Saturday, April 25, 2015

Caption Saturday.

I need a caption for this pic.
*Pic from the


  1. Wesley R10:02 PM

    The Penn Relays has me hyped for the World Relays next weekend. Let's Go!

  2. Anonymous10:06 PM

    what are the Penn Relays? must be a local thing.

  3. Make sure those gotdamned door are locked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Did you see that? These 'shrooms are hitting me pretty hard...

    -Doug in Oakland

  5. Yisheng10:46 PM

    Red is for the blood, Black is for the people, and Green is for the land. F*** the red, white, and blue!!!

    I'm coming home Jamaica!!

  6. StillaPanther210:59 PM

    The Penn relays is an event that has allowed the best track and field athletes to compete from all over the nation. No, it is far far away from a local event.

    In the 50s and 60s, few athletes had a venue where they could showcase their talents. High schools and colleges nationwide would send the best to the relays. Those days we did not know the prima athletes until the every 4 years Olympics.

    I know on the East Coast, schools prepared all year (indoors and outdoors track)for the opportunity to attend the relays. We had city-wide meets to send the best from our school district. Going to the Penn Relays quaranteed you would have a look from all the white schools new slots for Black athletes.

    I know you think I had to bring race into the subject. Race (no pun intended) was a shifty event for all things in my life during the 60s. So keep your comments away from my thoughts- because in the year 2030, you all will be harping on the effects the innocent/not so innocent computers had on your memories and life I most likely be long gone.

  7. Anonymous11:05 PM

    Yishbang said...
    Red is for the blood, Black is for the people, and Green is for the land. F*** the red, white, and blue!!!

    I'm coming home Jamaica!!....Right after I gradumanate, in 2028!

  8. Anonymous11:10 PM

    Diversity is Death, Multiculturalism is murder, Equality is a Lie.

  9. Anonymous11:11 PM

    Shiftless blacks remain unemployable on seven continents. Ergo racism, QE fucking D.

  10. @11:05, you'll be long dead of HIV dementia by then, so I won't have my 6th college degree to rub in your face.

    And since you're slow in math, that's TWO more degrees I'll have earned by then.

  11. Anonymous12:09 AM

    I know how we can address racism and incompetence in the police forces -- let's go wave our African American flag in some random white folks' faces! What could be a more compelling and persuasive argument than that?

    And they said MLK was eloquent ...

  12. Anonymous12:34 AM

    Does anyone think an eighth college degree achieved in her 70's will make Yisheng employable?

    For the money wasted on this idiot, we could have trained 100 Chinamen to be real scientists.

  13. Does anyone think an uneducated stalker will ever loose the emerald green cloak of jealousy about my success and do something productive with its life?

    For the money spent on psychotropic drugs, Viagra, and lap band procedures for this overweight, impotent, loser, we could have hired 12 of his type 2 diabetic overweight, uneducated uncles/brothers to be better examples of lowlifes.

  14. Manifest Density8:54 AM

    Racism in America:

    "Don't move... don't look... maybe they won't see us!

  15. Manifest Density10:25 AM

    Racism in America:

    "These whites see light for first time as veil of racism lifted from windshield."

  16. Manifest Density10:39 AM

    Racism in America:

    Couple disqualified from Baltimore marathon asks..." What's the problem?"

  17. Someone actually doesn't know about the Penn Relays?

  18. Portable11:41 AM

    Anonymous Yisheng said...
    Red is for the blood, Black is for the people, and Green is for the land. F*** the red, white, and blue!!!

    The black mind is unfathomable. They truly, actually believe that whites hold down and oppress them. Our extirpation is thus cause for joyous anticipation. Food comes from grocery stores and is paid for by EBT cards, not whites. A black woman can spend her entire life within a white society in college for free and yet be oppressed. Have you not eyes to see?

    But no, the fact she hasn't yet been bestowed with the honorific of Doctor is due to racism. If whites didn’t so jealously guard blacks’ rightful wealth, they’d all be driving Ferraris right now. Sweet reason does not find purchase in this arid soil.

  19. Anonymous11:55 AM

    “Sweet reason does not find purchase in this arid soil.”

    One of the major causes for white liberal *sympathy* for blacks is the white liberal inability to *empathize* with blacks. Because a nice white liberal can’t imagine why someone would drive around on 4 spare tires, punch someone in the face for no reason, reach for a policeman’s gun, lie compulsively (recall the eye-witness testimony in the Michael Brown case), etc., they make up alternative stories, ones that a white person can relate to.

    And white people, being the law-abiding squares we are, can only imagine scenarios in which we are minding our own business, helping an old lady cross the street (definitely NOT polar bear hunting), when the BIG BAD REDNECK COP decides to pick on us for no good reason.

    If white liberals could empathize with blacks, of course, they’d realize that, as co-discoverer of DNA and noted Hitler-lover James Watson pointed out, that the indifferent universe did not sprinkle magic reason dust on all the races just because self-loathing pale-faces 70 thousand years later wish it were so.

    The irony of all this, then, is that RACISTS!!! don’t sympathize with blacks because they are able to empathize with them (the horror!), while liberals sympathize with blacks because, being completely stuck inside their own heads, they are unable to empathize with them – they can only project fairy tales onto them.

  20. Anonymous12:17 PM

    "Dont even breathe Lou Ann"!

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Portable TOILET said...
    The black mind is unfathomable. They truly, actually believe that whites hold down and oppress them.

    The racist white mind is unfathomable. Despite the advantages of white skin and the guaranteed privileges in a racist white society that comes with it, their hatred of a Black woman whose family income is in the top 5% is palpable. It obfuscates the truth of its miserable and unsuccessful life by looking at the high academic success and accomplishment of Blacks through envious eyes as if that will add any value to it's non existent investment portfolio. Claiming that successful and highly educated Blacks cry racism is a testimony to the high level of delusion it has.

    My Black family of 3 with 6 colleges degrees AND COUNTING, that is made of a Engineer, a Scientist, and a future Engineer, is the bane of an uneducated lowlife's racist existence. The fact that racism has NOT obstructed in ANY way my family's success is a testimony to God's grace, blessings, and an inherent ability to succeed!!! As surviving descendants of slaves, success and high achievement is literally in our DNA!!!


  24. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Car passengers:
    It's okay dear, I think it's just some kind of voodoo ritual they do!

  25. Anonymous1:40 PM

    White privilege is code for black failure.

  26. Anonymous said...
    White privilege is code for black failure.

    It's also code for Whuteemoo failure.

  27. McFred2:59 PM

    Yisheng, you think way too highly of yourself, you stupid moron.

  28. Anonymous4:11 PM

    "The irony of all this, then, is that RACISTS!!! don’t sympathize with blacks because they are able to empathize with them (the horror!), while liberals sympathize with blacks because, being completely stuck inside their own heads, they are unable to empathize with them – they can only project fairy tales onto them."

    Seriously? You're redefining "empathy" as "understanding black people are subhuman"? I don't think you'll find that one in a dictionary.

    And the fact that James Watson helped discover the structure of DNA does not preclude his being a racist. He is, in fact, a massive bigot, as well as being a general asshole hated by all his colleagues in the scientific community. He is an intelligent guy, but one with a personality disorder, not some kind of noble truth-teller.


  29. "I read on media matters that if you wave the magic flag and say the magic word abracadabra the email server is wiped clean."

  30. Anonymous McF**ker said...
    Yisheng, you think way too highly of yourself, you stupid moron.

    And you wouldn't be such a stalking lowlife low IQ Whuteemoo if your Uncle hadn't screwed your mother.

  31. BTW, a dirt floor is above a lowlife like you.

  32. An alternate universe where Marcus Garvey was elected president.

  33. "White privilege is code for black failure."

    What's really sad is when you were born with "white privilege" and you are still a failure in life.

    Kind of like being given a 21 point lead in the 4th quarter and blowing the game. ;)

  34. Doc, leave those PWT's alone. ha! Black shaming on the internet is the only thing they have left in their pathetic lives. Why take that away? I mean what else is there, screwing their sister again and going blind drinking granny's shine? Ugh, getting depressed just thinking about it. We have depressed negro you don't want depressed white guy do you?

  35. Ha is right Pilot!! It's just great fun putting stalking idiots in their place!!

    Ha ha!!
