Monday, May 11, 2015

Strange fruit in Georgia.

Image result for roosevelt champion georgia  images"Southern trees
Bear strange fruit
Blood on the leaves
And blood at the roots
Black bodies
Swinging in the southern breeze
Strange fruit hangin'
From the poplar trees.."

~Strange Fruit, Nina Simone~

I don't know about the rest of you, but when I hear stories like the recent one about Roosevelt Champion, I get a little nervous.   

"A black man who'd recently been questioned in connection with the death of a white woman was found dead hanging from a tree Monday morning in rural Greensboro, Georgia, police said. Local and state investigators said there was nothing to immediately suggest foul play.

Greensboro Police Chief Ossie Mapp told NBC News that a neighbor called 911 about 9 a.m. ET to report finding a body behind a house on Martin Luther King Jr. Drive. Police discovered the body of Roosevelt Champion III, 43, who Champion didn't live at the address in Greensboro, in east-central Georgia between Athens and Augusta, Mapp said.
Champion's body was suspended by tie-down strap similar to those used to secure cargo on the roofs of vehicles, Mapp said.
There were no visible wounds on Champion's body, his feet were scraping the ground and his knees were slightly buckled, suggesting that he hadn't been lifted into the tree, said Georgia Bureau of Investigation Special Agent Joe Wooten, who is in charge of the investigation. Wooten and Mapp said it's too early to determine the formal cause of death, which is pending an autopsy.
But Wooten said Champion was questioned at least twice last week in a homicide case involving the death of a white woman. In the end, no charges were filed, he said. Details of that investigation weren't immediately available.
"I understand that there is a lot of concern" in the community because the victim was a black man who was hanged in the Deep South, Wooten said. "Because of that, we're going to be as transparent as we can be."
Wooten said he was working closely with Mapp, the local chief, and that several people had already been interviewed in connection with Champion's death." [Source] 
Now it could be that Roosevelt had some issues, but as "Special Agent Wooten" said, this is the South we are talking about, and, well, there is a history.
Stay tuned.   


  1. Anonymous10:39 PM

    This hanging is no surprise to me. Since when did it ever stop? It never stops.

    There may be 'less' hangings than the thick of the Jim Crow days, but nevertheless, it still happens.

    Nina Simone's "Strange Fruit" is just as relevant today as it was then.

    I can't wait to hear what JOSH and Kinky has to say about this.

    Of course, Bill will ignore the entire thing and talk about the dumbocrats. He is such a coward.

  2. Anonymous10:40 PM

    FP, why have you stopped writing?

  3. Anonymous11:12 PM

    As you have "Strange Fruit" accredited to Nina Simone, I'd like to point out that she didn't originate the song.

    It was written as a poem by a white Jewish man, Abel Meeropol, in 1937. And it was then first performed as a song by a black singer, Billie Holiday, in 1939 (it was her biggest selling record ever).

    This should make sense, as there was much more lynching going on back in the 1930s than in the 1960s, when Nina Simone's version came out.

  4. Anonymous11:19 PM

    Plus the whole negro scam was invented by jews, who btw also originated the African slave trade.

  5. "Local and state investigators said there was nothing to immediately suggest foul play."

    But that doesn't stop the Field Negro from writing a whole column implying exactly that.

    Go figure. It's almost like he isn't committed to the truth.

  6. Lt. Commander Johnson2:08 AM

    He's not. Never has been.

    But, in fairness, I don't think he ever claimed to be.

    He is an "attorney" to defend blacks against the white racial oppression. You can find his successes and failure percentage on Google.

  7. Lt. Commander Johnson2:21 AM

    Oh, and also to rip-off the father from his rights, while shaking him down, at the expense of a lying ho (re. taxpayers), in some cases.

  8. Anonymous2:46 AM

    Oh yeah, and a few blog posts back, you also credited Nina Simone for the song "Baltimore." (You must be a big Nina Simone fan! That's cool. She was one of the greats.)

    However, it was also only a cover tune for her, not an original. That song was written and first performed by Randy Newman.

    Personally, I prefer the Randy Newman version, but that's obviously a matter of personal taste.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    FP, why have you stopped writing?

    10:40 PM


    not a lot... i can find a way to say...

    i can't force it, so i let it do what it do.


    can never stop writing, really.

    in many respects it feels like i am on a loop.

    whispering into a cyclone...

    praying that someone can hear me.

    your question encourages me.

    many thanks and abundant blessings to you!


  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Plus the whole negro scam was invented by jews, who btw also originated the African slave trade.

    11:19 PM


    fp approves of this very important message.

    may more souls learn it and tell it. particularly the Righteous Jews who know + follow Torah.

    would only add that an identity theft happened/is in full effect as well.

    oddly enough, the churches won't tell it. though they hold their book of Scriptures + shout about e'erthang else.

    those that say they are Hebrews but are not= how Messiah phrased it, according to what is written.

    yet, folk are being led to believe that those who as a result of european allies find themselves in occupied, apartheid, race hatred filled, make folk feel a stranger Palestine= the Real deal.

    blank stare STILL.

    @Anon 10:40 PM- this, too, is why i am silent at times. the things on my mind will ONLY tick off the dragon:)

    though i flow with the Most High + fear NO man..

    there is much on my mind + much kept inside...

    until He shows me a way to righteously say what i need to say.

    in the midst of all of this, i have become acutely aware that i have very distinct,well defined heathen tendencies.

    so it is better to chill + let things do what they do...

    in this season on nonstop tests:)

    Blessings all!

  11. in this season of nonstop tests, designed to Bless= the rest of that thought.

  12. "I can't wait to hear what JOSH and Kinky has to say about this."

    Well, you'll have to wait a while. I don't know nothing about this except what's out so far: Man questioned, man dead.

    Shit if I know what happened. Just like everyone else.

    But if you want to say: "There may be 'less' hangings than the thick of the Jim Crow days, but nevertheless, it still happens.

    Nina Simone's "Strange Fruit" is just as relevant today as it was then."
    Ah salute!

    If you want to presuppose that racist white Klansmen hanged a black man as a racist hate crime, which would make you justified in saying that 2015 is just like 1955, then that's your business. I don't begrudge it.

    But don't carry it like, "I can't wait to hear what Josh has..." as if I'm the one who's going to be hyperbolic or jump to conclusions about it. Like I'm the one who's going to make bold, outlandish statements and sweepingly paint X as Y...because reasons. You're the one doing that. Why put it on me, for fuck's sake?

    You don't need anything from me to justify your own opinions on the matter. You've obviously decided what you want to be the facts of the situation. Nothing I say, now or later, can possibly change that.

    If racist whites hanged this man, find them and return the favor.

  13. "There may be 'less' hangings than the thick of the Jim Crow days, but nevertheless, it still happens."

    Fewer, not less.

    (p.s. what am I supposed to know what a Burrito looks like - never seen one in my life.)

  14. Anonymous7:23 AM

    PC. "Fewer, not less."

    You are exactly right, PC. That's the trouble with ghetto Blacks, they don't know English.

    Of course, they wouldn't. They never get past the 3rd grade.

    PS. I have noticed that you NEVER correct Yisheng. And there is plenty to correct.

  15. Roosevelt Champion was no champion.

    Roosevelt killed that nice white lady.

    Roosevelt refused to be held accountable and take responsibility for his actions.

    I'm not surprised field rushed to judgement on this case.

    "this is the South we are talking about, and, well, there is a history. "

    Yep. There is that. Which is where you have to go to find the last example of a black man being hung in Georgia.....

    But we have to keep the racial paranoia strong in the fields....

  16. "this is the South we are talking about, and, well, there is a history."

    It's not just the South, blacks have a history of violent crime wherever they are.

  17. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Colonel Corn said...
    "Local and state investigators said there was nothing to immediately suggest foul play."

    But that doesn't stop the Field Negro from writing a whole column implying exactly that.

    Go figure. It's almost like he isn't committed to the truth.

    Field should be, as Jesse Lee Peterson says, "uniting the races with truth instead of dividing them with lies".

    However, he is committed to advancing the Narrative, and the truth be damned.

    People who want to do good speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Field wants something else.


  18. Record homeless and still rising.

    Los Angeles homelessness rises 12 percent amid slow economic recovery

    Another one of those dumbocrat controlled cities that lead the nation in income inequality.

    And getting worse. Or better if you're a rich white dumbocrat.

  19. Field wants the truth, but most of you can't handle the truth.

    Anon@11:12, thanks for the education.

  20. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Rethuglicans sticking soldiers with predatory loans. And here we thought rethugs loved the military but turns out they like contributions from pay day loan companies better.

  21. Bullshit detector1:24 PM

    Oh great, now we have two assholes who never served in the military posting as officers. Don't those fools know you have to have a college degree to be an officer and neither of those trailer trash have degrees?

  22. Seems to me that some folk come here and toss insults around because they're hiding from their own problems. Introspection is a very useful tool; I use it myself, quite often.

    Projection is a negative mental construct. One cannot make the world a better place without first making oneself a better person. To look inside first can bring one peace faster than projecting one's problems onto others. Seems to me that projection is connected to vengeance.

    Field, you rock. Please keep on your chosen path and know that you are a light in the darkness.

    Bless you all.

  23. "Projection is a negative mental construct"

    Then the entire negro mindset "is a negative mental construct".


  24. Anonymous1:45 PM

    "predatory loans" are a democrat industry run by jews:

  25. free man1:52 PM

    field negro said...
    Field wants the truth, but most of you can't handle the truth.

    So you use lies to run the herd.

    Typical progressive fascist mindset. Only a few can be trusted with the truth; the rest must be fed only that which leads to them to the "correct" place.

  26. The Fixer2:26 PM

    Then the entire white mindset "is a negative mental construct".

    There, fixed it for ya.

  27. Anonymous2:28 PM

    So you use lies to run the herd.
    I don't see any lies. Maybe you should point out what exactly Field is lying about or are you just a troll? My bet is you live under a bridge.

  28. Anonymous2:51 PM

    "Maybe you should point out what exactly Field is lying about"

    Let's start with today's topic: Lynching of Blacks in Obama's America.


  29. Field, i noticed in your latest post about Baltimore you failed to mention the role failed liberal polices and Democrat corruption has played in the decline of charm city...

    Isn't it strange that the cities with the highest black unemployment are controlled by Democrats?

    And yet blacks keep voting at 88% for Democrats.

    It's like blacks keep collectively hitting themselves in the head with a hammer and complaining because their head hurts...

    Odd that...

  30.'s almost like the Democrats need blacks to be poor, dependent, angry and afraid.

  31. Anonymous6:11 PM

    For those of you who might have wondered what Jesus looked like as a boy the following link shows exactly that. At last, the debate over what was his skin color is over....Science has spoken...

    Sorry, but Jesus was White...So cannot we all agree that Jesus was White and pure? FN fans let's not argue, only accept. Our race has been worshiping Jesus for centuries, so there should be no surprise.

    Sorry FP, it looks like you have been wrong about Jesus.

  32. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Isn't it strange that the cities with the highest black unemployment are controlled by Democrats?

    And yet blacks keep voting at 88% for Democrats.

    It's like blacks keep collectively hitting themselves in the head with a hammer and complaining because their head hurts...

    It's also strange that the poorest whites live in Republican controlled areas but you never seem to want to mention that do you? It's like poor and uneducated whites keep......well you know.

  33. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Let's start with today's topic: Lynching of Blacks in Obama's America.


    How about your lying. Field just reported the story and never did he say the man was lynched did he? Looks like someone is lying and it ain't Field.

  34. Anonymous7:08 PM's almost like the Democrats need blacks to be poor, dependent, angry and afraid.
    You mean like the Republicans who are telling everyone that the U.S. military is invading Tejas? You assholes are something else. Do conservatives own mirrors because the projection is off the charts. You fucks are cowering in your trailers because Obama is coming to take your guns and bibles and enact Sharia law.

  35. The Fixer7:09 PM's almost like the Republicans need whites to be poor, dependent, angry and afraid.
    There, fixed it for ya.

  36. The GOP7:23 PM

    It's almost as if these assholes don't understand the states with the worst education and quality of life are controlled by Republicans. I wonder why they come here everyday and tout these failed policies? Do you want your state to go bankrupt like Sam Brownback in Kansas? He cuts corporate taxes so his schools can close early because they have no money? How about Wisconsin and their plan to take money out of the schools so millionaires and corporations can have tax breaks? How about Louisiana? Irony is lost on conservatives.

  37. Teh stupid7:25 PM

    And yet blacks keep voting at 88% for Democrats.
    As do scientists. Looks like only teh stoooopid votes Republican. No sane person wants President Santorum, Jindal, Hucakabee or another Bush but then again these are the same people who thought W and Palin were good ideas.

  38. The GOP7:41 PM

    Blacks know the Republicans are idiots.

    Even knowing what we know today this imbecile would still have invaded Iraq. You have to be pretty fucking stupid to put a Bush back in the White House but then again Republicans have shown themselves to be pretty fucking stoooooopid.

  39. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Republicans hate soldiers. Why else are they blocking the DOJ from preventing predatory loan companies from taking advantage of them?
    Black people are patriots and thus vote Democratic while most whites are unpatriotic and stay on the all white Republican plantation.

  40. Anonymous7:51 PM

    We know why scientists vote Democratic, because not one of the idiots running for President on the Republican side believes in evolution. Can you imagine President Huckabee giving us a sermon on the mount about living in the last days? How about Rick "Blah people" Santorum. Yeah, can't wait to vote for that bunch of clowns.

  41. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Oh gee, here's a Republican asshole admitting his state's voter id laws are designed to suppress the Black vote. Shocking huh? And they wonder why we don't vote for this bunch of racists? Republicans certainly are dumb.

  42. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Y'all slaves keep voting democrat. Only free men are welcome in the GOP.

  43. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Field looking for where he said man was lynched......still looking.....nope, don't see it.

  44. Anonymous9:51 PM

    Hmmmm. I wonder if anything is learned on FN. Or is it just a blog of name calling and insults?

    Can anything good come out of this? The devil is definitely working his stuff on these folks.

  45. Anonymous10:21 PM


  46. Karen S1:19 AM

    Really, Field?
    I am so disappointed in you.
    This blog was so much more before your Messiah got selected.

  47. THIS had me rolling:

    "Sorry FP, it looks like you have been wrong about Jesus."

    nope. i, too, believe Jesus who had slavery ships name after him was a white guy. resembles what the book of enoch describes as the devil. the hairdo is mos def NOT lawful....

    according to what is written.

    factor inn the fact that the letter J WON'T go back to antiquity and well...

    even the blind should be able to see.

    those Blacks that LOVE them some white Jesus seem to be the most brain dead. might be all the whitened Knowledge they are fed...

    white rice
    white flour
    white sugar
    white bread
    white Jesus...

    NONE is what those in the know seek when it is time to get fed.

    Yahushua Messiah..THAT 'S The Man.

    those holding fast to white Jesus, despite what is written in Scriptures= free will.

    get yours + know i got nothing but Love for ya...


    Blessings all!

    ps. forgive any typos. sistah = exhausted:)

  48. The Fixer10:23 AM

    Y'all slaves keep voting democrat. Only dumb asses are welcome in the GOP.

    There, fixed it for ya.

  49. 3:09 PM
    Anonymous said...
    "For those of you who might have wondered what Jesus looked like as a boy the following link shows exactly that. At last, the debate over what was his skin color is over....Science has spoken..."

    The Shroud of Turin is what that picture is based on. The Shroud has never been definitively proven to be Jesus' burial cloth (and never will be: no DNA sample from Jesus is available to compare it to).

    One wonders whether the commentor read the whole article referenced in that comment.


  50. "The Shroud of Turin..." is a work by Da Vinci. Folks need to calm down a might on that one.

  51. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Strange Fruit's by Billy Holiday. She saw someone swinging from a tree while traveling somewhere or another in the South.

    I'm beginning to wonder if we're in a country of majority "human beings". Something's wrong with these pinched faced, hating individuals. America's becoming a country of the Ominous as far as Africans are concerned. We're at these creeps discretion, with nowhere to run; nowhere to hide. That's called SERIOUS TROUBLE.

  52. Anonymous5:52 PM

    And the beat goes on

  53. Anonymous5:55 PM

    separation is the only way out from these savages
