Saturday, February 14, 2015

Caption Saturday.

I need a caption for this pic.
*Pic from


  1. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Here comes your chicken home to roost!

  2. "Now you lookit here, son... Don't you know 'It's hog callin' time in the Ozarks'..."

  3. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Field, this is no caption worth talking about. It's only to demean innocent Whites who are poor. Shame on you.

  4. Anonymous10:44 PM

    Mr Field, I am very disappointed your post was not one of love for Valentine's Day.

    America needs love, Field. Can't you see that? Blacks especially need love. They crave it but all they get is hate.

    Brother Field, show some compassion and do something on this heartfelt day for softening up black hearts. My God, they need to be loved, even if it's one day.

    But now you have gone and eff'd that up with some shitty photo of some redneck. Damn Field, even you are showing more love for rednecks than your own people.

    Lord have mercy. You had better pray and go to church tomorrow.

  5. ctrl+halt+del10:56 PM

    American Sniper :Tea for Two. The directors cut

  6. Anonymous10:59 PM

    I love Castle Doctrine!!

  7. Anonymous11:06 PM

    Even the ugliest white guy is better lookin than a monkey.

  8. Anonymous11:29 PM

    At the Ferguson police training school.

  9. Wesley R11:47 PM

    Republican Senator.

  10. Who all seen the leprechaun say yeah!

  11. Anonymous2:35 AM

    Guns don't kill people. Dudes with Tea Party buttons on their hats kill people.

  12. Anon@10:44, I didn't feel the need for a special shout out to Florist Day this year. Besides, every day is V Day in the field household. :)

    Wesley,Anon:11:29, and ctrl+ halt... those are instant classics.

    Anon@11:06, work on your timing and delivery. Although I wouldn't quit my day job for comedy if I were u.

  13. Anon@10:19, if that man is "poor" why does he have that fat gold bracelet on his wrist? Maybe he should consider selling it and signing up with a dental plan.

    Just sayin.

  14. ctrl+halt+del8:24 AM

    "Guess who's growing your dinner?"
    Farmers, the new "Welfare Queens."

  15. ctrl+halt+del8:33 AM

    Cliven's son, Curly Bundy, joins neighborhood watch.

  16. Anonymous9:05 AM

    field negro said...
    Besides, every day is V Day in the field household. :)
    8:01 AM

    Wooohoooo! Tell 'em Field!

  17. Anonymous9:13 AM

    As for this caption, well...what can I many come to mind and yet so few want to come out my mouth! xD

    It's just a horror actually, a horror picture xD But here goes one caption:

    "I'm what you call the base level of Amurrka yep! and this here gun does the talking fer me"

    It's all I got for this one, ugh...scary pic right?... :(

    and the scariest part is that there are actually people like that in this country...

  18. Anonymous9:14 AM

    That gun could very well be pointed at me or you...

  19. ctrl+halt+del9:43 AM

    Scientist discovers Racism Gene! Shown here at 100,000x

  20. ctrl+halt+del10:25 AM

    Look at me! I'm the captain now.

  21. Lt. Commander Johnson10:57 AM

    Oh. Toothless white folks can't bring the bling?

    Gimme a break.

  22. Hey! Faith_and Fairness.....responding to your comment on the previous thread...let me see your response to this:

    Or, maybe the Wichita Massacre? (you probably don't know about it, since it wasn't labeled one of them "hate crimes". My ass.

  23. Perspective3:12 PM

    From 1882-1968, 4,743 lynchings occurred in the United States. Of those people that were lynched 3,446 were black (72.7% ) and 1,297 were white (27.3%).

    In the entire 86 years, there were 3,446 lynchings of blacks in America. Many innocent people were no doubt lynched, but many of those lynched had indeed committed serious crimes.

    In the ten years from 2003 to 2012, there were 3,251 blacks killed by other blacks in the City of Detroit alone.

    Murder rates have been declining in America for quite some time now, but still average around 40 per day. Half of all murder victims are blacks killed by other blacks, or about 20 per day. Therefore, it takes about 170 days for black on black murders to equal to all-time lynching total.

    Every six months, more blacks are murdered by other blacks than were ever lynched in America.

    Regarding "evening the score", while most murder is committed within one's race, blacks murder on average 1,500 whites per year, while whiles murder on average 300 blacks per year. Therefore, every year, the net "win" for blacks is 1,200.

    That means the 86 year lynching total of 3,447 is exceeded by the net black on white murder totals every three years.

    Over the past 30 years, over ten times as many whites have been murdered by blacks than were ever lynched in America.

  24. Hi, It... Nice meeting you on Field Negro. Though I do recall the 2007 news items covering the murder of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom, you are correct surmising that most of us are not familiar with the Wichita Massacre that occurred in 2000.

    In any event, the victims (all white) were subjected to a brutality and death sentence at the hands of black criminals. Just as was discussed the previous blog (James Anderson killed by white criminals) each of the perpetrators are now serving prison terms for capital murders.

    Channon Christian, Christopher Newsom, James Craig Anderson and countless innocents are gone all because white, black, brown, yellow executioners thought nothing of demeaning human life.

    Ironically, I even tried researching last night the disparity regarding what constitutes hate crimes. The only concrete example that made sense to me is when the perpetrators explicitly make it known the crime is carried out due to the victim's race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, etc. Perhaps, our host blogger, Mr. Field, can kindly clarify further.

  25. Hey Lila!! Hope you enjoyed Valentine's Day :-). Now don't be coy, my dear... Do share some of the other thoughts that come to mind. Sure you can be as entertaining and thought-provoking as only you know how :-)

  26. "Many innocent people were no doubt lynched, but many of those lynched had indeed committed serious crimes."

    Sweet Jesus, you couldn't make it up.

  27. Anonymous4:04 PM

    A Photo from Field's Wedding.

  28. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Ferguson Reveals New Police Uniform.

  29. Sweet Jesus4:37 PM

    "Sweet Jesus, you couldn't make it up."

    No need to make it up, it's true.

    You should try living in the reality-based community for a while.

  30. It's starting Field, Windies v. Ireland.

    I'm a touch nervous, but I think we should have too much talent for the Irish. I think. I think.

    The boys are off school this week, so the three of us are staying up till 3 a.m. to watch the whole thing.

  31. " You should try living in the reality-based community for a while."

    Oh I do. It's you far-right types that continue to deny reality, because reality has a known left-wing bias.

  32. Anonymous4:54 PM

    "Many innocent people were no doubt lynched, but many of those lynched had indeed committed serious crimes.

    Sweet Jesus, you couldn't make it up."

    You don't have to make it up. A large percentage of blacks killed during Jim Crow were killed pursuant to accusations of serious crimes.

    The story is more complicated, though. Some of the accusations of rape were undoubtedly fabricated, in order to get back at some black man over some other sort of petty grievance. And even when the crimes were real, that doesn't mean that the guy that got lynched was the actual perpetrator. There is a reason we don't condone mob justice: because mobs often get it wrong.

    Finally, it should be noted that this all occurred at a time when vigilantism was commonplace generally in the U.S., not only in relation to racist acts. A hundred years ago, it was not all that rare for an angry mob to storm a courthouse or prison to murder a white person who'd been accused of a crime, simply because they didn't give a damn about due process rights.

    As much as this country still has a lot of problems to address, thank God we're not in the days of that kind of horrific "cowboy justice" anymore.

  33. Anonymous4:56 PM

    We could use some of that "cowboy justice" in the hood. The injuns done gone out of control.

  34. Reality4:58 PM

    Purple Cow hates it when someone bursts his bubble.

  35. Never heard the Irish national anthem before, it's one of the worst I've ever heard. Lame.

    Mind you #Rally Hard isn't much better...

  36. "You don't have to make it up. A large percentage of blacks killed during Jim Crow were killed pursuant to accusations of serious crimes."

    Did Magna Carta die in vain?

  37. Ireland's opening bowler is called Max Sorenson.

    Good solid Irish name that.

  38. O.K. the other bowler is called John Mooney.

    Fair enough.

  39. Limpbaugh5:16 PM

    It's me, Limpbaugh, the Hillbilly Buddha.

  40. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Faith_and_Fairness said...
    Hey Lila!! Hope you enjoyed Valentine's Day :-). Now don't be coy, my dear... Do share some of the other thoughts that come to mind. Sure you can be as entertaining and thought-provoking as only you know how :-)
    3:39 PM

    Well thank you Faith :) You know I've started to write a comment on three different occasions now, but somehow there just doesn't seem to be, or rather I can't find the words to address all of these stats that are being posted in relation to these murders, all of them.

    It's just really,really sad that in today's America there have to be such statistics! In such and such a year so many blacks killed so many whites, and in the such and such year so many whites killed so many blacks etc.,etc.,etc.

    Just the posting of this is enough for people to say 'this is crazy' this shouldn't be happening!'

    But instead it's like a competition of sorts. A let's see who killed more and therefore who is worse!

    Listen folks, it's all bad, all bad! and it shouldn't be happening.

    I will add to the comment at 4:54 PM "no Cowboy Justice anymore? I beg to differ.

    I'm seeing "cowboy justice" all the time these days.

  41. Dwayne Smith, you twat.

    For fuck's sake, what kind of shot was that?

  42. Darren Bravo, you twat.

    For fuck's sake this is embarrassing

  43. PC, please keep me updated. I swear if the Irish beat us I will never watch a cricket match again.

  44. Trollonymous Burgundy7:15 PM

    I wasn't following the previous threads, but Anon 4:54 PM sounds a lot like "Grinder" and his usual white denial defensive placating bullshit.

    If white gay men/women were hung all day long then or now, you couldn't dare tell him it wasn't simply because they were gay. Take your phoney-intellectual racist pacifying bullshit elsewhere.

  45. Trollonymous Burgundy7:37 PM

    Furthermore, what "serious crimes" did those black men and black women do to justify them being raped, mutilated, hung and burned on a tree?

    Stealing food? Talking back? Defending their family/wives/daughters against some rabid raping peckerwood? Black women were the actual ones being raped all day long during slavery and during Jim Crow (and even now). Where were the trees for those raping, murdering, stealing, lying white men and white women? Anon 4:54, your statements were notwithstanding and down right abhorrent.

  46. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Blogger The Purple Cow said...
    "You don't have to make it up. A large percentage of blacks killed during Jim Crow were killed pursuant to accusations of serious crimes."

    Did Magna Carta die in vain?

    5:02 PM
    Mr Cow who is Magna Carta? Seriously, many of us would like to know.

  47. Anonymous9:14 PM

    @Trollonymous Burgundy:

    Only rapists and murderers were lynched.

  48. You do realize that all the people that dis the lynching were "murderers" , right?

  49. "Only rapists and murderers were lynched."

    Or running for a train, accidently knocking on a wrong door, not getting off the sidewalk fast enough, stepping on a white person's toe, a kid whistling at a woman.....but hey why be concerned about facts.

  50. Lt. Commander Johnson2:24 AM

    Do any of you assholes know about Nat Turner? You think he was some kind of hero?

    If you do, you'll understand why the white, righteous people kept you away.
