Saturday, March 14, 2015


I need a caption for this pic.
And what's that old man with the cane doing with a cell phone in  the fifties? 


  1. Anonymous10:53 PM

    Those are some very brave young women!

  2. thejewsareblack10:54 PM

    they told me not too pull this thing they call a portable phone thing out and use... unless i'st a real emergency.. well seeing two coon's walking on the good Whitman's pavement is a great threat to our national security..

  3. Look Bubba, decorations for our tree!!!!

  4. Anonymous11:10 PM

    Those uppity colors have a lot of nerve to be walking on our sidewalk.

  5. Anonymous11:26 PM

    Where da white wimmen at?

  6. peep the smiling nice white ladies in the pics...

    but let's just all hate on the menfolk of Edom.

    Bw are the "other" women and get man treatment by all tribes,collectively, really.

    far be it from me to pretend otherwise.

    when folk go to stand up for womenfolk...

    they can't wait to do it on behalf of ALL women. like all other women don't have menfolk that make it Real clear that they mean business about their women.



    i don't want to play this game.

    folk should look at the history of BW and Act Like They Care + Know in Much Greater Numbers...Daily.

    those that refuse and publicly diss US should fear the public bomb rush + shut down.

    but they don't, 'cause there ain't none of that.

    souled out negroes that just can't wait should be afraid to show their faces in public...

    Malcolm X ALREADY told folks this years ago.

    now, back to what i came here to post. for Anon last thread, asking about Scriptures.

    peep this, then go seek for yourself greater Understanding. i posted the link last thread, as a place to start getting information:

    "The creator of a corporation is the State.

    The State is the sole authority and sovereign head over the corporation.

    The corporation is subject to the laws of the State which limits its powers.

    The corporation has no constitutionally protected rights.
    The corporation is an artificial person.

    The corporation submits to a State Charter declaring it is a creature of the State.

    The corporation is created for the benefit of the public.

    The corporation is a State franchise.

    The corporation is a privilege granted by the State.

    Pastors, evangelists, missionaries, elders, deacons, watch this carefully because I need to make this abundantly clear. You have a 501c3 INCORPORATED status. That means your church is a corporation of the state. Here is the message that I, other preachers, and the IRS is trying to get you to understand about the contract you signed:

    The creator of your church is the State.

    The State is the sole authority and sovereign head over your church.

    Your church is subject to the laws of the State which limits its powers.

    Your church has no constitutionally protected rights.

    Your church is an artificial person.

    Your church submits to a State Charter declaring it is a creature of the State.

    Your church is created for the benefit of the public.

    Your church is a State franchise.

    Your church is a privilege granted by the State.

    (The word church can also be replaced with ministry or mission.)

    Before we continue, any Christian ought to be able to see the clear Biblical violations a 501c3 incorporated church is committing! Once a preacher has signed the papers, it does not matter who the pastor says his creator is when he's up on the pulpit, because he signed a document denouncing the Lord Jesus Christ as his creator, and put the state in His place.

    It does not matter who the pastor says is the sole authority and sovereign head over the church he's preaching at, because he signed a document declaring that the State has authority over the church of Christ.

    It does not matter who the pastor says gives Christians liberty, because he signed a document stating that no liberties can be taken within the church unless approved by state-granted privileges.

    The screams of violation to the Gospel are already deafening, and we have barely started looking into the depths of 501c3 status."

  7. "Look, Marge, weave."

    "Well, as I live and breathe..."

  8. ctrl+halt+del8:11 AM

    "After losing the election for dog catcher, Otis the town drunk, tries his hand at sidewalk crossing guard."

  9. Two white ladies are watching a group of bigots holler at 2 young black girls on the pavement.

    Lady 1
    Brace yourself, honey! This is as good as it gets!

    Bespectacled man
    (foaming at the mouth)
    Hey! You niggas don't belong here!

    Old man with a cane shakingly adjusts his hearing aid.

    Old man
    Damn you, Abe Lincoln, this is all your fault.

    Young man
    (in black suit)
    My gosh! These niggas are so daring these days!

    Black girl left
    You damn right we are! Maybe we should call folks down in Selma for a little sit-in?

    Black girl right
    How 'bout that?

    White woman tugging crazily at her man's sleeve.

    A thoudand niggas on our pavement!??? Let them go, Archie! Let them go! It's not that bad!!!!

  10. The Stocky Man Wearing Glasses Says...

    "Just ain't right youz colored people expect to vote and be equal like 'us' decent folk..."

  11. Delving further into the backdrop, the picture is posted in Pinterest. And the black women, exhibiting enormous bravery, were featured in the Photo of the Day - Selma, AL 1965.

    In fact, when enlarging the picture, the sister on the left has her eyes shut and both women are united in a praying spirit in the quest for freedom and dignity.

    The irony is the two ladies in the window are affiliated with a Kodak photo store, for which these brave sisters forging ahead truly embody a Kodak moment.

  12. ctrl+halt+del9:37 AM

    "Just ignore them"

    A. They're victims of groupthink.

    B. They're overcompensating for their feelings of powerlessness.

    C. The fat one is wearing woman's underwear

  13. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Oops... women's underwear


  14. The fat guy...

    "I'm a law abiding Democrat and you're not welcome here!"

  15. Wisconsin Reader11:19 AM

    The old guy is holding up a device used to "pump up the volume" of the words they are saying - since he has a hearing issue. . . The caption could be: "White supremacy - an American tradition - inappropriate for every situation."

  16. ctrl+halt+del11:27 AM

    1st girl: "Where are the police when you need them?"

    2nd girl: "He is the police!"


  17. The guy with the cellphone talking to himself in the future...

    "I prayed in 50 years that we put those negros in the worst performing government schools, break up their family structure and trick them into voting for us to save them from the party of Lincoln.
    I'm so glad God answered my prayers."

  18. ctrl+halt+del11:56 AM

    "You young gals be sure'n work and I promise one day you can be President of this here'n country."

  19. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Oops... work hard

  20. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Looks like 1963 here. All the DAMNED time!

  21. Anonymous12:11 PM

    PROOF OF TIME TRAVEL: 1964 Picture discovered of old man talking on cell phone.

  22. Guy in Plaid (pointing) talking to the woman in back of him:

    "Lutibelle! Ain't that shine on the left the one what gave us that pie made a doo doo?"

  23. This is pic was 1964? Here I thought it was in the fifties.

    Nice captions.

    Bill, your obsession with dems run deep. When did this start? And were u trolling the repubs when W was in office?

    Josh, did u know that white women wear weaves? In fact, I am pretty sure that they spend more on weaves than sisters do.

  24. Virginia2:12 PM

    "Now see here, you march right back home and tell your husbands to stop taking "our" jobs! We need them to pay our mortgages and bills!!"

    Josh, look at any daytime soap, all weaves. Most celebrities wear them. I wore one for almost two years. Too embarrassed to say what I spent. Looked pretty darn good.


  25. field negro said...
    Bill, your obsession with dems run deep. When did this start? And were u trolling the repubs when W was in office?

    An irs audit got me started trolling politically.

    Once W left the White House, what's the point of trolling the party not in power?
    The expression is "truth to power," not "truth to the people with no power."

    Miriam Carey

    An unarmed black mother killed by the government in front of her child and there were no "black lives matter" protests.

    NO calls for the name of the shooter like your party demanded in Ferguson and Wisconsin.

    I googled and saw you did write a few words about her. For some reason you didn't talk about the tragedy of an unarmed black mother being gunned down, (I will reserve my comments about the actions of that woman today and that of the Capitol Police until I hear more about the story), but you did talk about some rethug congresscritter that blamed Obama for the shooting.
    Interesting priority.
    I wonder why you didn't wait until the federal investigation was over before commenting on Michael Brown.

    Unlike the lies about Michael Brown being shot dead in the back, Miriam Carey actually was.

    Woman killed during D.C. chase was shot five times from behind, autopsy shows

    There must be a good reason an unarmed black mother being shot in the back by the government didn't get the same empathy and support as someone that attacked a cop.

  26. Yo Bill, 99.9999999999999999% of the murders of Black people are never mentioned in the media at all.

    So why are you focusing on the 0.0000000000001% of them that are mentioned?

  27. Anonymous2:58 PM

    "Bw are the "other" women and get man treatment by all tribes,collectively, really."

    But many BW, these days, don't act like "other" women.

    There's another black girl fight - this time in Miami.

    Do other races of women act like those black girl monsters at that McDonald's in Brooklyn, NY?

    This black girl deviancy is not new. This has been going on for awhile. Remember the black girls who viciously attacked the transgendered woman in the restroom a few years back in, I think, New Jersey?


  28. Yīshēng said...
    Yo Bill, 99.9999999999999999% of the murders of Black people are never mentioned in the media at all.
    So why are you focusing on the 0.0000000000001% of them that are mentioned?

    Because it amazes me how the media is allowed to pick and choose which Black life matters.

    And for some strange reason, the media only cares about Black lives when it can be used politically.

    The other 99.9999999999999999% doesn't fit their agenda.

  29. Anonymous4:10 PM

    The fat guy:

    Ten years from now, I'll be a law abiding Republican and you still won't be welcome here!

    Fixed that for you, Bill.

  30. I appreciate Faith n Fairness' reporting the origin and details of the photograph.

  31. Bill said...
    And for some strange reason, the media only cares about Black lives when it can be used politically.

    Really? If that were truly the case, I suspects the victims would be "perfect", law abiding citizens.

    But this is rarely the case, that a Black person that does NOT have a criminal background is "highlighted" in the media. And from that, I can easily conclude that perpetuating the myth that ALL Blacks are criminals serves a more important (to White racists) cultural agenda as opposed to a political one.

    That said, leaving a "criminal" with 6 holes in his body including one the top of his head, in the middle of the street for 4 hours in the middle of the summer, speaks more to the inhumanity of racists than their desire to promote a political agenda.

    F**k a political agenda when you can lawfully treat Blacks as less than human.

  32. "Once W left the White House, what's the point of trolling the party not in power?
    The expression is "truth to power," not "truth to the people with no power."

    So once O leaves office we can assume that you will troll the republican president. Is that right?

    Oh wait....that could be awhile. Never mind.

  33. "In fact, I am pretty sure that they spend more on weaves than sisters do."

    Citation needed. "I am pretty sure" is literally defined as weasel words. Not meant to carry a negative connotation, of course; just what they are.

    "Josh, look at any daytime soap, all weaves."

    I work. I don't have time to watch soaps. And I've never been much on dead people suddenly springing back to life for ratings, which is why I'm not religious as well...

    Are we defining "weave" as any extra hair at all interwoven into existing hair? Okay. Extensions to boost volume or add length = weave.

    So, we need a new name for women who completely cut their natural down to the nub, get an entire head worth of tacky Indian conflict weave, and refuse to wash it or let anyone touch it until which point it falls out during a street fight and becomes tumbleweave! lol

    Open poll for new names?

    This would be like looking at millions of people with missing limbs, looking at people with paper cuts, and saying, "Paper cuts bleed too!"

    The extent to which a thing is is part of what makes that thing. You don't call a spark a fire.

  34. Anonymous5:30 PM

    "... and refuse to wash it or let anyone touch it until which point it falls out during a street fight and becomes tumbleweave! lol"

    Exactly!!!! lol

  35. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Maybe he's adjusting his hearing aid. "I can't hear you, sir! What are you blathering on about? You're getting in the way of these beautiful women."
