Sunday, January 04, 2015


I need a caption for this pic.
*Pic from


  1. angela11:26 AM

    My parents went to Louisiana to Michael Scalise's house for vacation-- and all I got was this stupid outfit.

  2. The new Republican Party, all white, racist and hyper religious.


  3. I like how dumbocrats had to photoshop the chickfila into the picture to tie christians to the KKK.

    Why is it acceptable to dumbocrats to insult christianity but not islam?

    What's the difference between religions to dumbocrats?

  4. "Why is it acceptable to dumbocrats to insult christianity but not islam?"

    Do you have any evidence for that?

    No, of course not.


    "What's the difference between religions to dumbocrats?"

    Well I'm not a Democrat so I can't speak for them but for me all religions are equally idiotic. The need for religion is motivated chiefly by people's fear of death, so they invent these stories to help them cope with the fact that in the final analysis everybody dies alone.


  5. Blaming bush never gets old for dumbocrats...

    Reflecting on the role of black artists in addressing a racist society, Minaj spoke about the backlash Kanye West faced after announcing, "George Bush doesn't care about black people" during A Concert for Hurricane Relief in September 2005.

    "I feel like when Public Enemy were doing 'Fight the Power,' we as a culture had more power — now it feels hopeless," Minaj says. "People say, 'Why aren't black celebrities speaking out more?' But look what happened to Kanye when he spoke out. People told him to apologize to Bush!"

    Interesting that in 2015 with a black dumbocrat in the white house she feels black celebrities can't speak out regarding black issues.

    Sounds like she knows any criticism of Obama is dangerous to her career.

    The exact opposite of the "dissent is patriotic" dumbocrats kept saying during the bush regime.

  6. Angela, that was classic! You are the leader so far.

    Bill, what are u talking about? This is a stretch, even for you.

  7. Even by Bill standards, that's a weird post.

  8. "Arkansans Gather to Listen to Republican Candidate Forum"


  9. field negro said...
    Bill, what are u talking about? This is a stretch, even for you.

    WHich post?

    Nicki minaj is scared of the backlash to speak out?

    Or you using a photoshopped image to take a shot at chickfila?

  10. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Fresh meat for the paedophilic Democrat party.

    Nothing gets the left hotter(well, except for Obama porn)than pictures of little kids in kkk uniforms.

  11. ctrl+halt+del1:48 PM

    Graham Cracker's sister Ginger,snaps selfie for school science fair project, "How to solve World Hunger."

  12. DAt White-a$$ BoooaYYYYY BEStSS NWtt B GoNN down Daa $trEeT Wit Dat klaN $hIt. HE'D mak REGinALdd DeNNayY $AAYy DEezAm WhITE-a$$$ BoOoayy,, U JUS Gottt yO' A$$$ Kicked.

  13. Wesley R2:41 PM

    You should have had a photo of Stuart Scott for Caption Sunday.

    Screw those KKKracker,w Fox News Motherfuckers.

  14. Rare family photos of the Phelps' 1997 high-school graduation ceremony.

  15. Limpbaugh4:48 PM

    I don't like most Democrats or most Republicans, but I believe Muslims are unfairly stereotyped and criticized. Democrats, Republicans, and our media want wars with Muslims. Iran is on their list. A million people in Tehran protested the 9/11 attack. 98% of the Iranian voters in Iran voted for presidential candidates, including the one who won, who wanted to release the hostages during the Carter days. But Reagan and Khomeini had a deal to hold them. Iranians have a young population that wants coca-cola and blue jeans. They should be our best friend. But Israeli PACs, oil companies, and war profiteer corporations own our politicians and media.

    Look at all the Palestinians killed with your tax money recently. Iraq would be a lot better off if we had never attacked them, and that goes for the Christians who used to live there peacefully too. LBJ covered up the state sponsored attack on the USS Liberty, by Israel. I'm not for knee jerk support or opposition to any side. I'm for justice and fairness. Christian churches aren't overly persecuted here. They don't even pay taxes. There is always a push to kill Arabs though.

  16. Limpbaugh4:51 PM

    As for a caption: Time to come in Suzy. Sean Hannity is on.

  17. The Fixer4:52 PM

    Nothing gets the right hotter(well, except for Obama porn)than pictures of little kids in kkk uniforms.

    There, fixed it for ya.

  18. Anonymous4:53 PM

    QLB's early years.

  19. Anonymous4:54 PM

    "Young Steve Scalise, Age 7. Already destined for greatness!"

  20. Anonymous5:07 PM

    "Why is it acceptable to dumbocrats to insult christianity but not islam?

    What's the difference between religions to dumbocrats?"

    Oh, I dunno, maybe it is the fact that there is a large and vocal segment of the GOP that wants to install a Christian theocracy in Washington and every statehouse, in defiance of our Constitution's Establishment Clause.

    Meanwhile, Muslims make up a very disempowered 1% of the U.S. populace and cannot dictate governmental policy to anyone. As a group, they pose no threat to democracy. (Yet ludicrously, this has not stopped numerous Republican politicians from freaking out about the possibility that the imposition of "Shariah law" is imminent in the U.S.)

    Furthermore, religions are belief systems and are not off-limits from being questioned, provided the criticisms are fair and accurate.

    Most of the time (though not always), the people criticizing Christianity are taking issue with actual Christian doctrine. On the other hand, the Islamophobe lobby in this country pretty much always criticize the Koran for being a terrorism manual -- which is total bullshit, not based in any facts.

    This is the difference between "skepticism" and "bigotry," but you won't see that because you don't want to.

  21. WHO DAT?5:24 PM

    Wesley R said...

    You should have had a photo of Stuart Scott for Caption Sunday.

    Stuart WHO?

  22. The Fixer's Fixer5:26 PM

    Nothing gets the left hotter(well, except for Obama porn)than pictures of little kids in kkk uniforms.

    There, fixed it for ya.

  23. The Fixer5:28 PM

    Nothing gets the right hotter(well, except for Obama porn)than pictures of little kids in kkk uniforms.

    There, made it factually correct.

  24. Anonymous5:30 PM

    "This is the difference between "skepticism" and "bigotry," but you won't see that because you don't want to."

    good point. Bill just wants other's to join his party's anti-mooslim bigotry campaign.

  25. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Oooooooo evil Christians are out to get me!!!!!!

    No one's going to install a "Christian theocracy" anywhere.

    The left uses fearmongering has a excuse for their bigotry.

    If the Anonymousass @5:07 were to be honest and unafraid to speak the truth- he/she would tell you the reason for the left's double standard.

    Most Christians vote Republican.

    So the left thinks it's ok to be bigoted towards them.

    Most Muslims vote Democrat. So the left would never mock or be bigoted towards them. The left has made Muslims a protect class. Even to the point of protecting hate speech and terrorists who are mooslum.

  26. The Fixer's Fixer5:45 PM

    Nothing gets the left hotter(well, except for Obama porn)than pictures of little kids in kkk uniforms.

    There, made it reality.

  27. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Bill Mahr should be lynched.

  28. "I dunno, maybe it is the fact that there is a large and vocal segment of the GOP that wants to install a Christian theocracy"

    Retarded statements like this keep the dumbocrats in power.

  29. The Fixer's Fixer said...
    Nothing gets the left hotter(well, except for Obama porn)

    Obama Porn?

  30. ctrl+halt+del7:16 PM

    Fast food op says..." move over Ronald and Wendy!" introduces new spokesperson, " klannie Annie."

  31. Anonymous7:43 PM

    PC, "Well I'm not a Democrat so I can't speak for them but for me all religions are equally idiotic. The need for religion is motivated chiefly by people's fear of death, so they invent these stories to help them cope with the fact that in the final analysis everybody dies alone."

    11:59 AM
    Maybe you are right. Still, billions of people have faith: Hinduism, Islam, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Christianity and some others I don't know about.

    BILLIONS of people on the planet are idiots, according to your so-called logic.

    Since you are in the minority, which makes you a double minority, considering you are purple, WHY can't YOU be the idiot?

  32. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Dearest Purple Cow,

    Perhaps what you might well have said that religious practices find their origins in a fear of the dead, not of death. All ancient cultures pass down a deep concern over the dangers associated with the dead, themselves, who will not remain dead. In Islam, burial must take place before sundown the following day and the dead must be bound. In Judaism, the dead must be buried quickly and likewise bound. In Christianity, the dead is imprisoned in a casket. In both Christianity and Judaism a Wake is often celebrated in which the corpse is closely observed, even through the night, before being locked finally in the casket to be buried. Why such efforts to imprison dead bodies if so harmless? Why such concern if there is not real danger?

    I can only tell you this. I have walked this earth longer that you would ever believe and I know that these fears are well founded. There is a place of between for some who experience a physical but not spiritual death. In that place, the laws of life and death are suspended. The laws governing the demise of the physical body do not apply and so hunger persists. So, you see, there is an existence between life and death. I know because I now languish here in all of time unable to rest. For that gift is not mine to possess.


    S. Germaine

  33. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Dear S. Germaine, thank you for your comment. It makes sense.

    However, I am wondering what happens to those who are cremated? Do you know?

    PS. I trust you know you are wasting your time talking to PC about these matters, including religion and God?

  34. Anonymous8:21 PM

    I wonder what FP thinks about all this castigation of religion, God and followers of faith?

    I mean, PC loves to call those who have faith and trust in God "idiots".

  35. caption8:39 PM

    No Blacks, know Peace

  36. Anonymous8:49 PM

    No Whites know Peace, either.

  37. ctrl+halt+del11:24 PM

    "More sheets than bodies to fill them."

    The CDC reports racists dying off faster than replacements can hit the streets.

  38. Anonymous11:32 PM

    The younger KKKs will help the South to rise again.

    Negroes if you can read this post, "run".

  39. ctrl+halt+del11:53 PM


    "The CDC reports racists' dying off faster than the disease can spread."

  40. The Bucket12:04 AM

    Fap material for QLB, and most white people

  41. The Fixer12:14 AM

    Nothing gets the right hotter(well, except for Obama porn)than pictures of little kids in kkk uniforms.

    Even more real.

  42. Rev Runs12:17 AM

    "I dunno, maybe it is the fact that there is a large and vocal segment of the GOP that wants to install a Christian theocracy"

    Retarded statements like this keep the dumbocrats in power."

    Not so retarded when the gop keeps running candidates like Rick Santorum, Mike Huckabee and Bobby Jindal all of whom are serious theocrats running for President. Also look at the number of Republican controlled school districts who want to put creationism in science books. It is what it is.

  43. ctrl+halt+del12:58 AM

    I hope you're right!

  44. Anonymous1:55 AM


    You ask a splendid question. Cremation is not in each case necessary for not all recieve the gift of darkness. Therefore, care must be taken to determine then if wise to exhume the bodies of those suspected undead who are observed to return as Vampires and to cremate them, or at any rate entirely to bind them in some other manner. And thus, at length, you would be freed from the importunity of these phantoms such as I who nowadays are far less frequently to be seen in this country than in former times due to the popularity of cremation. Yet, such a blessing was not mine lending me great understanding of the Roman slogan "Away with the cemeteries!" For that empire paid a dear price for its failure to tend properly to the apparent departed and for its embrace of the Christian Blood Cult.

  45. Quote:S. Germaine

    "Dearest Purple Cow,

    Perhaps what you might well have said that religious practices find their origins in a fear of the dead, not of death."

    No, there have been multiple scientific studies that demonstrate that fear of death is one of the prime motivators of religious views.

    Research has shown that system 1 thinkers are much more likely to hold religious views than system 2 thinkers. System 1 thinkers are by definition more emotional and intuitive thinkers than system 2 types, and it's easy to see why they need to believe in an afterlife. Whereas the rationality of system critical, objective thinkers tends to towards atheism.


    "All ancient cultures pass down a deep concern over the dangers associated with the dead, themselves, who will not remain dead. In Islam, burial must take place before sundown the following day and the dead must be bound. In Judaism, the dead must be buried quickly and likewise bound. In Christianity, the dead is imprisoned in a casket. In both Christianity and Judaism a Wake is often celebrated in which the corpse is closely observed, even through the night, before being locked finally in the casket to be buried. Why such efforts to imprison dead bodies if so harmless? Why such concern if there is not real danger?"

    Well that probably made sense in the desert 2000 years ago, because people did not understand death. Teaching people to stick corpses into the ground quickly before they risked the spread of disease and the other dangers of rotting corpses made a lot of sense. In much the same way, not eating pork in the desert 2000 years ago was also probably a smart move, and possible even male circumcision may have made some kind of sense. Now of course, we know better, and we recognise that circumcision of small children for the evil that it is.

    "I can only tell you this. I have walked this earth longer that you would ever believe and I know that these fears are well founded. There is a place of between for some who experience a physical but not spiritual death. In that place, the laws of life and death are suspended. The laws governing the demise of the physical body do not apply and so hunger persists. So, you see, there is an existence between life and death. I know because I now languish here in all of time unable to rest. For that gift is not mine to possess."

    Sorry this is just mumbo-jumbo. There is nothing between life and death. Life is simply a chemical process, when that chemical process stops - life stops. Then the collection of atoms (that has been around for 13.8 billion years) that had been temporarily arranged into your body, return to their natural state of randomness. Entropy always increases. That's the way of the universe.

  46. PC when it comes to religion you've got some serious issues IMHO.

    And a academically trained, Master's level chemist, I must correct you in saying that while the universe prefers a positive state of entropy, it doesn't always increase, hence negative delta S values. Unless of course, you think your time in a car or building is just an illusion. Simply put, putting something together negative delta S or entropy. Tearing something apart or leaving something in smaller parts, positive delta S or entropy.

  47. "Unless of course, you think your time in a car or building is just an illusion."

    Isn't that what quantum mechanics teaches us? As John Lennon said, nothing is real.

  48. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Colonel Sanders' great great grandchild!

  49. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Dear Yisheng,

    Please tell me more about this positive state of entropy. I sincerely find this intriquing. Where may I read more about this?

    Thank you for the comment.

    S. Germaine

  50. The Devil12:39 PM

    Field Negro is an agent of entropy.


  51. In the old days, Obama promised a $2500 savings per family.

    Members of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, the heart of the 378-year-old university, voted overwhelmingly in November to oppose changes that would require them and thousands of other Harvard employees to pay more for health care. The university says the increases are in part a result of the Obama administration’s Affordable Care Act, which many Harvard professors championed.

    Paying more for the same.

    Dumbocrat logic to lower costs.

  52. 2014 was the Year of the Lie, including, but not limited to:

    Bowe Bergdahl. The IRS’s missing e-mails. Lena Dunham. “Hands up, don’t shoot.” Jonathan Gruber. GM and that faulty ignition switch. Andrew Cuomo and that anti-corruption commission. The Secret Service and that White House intruder. Rachel Noerdlinger and her “disabled” son. Rolling Stone and gang rape.

    In each case, the liars used their powerful positions to intimidate, harass, marginalize or just plain bilk ordinary people who lacked access to a megaphone with which to shout back.

    Mostly the liars didn’t suffer any repercussions for spreading falsehoods, and most didn’t even seem particularly embarrassed when they were exposed.

    Activists told us Michael Brown, who was shot by a police officer in Ferguson, Mo., on Aug. 9, was a “gentle giant” who had his hands in the air and was running away when he was shot.
    Video images later showed that he had robbed a convenience store shortly before the police confrontation. Then an autopsy report confirmed that Brown was so close to Officer Darren Wilson that he had gunpowder residue on his hand, and that all of the bullets that hit him came from the front, none from the back. Nor where Brown’s palms raised, according to analysis by forensic pathologist Dr. Judy Melinek.

    Protesters shrugged at all of this, declaring they would continue to honor Brown’s memory by chanting, “Hands up, don’t shoot.” “Even if you don’t find that it’s true, it’s a valid rallying cry,” Ferguson protester Taylor Gruenloh told The Associated Press.

    Where on earth could all of these people have gotten the idea that lying is acceptable? Maybe they’re all just marching to the cadence of the Liar in Chief.

    In the Obama years, lies are no longer lies. They’re essential tools to keep at bay the McCarthyites and their nasty slurs; they’re narratives that serve a larger, political function such as ruining fraternities or the life of a guy who dared to be a Republican on a liberal campus. They perpetuate the fairy tale that the IRS acted properly, that government isn’t corrupt, that ObamaCare is working just fine.

  53. Yisheng, I do not share your level of scientific knowledge, but as an enthusiastic amateur my understanding was that yes, there are of course positive and negative values of ∆S, but in a closed system entropy always increases over time.

    Obviously if you open the door to your freezer you are going to see negative ∆S as your kitchen becomes colder, but that's viewing the freezer and kitchen as two separate but related systems. But if you view the entire universe as a closed system then entropy must always increase.

    Is that incorrect?


  54. The World's Two Richest Men Made $21 Billion Last Year

    Both rethugs.

    Haha, just kidding.

    Both dumbocrat supporters.

  55. On August 18, 2011, Bryan Walsh, the self-described "senior writer for TIME magazine, covering energy and the environment - and also, occasionally, scary diseases," explained to the world, "Why Michele Bachmann's $2-a-Gallon Gas Promise Is a Fantasy." Time put his political diatribe in its Science section.
    ...Trimming the U.S.imports to their lowest levels since the 1960s has caused a worldwide panic in the oil industry. That has led to a price war that has already halved the price of oil. We did that not by checking our tire pressure -- President Obama's plan -- but the Sarah Palin way: Drill, baby, drill.

    Time magazine owes Michele Bachmann an apology not for saying she was wrong when she was right, but rather for implying that her science was off. News organizations need to quit pretending political opinions are science.

  56. Anonymous1:10 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Yisheng, I do not share your level of scientific knowledge

    Purple Cow admits he is a complete moron.

    January 5, 2015.

  57. PC, I'm not an expert in quantum physics or the orgin of the universe. But to answer your question, one would first need to define what a "universe" is, then answer the question as to whether or not the "universe" is a "closed system".

    I for one, do NOT believe it's a closed system for a myriad of reasons, not the least of which is that I don't think God would "limit" himself in such a way.

  58. The Devil1:45 PM

    Life increases the order of the universe. Life is anti-entropy.

    The triumph of Life is order. The triumph of entropy is nothingness.

    Life is Good, entropy is Evil.

    Human consciousness is the pinnacle achievement of life, yet exists outside the laws of the physical universe and through vanity is subject to corruption. Human consciousness can therefore be directed away from serving Life.

    The many animating philosophies of man may be identified as Good or Evil simply by whether they further Life or entropy.

    Leftism manifests itself in anti-humanist ideologies such as radical environmentalism whose logical endpoint culminates in human extinction.

    Leftism is anti-life, therefore leftism furthers entropy.

    Leftism is Evil.

    Leftists are agents of entropy.

    Know this is where you walk.

  59. So are you 'many worlds' or 'Copenhagen'?

  60. "Leftists are agents of entropy."

    Everybody and everything is an agent of entropy, you daft twat.


  61. Wearing your hoodie in public could soon cost you up to a $500 fine

    Plaid pants are legal and hoodies aren't?

  62. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Dear Yisheng and Purple Cow,

    I do suspect that a certain confusion that entropy is disorder is of no little import as regards the matter of my current plight and your current struggles to understand the topic. Your confusion about disorder and entropy has persisted for some time in the field, indeed. So, do not be too hard on yourselves. Although the model of order/disorder is still present in some elementary chemistry texts as a gimmick for guessing about entropy changes (and useful to experts in some areas of thermodynamics), it is both misleading and an anachronism for beginners in chemistry. It has been deleted from most first-year university chemistry textbooks in Europe In the humanities and popular literature, the repeated use of entropy in connection with "disorder" (in the multitude of its different common meanings) has caused enormous intellectual harm. Entropy has been thereby dissociated from the quintessential connection with its atomic/molecular energetic foundation. The result is that a nineteenth century error about entropy's meaning has been generally and mistakenly applied to disorderly parties, dysfunctional personal lives, and even disruptions in international events. This may make pages of metaphor but it is totally unrelated to thermodynamic entropy in physico-chemical science that actually does impact our lives, even the lives of the undead.


    S. Germaine

  63. The Devil2:01 PM

    The Purple Cow says everybody and everything is an agent of entropy.

    The Purple Cow says everybody and everything is Evil.

    The Purple Cow is an agent of entropy.

    The Purple Cow is Evil.

  64. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Dear Yisheng,

    Please do continue to accommodate my interest in this topic of entropy here for I believe it holds the key to the mystery at hand, that mystery of darkness which holds me in existence beyond even my own understanding. I have spent the better part of the last two centuries studying all which is theorized about physical existence only to see theory after theory overturned by the next.

    While I have watched others be born, age and crumble to dust like those theories, I have remained in a state of un-living bondage. But, this physicality is certainly not a closed system as perhaps suggested in your earlier discussions. This state of existence, like yours, requires certain needs be met. Yet, unlike your state of being, the denial of those needs does not lead to physical demise. Such denial only leads to immense suffering which overpowers the will and brings forth certain manifestations of most horrid decay which do not end my state of physical being. So, you see, I am desperate to learn of all that might bring me the peace I seek, final release from this never ending night.

  65. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Blogger The Purple Cow said...
    "Unless of course, you think your time in a car or building is just an illusion."

    Isn't that what quantum mechanics teaches us? As John Lennon said, nothing is real.

    9:54 AM
    If nothing is real, then atheists and you are not real.

  66. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Well, well, well. the Ferguson case has just gotten very very interesting. A grand juror is suing that racist lying prosecutor in MO for not being transparent in the Michael Brown case.

    I have a feeling McCulloch is shitting is Darren Wilson and all his racist white followers.

    I'm taking bets that the same thing will happen in NYC.

  67. MCulloch the Gentle Giant Killer3:48 PM

    LMAO more negro delusion.

  68. Anonymous5:02 PM

    What is real? Let me attest to you that the Darkness is the only reality which is lasting. For it is mystery. It brings us forth and finally calls us back into its cold and empty communion of nothingness, into the mystery of itself. Either you are alone in the universe or you do not exist. Which is more frightening?

  69. Cletus Van Damme5:57 PM

    What is truth? Blacks are the color of darkness. Blacks, like darkness, are a mystery.They bring forth cold violence and their eyes are the windows to nothingness. Finding yourself alone in the dark or in a black neighborhood, you may wish you never existed.

    Which is more frightening? Some will say they are one in the same..

  70. "If nothing is real, then atheists and you are not real."

    errrrrrrrrrr yes, obviously.

    Did you work that out all by your little self?

    Well done!

  71. "The result is that a nineteenth century error about entropy's meaning has been generally and mistakenly applied to disorderly parties, dysfunctional personal lives, and even disruptions in international events. This may make pages of metaphor but it is totally unrelated to thermodynamic entropy in physico-chemical science that actually does impact our lives, even the lives of the undead."

    Neither Yisheng or myself have made that mistake or anything like it, so I'm confused about why you think we are confused.

  72. Anonymous6:09 PM

    You don't exist.

  73. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Anonymous Cletus Van Damme said...
    What is truth? Blacks are the color of darkness. Blacks, like darkness, are a mystery.They bring forth cold violence and their eyes are the windows to nothingness. Finding yourself alone in the dark or in a black neighborhood, you may wish you never existed.

    Which is more frightening? Some will say they are one in the same..

    5:57 PM
    Thank you for putting to words that feeling about being Black. I have felt it for 60+ years in America. Especially during the Jim Crow days up to today.

    You are absolutely right. To be Black in America is depressing and "if" the Whites don't kill you off, other Blacks will. There is no peace in America for Blacks. Whites will see to it with their discriminating power, and penal system for Blacks.

    Thank you for the words of truth. May God bless you for the way you see things.

  74. Lilacpr6:22 PM

    So my blog seems to have been hacked or somwthing. I cannot get in to write and get some sort of security breach notice. I know there was a strange follower appear last week whom I did not know and found a bit suspicious but honestly I just don't know. I will start another blog soon.

    I did just tweet a pic of my daughters house and the lit up gift boxes on the front lawn that are waiting for the Three Kings tonight.

    Tomorrow is the last day of Christmas festivities here, when the children open the gifts that the Kings brought them.

    Tonight there are all sorts of caravans with live music to honor the Kings advent and parties everywhere. I have videos that I took yesterday and today but cant' post them cos of the darn blog!

    I have money at the little nook where I have the Three King statues, and an lit electric candle.

    Here we do not put away our decorations until after tomorrow.

    HAPPY THREE KINGS DAY EVERYONE! May they grant your every desire!

  75. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Blogger The Purple Cow said...
    "If nothing is real, then atheists and you are not real."

    errrrrrrrrrr yes, obviously.

    Did you work that out all by your little self?

    Well done!

    6:04 PM

    Thank you, PC! It's seldom that you give your rare approval. I feel proud to have received one from you. This feeling must be what Nobel Prize Winners feel.

    It's a relief as a bm, to know I don't exist. Now I understand the wm's attitude toward me as if I am nothing. It's because I AM NOTHING!

    They say the truth will set you free. I can feel it....thanks are brilliant.

  76. Cletus Van Damme6:34 PM

    "You are absolutely right. To be Black in America is depressing and "if" the Whites don't kill you off, other Blacks will. There is no peace in America for Blacks. Whites will see to it with their discriminating power, and penal system for Blacks."

    Sorry Anonymous 6;13pm. Someone has to be black. Someone has to bare the mark of Cain.

    I'm just glad it's not me.

  77. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Transgenders have it better than Blacks.

  78. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Dogs have it better than blacks.

    Except black dogs. They experience racism too.

    Black Dog Syndrome

    Why do people discriminate against dark pets?

  79. Anonymous7:32 PM


    Had the same issue with my blog. It's not because of a new follower. They're having a few glitches. Just go to:

    Allow access and the site will run the repair program. Worked for me and now I'm back to blogging with no issues.

    Hope that helps. Happy New a Year!

  80. Anonymous8:05 PM

    I know dogs have it better than Blacks. That's obvious because they are pets of Whites.

  81. Lilacpr8:29 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Hi Anon 7:32 PM!
    Thanks,I went to the site and I see it's malware. But I'll have to wait til my son comes down cos I'm really,really bad with that stuff :p

    Oh and I went to my tweet account and it says I'm blocked too hahaha!

    So I appreciate the info.
    Hope your New Year was good also! Next year my daughter says def I have to go clubbing with her! o,O

  82. Anonymous8:45 PM


    This site should get your Twitter unlocked. I had the same trouble too around the same time.


    Best wishes and good luck with the problem.

  83. Actually I'm having a great time being blah. How about you Doc, FP, PC and Field?

  84. PR please don't take this the wrong way but you should NEVER take computer advice from an anon poster on a website. And unless you are certain the person you're dealing with is legit, don't take advice from someone you think you know on the net either.


  85. Hieronymus9:17 PM

    I would never take advice from you, Yingyang.

  86. Hey Doc, gonna check out your Hoyas on the 13th when they come to Chiberia and get beat by Depaul. Ha!

  87. Life is fabulous PX!! :)

  88. Good to see you finally getting help for your self-esteem issues yisheng.

    Now if you would stop your hate and open your heart-love will flow in.

  89. Life is fabulous PX!! :)

    Yes it is but your squad is still getting beat when they come to town. Ha!

  90. It's ALL about dem' Boys right about now PX!!!

  91. Oh no, not that:-(

  92. Yīshbēg said...
    Life is fabulous PX!! :)

    A cry of desperation if I've ever heard one..

    You can speak the truth here, you are among friends.

  93. "It's ALL about dem' Boys right about now PX!!!"

    Yep, that's a cry of desperation if I ever heard one. Ha! I'll take that back if they end up beating the Packers.

  94. Lilacpr10:32 AM

    Yīshēng said...
    NEVER take computer advice from an anon poster on a website.
    9:13 PM

    Thanks Yisheng! It's okay, I went to the site and it was about the virus that infected thousands of WordPress blogs and such with actually very helpful info!

    But I can't do more than that as I still need surgery for my eyes and also I don't really know how to do all that techy stuff so my son has to do it.

    I believe that sometimes you have to trust :D

    Either way I don't think I will bother as it was always a little quirky to navigate. And WordPress should be the one to fix them anyway. So I will prolly go back to blogspot :)
