Thursday, May 14, 2015

Is Skittles a dangerous weapon in Louisiana?

Image result for trayvon martin skittlesIt seems that Skittles® is in the news again.

"The second biggest school district in Louisiana has been hit with claims of racism and discrimination after many children, including an eighth grader allegedly detained for throwing candy on a school bus, were arrested for petty crimes.

The Jefferson Parish School District was named in a report by the Southern Poverty Law Center last Thursday, citing claims of police officers threatening children and making unlawful arrests, Vocativ reports. The arrests range from kids walking in the hallway without a pass, to talking back to administrators, having cell phones on campus (but not using them), and failing to follow the school’s dress code.
Eighty percent of the students arrested were African-American, although they only make up 40 percent of the school’s population. Latino students were also harassed about their immigration status – even though they are American citizens. Other students allegedly targeted included children with mental disorders.
In their report, the SPLC says the district has had problems for years, but it came to a head in 2012. One of the more puzzling arrests happened earlier this year, when an eighth grader was arrested and detained for six days for throwing Skittles on the school bus. A day after the incident, the child, who is African-American, was pulled out of class by an officer. Vocativ reports:
As the officer led the handcuffed teenager out of the school, both students and faculty heard him threaten to “beat the f*** out of [the boy],” or to have his son, who is about the same age, do it for him. The student, who is African-American, spent six days in a juvenile detention facility before seeing a judge, whose first comment was: “Am I to get this right? Are we really here about Skittles?”
Angry with the way they treated her son, the student’s mother later pulled him from the school.
The SPLC is demanding that the Department of Justice and the U.S. Department of Education’s civil rights office investigate the school’s practices. They also want to work with the school and the DOJ to come up with better tactics to handle children without using force for minimal incidents.
The Jefferson Parish Public School System has continued its destructive practice of arresting and jailing children for minor, and often trivial, violations of school rules and decorum,” said Eden Heilman, managing attorney for the SPLC’s Louisiana office. “It’s nothing less than a racially biased system of criminalizing African-American children.”
The school district has released a statement following the report and says they plan to work with outside agencies to resolve the issues.
“We are aware of and are very concerned by these allegations,” the statement reads. “We pledge to work closely with those agencies involved to quickly resolve any issues that we identify. We are committed to ensuring that our students have a safe, healthy environment and are treated equably at all schools.”
The SPLC hopes their words will turn to concrete change for the school district and its students." [Source]

I think it might be time for you Negro children to make another choice when it comes to candy.

This one clearly always brings bad luck.


  1. Police state.

    Dumb-ass kids who act up should be getting the full force of the belt, the extension cord, the fly swatter, and whatnot. But not from the fucking police. It's not the police's place to institute this type of discipline for such minor offenses.

    If these kids are fuck-nuts, then hopefully they have parents at home that will solve that shit. (Although, some members of this blog don't seem to feel it's a parent's responsibility that their children behave in or even attend school, but I digress...)

    Unless they're committing actual crimes, these overzealous motherfucking police need to stop going Gestapo-on-steroids on everybody.

    At the very least, the teachers and school administrators can deal out punishments. Though if they're dealing out harsh punishments to 80% black students, one can see why they would rather let the police do it. Who the fuck wants to be dragged through the mud as a racist? Even still...

    And children with mental disorders? Holy shit. If this turns out to be true, this is beyond the pale. (But if we're talking ADD or fidgeting and other shit they try to say is a disorder, another story.)

    A police state is little more than a nanny state sanctioning government violence. It's not the place of the police to discipline children for this piddly shit.

    WTF were the police even doing there?

  2. This is also about class. Imagine if that kid's parent or parents were lawyers. That cop would be shitting his britches. Reminds me of the documentary about the Central Park 5. Poor kids who don't know their rights geting the shaft. Maybe lawyers should be briefing these kids' parents about how to handle such situations. Maybe the NAACP attorney could leave their number and instruct such a kid to call?

  3. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Brother Field, throwing skittles at people can hurt them, even put out an eye. Especially if Blacks are throwing them. Also, throwing skittles at Whites could penetrate their skin, causing a lot of damage.

    The school should ban skittles or any kind of bean shaped candy. They aren't that good anyway.

    I am surprised the Fed hasn't closed that white owned candy company anyway. That candy was designed by racists to harm black folks.

    I am surprised, or no I am not that JOSH hasn't acknowledged the danger of skittles. One could infer from the Trayvon murder by George Zimmerman that Skittles should be banned.

    Obviously, Blacks are addicted to Skittles because those white folks keep putting something in them.

    Brother Field, please do a more in-depth post on Skittles and how they hurt the black community.

  4. It's our bus now7:19 PM

    Imposing white standards on blacks is racist.

    Blacks should be exempt from white laws.

    Blacks should be free to live according to their own culture, and it is up to whites to provide them their needed space to destroy.

  5. Blessed are the children who whip Skittles on the bus, for those who possess only some Arizona Watermelon and some Robitussin can thereby partake themselves of some Lean.


  6. Back in the day we thought it was funny to throw Skittles in the movies. Glad I didn't live in Louisiana, well any red state for that matter.

  7. Hey short bus, when you say white standards which whites and which standards are you referring? If it's the hillbilly white trash standards which include throwing garbage on the front lawn I'd like to think I have more sense to follow those standards. The fellow professional blah folks in my condo wouldn't appreciate that much.

  8. It's our bus now7:42 PM

    Those "hillbilly white trash" students should be punished for disruptive behavior. Their parents should be fined or arrested for violations of city, state or federal statutes. Being white, they should be subject to white laws.

    Black students should be free to "keep it real" and remain true to their own culture.

    Expecting blacks to live to white cultural norms is racist.

  9. PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
    Poor kids who don't know their rights geting the shaft. Maybe lawyers should be briefing these kids' parents about how to handle such situations. Maybe the NAACP attorney could leave their number and instruct such a kid to call?

    That's the way to deal with black kids misbehavior: Lawyer up and assert their right to misbehave.

    You are a genius.

    No justice, no peace!

    Burn it all down.

  10. Anonymous8:16 PM

    They know what they're doing. You can't get a college scholarship if you have a criminal record. No matter the crime.

  11. No-More-Excuses8:33 PM

    Saint Skittles was the beneficiary of "alternative" measures to deal with his felonious and drug behavior - the school district ignored it and gave him warnings, diversions, etc. Gee, look how well NOT holding an out of control black teen turned out - he be daid now.

    I think if more black parents pulled their troublemaker crumb snatchers out of the school district, there would be much cheering all round. The problems in the school would magically disappear. Literally.

  12. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Once again short bus, which whites and which cultural norms? The monster truck/nascar/mullet crowd that gets drunk off cheap beer and piss on everything but a toilet? The racist asshole norm that flunks out of high school and lives in his mother's basement and sits around on the internet Black shaming all day? Or how about the meth head who has no teeth and tweaks all day? Maybe the homeless crazy white norm who begs me for change and eats food off the ground? Nah, I'm good. I'll take the educated Black norm like my friends and family who live in nice homes and have good paying jobs.

  13. Dindu is a retard8:45 PM

    Dindu, you are one simple mutter fucker. No, we should just let a kid sit in jail for 6 days for nothing. Just because your poor broke dumb ass can't afford a lawyer or even understand the concept of law but next time keep your stupid assed comments to yourself.

  14. Anonymous8:48 PM

    i think that if more assholes like no More Excuses would get his stankin ass off his mom's couch and get a job my taxes would go down.

  15. It's our bus now8:49 PM

    "Once again short bus, which whites and which cultural norms?"

    All whites should be subject to white cultural norms. The monster truck fans, the basement dwellers, the meth heads and homeless crazies - all, by virtue of their whiteness, need to follow white laws and to be held accountable for their behavior.

    Blacks on the other hand should not be expected to live under the same standards, because they are black. Blacks should be permitted to live by their own standards that conform to their own cultural norms. Black violence against whites is part of black culture and should be celebrated, not punished. Whites owe blacks this. To ask anything else is racist.

  16. Anonymous9:00 PM

    "Saint Skittles was the beneficiary of 'alternative' measures to deal with his felonious and drug behavior - the school district ignored it and gave him warnings, diversions, etc. Gee, look how well NOT holding an out of control black teen turned out - he be daid now."

    Is that what we're coming to? We need to send black kids to jail so they can be safe from idiot racists who will assault them for having the audacity to take a walk in the suburbs?

    "Those bars aren't keeping you in, son. They're keeping George Zimmerman out."

  17. Anonymous9:06 PM

    I am so glad that George Zimmerman was not killed or hurt badly. He is a good citizen who was found innocent.

  18. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Short bus you are either an idiot or, well just an idiot. You remember shit like lynching and beating Black people for simply trying to vote or being able to read? White on Black violence is stitched throughout history so don't act like you are some kind of innocent victim. Maybe white culture is shooting a Black man in the back like a coward because he was registering people to vote. You racists are unbelievable. Go peddle your bullshit on some racist white site where dumbassed like minded idiots believe the dumb shit you're posting because educated Blacks know how full of shit you are.

  19. Anonymous9:08 PM

    "Is that what we're coming to? We need to send black kids to jail so they can be safe from idiot racists who will assault them for having the audacity to take a walk in the suburbs? "

    Teh stupid is strong in this one.

  20. Anonymous9:10 PM

    "You remember shit like lynching and beating Black people for simply trying to vote or being able to read"

    No, I am only 95 years old, that stuff was before my time.

  21. Anonymous9:14 PM

    "This is also about class. Imagine if that kid's parent or parents were lawyers. That cop would be shitting his britches. Reminds me of the documentary about the Central Park 5. Poor kids who don't know their rights geting the shaft."

    In fairness, Pilot, there was more involved in the Central Park Five travesty than class, race, or even the fact that NYC was in the midst of a general freakout over crime.

    These kids made a very unfortunate choice to be committing petty crimes in Central Park at the exact same moment when, at the other end of the park, another dude was raping a woman and beating her nearly to death. That's what I'd call really fucking bad luck.

    It's not surprising that attention focused on those kids initially, although police and prosecutors should have called off the dogs when no tangible evidence of their involvement appeared.

  22. Anonymous9:18 PM

    Nope, same thing. If those kids had been given a lawyer and advised of their rights they would have kept their mouths shut and stayed out of jail. Kids need to know their rights. Maybe we should ask our lawyer friend his opinion.


  23. Anonymous9:19 PM

    No anon at 9:10 you're not 95, you're just an idiot.

  24. It's our bus now9:20 PM

    "White on Black violence is stitched throughout history so don't act like you are some kind of innocent victim."

    The only victims here are blacks. Asking blacks to live to white standards is white-on-black violence. In the past, our cities were safer and people lived in peace, but this came at the terrible price of subjecting blacks to white standards.

    Today blacks are much freer to live as they please. Segregation and discrimination have diminished to the point that black cultural norms now rule most of our inner cities. But this will not be enough until no black person sits in a white jail, and all blacks are free to live as they please, with all the space to destroy that they need. Anything short of that is racist.

  25. PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
    Kids need to know their rights.

    All rights belong to blacks; all responsibilities belong to whites.

    You are a genius.

    No justice, no peace!

    Burn it all down.

  26. Equality9:33 PM

    "All rights belong to blacks; all responsibilities belong to whites."

    Trayvon Martin had the right to beat George Zimmerman to death; George Zimmerman had the responsibility to die.

    Michael Brown had the right to attack Darren Wilson and take his gun; Darren Wilson had the responsibility to die.

    The black youth of Baltimore have the right to destroy and loot; the whites of Baltimore have the responsibility to stand down and pay for it.

    It's only fair.

  27. Anonymous9:36 PM

    I am so happy that Cynthia Tucker called out Dr Ben Carson for the token black that he is for the GOP.

    But there are blah people who will vote for Carson, like PilotX...what an idiot.

  28. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Equality shows us how fucking stupid these racist trolls really are. Darren Wilson and George Zimmermann are alive asshole. The world would be a better place if they had died but those young broth as were just minding their own business when an armed white asshole decided they had to die. White men are always scared for their lives when they snuff out the lives of young black men.

  29. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Equality @ 9:33pm, I like the way you think.

  30. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Dindu, do you even know what the fuck is meant by your comment? Just stop posting while your last remaining brain cell is functioning. This is what passes for intelligence in the white world. Pretty sad. Go get a job instead of spewing racist filth or is that the only thing you're actually good at?

  31. Anonymous9:39 PM

    of course you do anon 9:38, teh stupid usually travel in groups.

  32. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Great News! Magic Johnson got his doctorate degree and it didn't take him as long as it's taking Yisheng.

    This proves Yisheng is not very bright and is full of shit.

  33. Hypocrisy Double Standard9:57 PM

    Bill hasn't made mention of the Republican legislator in Vermont who sexually assaulted a child. Is this an example of hypocrisy or did he just miss this story?

  34. Anonymous10:28 PM

    No it's not hypocrisy, Bill just missed the story. Otherwise, he would have mentioned it. You see, Bill is an honest fair-minded unbiased man.

  35. Speaking of honorary doctorates, check out what Kayne had to say about George Bush when he got his:

    Not just great news, but FABULOUS news, Kayne keeps it real!!!!

    Check out Gwen Ifill who has received 15 honorary doctorates:

    Matter of fact, let's KEEP celebrating Black academic success to keep the racist troll bull$hit at bay!!!!!

  36. Great Moments in Black History10:33 PM

    Dr. Magic Johnson, that is. And he did at the age of 55! I wonder what Ms. Yisheng thinks about that? She doesn't have long if she wants to match Dr. Johnson's impressive academic achievements.

  37. Dr. Diddy has a NICE ring to it too!!!

  38. Dr. Barak Obama, now that's HOT!!!

  39. tuggy bear10:39 PM

    Dr. Yisheng sounds like somebody who gives HAND JOBS at a massage parlor!!!

  40. Dr. Oprah Winfrey! YES!!!!

  41. Anonymous10:52 PM

    Dr. Magic Johnson, Dr. Barak Obama, Dr. Oprah Winfrey, Dr. Shaquille O'neal, Dr. Kanye West - wow, the negro genius population is exploding!

    Maybe when Yisheng gets her Dr. title they can all put their nappy heads together and inventiminate something really important and get them a basketfull of Nobel Prizes!


  42. My Native American "cousins" earning their doctorates too:

  43. Armed White Asshole11:02 PM

    "those young broth as were just minding their own business when an armed white asshole decided they had to die."

    Minding their own business of bashing someone's skull in on the sidewalk and punching a cop through his vehicle window, trying to take his gun, and then charging him like a maniac.

    That's all. Just some average, every day brother business.

  44. Yīshēng said...
    My Native American "cousins"

    You are not my cousin.

    I can say this because I am Native American.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. Dayum, I guess my 11:09 comment won't be easily read on a phone or tablet!

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Anonymous11:15 PM

    No doctorate for Yisheng. In fact, no degree at all. Only a GED.

  49. Speaking of Poor white trash, what a night to be watching Mississippi Burning.

  50. "My old man was so filed with hate, that he didn't know that being poor was what was killing him.......if you ain't any better than a n*gger son, who are you better than?

    NOW I get it, ROTFL!!!!

    BTW, male Whuteemoos are BY FAR the weakest males on the planet!!!!

  51. "No doctorate for Yisheng. In fact, no degree at all. Only a GED"

    That's sad. Her seat at the Great Round Table of Esteemed Black Doctors, right there between Dr. Maxine Waters and Dr. Bill Cosby, will remain empty, and the circle of genius unclosed.

    The world needs her at that table, and the only thing standing between her fulfilling her destiny is the lack of a simple piece of paper. Can't some institution just give it to her already? The fate of the world hangs in the balance!!!

  52. Famous Black medical doctors, I've acutally met one (Dr. Carson) and I used to work with another one on this list:

  53. Interesting that the overwhelming majority of the Black Doctors on the list are Surgeons.

  54. BTW Field, I think your site has been hacked and this isn't a joke.

  55. Lt. Commander Johnson3:27 AM

    I have been making an effort to be nice & civil & understanding.


    You push too far, you Affirmative Action Negress.

    Mississippi Burning is a propaganda, exploitative, film.

    No matter how much "white" you pretend to be, the tribal bone-in-the-nose will always rear it's ugly black head.

    You don't like the facts there are some white dudes in the woodpile?

    Oh, I'm sure those "middle passage" Nubian Princesses were all raped. The Arabs, and the West Africans, should have left them in the trees. fucking ass.

  56. McFred4:30 AM

    Damn, Yisheng is such a stupid, annoying little girl. Why do people tolerate her dumb ass?

  57. Well, blacks and white libs, how you liking your big government now?

  58. The fixer7:40 AM

    Blogger Yīshēng said...

    Matter of fact, let's KEEP celebrating Black academic success to keep the racist troll bull$hit at bay!!!!!

    Matter of fact, let's KEEP celebrating Black academic success because black success at anything is the exception not the norm....

  59. Anonymous8:05 AM

    ...And a white "man" with a large penis is the exception, not the norm. Chew on that one (if you can find it)honkey savage

  60. Yisheng8:11 AM

    I just like to know which one of you Hee-Haws hacked into Field's site. Never mind, NONE of you Whuteemoos are smart enough to have even noticed it.

    McF**kaDuck (literally), until Field decides to ban the stalking stupid a$$eS, I'll CONTINUE to respond in kind. Because you ONLY addressed me and NOT the dumba$$(es) that stalks me EVERYDAY, you can feel free to kiss my black a$$ then replace your heroin injecting with some potassium chloride.

  61. RIP BB King, one of the best guitarist that EVER lived!!!

  62. Anonymous8:46 AM

    BB King was THE best blues guitarist to have ever lived. He was born in a small racist town in Mississippi and rose to greatness despite born into a lynching white society. My heart is saddened and I will miss him though I am not too far behind him.

    I will always remember "The Thrill Is Gone", it's a musical blues masterpiece.

    R.I.P. Brother. You out-did yourself in this life....Thank you.

  63. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Well, we all know how JOSH felt about B.B. KING! He didn't even put King on his top 10 list.

    Can you believe it? That smacks of racism.

  64. Anonymous10:13 AM

    "BB King was THE best blues guitarist to have ever lived. He was born in a small racist town in Mississippi and rose to greatness despite born into a lynching white society"

    Why is it all the greatest black Americans come from the era of "discrimination"? How, if America was so oppressive, did so many black Americans make their mark in literature, music and the arts? Why, in the Age of Equality, are there so few high-achieving blacks?

    Maybe holding everyone to the same standards let those blacks of great talent rise to the top.

    Maybe sacrificing excellence for equality has stunted the development of black talent. Being handed slots in college and jobs based on race may have sapped blacks of the drive to do more.

    1. Well anon 1013 did being handed slots in college and jobs based on race sap whites of the drive to do more? Longer history of whites having such advantages than us blahs.

  65. "Maybe sacrificing excellence for equality has stunted the development of black talent. Being handed slots in college and jobs based on race may have sapped blacks of the drive to do more"

    Look at Yisheng. Maybe if she had to meet the same requirements as white students do, she would have applied herself and actually graduated decades ago.

    She, along with many blacks, has confused access with success, and credentials with achievement.

  66. Anonymous10:24 AM

    I'll bet Josh feels bad today about the way he disparaged BB King's guitar playing ability.

    What a dick.

  67. Anonymous10:34 AM

    "Why is it all the greatest black Americans come from the era of "discrimination"? How, if America was so oppressive, did so many black Americans make their mark in literature, music and the arts? Why, in the Age of Equality, are there so few high-achieving blacks?"

    There were so many more music achievers in the segregated racist South, but they were lynched by Whites like you.

    "Maybe holding everyone to the same standards let those blacks of great talent rise to the top."

    Everyone was NOT held to the same standard. There was one standard for Whites and a different standard for Blacks.

    Every American knows that there was, and still is a double standard for Blacks. Yet, Whites continue to pretend there is equality in America. No, there is no such thing.

    BB King was born on a plantation. His parents died early in his life because of the hard life Blacks had to live.

    He had to learn to play without the advantage of a professional teacher. That's called "achieving despite the double standards of racist Whites."

    The Blues was born in the racist South. It was called THE BLUES because like WAS BLUE for Blacks at that still is. Too bad you can't grasp the truth. Or maybe you don't want to know or face the truth?

  68. Why is it that the greatest academic achievements from American Blacks have come AFTER some legal discrimination has been curtailed?

    See the list above of famous Black Physician/Surgeons.

  69. Anonymous10:38 AM

    JOSH is a good fair-minded wm who has trouble being fair-minded to Blacks and more importantly has trouble understanding the pressure and struggles of the history of Blacks in America.

    But don't begrudge him. He has plenty of company in America.

  70. Anonymous10:38 AM

    I heard that BB King's grandaughter reads this site. It must be quite something, on her day of grief, to know that Josh is out there slamming her grandfathers guitar playing ability all across the internet. Her dear old Grandad is not even cold yet, and Josh is working tireless to tarnish his legacy.

    Is there a colder-hearted bastard in this world than Josh? I don't think so.

  71. Dr. DooDoo10:40 AM

    Why do I love eating Yisgeng's shit? I guess it's because I was born to a moonshine addicted father and syphillis/herpes/gonorrhea infected mother.

  72. Anonymous10:46 AM

    BB King was born on a plantation. His parents died early in his life because of the hard life Blacks had to live.

    He had to learn to play without the advantage of a professional teacher. That's called "achieving despite the double standards of racist Whites."

    Yet he did it, and rose to the highest level of guitar players in history, despite what Josh might say.

    Perhaps the whites of that era were wiser than those today who coddle and infantilize blacks with quotas and set-asides. Maybe it was actually kinder to guide blacks down the hard road of doing it on their own.

    Maybe if more blacks today learned the lessons of the plantation, there'd be more stories like BB's to tell.

  73. Yīshēng said...
    Why is it that the greatest academic achievements from American Blacks have come AFTER some legal discrimination has been curtailed?

    Would it have taken you longer to get your doctorate if you had been born a hundred years ago? Actually, it couldn't, because you still haven't done it.

    Even if you had been born two hundred years ago during the time of slavery, you still would have the same number of doctorate degrees as you do today. Zero.

  74. Anonymous11:14 AM

    PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
    Well anon 1013 did being handed slots in college and jobs based on race sap whites of the drive to do more?

    But this was never done.

    Whites had to compete among themselves; there was no preference given just for being white.

  75. Dr. Ramos, PHD11:15 AM

    "Is Skittles a dangerous weapon in Louisiana?"

    Once again FN misses the point.

    Blacks have little to no impulse control. Factor in low IQ'S and a lack of respect for their fellow humans, it's easy to see how this Skittles incident or any minor incident could lead to violence and murder.

    Schools that have large populations of black students have to be safe and save blacks from themselves.

    The Jefferson Parish School District is doing what they have to do.

    The should be praised for their attempts to keep blacks safe from each other.

  76. Dr. Ramos, PHD11:18 AM

    Yīshēng said...

    Why is it that the greatest academic achievements from American Blacks have come AFTER some legal discrimination has been curtailed?

    Affirmative Action. Racial quotas.Lower test standards.
    Not having to compete at the same levels.

    Just a few reasons.

  77. Anonymous11:21 AM

    BB King was overrated.

  78. Anonymous11:24 AM

    ^^^^ Josh!

  79. Big Slapper11:28 AM

    Hey Lt. Commander Johnson, I bet you jerk off at least once a day to pictures of your mom.

  80. Anonymous11:32 AM

    If you saw his mom, you'd be tugging it as well.


  81. If education is so important, why do dumbocrats not want Black children to get a fair chance.

    Oakland to halt school suspensions for willful defiance

    Students that do want to learn will suffer as class time is taken up with pandering to troublemakers.

    I bet that troublemakers in FieldNegro's private boarding school were dealt with harshly and not allowed to waste class time for other students.

    That's the benefit of private schools that FieldNegro and Obama went to. Education is the goal.

  82. Racial quotas = Whuteemoo inability to make White privilege work.

  83. Bill. why is this so hard for you to understand, racists exist in BOTH political parties. By offering substandard educations, racists pretty much guarantee that poor Blacks will NEVER move beyond their impoverished backgrounds.

  84. "Racial quotas = Whuteemoo inability to make White privilege work."

    Yisheng is babbling incoherently again.

    One would think being able to think logically would be a prerequisite for getting a doctorate.

  85. Anonymous12:29 PM

    @Josh: Hey man, just for today, can we cool it with the "BB King was overrated" lectures?

    For God's sake dude, have some respect for the dead and some sympathy for the family.

  86. Dr. Whuteemoo Shithead12:30 PM

    One of these days I'll get treatment for my years long obsession with you Yisheng. But it's hard being White knowing that you and your family have more education and have a much better life than 50 of my relatives combined.

    I'm also insanely jealous that I'll have to call you Dr. one day and that burns me to my devil filled soul. I mean I'm White and I had hoped I would grow out of being stupid but it hasn't happened. All my kids are slow too.


  87. Anonymous12:46 PM

    @Dr. Whuteemoo Shithead:

    Hey man, don't be down about comparing yourself to Yisheng. All of her claimed accomplishments are bullshit - she's not a doctor and she never will be. She can hardly type a coherent sentence. Someone with grammar that bad is not educated, and someone who can't think logically could never graduate with a real college degree.

    She's just a small-minded racist who externalizes her shortcomings onto others. She has benefited form the largesse of white society, but feels only hatred and resentment for the poor working white people whose taxes have funded her lifelong Quixotic fantasy of being a doctor.

    So hey, hold your head up. You may not have achieved all you could have in this upside-down world of racial preferences, but you have done a million times more good for the world than that ungrateful leech ever could.


  88. Yīshēng said...
    Bill. why is this so hard for you to understand, racists exist in BOTH political parties.
    By offering substandard educations, racists pretty much guarantee that poor Blacks will NEVER move beyond their impoverished backgrounds.

    Racists in both parties? You're preaching to the choir.
    I agree about education.

    Here's a question that no one wants to answer...

    Considering all education political donations go to dumbocrats and Blacks already vote dumbocrat, what is the incentive for dumbocrats to change the educational system to help Blacks?

  89. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Democrats need blacks uneducated, poor, desperate, angry and afraid. It's the foundation of their party.

  90. Anonymous1:10 PM

    On Wednesday evening, 2016 presidential candidate and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton held a fundraiser in Manhattan. Among the guests: Beyonce and Jay Z, both of whom were major fundraisers for Barack Obama. Other guests included TV reality star Sharon Osbourne and singer Meghan Trainor. The price of admission: $2,700 per person. Hillary reportedly raised up to $1.1 million from the event.

    Hillary’s “listening tour,” designed to show her down-to-earth, grassroots style, looks more like one of President Obama’s Hollywood tours at this point. She’s held 16 different fundraisers over the past month, most in swanky locales like Haim Saban’s yard in Beverly Hills.

    She is still, however, avoiding questions. Thus far in her campaign, she has answered a grand total of 13 questions. These ranged from the blasé (“How do you win this time?”) to the mockable (“How are you liking Iowa?”), from the stupid (“Is it good to be back out here again?”) to the even more stupid (“What do you think the importance of the Iowa caucus will be in the upcoming election?”).

    If we had a real media, one that served the public interest rather than licked the boots of power, we would hear these questions asked of Hillary Clinton:

    • Why Did You Specifically Set Up a Private Email Server As Secretary of State?
    • Why Didn’t You Comply With State Department Guidelines In Hiding Clinton Foundation Donations?
    • What Relationships Do You Have With Particular Media Members?
    • Should Women Be Permitted to Abort Full-Term Babies?
    • Why Do You Think Religious Americans Should Be Re-Educated?
    • Did You Make The Right Decision in Libya?
    • Did Your Russian Re-Set Work?
    • Why Didn’t You Label Boko Haram a Terrorist Group?

  91. Failed White Privilege1:21 PM

    So hey, hold your head up. You may not have achieved all you could have in this upside-down world of racial preferences, but you have.......

    See how good I am at talking to myself?? I know this makes me bat shit crazy to ya'll but, I just can't help myself. I'm a failed White person that lives like my poor white trash ancestors lived during slavery. Hell, we were so poor we had to work as slaves for Blacks in Martha's Vineyard. Hating "uppity" Blacks is a family trait and we still ain't shit.

    I just wish I could be colored and educated so I could know what it feel like to have all my teeth.

  92. @1:10, CLEARLY you've never had a real job and/or one which required some level of a security clearance. I've had BOTH and YES, I've sent work related email from my personal work email account.

  93. Yīshēng said...
    @1:10, CLEARLY you've never had a real job and/or one which required some level of a security clearance

    Your are comparing Secretary of State level security clearance to being given a key to the janitor's closet? Are you serious.

  94. Dr. Sore Anal Sphincter1:45 PM

    Oh my, please pass the tucks pads!!

    And gimme a job so I'll have the need fo' email too.

  95. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    @1:10, CLEARLY you've never had a real job and/or one which required some level of a security clearance. I've had BOTH and YES, I've sent work related email from my personal work email account

    That is some serious kind of dumb.

    Can this chick breathe and walk at the same time?

  96. Shithead4:28 PM

    My birth proves that my Mammmy can swallow and use a turkey baster at the same time.

  97. "By offering substandard educations..."

    Serious question. Forget I'm white for a minute if it helps people here be honest.

    When you find 65 kids sitting in a Malaysian hut, bereft of clean drinking water, with one teacher in the entire village, and they outperform our kids with free meals, air conditioning, free and clean water and healthcare, etc, what in the fuck is the cause of that?

    Honestly. Even our shittiest schools provide sustenance for kids. Our poorest schools are climate controlled. Our schools that fail hardest of them all have teachers making thousands over the average American salary.

    When children in the motherfucking third world can run laps around our kids, it's not a matter of education being substandard. It's a matter of students being substandard.

    Why don't our children want to learn and better themselves? Why don't American kids want to sit through school? Why has "American pride" become a bad thing?

    Some people are reaching the wrong diagnosis on education. We don't need more school funding. We don't need better, greener lunches. Students need better parenting. They need to be more motivated to learn.

    Mathematics are universal whether you're learning them from a brand new book or tree carvings. The principles of science remain the same whether taught on a shiny iPad or in a torn-to-shit book that's been through the wringer.

    Education is fine; students, however, are not. Outside of public unions damaging education, schools receive plenty of things they need to teach. What they need are students motivated to learn.

  98. "I'll bet Josh feels bad today about the way he disparaged BB King's guitar playing ability."

    Never fucking happened. Just like this "Josh is racist" bullshit that you noobs dredge up and invent from whole cloth. Never fucking happened! If it did, y'all morons would attach a quote to it to give it some credence. But we all know it never happened.

    Wtf is wrong with you anon morons?

    And here's another one: "@Josh: Hey man, just for today, can we cool it with the "BB King was overrated" lectures?"

    Never have I said that. Never have I attempted to give a lecture about the man one way or another.

    I didn't include him in my personal list as an underrated guitarist, and you brain-dead, double-digit-IQ fucking moronic shit smearers, who can't grasp basic fucking English, took that and invented a dozen different straw-men on its back.

    Whose fault is that?

  99. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Drop a Mentos in a bottle of soda and you have a Hell of a situation.
