Monday, April 27, 2015

"Oh, Baltimore, man it's hard just to live.."

Ever wonder why we have situations like we do now in the city of Baltimore?

I will give you a hint: We can't blame the Mayor of Baltimore. (Although, from what I hear, her leadership skills leave a lot to be desired. ) We can't blame the police chief. And we  certainly cannot blame it all on the killing of  Freddy Gray.

What is to blame for what is taking place in Baltimore, and what took place in cities like Ferguson, Oakland, and New York, is a racial climate in this country that says we are now "post racial" and there is no more racism in America.

To the people who believe this the election of Barack Obama confirms that. Some of them, as crazy as this might seem, even blame Barack Obama for the uptick in racial tensions in this country.

I submit to you, though, that it is people like Sheriff David Morgan of Florida who is to blame for our current racial state of affairs in cities like Baltimore, Maryland.

"A video from 2013 has come to light showing the sheriff of Escambiaso County, Florida, David Morgan, sputtering on nonsensically about black culture.

Morgan’s bizarre speech begins with a criticism of the term African-American with Morgan emphatically stating:
“the blacks who currently reside in the United States of America are not from Africa.”

 “I would remind black Americans that you are little less than 13% of the entire population of the United States.”  “Had every one of those people been voter eligible only 13% could have voted for President Obama.”  “If we’re such a racist nation, why do we have an African American president?” [Source]

Lord have mercy! This is a sheriff, people.

But then we shouldn't be surprised. Not after incidents like this, and this, and this, and this, and this, and...well, you get the idea.

I know one thing, this isn't only about black people in inner city Baltimore or any other city in America. Baltimore, like other cities in America, has been down this road before. But back then the civil unrest was brought on due racial injustice and civil rights violations; all triggered by the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Things have changed. These unrests are about poor people who feel hopeless and voiceless in a country that is increasingly becoming more divided when it comes to wealth, class, and race.

People are seeing the pie on the table and  they can't get to it.

They have to share a sliver of it that has been carved out for them, while a few people take their turns eating large chunks of it and throwing the rest of us the scraps that they no longer want.

"Hard times in the city
In a hard town by the sea
Ain't nowhere to run to
There ain't nothin' here for free"

Livin' in the country
Where the mountain's high
Never comin' back here
'til the day I die"

~Baltimore, Nina Simone~




  1. Anonymous10:07 PM

    Wow! Every bit of this is true, and it does not bode well...:(

  2. Anonymous10:13 PM

    What is to blame for what is taking place in Baltimore, and what took place in cities like Ferguson, Oakland, and New York, is a racial climate in this country that says we are now "post racial" and there is no more racism in America.

    Nonsense, it's black people.

    Now you have a city with a majority black police force and politicians and mayors. Why isn;t it running well?

  3. Anonymous10:17 PM

    Wonderful post, brother Field. You looked underneath the seemingly crazy actions of Blacks and showed the reason for their rage.

    It's too bad the Mayor, Governor, police Chief, and all the other racists judging the violence, can't understand. Or maybe they don't want to understand.

    I know one thing, they need to get another Mayor pronto. Baltimore is much too rough for her.

    This crappy treatment of bm and bw has been going on for over 400 years by those wretched evil Whites. And I am not talking about the GOP types with the loud voices. I'm talking about the silent white majority who have remained silent and complicit with the injustices perpetrated on Blacks for centuries.

    Racism is an evil unmatched by any evil in America. Whites carry the gene of human destruction and are quite comfortable with the devastation and degradation of it. Furthermore, they have found a way not to look at themselves by blaming it on the bm.

    Imagine that! Centuries of abusing and humiliating Blacks and they don't have a clue why Blacks are angry at their racist asses who cannot help but be condescending mean-spirited arrogant fucks.

    I don't know. I don't have much hope for the future of Blacks and by extension, Whites. Bottom line, America is on its way out...the train has already left the station.

    It looks to me like Baltimore is a 'clue' to what's coming. And these sick racists don't have a clue.

    You would think that Americans would have awakened after Obama. Hell, racism only ratcheted up after his election. That should have been a 'clue' that racism is alive and well AND GROWING.

    Thank you for this post. It speaks truth. And sometimes the truth is an ugly mother. Not because it was born ugly, but because it has and continues to be covered up but blind justice.

    There can never be peace without justice.

  4. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Negroes riot because the Left needs them to riot. They tell you lies, and you obey like children.

    The Left fosters black anger to fuel it's agenda and terrorize whites.

    You are sacrificial tools in the war on civilization. Grist for the mill.

    Let it burn, motherfuckers. You are just the fuel.

  5. I dont think the majority of the police force is Black. But I know where you are coming from. Could I clue the whites on this site that believe just because someone has Black skin that he/she will have some magical powers that will make Black life better?

    If anything Black leadership has only further suppressed people of color. Black leadership allow the REAL POWER BROKERS to have someone to diffuse Black people requests for change.

    Programs of the past such as CETA have been placed out of the bag of things that are needed to uplift society. In order to give to the rich in the form of bail-outs, grants and all the other giveaways- Black faces are needed to sit in the dispensing rooms.

    We are our worst enemy. We have Blacks in positions to speak to the needs. Once they get theirs- it is only silence.

  6. Anonymous10:58 PM

    You are absolutely right. It's the Left who is causing so much misery. If only Blacks would have joined the right, then Black American history would have been so much nicer, so much better, less lynchings, no slavery, no Jim Crow.

    Under the GOP truth and justice and fairness would prevail. There would be no black President to stir up racism in America.

    Yep, Blacks are nothing but tools for White "civilization". Yep, "civilization".

    What is civilization?

  7. blackinalabama10:59 PM

    Great Post. In the Deep South we call it "Tellin it like it is."

    Martin Luther King Jr:

    "It is not enough for me to stand before you tonight and condemn riots. It would be morally irresponsible for me to do that without, at the same time, condemning the contingent, intolerable conditions that exist in our society......"Martin Luther King Jr.

    I wish these black folks on tv calling these young people 'Thugs" had the courage to speak the truth.

  8. A riot is the language of the unheard.


  9. I volunteered in the hood in B'more for many years and let me tell you, those aren't Ferguson type negros living there. The city should have been OVER prepared for rioting especially on the day of the funeral.

    Even being on the Hopkins Medical campus is a lesson in watching your back and I still don't get how a top educational institution can exist in such close proximity to utter chaos.

  10. Shout out to my favorite cousin's soror Atty General Loretta Lynch making HERstory for Black Women!!

  11. Anonymous11:24 PM

    Majority black population. Majority black political leaders and majority black in the local bureaucracy. And yet it's somehow still the fault of white people? Is there anything in the damn world that Blacks won't blame on white people?

    Pathetic. Like a bunch of damn 6 year olds that always have an excuse for why it wasn't their fault. Looting and assaulting innocent people is indefensible.

    Their reason the events in Baltimore is happening is because of some Sherrif in Florida? Grasp at straws any harder and you might hurt yourself.

  12. Anonymous11:34 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Is there anything in the damn world that Blacks won't blame on white people?

    Looting and assaulting innocent people is indefensible.

    11:24 PM

    Yes they won't blame on white people the killing of a defenseless man by breaking his legs and spine. Without any known reason even, IF a white person hasn't done it :)

    Yes looting and assaulting innocent people IS indefensible! I believe it's called by Anglo's 'colateral damage'?

    1. Anonymous5:17 PM

      I agree that it is a heinous crime against Mr Grey. But it has nothing to do with the average citizen and yet they are paying the price. All the looting and assaulting of innocent citizens is going to make the cops crack down even harder on the Black community.

      Whatever though, go ahead and burn down your own communities. Just don't piss and moan and cry when businesses start pulling out and investment disappears.

      Of course when a business doesn't want to operate in a black community because they need bulletproof glass, steel cages and armed security just so they can operate without getting robbed every day I'm sure Field and the black community will blame it on whitey.

      Even though whitey isn't the one murdering clerks and robbing the stores blind I'm sure it's their fault anyways right? Probably because of a constable on the other side of the country.

  13. Anonymous11:42 PM

    "Programs of the past such as CETA have been placed out of the bag of things that are needed to uplift society. In order to give to the rich in the form of bail-outs, grants and all the other giveaways- Black faces are needed to sit in the dispensing rooms.

    We are our worst enemy. We have Blacks in positions to speak to the needs. Once they get theirs- it is only silence."

    Mr. Panther, I think what is needed is for low-income people of all races to come together out of common economic interest and demand a change of course in this country. There are a lot of people of all races who are hurting economically, not just black people.

    Poor black people think that rich white people are screwing them. They are right.

    Poor white people, unfortunately, have been taught that poor minorities are screwing them. They are NOT right. Their anger has been intentionally redirected away from the true culprits and toward scapegoats.

    Back in the day, the Black Panthers understood this, and were on the right track in trying to make inroads with struggling whites, before Hoover made it his mission to stomp the Panthers out.

    Black people rioting won't accomplish much because there aren't enough of them to avoid being suppressed with force. The day poor white white people wake up and realize they've been deceived and start rioting right along with blacks, that's the day government will be forced to listen.

  14. Anonymous12:00 AM

    Burn Black Baltimore down over Black criminal put down by a Black government.

  15. An ignorant sheriff in Florida? Now I don't believe that for one second Field.

  16. "These unrests are about poor people who feel hopeless and voiceless..."

    Nah, those are the protestors; the killing of Freddie Gray was catalyst to mobilize them.

    The rioters are kids and young adults. I'd wager that most are the ones who are or have bullied other students, intimidated school staff, and created a state of anarchy in the classrooms, hallways and cafeteria until they dropped out.

    Baltimore has only a 25% high school graduation rate, and this is due to the majority of their parents and grandparents having serious problems with illiteracy, substance abuse, and for more than a few, mental illness, HIV, incarceration, and whatever other social ills you can think of. Racism and outsourcing factory jobs compounded this.

    We're now seeing that anarchy exported from the classroom to the streets. That's the link, Field, and it does not bode well for the future of Black America.

  17. Anonymous1:09 AM

    kill whitey!!!!!

  18. Limpbaugh2:00 AM

    There is plenty of reason to riot. Militarized police who get away with killing minorities while powerful people go unpunished for lying us into wars that cause millions of deaths and untold suffering, economic inequality, a media that lies to us and promotes the wars and inequality, and politicians who serve the highest bidder. That's why I harp on 9/11. The third building to collapse was obviously a controlled demolition. The government lied about it and the media covered it up for them. That's fascism. Violence should be directed at the guilty though, not the innocent.

  19. Anonymous2:19 AM

    "The Left fosters black anger to fuel it's agenda and terrorize whites."

    No, the Right fosters everyone's anger by arranging for almost all the nation's wealth to end up in the hands of a tiny, greedy slice of the populace, leaving everyone else much poorer and more miserable than they ought to be.

    When most people's standard of living gets pushed downward, the people at the very bottom get pushed into the absolute muck. It is, unsurprisingly, those people at the bottom who are the angriest.

    Guess who those people at the bottom are? Some of them are burning Baltimore right now.

    1. Anonymous5:03 PM

      Guess who is behind the push to legalize 30 million illegals? Guess what demographic will be hit the hardest?

      Keep voting Democrat you fools.

  20. Yep. It's all racists' (read: white peoples) fault.

    Funny how it's supposedly open season on black males in America, according to what we hear when something tragic happens, yet here are thousands of black males destroying shit and assaulting people--even police--with complete impunity.

    One might think from the hyperbole of people saying things like white men are deputized against black slaves in America, that we'd see authorities, or at least everyday white citizens, attempting to reclaim the streets or snuff out the harshest elements.

    But, yeah -- I suspect now their racism is "hidden" or "coded" again. lol

    So, be Joe. 19, average job, average guy, decides to throw a bottle through a patrol car's window and then to follow an unruly group of rioters up the block to set fire to a building.


    It's not surprising at all that whenever we happen to see protests that get out of hand, whether it's these folks or spoilt-rotten white kids who need a bath at OWS, the overarching theme is that it's someone else's fault and never the fault of the people wreaking havoc.

  21. Anonymous4:28 AM

    "Funny how it's supposedly open season on black males in America, according to what we hear when something tragic happens, yet here are thousands of black males destroying shit and assaulting people--even police--with complete impunity.

    One might think from the hyperbole of people saying things like white men are deputized against black slaves in America, that we'd see authorities, or at least everyday white citizens, attempting to reclaim the streets or snuff out the harshest elements."

    Why would everyday white people "reclaim the streets," Josh? The U.S. has the largest and best-equipped military on the planet. Soldiers have already arrived in Baltimore to lock it down.

    I suspect they may be employing live ammo, not beanbag rounds. We could be seeing "open season" on black males in that city in the near future. Don't be shocked if it happens.

  22. Some great comments above. But I would like to remind folks that this is what happens when we ignore education, programs for our schools- and dysfunctional families- and put all our financial resources into things like national defense.

  23. Anonymous7:05 AM

    No Field, giving even more money to the Leftist enslavement project is not the answer. Haven't you noticed the more the Left controls things, the worse things get for the 99 percent?

  24. Dr. Ramos, PHD8:00 AM

    "Ever wonder why we have situations like we do now in the city of Baltimore?"

    Nope. Everyone knows why. Failed liberal social experiments. Black people. The Democrat party.

    field negro said... I would like to remind folks that this is what happens when we ignore education, programs for our schools- and dysfunctional families- and put all our financial resources into things like national defense.

    No one is ignoring education.

    Never before in our history have we spent more money on education and school programs.

    The root cause of dysfunctional black families is the failure of big daddy government. Jimmy Carter's polices lead to the black father in the home being replaced by government. The end result is over 70% of blacks under the age of 30 having no idea who their fathers are. Which results high rates of incest in the black community.This in turn leads to black children being born with low IQ'S and no impulse control.

    Of course the answer we get from the left is more big government. The left refuses to acknowledge their failures have lead to the racial climate of today.

    The Baltimore Mayor wanted to give space to blacks so they could destroy.

    Which they did.

    Now the left is doing everything they can to place blame everywhere else.

    The left will soon look outside and find they chickens are in they yards.

  25. "We could be seeing "open season" on black males in that city in the near future. Don't be shocked if it happens."

    Right. And it won't. 100% it won't fucking happen. And anyone honest knows it. Which then moves me to reiterate my point: For all the bellyaching about this open-season on black males being mercilessly gunned down by racist whites, thousands of blacks are running the street and are actually destroying shit, threatening peoples' safety, etc, and shot-one hasn't been fired. So, what's that about? This racism we're to believe is so rampant suddenly becomes "hidden" or "coded" every time a television camera is on?

    Piecing together shit in a logical stream to support A from B basically ends up like religious apologetics.

    "But I would like to remind folks that this is what happens when we ignore education, programs for our schools- and dysfunctional families-..."

    Field, c'mon, man.

    To the families, what the fuck happens every single time someone mentions bastard children and bad single mothers and a system that's rigged against men? You'll call the blacks uncle Toms, the whites racists, and then claim that somebody has a problem with women if they suggest girls stop having bastard babies, or if they point out the disparities in our legal system.

    To education, what the hell else do people want? A kid has to want to learn. No amount of money fixes these issues which stem from fucked up home environments. The public school system is already a bad joke. And let's be honest here: The only "fix" the majority of people want is more money dumped on top; good money on bad. Any call--and I mean any call--to hold teachers accountable or to judge them by performance is labeled as union-busting and gets the teachers' unions and their minions out in the street. Any suggestions of higher standards for inner-city children in education is called racism. Want to get the worst kids out so the rest can learn? They'll be bitching and moaning that it's "profiling" and "tracking" and that you can't do that.

    The problem isn't that the shit is being "ignored." The problem is that your ilk's idea of a "fix" is to turn on a tap of unlimited money without even beginning to address the issues at the root here. And anyone brave enough in the black community to hold people accountable for their own behavior is said to be a coon and is dismissed in favor of the number-one talking point of all time: White racism.

  26. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    No Field, giving even more money to the Leftist enslavement project is not the answer. Haven't you noticed the more the Left controls things, the worse things get for the 99 percent?

    7:05 AM
    What do you recommend, let the GOP free the slaves? Who killed Gray? Let me answer that for you: The right...the Republicans..racists who think Black lives don't matter.

  27. Dr. Ramos, PHD8:14 AM

    “The thing is, like Baltimore, like Ferguson, like New York and very many other areas where failed liberal government policies have led to high unemployment, chronic poverty, failing schools. This is what besets the Baltimore area. Ninety percent of the homicide victims in the Baltimore area are black as are ninety percent of the suspects. Thatt’s the bigger problem than Freddie Gray.”-Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke

    It always helps to read the truth. The only way change can happen is if the left admits their failures and work with Republicans to fix what the left has fucked up.

    We have to hope for change.

  28. The Fixer8:17 AM

    What do you recommend, let the GOP free the slaves? Who killed Gray? Let me answer that for you: The left...the Democrats..racists who think Black lives don't matter.

    There. Fixed it fo ya.

  29. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Blogger field negro said...
    Some great comments above. But I would like to remind folks that this is what happens when we ignore education, programs for our schools- and dysfunctional families- and put all our financial resources into things like national defense.

    6:41 AM
    Brother Field, what about just being able to do the right thing? I mean, education, programs for schools and dysfunctional families at the root of it all is a lack moral conscience.

    Isn't it about having the capacity to do the right thing? Isn't 'that' what is lost on us?

    Not only do we know what is right, we don't care. This always lead to destruction and ignorance and hopelessness.

    I notice that you completely ignore moral uprightness...why do you never ever mention anything having to do with moral conscience?

    Yes, it's true that the White Establishment(America) has no conscience, and never will have. But should 'we' follow in their evil footsteps?

    Should 'we' think like they do? Their thinking is the road to hell.

    Without some spiritual direction we are blind and doomed to self-destruction and hopelessness. And because of a lack of spiritual direction, we are headed for more pain and destruction. It won't stop as long as we ignore the Spirit, the Creator of Life.

  30. OptimusPrime8:50 AM

    My friend Josh,

    Can we separate issues? I love exploiting propositional logic.

    The same logic that suggests the rioters are criminals is, well, sort of Captain Obvious. But I like it when we apply it consistently.

    Lets use it consistently. Why is Freddie Gray, Ed Harris, Eric Garner, Walter Scott and Tamir Rice dead? The killers of the unarmed suspects are criminals.

    But too often, we will get past that logic when describing the killers, but somehow we cannot for the rioters.

    I agree that the nefarious side effect of liberal medicine is over reliance on liberal government for moral authority. Now this government shall legalize marijuana, extend gay marriage as the headline solution.

    Republicans do not have the answers either. Mass incarceration, and the scarlet letter of a Felony is flat out dumb.

    Pres O makes junior college, health care, Dream Act available. Excellent!
    Pres B increases Pell Grant, No Child Left Behind. excellent!

    I'm suggesting the problems are so complex, it takes all of us to lean forward for an excellent solution

  31. I am the J of CJ's Street Report, a Pensacola-based blog in Escambia County. I have written several articles exposing his racist mentality and outlook, including his 'Dred Scott' attitude towards the Black community, his open lying about the white supremacist housing segregation when he ran the county jail, debunking his theory of the Black "Super Predator" using data from Escambia County, and exposing the racist roots of his "Super Predator" theory. And, he is running for a third term as Sheriff and not taking one word back. You can read this at

  32. I forgot to add, his comment in which he said that today's Muslims, in America and around the world, are the new 'Nazis.'

  33. Anonymous9:12 AM

    This article says what is at the heart of the matter for so many Blacks. It truly nails it:

    "Now, tonight, I turn on the news and I see politicians calling for young people in Baltimore to remain peaceful and "nonviolent." These well-intended pleas strike me as the right answer to the wrong question. To understand the question, it's worth remembering what, specifically, happened to Freddie Gray. An officer made eye contact with Gray. Gray, for unknown reasons, ran. The officer and his colleagues then detained Gray. They found him in possession of a switchblade. They arrested him while he yelled in pain. And then, within an hour, his spine was mostly severed. A week later, he was dead. What specifically was the crime here? What particular threat did Freddie Gray pose? Why is mere eye contact and then running worthy of detention at the hands of the state? Why is Freddie Gray dead?

    The people now calling for nonviolence are not prepared to answer these questions. Many of them are charged with enforcing the very policies that led to Gray's death, and yet they can offer no rational justification for Gray's death and so they appeal for calm. But there was no official appeal for calm when Gray was being arrested. There was no appeal for calm when Jerriel Lyles was assaulted. (“The blow was so heavy. My eyes swelled up. Blood was dripping down my nose and out my eye.”) There was no claim for nonviolence on behalf of Venus Green. (“Bitch, you ain’t no better than any of the other old black bitches I have locked up.”) There was no plea for peace on behalf of Starr Brown. (“They slammed me down on my face,” Brown added, her voice cracking. “The skin was gone on my face.")

    **When nonviolence is preached as an attempt to evade the repercussions of political brutality, it betrays itself. When nonviolence begins halfway through the war with the aggressor calling time out, it exposes itself as a ruse. When nonviolence is preached by the representatives of the state, while the state doles out heaps of violence to its citizens, it reveals itself to be a con. And none of this can mean that rioting or violence is "correct" or "wise," any more than a forest fire can be "correct" or "wise." Wisdom isn't the point tonight. Disrespect is. In this case, disrespect for the hollow law and failed order that so regularly disrespects the rioters themselves."
    ---The Atlantic, Ta-Nehisi Coates

  34. Anonymous9:17 AM

    It sure enough was a huge mistake trying to blend whites and blacks in the same damn pot together. HUGE MISTAKE!!!! Ugh!!!


  35. field negro said...
    and dysfunctional families

    As someone that works with dysfunctional families, tell us how the government can force those parents to be better humans.

    I'll wait.

  36. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Bill said...

    field negro said...
    and dysfunctional families

    Bill-"As someone that works with dysfunctional families, tell us how the government can force those parents to be better humans.

    I'll wait."

    10:02 AM
    The government cannot force parents to be better human beings.

    So, what do YOU recommend? Who can 'force' them to be better humans? The police?

  37. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Some think that if America had just kept Blacks as slaves, there would be no black problem today.

    Blacks would be perfectly content living in the shacks provided by the master.

    My question to JOSH is where is God in all this? Is it moral to enslave people when the whole purpose of leaving England was to be free in the first place?


  38. field negro said...
    But I would like to remind folks that this is what happens when we ignore education, programs for our schools

    I would like to remind folks education is dumbocrat controlled.

    I would like to remind folks that dumbocrats get %100 of teacher union political donations from teachers that insist they are underpaid.

    I would like to remind folks that Blacks already vote overwhelmingly for dumbocrats.

    With dumbocrats getting all the teacher $ and the black votes, remind me, why do dumbocrats need to fix education for Black children that isn't broken for dumbocrat politicians.

  39. OptimusPrime11:00 AM

    Anon 9:12am did an excellent job!

    We can all agree there is a serious crime being perpetrated by the police in Baltimore.

  40. SFNorCal12:04 PM

    Blacks are too accepting of mediocrity.

  41. SFNorCal12:46 PM

    I'm so glad I don't live in a place like Baltimore. You would never see blacks behave like that in the Bay Area (maybe Oakland though). Blacks know better here.

  42. Anonymous1:32 PM

    "Some great comments above. But I would like to remind folks that this is what happens when we ignore education, programs for our schools- and dysfunctional families- and put all our financial resources into things like national defense."

    Field, I think all left-leaning people need to think beyond education. Yes, funding and implementing good education for everyone is essential, but it is not as big a game-changer as everyone is making it out to be.

    To really rectify our countries inequality, we need to tackle something that Democrats have been cowering away from for decades: LABOR.

    The average worker, not just the college-educated one, needs to have his wages raised. Upper management and shareholders need to have their incomes reduced.

    This can only happen through renouncing the terms of unconditional free trade that allows so much outsourcing of jobs. Labor unions need to be strengthened. The minimum wage needs to be raised. All workers below the level of executive need to be classified as non-exempt so that they receive paid overtime. Companies need to be banned from abusing temp worker services. Companies that depend on exploiting illegal immigrants need to be fined out of existence (and our existing population of illegal residents need to be given permanent residency and start working toward citizenship).

    We won't have a functional, fair economy until every employer is forced to offer a living wage to all full-time employees. No one who works full time should have to depend on food stamps or housing assistance. (The Right in this country are blissfully ignorant of how their tax money is going to rich people's profits by subsidizing their payrolls. When the Left talk about wealth being transferred upwards in this country, they mean it literally. Government robs the middle-class to give to the rich.)

    Our entire economy needs brutal restructuring. The "Reagan Revolution" needs to be revoked. The verdict is in: it was an abject failure.

  43. Field, I thought you were kidding when you said one of your pleasures in life was reading the comments section.

    Most of these are pretty decent.

    The readers who think Democrat and Republican are real distinctions need to study who backs candidates. They're almost all puppets with the same puppetmasters.

    Citizens who are on the short end of the stick and have suffered all their lives know the system is against them, and it's worse than ever for the working class now that even the middle class is getting squeezed.

    This guy is truly eloquent:

  44. Let's see

    Black mayor.

    Majority black city council.

    Police force ran by Democrats and half the force is non-white.

    What's the problem libs?

    Baltimore represents everything Democrats tell us blacks need in order to thrive in America.

    Yet few blacks are thriving in Baltimore.

    Just more reasons to stay on the Democrat plantation and vote Democrat 90% of the time.

    If blacks won't help themselves and vote to improve their lives, why should anyone non-black care?

  45. Let's see

    Black mayor.

    Majority black city council.

    Police force ran by Democrats and half the force is non-white.

    What's the problem libs?

    Baltimore represents everything Democrats tell us blacks need in order to thrive in America.

    Yet few blacks are thriving in Baltimore.

    Just more reasons to stay on the Democrat plantation and vote Democrat 90% of the time.

    If blacks won't help themselves and vote to improve their lives, why should anyone non-black care?

  46. Anonymous3:31 PM





  47. Anonymous3:53 PM

    It appears these riots are all about alcohol, drugs and ethnic hair products, nothing else. Under cover of a riot, opportunists raid and then burn down local liquor and drug stores.

    I think the only peaceful solution will be for the Federal Government to begin regular distribution of drugs, alcohol, blonde wigs, and hair extensions to these communities. Hopefully, the National Guard has already started to hand out these rations along with free cell phones, KFC meals and some bling.

  48. Anon...Super,lol,lol I am a colored/negro/Black /AA activist..Sometimes we need the humor!!!!

  49. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Look at that, Black man blames White people for his race's problems. Who could have seen that coming.

  50. Let's see, Republican governor, two republican US senators, both state houses dominated by Republicans everything conservatives tell us we need for success but Mississippi is last or close to last in every metric including poverty and education. Why should any of us care about poor whites if they don't care about themselves. Stuck on the Republican plantation. Funny that.

    1. Anonymous11:38 AM

      Mississippi has the highest percentage black population in the country.

      That's why, dumbass.

  51. "Republicans do not have the answers either."

    Of course they don't. They're backwards religious loons who think a monument of the Ten Commandments out on the courthouse lawn will save us all, and that discriminating against homosexuals is their primary mission on this globe. Throw in the fact that they only care about anyone with money enough to fill their election coffers, and you have white-collar criminals whose criminality will never be punished because they're part of the ruling class that sets the rules.

    Why do you present that line to me as if I'm saying Republicans are any better? Any person here who's honest and doesn't simply try to troll me with accusations of racism knows that I'm not the least bit political, in that I don't choose a side. I'm much more a libertarian-minded person, and I want government to shrink down completely to the bare fucking essentials. Party politics gives me a headache at best.

    Neither party has the answers. While I'm looking directly at Pilot's comment bitching about poor white people in Mississippi voting against their own interests, how the fuck is it any better at all in the poorest parts of MD or IL or CA or elsewhere, where it's all Democrats and has been all Democrats for decades? Two sides of the same coin. The only difference I see between the Rs and Ds at all is that the Rs rely on their rich friends electing them, whereas the Ds run a ponzi scheme of so-called "social investment" by buying votes from the public at large. Other than that, they're fucking twins.

    As to the police being criminals, I fully agree in many instances and that record exists on this blog ad nauseum. However, because I don't hold Michael Brown up to be a victim, people ignore all the many fucking times I call the police murderers, and instead focus on the one time I don't.

    So, if the crux of your comment was to school me on something, I don't think I hold the views you're attempting to fight against.

  52. Manifest Density6:08 PM

    "The greater danger from addressing injustice lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark."

  53. Anonymous7:25 PM

    PART 1

    "When sh*t hit the fan, is you still a fan?" -- Kendrick Lamar

    On the most talked about track ("Mortal Man") on the most talked about album (To Pimp a Butterfly) of the year, Kendrick Lamar engages in a fictional interview with the late Tupac Shakur. Near interview's end, Lamar inquires of Shakur, "I can truly tell you that there's nothing but turmoil going on, so I wanted to ask you what you think is the future for me and my generation today?" In words recorded two decades before, Shakur states, "I think that n***** is tired of grabbing sh*t out the stores and next time it's a riot there's gonna be...bloodshed for real. I don't think America know that...It's gonna be like Nat Turner, 1831."

    As violent protests now rage in the City of Baltimore in response to the horrific death of 25-year-old Freddie Gray, a Black man whose spine was severed 80 percent at his neck while in the custody of Baltimore police, Shakur's words prove prophetic. In the wake of a multitude of horrific Black deaths at the hands of police officers across the country, there is a sense of a generation that has grown weary of these atrocities, and, as such, has also grown weary of the suggestion of peaceful protest as a means of bringing these brutalities to an end.

    Interestingly enough, Shakur's prophetic words find their historical compliment in the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. In March 1968, a month prior to his assassination, Dr. King boldly stated, "It is not enough for me to stand before you tonight and condemn riots. It would be morally irresponsible for me to do that without, at the same time, condemning the contingent, intolerable conditions that exist in our society. These conditions are the things that cause individuals to feel that they have no other alternative than to engage in violent rebellions to get attention. And I must say tonight that a riot is the language of the unheard.""

  54. Anonymous7:30 PM

    PART 2

    "It would be the grossest of errors to look upon the uprisings in Baltimore solely in the context of Baltimore. What has occurred there is but the next chapter in a centuries-old American narrative in which unarmed Black women and men are killed in the custody of police officers. Yet, while this narrative is generations old, the advent of new technologies and social media platforms has not only magnified the pains suffered, but it has ensured that evidence of the same go farther, wider, and faster than ever before.

    Multitudes have protested peacefully in Baltimore and around the nation. Yet, a question now arises as to what should be done in response to the violent protests presently unfolding on the streets. Both King and Shakur, themselves young Black men who were victims of horrific acts of violence, would caution America to respond responsibly. For only to address the violence of a minority of protesters and not the systemic violence that has set the stage for their responses would be to reveal historical ineptness.

    Recently, I was invited to make a presentation at a national conference for large churches in a major U.S. denomination. In my presentation, I provided instructions for how churches could involve their members in social action initiatives. About halfway through the presentation, a woman was clearly perturbed by my verbal challenge for all churches to do more to fight for justice in the communities that surround them than to exclusively engage in mission trips abroad. In her frustration, she stated, "I would rather help people who are not responsible for their suffering than those who are."

    This woman's misguided statement revealed the faulty lens through which many persons look at Baltimore, Ferguson, Staten Island and far too many other communities to name. These persons, rather than hearing the voices of a people long suffering under intolerable conditions, conditions that have claimed the lives of Freddie Gray, and countless others, have exclusively attributed the causation of the people's pain to the people themselves. Hence, the blood on the hands of a nation is washed away.

    Mortals are defined by limitations. Baltimore is but a sign of a people who can take no more. While we may not agree with the response, we cannot overlook the cause of the response. Just as Lamar listened to frustrations rendered a generation ago, it is time for us all to listen, anew.

    At the conclusion of "Mortal Man," Lamar poses one final question to Shakur. Speaking in metaphor concerning the butterfly and the caterpillar, Lamar notes "Wings begin to emerge, breaking the cycle of feeling stagnant. Finally free, the butterfly sheds light on situations that the caterpillar never considered, ending the internal struggle." To all of this, Lamar asks, "What's your perspective on that?" The song concludes as Lamar seeks an answer, yet Shakur offers no response.

    It is suggested that at song's conclusion, Lamar provided an insight void in Shakur's initial articulations: a way to change the world without also destroying the world in the process. Indeed, the violent protests in Baltimore should end for the violence will not bring about the ends needed within the community. As King also stated, "Violence as a way of achieving racial justice is both impractical and immoral... because it is a descending spiral ending in destruction for all. The old law of an eye for an eye leaves everybody blind." However, our nation must actively listen to what these actions are speaking to us. Then, and only then, will we be able to shift the conversation and offer opportunities to secure the changes we seek and so desperately need.

    I am not a fan of violence, but I am a fan of the people being heard. Now that it has hit the fan, I pray that we open our ears to hear the cries of a people far too long trampled upon, a people who can take no more."

    ----Michael W. Waters, "Mortal Men and the City of Baltimore" Huffington Post,

  55. Burn-baby-Burn8:19 PM

    "I would rather help people who are not responsible for their suffering than those who are."


    Nobody forces their legs open and makes them breed hood rats they can't afford or manage.

    Amazing how Democrats are all about regulating everything under the sun except for the urge to rut like animals by those who are least equipped to deal with the fruits of their "labors".

    My give-a-damn regarding the "plight" of the permanent urban criminal underclass is broken.

    Life for blacks in America is far superior to any existence experienced by people of color anywhere else not in the Western world.

    Like many others, sooo over it.
    The lies. The excuses. The animalistic behavior.

  56. Anonymous9:59 PM

    "Amazing how Democrats are all about regulating everything under the sun except for the urge to rut like animals by those who are least equipped to deal with the fruits of their "labors"."

    Interesting thoughts Mr. Hitler.

  57. "While I'm looking directly at Pilot's comment bitching about poor white people in Mississippi voting against their own interests, how the fuck is it any better at all in the poorest parts of MD or IL or CA or elsewhere, where it's all Democrats and has been all Democrats for decades?"

    Making an observation isn't bitching Josh. Stop being such a dick.

  58. Well, at least you didn't stoop back to your anon with disgusting comments.

    I guess even the highest horse needs a Pilot.

  59. Just keep my name off your posts. No need for us to communicate.

  60. "Just keep my name off your posts."

    If only that was a request folks on this blog respected...

  61. Anonymous6:26 PM

    "Mississippi has the highest percentage black population in the country."

    And a large population of dumb whites who keep voting Republican. What's the excuse for West Virginia with a 97% white population? Maybe dumbasses like yourself?

  62. Anonymous6:45 PM

    The majestic, legendary Nina Simone did not write "Baltimore", Randy Newman did. Her moving, brilliant, humane, rendition of his lyrics gives one cause for something that once resembled hope.

  63. i saw that interview with the sheriff. yes, it was bizarre indeed.

    i walked away having lost a few brain cells for watching it. then i remembered, how much i pity them because they have to LIVE it.

