Friday, March 27, 2015

"After all the black people have left the room"

You never know with race in America.

Sometimes things happen to make you say that it's not as bad as some would make you believe, but then, sadly,  sometimes it seems that it is that bad.

Anyway, in keeping with the Field Negro education series, I give you the following:

"Has the sharing of prejudice evolved into a hip bonding ritual in 21st-century America? This writer shares his surprising experiences as a white male navigating through young white “liberal” circles — after all the black people have left the room. 

“White power!” the smiling girl declared, her fist held high in a grotesque imitation of a Black Power salute. A tall, thin, stylish humanities major in a midriff-baring red T, she was a vegan, an environmentalist, an intellectual, and she was my friend.

The comical scene played out to its record-scratching, freeze-frame, “WTF?” climax around a picnic table populated by frat boys in the middle of the sunny UCLA campus. It seemed like the thousandth time a friend had suddenly unloaded a blatantly racist bombshell, although this was the wildest one yet.

As a Canadian working and studying in Los Angeles for ten years, I began to wonder why progressive young hipsters of various races were so eager to privately share their disturbing ideas about black people. The fact that these probing admissions came from a large number of my “coolest” friends, rather than the usual suspects, made it seem like a disturbing new cultural phenomenon.

Seemingly nice young people, once they knew and trusted each other, were trying to take their friendship “to the next level” with these revelations of their racist beliefs. It was like they felt they could finally talk openly and drop the façade they maintained in public. They did this joyfully, as if it were a postmodern bonding ritual to confirm that they were members of the same cool social “tribe,” one that didn’t include blacks.

It wasn’t like all my friends, or even the majority of them, were doing this. But it was a lot of the ones that I had liked and admired before they let me in on their little secret. “White power” girl had been a friendly, interesting person I’d known for months when she invited me to lunch with her friends one day.

The friends turned out to be a bunch of burly, blond “Triumph of the Will”-esque frat boys, but when I talked to them, they seemed surprisingly “alternative.” They were into literature, history and art. They said they didn’t drink, inviting me to an underground frat party where they planned to take “psychedelics” and project old films along with the music, as if they were at a Hollywood club.
All this chilling and friendliness screeched to a halt when my friend saw a black student group handing out flyers nearby. She started fuming about it, saying it shouldn’t be allowed, that we ought to do something about that. Then she up and dropped herWhite power!” on us. I actually laughed and repeated it sarcastically, thinking it was a bad joke.

The frat boys froze and stared at her. She frantically tried to reassure them with “It’s okay, he’s into it!” At that point, I understood that I was the only one at the table not “into it.” One of the guys hissed “Shut the f— up!” at my friend. For a second, I felt I was in a conspiracy thriller. What was this, had I stumbled onto a coven of white supremacists at UCLA? I never really found out, since my “friend” barely spoke to me again after that.

Other encounters in L.A. weren’t as dramatic but ran along the same lines. When I first came to the city from Canada, I didn’t know what to expect, other than stereotypes learned from the mass media. Most of these weren’t accurate, but there was a sort of relaxed, casual racism and segregation around the city. I saw blacks and whites living and working in the same neighborhoods, but I didn’t have any close black friends for years, and neither did any of my friends.

This wasn’t surprising, considering some of their personal opinions. One of these friends in L.A. was a supercool, dreadlocked (but white) dude who told me his father was a Death Row Records corporate lawyer. His girlfriend was a blond cheerleader who said her bank executive father gave her an SUV, an apartment and $10k a month on her 16th birthday. They seemed to know the people and have the money to prove their stories.

The couple was unusually nice to my brother and me, eagerly inviting us out for expensive sushi in the Hollywood Hills. Once we had a few drinks, they got down to the bonding, regaling us, initially in hushed tones, with what they “knew” about black people. I don’t know why they chose us; maybe because we were nice Canadians they thought we must be good old-fashioned white folks.
The guy told us how much his father made off of the rappers and how easy it was to finesse their contracts to give them less profit. He said most of them were criminals and not smart enough to run their business by themselves. Considering who his father’s boss apparently was, he may have found it easy to justify certain stereotypes in his own mind. His girlfriend’s ideas were even more laughable, including the classic “Black people are dirty!”

Now, these two may sound like a couple of clichéd racists, but in everyday life, at school, around their black friends, they always seemed like non-judgmental, progressive liberals.
But there was another friend who was far more liberal than the others, and who had much more profound philosophical beliefs about race. This was a really caring, creative, and certifiably alternative Asian-American woman. She was well-educated, highly-skilled and just interested in the world.

One night, after lazily describing an eccentric idea for a piece of furniture shaped like a deep-sea creature, she explained her quite developed theories of social Darwinism as applied to African-American history and the civil rights movement.

She had heard that Martin Luther King was actually a self-serving demagogue who fomented racial animosity and stopped blacks from integrating into modern society. She wondered if the post-slavery marginalization and death of so many black people was just “survival of the fittest” at work — a natural “culling” that would efficiently thin the herd of American society by eliminating its weakest members.

She had also visited the South and was amazed at what she saw as such an ideal relationship between blacks and whites. She thought that they really knew how to get along with each other there because they had been living together so closely since the time of slavery.

Some of these opinions are extreme, but they may be more common among “intelligent” people than we think. It’s not that these apparently liberal racists knowingly create some convoluted hybrid philosophy combining progressive concepts with outdated racial theories. The reality may be that racist ideas are still passed along so effectively that many people take them for granted and don’t see any problem holding them in parallel to their political ideals, conservative or liberal.

That’s why this type of social bonding through shared bigotry seems so dangerous. It makes some people feel that racism is an important part of their identity, something that reinforces a sense of belonging to a special group, while differentiating that group from others." [Source]


  1. It's Obama's fault.

  2. Also, sorry for more spam but anybody in chicago who wants to check out Spike Lee. Or if you just like wine.

  3. Wesley R12:02 AM

    It's a White Supremacy mindset created by Man, not God which got us to the point we are. The Elites divided the races in this country in order to maintain social control after the people, Whites and Blacks, rebelled against them in the 1600's, and it continues today.

  4. PX, I LOVE Chi-town(except in the winter time, LOL) and wish I could be there for Spike Lee event.

    BTW, speaking on an event which promotes Black folks in a positive way is hardly spam IMHO.

  5. This article while poignant, is neither a revelation nor a surprise.

  6. ctrl+halt+del12:35 AM

    "Has the sharing of prejudice evolved into a hip bonding ritual in 21st-century America?"

    It (prejudice) has been the driver of America's social, political and economic systems for over 400 years. Can anyone doubt that without the oppression of "the other," the privileged in this country would not even exist.

    Hat tip to University of Oklahoma president Boren for his stance against intolerance.

    Do the Right Thing!

  7. "This article while poignant, is neither a revelation nor a surprise."


    "Hat tip to University of Oklahoma president Boren for his stance against intolerance."

    I don't like that he kicked the kid out of school. Suspended and made to apologize but not expelled.

  8. I don't think those kids should have been kicked out of school at all because now instead of just being racists, now they are bitter racists which is far worse in my opinion. I think they should have been made to do community service in an inner city Black community for a year while also attending meetings of the Black Student Union on campus. Add a class in Black life in the 21st century, and now you've educated these fools.

  9. Anonymous1:46 AM

    Prejudice is part of being human. I mean, it goes back to Adam and Eve. To be human, is to be prejudiced and in some cases not even know you are a bigot.

    Humans love power. Those in power have no reason whatsoever to self-examine themselves or their prejudices. After all, they are the ones in power right? So they must be superior, right?

    Why should Whites think otherwise? Look at Blacks today. Are they really trying to educate themselves, or to better themselves or to lend a helping hand to each other?

    Look at Yisheng and read her thoughts and you will have the unfortunate answer.

  10. Anonymous2:11 AM

    Dear Mr Field, I have been wondering why your commenters don't post more at night? I prefer to comment in the evenings. Why aren't there more posters?

    I need to talk to somebody, esp Whites. Where are the white folks? How are we to improve race relations if white people aren't posting on FN?

    Brother Field, I am very concerned that some of the Negroes on this blog are chasing the Whites away. That is reverse SAE discrimination.

    FYI, I am standing up for fairness for Whites on FN from this day forward. I figure that the only way to end racism is to take the opposite position. Field, think about it.

  11. Anonymous3:03 AM

    The apparent viscosity of these comments slick up the quart of gumption poured into the engine of debate humming along the avenue of discourse.

  12. Anonymous3:56 AM

    Yīshēng said...

    I don't think those kids should have been kicked out of school at all because now instead of just being racists, now they are bitter racists which is far worse in my opinion. I think they should have been made to do community service in an inner city Black community for a year while also attending meetings of the Black Student Union on campus. Add a class in Black life in the 21st century, and now you've educated these fools.

    So then when you utter something about your hatred of Whites and your racist views, you will need to do community service and go clean toilets.

    To hell with the Black life. What makes you think YOU are the center of the universe and people have to think anything about you, other than what you have demonstrated and taught them to think?

  13. Anon@3:03, are u a writer?

    Why do whites think that the Dr is a racist?
    I always get the impression that she gets back at individuals on the blog who are trying to get with her.
    White folks shouldn't take it personal.

  14. ctrl+halt+del8:43 AM

    Pilot X @ 1:15A you bring up a good point. How should society handle this problem as we move forward?

    For me the discussion should start here:

    On the one hand we see our youth subjected to heavy handed zero tolerance pupil to prison pipeline policies. I think we can all agree on how these expulsions and suspensions are nothing more than temporary solutions to a more significant systemic problem.

    On the other hand, we have an individual who, while not disrupting class and who appears to be enjoying a private moment with like minded individuals, is singing racist frat songs on a bus. A bus filled with future executives and decision makers.

    Apples to oranges, right? How about this. Both of these scenarios involve youth behaving in ways, as perceived by those in immediate power, as totally inappropriate. In each instance punishment is handed down in order to make an example of these unacceptable behaviors.

    My question to all the fieldsters and fieldomaniacs...How long should we accept temporary superficial solutions to this stain on the fabric of America?

  15. ctrl+halt+del8:48 AM

    Anon @ 1:46

    What do you mean by superior?

  16. Ctrl+halt+....

    I would like an answer to that question as well.

    Love the last part of your comment@8:43. Powerful.

  17. ctrl+halt+del9:25 AM

    Greetings Field,

    Thanks for all you do to shed light that we might better see.

    You da man!


  18. White liberals are racist?

    No surprise to me. I've been pointing it out here for a while.

    Best sentence was the author talking about himself...

    ...but I didn’t have any close black friends for years, and neither did any of my friends.

    Typical white liberal.


  19. Public defender: San Francisco jail inmates forced to fight
    Sheriff's deputies arranged and gambled on fights between San Francisco jail inmates and told them to lie if they needed medical attention, an official said.

    Thankfully this was in San Francisco.

    If this happened in Texas or Indiana this would be on the news 24/7.

    More of that white liberal racism that the liberal media doesn't want exposed.

  20. Anonymous11:52 AM

    If public pronouncements of "Black Power" are acceptable, then so are public pronouncements of "White Power".

    End of story.

  21. Martin Luther King was actually a self-serving demagogue who fomented racial animosity and stopped blacks from integrating into modern society.

    True, but you also should acknowledge that he was a plagiarist who liked to slap whores around.

  22. Blogger field negro said...
    Why do whites think that the Dr is a racist?
    White folks shouldn't take it personal.

    Whites don't Field. I'm simply an educated non conformist Negress unafraid to speak my mind. And that makes me threatening to insecure White trash like my colon dwelling, 7 years and counting stalkers who think that makes me racist.

    However, this is also about cowardice of a group of people (White trash racists) who have been a stain on humanity since they mutated their way into existence. But let me be clear, the mongrels that Europe sent to kill off Native Americans are at the heart of racism in the civilized world. Then again, that's expected coming from chicken hearted Assnons too irrelevant in their real lives to pick a username and post under it.

    But let's not forget the mocha stained aunt Jemimah's that cosign with White trash stalkers (WTS) as if the White trash gave a damn about their epidemic level cancer mortality rates or the fact that the research I've done could save their nipples too.

    At the end of the day, they can ALL just kiss my Black ass! TWICE!!

    1. Anonymous3:49 PM

      Erm if Africa has more genetic diversity than Europe then wouldn't that make Africans the mongrel race and Europe the pure breds?. You're welcome.

      White guy.

  23. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Yisheng, "However, this is also about cowardice of a group of people (White trash racists) who have been a stain on humanity since they mutated their way into existence. But let me be clear, the mongrels that Europe sent to kill off Native Americans are at the heart of racism in the civilized world. Then again, that's expected coming from chicken hearted Assnons too irrelevant in their real lives to pick a username and post under it."

    Brother Field, this is why Yisheng is a racist worst than the KKK. You should ban this idiot from FN. She makes it hard to have a decent conversation about racism.

  24. Anonymous12:19 PM

    There is no such thing as White Trash and there are no white mongrels that Europe sent to kill off anybody.

    Yisheng said, "At the end of the day, they can ALL just kiss my Black ass! TWICE!!"

    Now isn't her statement just peachy? Yep, it's the hallmark of a "Dr". Don't you believe it. Doctors don't go around telling folks, "Y'll can kiss my Black ass!"....and expect people, both Black and White to not discriminate against Blacks. Hell, by her own negative comments, she is ostracizing herself and her race from humanity. What an idiot!

    Hurry up and move your black ass to the Caribbean. I'm sure they will be glad to have your dumb ass.

  25. field negro said...
    Why do whites think that the Dr is a racist?

    Because, based on what she writes, she clearly is a racist.

    Yisheng is typical of the Michelle Obama-type of racist, someone who has never experienced adverse discrimination and has been condescended to her entire life to the point she has developed a monstrous sense of entitlement and a resulting maniacal rage against the society that has allowed her to climb higher than she can handle.

    Michelle was given admission to Princeton where she was clearly in over her head intellectually. She responded by developing a deep animosity towards the society that had handed her an entree into the ruling elite. Her poorly written senior thesis was about, you guessed it, being black and how to maintain a sense of outrage in the face of so much white largesse.

    She was shuffled through law school and given an internship at a prestigious law firm where she struggled to pass the bar. Eventually she got a position at a hospital, where her meager (for a Princeton grad) salary was tripled immediately after her husband was elected to the US Senate. At every step of the way, no matter how badly she stumbled, she was always handed the trophy. Despite all this, she never felt the merest hint of gratitude nor any pride in her country until her husband achieved success in his bid to become President. Even now, living in the White House, jetting off to lavish vacations at the taxpayers expense, showered with adulation from the lapdog media, she still seethes with resentment.

    Our Ms. Yisheng lives in a country that has funded her dream to be a doctor for several decades now. Had she the actual talent to achieve this dream, this quest would have been over a quarter century ago. Does this prime example of a recipient of the generosity of the majority culture offer any gratitude toward her fellow citizens? Why no. In fact, the more she gets, the more she hates. In every post, she asserts her racial and class superiority to the "white trailer trash" whose taxes fund her lifestyle. Her hatred is so extreme she often slides into advocating for the wide scale slaughter, even the outright extermination of "mutant", "neanderthal" white people.

    So, you can see how disconcerting this might be to a people who have invested quite a lot of time, money, and social capital over the past 50 years into appeasing black folk. It is clearly not having the intended effect of integrating blacks into the wider society. In fact, it seems to be destroying the wider society.

    Maybe we should just stop.

    What do you think, Field?

  26. Black beauty in ALL its glory:

    And my special connection to the folks in this article makes it especially special, redundancy intended!! ;)

  27. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Let me ask you this. Are not the strange symptoms experienced by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart leading up to his supposed death parelleled in the moder Zombie genre? Is it not the least bit strange that there is no grave for him? Even his manner of death is usual, exuding a stench and then spewing his effluvia with his final breath.

    Could it be that the Old Master, himself, still lurks through the Austrian night subsisting upon the flesh of the living? Antonio Salieri certainly thought so. He stayed locked in his room until his death fearful that Mozart would come for him. In his last days he was quoted as saying "This creature, Mozart, is truly immortal. Though I destroyed the man, he has risen. What designs of God and Hell have made such an abomination possible?"

  28. According to my DNA results from 23andme, my genetics are made up of approximately 1.7% Sub-Saharan African (Nigerian).

    So, my brothas, as a black man, I'd like to talk about this horrific oppression in America that be holdin' me down.

  29. That's nothing, I'm 4.1% Basque.

  30. ctrl+halt+del3:12 PM

    Manifest Density

    Together at the outset,

    joined as if with chains,

    red, black and white united,

    but only one would gain.

    Bountiful blessings bestowed upon us,

    with faith to keep us sane.

    The red man was defeated.

    Now just the two remain.

    Even though owned by others

    On this resource rich

    earth we toiled,

    the land we worked was seeded

    with our sweat,

    and watered by our blood

    our hearts our souls.

    Our wages come due tomorrow

    but tomorrow never comes

    We lift our glasses to yesterday's harvest.

    Knowing that there is still work to be done

    Let us Celebrate the rewards

    of our well-crafted tune

    Let's share this toast to America's greatness

    After all the black people have left the room.

  31. Anonymous3:13 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    That's nothing, I'm 4.1% Basque...

    ..and 95.9% bitch.

  32. Salud3:15 PM

    ctrl+halt+del said...
    Let's share this toast to America's greatness
    After all the black people have left the room.

    I'll drink to that.


  33. Salud said

    I'll drink to that.

    To your health!


  34. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Anonymous ctrl+halt+del said...
    My question to all the fieldsters and fieldomaniacs...How long should we accept temporary superficial solutions to this stain on the fabric of America?
    8:43 AM

    I beg to differ.

    A "stain" is something you can remove most times. These people are the heart,soul and majority of America, not just a "stain".

    Therein lies the problem me thinks. and that is precisely why the solutions are only, and will ever be only, "temporary and superficial".

    It's their country, they stole it from the Indians by gunfire.

    True that the Africans labored it and built it, but what can you do? Extract the pound of flesh with bloodshed? or maybe just cut the losses and walk away with our lives?

    Let them stay by themselves with the Indians they stole it from. See what happens ;D

    What say you?

  35. The Fixer4:24 PM

    "It's their country, they stole it from the Indians by gunfire. "

    It's their country, they won it from the Indians by gunfire.

  36. Anonymous4:35 PM

    The Fixer said...
    "It's their country, they won it from the Indians by gunfire.

    4:24 PM

    Oops, riiiight, the Indians were playing a GAME with them! For their native land, yeesss a game, a likkle game. And, oops, the guns won! Oopsy!

    ------- < fill in the blanks will ya?

  37. The Fixer4:55 PM

    "Oops, riiiight, the Indians were playing a GAME with them!"

    Oops, riiiight, the Indians were fighting a WAR with them!

  38. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Anonymous The Fixer said...
    Oops, riiiight, the Indians were fighting a WAR with them!

    4:55 PM

    Oops, au contraire, THEY were fighting a war with the Indian people.

    A war that they initiated to annihilate them and steal their country! M'kay? Lest you forget!;)

  39. There was no country here when the white man arrived. America was a vast landscape of competing nations and tribes in continuous war with one another. The lands of each people changed hands innumerable times over the centuries, as they will continue to do so in the future. The Europeans who came across the sea were just another tribe, one who wound up conquering the entire continent over a span of about 200 years. The early conflicts were quite balanced, but the white man's improving technology was the difference. This was not a crime, this was history.

  40. Well C H D I would make that kid exhibit A of how to reintergrate a racist into society. He would make speeches and volunteer to make up for his ugly deed. This would go a long way just like Jesus freaks like to use former atheists I would use homie for the purpose of educating other like minded travelers.

  41. Anonymous5:27 PM

    @ 5:04
    Oh I knew that was coming! The same old shit from the same old white mentality to excuse the theft and annihilation of an entire peoples!

    Negro Puhleeeze! Mkay? STFU!

    It was THEIR land okay! Theirs! Never the hell you mind what they did or how they lived in it! Ain't none of your business!

    Same ish with Australia, and where are the Aborigines now?

    Like the Indians, real better off right?

    It's spelled C-R-I-M-E, and
    G-E-N-O-C-I-D-E whichever way you wanna fry it ;)

    I realize it's a bitter pill for you to swallow, and you'll never admit it, but there it is. It's called


  42. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Same ridiculous, crappy excuse.

    "the Anglos killed all youse off and stole your country, for your own good" "YES, IT WAS FOR YOUR OWN GOOD!"

    Like hell it was!!!

  43. PR when are you going to learn, a racist mutant can't debate a reality it completely denies.

  44. Anonymous5:38 PM

    And it was guns that made these conquests and crimes possible. Firepower. The Anglos had it and the natives did not.

    They, having to hunt far and wide in their cold, barren countries, had to invent something to give them an advantage in the hunt. and so necessity being the mother of invention, someone invented the gun. And that was all they needed to know.

    They set forth to conquer warmer or more temperate countries in order to survive.

    And thus begins the saga of the Vandals and their bloodthirsty, merciless rampages, across the face of the earth.

    That IS history :)

  45. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Oh Yisheng, hehehe...But I can be very persistent in the education of a certain species.

    I believe like The Field, educate we must!

    Sheeeet! ;*D

  46. "That's nothing, I'm 4.1% Basque...

    ..and 95.9% bitch."

    Well yeah, but better that than 100% cuntmuppet such as yourself.

  47. ctrl+halt+del6:00 PM

    Anonymous lilacpr2000

    America has, since its founding, represented itself one way and behaved in another to the detriment of many of its citizens.

    The stain I reference only concedes that the euro-American is the majority and not the "heart and soul" of this country. I would argue that it is because of those who lack a heart and soul that we experience the calloused nature of their racist behavior. The stain created by those individuals and their institutions promise equality and justice but deliver the opposite. I would suggest that it is the POC who possess America's heart and soul. It wasn't long ago that we had to help them understand what soul was. (h/t to James brown.)

    I am a firm believer that there are many more good whites than not however, and to borrow a phrase from the past they are a "silent majority." I am equally convinced that all blacks are not criminals and therefore not worthy of the hyper-scrutiny and exaggerated fears that prevent the dialogue necessary to create a more permanent healing between us.

    America will only be great when we all have a space at the table. Let's stay in touch.

  48. The Fixer6:04 PM

    lilacpr2000 said...
    I realize it's a bitter pill for you to swallow, and you'll never admit it, but there it is. It's called


    Actually, it's called


    And victory is not bitter, it's quite sweet.

  49. lilacpr2000 said...
    And it was guns that made these conquests and crimes possible. Firepower. The Anglos had it and the natives did not.

    They, having to hunt far and wide in their cold, barren countries, had to invent something to give them an advantage in the hunt. and so necessity being the mother of invention, someone invented the gun. And that was all they needed to know.

    So you are saying adaptation to a cold climate forced selection towards greater intelligence, future time orientation, and technological innovation?

    This inherent superiority then allowed them to conquer the globe.

    Hmmm...I am starting to see what you mean.

  50. lilacpr2000 said...
    Same ridiculous, crappy excuse.

    "the Anglos killed all youse off and stole your country, for your own good" "YES, IT WAS FOR YOUR OWN GOOD!"

    Like hell it was!!!

    No one ever said it was for your own good, it was entirely for the good of the colonists.

    However, it is undeniable that the world those colonists ultimately created is infinitely superior to the violent, cruel, subsistence level existence that predominated across the hemisphere prior to the arrival of the white man.


  51. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Anonymous The Fixer said...
    Actually, it's called


    And victory is not bitter, it's quite sweet.
    6:04 PM

    Oh I'm sure it is, for you obviously! 'To the victor go the spoils' no?

    But my interest is how the other side feels. The side that lost it's lands, lively hoods, and lives.

    You see, that's what I care about.

  52. Yīshēng said...
    PR when are you going to learn, a racist mutant can't debate a reality it completely denies

    How's that pursuit of a racist mutant doctoral degree going?

    Talk about a denial of reality...

  53. ctrl+halt+del6:30 PM

    "Let them stay by themselves with the Indians they stole it from. See what happens ;D"

    Yeah... well... but.... I don't know.

    I don't have to interact with them all that much. At least not right now, but sooner or later... anyway, I am preaching to all that will listen that we follow the blueprint for success and that is spend your money where you are appreciated, save more invest more and read more. We've got right on our side.

    What do you think?

  54. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Anonymous Scipio Africanus said...
    So you are saying adaptation to a cold climate forced selection towards greater intelligence, future time orientation, and technological innovation?
    6:10 PM

    No, I am saying it created a species of starving, coldblooded, merciless, hatefull, filthy barbarians capable of doing anything in order to stay alive in a warmer climate where food could be grown. That's what I'm saying. :)

    Anonymous Scipio Africanus said...

    However, it is undeniable that the world those colonists ultimately created is infinitely superior to the violent, cruel, subsistence level existence that predominated across the hemisphere prior to the arrival of the white man.

    6:17 PM

    What's undeniable is that those insipid, pale faced, fork tongued, starving, filthy, cave dwelling savages, who couldn't even bathe because they would freeze over :)with their violent, cruel,dog eat dog subsistence in those barren, freezing Northern lands, were capable of carrying out any murderous deed in order to steal a country for there survival, like the true animals in the wild that they were...That's history my friend :) No problem, everybody knows it ;*D

  55. PR, you care which distinguishes you from WTMs, white trash mutants, ROTFL!!

  56. lilacpr2000 said...
    But my interest is how the other side feels. The side that lost it's lands, lively hoods, and lives.

    You see, that's what I care about.

    No, you care about asserting power for your group by making a (false) case regarding 'injustices' of the past.

    There can be no compensation given to the dead.

    My ancestors were driven from their homeland, but I assert no claim against those whose ancestors took that land. Many more Europeans were taken as slaves by Arabs than blacks were ever taken by Europeans, but I have no claim for their labor.

    You want the land for your people, you fight for the land. This is exactly what you are doing by calling history a crime; you are using the power of words as a weapon of war.

  57. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Anonymous Scipio Africanus said...
    No, you care about asserting power for your group by making a (false) case regarding 'injustices' of the past.

    There can be no compensation given to the dead.

    My ancestors were driven from their homeland, but I assert no claim against those whose ancestors took that land. Many more Europeans were taken as slaves by Arabs than blacks were ever taken by Europeans, but I have no claim for their labor.

    You want the land for your people, you fight for the land. This is exactly what you are doing by calling history a crime; you are using the power of words as a weapon of war.
    6:33 PM

    YISHENG, get the violins! and the kleenex! We got a defeated one crying ova heah!

    You just give that land back!!! Okay! Give it back and go to Europe or Alaska or Finand or whatever iceberg you came from! You're damn right Ima use my words as a war weapon! Damn right!

    Now go!!! You and yours just hop on a ship and go!

  58. lilacpr2000 said...
    You're damn right Ima use my words as a war weapon! Damn right!

    You keep talking, and we'll keep winning.

  59. "What's undeniable is that those insipid, pale faced, fork tongued, starving, filthy, cave dwelling savages, who couldn't even bathe because they would freeze over :)with their violent, cruel,dog eat dog subsistence in those barren, freezing Northern lands, were capable of carrying out any murderous deed in order to steal a country for there survival, like the true animals in the wild that they were..."

    And you are calling who a racist?

    How did such pathetic cavemen conquer the world?

    How did such filthy savages come up with the science and philosophy of ancient Greece? Build the infrastructure of the Roman Empire? Create the art of Renaissance Italy? The music of Beethoven? The great cathedrals of Europe? Electricity, medicine, airplanes, computers, the internet?

    It's so easy, a caveman could do it.

  60. Anonymous6:53 PM

    and take all of your modern technology that you say you invented, yeah and how the hell were we supposed to invent anything from where you forced us at gunpoint huh???

    Take it all and go.

    Just leave us the teepees, the land, the flora and the fauna, the buffalo, (yeah you better find some to replace the ones you annihilated umhmm)and go!

    @ ctrl-halt-del: Unfortunately, I think not.

  61. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Anonymous Neil Anderthal said...
    How did such pathetic cavemen conquer the world?

    How did such filthy savages come up with the science and philosophy of ancient Greece? Build the infrastructure of the Roman Empire? Create the art of Renaissance Italy? The music of Beethoven? The great cathedrals of Europe? Electricity, medicine, airplanes, computers, the internet?

    To answer your first question: Guns, firepower. That's how.

    The Mediterranean peoples were not the filthy cavemen that inhabited great Britain's prisons and were expulsed to America to kill it's native population and fend for themselves as best they could. To colonize America for the British.Which were also a bunch of murdering savages!

    The Middle East was civilized long before Great Britain came into being. These were people of color that had created a great,or many great civilizations!

    It cannot be used as an analogy or compared, and most definitely was not populated by this sub-human species of pale faced,rabid, hungry scraggly, savage, dirty, starving, murderous cave dwelling humans that were your ancestors.

    So please stop ascribing great architecture and music to rabid, starving cavemen ex-cons!

  62. Lt. Commander Johnson7:21 PM

    I think I'm gonna puke.

    That has to be the sorriest-ass excuse for the black race I've ever seen.

  63. Strong Black man7:29 PM

    Awww! da baby gonna puukeee! You weak azzed, punk! You woulda gone through what we've gone through, you'd shit your pants, puke and die!

  64. Great, now we get to hear from a real life white supremacist. Should be an interesting conversation Desert. Ha! Maybe he'll stick around and keep the same screen name.

  65. Lt. Commander Johnson7:40 PM

    "You are totally correct, Neil.

    But, they'll never admit it . Watch their addversions, trying to obfuscate the truth...tell us again, Purple Cow, how your race had a "written language".

    What a damn joke. I read the crap you sent me, and I know it's considered crap.

  66. Highly unlikely PX, WTMs are homozygous dominant, with multiple gene duplications, for the coward gene, lol!!

  67. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Yeah Pilot, try telling them that Algebra among many other things was invented in the Middle East. And pray tell the Egyptians, they advancements they had in all the fields are a matter of just Googling to find them, but nooooooo, the paleface invented EVERYTHING!

    Puhleeeze, what they mean is the paleface 'STOLE, ROBBED, PLUNDERED, KILLED' everything with guns! That's what it really is.

    The Egyptians had invented a sanitary system and running water while the Romans where still throwing their feces out the window to the streets. and going to the well! they learned about of that from the EGYPTIANS! History baby!

    Anyway, I'm going to Home Depot to get bricks for a little garden I want to make where my Phals are, so see youse all later. When it's done I'll post on my blog so ya'll can see :)

    And just want to apologize for all the meany words, I'm just debating I don't really mean all the nasty. As a health professional I took an oath to 'never do harm' and that's forever above and beyond all color lines, so I'm sorry for the mean things. Jes kiddin, lataaah! Going to my favorite place in the world besides my home, The Home Depot, love that place!!!

  68. Lt. Commander Johnson8:02 PM

    But. As due to a much as too perspective...I will ask you again. As you claim to be a pilot, and I think you claim to believe to believe a relative to the Red Tails...I'll ask again:

    Why is a wingman a "wingman", an promoted to be the Lead?

  69. Lt. Commander Johnson8:09 PM

    Hey is a lying SOB...he doesn't know.

    Its disgusting. Last plane he every flew was a dildo up his avaial ass.

  70. Anonymous9:15 PM

    To all my brothers and sisters on FN:

    Why do we keep trying to kill each other?
    This story is so depressing. Why isn't brother Field talking about all this black mess instead of R chasing Whites?

  71. Josh is a gay sex slave9:39 PM

    "So, my brothas, as a black man, I'd like to talk about this horrific oppression in America that be holdin' me down."

    No Josh, you are still a goofy white boy and that's not oppression holding you down, that's a trucker holding your head in his lap.

  72. "But. As due to a much as too perspective...I will ask you again. As you claim to be a pilot, and I think you claim to believe to believe a relative to the Red Tails...I'll ask again:

    Why is a wingman a "wingman", an promoted to be the Lead?"

    A lead is the head of a formation and a wing is called a wingman because he or she flies alongside the leader in the formation. Ha! Anytime you want to play stump the pilot I'm sure I can accommodate you. You won't be the first or the last I have to show up. Just like with QLB I'll give you more than enough inside baseball which you can take to a friend who is a pilot ad they can verify everything I say. Then again you probably don't know any pilots because where you live most people are on welfare no?

    I answered your question so I have one my own for you. Did you actually serve in the military or do you just pretend by calling yourself a Lt. Commander? And why are you talking to yourself? Did you forget to change your screen name? What a piece of work.

  73. PX, no matter how many FACTS you beat a WTM (AKA Whuteemu) with they will NEVER acknowledge your superior academic acumen. EVER.

    Whuuuuu-teeeeeeee????? Whuteemu, Whuteemu, ROTFL!!!!

    Hey Assnon, how much do your belly rolls shake when you say Whuteemu????

  74. You are right Doc. I fly with enough greyboys to know their tricks. Funny how they think it's impossible for a blah man to fly airplanes or is it jealousy because they didn't finish high school and work for minimum wage? Hilarious.

  75. Get real, bitch11:15 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    PX, no matter how many FACTS you beat a WTM (AKA Whuteemu) with they will NEVER acknowledge your superior academic acumen. EVER

    To whom does someone struggling through college for 34 years have a "superior academic acumen"?

  76. I fly with enough greyboys to know their tricks. Funny how they think it's impossible for a blah man to fly airplanes or is it jealousy because they didn't finish high school and work for minimum wage? Hilarious.

    I laugh now, but I wasn't laughing much in my 20s when I was a militant Negress, lol!!

    Folks always testing your knowledge in the real world? Yeah, I definitely get that especially now that I'm in a subfield dominated by Asians. And being a woman standing almost 5'8"? To paraphrase Chris Tucker, I'm at least a foot taller than most people in the room, ROTFL!!!

  77. BTW PX, Whuteemu wouldn't question you if you drove a bus for a living, you wouldn't be professionally upstaging it. But because flying airplanes requires mastery of STEM, it's jealous of you.

    It's actually kinda cute, in stalking sychophantic kinda way, lol!!

  78. Anonymous11:23 PM

    You will never master any facet of "STEM".

  79. Wang Sum11:25 PM

    "I'm at least a foot taller than most people in the room"

    A foot taller, a mile uglier, and a boatload stupider.

  80. lilacpr2000 said...
    Yeah Pilot, try telling them that Algebra among many other things was invented in the Middle East

    The Arabs, who are technically "Caucasian" by the way, are credited with developing algebra. However, much of the high points of Muslim culture were appropriated from the the cultures they conquered, most notably the Byzantines, Persians, and Indians.

    The truth is that white people have invented almost everything of significance to the modern world.

  81. The Fixer12:01 AM

    "The truth is that white people have invented almost everything of significance to the modern world."

    The truth is white people invented all of the stoooopid comments here on this blog.

    There, fixed it for ya.

  82. Doesn't flying airplanes require only a master of...pilot-related materials? I wasn't aware one had to be a biology major with an engineering degree with an affinity for advanced mathematics.

    Yisheng, you're married to this "STEM" topic all throughout your many responses--even in the responses where you're trolling with different names--yet you kinda drop the ball when you get to using biology terminology and suchlike. You seem far too dense to be serious, but, not surprisingly, the brothas here give you a pass. Must project the black whor-- umm, queen.

    But as a black man, I must call you out for your bullshit. You're dragging us down. At least use Google before you slaughter shit for self gratification.

    Buy a dildo, FFS.

  83. Germanicus12:59 AM

    "The truth is white people invented all of the stoooopid comments here on this blog."

    White people invent almost everything. We are the most devoted of God's children, answering his call to seek out all we can discover of the glory of his creation.

    Get in the game or get out of the way.

  84. Anonymous2:08 AM

    But I thought Blacks were the chosen people? Wow, Whites have everything.

  85. Lt. Commander Johnson3:41 AM

    ""But. As due to a much as too perspective...I will ask you again. As you claim to be a pilot, and I think you claim to believe to believe yourself a relative to the Red Tails...I'll ask again:

    Why is a wingman a "wingman", and HOW does he get promoted to be the Lead?"

    A lead is the head of a formation and a wing is called a wingman because he or she flies alongside the leader in the formation. Ha! Anytime you want to play stump the pilot I'm sure I can accommodate you. You won't be the first or the last I have to show up. Just like with QLB I'll give you more than enough inside baseball which you can take to a friend who is a pilot ad they can verify everything I say. Then again you probably don't know any pilots because where you live most people are on welfare no?

    I answered your question so I have one my own for you. Did you actually serve in the military or do you just pretend by calling yourself a Lt. Commander? And why are you talking to yourself? Did you forget to change your screen name? What a piece of work.

    9:46 PM"

    N0, Mr. Pilot X.

    That is NOT what I asked of you.

    Here it is....Again:

    Why is a wingman a "wingman", and promoted to be the Lead?"

    And no, I never served....but my father (whom I knew), as a Captain in the US ARMY AIR FORCE, on a B-17, and then went on to be the Provost Marshall for Roswell Air Force base. He was especially assigned to the with the 508th bomber wing. (Remember "Remember Enola Gay?") They flew back to Roswell after turning Hiroshima to fried grease. I have a picture of him on my living room wall, with his hand on the Enola Gay upper fuselage, so you can see her name, and the pilot and crew who flew her back from Tinian.

    He resigned from the military about a year from the famous UFO incident, and went to work as a pilot for TWA Airlines.

    So. You and your Tuskqueege airmen can bite the white pecker who brought you here.

    Here it is again:

    "Why is a wingman a "wingman", and promoted to be the Lead?

    I wasn't trying to "trap you".

    It was an honest question. My Dad is dead, or else, I'd have asked him.

  86. Lt. Commander Johnson3:52 AM

    ANDI post as Lt. Commander Johnson as an old insult to our old homie, UPTOWNSTEVE, who claimed he was in the Coast Guard.

    Look it up in the archives, you POS

  87. More Black STEM success:

  88. How to ignore dumb a$$ comments from whuteemoos:

    1) Tap on the word "said" next to the whuteemoos you're ignoring. This will take about 5 minutes because they have no life outside stalking Field Negros on a Black blog, so they're ALWAYS here posting dumb $hit.

    2) Enjoy reading logical comments from those who are sane and aren't stalkers.


  89. And be careful of the Assnons comments, only about 10% of these comments have any intellectual value. So it's probably best to "whuteemoo" them too!!

  90. Lt. Commander Johnson9:15 AM

    Yes, Yishingles..we respect your brilliance. Like a big turd swirling into the commode, and the darkness of the sewer.

    Do you ever wonder why turds are brown, no matter the colors of the food you ingest?

    Huh. Makes you wonder.

  91. Lt. Commander Johnson9:18 AM

    Oh...wait...I suppose monkey meat would be exempt.

  92. Anonymous12:27 PM

    "God Bless the USA, shining city upon a hill whose beacon light guides freedom-loving people everywhere!"

  93. Joshua is annoying2:01 PM

    "But as a black man, I must call you out for your bullshit. You're dragging us down. At least use Google before you slaughter shit for self gratification."

    You're not Black Josh, your dick is too small. We all know you prefer Black penis for that reason but we all know you're a peckerwood.

  94. Lt. Commander My Ass2:03 PM

    "And no, I never served"

    Gee, another fake ass whiteboy with no job pretending to be in the military. Wow, it just keeps getting better and better.

  95. "He resigned from the military about a year from the famous UFO incident, and went to work as a pilot for TWA Airlines.

    So. You and your Tuskqueege airmen can bite the white pecker who brought you here."

    Too bad none of the Tuskegee Airmen could work as airline pilots. Also what's up with the biting of peckers? Sounds kinda.....

    Anyhoo I threw your question out on the secret page on FB for blah pilots so I should have an answer soon. It's nice to have a place where only intelligent blah folks can communicate without all of the ignorant bs white racists like yourself like to inject.

  96. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "God Bless the USA, shining city upon a hill whose beacon light guides freedom-loving people everywhere!"

    12:27 PM

    Amen! For all of it's faults t's still home sweet home! In a way I'm kinda glad they stole it from the Indians and them bought in all the immigrants to labor it, and build wealth and,'cos otherwise I would not be here.

  97. PilotX said:Too bad none of the Tuskegee Airmen could work as airline pilots. Also what's up with the biting of peckers? Sounds kinda.....

    PX, when slavery/Jim crow "ended" and the Whuteemoos could no longer legally sodomize Black women,men, and children, they were left with committing these atrocious acts on poorer versions of themselves, hence their obsession with anything relating to the colon, anus, and penis.

  98. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Not suprised in the least, One thing our conservative friends have always tried to get across is that liberals can be just as big of a racist. Only their racism is low expectations and we need them.... It's funny to me when other ethinic groups think they are on the same page as whites and speak in the same tones. Meanwhile when their are no asians around they are talked about like dogs too..

  99. Why do Field's trolls have such a fascination with male genitalia?

    I've heard that the down-low brothas are a real thing, but holy shit! They're literally obsessed with dude parts and can't STFU about dicks and balls and cumshots.

    You fellas need to let that frustration out before you visit the blog here. I'm sure you can find many BBC sites to satiate your cravings.

  100. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Whites are the best.
