Thursday, March 12, 2015


I am off tonight.

Hold it down for me field hands.


  1. Limpbaugh11:17 PM

    Rudy Giuliani said Darren Wilson should be commended for killing Michael Brown. If Giuliani speaks for the Party of Stupid, they apparently don't believe in trials.

  2. Anonymous11:29 PM

    Thanks for posting the Big Debate video FN, as a Saffa I was really pleasantly suprised at the overall sense of positivity the panel and audience spoke with. There were some rough moments, but in 20 years they have made huge strides forward.

    Cheers, gaz

  3. Enjoy your night off. I'll keep things hopping for you.

  4. blount1:35 AM

    Alinskyite community organizing works by getting people to feel hysterically angry, even if they have no legitimate grievance. This anger can be used to undermine the foundations of society. The resulting crisis is an opportunity to advance the transformation into a new society, in which the community organizer and his kind have more power.

    The Ferguson spectacle is textbook community organizing. With the eager help of the same media that put it in power, the Obama Regime was able to spin a cop defending himself from a maniac into a crime against blacks. Even though the Regime itself eventually had to admit that “hands up don’t shoot” was a lie and that Officer Darren Wilson was without blame, it still held that the police department was guilty of the nebulous thought crime of racism.

    By the time Wilson’s innocence was admitted, exonerating him did the community organizers no harm; it only added more fuel to the fire.

    Congratulations to Obama, Holder, the media, and of course George Soros, who helped bankroll the whole contrived production. Their efforts have paid off and cops are being shot in the middle of Ferguson.

    Chaos and strife. They are essential building blocks to those who want to fundamentally transform America.


  5. Anonymous1:38 AM

    You always take the night off when you can't take the news. Just look at Ferguson and the brave cops. Now, all see the truth.

  6. Anonymous1:48 AM

    What kind of world is this where innocent crabs cannot walk on Florida sidewalks without the shell crushing feet of reality falling upon them without warning as if some Devine judgement or collective cosmic Justice was dropped suddenly upon them by the remorseless pilot of a B-52 Bomber sharply banking his plane so he can return to base and go have his lunch?

  7. Anonymous2:45 AM

    "Alinskyite community organizing works by getting people to feel hysterically angry, even if they have no legitimate grievance. This anger can be used to undermine the foundations of society. The resulting crisis is an opportunity to advance the transformation into a new society, in which the community organizer and his kind have more power."

    Wow, that sounds exactly like how Fox News works!

    After watching a typical episode of Hannity, half the residents at the old folks home have been driven so hopping mad over completely invented threats of Ebola-infected illegals and black thugs playing the knockout game and queers looking to convert their grandkids to the homosexual agenda, that they have to be given blood thinners so they don't stroke out.

    Outrage is such a great business model. It's very attention-grabbing -- plus it saves lots of costs when you don't do any actual research or reportage and just make shit up instead.

  8. Anonymous2:59 AM

    "By the time Wilson’s innocence was admitted, exonerating him did the community organizers no harm; it only added more fuel to the fire."

    Wilson's innocence has never been admitted. Our justice system does not "admit innocence."

    Being unable to prove someone guilty is being unable to prove them guilty; it is not the same as proving them innocent.

    An acquittal is a finding of "not guilty," rather than a finding of "innocent," for a reason.

  9. Steve3:00 AM

    I'm lonely and afraid. FN helps me through life.

  10. Anonymous5:26 AM

    Field is off again? I see a pattern developing here. It's the kind of pattern that 'affairs' are made of. I know this pattern because I have done it myself. First indication of everything going to hell in a hand basket is you stop showing up and you stop doing the things you love. Everything goes by the wayside.

    "Is it worth it?"

  11. Hat's off to brilliantly talented Ms. Desmond-Harris at Vox. By the way, I passed the quiz provided in the link below. Let's see if my fellow fields can pass the quiz as well.

    Updated by Jenée Desmond-Harris on March 12,2015, 2:10 p.m. ET

    And good for you enjoying a some time off, Mr. Field. I'm sure you'll holla back soon :-)

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.


  13. The Field Negro said..
    I am off tonight.

    How does you spending time with your wife help my trolling?


  14. Faith_and_Fairness said...
    By the way, I passed the quiz provided in the link below. Let's see if my fellow fields can pass the quiz as well.

    I remember the old days when dumbocrats blamed palin for the Giffords shooting.

    Why didn't dumbocrats blame the shooter instead of palin campaign material then?

    Dumbocrat double standards.


  15. Faith_and_Fairness said...
    By the way, I passed the quiz provided in the link below. Let's see if my fellow fields can pass the quiz as well.

    I also remember dumbocrats blaming the suicide of Bill Sparkman on rethugs.

    DailyKos didn't ask about the individual shooters, instead blamed...
    The real murderers of this man are the Glenn Beck's, and Rush Limbaugh's, and Michele Bachmann


  16. Faith_and_Fairness said...
    By the way, I passed the quiz provided in the link below. Let's see if my fellow fields can pass the quiz as well.

    I remember when dumbocrats blamed the tea party for Joseph Stack.

    The First Tea-Party Terrorist?

    More of that dumbocrat double standard.


  17. Holder: Ferguson police shooter a 'punk'

    People shooting cops are punks.

    Michael Brown attacking a cop sitting in his vehicle isn't a punk?

    There must be a good reason (internal dumbocrat focus group polling) dumbocrats are now calling out the shooters of cops as "punks" but not a "gentle giant" that attacked a cop.

    Gotta love those dumbocrat double standards.

  18. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Field come back quick! Bill is taking over the forum again! :)

    and besides, we MISS you!!! ;*D

  19. Anonymous12:08 PM

    "Michael Brown attacking a cop sitting in his vehicle isn't a punk?"

    Before MB was murdered by Wilson, he was a gentle giant who hurt nobody. Oh, maybe he stole a donut or two out of a store, but he hurt no one. He never shot a cop.

    That is the difference between Michael Brown and a punk who shoots cops.

  20. Anonymous12:15 PM

    And Trayvon Martin was a 12 year old future astronaut.

  21. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Some nice wm and ww gave me a ticket to go see "Run All Night". I thank my lucky stars for white people. They are kind and generous.

    Thinking back on my 80+ years on this earth, I have never received shit from my peeps or Latinos. And I think that is a damn shame.

    I even sought a free cake from Lilac for my birthday. I have never had a birthday celebration and Lilac never sent the cake, claiming she doesn't give out free cake. She actually wanted to charge me, once she knew I was a poor bm. The nerve of that woman.

    Nevertheless, I am a good Christian. I will pray for her soul not to burn too much in hell.

  22. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Who knows what Trayvon Martin could have been? He could have been an astronaut, or President. We'll never know will we?

    One thing for sure, even though he is dead he is still more successful than you are alive.

  23. Anonymous12:30 PM

    OpenID lilacpr2000 said...
    Field come back quick! Bill is taking over the forum again!


    Go Bill! Show these Negroes how to run FN....Lord knows we need some guidance.

  24. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I even sought a free cake from Lilac for my birthday. I have never had a birthday celebration and Lilac never sent the cake, claiming she doesn't give out free cake. She actually wanted to charge me, once she knew I was a poor bm. The nerve of that woman.

    12:20 PM

    Listen you, I was going to send it and you said that you couldn't give me your address because you were afraid of the 'drop squad' so don't be telling stories! :)and I've sent millions of (well maybe just a few okay) of free cakes to many here. They loved them!

    I give away free cakes all the time! Send me your address, I promise I won't send the 'drop squad' for you...xD

  25. Anonymous12:44 PM

    FYI: Field left Bill in charge. It turns out that Bill is the only one Field trusts on FN.

    I guess this proves that White Conservatives are more trustworthy than Black Liberals.

    sorry folks

  26. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Field come baaaack quick! Bill thinks you left him in charge!

    And besides,we MISS you! :)

  27. Ferguson Burning3:51 PM

    How much blood do Eric Holder and George Soros, who pays for many of the protests, have on their hands? Do cheerleaders like Field deserve some blame?

    There is Zemir Begic, the two murdered cops in Brooklyn, and now these two Missouri cops, who appear to be survivors. The toll is starting to mount.

    Isn’t it time for a Day of National Media Shame and Reflection?

  28. Holder’s faux ghetto denunciations today were protesting too much. “I condemn violence against any public safety officials in the strongest terms.” What AGUS has ever had to say that? Isn’t that the strong assumption, the default rule? Holder’s statement betrays his bad conscience and knowing culpability.

    Didn’t this vile man already resign? Why are we still hearing his blathering?

  29. If you lived through the 60s, this dynamic is so familiar, its almost boring (between the spasms of anger). The more the mainstream political culture grants ( in the form of new Civil Rights Laws, court-ordered remedies, affirmative action, welfare), the more the underclass erupts in rage, destroying businesses, neighborhoods, public order. By that metric alone, Obama is the first truly Progressive President since LBJ: he has reignited underclass rage and empowered it, triggering some primitive savage instinct that preys upon weakness.

  30. "There is Zemir Begic, the two murdered cops in Brooklyn, and now these two Missouri cops, who appear to be survivors. The toll is starting to mount"

    The MSM has followed the police line that Begic was murdered for “being in the wrong place at the wrong time”. Once I was in the wrong place at the wrong time, I got in the express checkout ans I had like 20 items. Naturally I was murdered.

    Oops, I guess I wasn’t. And it’s filthy lie that Begic was murdered because he was in the “wrong place” unless St. Louis is one giant no-go area. The whole “wrong place” narrative is so painfully obvious. It’s a motiveless crime, complete random desire to kill, until you know that the killers were chanting “Kill the white people.” Then it all makes sense, it was ethnic cleansing, ironically targeting a Bosnian, but only because he’s white. And that’s why the truth is being kept buried.


  31. Anonymous4:05 PM

    It’s back to the 60′s all right, soon to be complete with Panther ambushes of cops, shootouts, police retaliation, rampaging riots, white flight, more social programs, tear gas in the streets, etc. All we’ll need is another foreign war that drags on and there’ll be white demonstrators in the streets also. Unlike the last time around we now have the mainstream media as well as the president and his DOJ accomplice egging things on, trying to inflame things even more, acting as arsonists. They actually want to see ‘burn baby burn’ make a comeback. Ah, nostalgia for the smell of gasoline and tear gas in the air.

  32. Priorities Field, priorities.

  33. Anonymous4:27 PM

    For the Big R, it's hard for me not to see these concerned white folks as being scared of Mexicans:

  34. Come on, Lila, snap out of it!! Major whatever these Robo-trolls can ever run the fields. Bill and others referencing the most extreme forms of leftism to explain the civil unrest brings zero perspective to the table.

    In blog posting the night before, Bill was carrying on about Michael Moore with regard to the police officers shot in Ferguson. Now mind you, the non-event in question was Mr. Moore (in his role as filmmaker) expressing his opinion about the movie, "Ameican Sniper."

    Bill declared what he perceived as Mr. Moore's double standard in not calling out the "sniper" criminal as cowards. Mr. Moore is just one person of many, whom I'm sure, would express sympathy for the officers if the opportunity arises. If not, such extreme views or lack of empathy should not speak for all liberals/progressives.

    Even the president, during a CNN interview, called the shooters "Criminals." And quite frankly, it's a shame Mr. Holder is being taken to task for serving as an advocate for justice.

    My point is there are members of all social and political persuasions who lie, steal, cheat and spew forth the most hated rhetoric to the point where the American people deserve better.

    It also would help tenfold to engage in the kind of information sharing that promotes productive dialogue and not used as a weapon to foster misguided notions of superiority.

    At the end of the day, we all want to build vibrant, safe and prosperous communities.

  35. Anonymous5:24 PM

    You can keep the "vibrancy".

  36. Starsky5:26 PM

    An obsessive focus on white racism by racial activists, the Democratic party, and the media encourages hate crimes against whites. It has been shown that the “disparity” in black/white arrest rates in Ferguson is common throughout the country.

  37. Question of the day: Let’s say they catch the Ferguson shooter this afternoon. Who is the bigger media-villain going forward?

    A. The 19 year old drunk frat boy singing a stupid racist song on a party bus.

    B. The predator who ambushed two cops, shooting both–one in face–in an attempt to kill them.


  38. Simon5:31 PM

    Eric Holder probably has the blood of a few dozen on his hands, couple hundred maybe – not sure how many the ‘Fast & Furious’ gun-smuggling killed. Soros must have the blood of thousands on his hands though, he & his NGOs took part in the successful wrecking of Ukraine.

  39. Anonymous5:44 PM

    "There is Zemir Begic, the two murdered cops in Brooklyn, and now these two Missouri cops, who appear to be survivors. The toll is starting to mount"

    This is *exactly* what the wanky left media, who stirred the pot nonstop, wanted.

    Make no mistake, they wanted this result, and are ecstatically, orgiastically happy that two cops have been shot. If the cops actually died then the wanky left would be ejaculating at the news.

    You think I’m exaggerating or lying for effect? No.

  40. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Forget it. Just let blacks police themselves. Win/win.


  41. Faith_and_Fairness said...
    Even the president, during a CNN interview, called the shooters "Criminals."

    What is the difference between someone shooting a cop and someone reaching in a police vehicle, striking a cop and trying to get his gun?

    Are both "criminals?"

  42. So Bill, I assume you think the DOJ report is a figment of the Dems and Black folks imagination, right?

  43. Seriously, Bill....On what planet is a reasonable, moral person supposed to condone assault of a police office - a "crime" that is punishable when determined guilty of doing so.

    Let's say an entirely different outcome occurred in the form of Officer Darren Wilson receiving the proper support and/or backup to subdue Mike Brown. This unarmed man would have been serving time for not only attacking a police officer and resisting arrest, but there was the crime that took place at the convenience store earlier in the day as well.

    Instead of Mike being alive to face the consequences of hot-headed actions, he's dead. And though grand jury evidence supports Officer Wilson's version of this tragic situation, the Ferguson PD could have handled this matter more humanely, at least empathizing with a community often subjected to mistreatment. Had this been the case, it's very doubtful the nation would have even heard of Ferguson, MO.

    By the way, before going off the deep end about the "unarmed" aspect, in all fairness, take into consideration most of us grew up in a time where excessive force by the police was a last resort. Hence another reason this such a tough pill to swallow.

  44. Faith_and_Fairness said...
    Seriously, Bill....On what planet is a reasonable, moral person supposed to condone assault of a police office

    Um, the Black Planet.

    You either celebrate the shooting of white police officers, or you get labelled a "house negro".

  45. Yīshēng said...
    I assume you think the DOJ report is a figment of the Dems and Black folks imagination, right?

    No, just lies, exaggerations, and overreactions.


  46. No. If I wrote it was, it was my mistake.

    I feel the accurate report was to pacify after the report that hands up don't shoot was a false meme pushed by the media.

    That same report could be said about most cities, even the very liberal san francisco -

    According to Adachi the SFPD stops black men at four times the rate of their white counterparts. “You might think that means black men are committing more traffic violations. That’s not true. In San Francisco, the black/ African-American population is less than six percent, yet 56 percent of the people in the jails are African-Americans.

    Traffic/parking tickets are a big source of revenue for the government.
    Fix the governments greed for our money and most of the ills will go away.

  47. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Why is everyone woman on FN going after Bill? I mean, he is entitled to his own opinions. Besides, Bill backs up his comments with facts, which is more than any of you folks do.

    That's why Field left Bill in charge. He wanted someone with brains to run the show....easy's Bill.

  48. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Waaaaah! I need Mr.'The' Field here NOW! xD

    Where is Heee! Where could he beeee!

    Hurry back, huuurrryyyyy!


  49. Faith_and_Fairness said...
    And though grand jury evidence supports Officer Wilson's version of this tragic situation, the Ferguson PD could have handled this matter more humanely, at least empathizing with a community often subjected to mistreatment. Had this been the case, it's very doubtful the nation would have even heard of Ferguson, MO.

    What do you feel the police should have done to empathize with the community?

    How much blame do you put on the false "hands up don't shoot" the media pushed?

  50. ctrl+halt+del8:12 PM

    "What do you feel the police should have done to empathize with the community?"

    Admit ofc. S. Furbrains was in over his head.

  51. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Lilac, It is my displeasure to inform you Negroes that FN has been sold to Bill by Field for an undisclosed amount of money.

    Man, we just can't hold on to anything owned and operated by a bm. Anytime there is a successful operation, the wm comes in and buys it.

    Well, maybe Anon Inc will finally get paid.

    Lilac, stop your crying, for crying out loud. Keep a stiff upper lip and be strong. The world is on its last leg anyway, so what difference does it make?

    Besides, with Bill as owner things might get better like BET go better when CBS bought it.

  52. Anonymous9:18 PM

    YOU LIE!

  53. My--Mercury
    Remember Earth Science lesson to better remember the nine planets? Apparently DeAndre Joshua discovered the 10th - the Black Planet, of course, in observance of ALL the blacks folks celebrating the shooting that would impact any of the honorable men and women of law enforcement.

    Shout out to Anon at 7:40 PM who missed my earlier post expressing dismay to Bill and others for being the instigators of false narratives. There are just as many diverse opinions among democrats as there are among republicans. Plus there are those who identify as independents and libertarian. Lumping everyone as "dumbocrats" or "rethuglicans" does a huge disservice.

    Mind you, I concede being a bad girl for the "Robo-troll" reference. Though I realize trolls are made of sturdy stuff, that's beside the point.

    Will even concede something further, Bill... In the midst of these complex matters involving our police officers, may each of us resolve to await the facts before spearheading efforts that may not support evidence such as "Hands Up; Don't Shoot."

    With that said, the New York Times link below clarifies a few steps both the Ferguson PD and community leaders could have taken in facilitating empathetic response.

  54. Anonymous10:27 PM

    "I remember the old days when dumbocrats blamed palin for the Giffords shooting.

    Why didn't dumbocrats blame the shooter instead of palin campaign material then?

    Dumbocrat double standards."

    To the extent that some activists are using inflammatory speech, painting all cops as homicidal racist monsters, they do bear some responsibility for inciting violence. It is the responsibility of Black Lives Matter, and others speaking on the same issue, to be temperate with their language and not blame ALL police officers for the actions of a subset of them who are bad.

    That said, it is a relative handful of people who are getting out of hand with their language. The majority of people in this movement are not calling for dead cops, only for proper training for officers and legal accountability when they do wrong.

    Republicans are suggesting that even demanding that cops respect civil liberties is somehow equivalent to a death threat. And that's a gigantic load of crap.

  55. Anonymous10:43 PM

    "DailyKos didn't ask about the individual shooters, instead blamed...
    The real murderers of this man are the Glenn Beck's, and Rush Limbaugh's, and Michele Bachmann"

    Yeah, and it was a pretty reasonable assumption on liberals' part, in this case.

    Why? Because when Bill Sparkman committed suicide, he set it up to make it look like some crazy right-wingers did it.

    It's fair to say that commentators on this incident should've waited until an investigation concluded before making public pronouncements about it, but Daily Kos hardly some bizarre, slanderous leap of logic when they concluded some crazy militia goons killed Sparkman. That's what Sparkman himself had wanted everyone to believe.

  56. Anonymous1:05 AM

    When the last white people leave Ferguson, Missouri the town will fade into the dust. Just like Selma, Alabama.

    Black people will rule Ferguson just like they ruled Detroit. And Selma.

  57. "When the last white people leave Ferguson"....

    The police department and city government will no longer be corrupt.
