Saturday, January 17, 2015


I need a caption for this pic.
Yo Mitt, I voted for you last time. I was the one.
*Pic from   


  1. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Yo Mitt, I voted for you last time. I was the one.

    You my nigga!

  2. Anonymous10:32 PM

    Mitt, if you adopt me, you'll win. The one with the most black kids "wins".

  3. Hey ladies and gentlemen, Eddie Murphy is in the building!

  4. Anonymous11:34 PM

    "Mitt, if you adopt me, you'll win. The one with the most black kids 'wins'."

    Willard doesn't have any black kids. That's a grandson.

    Anyone, you're probably better off with Angelina Jolie as your mom. If Willard's your dad, you know he's only going to take away your beer and bore you into a coma with dreary details about corporate buyouts and inspirational readings from the Book of Mormon.

  5. Fo shizzle my nizzle!

  6. Gonna give you lots of money workin' for MCA

  7. I hired you to breed my wife, not my daughter, you savage son-of-a-bitch!

  8. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Mitt: Of course she's clutching at your neck son, to show you how much we loooove Negros! AHAHAHAHAAaaa Vote for me! I love the other 53% I really do, that was just a joke! Ahahahahahaaaaa


  9. Military could release Bergdahl court martial determination

    Not a chance of a court martial.

    Imagine the optics of Obama trading 5 prisoners for 1 court martialed deserter.

    Survey: Obama gets thumbs down from the troops

  10. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Mitt, I don't waste my time voting. Check out Field, he loves you guys.

  11. Poor Bill, what will he do when O is gone? Maybe he will obsess over Hillary.

    Josh, u are starting to scare me. :)

  12. Hey, Field -- when a white guy looks that angrily at a black guy, I assume it can only be one of a few things. One of which, he dipped into his daughter!


  13. field negro said...
    Poor Bill, what will he do when O is gone? Maybe he will obsess over Hillary.

    Hillary? The dumbocrat party going back to the old white party leaders?


  14. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Field, I want recognition for the most profound and deeply thought out comment@1046am.

    Fyi, I am Black and I am sick and tired of not being 'recognized'.

  15. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Mitt: "Hey bro, have you seen Selma? I was cheering near the end when those Fed Troops from MASSACHUSETTS showed up. You see, Whites from MA don't fuck around. We WILL kick the South's ass again if we have to.... You need to see the movie, Bro!"

    Bro: "Was King in the movie?"

    Mitt: "Yeah, but what's that got to do with the troops from my state, Bro?"

    Bro: "Lawd have mercy."

  16. Anon@1:31PM, what does being black have to do with anything? You don't get special privileges on FN because u are black.

    We are an equal opportunity blog here when it comes to comments.

  17. Ellen1:47 PM

    Master, Iam a faithful dark skinned black man and we really love white people.We will always worship and honor you.


  18. Middle class decline looms over final years of Obama presidency
    Barack Obama enters the final two years of his presidency with a blemish on his legacy that looks impossible to erase: the decline of the middle class he has promised to rescue.

    The economy is doing great for rich people.

    The Obama recovery worked.

  19. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Blogger field negro said...
    Anon@1:31PM, what does being black have to do with anything? You don't get special privileges on FN because u are black.

    We are an equal opportunity blog here when it comes to comments.

    1:47 PM

    Hell, you give Yisheng special recognition. You give PX special recognition. You give PC special recognition. You give Lilac special recognition.

    Why can't you show some compassion for a down and out brother from Ferguson?

  20. ctrl+halt+del8:38 PM

    Romney screams "What are you talking about? The law of averages proves it's time to get with mitt for president!

  21. Brother, I didn't know that your were from Ferguson. Well, if u put it that way, I will try and help a brotha out. Lord knows that if u are from Ferguson, things have been rough for you.

  22. Bill is a F'n Idiot11:51 PM

    "The dumbocrat party going back to the old white party leaders?"

    Well, it works for the gop. At least she's a woman. The gop just sticks with old white men. Why not criticize them Bill?

  23. ctrl+halt+del9:20 AM

    Romney threatens citizen, " If you don't vote for me you will see that hand again!"

  24. Bill won't answer that.

    Ask him how many women have leadership positions in the new GOP controlled house.

  25. Anonymous4:19 AM

    Mitt, no offense but your breath smells like ass. I have a box of Tic Tacs. Take as many as you like.
