Saturday, May 09, 2015

Caption Saturday.

I need a caption for this pic.

Example: Maybe if you played a different song I can pick up the beat. 


  1. Hard to top your own caption, Field!

    BTW, you should read this:

  2. Bill T.1:24 PM

    Sorry,but I can't get jiggy to Hava Nagila.

  3. Limpbaugh1:43 PM

    "Bumpin' Tupac. Yeah!"

  4. Careful! Don't step in the dog shit...

    -Doug in Oakland

  5. If I were a rich man
    Ya ha deedle deedle
    Bubba bubba deedle deedle dum

  6. Anonymous2:43 PM

    "I gots the herpes, Rabbi!"

  7. Anonymous2:45 PM

    "Is it too late to circumcise this thing?"

  8. Soul Train line coming to an intersection near you.

  9. 1619-20195:49 PM

    Who is the true Hebrew?

  10. 1619-20196:00 PM

    Semite doin' alright!

  11. 1619-20196:41 PM

    Abraham and Broham don't give a damn, stop and start to jam.

  12. Lord have mercy! Y'all have some serious caption skills:)

  13. thejewsareblack8:35 PM

    i just hope he dosen't find out i took his culture, and playing the jew now since he don't know who he is..

  14. Anonymous9:46 PM

    Rabbi, there's a shellfish caught up my pork monkey! Help!

  15. 1619-20199:58 PM

    Wave your yadayim in the air and wave them like you just don't care!

  16. 1619-201910:20 PM

    "I just saved 15% on my car insurance!"

  17. 1619-201910:24 PM

    "You're in good hands with Occupied State"

  18. Wesley R10:33 PM

    Asafa Powell, 9.84 today! What!!!

  19. Anonymous10:34 PM

    "Bill T. said...

    Sorry,but I can't get jiggy to Hava Nagila."

    Of course he can, silly.

  20. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Black guy: Six cops just got indicted! Woohoo!

    Jewish guy: Those six cops are my clients! Billable hours, baby! L'chaim!

    (Sorry, I stereotyped. Couldn't be helped.)

  21. Anonymous11:01 PM

    Magic Johnson finally got his doctorate today at Xavier! He did it in less time than anyone on FN! Let's party!

  22. Whoooooooooo-hooooooooo Majic is more educated than the resident idiot stalker!!!

  23. Anonymous11:53 PM

    Blogger Yīshēng said...
    Whoooooooooo-hooooooooo Majic is more educated than the resident idiot stalker!!!

    11:47 PM
    That be you, Yisheng. Even Magic can get a degree that after many years, you haven't been able to get. You are the idiot! whooo-hooo. LOL

  24. Anonymous12:24 AM

    ^^^ of course the difference is that I'll have EARNED MY Dr. title and YOU'LL still be an uneducated stalking HEFFA desperately trying to stay latched to the crack of my a$$.



  25. How many shades of jealous green are you Beadie-bee??

  26. an appropriate title for this pic:

    IF only the Real Hebrew KNEW what was written...

    claiming Ancient inheritance would be MUCH more favorable to dancing in the streets, with those that profit mightily from the ongoing suffering and fleecing of the Real Hebrews, as written of in Torah.

  27. ^^^^So glad you're using your "other" username.

    PS - a Whuteemoo wouldn't mention jack about someone like Majic.


  28. Anonymous 1619-2019 said...

    Who is the true Hebrew?

    5:49 PM


    Anonymous thejewsareblack said...

    i just hope he dosen't find out i took his culture, and playing the jew now since he don't know who he is..

    8:35 PM


    Good to see there are a few awake souls over here.

    the usual suspects are doing what they do. lol.


    KJV Genesis 15:13-14

    13 And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years;

    14 And also that nation, whom they shall serve, will I judge; and afterward shall they come out with great substance.


    in that image, one hails from the group that CORNERED/profited mightily from the slave trade.

    a dirty little secret that most are too afraid to tell.

    though these same ones like to point their finger of blame at the Gentiles that know they are Gentiles. those who are not Hebrew speaking Gentiles.

    the other in that pic...fits the description in Torah of the seed of Abraham. fits to a tee the curses for disobedience in KJV Deuteronomy 28 and Leviticus 26.

    what the enemy meant for bad, Yah turns to our Good. always. it through the 400 years of slavery that folk will know who we are...

    if only WE knew this and would turn to Him/His Word in Obedience. THIS is the game changer. it is ok...

    like wild dogs the enemy we seek to please/worship is allowed to attack US. so i can't get too worked up when i see prophecy unfold. it is clearly written that since we won't bow down to Yah. He will allow US to be bowed down to those that hate US.

    killer cops= but one stop on the curse for disobedience express.

    you know, Edom has a nasty little habit of pretending to be other people, throughout history. this and whitening/re-writing history. which is simply an agreed upon pack of lies. those that Love lies tend to suffer from a strong it is written.

    Edomites get close, learn customs/traditions, intermarry and steal folks' identity. before/while working to destroy the same unwitting host nation.

    THIS is why those that say they are Hebrew but are not...

    are cast out of all host nations globally.

    those that know they are Gentiles, are blood lusting and like to kill for sport. literally. people, animals, if it can bleed it is game.

    this is not ALL, but those that sit at the top for certain. wickedness in high places all day.

    it boggles the mind that history is so full and clear to this effect, yet...

    these same ones pretend to be the face of civilization among the nations.

    the United States will learn about the Edomites that pretend they are Hebrew but are not. this nation long scheduled for judgment is poised to get this little nugget of historical Truth the very hard way, it seems...

    Jade 15 in 40 states...

    in this land of the free.

    home of the brave.

    land of indigenous holocaust.

    land of the 3/5 human, seed of Abram/Abraham Real Hebrew slave...

    may ALL nations wake up, in Messiah Yahushua Mighty Name!

    (Messiah known as unlawfully long haired, white/edomite, Jesus Christ around the world. Which He never could have been.)

    Shabbat Shalom

  29. @mpd 12:39 AM-

    just because you have multiple personalities and the propensity to project, does NOT mean that ALL suffer accordingly.

    cracking on you is a hobby i indulge from time to time.

    it is NOT on my agenda regularly nor today.

    those are the contributions of other souls that

    trust, believe and bank on the fact that there is NOTHING going on that would mandate me to go Anon to speak on it.

    i am WELL aware that when i step up to speak here:

    i am in the land of The Fed Negro:)

    now, if it is all the same to you...

    maybe you could go do something else beside see me where i am not and beg for my attention.

    you got your allotment a few threads back. now...


    no time to bicker with chickens.

    get it?

    maybe someone could put this on a lesson plan and give you some credits to expedite you to your objectives...



  32. Ok, 1619 @10:24 PM....,still laughing


  33. Gotta love how the left needs to lie to make their point.

    Texas high school with chlamydia outbreak has abstinence-only sex ed

    Chlamydia Outbreak Hits Texas High School With Abstinence-Only Sex-Ed Program

    Chlamydia Outbreak Hits Texas High School With No Sex Ed

    One in 15 Students at a West Texas High School Has Chlamydia

    An 'abstinence-only' Texas high school has chlamydia outbreak

    Chlamydia Outbreak at Texas High School with Abstinence-Only Sex-Ed Program

    The truth

    State says only three chlamydia cases in entire county of West Texas high school
    On Thursday, a spokeswoman with the Texas Department of State Health Services said there have only been three confirmed cases in the county and those were not necessarily students.

    3 cases in the county, not even necessarily students.

    When the facts don't fit the dumbocrat agenda, lie.

    Hands up don't shoot ring a bell?

    Speaking of bells...

    Ding Ding PurpleCow.

  34. Because the right never lies. Invasion of Texas?


  36. Anonymous4:27 PM

    "When the facts don't fit the dumbocrat agenda, lie."

    Uh, the liars were the school administrators. The high school's superintendant is the one that sounded the alarm bell about the alleged "epidemic." Everyone else was reacting to the news that half the student body now has a burning sensation when they pee.

    No one questioned that the story might be false, because why would the school spread a story that would damage the reputation of its own students? (Answer: that particular school is being run by idiots. An abstinence-only sex ed program is the least of their problems.)


    and when they say peace...

  38. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Yisheng, you are one sick mutt. You don't know who's who on this blog, you can't even get a degree before Magic Johnson. That is a slap in your face, considering you have been trying to get a diplomat since the dinosaurs.

    If you can't get a degree before Magic, you are one dumb ass. I feel sorry for you.

  39. Yes, you stupid Schwarze, keep fighting the gentiles for us, we'll pay you later!

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Yisheng, you are one sick mutt. You don't know who's who on this blog,

    Given that your Daddy is a royal B*tch, YOU'RE the biggest mutt around here, Fido.

    BTW, any stalking idiot that regularly posts as anony, CLEARLY ain't much either. THAT MEANS YOU!!!

    And with that in mind, it's none of your f**king business what my exact educational endeavors are, I'd NEVER in a zillion years reveal them in thier entirety to a bunch of jealous LOSERS LIKE YOU anyway.

    Suffice it to say that in due time, the degree count in my house will be 10 among THREE adults.

    Now put THAT in your ignorant, stalking a$$ pipe and SMOKE IT!!!


  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. @5:53, Considering you don't have a degree AT ALL, that makes you the biggest, stalking, baseline educated, lack of college degree , non career having, jealous natured, sorry assed LOSER on this blog. And I don't feel sorry for you and NEVER will, your nasty, evil, stalking ways are the reason your life is a shitstool and spittoon combined.

    Good work, SHITTOON!!!

  45. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    Suffice it to say that in due time, the degree count in my house will be 10 among THREE adults.

    More like the IQ count will be 10 between three adults in your house, and you ain't accounting for your share.

  46. ^^^ 10 is also the total number of teeth between the 7 adults you live with in that rented 1 bedroom trailer.


  47. Anonymous11:24 PM

    Blogger Yīshēng said...
    ^^^ 10 is also the total number of teeth between the 7 adults you live with in that rented 1 bedroom trailer.


    9:37 PM
    That is a racist statement against your own neighbors, you sorry worthless mutt. You're just jealous because everyone is acknowledging and celebrating Magic Johnson's Doctorate Degree, which your dumb ass can't get.

  48. Shittoon said...
    You're just jealous because everyone is acknowledging and celebrating Magic Johnson's Doctorate Degree

    OBVIOUSLY the fact that I'm EARNING my Dr. title (in a STEM field no less), makes you so damned green with envy, you make The Hulk look like a light skinned version of your big back Mammy.


  49. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Honestly, this is the Baltimore I know.

  50. jewish media puppeteer makes blacks riot to further american takeover by zog

  51. You're just jealous because everyone is acknowledging and celebrating Magic Johnson's Doctorate Degree
