Friday, April 17, 2015

This reverend ruffled some feathers.

Image result for mlk imagesThe Field Negro education series continues.

"The 47th anniversary of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination should inspire us all to reimagine this political revolutionary’s final act as a statesman and civil rights leader.
In the afterglow of the March on Washington and the Selma-to-Montgomery march, King became a pillar of fire, rejecting the course of political moderation and social reform that had made him palatable to white leaders and a hero to African Americans.
King’s final years found him linking the struggle for racial justice to a wider crusade to end war and poverty. Tellingly, his comprehensive approach, which focused on changing America’s foreign and domestic policies as well as hearts and minds, found him under attack by critics who claimed that he was in over his head on the subject of Vietnam and foolish to break with former ally President Lyndon B. Johnson.
The radical King formed an anti-war political alliance with black power leader Stokely Carmichael. On April 15, 1967, in New York City, King and Carmichael headlined the largest anti-war rally in American history to that date, placing two of the era’s leading black political activists at the forefront of a still-unpopular anti-war movement.

King had also publicly repudiated the war in Vietnam exactly one year to the day before his death in a speech at Riverside Church in New York City. His speech, “Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break the Silence,” announced his formal break with both the Johnson Administration (he would never visit the White House again) and political moderation.

Journalists and newspapers immediately attacked King for going beyond his civil rights portfolio into the world of foreign policy and international politics. Many publicly denounced him for having irrevocably damaged the black freedom struggle by linking it to the Vietnam War. King’s public approval ratings dropped precipitously among whites and blacks for his uncompromising stance.
His final speech, in Memphis, Tenn., where he aided 1,000 striking black sanitation workers, concluded with biblical references to having seen the “promised land,” and is noteworthy for its rhetorical and political combativeness.

In words that would not sound out of place at contemporary protests, King asserted that “the greatness of America is the right to protest for right.

King’s political evolution remains unacknowledged by most of the American public, leading to the irony of critics of the #BlackLivesMatter movement asserting that contemporary protesters would do well to follow in the footsteps of King and other heroes of the civil rights era. Missing from such criticism is the reality of the later King, the prophet who, after being recognized in his own lifetime, was thoroughly disregarded by past allies, politicians and the public for speaking truth to power in a manner that made the entire nation uncomfortable.

At the end of his life, King asserted that racism, militarism and materialism represented the greatest threats to humanity that the world had ever seen. History has proved King’s words to be prophetic." [Read more]


  1. Anonymous12:08 AM

    MLK had no business getting into politics and the Vietnam War. I don't know what he was thinking but I think he should have stuck with the blatant racism from Jim Crow laws that was all over America.

    King diluted our effort by taking on the Vietnam War and going against the Johnson Administration who stood with the black cause.

    I think in the end, King was going off the deep end. Nevertheless, he was a great man with tremendous courage.

    Today, we are still a racist country at war and probably will be engaged in another war.

  2. Anonymous12:40 AM

    At least he tried to love ...

    I can respect that...

  3. "At the end of his life, King asserted that racism, militarism and materialism represented the greatest threats to humanity that the world had ever seen. History has proved King’s words to be prophetic"

    Racism, militarism and materialism have driven the greatest achievements of humanity that the world has ever seen. History has proved that abandoning these rational precepts for mush-headed radical equalitarianism has been a disaster for Western Civilization.

    Reality will reassert itself, one way or the other.


  4. Affleck demanded PBS program hide his slave-owning ancestor

    Bad Decision, Weak Response

    Henry Louis Gates Jr wanted to help hide that a very rich white dumbocrat had ancestors that were slave owners.

    I remember the old days that Obama held Henry Louis Gates Jr to a high standard, not as someone that would sell out and hide slave owners to appease his rich white dumbocrat friends.

  5. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Bill said, "I remember the old days that Obama held Henry Louis Gates Jr to a high standard, not as someone that would sell out and hide slave owners to appease his rich white dumbocrat friends."

    10:34 AM

    Bill, thank you for the info re: Henry Louis Gates. It doesn't surprise me that he would try to hide slave owning ancestry of some Whites.

    After all, he is married to a ww. Any bm married to a ww is bound to be a sell-out. I don't know of ONE bm who is married to ww who is not.

    As far as Obama holding Gates Jr to a high standard, he did try.

    Unfortunately, White America wasn't in the mood(as always) for a 'teachable moment' re: police attitudes and abusive treatments toward Blacks.

    So, here we are today with more police abuse and racist attitudes toward Blacks....a traumatic and painful ordeal for Blacks.

    This has nothing to do with Democrats or Republicans. It has to do with unfairness, indignity and the injustice of black people.

    It is frustrating that Whites such as yourself cannot relate to that. But then again, you have proven that you don't care. I understand...why should a wm like you even care?

  6. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Bill said: "I remember the old days that Obama held Henry Louis Gates Jr to a high standard, not as someone that would sell out and hide slave owners to appease his rich white dumbocrat friends."

    I'm African American and damn Bill, that's the most truthful statement you made in about two years. I agree, Gates is an SELLOUT!

  7. Great post Field. We have to oppose the linking of economic allies by any means necessary. Imagine poor folks of all stripes demanding justice. Can't have that.

    On another note just left the Negro League/American Jazz museums. I highly recommend both. The comments by white patrons alone make the entrance fee worth it. The wife and I will probably drive through Ferguson on the way home. Where is the caption this for today? I look forward to it even though I never win.

  8. Anonymous6:34 PM

    PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...

    The wife and I will probably drive through Ferguson on the way home. Where is the caption this for today? I look forward to it even though I never win.

    5:32 PM
    OMG! Pleeeeezeee Pilot,pleeeze, if and when u drive thru Ferguson,(and u really shouldn't anyway)pleeeeeze just be extra careful!

    Is there any way u can drive with your feet and just keep your hands up at all times,pleeeez, oh wait, u might/prolly, will get stopped for that too!

    Okay, just go reeeeaaalll slowww, and um...ummm... I' just scared, really scared... please be careful and if by anycahnce they shoyuld stop you just throw yourself on the ground immediately, the wife too,and cry or something just,look, just don't get stopped allright!!!
    Just don't!!!

    Because we need you here, and the Saturday caption this pic is like the Lotto, you gotta enter to win!

    Lemme tell you, I'm thinking just for the fact that you drove through Fire-guson and come out on the other side, Field should make you a winner!!!

  9. speaking of militarism...

    overlook the one commenter that clearly missed the looong line of white men that laid the ground work for this unfolding in Real time prophecy. he seems rather fixated on making ALL of this the handiwork of one man.

    Affleck, with Gates' assistance is doing what some whites feel compelled to do. lie and hide. bless his little heart. how else would anyone today straight face say that they did not enslave anyone nor benefit from slavery? gotta run from and hide the history to make such claims.

    the sins of our forefathers...

    affect us all.

    there will be NO reparations in keeping with what is written in Scriptures. Yah Almighty will shut this madness down, as indicated in Obadiah, Micah, the Lamentations of Jeremiah, and other books of the prophets.

    the lands that america likes to invade and have troops on american soil. 'cause of course the american military can only be counted on to take out Black/Brown folk. it is time for ALL to get some in higher levels, so gotta look to other nations for that. the brutal american police will shoot to kill Blacks/Browns in larger numbers. while shooting to wound whites. folk from elsewhere won't have such issues. they just hate americans, with Good reason, in general.

    chickens coming home to roost, as Minister Malcolm X would say...


    and most americans are too dumb'd down to notice as they now come out in plain sight.

    in Messiah's Name, i pray those that don't know Him...

    get to know Him.

    for those of US that do know Him, i pray we will get + stay Right.

    this is my prayer for all nations, tribes, colors and tongues. Yah doesn't care about any of that and i don't either. i am with Him and want what He wants for humanity.

    Shabbat Shalom and Blessings all!

  10. Bill, did your peeps own slaves?


  11. field negro said...
    Bill, did your peeps own slaves?

    Not my parents and grandmother, that's all I can vouch for.

  12. @FN-

    one cannot "own" another human being. even our children-we don't "own"...

    one can only enslave another human being. "own"...never.

    though we are taught the lie of human ownership. it is designed to keep our minds on lock down.


  13. Slave owner2:15 AM

    Don't tell it to Field,tell it to the slave owners

  14. @2:15am-


    KJV Genesis 15:13-14

    13 And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years;

    14 And also that nation, whom they shall serve, will I judge: and afterward shall they come out with great substance.


    fyi: "great substance" that is our stuff. so no reparations = just fine:)

    and for the Gentiles that know they are Gentiles...

    who are scapegoats for the Gentiles that seem not to know they are Gentiles, who also cornered the slave trade. the dirty little secret they want kept hidden, or made up/has nothing to do with Scriptures name calling ensues..

    so that you are clear, regarding what we see unfolding in this "Christian" nation:



    KJV Acts 7: 6-7

    6 And Yah spake on this wise, That his seed should sojourn in a strange land; and that they should bring them into bondage, and entreat them evil four hundred years.

    7 And the nation to whom they shall be in bondage will I judge, said Yah: and after that shall they come forth, and serve me in this place.


    from Dr. King to others not so well known to the masses...

    some of US are here on divine assignment, sent to Stand and Speak, come what may.

    that you might Understand, Anon 2:15am...


    KJV Genesis 49:8-10

    8 Yahudah/Judah, thou art whom thy brethren shall praise: thy hand shall be in the neck of thine enemies; thy father’s children shall bow down before thee.

    9 Yahudah/Judah is a lion’s whelp: from the prey, my son, thou art gone up: stooped down, he couched as a lion, and as an old lion; who shall rouse him up?

    10 The scepter shall not depart from Yahudah/Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be.


    so once again, no one can "own" another human being; putting all silliness aside.

    THIS is why it was/is important to declare Blessed Blacks 3/5 human-in language (days of old) and deeds (today)...

    i merely suggest that Blessed Blacks stop adopting the language of deceived by the defeated devil oppressors/used of Yah for Good ultimately (He has the FIRST and FINAL Word)...

    on purpose.

    hope that helps your Understanding, my friend.

    Blessings all!

  15. Don't worry Desert, I spent time in the STL area, I know how to vibe. Check out the movie "Fear of a Black Hat" when the pulled Ice Cold over. That's how I roll.


  16. field negro said...
    Ok Bill. *side eye*

    Not much extended family in my family.

    The question is, would Henry Louis Gates Jr hide the slave ownership of non-rich-white dumbocrats?

  17. Anonymous11:11 AM

    @ Pilot: Cant find the particular clip but the movie looks good. So I'ma try to watch it at some point :)

  18. Bill, let me answer that for you: Yes he would.
