Saturday, February 07, 2015


I  need a caption for this pic.


  1. "We've got to stop meeting like this."

  2. Anonymous9:19 PM

    You know it is our destiny to get together and have kids.

  3. Anonymous9:28 PM

    On the count of three, we both scream for ice cream.

  4. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Stop being such a baby.

  5. Ali vs. Quarry -- the early years.

  6. Anonymous9:58 PM

    All this finger pointing makes me wonder which one of us has the odds of being shot by a cop?

  7. Wesley R10:32 PM

    You The Man, No, You The Man!

  8. Wesley R10:34 PM

    Even we would have given the ball to Mershawn Lynch.

  9. You got a boogie, lemme get that for ya.

  10. Anonymous11:09 PM

    Black baby: Ha, your momma carries you like a backpack too!

    White baby: Yup, couldn't care less what happens to me back here!

    (Babies are supposed to be carried in the front. Anything can happen to baby in back and you wouldn't see!!!)

  11. @Lilac- the Black baby is being carried like a backpack by Dad? presumably. he gets a bit of a pass + kudos for hanging tight with such a little one. though i do wonder what moms was thinking...

    we agree. my 1st thought was to turn the carriers to the front so the precious cargo is protected.

    "you got a boogie..." LOL!

  12. Haha Pilot, I was thinking the same thing, LOL!!

  13. That's right PR, no "backpack" babies, it isn't very safe!!

  14. Anonymous12:08 AM

    anon9:58p, that was hilarious.

    George Wallace,( from the grave).

  15. Anonymous12:12 AM

    Lilac "(Babies are supposed to be carried in the front. Anything can happen to baby in back and you wouldn't see!!!)"

    11:09 PM
    Just be glad the brother is with his son. One step at a time.

    The white Mom is from a safe white community. No one is going to steal, or hurt her child. Those back packs were made for Whites.

  16. Anonymous12:30 AM

    Yīshēng said...
    That's right PR, no "backpack" babies, it isn't very safe!!
    11:52 PM

    I think that's an old photo, they are no longer carried like that. Because it's not cargo,it's a human child that can choke, he can get hit by someone passing by him, or a wall or some object that the parent does or did not perceive, a myriad of things can happen.

    As well as the difficulty to reach and get to that baby!

    There are many front carriers available now, and the wonderful Moby wrap and it's variations for newborns and infants.

  17. Anonymous12:50 AM

    "Just be glad the brother is with his son. One step at a time.

    The white Mom is from a safe white community. No one is going to steal, or hurt her child. Those back packs were made for Whites."

    Seriously, this is what you're worried about? Racists "pickpocketing" your baby?

    Rest assured: Nobody's likely to steal Junior out of one of those contraptions without you noticing. Those suckers strap the kid in tight.

  18. "There are about 320 million Americans.

    Find me just one who doesn't remember the past."

    Nice piece of 'deliberate-point-avoidance' there, Josh.

  19. I say it's a great job at calling out your cherry-picking of my comment in order to star with this nauseating, overused supposed "wisdom" that's crammed down everyone's throat. E.g. we must remind people of how horrible they used to be, because those who don't understand the past are doomed to repeat it -- and other meaningless, unproven colloquial slogans that make us feel justified for displaying the largest victim complex in the history of human civilization.

    Look what happened to "us"; done by "y'all," is the only message being delivered.

    But nice find-'em-in-unrelated-discussions move.

    Is that your caption?

  20. "Nice piece of 'deliberate-point-avoidance' there, Josh."

    Wasn't the "point" you were raising that people must be aware of the past, lest they may repeat it?

    I'm saying: Find me one motherfucker alive in America, of sound mind and body, who isn't fully fucking aware of this past. Just one. Just find one, and I'll be more than willing to concede, "Okay. Please, spam more about the shit because evidently some people aren't getting the point." But my point is that I think everyone has received the point! We all know about this shit in the past. You cannot live in America and escape it. You're pounded over the head with it, in school, in the news, through Hollywood movies -- whites are evil, blacks are victims. For fuck's sake -- people who often claim they don't have a voice, yet there isn't anyone around whose ears aren't ringing due to the cries.

    Yes, believe it or not, we all get it and understand. Some incredibly fucked up shit went down back in the day. So, quick, show my 1-year-old nephew Roots on VHS lest he forgets his obvious role in white supremacy! Hurry, man...before it's too late and he becomes a horrible oppressor! Make sure his kindergarten class studies offensive terms for African Americans rather than plays with Legos. Or we might be raising Klansmen.


  21. StillaPanther25:16 AM

    that picture was staged. The future of America is to lighten the Black race quell any talk about race because when the whites accept people with their color it is more comfortable. The bi racial male is slowly taking the positions in the NBA that Blacks held for a minute. The point guards in the college game now tend to be bi/r, he brings the athleticsm of being Black and the smartness of being white. Listen to the announcers- they never affix smartness to the Blacks of color when describing his game.

    The women's game has placed many bi/r girls on the teams that comes on TV. Bi/r athletes are wanted by the UConns, Notre Dames and most of the large school.

    Also the white society want the Black males to have these children (not the BF)... they know the odds are minimal that the BM will have any influences on future children as they will be raised by WF. Don't take my comments as anti. It is how I see the changing of society and my people with two Black parents will still have another group that are "special" and further push you behind the line.

    Alone, I just find this picture as another propaganda tool for a society that no longer wants the Blacks around... if ever they did wanted us. They had a NEED FOR US. That "need" no longer exist. Did you noticed how the hair texture was for the male holding the Black baby? The Black baby was the odd man out

    The solution is to be compatible to the other races. That sport's niche is fading fast. Bi-racial people.. please don't tell me about isolated examples. I understand about privilege and skin color. Have been on the receiving end before the bi-racial came to town.

  22. Anonymous6:51 AM

    SAP2, We see through the same lens. I am surprised to see so many bi-racial folks of black and white blood in the media. It is so much that I feel it is staged because in real life there aren't that many bi-racial kids running around.

    There is something going on that once again isolates and segregates Blacks as undesirable in society. Many Blacks add to the undesirability of Blacks.

    And you are right about Blacks not being NEEDED today. I don't think Blacks were 'ever' wanted, just NEEDED.

    Today, if the black community can't turn itself around in behavior and education in order to meet the NEEDS of the future, then of course, we will fall from the face of the earth.

    In a way, I am glad their are more bi-racial couples and children. Over the years, I don't have much hope for the black race anymore. It's hard, if not impossible to make a dramatic comeback psychologically, mentally, and spiritually from the terror of the past. That is, being a descendant of slavery and Jim Crow, which means being nobody.

    As far as the photo is concerned, remember Field selected that picture.

  23. Thei first 15 comments were en fuego. Great captions!

    Hey Anon@6:51, what are u saying? Field is a part of a bi-racial conspiracy?

    Like I can stop Steph Curry from balling. :)


  24. Is this the same "investigation" Field Negro was talking about Thursday?

    That new federal criminal investigation into Gov. Christie? No one knows if that is really happening
    “Any characterization that we are investigating the Governor about this is just not true … . [W]e talk to people all the time. It doesn’t mean we’re investigating anybody.”

    Rachel Maddow calls the US Attorney office and is told there is no investigation.

    There must be a good reason Field Negro pushed the "investigation" talking point.

  25. Anonymous9:54 AM

    mud baby with measels trys to infect innoculated white baby.

  26. Hey!! You a baby... And you a baby too... WOW!!


  27. "Don't look at me like that, I didn't vote for him!"

    "Me neither."


  28. A rich white dumbocrat wants guns out of the hands of minorities.

    Bloomberg claimed that 95 percent of murders fall into a specific category: male, minority and between the ages of 15 and 25. Cities need to get guns out of this group’s hands and keep them alive, he said.

    Bloomberg didn't mention any problem with white males having guns.

    Strange how many rich white dumbocrats have color arousal issues with guns.

  29. Anon@9:54, how are the wedding plans going for your big day with your first cousin?

    We will see, Bill. We will see.


  30. field negro said...

    I already provided the left-leaning links proving Compton vaccinated at a much much higher rate than the People's Republic of Santa Monica.

    We will see, Bill. We will see.

    The difference between left-leaning and right-leaning links is SMH and "we will see." :)


  31. field negro said...
    Like I can stop Steph Curry from balling. :)

    It appears Dean Smith has stopped balling.

  32. Anonymous12:06 PM

    StillaPanther2 said...
    Alone, I just find this picture as another propaganda tool for a society that no longer wants the Blacks around.

    That's interesting because I usually interpret the ubiquitousness of such images as being propaganda against whiteness. Most advertisements today cast white males as the foil (or leave them out entirely), while showing females and minority males in a positive light. For example, for some reason most insurance commercials have a black man rescuing a white woman from her insurance claim-related dilemma.

    Try to find a positive portrayal of a white guy in a cell phone commercial, or look at how many white male faces there are in university recruitment materials.

    But your take makes me wonder if this propaganda is perhaps directed more against racial identity itself, softening resistance against our demographic replacement through immigration, with the goal of making us a nation of 500 million happy consumers, serving the economy single mindedly, with no distractions like race or culture to slow down our spending.

    And it is propaganda. The narrative is just too consistent across all forms of media for it to be anything else.

    That being said, the mixing of the races in itself is not a bad thing, and is probably the only way racism ever fades. There do seem to me to be benefits as you pointed out, when some individuals tend to inherit positive traits from both sides of his ancestry. Mixed race marriages make people from different races 'family', and make the persistence of some barriers difficult.

    But I appreciate your viewpoint and you are right, we are being lied to constantly, and it's important to reject lies for what they are and pick your path based on what you see as the truth.


  33. So let’s take a shot at making hope and history rhyme.



    If only I took common core english instead of music in school.

  34. Anonymous1:48 PM

    "That's interesting because I usually interpret the ubiquitousness of such images as being propaganda against whiteness. Most advertisements today cast white males as the foil (or leave them out entirely), while showing females and minority males in a positive light. For example, for some reason most insurance commercials have a black man rescuing a white woman from her insurance claim-related dilemma.

    Try to find a positive portrayal of a white guy in a cell phone commercial, or look at how many white male faces there are in university recruitment materials."

    Wow, talk about some confirmation bias. You apparently only see that which you fear, and filter everything else out.

    Both you and Stillapanther might need to find a way to cope with the existence of interracial relationships and multiracial kids. This isn't a conspiracy; it's just what happens when people of different races get along -- some of them date, marry, and have kids together.

    Most people think that's a good thing, but apparently not all.

  35. thought it would go without saying that "precious cargo" isn't meant to be taken literally...

    @SAP- yep.

    BM have had a 40-50 year head start. now BW are getting in on the mate the Black away. some with the same hates Black mindset, truth be told.

    where the head goes the body will follow...

    for the longest time beautiful biracial women have been held up as the most beautiful BW. interesting that folk can take notice when they are now being impacted. 'cause whenever BW stood against the biracial = BW meme, folk were promptly labelled "jealous"...think Stacy Dash and Halle Berry...

    all the mixing it up won't make a dent in white supremacy/racism. for ex) some white skinned brazilians swear there is no racism there. when asked how it is that the poorest manage to be Black skinned...


    seems like just as Good a time as any to point out that the 1st BM potus is in fact bi-racial, born to a ww. not that it matters, it is just the fact of the matter.

    the game of BM mating with everyone under the sun = creation of the Black nation, won't fly. BW ARE necessary for the creation of the Black nation.

    i can't get too bent out of shape about it at this point. folk have mated themselves out of existence before in history. Black Americans just appear to have next...and Love it. so hey, what's there really to say?

    the clear man that someone thought was Black mom, appears to be biracial as well. sometimes, i do try to play along with all the calling things what they are not..

    happy sun day and blessings all!

  36. Rodrigo2:47 PM

    "all the mixing it up won't make a dent in white supremacy/racism. for ex) some white skinned brazilians swear there is no racism there. when asked how it is that the poorest manage to be Black skinned.."

    Maybe that's just the way things sort out in Brazil.

  37. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Quick hand of rock, paper and scissor.

  38. Limpbaugh4:14 PM

    This might be a good picture for next Saturday:

  39. Anonymous5:04 PM

    "You the man!" "Nawal, you the man!"

  40. @Rodrigo-

    you may sell that to whoever is buying it.

    clue: not me amigo.

    i'm sure there will be some takers though...some folk can't wait...

    side note: new Black in full effect. folk been setting it up for longer than a minute.

  41. Anonymous5:59 PM

    What is the
    New Black?

  42. ctrl+halt+del9:39 PM

    Post racial America: We live on the same planet but in different worlds.

  43. Older child to younger child:

    1. Always let your legs dangle so you don't get tired.
    2. Wait for your mom to lean forward before you spit up, or you'll miss her.
    3. When you get bored, kicking your mom in the fanny is always fun.
    4. Lastly, grab stuff off the shelf as soon as you can reach that far, then drop the stuff on people's feet as they pass by.
