Saturday, May 02, 2015


Mom Calls Police on 'Disrespectful' 10-Year-Old

I need  caption for this pic.


  1. Anonymous11:52 PM

    Cop: Hehehe...We start capturing them young these days.

    Seriously though, is that legal what this cop did? To arrest a child???


  2. Anonymous11:59 PM

    and I'll add that I think that woman is nuts! Is that the new parenting? Because a child is acting up in class, you don't find out what is wrong with him, what is bothering him, no, you call the cops to arrest him?

    I mean...0-0

  3. Anonymous12:02 AM

    and of course the copper is only too happy to oblige, oh yes!!!

    The cop is a SOB, but the mother is a bigger one!!! Poor kid! Cards are stacked against him!

  4. I See What I See1:30 AM

    I didn't be's doing nuthin. I'm on de honor rolls. I aint DUMMMER. I gots my spel chechckerrr from de last phone I stole.

  5. Lt. Commander Johnson1:39 AM

    You think if that fat-assed cop let that kid run, he could ever capture him again?

    He should have called for back-up. The boy is lucky he wasn't tazed or shot.

  6. Anonymous2:31 AM

    America's Most Wanted: Playground Edition

  7. Lt. Commander Johnson2:48 AM

    Well. Let's believe that picture you posted to be the REAL STORY.

    Perhaps you may have an ulterior motive?

    Uh, huh. Slimy-assed lawyers.

  8. "I don't want a 'Rough Ride,' Mr. Policeman... I will be good..."

    However, here's the conversation we should be having:

    A poignant story of the mom, teacher and police officer - all authority figures - working together to save this child.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Brave police officer risks life subduing violent thug

  11. Wesley R8:56 AM

    USA Men's 4x100 finally got the monkey off their backs and beat Jamaica. That'll make the race at the World Championships even better even when Blake comes back.

  12. Virginia9:04 AM

    Why is Mr. cop holding the kid's arms up so high? :(

  13. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Have you seen Freddy Gray's rap sheet? He was a drug dealer.

    So blacks are going to destroy Baltimore over this thug? Yes, he was a thug. Look it up. The black race today is a thug race. Or so it appears to me.

  14. 1619-201910:29 AM

    America's answer to absentee fathers.

  15. Cob arrested in Baltimore murder enquiry had serious mental health issues and has twice been accused of domestic violence.


  16. Cop to kid...

    "It's all your fault CJ Pearson. You should have known better."

  17. Limpbaugh1:21 PM

    Next time I catch you running at eight thirty in the morning I'll shoot ya.

  18. Faith and Fairness-

    thanks for the clarifying link.

    seems that women who fell for the "don't need a man" foolishness are learning the hard way:(

    unless this woman is divorced with the three children she and her husband had. even then, she should have called dad to put the fear of Yah in this boy who is feeling himself early. 10. used to be about 13 before they started the smart talk and refusal to act like what momma/womenfolk in general said meant something.

    the fathers who won't father have their own children's blood on their hands. anyone that suggests it, gets ridiculed. even children with present fathers do the dumbest things. absent/mia fathers...these children terrorize whole neighborhoods. not popular to say, but it is Truth.

    been having a conversation with folk that REALLY can't see how it might not be smart to walk up on armed to the nines cops with a f the police shirt on.

    these sharp ones are SHOCKED homeboy ended up maced, manhandled and subdued.

    now somebody's daddy could've told 'em...

    just like back in the day.

    it is not about the emerging police state, cops nor racism...

    it is about US.


    2 Chronicles 7:14

    14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

  19. "Have you seen Freddy Gray's rap sheet? He was a drug dealer.

    So blacks are going to destroy Baltimore over this thug? Yes, he was a thug. Look it up. The black race today is a thug race. Or so it appears to me.

    9:58 AM"


    outside of running from cops he did nothing the day all of this jumped off. that we know of. the issue is the thug cops that drove that man the looooog way to the precinct. ensuring his death along the way.

    even hard core criminals have a right to due process.

    to your point: yes. when BM are known for doing the darndest things folk will STILL stand up for them.

    meanwhile back at the ranch, there was a sister just shot to death by two Black cops.

    not a sound.


    folk can figure out she did not need to be blasting on the cops. this same logic does NOT apply to the menfolk. they are to be protected no matter what.

    this is how for can go twitter crazy at the suggestion that homeboy with the f the police tee, rushing the police line (where folk are armed, mind you) might end up on the receiving end of brutality. folk just can't connect those simple dots when the subject = Black man.

    it is wild, really.

    the emerging police state in plain sight is getting distracted from by this silliness. where folk think they 'bout to roll up on the police acting dumb with no consequences. IF they had this lady for a momma, they would've learned at 10.

  20. correction: this is how folk...

  21. You have to admire the chutzpah of American conservatives who cheer on the incarceration of 2.2 million of its citizens and then complain that there are too many single-parent families.

  22. yes, TPC. that is PRECISELY where all the mia fathers are...

    in jail.

    for no reason..

    they are not being off'd by other Black men.

    they are not just off somewhere making more babies, they don't intend to father. and when folk see this is the case, the conversation shifts to why 17-40 different women would allow themselves to be impregnated..

    let's keep pointing at white folk. THIS will fix it...

  23. ps. it is looking like the cop that killed Gray was a black one.

    now what?

    folk ready to discuss Black on Black crime, yet?

    or no?

    two Black cops just shot to death a cuffed and in police cruiser BW...

    do we only care about police brutality when the cops are white and the brutalized BM?

    if so...

    i cannot afford to care anymore.

    i am not a sheeple and see clearly the emergence of the police state + the reckless role the BM chosen as the face of the protests play. it is all a dumb set up. Black folk need to wake up. and stop acting like dumb children. this is why Baltimore is being forced to go to bed at 9pm/curfew. acting like dumb children has always gotten folk sent to bed early...

    not to mention it turns off folk that truly want to support the cause. peep the fbi records/stats and see that Black White and Brown americans are being brutalized by thug cops...

  24. Anonymous4:03 PM

    As this is written, Baltimore is having a "celebration" of Freddy Gray's life.

    How do you celebrate the life of a drug dealer/thug? And why would SANE people do this?

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Tough love for the thug life?4:38 PM

    "Why is Mr. cop holding the kid's arms up so high? :("

    Don't you know? Ten-year-olds are super dangerous! You can never be too careful. (/sarcasm)

    A more disturbing picture of the kid being "busted":

    Please note that the arrest was staged; no crime had been committed by the kid. The mom just had an ill-advised idea that a pretend visit from the cops would teach him not to misbehave in school.

    I'd say that this is about the right time for the mom to get a real visit from DCFS. Maybe the solution for this kid's future is for him to have better parents.

  27. @4:38pm- parentS being plural...

  28. Don't worry, kid. We never kill y'all on the first arrest...

  29. Lt. Commander Johnson9:51 PM

    First thing I'm gonna do, is take you to your Baby Daddy. Whoever the hell it was. Get yo momma off the crack pipe, chillren services is in yo future.

    We have DNA, know whut I mean?

  30. The pleasure is all mine, FP: Not to mention, your insight is greatly appreciated.

    Would like to add there are programs across the nation focusing on the welfare and empowerment of blessed people of color - women, men and youth. And it's sad these noble efforts often do not receive attention because the conversation mostly centers on the thugs, hoes and welfare moms devoid of proper context.

    I was curious about the Georgia mom, coming across this additional update in the Grio...

    Just like the Baltimore mom, the plight of parents walking the distance to ensure their children understand the importance of personal responsibility speaks volumes.

    While countless studies support the benefits of two-parent families, the other reality is that even children growing up with both parents have endured their share of crime, mental disabilities and other social illneses.

  31. Anonymous6:30 AM

    "two Black cops just shot to death a cuffed and in police cruiser BW..."

    But the BW allegedly shot at the cops first. So now BW get a pass to shoot at police?

  32. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Look at the comments posted by cretin Josh, .. sigh!

  33. "Look at the comments posted by cretin Josh, .. sigh!"

    lol So, I guess even captions for photos must meet your apparently high and obviously arbitrary standards of PC?

    Good to know. Someone else for me to intentionally shit on. Anon #49,840. Thanks.

  34. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Caption "I wish I had a dad"
