Saturday, January 24, 2015


I need a caption for this pic.
Keep it clean people.   
Pic from Aktual.Az


  1. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Black guy: This sucker gonna get shot any minute know!

    Klansman: This sucker gonna be slashed any minute now.

  2. Vinny8:32 PM

    Now, that that's settled. On to more important things.
    Is Klay Thompson white or black?
    You love to label people like a white Klansman, field AKA The Black Cracker. Boy looks white to me, but he plays Negra. What gives?

  3. Black dude: "Seriously, bro. You can't even be black one time? This is getting ridiculous.

    White dude: "A thing worth doing is worth doing right."

  4. "Norman Rockwell Finally Gets America Right."

  5. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Black dude: "Dems some funny looking checkers"

  6. ctrl+halt+del9:39 PM

    "White wastes advantage and brings a knife to a gunfight."

  7. ctrl+halt+del9:46 PM

    RIP Mr. Ernie Banks (1931-2015)

  8. Anonymous10:12 PM

    BM: why do I have to play defense all the time?

    KKK: Well, because I'm White; because this is America, and because you're a ni***r.

    Is that clear 'boy'? don't make me castrate your black ass with your uppity silly-ass questions!


  9. Waiting backstage for their segment on the Springer show.

    "Can you believe that dweeb Springer paid for a ho with a check?"

  10. Anonymous10:44 PM

    Black guy bets gun on game.

  11. Anonymous10:45 PM

    It never hurts to show your opponent you take the game seriously.

  12. Anonymous10:46 PM

    While he plays his hubcaps are being stolen.

  13. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Chess to the death is fun.

  14. Anonymous10:53 PM

    Proof of the Calming Effects of Marijuana.

  15. Anonymous10:56 PM

    "If you don't stop dressing like that, I can't keep playing chess with you."

  16. Anonymous11:23 PM

    Membership standards have really dropped.

  17. Anonymous3:22 AM

    Fields and Josh playing chess.

  18. Anonymous3:29 AM

    Meanwhile a Hispanic man robs both their houses.

  19. Anonymous3:41 AM

    Neither of these men should be smart enough to play chess. What's going on here?

  20. Anonymous3:43 AM

    "You moves yo Queen one mo time and imma shoot da bitch!"

  21. Anonymous3:49 AM

    Since Cooter and Jamaal have been seeing a marriage counselor, they've decided to spice up their love life with a little role playing.

  22. Anonymous4:22 AM

    "Allow me to play double advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn’t take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It’s clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts, instead of making a half-harded effort. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother’s mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like its a peach of cake."

  23. Anonymous5:26 AM

    Both agree. This is much more pleasant that burning things.

  24. Anonymous5:35 AM

    Think chess is a game of skill and not probability? Think again.

    Steven is playing chess with Jamaal. If Jamaal loses 5 black pieces, and Steven puts his black King in check, what's the probability that Jamaal will go home to his black neighborhood and loot his local convenient store?

  25. Lt. Commander Johnson7:37 AM

    Guy in the hood (Clayton Bigsby), (ala. Dave Chaplle):

    "You been messin' with my white woman nigga!!!get me my gun, Bubbba!

  26. Actually have some pretty good captions so far.

    Vinny, FYI, Thompson is bi-racial, which makes him a black man here in America. His father is black (Bahamas) and his mother is white.

    And, for the record, his back court mate (Curry) is bi-radial as well.

    This would make Golden State the most hated team in the NBA among the wingnut /redneck crowd.

  27. Lt. Commander Johnson8:00 AM

    Maybe some of you Eienstans'won't understand that "Clayton Bigsby", GOOGLE it.

  28. Ctrl-alt...

    Thanks for reminding me about Mr. Banks. May he RIP.

    Dude personified class.

  29. Lt. Commander Johnson8:04 AM

    Hey Field. Nice to "see" you. Hope you & yours are doing well:)

  30. lol Anonymous made me think of another caption.

    Black dude: "Ohhh, you meant that kind of grand master."

  31. The good white people can't accept that a black man has enough grey matter to win a chess game.

  32. Hey,Blood! Bust a cap in his lily-white ass!

  33. Lt. Commander Johnson11:14 AM

    Which black peeps was the last Chess Master?

  34. Lt. Commander Johnson11:23 AM

    Hey.'re not exactly doing your race well.

    Sit back down with the crack pipe & Malt Liquor & shut up before the po po comes again.

  35. This post reminds me of my chess champion daughter and all he White folks she "slaughtered".

  36. Anonymous11:43 AM


    I pity your daughter. I hope you're at least paying for a good therapist.

  37. Lt. Commander Johnson11:52 AM

    No problem, Mr.Ms Yisheng. I'm sure your daughter is a very smart girl.

    However. some folks around here, seem to think just because their own fellows, (excuse me, Tribes), pulled them out of their luxurious huts, drug them to the nearest beach, dumped them to the traders, and gave a flying crap about them?

  38. Yīshēng said...
    This post reminds me of my chess champion daughter and all he White folks she "slaughtered".

    Wow, that's great. Your daughter must be a lot smarter than you, maybe smart enough to finish school in her 40's.

  39. As an aside, yesterday afternoon I was playing blitz chess against a Russian woman on In time trouble I blundered away a rook, so I reached for the 'Resign' button, but missed and clicked on the 'Chat' button instead.

    But my opponent didn't notice the combination that would have won my piece and carried on defending, so I saved my rook and carried on to win the game.

    There's definitely a life-lesson to be learned there somewhere, I'm just not sure what it is.

  40. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Hell. YOU probably don't know WHO da mommaS is, or WHERE yo chillin's are!!!!

    You are too stupid to admit I'm right.

  41. Anonymous12:29 PM

    "There's definitely a life-lesson to be learned there somewhere, I'm just not sure what it is."

    Women can't play chess.


  42. Obama talking before he was elected...

    or are not fulfilling the veterans benefits that these troops need when they come home, or [are] undermining our constitution with warrantless wiretaps that are unnecessary.


    Obama watched vets die as the VA intentionally falsified records under his watch

    Obama watched journalists get wiretapped under his watch.

  43. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Ummmm. Lessons. You men you liking them white girls?

    I've had a White Russian, and a Black Russian, (drinks, not sex), but, I think your lesson would be how did you get rid of the fat Brit girl???? What do you do going forward? You seem like a smart guy.

  44. OF COURSE my daughter is a genius, BOTH of her parents have advanced degrees, and 3 of 4 of her GRANDPARENTS do too.


  45. More proof of the Obama economy...

    More homeless camps are appearing beyond downtown L.A.'s skid row

    How rich does one have to be to believe the Obama recovery worked?

  46. Congratulations Mr. Yisheng. I have to assume your daughter is a single child. ?

  47. Yīshēng said...
    OF COURSE my daughter is a genius, BOTH of her parents have advanced degrees, and 3 of 4 of her GRANDPARENTS do too.

    Negro thinking: A magical piece of paper confers intelligence on it's owner.

    A degree earned from a reputable institution in a real field of study can indicate some level of intelligence and work ethic. That has nothing to do with someone granted admittance based on their race and gender, passed along to meet quotas, and still struggling to finish thirty years later.

    That would be you.

    That your daughter could overcome the handicap of having an overbearing, repulsive, and disingenuous fraud like you as a mother is a testament to her intelligence and character, assets that she has despite being related to you.

    I wish good luck to your daughter, and Godspeed putting distance between herself and her train wreck of a mother.

  48. Anonymous1:27 PM

    "Democrat Chess Match"

  49. Lt. Commander Johnson1:28 PM

    Yes, you piss-ant mother fucker the "WIZ" do no criticize the man about his daughter.

    YOU. Serve NO purpose than I can see, but to die and become fertilizer.


  50. 1/25/2015
    Monthly US Rents Keep Climbing, Especially in San Francisco

    More examples of the Obama recovery.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. Poor old Bill.

    You've gotta feel sorry for the kid.

  53. Ελπίδα έχει κερδίσει ! Συγχαρητήρια ΣΥΡΙΖΑ

  54. Anonymous3:34 PM


    1) Graduated college (double major Science/Humanities degrees, ie TWO degrees) and got married BEFORE having a kid.


    2) Had a baby in grad school and STILL finished ON TIME.


    3) Completed a SECOND MS degree while raising a family, ie HUSBAND AND KID.


    4) Worked as a Scientist and now has a side business as a consultant/tutor.


    5) Earning the "Dr." title AS WE SPEAK.


  55. Bill you know damn well the economy is as much the Rethugs' fault who refuse to work with him, as it is the Presidents for doing more for Wall Street than Main street.

  56. And GREED is what's killing the ecomony and the 1% are responsible for that!

  57. "Train wreck" in your case means a desperate social striver who obsessively brags about 'accomplishments' that have been handed to her while constantly feeling the need to denigrate anyone who has to earn their keep.

    No one who is truly intelligent and/or successful needs to rub it in the faces of the less fortunate. Your actions betray the truth that you are neither.

    Instead of feeling gratitude towards a society that has allowed you to spend a half a century trying to get a doctorate degree, you are filled with the petty resentment of the unjustly entitled.

    You are a mess of a person and I feel sincerely sorry for your daughter. I hope she can rise above your example and grow up to be a decent human being.

  58. Shouldn't the Klansman's weapon of choice be a noose rather than a knife?

  59. Anonymous4:16 PM

    The Wiz said...
    That your daughter could overcome the handicap of having an overbearing, repulsive, and disingenuous fraud like you as a mother is a testament to her intelligence and character, assets that she has despite being related to you.

    I wish good luck to your daughter, and Godspeed putting distance between herself and her train wreck of a mother.

    1:12 PM
    You are a mess of a person and I feel sincerely sorry for your daughter. I hope she can rise above your example and grow up to be a decent human being.

    3:52 PM

    Is this really necessary ???

    Jesus Christ! Even innocent children get dragged into this!

    Hey buddy, Yishengs daughter doesn't comment on here!

    Why don't you calm down and write something of actual import???

  60. @lilacpr2000: This is how Yisheng's daughter got dragged into this:

    Yīshēng said...
    This post reminds me of my chess champion daughter and all he White folks she "slaughtered".

    11:31 AM

    Nothing I said about this daughter was in the slightest bit derogatory.

    Everything was directed at the "train wreck" who used her daughter to once again claim how smart she herself was.

    If you can't keep up, stay out.

  61. Anonymous4:32 PM

    So what if she mentioned her daughter? It's her daughter!!!

    No reason for you to start insulting her!

    Listen, in my book, it's wrong okay!!!

    Are you white? Because you are personifying every single horrible thing that is said about your race okay! Everything!

  62. "No reason for you to start insulting her!"

    No, the reason to start insulting her is her offensive and insulting comments. Try reading them sometime. She deserves a lot worse.

  63. Well, one thing's for sure -- you'll never meet an average BW.

    Every single one supposedly has a 4.0 GPA, is well educated, has mad discernible job skills, is a fantastic mother, and can never do no wrong.

    But leave the kids out of it. If you doubt the "chess champion" status, challenge her to a match at Pogo. I'm so-so at chess; never really had the patience, but I see a Josh vs. The Purple Cow grudge match brewing! muahahaha

  64. Lt. Commander troll, it must suck to be you.

    Bill, I feel your pain. O beat you twice, and even after mid-term losses he is acting like he is king of the world.

    That is one uppity Negro. :)

  65. Doc, do not worry about the haters. You know what u have. Let them just keep on hating.

  66. I have played against some good chess players both black and white.

    But the best chess player I ever played against was a Jamaican Chinese.

    Go figure

  67. Josh said...
    But leave the kids out of it. If you doubt the "chess champion" status, challenge her to a match at Pog

    Listen you stupid motherfucker, SHE brought her kid into it and I never doubted the "chess champion" status or anything about her daughter. In fact, I never said a single thing about her daughter other than I felt sorry she had to put up with a head case for a mother.

    You are truly one dumb son of a bitch.

  68. field negro said...
    Doc, do not worry about the haters. You know what u have.

    So does anyone who reads her posts, including you Field.

  69. Hey PR,

    Thank you, you're too sweet!!! But as I've said MANY times before, I NEVER read what are VERY likely asinine responses to my comments like the one I made at 3:06PM.

    Ignoring ignorance just happens to be another one of my fortes! ;)

    Hey Field, waving wildly!!! :)

  70. Today's dispatch from world wide liberal convention in Davos:

    Jeff Greene is a billionaire who made the lion’s share of his fortune shorting subprime mortgages ahead of the last recession. Jeff Greene took a private jet to the World Economic Forum in Davos this week, along with his wife, children, and two nannies, and then saw fit to tell Bloomberg that “America’s lifestyle expectations are far too high and need to be adjusted so we have less things and a smaller, better existence.” Which would be a wonderful suggestion coming from someone who, unlike Jeff Greene, does not own a $195-million palace in Beverly Hills with 23 bathrooms and a rotating dancefloor, two other Los Angeles mansions, a mansion in Palm Beach, a mansion in the Hamptons, and a 145-foot party yacht called Summerwind that once severely damaged a protected coral reef off Belize.

    We are told to hate the robber barons of old who became exceedingly wealthy by raising the standard of living for all of us (Andrew Carnegie, John Rockefeller, Henry Ford, et al.). But it is permissible to admire today’s ultra-wealthy due to the social and environmental consciousness that they express by promoting policies to destroy our standard of living in the name of collectivist ideology and the debunked global warming hoax.

    1. Anonymous6:36 PM

      Let me take a wild stab in the dark on Mr. Greene. Would he be a member of that historically persecuted tribe? Fucking figures. Another rich jew telling everybody else to tighten their belts.

      Instead of fighting amongst ourselves we should be targeting the group that controls the media, banking and politics. They are the real problem. Blacks should especially dislike these bastards as they were the ones that controlled and ran the slave trade. Most slave ships were owned by Jews. That is historical fact.

  71. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    Ignorance just happens to be another one of my fortes!

    One you demonstrate every day.

  72. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Hey Doc! You are so right! ;*D

    Scroll,scroll,scroll!!! Lol! Honestly, my finger actually gets tired sometimes scrolling through the nonsense! :)

  73. So, I take you're only a "Wiz" when it comes to cursing on an Internet forum. Not for chess? Shame, that. I had high hopes that a motherfucker who can fucking cuss like it's fucking second fucking nature might fucking be fucking skilled at fucking chess. But you fucking seem much more the jump-a-motherfucker-instantly checkers type who gets fucked kinged out after acting over fucking eager. Fucking fuckstick fucker fuck, sumbitch.


  74. Yīshēng said...
    Bill you know damn well the economy is as much the Rethugs' fault who refuse

    Of course the blame goes to ALL politicians.

    This is a blog that supports dumbocrats. I haven't noticed that Field, you and PilotX need any help pointing out the rethugs part of the blame.

    For some reason, the same people that point out the rethugs part never mentions the dumbocrat part of the blame.

    Yet it is noticed that I point it out.


  75. field negro said...
    even after mid-term losses he is acting like he is king of the world.

    Acting being the key word in your comment.

    The unraveling security situation in Yemen -- the same country Obama cited as a model for his fight against ISIS terrorists -- has thrown the President's counterterror message into question.

    Obama "acted" like his policy was successful.

  76. lilacpr2000 said... Scroll,scroll,scroll!!! Lol! Honestly, my finger actually gets tired sometimes scrolling through the nonsense! :)

    I found an easier way to ignore nonsense, if you click a few centimeters from the word "said" next to the losers username, the entire post is hidden. ;)

    One last thought, it takes a special kind of mentally deranged COWARD to disparage the lives of productive members of society, while at the same time spending an obscene amount of time posting negative comments on a Black political blog. And never ONCE revealing ANYTHING about themselves, which clearly means that there's nothing worth mentioning.

    So as I see it, one need only look here for proof that mental health is underutilized in US society.

  77. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    I found an easier way to ignore nonsense, if you click a few centimeters from the word "said" next to the losers username, the entire post is hidden. ;)

    One last thought, it takes a special kind of mentally deranged COWARD to disparage the lives of productive members of society, while at the same time spending an obscene amount of time posting negative comments on a Black political blog.
    6:22 PM

    OMG Yisheng! I never thought of that! Easy peasy from now on!

    Instead of "scroll scroll" It's "click click" LOL!

    and ain't it the truth!!!

  78. Yīshēng said...
    "it takes a special kind of mentally deranged COWARD to disparage the lives of productive members of society, while at the same time spending an obscene amount of time posting negative comments on a Black political blog"

    Wow, is Yisheng finally exhibiting some self awareness?

    You are being pretty hard on yourself Yingyang, calling yourself a deranged coward and such. However, kudos to you for finally admitting you are a parasite who has a compulsion to "disparage the lives of productive members of society".

    The first step towards making yourself a better person is to admit how awful you really are. Good luck on your journey toward redemption. You are going to need it.

  79. Lemme guess, you're not going to let me be black again huh?

  80. Anonymous10:23 AM

    White begins and Black wins.

  81. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Both are kins, and uncle just love jiving while nephew tired of his over the top jokes.

    White sales and black Friday.

  82. Anonymous12:26 PM


  83. Anonymous12:56 PM

    White folks are starting to look like something emanating from the Twilight Zone. There's something horrifically wrong with these "folks".
