Tuesday, January 27, 2015

"Fitting the description" at Yale.

If you are a young Negro in America I can't imagine a better place for you to be than in a library at an Ivy League school.

If you are the parent of such a young Negro it must make you proud to have a child in such a position, and you must sleep pretty well at night knowing that your child will be safe and protected in the friendly confines of a very white, very elite, academic environment.

So imagine how shocked Charles Blow was to hear that his child almost got the Trayvon Martin treatment while walking out of the library on Yale's campus.

"As a noted memoirist and New York Times columnist who writes often about race, Charles Blow has spoken about the police killings of Michael Brown and Eric Garner, deaths that sparked a national debate over how police treat African-American men.

On Monday, Blow wrote about another young black man's encounter with police -- his son, who was allegedly held at gunpoint on the Yale University campus where he's a student.
Blow took to Twitter on Sunday, writing that he was "fuming" after his son called to tell him what happened Saturday -- that he was walking out of the library when university police "accosted" him and drew their weapons. Blow tweeted that his son was detained because he "fit the description" of a suspect.
Blow's son was released, and Yale has said that the real suspect was found and arrested later." [Source]
I feel your pain Mr. Blow. This is a little too close to home for you. Now when you write all those essays for the New York Times about racism in America you can truly write them from them from the heart. 
"Saturday evening, I got a call that no parent wants to get. It was my son calling from college — he’s a third-year student at Yale. He had been accosted by a campus police officer, at gunpoint!
This is how my son remembers it:
He left for the library around 5:45 p.m. to check the status of a book he had requested. The book hadn’t arrived yet, but since he was there he put in a request for some multimedia equipment for a project he was working on.
Then he left to walk back to his dorm room. He says he saw an officer “jogging” toward the entrance of another building across the grounds from the building he’d just left.
Then this:
“I did not pay him any mind, and continued to walk back towards my room. I looked behind me, and noticed that the police officer was following me. He spoke into his shoulder-mounted radio and said, ‘I got him.’
“I faced forward again, presuming that the officer was not talking to me. I then heard him say, ‘Hey, turn around!’ — which I did.
“At this point, I stopped looking directly at the officer, and looked down towards the pavement. I dropped to my knees first, with my hands raised then laid down on my stomach.
“The officer asked me what my name was. I gave him my name.
“The officer asked me what school I went to. I told him Yale University.
“At this point, the officer told me to get up.”
The officer gave his name, then asked my son to “give him a call the next day.”
My son continued:
“I got up slowly, and continued to walk back to my room. I was scared. My legs were shaking slightly. After a few more paces, the officer said, ‘Hey, my  man. Can you step off to the side?’ I did.”
The officer asked him to turn around so he could see the back of his jacket. He asked his name again, then, finally, asked to see my son’s ID. My son produced his school ID from his wallet.
The officer asked more questions, and my son answered. All the while the officer was relaying this information to someone over his radio.
My son heard someone on the radio say back to the officer “something to the effect of: ‘Keep him there until we get this sorted out.’ ” The officer told my son that an incident report would be filed, and then he walked away."
Mr. Blow's son will be fine. He has a father who has a national platform to speak out against what happened to him. 
Think of the countless other black men who have been subjected to similar indignities because they "fit a description". 
Fortunately for young Mr. Blow he will not end up like this guy, or this one, but it's not because he doesn't "fit the description."   



  1. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Yale will hire Sir Charles for their spokeperson. Smh

    Racism will never end.

  2. Anonymous8:33 PM

    The police officer in this case was black.

    The Yale chief of police is also black.

    1. Anonymous8:18 PM

      My understanding was that it was a security guard not a cop. Also there had been some armed burglaries/robberies fairly recently. Suspect in said crimes? If you guessed Black Male you win the Obvious Award for being Obvious.

      Black criminals targeting university students. Such a rare crime. Scum.

    2. Anonymous8:29 PM

      And the cop/guard was black which this hack writer completely neglected to mention. Gee I wonder why. Wouldn't have an agenda would he? So another black male was arrested shortly after this incident. So campus security was actively looking for a suspect who was black and had comitted crimes with a weapon. So how is this incident an indignity?

      Campus security did exactly what they were supposed to do. Seriously this writer is a clown and so is anybody that takes this story as an example of racism. So dumb. Say this kid was actually the perp and instead of stopping him let him keep walking and the guy shot the writers kid in an armed robbery. What then? Would you idiots be happy because the perp wasn't "profiled"?

      There's enough legitimate incidents to have grievances over, this manufactured outrage is such bullshit.

  3. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Cops don't need to be pulling random searches on black men in the hopes that they find something incriminating, when they have no evidence any crime has been committed. That's not making our society substantially safer, and it's illegal besides.

    But when police are actually in pursuit of a black criminal on campus, it's unavoidable that they will end up stopping and questioning some black men who've done nothing wrong. If the man they were pursuing was armed, then the cops were justified in having their weapons drawn.

    As long as there are so many black men involved in street crime, the sort of thing that happened to Charles Blow's son will continue to happen, frequently. Honestly, I don't think there is any solution for this type of situation, in the near term.

    1. Anonymous8:33 PM

      Sure there is. Get a job. Pull up your socks and get your shit together. Stop committing crimes. Black don't want to be profiled so they blame police and white people for doing it and then turn around and have marches and protests for criminals. Makes sense to me. SMDH.


  4. The officer, who himself is African American, was responding to a specific description relayed by individuals who had reported a crime in progress.

    I wonder why old Mr Blow didn't mention the cop was black?


  5. Anonymous9:56 PM


    "I feel your pain Mr. Blow. This is a little too close to home for you. Now when you write all those essays for the New York Times about racism in America you can truly write them from them from the heart."

    Field, any black man can write about racism and discrimination from his heart.

    There isn't a bm alive who hasn't encountered some form of racism from being pulled over while driving Black to being a Harvard Prof who was arrested in his own house, to being a third student at Yale. If you are a bm, your financial class has nothing to with who you are.

    As Shelby Steele wrote in his book, "Contents of Our Character" about the 'trouble' between races in America:

    "...Even the well-adjusted middle or wealthy Black is never completely immune to that peculiar contest of power that his skin color subjects him to."

    Mr Blow, much like President Obama and Eric Holder, are subject to being humiliated and held at gun point by cops simply because they are Black.

    You see, brother Field, Whites don't want fairness and dignity for the bm in our law enforcement justice system. That is strictly "White Privilege".

    Such is America and the mind of the majority.

    1. Anonymous8:37 PM

      This post is 100% stupid and has nothing to do with the real facts of the story. Black male currently involved in a crime so security stops a black male. Simple. Instead of blaming white people or campus security for what happened to the writers kid why not blame the scumbag that was responsible for creating the situation?

      Easier to blame others than to look inwards isn't it? Pathetic.

  6. ctrl+halt+del10:17 PM

    Manifest density requires that every black person, especially the black male, needs to be touched whenever possible, either physically or mentally in order to satisfy the Europeans' need for control.
    It is therefore especially difficult for the low status euro because they have no excuse for their station in life and must endure the indignation of serving the proverbial negro,"with a nickel."



    You obtuse White racist idiot, will you "R-tards" ever stop making excuses for racial profiling and
    White crime in general??

    So many White men are involved in White collar crime, like the greedy 1% skunks on Wall St. who stole between 10 and 15 trillion dollars; With their phony financing schemes and "Robo-Signing", ruining the lives of millions, causing crime, domestic violence, homelessness, suicides; destroying families and depressing the overall economy.

  8. Give Josh a rubbing alcohol enema12:14 AM

    Last Sunday Josh and his mom went to the Zoo. As soon as they walked through the front gate, the staff grabbed her and thanked Josh for returning her...

  9. Anonymous12:15 AM

    Bill, "I wonder why old Mr Blow didn't mention the cop was black?"

    What difference does it make? Does it make the event less of a problem or less traumatic? Does it make the cops behavior alright?

    Black or White the cop held the student at gunpoint. That was 'wrong'.

    What ever the color of the cop's skin color, the attitude and behavior of the cop was eff'd up. Cop attitude remains the same disrespecting and humiliating attitude toward bm whether they are at an Ivy League University or in Ferguson or Eric Garner in NYC or Trayvon Martin in Florida. This has got to stop.

    Of course, people of Bill's character will always 'justify' and 'approve' the behavior and action of a black policeman toward a Yale student as long as the student is Black.

    Bill, you are a disgustingly certifiable disrespectful man.

  10. Anonymous12:22 AM

    You FN Negroes just do not understand Wall Street and you damn sure don't know about the 1%.

    So you need to STFU.

    Wall Street keeps our economy going and provide 'jobs' for the poor and middle class by way of Reagan's "Trickle Down Economics".

    You Negroes should know that by now...everybody else understands, why can't you?

  11. Charles Blow Me1:35 AM

    Feral negroes terrorize the Yale campus and the rest of New Haven daily.

    The campus police were doing their job.

    The elite of America don't send their children to be victims of barbaric predators.

    Better to error on the side of caution.

    We all know what's important.

  12. Anonymous1:59 AM

    Wow, anon1:35am is one mean mother. He makes me ashamed to be White. Obviously he comes from a lineage of slave masters who whipped and lynched slaves, then Jim Crow and today just shoot bm. So that's what the elite in America are about?

  13. Nat Turner2:15 AM


    We FN Black folks understand Wall St. much better than you, Porkbutt!
    we can see clearly through the White Racist Media smokescreen.

    You really need to shove your pointed head right back up your flat White ass!

    Wall St. is a legal casino of White toilet paper derivative clowns and money-laundering thieves that crashed this country's economy and got away with all of it--mainly because they were White. and they're getting ready to to it again!!!!

    "Trickle Down Economics" was a Ponzi scheme pulled out of the wrinkly asses of President Alzheimers, (Reagan), David Stockman and Arthur Laffer.

    In 1935 FDR initiated the New Deal; kicked the 1% out of the driver's seat, taxed the shit out of them (90%), and began true prosperity in this country.

    President Pruneface (Reagan) totally reversed everything! slashed taxes severely for the flushbutts, opended the floodgates for the nihilists, racists, anti-regulationists, and Wall St. crooks who Hoovered out the federal treasury. and today 30 years later this country is now an official KKKoch Bros. oligarchy!

    "Jobs for the poor and middle class??? What the hell are you drinking, smoking or shooting, Whitesnot?

    Reagan was an abysmal failure.
    You honkies should that know by now...but you're allergic to the truth!

    FU! You snarky White bag of rat-sh*t!!

  14. I had an incident with the campus police 1,000 years ago when I was in college. It was a brotha that started the non-sense and later lied. I was so disappointed in the whole process. I remember vividly as the officer in charge told the brotha cop to "shut up", which he later lied about. I recall that moment because I was about to clown him by imitating him doing the whole yessa boss routine but I didn't because I didn't want to clown a brotha in front of a bunch of white guys. Learned a lot that day. Sad we pay all that money to these institutions for them to treat us like common criminals.

  15. BTW, why is Sarah Palin still a thing? Dear god, I want to scratch my ear drums out when I hear her screech. Holy jeesus that woman is stooopid but the right loves her.

  16. "Reuters and NBC sees it different than you."

    Bill, if you had bothered to read my link you would see that my story was posted AFTER the Reuters and NBC stories, and in it the US Army are saying that Reuters and NBC have it wrong. Remind me agin, who will make the decision?

    Sorry of this is all too difficult for you, Bill.

  17. Its a priori that young black men "fit the description".

  18. Anon@1:35 comes from a long "lineage" of something else.

    Poor Bill and his wingnut friends will never get it. The color of the police officer is irrelevant.
    This is how racisn works in America.

    That's another post for another day.

    Sheesh, seems like I do more teaching on this blog than anything else.

  19. I thought that was the entire point, Field...

  20. Anonymous8:59 AM

    If you mean by "teaching" misinforming, then yes, that's the entire point.

  21. Anonymous9:07 AM

    "So many White men are involved in White collar crime, like the greedy 1% skunks on Wall St. who stole between 10 and 15 trillion dollars; With their phony financing schemes and "Robo-Signing", ruining the lives of millions, causing crime, domestic violence, homelessness, suicides; destroying families and depressing the overall economy."

    All of those guys should be prosecuted. They won't be, however -- not because they're white, but because they are rich. That is a grotesque injustice.

    But that's got exactly zilch to do with black men committing street crime. If cops are pursuing a black guy who's pulled a burglary or a mugging, do you expect the cops not to look at everyone in the area who fits his description? They are within their rights to do so, in this case, so long as they do not go beyond what is required to rule out innocent parties and do not use unwarranted force.


  22. PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...

    BTW, why is Sarah Palin still a thing?

    because dumbocrats need her to be a thing.

    Dumbocrats need enemies to run against. Maybe some more images of lynchings.

    Palin is a good enemy for the left.

  23. Another pro for HBCU's....

    Sue the shit out of the University. Until you hit folks where the live... i.e. their wallets.... this will continue

  24. Anonymous9:21 AM

    field negro said...
    Anon@1:35 comes from a long "lineage" of something else.

    Poor Bill and his wingnut friends will never get it. The color of the police officer is irrelevant.
    This is how racisn works in America.

    Everything is the white man's fault.

    Got it.

  25. field negro said...
    Poor Bill and his wingnut friends will never get it. The color of the police officer is irrelevant.

    So why does the media(and you field) point out the cop's race when the cop is white?

    Since it's all irrelevant and stuff.

    If field was to speak the truth-he would say the color of the cop is irrelevant when the cop is black or brown.


  26. field negro said...
    Poor Bill and his wingnut friends will never get it. The color of the police officer is irrelevant.
    This is how racisn works in America

    I'm really confused.

    Racism is about a power hungry government and abusive government employees?

    Are you now making the point for a more accountable government?

  27. PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...

    BTW, why is Sarah Palin still a thing?

    Because the left's single white female obsession is still a thang.


  28. The Purple Cow said...
    Bill, if you had bothered to read my link you would see that my story was posted AFTER the Reuters and NBC stories

    armytimes.com is not an official military or government website.

    Why do you believe some privately owned website has better inside information than NBC news?


  29. señor kinky said...
    So why does the media(and you field) point out the cop's race when the cop is white?

    Let me fix that for you.

    So why does the media(and you field) ONLY point out the cop's race when the cop is white?

    There must be a legitimate reason dumbocrats always do that.


  30. American Sniper caused dumbcorats to hate the move and speak out against American patriotism.

    And then realizing America didn't share their agenda, were forced to apologize.

    Dean said he wanted to “apologize” to the veterans. “I haven’t seen the movie, and I think it was wrong,” he said of his assessment.

    Obediently following dumbocrat talking points, the movie was trashed by dumbocrats that didn't even watch it.

  31. Anonymous10:03 AM

    "Sue the shit out of the University. Until you hit folks where the live... i.e. their wallets.... this will continue."

    Good luck with that. There were no actual damages, nor any civil rights violated.

  32. Anonymous10:08 AM

    "BTW, why is Sarah Palin still a thing?

    Because the left's single white female obsession is still a thang."

    LOL. Sarah Palin isn't making bank off her left-wing haters. She's got a drooling horde of right-wing rubes who inexplicably think she's the bee's knees, despite her being unable to string together a complete intelligible sentence.


  33. This strategy of taking out terrorists who threaten us, while supporting partners on the front lines, is one that we have successfully pursued in Yemen and Somalia for years

    Successfully pursued in Yemen.

    Mission accomplished.

    U.S. officials just announced the American Embassy in Yemen is being closed to the public until further notice.

    Dumbocrats have a funny view of success.

    Kinda like Field Negro thinks the Obama economy is doing great.


  34. PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...

    BTW, why is Sarah Palin still a thing?

    Here's 25,000 reasons

    How Sarah Palin Helped Raise $25K for Ready for Hillary PAC

    Palin is needed by your party to raise money.


  35. PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...

    BTW, why is Sarah Palin still a thing?

    Your party needs her.

    Follow the money.

    Pro-Clinton group raises money off Palin speech

    Sarah Palin says Republicans will be ready for Hillary. Let's show her she's wrong.

    Chip in $20.16 or more today -- and we'll send you your own Ready for Hillary car magnet!


  36. Shove a lit stick of dynamite up Josh's white ass!10:55 AM

    Peckerwood Barbie sounds like she's drunk when she's sober!

    Stupid over-priviledged bitch!!!!


  37. Apple reports largest profit in history
    Apple reported the largest net income of any public company in history in the three months to December,


    No doubt having al gore on the board of directors keeps dumbocrats from calling them an evil rich corporation.

    Not all obscene corporation profits are equal to dumbocrats.

  38. Say Bill, did you hear that the Koch brothers are going to spend a trillion dollars to buy the election in 2016?


  39. Yīshēng said...
    Say Bill, did you hear that the Koch brothers are going to spend a trillion dollars to buy the election in 2016?

    No I didn't.

    I did hear they were going to spend $889 million.

    What left-wing site told you a trillion dollars?

    Are you against money in politics or just right-wing money?

    I ask only because you are only mentioning the money from rethugs and not mentioning left-wing money bags.

    For example...

    Billionaires Michael Bloomberg, Sheldon Adelson and David Koch were among the top 10 largest contributors to political campaigns in the 2014 midterm elections

    No mention of the left-wing moneybags?

    Did you know that Obama out-raised both mcsame and "romney in a landslide?"

    Did Obama buy the elections?

    Or is dumbocrat money different than rethug money?

  40. I see you12:43 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    Stupid over-priviledged bitch!!!!

    Overprivileged bitch still can't spell.


  41. Perspective...

    In 2005 dumbocrats whined cheney was disrespectful for not dressing appropriately for the Auschwitz ceremony.


    In 2015 dumbocrats didn't see any problems with Obama/Biden not attending.

  42. "Why do you believe some privately owned website has better inside information than NBC news?"

    Are you saying the quote from the Army spokesperson is not a real Army spokesperson?

  43. "Apple reports largest profit in history
    Apple reported the largest net income of any public company in history in the three months to December,

    No doubt having al gore on the board of directors keeps dumbocrats from calling them an evil rich corporation.

    Not all obscene corporation profits are equal to dumbocrats."

    You do have to wonder how Bill's brain works. Though in his defence, in his mind at the time he wrote it, this post sort of made sense to him.


  44. Conner12:53 PM

    Josh is a dumb prick, Yisheng is a dumb cunt.

  45. Anonymous1:48 PM

    PC, "You do have to wonder how Bill's brain works. Though in his (defence), in his mind at the time he wrote it, this post sort of made sense to him."

    PC, you misspelled "defence". It's correctly spelled d-e-f-e-n-s-e...learn to spell first before you try to criticize a smart person like Bill. I am not a racist, but some of you folks crack me up.

  46. Bill is a F'n Idiot4:26 PM

    "BTW, why is Sarah Palin still a thing?

    because dumbocrats need her to be a thing."

    Yeah, because the Steve King event was full of dems huh Bill?

  47. Bill is a F'n Idiot4:28 PM

    "You do have to wonder how Bill's brain works."

    We have to first establish that his brain works in the first place.

  48. Anonymous4:32 PM

    "BTW, why is Sarah Palin still a thing?

    Because the left's single white female obsession is still a thang."

    Palin is single? I thought she was married. Kinky is too dumb to know the difference. Oh and I guess the left chose her to be McCain's running mate? Well, it did ensure a democratic victory so maybe you have a point Kinky. Then again maybe conservatives are just plain dumb like Kinky and Bill and thought making her the veep was a good idea. Either way their side lost so I guess in the end it doesn't matter.

    1. Anonymous8:11 PM

      It's a play on the title of the movie Single White Female dumb ass. One of the characters obsessively stalks and harasses another character in the movie.

      Got it?

  49. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Dear Mr Field, thank you for posting Brad Knudson's video that exposed the racist Darren P and his racist daughters. What was amazing about the racist father was he DID NOT CARE.

    How does a white father protect his black daughter from such abuse and bullying by hate filled Whites? I don't know.

    I understand how racists don't care if they hurt someone. The more hurt they can bring on to a black person the more they enjoy it.

    Bill and Kinky are fine examples of Whites who enjoy putting Blacks down.

    Between the two of them they have insulted and hurt just about every person on FN, including PC in the UK.

    It's too bad nothing can be done about those two also.

  50. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Everyone on the left, and anyone with a working brain (that discounts Bill) has a desire to scratch their ear drums out every time they hear Sarah Palin speak. The only people who clap and nod are either deaf or a moron i.e. conservative.

  51. Black-on-black profiling. lol


    Just an aside:

    Growing up in Suitland in the '90s, 99% of every kid on the street wore the same basic outfit: A skull cap, a puffy coat, baggy jeans, and Timberlands. (Anyone want to correct me if I'm wrong?)

    So, when someone in this ensemble robs a store, the clerk might give a description, and the police are looking for a #1 male, 6', skull cap, puffy jacket, baggy jeans, tan boots.

    What are the cops supposed to do? Whether a black security guard or a white racist cop, when you see someone who matches that exact description, are you supposed to just keep on driving?

    I know it's supposedly racist to say "all blacks look alike," but holy shit. When they actually try to, you're pretty much hogtied on a description. Maybe an earring? Maybe a watch? Maybe a small scuff on the left boot?

    Give some breakup in the get-up and let's stop this fucking profiling once and forever!!

  52. Is this the same Sarah Palin who got her jungle fever on with Glen Rice--- former b-ball player for the Michigan Wolverines? Yep, I think it is.

    I did that for Kinky and Bill. Republicans hate to hear that about their Queen. :)


  53. In India, Watch Obama Refer to Himself 118 Times in a 33-Minute Speech
    If this is starting to sound like the president spoke quite a bit about himself, that's because he did. Somehow in the span of just 33 minutes, Obama referenced himself 118 times. (For those keeping score at home, that's 3.5 Obama references per minute.)


    As Field Negro said... Acting like the king of the world.


  54. field negro said...
    Is this the same Sarah Palin who got her jungle fever on with Glen Rice

    I did that for Kinky and Bill. Republicans hate to hear that about their Queen. :)


    Lakers before Palin.

    He helped the Lakers win another championship, I don't care who he screws. It's all about buckets.

    I really do appreciate you trying to think of things to bother me. :) :)

    *IF* only I was a rethug you might have scored a point.

    Speaking of NBA championships, were you in Philly around June 2001?

  55. Anonymous5:47 PM

    field negro said...
    Is this the same Sarah Palin who got her jungle fever on with Glen Rice--- former b-ball player for the Michigan Wolverines? Yep, I think it is.

    I did that for Kinky and Bill. Republicans hate to hear that about their Queen. :)

    No one would bang that she-rilla Michelle. Democrats hate to hear that about their Queen. :)

  56. On ohh, I think I struck a nerve with the wingnut at 5:47 PM.

    Yes Bill, I was there. Was that when AI was raining buckets on your boys from the Left Coast?
    I know we lost, but the lasting image from that series will be the "step over".

  57. "PC, you misspelled "defence". It's correctly spelled d-e-f-e-n-s-e...learn to spell first before you try to criticize a smart person like Bill. I am not a racist, but some of you folks crack me up."

    Firstly Bill, you are not all that smart.

    Secondly, self-praise is no recommendation.

    D-E-F-E-N-S-E is the American spelling,

    D-E-F-E-N-C-E is the English spelling, and I am English.


    It is after all our fucking language, we invented it.

    1. Anonymous8:14 PM

      Just as a reference that's how most Canucks spell it too. Also color=colour.

  58. Ouch!

    Yeah, kind of like color and colour.


  59. field negro said...
    Yes Bill, I was there. Was that when AI was raining buckets on your boys from the Left Coast?

    I like your effort. :)

    but the lasting image from that series will be the "step over".

    Poor Tyroon. Being matched up against someone like Al.

    Of course, had your party, oops, I mean team won, no doubt the image of the trophy being raised over AI's head would be the lasting image.


  60. The Purple Cow said...
    Firstly Bill, you are not all that smart.
    Secondly, self-praise is no recommendation.

    If I don't believe every anonymous is you, does that make me smarter than you?

    It is after all our fucking language, we invented it.

    And we fixed it.
    Your welcome.

  61. @12:43, be sure to lick your $hitstache so it doesn't get in the way of your ramen noodle dinner.


    PS - I CLAIM my comments heffa!

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. Ooooooh you mispelled a word, ooooooooh!!!

    STUPID, get a degree in that 'ish if you're so f**kin' smart!!!!!

  64. "Sure there is. Get a job. Pull up your socks and get your shit together.."

    There is so much I could say here, but I will let it go.

    Whatever you say, Jethro. :)

  65. Anonymous9:01 PM

    I live in ct. I go to a bar down there in New haven that has jazz and hip-hop shows. If you're black, people around there look at you very suspiciously. They literally Will cross the street if they see you coming in the opposite direction at night.

    New haven, where Yale is located, is a divided city. It's absolutely freaky. On one street are high end shops, restaurants, and boutiques catering to America's white upper upper upper crust. Two streets over is poverty stricken, high crime black and Latino neighborhoods. You can understand why the police are very jumpy and jittery about seeing a black person outside their "non-designated" areas. If you want a lesson in income inequality, and the system of white supremacy, visit Yale and the surrounding areas.

    Anyway, I feel sorry for a black person who would subject themselves to that type of environment. Glad he's okay nonetheless.

  66. Anonymous9:14 PM

    4 years at one of the most elitist white institutions on the entire planet as a black male?! You have to insane! There's no way you as a black person come away from there with your sanity intact. If I had a choice of any institution of higher learning without worrying about money, Yale would never enter my mind as a black male. Everywhere you go people will be wondering why you're there and if you're about to commit some crime. You'll constantly be having to smile and coon to disarm the white 1%er. F- that.

  67. Mother Loafer12:12 AM

    SMH at academic types.

  68. "If you want a lesson in income inequality, and the system of white supremacy, visit Yale and the surrounding areas."

    Serious question (and I ask this knowing full well what's in store; this is the wrong blog for serious questions! lol):

    Do people here really have the attitude that this is a whites-only thing? e.g. White, upper-class neighborhoods are discriminatory against blacks, as if it doesn't happen in reverse?

    I'm sure that some people here grew up in a similar area. I came up as a teenager in Suitland, Maryland. The hood. We might not have rap stars, but i have friends in the cemetery shot in drive-bys, standing on the stoop, in drug deals gone wrong, etc. Not telling any tales some folks here might not know. Anyway, the place was a solid 99% black. And if you were a white dude, shit, you better have a hand game!

    Blacks walking in white neighborhoods might get funny looks. Whites walking in black neighborhoods are lucky to make it out with the bones unbroken!

    One in no way excuses nor replaces the other. But when I read people talking about this, the inference I'm picking up is that people think discrimination only happens white>black in upper-class neighborhoods.

    I'd take being stared at funny over sucker-punched or jumped any day.

    Cops notwithstanding, of course. We all know some of those asshats are far too trigger-happy.
