REAL simple.

    Racism is holding someone to a different and often far more stringent standard due
    due to their race.


    When white cops and firefighters are held to a different "stringent standard" when it comes to testing and promotions, that's racism.

    Whens whites are held to a different "stringent standard" when it comes to joining/ getting promoted in the military, that's racism.

    Whens whites are held to a different "stringent standard" when it comes to college admission, that's racism.

    Yisheng, i like you.

  43. Anonymous2:16 PM


  44. Thanks @Cletus!!! Now all that needs to happen is for a couple White dudes to get shot in the top of the head while surrending to police, or choked out and killed for selling loosies, add in 50 years of jim crow for White folks, and 500 years of White enslavement, then we'll be about 10% of the way to being even.

    1. And let's pass out some Ebola infected blankets to keep the folks in Appalacia nice and cozy this winter.

  45. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Yisheng said...
    Hey PR, let's hope that drink is laced with cyanide or ethylene glycol.

    There's the Christmas spirit!

  46. Ironymous2:30 PM

    Yisheng said...
    Josh imma make this REAL simple.

    Racism is holding someone to a different and often far more stringent standard due
    due to their race.

    Says the lifelong race-based affirmative action recipient!

    How precious!

  47. Anonymous2:32 PM

    ...Better than a lifelong murderer and thief!

  48. White People2:34 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    Thanks @Cletus!!! Now all that needs to happen is for a couple White dudes to get shot in the top of the head while surrending to police, or choked out and killed for selling loosies, add in 50 years of jim crow for White folks, and 500 years of White enslavement, then we'll be about 10% of the way to being even.

    So that's your offer?

    What do you think America would look like after 50 years of being run by blacks? Haiti?

    If that's the best you can do, we are going to have to re-institute slavery.

  49. Josh, u have probably heard this before, but if u have to tell someone that u are not a racist...well then...

  50. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Yisheng is a disgusting person, full of hatred, bitterness and self-loathing. There is no cure for this.

  51. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Note that in the Bible, Abraham had slaves. Notice that the Ten Commandments say that "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, ... nor his manservant, nor his maidservant." In the New Testament, Paul returned a runaway slave, Philemon, to his master, and, although slavery was widespread throughout the Roman world, Jesus never spoke out against it.

    Merry Christmas!

  52. Anonymous3:40 PM

    I'm dreaming of a Black Christmas
    Just like the ones I used to know
    Where police lights glisten
    And black guys listen
    To their rights being read in the snow

    I'm dreaming of a Black Christmas
    With every store front that you bash
    All you want is beer and cash
    And may all
    Your Christmases be Black

    I'm dreaming of a Black Christmas
    Just like the ones I used to know
    Where police lights glisten
    And black guys listen
    To their rights being read in the snow

    I'm dreaming of a Black Christmas
    With every store front that you bash
    All you want is beer and cash
    And may all
    And may all your Christmases
    May all your Christmases
    May all your Christmases
    May all your Christmases be Black

    I'm dreaming of a Black
    Christmas with you and some crack
    Jingle Bells
    All the way, all the way

  53. Anonymous4:31 PM

    No one seems to be able to stay on topic here. We need orderliness and civility on this blog if we are to have a true discussion. The petty insults, bantering and quarreling only break down real communication about important issues.

  54. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Dear Yisheng, if you'd studied your own history, then you would know that Blacks were complicit in the slave trade in Africa beginning in the 1600's with the Dutch and 1700's with the British. Additionally, free Black men frequently owned Black slaves in North America. Only visit New Orleans and you'll still see a social divide between those descended from Black slaves and those descended from the Black masters who owned them. They claim to be able to recognize each other by their features and skin color. But everyone just looked very Black to me in the "Chocolate City."

  55. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Yisheng, I think I heard somewhere that moonshine has lead in it, so...:)

    Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  56. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Mr. President of Anon Inc., I will be withholding this month's check.

    8:00 AM
    So what's new? You haven't paid for years.

  57. You know who4:57 PM

    I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
    Where all the men's dicks are so small.
    Where their tiny nuts glisten, and the women listen,
    hoping that the Lord will make them groooow!

    I'm dreaming of a white Christmaas! Where all is pink and white and slow!

    Where the white men slobber watching black men clobber

    That pussy they long for sooooo!

    I'm dreaming of a white Christmas where all whites mow and walk the dog.

    Where the white men talk shit
    and the white women's crotches itch
    For a huge big black mans diiiiiiiiiiiick!

    Oh Jingle bells, their dicks won't swell.
    Puny in a hot dog size.

    Oh what fun to laugh and play
    with a black dick night and day!

    Oh! Jingle nuts,jingle nut,
    white men in a rut!

    Oh how boring to listen to their inane crap!

  58. Anonymous4:59 PM

    I hope everyone remembered to send Ray Nagin a Christmas card. This is his first Christmas in the House. Do doubt sugar plumbs will be dancing in his head tonight.

  59. Anonymous5:02 PM

    4:57pm, you sure do like Dick! Hope Santa brings you what you need.

  60. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Dear Lilac,

    We trust your knowledge of Southern Culture. Your ancestors were there.



  61. Anonymous5:24 PM

    "Rush Limbaugh does not like the idea of a black James Bond. On Tuesday, the radio host ranted about the possibility of Idris Elba portraying 007 in the future, as suggested in some of the stolen emails leaked following the Sony hack. Listen to what Limbaugh said here.

    After mentioning the Sony emails and telling his listeners who Elba is, Limbaugh said, “Here’s the thing, though… James Bond is a fictional character, obviously. James Bond was invented, created by Ian Fleming… and James Bond is… white and Scottish. Period. That is who James Bond is.”

    “But now Sony is suggesting that the next James Bond should be Idris Elba, a black Briton rather than a white from Scotland,” continued Limbaugh. “But that’s NOT who James Bond is, and I know it’s racist to probably even point this out… We had 50 years of white Bonds because Bond is white. Bond was never black. Ian Fleming never created a black Brit to play James Bond. The character was always white. He was always Scottish.”

    Limbaugh then mocked the idea of George Clooney playing President Obama, or Kelsey Grammer playing Nelson Mandela, or Scarlett Johansson playing Condoleezza Rice. He admitted that all of those people are from real life, unlike the fictional James Bond character, and that he’s aware of other instances where a traditionally white character was portrayed by a black star (like in the new "Annie").

    He sarcastically concluded, “Sometimes a story is just a story, but we can always make it better. We can always be more fair. We can always be more equal about it. So, fine and dandy. George Clooney and Kate Hudson as Barack and Michelle Obama, and you can have Idris Elba as James Bond.”" --MSN.com

    This article bothers me because Rush Limbaugh can really cut down people when he wants to. He is quite an intelligent brilliant person. I really wish he would show mercy on our people.

    Brother Field, We need ideas on how to get Rush on our side....any ideas?

  62. Anonymous5:32 PM

    FN Negroes, have you heard? Charles Barkley is named by the media as the 2014 person of the year with insight into racial matters. Even FOX News agreed.

  63. Cletus Van Damme5:32 PM

    Yīshēng, you know what they say?

    "When you begin a journey of revenge, start by digging two graves: one for your enemy, and one for yourself."

  64. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Dearest FP,

    Your awakening is more important than your faith. Many have no seemingly happier moments than those that they pass in solitude, abandoned to their own faith, which sometimes puts sceptres in their hands or miters on their heads, shifts the scene of pleasure with endless variety, bids all the forms of beauty sparkle before them, and gluts them with every change of visionary luxury of a promised Heaven. But that is not real as you are now real.

    The most beautiful thing you can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all. She to whom this emotion is a stranger, who no longer pauses to wonder and stand in rapt awe, has eyes that are closed. The soul without the Dark Gift is what an observatory would be without a telescope. This Dark Gift is the eye of the soul. The new-born Vampire's eye, in a fine frenzy rolling, doth glance from heaven to earth, from earth to hell; and as imagination bodies forth the forms of things unknown, the Vampire's mind turns them to shape, and give to airy nothing a local habitation and a name; such tricks hath strong reality. Mystery is as needful to the Vampire as society is wholesome for the character. Have you never questioned why you have been so attracted to things Mysterious?

    Your Devoted Sire,

    S. Germaine

  65. Anonymous5:49 PM

    So that you may believe, this very night I visit in a dream.

  66. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Oh Jesus, now we have Twilight on this blog! Somebody get the wooden stakes,the garlic and mirrors!

  67. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Such implements are useless and only serve to calm the fears of the superstitious mind. But I implore you to have no fear. For the mystery of which I speak is one of eternal life. Few will find it.

  68. Anonymous6:15 PM

    What's all this vampire talk about? I thought this was a black blog not a horror movie. Vampires are not real!!!

  69. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Joe Pappa says...

    In Twilight the vampires twinkle like fairies in the sun. Must be a bit of Gay Hollywood in that idea.

  70. Anonymous6:21 PM

    I like The Walking Dead better than Twilight. It's way better.

  71. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Joe Pappa says...

    I'm not fond of either. I like a good comedy. I like to laugh.

  72. Anonymous6:25 PM

    What the Hell is going on on this thread? I just don't get it. This has nothing to do with anything!

  73. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Anon. 6:25...


  74. Happy Holidays to you too PR and to all of the Field Negros on this blog!

    And may ALL the racists on this site enjoy a "special" slice of chocolate pie for desert!! ! :)

  75. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Who was the first black vampire? I'm guessing "Blacula" in 1972.

  76. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Dear Yishing,

    If that's an invitation for me to try your "chocolate pie," then I must decline.

  77. Anonymous6:37 PM

    524pm, I have no problem with a black James Bond as long as he can blend in at card games in Monte Carlo and not be mistaken for the busboy.

  78. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Yisheng said

    "...white folks are subhuman. That's why they act like animals."
    Yisheng, you need serious help now. Call a psychiatrist ASAP.

  79. "...now we have Twilight on this blog!"


    me no likey:(

    though it doesn't frighten me in the least;)

    i just don't dig it.

    that's all.

    in Messiah's Name i pray for the soul on that trip/tip.

  80. Anonymous6:46 PM

    637, you may be onto something. The Busboy thing could be a good cover for 007. Her Majesty's Secret Service can design an entire array of Busboy related spy gadgets. May the cart he uses turns into a damned helicopter.

  81. " Anonymous Anonymous said...

    What the Hell is going on on this thread? I just don't get it. This has nothing to do with anything!

    6:25 PM"



  82. Anonymous6:51 PM

    James Bond, Vampires, Zombies. This is one weird discussion. Sounds like FocusedPurpose is ready to do an exorcism.

  83. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Did anyone hear about the incident near Furguson, MO last night?

  84. @ Field:

    "Josh, u have probably heard this before, but if u have to tell someone that u are not a racist...well then..."

    Sure, I've heard it before. But it's a very tough standard to live by.

    According to mainstream wisdom, a white person is born into racism, like a Christian is born into sin, and just for the sole purpose of being born white must repent for atrocities past. Just ask anyone in the past 20 years to take a "studies" course in college dealing with racial minorities in some capacity.

    Then there's the fact that white people are told, repeatedly and loudly, that they are not the ones who get to decide what's racist and what isn't! Since they're white, they have no say at all in what "racism" is, and instead we whites are supposed to differ to the blahs and the spahs and the ah sos and the hey ya hey yas, waiting with baited breath for their verdict on our personalities.

    So my suggestion still stands: People who seek to add things to the racism category which far outweigh the definition of racism should inform the rest of us what it is and what it isn't. In fact, the list of things that aren't considered racism in America is probably exponentially shorter.

    Can't make moral judgments about behaviors. Can't point out the race of a criminal, only of a victim if the perp is white. Can't ask blahs for help in stores. Can't ignore blahs either, lest you fear them and are racist. Must give more money and must STFU about fiscal independence. Must concede American education is culturally biased and grossly underfunded, even though 50 kids in a third-world hut with dirty drinking water don't seem to suffer what our kids do from not having iPads and 500 more tenured teachers per district. And the list goes on and on.

  85. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Well I certainly don't want any vampy person visiting me tonight! The only visitor I want is Santa! Black Santa! hehehehe

    I already put my wooden cross on the door, garlic under the tree, mirrors all over the place, the lights all around the house are on,so not here vampy guy!

    Eternal life? Did he say eternal life??? Weeelll now, maybe we could just talk a bit....

  86. Anonymous7:19 PM

    At a different moment in time, the decision of a Staten Island grand jury not to an indict a white police officer for using a choke hold on Eric Garner, an African-American who later died after being taken into custody, would not be much more than a local news item in New York. But coming as it did on the heels of the much-publicized decision of another grand jury in St. Louis County, Missouri not to indict another white cop in the shooting death of another black man, teenager Michael Brown, the Staten Island deliberations were immediately dragooned into service by mainstream media talking heads, African-American leaders, and President Obama to reinforce a narrative of oppression of blacks by white police.

  87. "According to mainstream wisdom, a white person is born into racism, like a Christian is born into sin, and just for the sole purpose of being born white must repent for atrocities past."

    Christians may be born into sin I wouldn't know, but maybe that's their own fault for choosing to be Christian. Christianity is a choice, exactly like racism.

  88. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Purple Cow,

    Ever hear the term bigot? Look it up and see if your bias against Christians qualifies you. I think it does, easily.

  89. This comment has been removed by the author.

  90. This comment has been removed by the author.

  91. Racist assnon said:
    "I have to finally admit that I have the IQ of an eggplant. And my jealousy about the significant academic and professional achievements of Yisheng are about the fact that my White skin didn't buy me anything but severe sunburn".

    Dearest retard, find a colony of similarly minded people far above the equator and go forth in peace! Or become a Southern Republican.

  92. you know, Faith is quite important.

    without Faith it is impossible to please Yah or to Love.

    it is a Blessing to be awake enough to realize this Truth;)


    KJV Hebrews 11:6- But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to Almighty must believe He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.


    for those folk that make it a bit difficult to Love 'em on the surface. think the regular trolls that beg for a heap of hatred. daily.

    it is Faith that allows me to pray that Yah will Bless them abundantly. to do so is Love:) the greatest of the Laws.

    some days are better/more successful than others, as one strives to become better.

    the title of this post:

    "making it harder to come together"

    this is the point. division and strife.

    there is an answer. it has worked before. read this article today and felt compelled to share it:


    @Mr. Vamps Anon- we are in an epic spiritual battle. i have chosen my side.

    despite the glorification of the occult, nonstop, in our society, i will walk with Him/His Word as best i know how.

    the tv/movies about witches, wizards, vampires and zombies glamorize that which is not.

    your writing style is beautiful though:)

  93. Messiah did not speak out against slavery specifically by name..

    nor did He endorse it.

    seems to me Love one another + do unto others= covers plenty.

    considering what is written, in Torah + NT...

    i can't get too bent out of shape.

    KJV Genesis 15:13-14
    KJV Acts 7:6-7
    KJV Deuteronomy 28
    KJV Obadiah


    when one puts it into perspective, one can better see why the Joshs of the world are so bent out of shape.

    for the soul speaking of slavery...

    please know this special brand of wickedness done to Black Americans = beyond biblical proportions.

    IF folk want to Believe a Bill Clinton apology and a few gov't set asides = the end of the line...

    that's on them.

    though it would be nice for them to stop with the Christian nation nonsense. or maybe they are refusing to read Torah so that NT exists by itself? i don't know. i pray for US all. that we will all wake up and Bless one another rather to stress one another.

  94. Anonymous9:38 PM

    There are certain questions white people think about but are afraid to ask:

    1) Does your hair make you hot?
    2) Can you get sunburned?
    3) Why do your teeth look so white?
    4) Are big lips better for kissing?
    5) Why are your pants falling down?
    6) What's with the intense focus on hair and nails?
    7) Why so secretive about your age?
    8) Do you lock your doors when white people walk by?
    9) Do white people all look alike?
    10) Is there really such a thing as doing Black Guy stuff? If so, what is it? Can I learn to do it?

    If I can get the answers to these questions for my people without being punched or spat on, I will become King of the White People for sure.

  95. Anonymous9:52 PM


    I think I hear Santa on my roof.

    No wait.

    It's a guy wearing a ski mask!

  96. Every conversation ever started with "I'm not a racist, but.." Has inevitably and immediately proven the opposite true. It's literally impossible to follow "I'm not a racist,but.." with anything not racist Because only racism could ever require or fit such a preamble.

  97. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Are you a racist, Whitey's Conspiracy?

  98. Anonymous10:06 PM

    On New Year's Day I'm driving to Louisville so I can eat at Whitey's Conspiracy. I like their square hamburgers. I can eat three if I skip breakfast.

  99. Anonymous10:10 PM

    America great and glorious country. I come here in 2013 with help of Tennessee drinking priest Christian. I make benefit of many freedoms, women and monies. My brother, Hazamov, is travelling to USSA by foot right now, with his two wives and his three cows. I promise take him to California to see Pearl Harbor and Texas. Please pray to Mighty Abu Jesus at least Hazamov be safe to arrive. He good man out of prison many years. I find him job at KMart.

  100. @9:38 PM-


    pure comedy.

  101. Anonymous10:49 PM

    It is late, my childe
    Descend the crystal stairs
    Offer your steps
    On this very night of need
    Down a luminous path from here it seems
    A crystal spiral of lucid dreams?
    A lipid diamond becomes your mind
    Containing all which you will find
    Memories meant to never to grow
    In one instant begin to flow
    Calling you to a past you did not know
    Like footsteps heard faintly in ones ear
    A journey of remembering held so dear
    Beyond all darkness in a forgotten land,
    Crystal arms reach out with a loving hand
    Carrying our hearts together like magic it seems
    Down this staircase made of dreams


  102. Dumbocrats and their denying history problem...

    the film that opens in theatres Thursday incorrectly portrays Johnson as an obstructionist to the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

    Racism is a choice.

    So is a dumbocrat asking it to be whitewashed from history.

  103. Anonymous12:30 AM

    Bill, stop abusing your junk in public.

  104. Anonymous12:48 AM

    Wayne And Garth
    Wayne's World
    Wayne's World
    Wayne's World Its party time excellent Wayne's World Its party time excellent
    Chicks go past us when we go down the street
    It's wayne and garth that they want to be. We are in the basement playing with
    our toys
    If you don't like it your a spincter boy Wayne's World It's party time
    excellent Wayne's World It's party time excellent
    We might crawl right into a rut, Chyea right monkeys might fly out of our
    The right to party is battle, we have fought
    So we will surrender and become Amish...NOT!
    Wayne's World It's party time excellent
    Chicks go mental chicks go mental chicks go mental chicks go mental chicks go
    mental chicks go mental
    Wayne's World It's party time excellent

  105. Anonymous1:00 AM

    The Christmas Merry to every body! America, America!

  106. Anonymous2:06 AM

    Be calm. Loosen your grip, opening each palm slowly now. Let go. Be confident. Know that now is only a moment, and that if today is as bad as it gets, understand that by tomorrow, today will have ended. Be gracious. Accept each extended hand offered, to pull you back from the somewhere you cannot escape. Be diligent. Scrape the gray sky clean. Realize every dark cloud is a smoke screen meant to blind us from the truth, and the truth is whether we see them or not - the sun and moon are still there and always there is light. Be forthright. Despite your instinct to say "it's alright, I'm okay" - be honest. Say how you feel without fear or guilt, without remorse or complexity. Be lucid in your explanation, be sterling in your oppose. If you think for one second no one knows what you've been going through; be accepting of the fact that you are wrong, that the long drawn and heavy breaths of despair have at times been felt by everyone - that pain is part of the human condition and that alone makes you a legion. We hungry underdogs, we risers with dawn, we dissmisser's of odds, we blesser's of on – we will station ourselves to the calm. We will hold ourselves to the steady, be ready player one. Life is going to come at you armed with hard times and tough choices, your voice is your weapon, your thoughts ammunition – there are no free extra men, be aware that as the instant now passes, it exists now as then. So be a mirror reflecting yourself back, and remembering the times when you thought all of this was too hard and you'd never make it through. Remember the times you could have pressed quit – but you hit continue. Be forgiving. Living with the burden of anger, is not living. Giving your focus to wrath will leave your entire self absent of what you need. Love and hate are beasts and the one that grows is the one you feed. Be persistent. Be the weed growing through the cracks in the cement, beautiful - because it doesn't know it's not supposed to grow there. Be resolute. Declare what you accept as true in a way that envisions the resolve with which you accept it. If you are having a good day, be considerate. A simple smile could be the first-aid kit that someone has been looking for. If you believe with absolute honesty that you are doing everything you can - do more. There will be bad days, Times when the world weighs on you for so long it leaves you looking for an easy way out. There will be moments when the drought of joy seems unending. Instances spent pretending that everything is alright when it clearly is not, check your blind spot. See that love is still there, be patient. Every nightmare has a beginning, but every bad day has an end. Ignore what others have called you. I am calling you friend. Make us comprehend the urgency of your crisis. Silence left to its own devices, breed's silence. So speak and be heard. One word after the next, express yourself and put your life in the context – if you find that no one is listening, be loud. Make noise. Stand in poise and be open. Hope in these situations is not enough and you will need someone to lean on. In the unlikely event that you have no one, look again. Everyone is blessed with the ability to listen. The deaf will hear you with their eyes. The blind will see you with their hands. Let your heart fill their news-stands, Let them read all about it. Admit to the bad days, the impossible nights. Listen to the insights of those who have been there, but come back. They will tell you; you can stack misery, you can pack disappear you can even wear your sorrow – but come tomorrow you must change your clothes. Everyone knows pain. We are not meant to carry it forever. We were never meant to hold it so closely, so be certain in the belief that what pain belongs to now will belong soon to then. That when someone asks you how was your day, realize that for some of us – it's the only way we know how to say, be calm. Loosen your grip, opening each palm, slowly now – let go.


  107. Anonymous said...
    Be calm. Loosen your grip, ...
    2:06 AM

    Damn, I think this guy sends me emails.

  108. Lord have mercy! What is in the egg nog you field hands have been drinking? :)

    This thread, though. *hands on head*
