Thursday, February 05, 2015

The feds are looking at the boss of New Jersey, and Piyush gets a picture.

A couple of republican governors are on my mind tonight.

The first one is the governor right across the bridge from me in New Jersey.

He might want to reconsider that run for president as he seems to have some bigger issues right now.

"Federal law enforcement officials have launched a criminal investigation of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and members of his administration, pursuing allegations the governor and his staff broke the law when they quashed grand jury indictments against Christie supporters, International Business Times has learned.

Two criminal investigators from the U.S. Department of Justice on Wednesday interviewed the man who leveled those charges, Bennett Barlyn. He was fired from the Hunterdon County prosecutor's office in August 2010, and subsequently brought a whistleblower lawsuit against the Christie administration, claiming he had been punished for objecting to the dismissal of the indictments of the governor's supporters for a range of corrupt activities.

Barlyn told IBTimes that he met with the federal investigators at his Pennsylvania home for more than an hour on Wednesday afternoon. He said they specifically focused on why Christie’s then-attorney general, Paula Dow, had moved to expunge the indictments. The investigators are examining what state and federal laws may have been broken in the process. Barlyn said the investigators appeared to be at an exploratory stage, with no certainty that criminal charges would ultimately be filed. The meeting followed a June letter to Barlyn from New Jersey’s U.S. Attorney, Paul Fishman, instructing Barlyn to be in touch with his office’s investigative team about the case.

The New Jersey U.S. Attorney’s office declined to comment. Christie has denied any involvement in Barlyn's termination, while maintaining that he does not even know the men and women he has been accused of aiding. The governor's office did not respond to a request for comment.

The case centers on rural Hunterdon County, a sparsely populated patch of New Jersey along the Delaware River. There, Barlyn claims, then-county Sheriff Deborah Trout ran her office like a private fiefdom, hiring her friends without respect to their experience, and without initiating proper background checks as mandated by state law.

Barlyn’s office began probing Trout in 2008, eventually convening a grand jury that returned 43 indictments against her, Undersheriff Michael Russo and investigator John Falat Jr. The Christie administration then intervened, took over the prosecution and -- in an extraordinary step -- moved to have the grand jury indictments overturned, saying they were legally and factually deficient. When Barlyn raised objections, he was fired.

The expunging of those indictments, Barlyn's termination and his allegations that Christie’s administration quashed the case to protect the governor’s supporters were first aired in a lengthy story in the New York Times in 2013. Several members of the grand jury told the Times that the evidence supporting the indictments was strong, and that overturning them seemed motivated by political considerations."   [Source] 

It seemed like only yesterday we were talking about Bridgegate,

The other governor comes from one of my favorite states, Louisiana.

View image on TwitterI must admit that when I first heard the story about Bobby Jindal's portrait I was ready to trash the man for the incredible amount of self-hate that he seems to have stored up.

I mean who would go out of his way to have a portrait of himself done in such away if he didn't wish he looked different than he does?

Well, as it turns out, someone gave the governor the portrait as a gift. (Or so he says) And according to his office his official portrait is much closer to his....well.....Indian roots.

I suppose this portrait says more about the people of Louisiana than it does their governor. I suspect that this is how some of them want him to look.

Poor Bobby. If only he really looked this way, we might be calling him President Jindal.

But, alas, he does not.

Sadly, what you get is  a man who is confused about who he really is.  And a man who went as far as changing his religion to appeal to a very white, very Christian, GOP base.

"The man born "Piyush" who adopted the name "Bobby" as a child has been taken to task by fellow Indian-Americans for forgetting his ethnic and religious roots. And he's come under heavy fire for refusing to back down from claims that in the West, "non-assimilationist Muslims establish enclaves and carry out as much of Sharia law as they can."

An MSNBC contributor was banned from the network after claiming Jindal was "trying to scrub some of the brown off his skin."

Jindal has defended his personal decisions by citing his parents' own immigration story from India.
"My dad and mom told my brother and me that we came to America to be Americans," he said in a speech last month in London. "I do not believe in hyphenated Americans."
Whatever, Piyush.
*Christie pic from



  1. Anonymous9:00 PM

    "It seemed like only yesterday we were talking about Bridgegate,"

    Well I guess two years of investigations and intensive mainstream media coverage of a lane closure on a bridge in New Jersey is just about all you can wring out of this.

    And now Jindal is all caught up in Complexiongate.

    Why those evil Republicans...

  2. "Sadly, what you get is a man who is confused about who he really is. And a man who went as far as changing his religion to appeal to a very white, very Christian, GOP base."

    Umm...isn't that what Obama did? He was raised a Muslim, then became a 'Christian' (Trinityite) to get elected.

    But what is he now? He doesn't seem to have much time for church, what with all that golf and whatnot. He spends more time trashing Christianity than he does practicing it.

    This is a guy who looks at a video of Islamists burning a guy in cage and the first thing out of his mouth is that Christians did bad things during the crusades.

    At least Obama isn't confused about who he hates.

    The confusion belongs to the people who voted for a man who hates them to be their president.

  3. Wesley R9:13 PM

    The British did a number on some of the folks from India. After Dash's time is up in the house, Jindal needs to go in. After all he is brown enough in real life.

  4. Anonymous9:27 PM

    "Umm...isn't that what Obama did? He was raised a Muslim, then became a 'Christian' (Trinityite) to get elected."

    Dude, Obama was never a Muslim. His father, who did not raise him, was a Muslim.

    Unplug from the bullshit right-wing conspiracy sites and come back to reality. It's not so scary here.

  5. Anonymous9:38 PM

    "Dude, Obama was never a Muslim. His father, who did not raise him, was a Muslim."

    His stepdad did raise him as a Muslim. While in Indonesia he went to Koranic classes "studying 'how to pray and how to read the Koran,' but also actually praying in the Friday communal service right on the school grounds", attended the local mosque, wore sarongs, garments that in Indonesian culture only Muslims wear, and took part in advanced Islamic religious lessons which included the difficult task of reciting the Koran in Arabic. None of this was inevitable, because in Indonesia ""Muslim students were taught by a Muslim teacher, and Christian students were taught by a Christian teacher".

    He considered himself a Muslim into his twenties, and never attended a Christian church until he moved to Chicago.

    Do a little extra reading and stop buying everything they sell you.

  6. Anonymous9:40 PM

    I wonder if we'll ever find out whether all this chicanery in New Jersey is the result of Christie being a thug, or merely his propensity to hire thugs. But I guess, in the end, it doesn't matter so much. The big blowhard richly deserves to go down in flames. Good riddance to bad garbage.

    As for Bobby Jindal, this painting hubbub is yet another nothingburger bigotry scandal. Jindal was given the portrait as a gift, so that really says nothing about his beliefs or his self-image. It probably doesn't say anything about the artist either, except that he's probably an amateur who's only had experience painting white people and doesn't know how to realistically paint people of other races.

    Jindal's obnoxious comments about Muslim "no-go zones," on the other had -- that's some real bigotry right there. Jindal had a moment of decency with his criticisms about wanting the GOP to stop being "the stupid party." Didn't take long, though, for him to come back home and embrace The Stupid.

  7. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Field said, "Sadly, what you get is a man who is confused about who he really is. And a man who went as far as changing his religion to appeal to a very white, very Christian, GOP base."

    Brother Field, Bobby Jindahl knows 'exactly' who he is. He just doesn't 'want' to be who he is. He wants to be White.

    He, just doesn't want to be a dark skinned Indian. He probably doesn't want to be an Indian or a person of color period.

    Self-hatred is bitch. It stays with you until death. We have our share of folks with the same self-hared.

    So do PR's and Mexicans. In fact, it's universal on earth.

    Hell, even some Whites don't like themselves because of their ghastly ghost color.

    Ever wonder why so many humans would rather be someone else? The entire human race is eff'd up. And it is led by a bunch of crazy ghostly looking humans.

    Let's face it. With Whites in charge we are headed to total destruction. We are going to make the extinction of the dinosaurs look like nothing.

  8. Anonymous9:45 PM

    "His stepdad did raise him as a Muslim. While in Indonesia he went to Koranic classes "studying 'how to pray and how to read the Koran,' but also actually praying in the Friday communal service right on the school grounds", attended the local mosque, wore sarongs, garments that in Indonesian culture only Muslims wear, and took part in advanced Islamic religious lessons which included the difficult task of reciting the Koran in Arabic."

    This is all bunk. Obama lived in Indonesia for 5 years as a child, attending Catholic school and public school. He was literally never a Muslim.

  9. Anonymous9:46 PM

    "Jindal's obnoxious comments about Muslim "no-go zones," on the other had -- that's some real bigotry right there"

    It's "bigotry" to acknowledge the reality of Muslim no-go zones in Europe?

  10. "Dude, Obama was never a Muslim. His father, who did not raise him, was a Muslim.

    Unplug from the bullshit right-wing conspiracy sites and come back to reality. It's not so scary here."

    If only it was so easy.

    The stupid is very strong in that echo chamber.

  11. Anonymous10:03 PM

    The art of self hate, no mystery why these types are chosen to co rule in this so call America.

  12. Anonymous10:18 PM

    "The stupid is very strong in that echo chamber."

    Says Obama's chief echo.

  13. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Uncle Tom, and now Uncle Bobby...

    Np such thing as a melting pot, when everyone wants to be white.

  14. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Dear Mr Field, I want to apologize for my remarks @9:42pm. It was uncalled for, esp my remarks about White people.

    I really want to overcome my mild tendency to slam some Whites but sometimes I just can't help it. I really want to be a better person but those Whites really get under my skin and before I know it my mouth has spewed some shit about them that goes all the way back to slavery. It's as if I have genes that are pissed off about the evil of slavery and Jim Crow. Especially when some White mf starts to criticize us for not being like them.

    Who the hell wants to be like them besides a bunch of Indians such as Bobby Jindal and a bunch of Uncle Toms?

    You know, the more I think about it, I hate Uncle Toms more than I do those White racists?

    I often wonder if any other of my folks feel the same way?


  15. When forced to say something after one of the constant stream of atrocities committed by Islamists in the name of Islam while shouting Allah Akbar!, Obama always insists that the actions of these Moslems have nothing to do with Islam and should not be used to tar the whole religion, and then immediately goes out of his way to impugn the entire Christian faith because some Christians 1,000 years ago did bad things in the name of their religion.

    Obama is a feckless idiot, trapped by his own miserable anti-American, anti-Christian, anti-white, anti-Western ideology that forces him to say indefensibly stupid and venal things about the people whose interests he is supposed to be representing.

    Motherfuck Obama and his whole rotten administration.

  16. Al A. Akbar10:42 PM

    This is all bunk. Obama lived in Indonesia for 5 years as a child, attending Catholic school and public school. He was literally never a Muslim.

    Nope. He went to Muslim school in Indonesia.

    In conclusion, available evidence suggests that Obama was born and raised a Muslim and retained a Muslim identity until his late 20s. Child to a line of Muslim males, given a Muslim name, registered as a Muslim in two Indonesian schools, he read Koran in religion class, still recites the Islamic declaration of faith, and speaks to Muslim audiences like a fellow believer. Between his non-practicing Muslim father, his Muslim stepfather, and his four years of living in a Muslim milieu, he was both seen by others and saw himself as a Muslim.

    This is not to say that he was a practicing Muslim or that he remains a Muslim today, much less an Islamist, nor that his Muslim background significantly influences his political outlook (which, in fact, is typical of an American leftist). Nor is there a problem about his converting from Islam to Christianity. The issue is Obama's having specifically and repeatedly lied about his Muslim identity. More than any other single deception, Obama's treatment of his own religious background exposes his moral failings.

    It doesn't matter that he was a Muslim as a young man. What matters, as with so much about his life and true beliefs, is the extent he has gone to lie about it.

    As a country, we are following this liar to the gates of Hell.

  17. Anonymous10:42 PM

    The good thing about gifts, one can always give it back. Or maybe a gift for a wake up call. I find the whole situation sad .


  18. The Field Negro said...
    It seemed like only yesterday we were talking about Bridgegate,

    Of course you were.

    How did that left-wingnut manufactured story turn out?

    Chris Christie cleared in Bridgegate scandal
    One year later, the Bridgegate scandal finally comes to a close after a Democratic-led committee released a report clearing Gov. Chris Christie.

    There must be a good reason you are still obsessing on bridgegate even after a "Democratic-led committee" found nothing.

  19. the intermernets1:02 AM

    "How did that left-wingnut manufactured story turn out?"

    The proper term for a left-wingnut is "moonbat".


  20. The Field Negro said...
    It seemed like only yesterday we were talking about Bridgegate,

    There must be a good reason you are still obsessing on bridgegate even after a "Democratic-led committee" found nothing.

    I got it.

    A couple dumbocrats in philly...

    Brown, 48, and Waters, 64, both Democrats from West Philadelphia, "fully - and I repeat, fully - admitted to knowingly taking illegal cash payments," the district attorney said.

    Are you ever going to report on dumbocrats doing wrong?

  21. Anonymous2:54 AM

    "There must be a good reason you are still obsessing on bridgegate even after a 'Democratic-led committee' found nothing."

    Maybe because Christie hasn't been cleared?

    The New Jersey legislature gave up on investigating Christie. Why? Because they couldn't get any useful witness testimony. So this must mean there's no real evidence against Christie, right?

    Wrong. The witnesses aren't being made available to testify to the legislature because they are busy with the US Attorney, who doesn't want their statements to go public ... because they are part of his ongoing criminal Bridgegate investigation against Christie.

    In short, the inconsequential Democratic committee investigation you were talking about just wanted to embarrass the guy from the other party.

    The US Attorney actually wants a scalp -- felony charges. And he may yet get his scalp.

    Regardless of whether he's ever convicted of anything, Christie is a dead man walking. His presidential campaign is doomed before it began, and his ratings as governor have gone down the toilet between the multitude of criminal allegations and his mismanagement of the state's finances.

    Death by a thousand paper cuts.

  22. Anon@2:54, thanks for those FACTS.

    Wingnuts like Bill and his troll buddies are allergic ro such things.

  23. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Anonymous 9:42:

    Just leave the PR's out of this okay? We're just about perfect and we love ourselves okay. Especially me. In fact I may just well be the ONLY self loving (not that way okay) (well maybe that way too, a little bit cos,you know, I'm old okay X) just don't go there okay.

    I have to go to the doctor today and I;m VERY grumpy cos I think I hate them okay! So don't **** with me okay! cos anyone crosses my path today is going to get it for sure!

    I will write all about it in my silly stupid blog. Oh we have a freakin Grumpy cat now too X(

    Maybe it rubbed off on me...

  24. I don't always insult Christians, but when I do, I do it at a prayer meeting."
    --Barack Hussein Obama. The most interesting liberals president in the world.


  25. field negro said...
    Anon@2:54, thanks for those FACTS.

    Even your Anon buddy says your party was out to embarrass the guy from the other party. FACT.

    In short, the inconsequential Democratic committee investigation you were talking about just wanted to embarrass the guy from the other party.

    Wingnuts like Bill and his troll buddies are allergic ro such things.

    Did you miss the msnbc link?

    Funny how we both link exclusively to left-wing sources.

    Even funnier how your partisan political agenda forces you to discredit all my left-leaning links.

    Ding Ding.
    I wonder if Pavlov ever did research on cows?

  26. Wrong. The witnesses aren't being made available to testify to the legislature because they are busy with the US Attorney, who doesn't want their statements to go public ... because they are part of his ongoing criminal Bridgegate investigation against Christie.

    WRONG.Since the US Attorney's investigation didn't start til after Democrats cleared Gov. Christie.

    These " witnesses", mostly Democrats, couldn't wait to go to the media and tell what they told the investigators. A quick Google search will show ( you do know how to use Google, right?) you are WRONG again.

    Once again we see field and his butt buddies thinkerate lies and misinformation has FACT.

    Sucks for you we who know better will search and post truth......


  27. seƱor kinky said...
    Sucks for you we who know better will search and post truth......

    I'll cite a couple left-leaning links I found for Field Negro.

    Federal Bridgegate Investigation Finds No Link To Christie: Report

    After 9 Months, Federal Probe of GWB Closure Finds No Link to Christie, Federal Sources Say

    I wonder if Field Negro doesn't trust my left-leaning links because brian williams was caught lying about a made up story for years and years.

  28. Anonymous10:29 AM

    I wonder what this blog will be like when Obama leaves office?

    Will Bill have anything to complain about? Will Kinky still be blaming Obama?

    Will the good perfect deeds Obama has done for America and the world continue long after he has gone?

    Will he be recognized as one of the best Presidents America and the world has ever seen?


  29. Anonymous10:39 AM

    ATTENTION: 257,000 jobs added in January. Stock market flash lifts stocks up!

    Obama is doing great! This magic Negro is looking good...

    O My. This is going to sicken the GOP.

  30. Fact Jack11:00 AM

    field negro said...
    Anon@2:54, thanks for those FACTS.

    FACT: One of Christie's underlings ordered a lane closed on a bridge to punish a political opponent.

    This act resulted in non-stop breathless coverage from the mainstream media, investigations by the state legislature that were fully cooperated with by the governor, as well as the involvement of state and federal justice departments.

    FACT: One of Obama's underlings used her control of the IRS to systemically harass and audit political opponents of the president. Her agency denied tax exempt status to dozens of opposition groups in an effort to affect the 2012 election.

    This act resulted in a lot of excuse making and attempts at cover up from the mainstream media, investigations by the federal legislature that were hindered by non-compliance of the administration, and a refusal to get involved by the federal justice department.

    The IRS chief and everyone involved pleaded the fifth and refused congressional requests for documents. They all miraculously had their hard drives crash and subsequently destroyed, and no back ups were available. Eighteen months later, some likely heavily edited back up tapes of emails were located.

    The abuse of the power of the IRS is the worst scandal of any administration in living history. The refusal to cooperate and destruction of evidence by the IRS was the most blatant act of lawlessness of the most lawless administration in history. Yet our President and every one in his administration still walks free and our media elites aren't bothered by it in the slightest.

    What really bothers them is a lane got closed on the bridge to Fort Lee, New Jersey, and that traffic got slowed down for an afternoon.

    This country is an absolute joke.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Poor old Bill, you've gotta feel sorry for the boy.

    He thinks any information source that isn't a rabid, barking-at-the-moon, frothing-at-the-mouth, far-Right, wing-nut site is "left leaning"!!


  33. The Purple Cow said...
    Poor old Bill, you've gotta feel sorry for the boy.


    Ring the bell and PurpleCow comes running.

    So predictable.

    He thinks any information source that isn't a rabid, barking-at-the-moon, frothing-at-the-mouth, far-Right, wing-nut site is "left leaning"!!

    From the guy that insists Obama is a conservative.



  34. Fact Jack said...
    What really bothers them is a lane got closed on the bridge to Fort Lee, New Jersey, and that traffic got slowed down for an afternoon.

    Just another dumbocrat double standard.

    Protests against police violence close Boston highway

    Protesters Shut Down 10 Freeway

    More than 1,000 protest in Berkeley, shut down I-80

    Protesters shut down north I-5 in La Jolla

    Live: Protest over police action spills onto I-35W Minneapolis

    There must be a valid reason the same people complaining about kris kristy shutting down the freeway and inconveniencing workers NEVER complained about protesters shutting down the freeways and inconveniencing workers.

    Must be partisan politics.

  35. "From the guy that insists Obama is a conservative."

    Oh he is.

    And do you know how I can tell?

    He's been President all these years and in all that time he has not come forward with a single leftist policy on any subject you can name.

    If he's planning a Socialist take-over he's leaving it awfully late.


  36. The Purple Cow said...
    "From the guy that insists Obama is a conservative."

    Oh he is.

    Ding ding.

    You come every time I ring the bell PurpleCow.

    Maybe I'm a Cow whisperer.

  37. Capitalist Pig12:53 PM

    Hilter was a socialist and a atheist.

    Imagine that...

    Ooooooo what evil deeds was wrought by socialism.

    Maybe, next speech, Obama will speak on that.

  38. President Lenin12:56 PM

    He's been President all these years and in all that time he has not come forward with a single leftist policy on any subject you can name.

    He has transferred several trillion dollars in wealth from the middle class to the Wall Street elite. That's about as leftist as it gets.



    For some strange reason, tax exempt MediaMatters doesn't have anything about brian williams lying.

    I'm sure foxnews wouldn't report on hannity being caught lying either.

  40. Culture of Lies1:32 PM

    Brian Williams is the Media:

    Americans’ confidence in the establishment press is at an all-time low. But it’s not low enough, even though the difference between newspapers and television news compared to Internet sources has virtually disappeared.

    Brian Williams’ continued presence in the Nightly News anchor chair would henceforth make him the press’s poster child. He would become the starting point in any discussion of media bias with those who still believe that the press is fair and balanced --and readers can rest assured that Williams’ track record is a heavily documented, target-rich environment.

    If the network continues to keep a serial fabricator on board, it will convince many of those who still buy what the press is selling that something is fundamentally wrong. That would be a fantastic development, because something is fundamentally wrong. The self-described watchdogs have instead become the left’s gatekeepers. The sooner everyone appreciates that, the better it will be for all.


  41. Gotta love Detroit, and the bias at ABC...

    Lawyer Says Slow-Cooker Killing Followed Fight Over Politics
    A defense lawyer says an argument about presidential politics led to a fight in which his client is accused of beating her 66-year-old friend to death with a slow cooker.
    "whatever the controversy is between Democrats and Republicans." He won't say which woman took which side.

    Won't say which woman took which side?

    That answered the question they didn't want you to read.

    The Obama supporter killed her friend.

    PurpleCow calls me his enemy.
    Does PurpleCow own a crock pot?

  42. Hey wingnut, it'a not about a lane closing; it's about Christie and his staff (yes he knew) using their power to punish their enemies.

    Man these people are stupid.

    Now please provide a link proving that the president intentionally used the IRS to target his enemies.

    Take all the time u need. I will wait.......

  43. Kinky, do u work in the US Attorney's office?

  44. Anonymous2:02 PM

    field negro said...
    Now please provide a link proving that the president intentionally used the IRS to target his enemies.


    You sure are funny.

  45. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Lilac said, "I have to go to the doctor today and I;m VERY grumpy cos I think I hate them okay! So don't **** with me okay! cos anyone crosses my path today is going to get it for sure!"

    Dear Lilac, I didn't mean to mess with you. I was talking about the 'other' PRs, not you. I mean, you ARE part Iranian, aren't you?

    Anyway, I got the message not to screw around with you today. I am sorry, I apologize, I won't mess with you...Te amo:)

  46. Anonymous2:28 PM

    The more I look at Stacey Dash, the worst she looks. There is nothing beautiful about her. Plus she is weird. But FOX likes her. Or maybe they are just using her to slam black folks?


  47. field negro said...
    it's about Christie and his staff (yes he knew) using their power to punish their enemies.

    Now punishing your enemies is a problem for you?

    Where were you when Obama was talking about punishing enemies and rewarding friends?

    Another dumbocrat double standard.

  48. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Anon 2:25 Just got back from the doctors! Sitting and waiting, so I started chatting it up with the other patients and before you knew it I had a party going on!

    So thing is I hate going for the first time to strange docs that I don't know. But he turned out to be cool.

    And to answer your question, yes I am part Iranian, part Saudi, part Afghan, part Syrian and part Iraqui! What else would yuo like me to be :)

    (running away clutching her pink burka,ululating all the while)

  49. Anonymous3:23 PM

    FN: Is this true, or is this some "click bait"?
    Two Philadelphia cops charged with assault? Will the charges stick?
    How did this happen?

  50. Anonymous3:35 PM

    It’s highly unlikely (though not impossible) for Brian Williams to face any long-term career consequences for his lie.

    Hillary Clinton lied about coming under sniper fire. The consequence? She was elected senator, appointed Secretary of State, and may well be the next president of the United States. Sen. Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut lied about serving in Vietnam. What happened to him? He became Sen. Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut.

    Try to imagine for one second what would have happened to Sarah Palin if she had lied about being shot down while visiting Iraq or Afghanistan. Try to see if there’s a measure of time small enough to accurately capture how quickly she would’ve been chewed up and spit out by the exact same people who are now pretending that Brian Williams just had a senior moment about that thing that totally never happened.

    American politics isn’t fair, though. Justice is not handed out evenly. It doesn’t matter if you’re wrong or right. It only matters if you play for the right team.

    Field is a team player.

  51. Wow, Bobby Jindal just bitch slapped the shit out of Obama:

    "It was nice of the President to give us a history lesson at the Prayer breakfast," Jindal [wrote in a statment]. "Today, however, the issue right in front of his nose, in the here and now, is the terrorism of Radical Islam, the assassination of journalists, the beheading and burning alive of captives. We will be happy to keep an eye out for runaway Christians, but it would be nice if he would face the reality of the situation today. The Medieval Christian threat is under control, Mr. President. Please deal with the Radical Islamic threat today."

    That's gonna leave a mark on Obama's chalky brown face.

  52. Ace Freely3:50 PM

    Obama has always been an intellectual lightweight and mental mediocrity, as evidenced by his complete failure to publish while nominally the Editor in Chief of a Law Review whose entire imperative was to publish.

    I think I'd actually appreciate a smart, thoughtful challenge to my #WhiteBiases, for no other reason than I am pro-thinking and enjoy feeling my brain at work.

    But Obama doesn't deliver that; Obama delivers the same low-IQ, trite, Marxism for Dummies shit that all glittering mediocrities like himself traffic in, for they can not manage any better.

    Obama's remarks manage to be simultaneously both banal and offensive. They are the remarks of an adolescent. A dull adolescent.


  53. Brain is so lucky he's a dumbocrat.

    I signed up to be a volunteer firefighter in my hometown of Middletown, N.J.
    When I got outside, I saw two small eyes staring up at me, and I returned the 3-week-old (and very scared) puppy to its grateful owners

    All I ever did as a volunteer fireman was once save two puppies.

    There must be a good reason dumbocrats aren't bothered by Brian Williams lying.

    Do dumbocrats expect better?

  54. Ace,he was elected to be your leader twice. And was editor of maybe the most prestigious law review in the country. And yet....

    Do u even realize how stupid u look to the rest of us normal people?

  55. Slum Dog governor wishes his face wasn't "brown".

  56. Anonymous5:23 PM

    This is from one of the links you provided, Bill, (the other one basically says the same thing):

    "The U.S. Justice Department investigation into New Jersey Gov.Chris Christie’s role in 'Bridgegate' has thus far uncovered no information he either knew in advance or directed the closure of traffic lanes on the George Washington Bridge, federal officials tell NBC 4 New York."

    Do you see the words "thus far" in the paragraph I just quoted? That means that according to whoever this reporter's source (credibility unknown), the investigation hadn't yet gotten all of its ducks in a row, as of five months ago.

    None of that goes any meaningful way toward proving that the Justice Department's investigation will not result in Christie being charged. Christie might well escape prosecution, but it's way too early to predict that. I certainly wouldn't put any money on it.

    And in any case, I very much doubt his underlings will skate -- some of them are probably going down for this, if they can't pin it on Christie. And their convictions will hurt Christie almost as much as if he did the perp walk himself.

  57. Anonymous5:30 PM

    "When forced to say something after one of the constant stream of atrocities committed by Islamists in the name of Islam while shouting Allah Akbar!, Obama always insists that the actions of these Moslems have nothing to do with Islam and should not be used to tar the whole religion, and then immediately goes out of his way to impugn the entire Christian faith because some Christians 1,000 years ago did bad things in the name of their religion."

    Obama didn't "impugn" the entire Christian faith. Pointing out that hideous, deranged Christian extremists have existed throughout history, and continue to exist (gay bashers and abortion clinic bombers aren't "1000 years ago"), doesn't make every Christian an extremist. Every religion has crazy loons in it: Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, etc.

    It's only bigoted conservatives who want to pretend that if some members of a faith are bad, the entire faith should be condemned. That is what nearly the entire right-wing-o-sphere is shamelessly doing to Islam.

  58. "Pointing out that hideous, deranged Christian extremists have existed throughout history, and continue to exist (gay bashers and abortion clinic bombers aren't "1000 years ago"), doesn't make every Christian an extremist"

    There was only ever one abortion clinic bombing. It was committed by one guy, Eric Rudolph, in 1998.

    In contrast, there have been over 25,000 terror attacks carried out by Islamists since September 11, 2001.

    Liberals who equate Christian extremism with Islamic extremism are either terminally stupid or certifiably insane.

    When faced with real religious extremism in the form of relentless Islamic terrorism, why is our leader's first instinct to make excuses for Moslems and deflect blame onto innocent Christians?

  59. Ace Freely6:31 PM

    field negro said...
    Ace,he was elected to be your leader twice. And was editor of maybe the most prestigious law review in the country. And yet....

    ....he never published anything as editor of that prestigious law review and had Bill Ayers write his autobiography.

    Face it, the myth of Obama's intellect is just that - a myth. We have never seen any of his transcripts or test scores because they are mediocre and would reveal that he got into the schools he attended and got the appointments he was appointed to because he was 'black'.

    When thrown into an open debate style, he got destroyed by Romney. He was only saved by the two later heavily managed debates where the moderators worked with him to stymie his much smarter opponent.

    Obama is a creation of the liberal establishment/media complex. He is a fraud, through and through.

  60. Ok then, Ace. Whatever gets u through the night there big guy.:)


  61. field negro said...
    Ace,he was elected to be your leader twice. And was editor of maybe the most prestigious law review in the country. And yet....

    I remember the bush-bots bragging bush was elected twice.

    And the same bush-bots talked about bush graduating from yale and harvard.

    Different party in the white house, same bot responses.

  62. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Lilac, "And to answer your question, yes I am part Iranian, part Saudi, part Afghan, part Syrian and part Iraqui! What else would yuo like me to be :)"

    Wow, this woman is really messed up. But I always suspected she was a Muslim.

  63. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Yes,was it because of the time I put up my recipe for felafel?

    I have an Asian musician up now and will be posting my recipe for dim sum, so you can start suspecting that I may also be Asian and Buddhist :)

    Will I be American if I only ate hamburgers,hotdogs and listened to rock and roll? Or will I be Hispanic if I only ate rice and beans, gazpacho and flan?

    Oy vey! oops, guess I'm Hebrew now xD

    Anyway what difference does it make what I may or may not be?

    You obviously love me and can't stay away from my writing either way SO ???
