Saturday, April 11, 2015


Rare black flamingo is spotted at a salt lake on island of Cyprus. Photo from the Akrotiri Environmental Education Centre Facebook page

I need a caption for this pic.  


  1. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Black Swan:"Damn, I feel hemmed in and as if I'm Walter Scott, Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown all at once. I cannot even call the police!"

  2. Anonymous9:41 AM

    In 2015, they are still hanging Haitian negroes in the Dominican Republic. That's a damn shame, they are the same people.

  3. I thought you black guys had longer necks...

  4. Anonymous11:03 AM

    I don't have a caption. But check out that bird in the upper right corner. He's taking a giant shit.

  5. "But what makes the anon crew think I have some issue against blacks that I need to change my heart about anyway?

    Is it because I made a jest post with Obama in it?"

    No, it's because you are a racist.


    "Is it because I don't filter my opinions to protect the emotional state of crybaby sophists?"

    No, it's because you are a racist.


    "Or, is it the worst possible crime of all: That I dare disagree with the black consensus here!?"

    No, it's because you are a racist.

  6. bcmorlaw11:13 AM

    Remember, you have to be twice as good and half as black.

  7. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Anonymous said...
    check out that bird in the upper right corner. He's taking a giant shit.

    11:03 AM

    Awww maaannn! :( Ya had to go and spoil this idyllic scene!

    That's just little tail feathers falling okay!

    Flamingos are beautiful animals and they...they...they...oh all right , maybe they do...

    Ruined everything!...x(

  8. ONLY a person obsessed with ass notices an animal excreting excrement in a photo like this.

  9. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Josh the Posh said: "I thought you black guys had longer necks..."

    No DUMMY, us blacks have a lot longer D*CK! Go ask you momma, I'm certain she'll confirm!

  10. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Hey Yisheng! Right? Like I didn't even see that!!! Maaannn!

    Here I was thinking bout Florida, and how they're 'supposedly' pink cos they only eat little pink shrimp that live in certain waters and that gives them their pink hue, and wondering then how come that one is black, and if there are more, and all that sort of stuff!

    But it's so pretty! I can't think of anything funny to say. But give me time, I'm having coffee... ;*D

  11. Anonymous12:57 PM

    I GOT ONE!!!!

    Pink flamingo:

    Mom, look who's coming to dinner!!!

    (I won again) :)

  12. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Hey feller, the black beach is down the road a piece!

  13. flamingo property owner2:04 PM

    "There goes the neighborhood"

  14. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Black Swan: "Why do I get the eerie feeling I'm not going to make it to sundown?" Damn, these crackas have set me up and are going to bring harm to a brotha!

  15. "Hey feller, the black beach is down the road a piece!"

    Now see.

    "I GOT ONE!!!!

    Pink flamingo:

    Mom, look who's coming to dinner!!!

    (I won again) :)"

    Pretty good.

  16. Well, TPC, you certainly didn't disappoint on being every bit as predictable a twat as I suspected.

    Now all you need to do is leave your name off it and post as Anon full time.

  17. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Field, first place pretty good or second place pretty good??? :)

    Third place maybe??

    I don't care! Gimme fourth, gimme fifth,honorary mention! Anything! Whatever!

    Just somethingg, pleeeeeeezzzeeee!
    I'm begginggggg!


    a little medal maybe, hmmm? maybe?....waaaaaah!

  18. Yes, PR wins this one!!

  19. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Yaaaayyy! Thank you Yishenggg!!!
    I knew itt! I would wiinnnn!

    I so happy nowww!!!! x*D

  20. "Well, TPC, you certainly didn't disappoint on being every bit as predictable a twat as I suspected.

    Now all you need to do is leave your name off it and post as Anon full time."

    As usual Josh, you completely miss the fucking point.

    And that point is, for all your pseudo-intellectual blather, for all your miss-understanding of logical fallacies, the truth is you are nothing more than a slimy little douchbag racist, and hater of women.

    You complain about people screaming "racist, racist, racist" at you, but the point you appear to be missing is that you really are a racist, racist, racist.

    You claim to be an intellectual with a degree of insight unavailable to us untermenschen - but the indisputable fact is that you come to a blog about racism every single day to deride people of colour. Why? Do you come here to educate us? Does it give you comfort to kid yourself that you have bested us in debate?

    I don't know your history, so I don't know what drives your desperate need to flaunt your alleged intellectual superiority over black men and all women. But what I do know is that I'm tired of listening to you criticise those who accuse you of racism and misogyny, because those people are speaking the truth.

    If you are tired of being called a racist and misogynist then stop saying the stupid shit you say every single fucking day.

    Not rocket science.

  21. Anonymous8:14 PM

    You only got 48 hrs before I have to take you back to jail,so drink fast1

  22. Damn, you really attempted to act as if you were saying something, when all you're saying is the exact same bullshit your troll crew is saying: Racist!

    Without a single fucking shred of anything that constitutes evidence; just "RACIST!"

    I'm missing the point that "I really [am] a racist, racist..." because...why? All the evidence you can point to? Fuck no. Bare assertion. That's it. Butthurt blacks who have two preformed responses for the shit.

    1) If it's a black = uncle Tom (equivalent). House Negro

    2) If it's a white = racist

    I'm not tired of it in the least. I know already it's the best you retarded motherfuckers can do, hoping to shut the conversation down with sophist whining taking precedent over anything else.

    Tell me more about how a claimant doesn't have to prove his/her claims, or how feelings take precedence over evidence because your skin color and other...reasons.

    Sophist ignorant cunt. "Racist" is the only item you have in your tool belt. Without it, you're just a weak bitch trying to convince the world that logic works differently for you 'cause you say so. It be a black thing, yo.

    Being black and my supposedly being "racist" is the only thing you have. If not that card pulled every fucking conversation, you'd actually be held to account for your fallacies and illogical reality superimposed on every topic.

  23. I'm glad I'm a bird, because otherwise this could get ugly...

    -Doug in Oakland

  24. Wesley R9:53 PM

    A Black Male Elementary School Teacher at a staff meeting.

  25. Anonymous10:09 PM

    somecluelessdudewhoneverleavesthehouse said...
    I'm glad I'm a bird, because otherwise this could get ugly...

    Yeah, because there is so much white on black violence.

    We all know how welcoming black neighborhoods are to lone white guys.

  26. anon @10:09: You mean like the black neighborhoods in Oakland I have been living in for the past 31 years? As a lone white guy?
    And didn't there used to be a name for white on black violence? And we never hear about it any more, do we?

    -Doug in Oakland

  27. Teenaged flamingo doing her best to tick off dad.

  28. Anonymous11:39 PM

    Baby flamingo after meeting Kanye West lol

  29. Josh is a gay sex slave11:50 PM

    "Butthurt blacks who have two preformed responses for the shit."

    Josh sure knows a lot about hurting butts. Anything you want to share sweety?

  30. Josh is a racist11:55 PM

    Aw, little goofy dummy Josh learned a new word. Think he runs around the house yelling sophist to his mother/pimp? I guess he thinks it makes him sound smart. i bet it's just a take on the nickname his "clients" gave him, Sophie. Now he has gender identity issues. Wow Field, you really have some winners.

  31. Anonymous12:24 AM

    "Here I was thinking bout Florida, and how they're 'supposedly' pink cos they only eat little pink shrimp that live in certain waters and that gives them their pink hue, and wondering then how come that one is black, and if there are more, and all that sort of stuff!"

    The black flamingos are what happens when they eat ham hocks and collard greens.

  32. Anonymous12:44 AM

    What's with the shitting bird in the upper righ corner? That be nasty!

  33. Anonymous12:50 AM

    Each evening, he awakened to face the blur of twilight. Time seemed endless. Yet, he had lost so many years. Returning home from Vietnam, his hands were cold to the bone. He was often in a trance, neither awake nor asleep. He waited for an end which seemed never to come. Yesterday was a dream. The jungle was a dream. Honor was a dream. Last words became the same to him as the first. There was no difference between them, only time, only distance.

    Cold was the chill that ran up his spine with the thought of his future. For it was his to see yet not his to live. By the betrayals of others, his heart was made still within the stillness of time. And he was left alone to face the years. But his memories would not let him rest.

    So, let us ask. What if life returned to his limbs? What joy would he find? What if breath returned to his body? What meaning would there be?

    No longer must he face the day. Now he sleeps. But if he awaked, the nightmare would continue where it left off, in the twilight, in the jungle, in the growing darkness.

    Never again will he gaze upon life, or win it back in another time, or in another place. With his eyes now closed, the blur of evening is replaced with dimming visions of a life now gone. He says goodbye to this life as he first did long ago, night after night, eternally.

  34. Anonymous12:51 AM

    I really don't understand why people call Josh a racist. What has he said that is so racist.

    He sounds like an honest white guy who hangs out with the brothers and dates sisters, once in a while...I mean whenever he sees a sister like Yisheng who is slim, light skinned, and has an ass that looks normal.

    What bothers me is TPC messing with Josh and calling him a racist. I am Black and I can tell you Josh is no racist.

    Hell, even Field knows Josh is not a racist. Josh just tells the truth. Apparently some of my peeps can't handle the truth. But don's worry Josh, I got your back.

  35. Anonymous12:53 AM

    FYI, birds don't shit in the water where they eat and drink. That is not their style.

    Basically, they shit on cars while in flight.

  36. Anonymous12:56 AM

    @ 12:50 am

    Very intense, and the fate of so many

  37. Lt. Commander Johnson3:50 AM

    Whmm. There's always seem to be one in the woodpile.

  38. Anonymous4:11 AM

    "What bothers me is TPC messing with Josh and calling him a racist. I am Black and I can tell you Josh is no racist."

    You're not blah and Josh is kinda racist.

  39. "You're not blah and Josh is kinda racist."

    Racist - noun

    1. a person who disagrees with black people
    2. a label given to people to shut down argument
    3. the most useless fucking word in the past 30 years

  40. " If not that card pulled every fucking conversation, you'd actually be held to account for your fallacies and illogical reality superimposed on every topic."


    If destroying my arguments is so easy for you, how do you account for the fact that you have never once managed it up to now?

    When do you plan to start?

  41. Racist - noun

    1. Somebody who dislikes people with different melanin levels

    2. A person who has an unstoppable impulse to feel superior to black people. Someone with a deep psychological need to prove to himself that he is superior to black people because subconsciously he blames black people for his own failures.

    Misogynist - Noun

    1. A man who hates women.

    2. A person who has an unstoppable impulse to feel superior to women. Someone with a deep psychological need to prove to himself that he is superior to women because subconsciously he blames women for his own failures.

  42. Marti Gras is over, now what?

  43. ctrl-halt-del7:59 AM

    The Flamingo Arts Ensemble performs Othello.

  44. ctrl*halt*del8:04 AM

    President Barack Flamingo to announce the affordable nest act.

  45. Anonymous10:08 AM

    anon @10:09: You mean like the black neighborhoods in Oakland I have been living in for the past 31 years? As a lone white guy?
    And didn't there used to be a name for white on black violence? And we never hear about it any more, do we?

    -Doug in Oakland

    11:21 PM
    Bullshit. You don't live in an all black neighborhood unless you live in East Oakland, and that is changing. Basically, there will be no black neighborhoods in dipshit racist Oakland in the next 10 years.

    The Whites are driving out all the Blacks from that town because of White gentrification.

    Whites are making sure Negroes can't afford to live in that sorry-ass-racist town anymore. So cut the bullshit. So that means your property is increasing in value and devalued black people are driven out.

    The only thing good about country ass plantation-mentality-small-town Oakland is the weather. I don't know of anybody who truly loves living in Oakland, esp Blacks. But there are quite a few Whites who don't like Oakland either. Many are either moving to Oregon or moving 'back' to Washington State.

  46. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "What bothers me is TPC messing with Josh and calling him a racist. I am Black and I can tell you Josh is no racist."

    You're not blah and Josh is kinda racist.

    4:11 AM
    Oh I'm Black alright. I just try to work harmoniously with Whites to end racism. Negroes like you like to attack Whites on FN because you wouldn't dare do it face-to-face to a White. And you know it's true.

    Negroes are the most fearful race in America. They are unable to stand up for themselves.

    All folks like you and TPC do is curse, call names and judge others negatively which coincidentally turns out to be your own feelings about yourself.

    That's why weak powerless Negroes like you and TPC call Josh a racist and me not White.

  47. "1. Somebody who dislikes people with different melanin levels"

    Your projection of the way you feel about white people notwithstanding, you're every bit as weak as I predicted. Circling the drain into full 'tard mode.

    Racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist...

    You're worse than that other anon asshat who called me a racist like five different times in three different ways because I didn't mention BB King as a guitarist on my underrated list.

    I listed Slash, a black (mixed) man, Robert Johnson, a black man, and Kim Thayil, an Asian, but because he was black and I disagreed with him, boom, instant racist.

    Sophist cunt morons like you are the reason fewer people give a shit about blacks every year. Don't worry, though; it'll eventually work out as the self-fulfilling prophecy your ilk wants it to. Cry and moan "these racists don't care about us" over every single fucking petty thing you find, and eventually more and more people get tired of fucking hearing it and just tune you out. It's a catch-22. Call white people racist if they're silent because they're silent on "black" issues; call them racist if they speak up for themselves or show any point of view whatever that strays from you retarded motherfuckers' weird monolith in thought you've worked for decades to achieve.

  48. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Blacks are the most privileged group of people in American society. You can be elected President of the USA primarily on the strength of being black. You can slit your wife’s throat, leave incontrovertible DNA proof that you did it, and get off free as a bird, primarily on the strength of being black. You can assault with evident attempt to kill a neighborhood watch captain or even a police officer and if you are killed in self-defense, you will be worshiped as a martyr by the government and the media, again on the strength of being black.

    Blacks are given hiring and promotion priority in every field, are difficult to fire, and as a rule cannot be criticized without repercussions. They are wildly overrepresented on television relative to their percentage of the population and virtually never negatively portrayed. The bar for them is set far lower than for anyone else. Their failures are blamed on others. They are revered even in the absence of any accomplishments whatsoever, simply for being black; and those who lack reverence are publicly reviled.

    Yet it is still not enough. Still they must give Josh shit about leaving BB King off his greatest guitarist list.

  49. It continues to puzzle me that the lead Whutemooo, Field's current "reinvented" racists (Josh/QLB, ect), continues to get responses from so called progressive Black people.

    More racists comments referencing either a$$, penis, or vagina, you don't have to read it to KNOW that's ALL he ever talks about.


  50. The Purple Cow said...
    and hater of women.
    I don't know your history

    As said by the person that calls people he doesn't agree with "cunts."

    Without knowing it, ThePurpleCow has exposed his own childhood history of trauma from his mother.

    Psych 101

    Ding Ding PurpleCow.


  51. referencing either a$$, penis, or vagina, you don't have to read it to KNOW that's ALL he ever talks about.

    Bingo, you win.

    The long history of PurpleCow talking about white wobbly asses, white dicks and calling people "cunts."

    The PurpleCow trifecta.

  52. Not very good witness

  53. Touche' Bill, Touche'!!

    Truth is that lately, I rarely read TPC's posts either because they are just responses to Whuteemoo.

  54. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Yīshēng said...
    Truth is that lately, I rarely read TPC's posts either because they are just responses to Whuteemoo.

    TPC is a douche, but he is twice as smart as you.

  55. The Laugher12:50 PM

    Yisheng is the true cunt on this blog.

  56. The punk ass coward with multiple assnonymous posts said:
    Yisheng is the true *** on this blog.

    Spoken like a "pencil" pushing, loose sphinctered idiot who wears depends as a result.

    Go change your funky ass pamper and get back when you acquire a vocabulary with "grown up" words.

  57. Anonymous2:33 PM

    The black flamingo is scaring the shit out of one of those birds.

  58. "That's why weak powerless Negroes like you and TPC call Josh a racist and me not White."

    Maybe I'm weak and powerless maybe not, but the fact remains Josh is a racist and you are a white man.

  59. "I listed Slash, a black (mixed) man, Robert Johnson, a black man, and Kim Thayil, an Asian, but because he was black and I disagreed with him, boom, instant racist."

    What the fuck has this got to do with me? You blithering idiot.


    "Sophist cunt morons like you are the reason fewer people give a shit about blacks every year. Don't worry, though; it'll eventually work out as the self-fulfilling prophecy your ilk wants it to. Cry and moan "these racists don't care about us" over every single fucking petty thing you find, and eventually more and more people get tired of fucking hearing it and just tune you out. It's a catch-22. Call white people racist if they're silent because they're silent on "black" issues; call them racist if they speak up for themselves or show any point of view whatever that strays from you retarded motherfuckers' weird monolith in thought you've worked for decades to achieve."

    Josh, here's the thing. You are a racist - you just haven't got the guts to admit it.

    For all their faults, at least Bill and Lt. Commander Whateverthefuckhisnameis at least have the courage of their convictions.

    One more thing, we know you got a Thesaurus for christmas and we know you are justifiably proud of it, but surely it contains more words than 'Sophist' and 'Sophistry'?

  60. ""Sophist cunt morons like you are the reason fewer people give a shit about blacks every year."

    Ahhhhh bless, he thinks we want white folks to "give a shit about us". Because we can't survive if white folks don't give a shot about us.

    But he's not a racist!

    Naaaaaah, no way dude...

  61. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "Blacks are the most privileged group of people in American society. You can be elected President of the USA primarily on the strength of being black. You can slit your wife’s throat, leave incontrovertible DNA proof that you did it, and get off free as a bird, primarily on the strength of being black. You can assault with evident attempt to kill a neighborhood watch captain or even a police officer and if you are killed in self-defense, you will be worshiped as a martyr by the government and the media, again on the strength of being black."

    Whites have lynched Blacks and NOTHING happened to them. Hell, they didn't even have to go to trial.

    White cops murder bm 'everyday' in America and NOTHING happens to them. Of course, IF, and that's a big 'IF' someone catches the murdering legalized mobster, and the media shows an 'unarmed' bm being shot in the back...maybe just maybe 'justice' will be done.

    However, that is no guarantee. Look at what happened to Eric Garner. They caught the cop literally killing Eric and the white jury found the white cop not guilty. Typical white justice for a bm.

    Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, one teen...all were murdered but those all white prosecutors and jury found nothing wrong with them murdering bm.

    White CORRUPT racists like yourself who sit on CORRUPT juries so CORRUPT MURDERING Whites of Blacks can go free, ought to STFU. Blacks have no power to ensure justice, only Whites do. Which makes a mockery of fairness and Justice.

    Even JOSH has said the justice system against Blacks is wrong. He has agreed that there should be a leveling of the playing field for Blacks.

    You see, that is why I know JOSH is not a racist. But YOU, anon are definitely racist. You are probably related to the Grand Wizard.

  62. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Blogger The Purple Cow said...
    ""Sophist cunt morons like you are the reason fewer people give a shit about blacks every year."

    Ahhhhh bless, he thinks we want white folks to "give a shit about us". Because we can't survive if white folks don't give a shot about us.

    But he's not a racist!

    Naaaaaah, no way dude...

    3:22 PM
    Now see? this is why Blacks can't get any white support. Negroes like PC eff up everything for us.

    Just about every Negro I KNOW will agree that we need White approval in order to get ahead. Even brother Field will attest to that.

    It is important that we EMBRACE Josh and the entire white race, not insult him and his people. PC, You never know the kind of power any wm commenting on FN might have, including JOSH. Hell, he might have some powerful contacts that could help us. But you are busy ruining our chances.

    Dear Josh, IGNORE TPC, he is mentally and emotionally disturbed with hatred.

    For the life of me, I don't know where that hatred comes from. You see, most bm are not like that, they pray. PC doesn't pray and he should down on his knees praying with brother Field.

  63. Craziness aside. I read some great captions up there.

  64. "Now see? this is why Blacks can't get any white support. Negroes like PC eff up everything for us."

    Riiiiiiight, so I'm suposed to be nice to someone who calls me a 'Sophist Cunt Moron' in exchange for "white support"?

    Give it a rest white boi, you are embarrassing yourself.

  65. "One more thing, we know you got a Thesaurus for christmas and we know you are justifiably proud of it, but surely it contains more words than 'Sophist' and 'Sophistry'?"

    1) If the shoe fits...
    2) Awfully strange for someone whose go-to word is "racist" to explain everything. Like a creationist explaining evolution or Saturn's rings or gravity or anything else -- "God did it!" Your only possible answer for anything is just to say "racist," which just makes the word fucking meaningless.

    "Because we can't survive if white folks don't give a shot about us."

    I'm not the one asking if or when black lives will matter. That's the entire fucking theme of this blog. Seems to me black folks want very badly for white folks to give a shit; to capitulate, to confess to being racists solely for being white, and to completely change America to meet the demands of blacks who insist it need change.

    I'm still trying to figure out how the American black experience is picked up via airborne osmosis simply by sharing a skin color 3,600 miles across the Atlantic. When all one need be to speak as an expert on all things "black" is to simply have X amount of melanin, it's no wonder that those under that amount are considered enemies.

    To the anon whose race is oddly being disputed: Hey, you're in a catch-22. Sophist cunt morons like TPC have two ways to play dissent:

    1) Black = uncle Tom sellout house negro
    2) White = racist

    All things equal, I'd much rather be labeled a racist. That word carries so little fucking meaning in today's world that it can simply be laughed off. But coming up in Suitland, I've seen firsthand how blacks considered not "down" are treated. Talk too white or study too hard or like skateboarding or play volleyball instead of basketball -- you'd be lucky to make it to the store without catching a beat-down.

    Understandable with 13-year-old punks raised by single mothers who were raised by single mothers, no positive male influence in their lives whatsoever, unless you count BET's edited version of a Dr. Dre video. But these are grown-ass fucking men and women on this blog, some of whom are probably up in their 40s and 50s. Yet they still carry the same mentality. If you're not simpatico, then you ain't "down," and you're thus too...whatever. You might even become famous and get your picture put up on Field's House Negro ad space. They don't even try to hide the fact that they demand ideological alignment.

    Some folks--white, black, otherwise--are scared shitless that blacks will ever get real power because it's plain to see already that many are pure totalitarians and demand ideological and practical purity. One can only imagine how Stalin-like they'd be in a majority role. I postulate very little difference in how a majority black power structure would treat whites than how whites treated blacks.

    Folks don't want equality; they want revenge. Mostly for shit they never experienced and only know about via outside stories.

  66. Josh is a racist5:04 PM

    "Sophist cunt morons like you are the reason fewer people give a shit about blacks every year."

    Yep, a person who is not racist would not use a sentence like this one. Or this person is too stupid to see the inherent racism in such a statement.
    Carry on.

  67. Josh is a gay sex slave5:10 PM

    "One more thing, we know you got a Thesaurus for christmas and we know you are justifiably proud of it, but surely it contains more words than 'Sophist' and 'Sophistry'?"

    Let's just be happy little Sophie knows even one big word given what he does for a living. Kinda hard to learn new words with a dork in his mouth constantly.

  68. Joshua is annoying5:13 PM

    "Folks don't want equality; they want revenge. Mostly for shit they never experienced and only know about via outside stories."

    You don't know what folks want, you talk about shit you've never experienced and only know about via outside stories. Most "folks" just want to be left the fuck alone and not psychoanalyzed or told what they need by a goofy punk like you Sophie.

  69. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Since Josh is always offering "folks" advice such as stop having bastard children or stop stealing car stereos maybe we need to offer him some advice even he can understand. Josh, sweetie or Sophie if you prefer. If you don't want to keep being called a racist stop making racist posts.

  70. ctrl*halt*del5:34 PM

    Flamingo Bureau of Investigation agent escorts black flamingo over objections of Pink Flamingo Sovereignty Commission.

  71. Anonymous5:54 PM

    field negro said...

    Craziness aside. I read some great captions up there.

    4:05 PM

    I agree,quite a few!

    But hun, in order to stop the crazies on here, I think you would have to block their IP addresses lol!

  72. "Seems to me black folks want very badly for white folks to give a shit; to capitulate, to confess to being racists solely for being white, and to completely change America to meet the demands of blacks who insist it need change. "

    Well firstly I'm not an American, so truth be told I don't actually give a kipper's dick. However if you can't see that your country is the Titanic heading straight for the iceberg, you are even dumber than I thought. America needs to completely change if it is to survive.

    Another thing,Joshy boy. To admit that black people are human beings too, human beings that have a right to self-determination and an equal shot at happiness is not "to capitulate" as you so idiotically put it, it is the bare minimum that they need to do to ensure the survival of their nation as a meaningful player in 21st century economics.

  73. "But hun, in order to stop the crazies on here, I think you would have to block their IP addresses lol!"

    Hey, I'd still find a way to sneak back on. Ha!

    "Another thing,Joshy boy. To admit that black people are human beings too, human beings that have a right to self-determination and an equal shot at happiness is not "to capitulate" as you so idiotically put it, it is the bare minimum that they need to do to ensure the survival of their nation as a meaningful player in 21st century economics."

    Well said, but then again we are just "whining" when we point out such facts. Good white folk have always known what is best for us. Even at the height of james crow the knew we were happy and didn't need uppity negroes and northern agitators telling them about "their" niggras. Your boy is just the latest evolution of this dynamic.

  74. I just have to LMMFAO @ the weak fucking shit you trolls pull out of an entire body of posts spanning more than a year to cry "RACIST" on.

    "Oh, only a racist would say 'sophist cunt moron'"

    And flatly stating that I hold black people to be less than human because...? No reason. No rhyme. Certainly nothing to quote. The last quote was such a fucking failure, trying desperately to reach for an inference with completely unrelated context. Just when I thought I seen it it all...

    You weak bitches keep Field's flowing, though; I'll hand that to ya.

    Other than having to combine the intellect of three of you random pussies to equal one worthy opponent, you certainly do make a man feel special! I got half a dozen motherfuckers stalking me and clinging literally to every fucking word I write.

    Holy shit. Hide my bunny 'fore that motherfucker comes up in a pot somewhere, you desperately-seeking motherfuckers, you.

    I never knew that things were going so well for black folks today that they could abandon other shit in their lives to focus entirely on what a white stranger on the Internet says! Score one for progress.

    My man Sotomayor has you SIMPs figured out; y'all don't even fight it. You willingly fall right into every stereotype about the vainglorious, whining nature of folks who are experiencing first-world problems. "America be racist 'cause I ain't find no black shampoo at the motel!"

    Yeah, actual slaves and those actually discriminated against are throwing up that clinched right fist and shouting, "Right on, brotha! We were chased down, beaten, lynched, whipped, separated, tortured, etc; but you didn't find a black skin-colored Band-Aid at K-Mart. Take it to the white man over that shit!"

    Must be quite the fucking progress report in 2015 to be black in America (or in the land of 1 good black actor) and for your number-one problem to be an invented-from-thin-air Internet beef you started with a random white person because you don't like the words he types.

    Yeah, it's hard out there on a SIMP.

  75. Sorry, I missed Pilot comparing the plight of Field's whiny cunts to motherfuckers who lived in Jim Crow.

    I said it in my comment above just guessing that's how all you folks carried it, based on how the anon crew carries it. But holy motherfucking shit if that wasn't right on.


    You can't make this shit up!

    So fucking oppressed, you lot are.

    For most of you here, you get your black poverty and struggle merit badges by watching The Wire reruns or pretending you're in tune with motherfuckers through mystical shit simply for sharing a skin tone.

    The beautiful irony here is that of all the people busting my balls on the daily, I'm the motherfucker who came up in the ghetto around nothing but poor black folks.

    You middle-class, cul-de-sac, green-grass motherfuckers. You know shit from watching Good Times with my man dynamite.

    Yeah, it's straight-up whining, Pilot. Take it how you will.

  76. Joshua is annoying1:02 PM


  77. TPC, looks like you finally stopped spiraling and settled on a strategy to get rid of me.


  78. Josh is a racist5:20 PM

    "The beautiful irony here is that of all the people busting my balls on the daily, I'm the motherfucker who came up in the ghetto around nothing but poor black folks.

    You middle-class, cul-de-sac, green-grass motherfuckers. You know shit from watching Good Times with my man dynamite."

    Well, no need to wonder when Josh was going to use the "authentic" Black experience meme since only REAL negroes grow up poor in the ghetto and all you others are fake. Nothing racist about that, nope not at all.

    Hey guys, so that means Josh isn't really white because he didn't grow up in a trailer park and learned about white culture from the Dukes of Hazzard. You know shit from watching it with Boss Hogg. SMDH

  79. Putting 2 with 2 to come up with 6 is the weakest reach-for-inference shit there is.

    Damn, son. Just stick with the conclusion: Racist. No need to embarrass yourself with nonsensical justification, attributing to me stances I don't hold because you think a succinct, unequivocal bit of text has more hidden between the lines than a phone contract.

    The pseudo psychologist shit y'all try to pull for each others' benefit is the strangest part about all this.

    I miss my anon twins who just blasted their curses across the screen. You lot who attempt to psychoanalyze everything I write, reaching and coming back with these wild inferences, is fucking depressing.

  80. Josh is a Wankster9:26 PM

    Oh, it's Gansta Josh who used to roll with a gang and slang drugs while sucking on 40 dogs. I'd better not piss him off or he'll do a drive by on me. Josh, OG triple G.

  81. Josh is a Wankster9:27 PM

    I found Josh on youtube.

  82. Anonymous9:30 PM

    "Putting 2 with 2 to come up with 6 is the weakest reach-for-inference shit there is."

    C'mon Josh, you're the asshole who is taking on the new persona and trying to act like you grew up in the hood all of a sudden. Stop blaming others for your stupid shit. It's not cute.

  83. "Gangsta"? What type of drugs do you simple-minded motherfuckers take?

    Never have I even come close to claiming I rolled "with a gang" or dealt with "drugs" or even tried to put on like I was hard. I'm not one of the fools on this blog who run around bragging about shit like my batting average is better than fucking Ted Williams or that I'm a premier cancer research expert (who doesn't even grasp high-school-level biology terminology).

    Morons here have a very simplistic, mystical, religious-like take on shit. They know exactly what it's like to be black, to be poor and black, to be oppressed and black, to be every fucking black person to ever draw breath since 20 BC, and only because they share a skin color.

    While they spend their time telling me, that because I'm white, and solely because I'm white, I thus can never understand ANYTHING about which they're speaking 'cause they're speaking about "black" things.

    And these are fuckers who came up in middle-class homes with both parents, who went to decent schools, who finished school and worked hard, who weren't in trouble, who weren't in the PJs grinding it out. Yet simply--and only--because they share a similar skin tone, they claim to know precisely everything there is to know about everything "black," while insisting I couldn't possibly know shit about anything "black" due to being white.

    So, I remind people, as a point of fact, that I actually grew up in fucking Suitland, MD, while they were coming up living the fucking privileged lives they accuse all white people of.

    Seems pretty fucking simple to me. Why you dullards can't grasp it has to be purely intentional.

    Fuck if I'd actually brag about coming up in that cesspit of despair of debauchery. Nobody wants to even drive through that hell hole, much less live there! Some folks just need to be reminded that being X race doesn't mean jack fucking shit.

    TPC and Pilot can understand guys like Michael Brown because they're black the same way I can understand Warren Buffet because I'm white.

    Shit doesn't work like that. And some of you remedial motherfuckers could stand to be reminded of that fact. Sharing a skin color means fuck-all. You think LeBron's kids know what it's like to be Lil' Greg's kids from the south side, or vice versa? They might share a skin tone, but that's as fucking close as they get to one another.

    The prevailing line preached here and elsewhere is that having a certain skin tone entitles a motherfucker to speak from an instant expert position on every single fucking thing ever to do with being black -- including motherfuckers from goddamn England who feign expertise on "black" issues in America simply because they share a skin tone.

    Damn, the level of retard is very strong on this blog.

    I can visit a healing crystals forum and find more sense spoken.

  84. Josh is a Wankster12:50 AM

    "Damn, the level of retard is very strong on this blog."

    As demonstrated by Josh everyday. At least he stopped using sophistry and started using mother fucker as any hard gansta would. When you grow up hard like Josh you can use language like that and seem authentic. Thanks for the update that LeBron's kids are different than Greg down the block, such brilliant insight from such a brilliant poster. Your shit should be saved on some national archive because it contains such wisdom. Please Josh, never stop giving us such pearls of wisdom as if you are the only person who can create such. One day you will be able to stop whoring and get a job in which you can use your big brain! Until then inspire us while getting poked by your latest trick.

  85. Anonymous1:31 AM

    Josh seems to have emotional issues. he goes off the handle a bit too easily. Maybe it was all the abuse he received as a gay male prostitute.

  86. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Oh Yeezuuss! x(
