Monday, March 16, 2015

The real problem with that SAE video.

Image result for negro racist imagesThe Field Negro education series continues.

Britni Danielle, the floor is yours:

"We live in the age of collective condemnation, where one misstep, one clumsy comment, or one racially offensive remark can get anyone 15 minutes of shame. This week, it was members of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity at the University of Oklahoma who found themselves under the hot glare of the spotlight. After video surfaced of several fraternity members happily singing “You can hang ’em from a tree…there will never be a [n-word] in SAE,” the university severed all ties with the local chapter, and two students were expelled.
Last week, officials in Ferguson, Missouri, were thrust center stage when the U.S. Department of Justice released a scathing report detailing widespread racially discriminatory practices by the city’s police department and court officials. Despite uncovering data that revealed that African Americans accounted for 85 percent of traffic stops, 93 percent of all arrests, and 95 percent of jaywalking stops—while making up 67 percent of the population—some in the media chose to focus on a batch of racist emails sent by city officials instead of highlighting the methodical oppression Ferguson’s residents of color have experienced.

Nowadays, we’re quick to decry blatantly racist episodes. Calling them out allows us to congratulate ourselves for overcoming the bad old days. At the same time, however, we often turn a blind eye to stealthy—and far more damaging—systemic racism. Branding people of color as suspicious, lazy, and unwilling to strive to achieve the American dream can serve to reinforce regressive and oppressive policies.

In order to move forward as a nation and heal the wounds of our racist past and present, we’ve got to go beyond merely playing racism Whac-A-Mole whenever an incident such as the SAE video comes up.

“We think about the issues the wrong way when they arrive. If we keep thinking about them the wrong way, we’re not going to get to the real solutions, because we’re not going after the real problem,” says Jody David Armour, a legal scholar and professor at the University of Southern California, who regularly lectures about the way the law intersects with race and class in America.
“If all we see when we look at the Oklahoma frat case is an isolated incident, and we see another isolated incident in Ferguson, and another isolated incident in Staten Island, and another isolated incident in Cleveland—as long as we see them as isolated incidents, or as incidents caused by a few bad apples, we aren’t getting to the real root causes,” Armour says.

“We are a part of a culture and belief system that depreciates the value of black life. Black lives don’t matter in the general attitudes, beliefs, and values of many Americans,” he says.

That isn’t apparent only in instances such as the killings of Michael Brown and Eric Garner at the hands of police. Consider Hurricane Katrina: Armour notes that the slow response to damage and flooding in New Orleans’ largely black and poor communities led to many deaths: “There wasn’t the same panic of empathy for the Katrina victims” as there was in other disasters that have impacted more white or diverse communities. Armour cites research finding that whites tend to empathize more with those who look like them. While the same is true of African Americans, the unconscious bias of whites is far more damaging because they hold more power and wealth in America (and are still the majority).

“Few black people have power over white people’s lives,” Armour says, pointing to SAE as an example of how power is passed from generation to generation. “Those fraternities feed directly into the Senate and Fortune 500 companies. And those decision makers are white.”

Indeed, SAE counts several members of Congress, business people, and politicians among its ranks, including Senators Max Baucus, Jim DeMint, Mark Pryor, and Johnny Isakson, as well as Nevada’s Gov. Brian Sandoval.

“The people who are wielding control over the American economy, policy, and how it’s going to affect black folks are not black people,” Armour says. “We have Obama in office now, but just having a few token figureheads isn’t the same as having a large number of policy decision makers who empathize with black people.”

In his speech in Selma, Alabama, commemorating the 50th anniversary of Bloody Sunday, a turning point in the civil rights movement, President Obama told the nation we would “do a disservice to the cause of justice by intimating that bias and discrimination are immutable.... If you think nothing’s changed in the past 50 years, ask somebody who lived through Selma or Chicago or L.A. of the ’50s.”

In some aspects, Obama is right; America has changed. Racial segregation and discrimination are outlawed, and incidents of overt racism are quickly condemned as uncivilized. But how much progress have we made as a culture?

In 1963 Malcolm X told reporters, “If you stick a knife in my back nine inches and pull it out six inches, that’s not progress. If you pull it all the way out, that’s not progress. The progress comes from healing the wound that the blow made.”

And as the examples of SAE and Ferguson show, America has yet to heal the wound." [Source]

Before we start talking about "healing" the wound,  maybe we should first try to treat it.

*Pic from


  1. ctrl+halt+del9:17 PM

    Great post!

    Racism is by far the most dangerous intoxicant. Manifest Density the majority population's most fierce addiction.

  2. Wesley R9:38 PM

    I like the way you broke it down Field. I smell Trolls. I expect they'll be here soon.

  3. StillaPanther29:56 PM

    I think that if Black lives mattered to Blacks these incidences would not carry the same weight as what I see presently. Changing other people's behaviors may not get to that place we want to be. Think how often we wait for a negative comment by the white race before there is a ground swell of condemnation. During the wait - if we change how we see each other, I think the unity and support will blunt these incidences of pain caused by others calling us niggers and other negative comments.

    The question should be: why are Africans Americans reacting when whites are the culprit and when will we react when our own insult us? Killing each other is the highest form of insulting. And yes this may be a rehashing of Bro. Cosby's theme. And no other race will solve problem that the African Americans have.

    A saying from my drug rehabbing days> They (whites) may have given you the disease (of self hate) but we are now responsible for eradicating the disease.

    I am aware that our solutions may not be forthcoming. Too many affected AA are in a survival mode and will not be able to fight off the disease while doing every thing possible to not be like me.

  4. Limpbaugh9:56 PM

    I think one of the root causes of racism is Fox News. Although part of what they do is cater to racism that is already there. If you read the comments on a Fox News website or Facebook page you'll see how ignorant people can be and see who votes for some of the idiot politicians we have. Fox News is far from being the only one, but they are also war propagandists. War propagandists were prosecuted at Nuremberg, but we won't even charge Dick Cheney here.

  5. This country was founded with the belief that Blacks were not as "human" as Whites.

    As a result, this country will ALWAYS be racist!

    1. Anonymous11:13 AM

      If there's no hope of America ever being cleansed of racism why not leave? Go live with all the Nubian kings and queens in Africa. Get away from the "evil" white man and surround yourself with brothas and sistahs on that continent of peace and enlightenment.

  6. Anonymous12:39 AM

    "In his speech in Selma, Alabama, commemorating the 50th anniversary of Bloody Sunday, a turning point in the civil rights movement, President Obama told the nation we would “do a disservice to the cause of justice by intimating that bias and discrimination are immutable.... If you think nothing’s changed in the past 50 years, ask somebody who lived through Selma or Chicago or L.A. of the ’50s.”"

    Obama is deluded and lying at the same time.

    I lived in the 60's and I can tell you not a damn thing has changed in the national psyche of America. EXCEPT, African Americans have joined that state of mind along with the Whites that Blacks ARE LESS than anybody else EXCEPT other Blacks....which we consciously or unconsciously hate ourselves.

    Today, I worry more for the lives of my sons and grandsons. Today, Blacks are being killed at an unbelievable rate by both Blacks and Whites. Death among Blacks at early age is at an all-time high.

    Poverty among Blacks is at an all-time high. Lack of education among Blacks is at an all-time high. Drugs in the black community are at an all-time high.
    Incarceration of bm is at an all-time high.

    Out-of-wedlock black children is at an all-time high. Fatherless black sons are at an all-time high. Homeless Blacks are at an all-time high.

    I could go on but whenever I look at the situation and circumstances and state of mind, heart and soul of the black community it makes me sick to my stomach. What is scary, is that Blacks lack the will and or care or self-respect to do anything about it.

    We learned nothing from the self-sacrifice and self-respect of the 60's.

    One other thing that makes me sick to my stomach: Barack Obama and the Blacks who worship the ground he walks on. Of all the Presidents in the past Obama is the one who has done the least for Blacks but has done the most harm to Blacks for decades to come.

    He is a bm who lacks the will and courage to speak the truth about the incredible damage racism continues to do to this country and to the black race.

    Obama is a coward when it comes to the truth.

  7. DIE, WHITE DEVILS!!!12:47 AM

    Colin Powell on MEET THE PRESS (NBC)

    To Black People: "DON'T FIGHT WITH THE POLICE!"


    The only difference between Colin Powell and Uncle Clarence Thomas is the size of their nostrils--FUCKING SELLOUTS!!

  8. Anonymous12:48 AM

    "Before we start talking about "healing" the wound, maybe we should first try to treat it."

    Brother Field, first, thank you for this post.

    Secondly, I don't think ANYONE, including psychologists and psychiatrists have any idea how to treat the wound(disease), let alone heal it.

    Like cancer, the cure has yet to be discovered. And if there is a known discovery, maybe it's not to the benefit of the rich and powerful to make it known and available?

    I mean, who would it benefit the most if there was a cure? HINT: It would not benefit the Whites.

  9. DIE, WHITE DEVILS!!!1:08 AM

    Attorney General Eric Place-Holder is all indignant and pissed because a couple of Ferguson pigs got popped??

    HA! where was all this emotion when Uberpig Dickhead Darrin Wilson murdered Bro. Michael Brown in cold blood... Who BEGAN the altercation by grabbing Mike by the neck and trying to pull him inside the police car?

    Barack Obama is a craven, sniveling halfroon; a disgrace to the Black race. He simply does not have the balls to fight or simply challenge White racists or White racism!

  10. Anonymous1:42 AM

    What the hell is a 'halfroon'?

  11. Anonymous1:47 AM

    Colin Powell is nowhere near the likes of Clarence Thomas.

    There is no Negro like Clarence Thomas. Hell, CT can't even see himself as a bm. In fact, he basically has removed himself from the black race.

    Colin Powell has done none of that. As far as not fighting with the police, it doesn't take a genius to figure that if you fight with the police, you will probably be killed.

  12. Anonymous1:51 AM

    Field, have you noticed the number of black frat members on SAE's list?

    Come on, let's be fair now. I'm sure Bill will call you on your double standards.

  13. DIE, WHITE DEVILS!!!2:46 AM

    Colin Powell is just another Republikkklan dark-skinned handmaiden of White Supremacy, just like Don Lemon, Charles Barkley and Steven A. Smith.. who all need to be necklaced.

    The pigs have proven they have a DUTY to kill you if you are Black. and they are trying to get us to accept pig violence as the norm. Because TO WHITE RACISTS there is NOTHING on Earth more satisfying than watching a Black man or Woman bleed and die!!

    There are "Fergusons" all over this country; If any goddamn White or Hisponky pig put their dirty blood-soaked hands on you---GIVE IT EVERYTHING YOU GOT!! KILL THOSE HOMICIDAL PIG-FUCKERS--TEAR 'EM APART!! KILL THEM ALL!!!!!!!!
    @1:42 AM

    "HALFROON:" Half-Black, Half-White person. (i.e. Obama).

  14. Ah, the progressive go-to word to explain it all: "Culture."

    America's a rape culture.
    America's a misogynist culture.
    America's a racist culture.
    America's an oppressive culture.

    Read: White males are horrible people.

    "But how much progress have we made as a culture?"

    Define "progress," first and foremost.

    The people who indict the whole of America do so from a supposed position of intelligence, as if there's some academic study to put forth to quantify what's going on. But it's never like that. It's always the same: Fancy double-speak about "culture," blame the whole of America for a few incidents, extrapolate from few incidents to the whole of America to complete the circular logic and subsequently earn justification to malign America.

    But never, ever, bother defining what "progress" is.

    One might say that "progress" would be for "racism" to transform from a group of white men kidnapping a black man and dragging him tied to the back of a truck, into a few white fucking morons singing a racist song on a bus surrounded by other white fucking morons.

    But, no, that's not "progress" in the least. That's just a sign that America has a "cultural" issue of discrimination.

    As to the "scathing report" whose data is practically identical to the "scathing report" that gave us the wage gap, at what point will someone mathematically inclined actually decide to conduct a study?

    Now, that's not to say that the Ferguson report couldn't be accurate. But like so many of these sham reports, which cost the taxpayers money, we see aggregate numbers with no explanations beyond aggregate numbers. What if fucking black people are jaywalking more than white people? Why do we instantly hold that up to be an utter impossibility and conclude that more black arrests must mean racism, can only mean racism, and does mean racism?

    Science and politics are like oil and water.

  15. Anonymous4:30 AM

    Re: "We are a part of a culture and belief system that depreciates the value of black life" and "Few black people have power over white people’s lives"...

    Looks like black people demonstrate plenty of ability to end white people's lives.

  16. Josh you are the epitome of what's so wrong with American society today. Even in the face cold, hard facts, you're delusional denial is impossible for you to overcome.

    Here's a news flash. The more people like you continue to disenfranchise an entire race of people, the closer you bring terrorists to your front door. Or should I say front trailer door?

  17. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Oh the poor, poor blahs. Was anyone hurt or killed by the SAE video?

    Meanwhile, black mob attacks are still going on. Because blacks know they won't be charged in Obama's America. They take to Worldstar and Youtube and tell everyone they hate whites and enjoyed attacking them.

    Black on white murder rates are double that of white on black murder rates.

    Black on white rapes are 100% higher than white on black rapes.

    Of course, field negro doesn't want to talk about all dat.

  18. How can we treat and heal "the wound" when blacks keep making the wound worse?

  19. "Oh the poor, poor blahs. Was anyone hurt or killed by the SAE video?"

    Calling a bunch of niggers "a bunch of niggers" is a victimless crime...until those folks find themselves in positions of power and authority.

    Senor Hector thinks it's all Darky's fault. Things were better back when blacks were back in the fields where they belonged.

  20. "Josh you are the epitome of what's so wrong with American society today. Even in the face cold, hard facts, you're delusional denial is impossible for you to overcome."

    Yeah, Yisheng. You tell 'em, girl. Another sophist heard from!

    Asking someone to explain what they mean by "progress" means I'm part of the problem.

    It has already been established here repeatedly that to ask black people questions is basically the exact same racism as owning a black person and raping a black slave.

    Suggesting that "progress" might entail people saying racist words rather than committing actual violence in the name of racism makes me part of the problem.

    So too has it been established here that someone deemed a racist commenter on Field's blog is every bit as evil as a racist that would shoot, mangle and dispose of a black college student, or a racist who would hang a negro from a tree.

    The problem with you fucking sophists is that you're not capable of thinking without accessing directly the emotional centers of your brain. This then taints everything hence.

    "The more people like you continue to disenfranchise an entire race of people..."

    So, another new standard emerges. Asking black people questions and suggesting racial slurs are progress from racist actions is not only racist, it's now disenfranchising.

    Don't worry, though; sophistry is far from a black thang. It's basically par for the course in academia today.

    Facts are biased. Things like physics, math and logic are tools of the white male racist imperialist patriarchy. How you feel about something is what's important.

    Hence nobody every fucking bothering to define what they mean by "progress," and hence so many people willingly cherry-picking instances of only white-led racism to extrapolate to the whole of America that we have a cultural problem: Read -- 200 million white racists, and poor, poor non-white victims.

  21. So, here are some of the things I've gleaned since becoming a poster here:

    - You can't joke or have fun with black people
    - You can't ask black people questions
    - You must grant blacks special pleading to evoke ancestors in using their emotions to justify their racism as not racism
    - Suggesting X isn't as bad as Y makes one worse than X + Y
    - Black racists have trouble reading
    - Republicans (read: white people) are to blame for all the world's ills, even where they are not present
    - Black lives matter only if they were snuffed out by whites
    - Any racism anywhere in the world means all of America is racist
    - Separating blacks between the "house" and the "field" isn't negative; it's just one of those "black thangs" that whitey can't undastan
    - Black racism toward whites is not only tolerated but celebrated
    - White disagreement with blacks is amongst the worst types of racism
    - "Racism" means anything a black person can fit into a category of something a white person has done
    - Black racists care more about what random white people say on a blog than the state of their own communities
    - Science should never be used if what results puts blacks in a bad light
    - White privilege means someone daring to oppress blacks by asking them questions that most second graders could accurately answer
    - Logic doesn't apply to black racists, as they can commit fallacies squared and still earn confident backing that it's everyone else with flawed reasoning
    - Yisheng is borderline retarded, which makes her support group seem more condescending than supportive, which thus starts to make perfect sense

    Probably many observations I'm leaving out, but the week is young.


  22. Racist, Homophobic Texts Revealed Between San Francisco Police Officers

    Good thing San Francisco is filled with white liberals.

    The media won't make a big deal out of these text messages like they would if it was in Ferguson.

    Dumbocrat double standards.

  23. Josh, you're worse than a 2 year old at a Klan meeting, ROTFL!!!

    I glanced at your infantile diatribe, saw one word (f**king), and knew I was wasting my time (again) reading anything you write.

    But don't worry, it will NEVER happen again as I'm sure you'll continue to be a metastatic dysplastic nevis on this blog, LOL!!!

    Buh bye Josh/QLB/Hilly!!!!

  24. Anonymous10:43 AM

    "Before we start talking about healing" the wound..."

    We should figure out how to lay down the knives.

  25. OK, if you don't know already, find out about Paul Beatty's devastating new satire on race in America and everything else. It's the goddamnedest thing I've read in years. At least check out the NYT review:

    Good line from the review: "Mr. Beatty can turn a sacred cow into hamburger with just one sentence."

    You know you need some comic relief. That's guaranteed NOT escapist, either.

  26. I forgot to mention the name of Beatty's book:

    "...The Sellout, a masterful work that establishes Beatty as the funniest writer in America." —The Guardian, Elizabeth Donnelly

    "The Sellout isn't just one of the most hilarious American novels in years, it also might be the first truly great satirical novel of the century." —npr, Michael Schaub

  27. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Spot on Josh.

    Dr. Queen will never be a queen or a doctor.

  28. anotherbozo said...
    You know you need some comic relief. That's guaranteed NOT escapist, either.

    Looks interesting, think I'll check it out while on vacay later this week!

  29. Yisgeng, for someone who claims to never read what I write, you sure do claim to know an awful lot about my stances, and you sure do seem to reply to me a lot.

    One might think you're simply full of shit, actually read my posts, yet cannot find any way whatsoever to logically refute what I write.

    Your two main weapons are pretty obvious.

    1) Claim you didn't read it, yet still manage to insult it and claim I'm a racist based on, according to you, words you don't know if I said or didn't say. Fucking brilliant!
    2) Wait for me and PC to get into it, at which point you will see it's black vs. white and instantly assert that the black is winning and is smarter than the white.

    There are acrylic fish tanks less transparent than you are.

    And do you expect a cookie for using *incorrectly words you heard on doctor shows? For fuck's sake. You don't need to pretend to have the vocabulary of a middle-school student to impress people. How about use that intelligence you pretend to have being a "doctor" and use facts and logic to back up your stances on issues?

    But, no, as we've covered already, expecting black people to do that would be racist.

    *Nevis is an Island, not to be confused with Revis. "Dysplastic nevus" is what you meant, which is the I-have-something-to-prove, backward, incorrect way of, I suppose, saying that I'm an abnormal growth that is spreading. lol

    (These terms are like week one in evolutionary biology; I suppose you're just now getting to them after, what, 8 years in your slow school? lol)

    But, hey, you're the doc, Doc.

    Please don't diagnose anyone, for fuck's sake. Have mercy.

  30. "In 1963 Malcolm X told reporters, “If you stick a knife in my back nine inches and pull it out six inches, that’s not progress. If you pull it all the way out, that’s not progress. The progress comes from healing the wound that the blow made.”

    Actually, progress is made when the person wielding the knife no longer has the desire to stab anyone. But since many American mutants can't resist the DNA encoded desire to be violent and anti-human, the country remains as "anti-anyone other than White" as it's ever been.

  31. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Most of the anti-human, violent behavior comes from blacks, anything other than white can get you killed.

  32. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Josh said...

    "*Nevis is an Island, not to be confused with Revis. "Dysplastic nevus" is what you meant, which is the I-have-something-to-prove, backward, incorrect way of, I suppose, saying that I'm an abnormal growth that is spreading. "

    Once again, dr. queen gets busted.

    Has a bm, i am glad Josh is continuing the The Field Negro education series.

  33. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Once again, dr. queen gets busted.

    Dysplastic NEVI is the PLURAL form of the term Dysplatic NEVUS you f**king idiot!

    Now the next time you want to challenge the resident former cancer researcher on this blog, please do the following:

    1) Get your GED.

    2) Find a college that accepts GEDs and take a Biology course.

    3) Cheat you ass off (since you're such a f**king idiot), then take an advanced level course in Cell Biology.

    4) After your brain explodes from the material being so far over your head it's in another universe, come back here, get on your virtual knees (like you do when you're servicing Fido), and beg me to send you links to sites with information about melanoma and skin cancer.

    Class dismissed!!!

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Once again, dr. queen gets busted.

    And KEEP HAILING THE QUEEN like a good f**king idiot SHOULD!!!!

  36. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Has a bm,

    "AS" a bowel movement, the only thing Black about you is the dried up blood that has crusted over around your anus due to your abnormal sexual predilections.


  37. Yisheng wrote: "metastatic dysplastic nevis" -- like the island. (And why use plural to refer to a singular anyway?)

    Yisheng was corrected: "Nevus"

    Yisheng now writes: "Dysplastic NEVI" while insisting that it's everyone else who made the mistake, not her.

    It's like facts don't exist or something.

    Maybe you should get up there quickly and delete that comment, Yisheng. The problem is that the rest of us can still see how demonstrably full of shit you are.

  38. Anon@2:51, is that bubble u live in tinted?

  39. field negro said...
    Anon@2:51, is that bubble u live in tinted?

    I'm certain that tint is brown, LOL!!!

  40. Anonymous8:11 PM

    I can't believe Hampton Institue won a game in the NCAA. Times have really changed for the worse.

  41. And I can't believe you're too stooooopid to realize that the school is now Hampton University.

    And the 10 or so "Dr's" I know that are graduates (including a relative), make it so.

    Not "the Real HU", but fabulous just the same!!

  42. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Can somebody tell me the real HU Hampton Institute is now Hampton University? I mean, if it's not the "Real HU" then why bother to call it that?

    Well, I'm from the old school when Hampton Institute. However, it doesn't make me stupid.

    But I understand your logic. It's the logic of being Black. It is part of the racist mind against Blacks. If a bm doesn't know something, is unaware of something, or makes a mistake, he is "stoooopid".

    Just what the wm ordered. The disease of racism has done it's job when Blacks are mean-spirited and fighting each other.

    Yisheng, you lack social skills for Whites AND Blacks. However, I would not call you stupid.

  43. Anonymous said...
    Yisheng, you lack social skills for Whites AND Blacks.
    And you're a coward without a proper username, who obviously prefers to be associated with the White racists that post on this blog.

    Or like I said previously, stooooooopid.

    BTW got books, Sybil?

  44. Late to the table to commend Field on the fabulous post. By the way, Yisheng, I'm curious as to why you suspect Josh is actually "QLB." If true, let me be the first dispel how some black people cannot take a joke.

  45. By the way, Yisheng, I'm curious as to why you suspect Josh is actually "QLB." If true, let me be the first dispel how some black people cannot take a joke.

    I've studied and earned a degree in hemaphroditology.

    Hahahahahaha. (Burp!)

  46. Hampton folks may disagree with the "not real HU" tag Doc, ha!
    Good post Field. Hundreds of years of dehumanization has taken its toll. What else do we expect? To this day we're being treated as "other". I remember the footage of the American flags being ripped from the hands of blah children by a racist sheriff while they were marching. Also recall the blah soldiers being lynched in their uniforms. We were never supposed to fit in and as evident here many are still trying to keep us in our place. Successful blahs drive them crazy because we're not supposed to be able to do anything. Oh well all we can do is stay successful and make sure our kids do just as well, everything else is just noise.

  47. Yisheng logic: More than one mouse in the house, it's mice.

    So, to illustrate this, she'll write "mices" and insist she's right. Or call a single mouse "mices," insist she meant "mice," and refuse to acknowledge the mistake.

    Then after being called on it, she'll just call everyone else too "stoooopid" to know that "mices" is supposed to mean "mice," which is the plural of mouse.

    That shit crawling around upstairs has really screwed you up. Or maybe the weave's on too tight. Let that scalp get some air!

    Does weave get "lices," though? I've always wondered.

    Do the lices "metastatic" and increase exponentially their territory? lol

    You is so smart!

  48. Hampton folks may disagree with the "not real HU" tag Doc, ha!

    I know right, LOL?? I was accepted to Howard way back in the day, so I stay loyal to the real HU!!!

  49. ^^^ why don't you and your ilk drink a cyanide sodas? That'll clean things up REAL quick.
