Monday, March 02, 2015

Night off.

Image result for image no bloggingI am busy in the real world.

There will be no blog post tonight.

Leave a comment about anything that's on your mind.

*Pic from seroundtablecom.


  1. Happy wife, happy life!!!


  2. I waited all day for this?

  3. Anonymous10:13 PM

    Field, "I am busy in the 'real' world."

    Brother Field, the 'real' world is much much bigger and indescribable than your little deluded world.

    I know it won't do any good to tell you that you are not living in the 'real' world because you can only 'see' through the eyes of your body. That's most unfortunate because there is a lot of stuff in the 'real' Spiritual world that you are asleep to.

    But, that's been the problem for humanity since the garden of Eden. It's too bad.

  4. Anonymous10:22 PM

    OMG! Field finally posted something worthwhile...there is hope for you yet.

    And if there is hope for you, there is hope for PC and Yisheng and PilotX.

    And if there's hope for them there is hope for Rev Al.

    And if there's hope for Rev Al there is hope for Farrakhan.

    And if there is hope for Farrakhan there is hope for the black race.

    And if there is hope for the black race there is hope for Latinos.

    And if there is hope for Latinos there is hope for PRs.

    And if there is hope for Latinos there is hope for Lilac...God bless her soul.

  5. Anonymous10:25 PM

    You know what's on my mind? Why is there no White History Month?

    Huh, Field? Why, huh, why?

    Haha, just kidding. I figured I better represent for the idiot racists in case they fail to show up tonight.

    You're welcome, idiot racists.

  6. Anonymous10:51 PM

    Field, per Anon Inc if you don't pay up "sanctions" will be placed on FN. They will be severe and your regular FN Negroes will be crying, I can assure of that.

    Now, do you want to put your blog and your Negroes through all of that?

  7. Anonymous10:55 PM

    Lord have mercy. Where is this hard ass racist coming from?

    Brother Field don't let them put sanctions on your ass. Negotiate and fight it.

    Do you have any White allies? Is Bill a friend of yours? you are gonna need a wm to save your ass.

  8. Limpbaugh1:10 AM

    The attempt to sabotage the treaty with Iran is on my mind. Contrary to what Netanyaho says, his intelligence agency says Iran would rather have peace agreements than a bomb. But they would like to stay close enough to developing a bomb that they could do it if they have to. Maybe that explains why they have been "three years away" for 20 years. I recommend reading about The Christian Science Monitor's interview with Bani Sadr. Keep in mind that Israel laundered the weapons for the coup. And that most of the media didn't even cover it as something the ex president of Iran said. Marco Rubio said Obama takes it easy on ISIS so he won't offend Iran. Iran has two brigades fighting ISIS in Iraq. Rubio shouldn't be voting on foreign policy. He is too ill informed.

    1. The way that Netanyahu went about this speech shows clearly that it's intended at least as much to drive wedges between two core Democratic constituencies: black and Jewish Americans for his Republican allies benefit than it is about Iran. He grew in America (His brother Yoni, the hero of Entebbe was an American citizen), so he knows that there's enough real historic grievance between the two communities to put his displays of animosity and distain toward Obama, who black Americans universally admire in a context that is guaranteed to breed more such. It works for him on so many levels: anything that makes diaspora Jewish life harder pays off in new immigrants (as so many Israelis ejected from Arab countries understand, this is a feature, not a bug in the Israeli relationship with its Neighbors. The last thing that any Israeli governments have wanted was Jews living harmoniously with Arabs, and the Arabs have been only too happy to respond as expected whenever pushed.

  9. 5 LAPD with their hands on that little skinny guy when one pulls his gun and starts shooting him. If that was a justified shooting, I've got some bridges you might be interested in purchasing.

  10. Anonymous1:43 AM

    "The attempt to sabotage the treaty with Iran is on my mind. Contrary to what Netanyaho says, his intelligence agency says Iran would rather have peace agreements than a bomb. But they would like to stay close enough to developing a bomb that they could do it if they have to. Maybe that explains why they have been 'three years away' for 20 years."

    No, Israel's most right-wing politicians have been saying they were three years away. But Iran were never three years away. In other words, people like Netanyahu have been shamelessly lying and fearmongering for many years.

    The truth is that Israelis don't want any softening of hostilities between the U.S. and Iran for any reason, because they hate Iran for funding Hamas and Hezbollah. But that's their problem, not ours.

    Ultimately, our government's dealings with Iran should not be governed by Israeli citizens' unjustified fears and resentments or by Israeli politicians' desires to stimulate those emotions for electoral gain.

    Israel is not the 51st American state.

  11. Well Republicans need Israel so Jesus will come back.

  12. So I've got this bulging disc L4/5 Right. About once every 18 months or so it flairs up and I have to hobble around in pain like a little old man. So it's been since Sunday and will be for about another week or so.

    Makes me even grumpier than usual.

  13. Actual game I played online just now, against some guy in Lithuania.

    Me = white
    Him = black

    (Oh the irony)

    1. e4 e5
    2. nf3 nc6
    3. bb5 Resigns

    Maybe he doesn’t like Spanish people?

  14. Limpbaugh7:33 AM

    As long as Netanyahu is here anyway, someone should ask him about the "dancing Israelis" arrested on 9/11. Personally, I suspect Al Qaeda was heavily infiltrated and the U.S., Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Israel all had foreknowledge of the terrorists' plans. I don't think foreknowledge by itself is proof of involvement in the attack, but our government did cover up Israel's attack on the USS Liberty for 40 years.

  15. SFNorCal10:39 AM

    PurpleCow, nobody cares about your stupid shit. Haven't you figured that out already?

  16. Anonymous11:14 AM


    "1. e4 e5
    2. nf3 nc6
    3. bb5 Resigns

    Maybe he doesn’t like Spanish people?

    6:29 AM"
    Looks like your opponent figured out that you were Black and British. He just didn't want to waste anymore of his time and life.:)


  17. Hillary used a personal email account for government business?

    I remember the old days when dumbocrats were against that activity.

    Palin’s use of her private email addresses for state business was likely an attempt to avoid record requests like this one.

    Palin communicated with legislators and her staff mainly by BlackBerry, sometimes using a personal e-mail account to avoid having to disclose documents under the state public-records laws.

    conducting state business on private email systems -- a rogue government communications network with Palin at the helm.

    Palin's emails have generated a lot of attention, possibly because the situation mirrors the Bush Administration's own missing emails scandal.

    "You can't erase e-mails, not today," said Leahy, D-Vermont. "They've gone through too many servers. They can't say they've been lost. That's like saying, 'The dog ate my homework.' "

    Thankfully Hillary is a dumbocrat so she won't be held to the same standard dumbocrats hold palin.

    There must be a good reason dumbocrats hold palin to a higher standard than Hillary.

  18. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Has anybody seen Field? I am concerned about him. He missed a post yesterday and that is not a good sign. It means life is kicking his ass.

    I am guessing that he losing 'another' court case to the same White lawyer?

    That must weigh heavily on his mind.

  19. “He’s menacing. He’s 5-feet-7, 191 pounds. He wasn’t that little kid you’re seeing in pictures,” Cleveland Police Patrolman’s Association president Steve Loomis said in the POLITICO Magazine piece. “He’s a 12-year-old in an adult body.”


    A 12 year overweight child.



  20. Does anyone believe the NY Times will ask for help going through Hillary's emails?

    Help Us Review the Sarah Palin E-Mail Records
    We’re asking readers to help us identify interesting and newsworthy e-mails, people and events that we may want to highlight.

    Of course not.

    The dumbocrat double standard.

  21. Field, why not devote a post or two to your brethren from the Caribbean, those who have added such spice and achievement to the American pie. Belafonte and Poitier may be the best known, but I've been listening to the classical music of George Walker, 90-year-old composer whose father--wait for it--emigrated from Kingston. George entered college (Oberlin) and the age of 14 (not a typo) and went on to win a Pulitzer for his music. One son is a concert violinist, the other a playwright—so the ambitiousness continues.
    What's the deal with these island upstarts? Like your take on it sometime.

  22. "Anonymous SFNorCal said...
    PurpleCow, nobody cares about your stupid shit. Haven't you figured that out already?"

    By the same token, I don't give a kipper's dick what the likes of you, a dim-witted drongo from a trailer-park in Bumfuck Idaho, with a stoooopid talking cunt beard, & a grease-stained baseball cap, thinks about my posts.

    So y'know, fuck you right back, basically.

  23. Anonymous1:24 PM

    "“He’s menacing. He’s 5-feet-7, 191 pounds. He wasn’t that little kid you’re seeing in pictures,” Cleveland Police Patrolman’s Association president Steve Loomis said in the POLITICO Magazine piece. 'He’s a 12-year-old in an adult body.'”

    Yeah, I'm flabbergasted that the Cleveland police are going this route in their civil defense.

    It's one thing if you're trying to blame an altercation on the black shooting victim, if he's an able-bodied adult. It's at least possible in that case that his violent act really was the cause of the incident.

    But an 12-year-old boy with a toy gun, alone in a park? Even racist people on the jury aren't going to buy that he was particularly dangerous. Even the 911 caller who summoned the police did not express certainty that the kid's gun was real, but acknowledged that it might be a toy. And there's video of the shooting, showing the cops shot the kid without any attempt to negotiate ...

    I just don't see how an "it was the kid's fault" defense can succeed. Even racists on a jury won't buy it. Cleveland would be smarter to sit down and settle this.

  24. Greeings to the Fields!! Here's what's on my mind:

    I came across this item while searching for additional details about a message sent to my personal email regarding an Obamacare cover up that will affect 45 million American.

    The email is from the Health Sciences Institute and includes a video I have not seen because I'm often wary of these kinds of links.

    Though I more than understand the concerns expressed on all fronts regarding Obamacare, Lord knows there are enough legitimate issues about the law in which the more extreme rhetoric or downright lies cannot be taken seriously by those with rational perspectives.

    Therein lies my issue with the multiple viewpoints, which mostly seek to misinform consumers: from the subsidies only assisting welfare recipients to the "And you can keep your doctor."

  25. SFNorCal4:11 PM

    PurpleCow can't even read well. Where did you ever get the idea that I was from some shithole like Idaho?
    fucking wanker


  26. “the whole world must see that Israel must exist and has the right to exist, and is one of the great outposts of democracy in the world”

    I remember the old days when dumbocrats respected the words of Martin Luther King Jr.

    What happened to those dumbocrats?

  27. " Where did you ever get the idea that I was from some shithole like Idaho?"

    Well, it's chiefly because you are so fucking clueless.

  28. Anonymous8:57 PM

    ""the whole world must see that Israel must exist and has the right to exist, and is one of the great outposts of democracy in the world”


    I remember the old days when dumbocrats respected the words of Martin Luther King Jr."

    I don't think you'll find too many Americans opposed to the existence of Israel.

    But it is no way an inherent duty of the United States to guarantee that Israel continues to exist, particularly when they are doing such an excellent job destroying ever bit of global goodwill toward their nation by pointlessly snatching away ever more land from the Palestinians.

    These are not the actions of a people who want their country to continue to exist, as far as I can tell.

    I think if MLK were still alive, he might be surprised at the scum who now run Israel -- with Netanyahu first among the scum.
