Saturday, June 13, 2015


Image result for white afro images

I need a caption for this pic.

*Pic from


  1. Anonymous11:48 PM

    Black is beautiful.

  2. StillaPanther211:54 PM

    One ethnic group has made a fortune off imitating AAs. Too bad we have never grasped our strengths. This girl was first seen in the 60s. Or 70s. Read Patty Hearst. Now to what I think she is saying. "Now I can get the militant Brothers". StillaPanther2

  3. "I can't wait till my 'fro is full grown..."

    Frank Zappa, "Uncle Remus"

    -Doug in Oakland


  4. "Being Black is the new normal."

  5. Anonymous12:31 AM

    Think Kink!

  6. Anonymous12:34 AM

    Wig looted from CVS

  7. Anonymous12:50 AM

    Listen people.

    Colonel Sanders is coming and nobody seems to be the least bit concerned. I just saw him on TV! He has a sinister smile now! Do you have any idea how mean and hungry 35 years in the grave can make a man? I'm mean this guy was crazy as hell before he croaked. Face it! Who dresses like that and is sane? Now he's back as an undead, unstoppable military zombie! Does that raise any concern in anyone?

    The rest you you can sit on your finger-lickin'-good asses and get eaten by the Colonel. But I'm out of here!!!

  8. The Master of Disguise2:13 AM

    My daddy said I could be anything I wanted when I grew up -- even a member of the Jackson 5!

  9. Fakin' the Funk2:30 AM

    No, of course it's not a weave, and I'm not getting back at my parents (whom I totally do not hate, even though they refuse to support my dreams and they crush my self-esteem and I don't talk to them anymore).

    I just listened to a lot of R&B, and one day I woke up like this. I swear!

  10. America's Favorite Afro-Saxon2:43 AM

    Is this the rap video vixen audition? I heard you fellas like the light-skinned sisters.

  11. After "Marsha, Marsha, Marsha" failed to work with her family for years, Jan found acceptance and attention with the Black Panther Party.

  12. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Where's the SAE frat party?

  13. Anonymous10:40 AM

    each week captions drive away fn commenters. when will field get the message?


  14. U.S. Poised To Put Heavy Weaponry In East Europe
    In a significant move to deter possible Russian aggression in Europe

    And to think just a couple short years ago Obama was scolding romney for calling Russia a geopolitical threat.

    And now 2 years later Obama is sending weapons to eastern europe to protect from the non-existent 1980's cold war threat.

  15. Anonymous11:11 AM

    "And to think just a couple short years ago Obama was scolding romney for calling Russia a geopolitical threat.

    And now 2 years later Obama is sending weapons to eastern europe to protect from the non-existent 1980's cold war threat."

    Come on, Bill. Even you can do better than this dumb fight over semantics from the 2012 campaign. Obama never said Russia wasn't a threat. He was mocking Romney for saying Russia was the NUMBER ONE security threat to the U.S.

    Russia is at worst a minor threat to the U.S. It's really only a major threat to some of our allies. If we were completely cool with Russia re-colonizing all of eastern Europe, Putin and Obama (or whoever is his successor) could be the best of friends. If we abandoned our principles completely and let Putin snatch up Ukraine, what would it cost us, really?

    So this truly isn't the Cold War all over again. Putin, scummy though he is, has land-grabby ambitions that are much more modest and local than the Soviet Union's ever were.

  16. yisheng12:25 PM

    Stalking A$$nons Mama getting ready to meet her afrocentric johns.

  17. Master Of Disguise is the leader so far. Clever.

  18. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Colonel Sanders is coming to eat us and he has a deep fryer!

  19. Bill is a F'n Idiot3:01 PM

    Come on, Bill. Even you can do better than this dumb fight over semantics from the 2012 campaign.
    No he can't.

  20. Once you go blah...............

    1. Anonymous4:27 PM

      Pilot X

      Once u go White,youll never be right.

  21. Anonymous4:32 PM

    " Oh yes! Im finally a sister! "

  22. Anonymous5:33 PM

    I think Suspiscious Reader his a nerve with FN. He essentially disappeared as so as SR asked him about his race. That's very fishy.

  23. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Wantu wazuri, I gotta come clean.

  24. "Once u go White,youll never be right."


  25. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Face it. FN claims he's a real life black man from Jamaica. But what proof do we have? Anyone can create a blog and claim they're anyone. I think there is an elaborate game going on here intended to stir up racial division and strife. If FN is a white man spoofing a black blogger, then that is not good for any of us. In fact, it brings us all down. I, for one, think a video from FN addressing this would settle the matter and remove any doubt that he is truly a black blogger.
