Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Membership without "obstacles".

Image result for white privilege images  We are trying to have an honest and open dialogue about race in this country. (At least some of us are, others, on the other hand, not so much. They just want to hear themselves talk into the echo chamber that surrounds them.) So because of that I want to feature the writing of someone from the other side of the racial divide .

He takes issue with the label "white privilege", and he wrote an interesting post to tell us all why.

"White privilege" is a term guaranteed to set off a white male like me.

I grew up poor with a single mom. I moved to one side of the country and back; as the new kid, I was a frequent target of bullies. I had an abusive relationship with a stepfather. From early high school, the income from my after-school jobs covered our family's monthly shortfall.

I waited tables all through college, my bank account hovering just above zero. No one showed me the ropes, and I mostly figured out on my own what it meant to be a man.
Don't tell me I had it easy.

On the other hand...

Although my mom struggled to make ends meet, my broader family was financially comfortable. Attending college was so embedded in my childhood context that I don't ever recall considering that I wouldn't go. And while I was poorer than some of my college friends who received a monthly check from their parents, my scrappy work ethic was supplemented by no less than five different sources of extended family financial support.

I had a lot of help climbing over some of the hurdles in my path.
So was I "privileged"? Hell, no (okay, maybe a little).

Calling me privileged implies I didn't earn what I've created. That it was easy for me. That's not my experience. I got where I am with blood, sweat and tears. Telling me otherwise (especially with a charged word like 'privilege') just makes me defensive. I don't want to appear elitist, arrogant, selfish, or like an exploiter. Combine it with "white privilege" and I'm a quasi-bigot.
Except that's not what women and people of color are talking about.

We are talking past each other

The real issue is one of obstacles. Moving up the socioeconomic ladder in America involves leaping over certain hurdles: poverty, the color of your skin, the education level of your parents, if they are immigrants, where you live, how good the public school system is, if anyone in your context has gone to college before, whether your parents read to you at night, are you male or female. The list goes on and on. The more obstacles you face, the more challenging upward mobility becomes.

The breakdown in our public dialogue begins with our inchoate perception of these obstacles: We see the ones we confronted; we simply aren't aware of those we didn't.

Instead of the "special rights and benefits" of privilege, let's talk about the "absence of obstacles." As a white male from an educated, single parent, mostly middle class family, I had more obstacles than a rich kid raised by two parents and sent to private schools. On the other hand, I'm not black, a woman, or from an inner city with a broken school system. In this sense, I benefited not from privilege, but from an absence of several very challenging obstacles.

I don't want to feel guilty (because I had it easy) or prideful (because I had it harder than you). I'm not interested in yelling matches about who is right, who is wrong, and whether white privilege is reverse racism. All that is a diversion.

I am grateful for the obstacles I was spared without thinking I'm superior to those who weren't. I am curious about and respectful of the obstacles others faced without needing to deny their difficulty because it makes me feel less worthy.

The great cost of our addiction to labeling and being right over each other is that it distracts us from moving towards what (I believe) we most want: a society where people from every rung of the ladder can receive the support, and learn the gumption, to overcome the obstacles on their path.
Be the starting point of dialogue, not diversion:
  • Notice how you get defensive. When we feel criticized, accused or devalued, we lash out, typically in ways that cause others to feel mistreated. Defending your position creates no progress.
  • Actively seek out what you don't know you don't know. It's not your fault you didn't encounter certain obstacles. Be grateful. But also be curious about the challenges that people not like you had to overcome.
  • Embrace your own obstacles. When I look back at my life, my most meaningful accomplishments were my most difficult obstacles. I can feel jealous that others had fewer, or I can embrace the growth that my next obstacle is offering me.
  • Expand your empathy. Suffering and difficulty aren't a competition (neither is success, by the way). Acknowledging what others have gone through can inspire our own courage and commitment to growth.
  • Focus your energy on obstacle busting. For both yourself and others, acknowledge the vulnerability we feel when we face a daunting challenge. Create a context where people feel safe and inspired to go for broke.
Beyond our own social mobility, one of the greatest "privileges" (and responsibilities) of having fewer obstacles is empowering people who have many. Let's get to it. [Source]

Hmmm, "obstacles", seems like just another cute name for racism. But I won't quibble. If  Shayne Hughes wants to start a dialogue I am all ears.

*Image from 



  1. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Fuck you and go to hell all right! And don't ever even think about telling me what to think, do,how to behave and most importantly how I should feel!

    That's a load of crap right there! All of it!

    Yes of course he was fucking privileged, he had a network of economically well off relatives, by his own admission who helped him!

    We, many/most of us don't have even that!

    So I call bullshit to that entire little self pitying, whiny drama from the white boi!

    Let him try living in our brown and black skin before he goes spouting all that whiny nonsense about how hard he had to work! At least he was given the work!

    Sorry kid but fuck you!

    and as for Donald Trump calling Mexicans thieves and drug runners, that little bitch got his hotels built by hard working Mexicans! Bitch!!! Fuck you too!

    (Hehehe, it's the asthma meds, don't take me seriously hehehe)But I mean it!

  2. Some of his word are obviously calculated to make it appear as though he is making an effort, but denying something doesn't make it go away.

    -Doug in Oakland

  3. Anonymous11:32 PM

    Another White ploy to fool Negroes, to keep them confused and question what's happening to them ain't happening. Those Blacks killed in church have already been forgotten.

    EVIL murdered Blacks while they were in Bible study and praying has been pushed to the background by Whites and Blacks alike. Even Field has forgotten.

    The big deal now is the Confederate flag which Blacks on this blog a couple of years ago were all for Confederate day and the Confederate flag. That surprised me that FN Negroes weren't bothered by it. I am sure Field can provide a link to his post regarding that subject.

    Bottom line, if Whites wanted to end racism it would have ended a long time ago.

    Blacks must get it in their hearts and minds that most Whites cannot be trusted.

    They don't give a damn about the way Blacks are treated, let alone how and where Blacks are killed.

  4. Anonymous12:01 AM

    Hmmm, contrast that with the article in Cosmopolitan profiling the incompetent lunatic Mosby, who admits she was the recipient of affirmative action, gaining acceptance into the "first law school of her choice" after flunking the LSAT and attending a sub-par school. But she got on the phone and played that race card over and over and over again until finally someone bit.

    There is privilege in America - and it's black privilege. Only if your black in America can you be rewarded for nothing other than the color of your skin.

  5. Anonymous12:05 AM

    Anonymous @11:32

    If blacks really are treated that badly, they should leave and migrate to some other part of the world where they will be treated the way they feel they should be treated. After all, blacks are free.

    Except that we all know they won't. They like riding for free, using white guilt as the currency to get whites to pay for the comforts of a First World Nation that they feel "entitled" to.

    Blacks contribute nothing. Blacks have done nothing to create any of the conditions necessary for a First World nation to exist.

    So, either go or stfu if you plan to stay. By not voting with your feet, that's an admission that all your whining, lies and bullshit about "racism" and "white privilege" are just that.

  6. Anonymous12:06 AM

    Anon12:01am, do you really think anyone believes your racist bullshit?

  7. Anonymous12:15 AM

    Anon12:05AM, Blacks built this country and are NOT going anywhere. So wipe your racist ass with the Confederate flag on your wall.

  8. Anonymous12:34 AM

    "Fuck you and go to hell all right!"


    I stopped reading right there.

    I'm an Obama voter feeling pushed to the fence and you know what? Fuck you too. You want to fight? You don't want white male allies? Cool. I'm done worrying about it.

    Oh and in case you missed it... fuck you.

  9. Anonymous1:41 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Anon12:05AM, Blacks built this country and are NOT going anywhere. So wipe your racist ass with the Confederate flag on your wall.

    12:15 AM

    Complete and utter bullshit.

    Blacks did not "build this country".

    It was white ingenuity, innovation and capital that built this country.

    Blacks have never "built" anything, anywhere.

    Africa is the last great frontier as far as resources are involved. Blacks have been sitting on top of this technological goldmine for centuries, and couldn't figure out how to do anything with it. If blacks built "this country", then the countries in Africa should all be the leading lights of innovation and civilization.

    But they're not.

    The reason you're not going anywhere - voluntarily - is the same reason that hordes of blacks cross into Europe from the dark continent - to suck the well dry. To get gibsmedats. To live a First World Nation lifestyle without contributing anything, except to destroy any area you move into. You're parasites on a worldwide hunt for a welcoming host.

    Blacks don't build, they destroy.

    The world is at peak oil, peak water and is definitely at post-negro. You want to whine and throw temper tantrums about a flag? The battle over life-sustaining resources, and who has access to them, is about to get very, very real. And blacks are going to lose - big.

  10. Anonymous1:44 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Anon12:01am, do you really think anyone believes your racist bullshit?

    12:06 AM

    Reading this blog is hilarious because it's the last gasps of a drowning man before he goes down for the final time. Your white guilt shakedown scheme is failing, and nothing you've tried to do has changed that.

  11. Anonymous1:47 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    You don't want white male allies? Cool. I'm done worrying about it.

    12:34 AM

    "White male allies"??? WTF is a "white male allie"!!!

    White males aren't anybodies "allies"

    Hell no, I don't want a white male anything! You're gottdamm right I don't!

    And yeah, worry about it sucker! worry a lot!

    "White male allies",wtf u talking about white male allies? How old are u???

    Are u crazy? or just an ignorant minor???

  12. Anonymous1:49 AM

    lilacpr the lunatic foams at the mouth:

    Let him try living in our brown and black skin before he goes spouting all that whiny nonsense about how hard he had to work! At least he was given the work!

    Thank you for Exhibit A. Of course blacks would immediately see the issue as someone being "given" work. It never occurs to blacks and browns that no one is under any obligation to create jobs for them or "give" them work. It is up to them to create their own opportunities, which may include creating their own "work".

    And when blacks ARE "given work" they're not grateful, being the criminals that they are, they just it as another opportunity to shamelessly grift and steal - like the Amtrak employees that billed for a 40 hr work DAY.

  13. Anonymous1:56 AM

    And yeah, worry about it sucker! worry a lot!

    What exactly is he supposed to "worry" about?

    What exactly is some powerless, poor, brown turd in a third world shithole going to do, exactly?

    The affirmative action gibsmedats are ending, and soon.

    Puerto Rico is in even worse straights re: water shortages than California. Of course, this is exacerbating by black negligence and incompetence to manage even something as simple as a freshwater reservoir system. They didn't have to build it,just maintain it, and the browns are incapable of doing even that. Who do you think is going to ride to your rescue? No one.

    The millenials have bought into that whole prog "climate change" crap, and with zeal. Unfortunately for you, they've also done the math and realized that a big part of the climate change situation is due to overpopulation. Too many people competing for limited resources. That means that there needs to be serious reductions in population, the vast majority of which need to be curbed in the black and brown populations. The whites are doing an adequate job controlling their own population growth voluntarily. I've heard more than one millenial discuss that some type of mandatory Negro spay and neuter program needs to be put in place - ahem, I mean, Planned Parenthood needs to be more vigorously funded and promoted.

    So be angry all you want loser brown lady. Your circumstances aren't going to change anytime soon, but the chances are that the situation is going to improve dramatically for your new non-ally white boi.

  14. Anonymous2:15 AM

    POWER. WEALTH. PRESTEGE. Are these what you long for Mr. Field?

    1. Lilac that sweet Puertorican lady2:17 AM

      Doesn't everybody?

  15. Lilac that sweet Puertorican lady2:15 AM

    Son, don't act deranged. Where u gonna hide all those war machines u have on the island? If we decide we don't want them here anymore? U better keep our brown asses happy! Real happy! Capishe?

  16. Anonymous2:17 AM

    Each culture has its world perspective. That perspective leads to its concepts. Concepts lead to decisions. Decisions lead to actions. But not every action is wise. Not every culture is equal.

  17. Lilac that sweet Puertorican lady2:21 AM

    Yes we know, we've heard it all before! Soo many times! Not every culture is equal. And its true because the brown and black cultures are the best! :)

  18. Anonymous2:21 AM

    Of course, the zombie is perhaps most dangerous when just turned. The horrid creature does not yet, in most cases, exhibit the undeniable signs of corpsidy, especially the fouls odor and the decrepit late state of decomposition. And, if it be the case that the recently turned is a loved one, then all the more perilous is the beast as the emotion of affection prodigiously overpowers sound reason or keen perception. So, it be not surprising that many fall prey to the gnawing teeth of a loved one or friend or even a brief acquaintance. For the change comes quickly and often without notice, as if waking from sleep. Know this, however, that it is wise to gird one's loins against the wiles of the night. For at these hours the senses are even less lipid. Do not answer to any rapping upon your chamber door even if you spy a familiar face. For that face may very well be one of a risen, lived corps too fresh for you yet to make wise judgement. And, upon opening to let in, you may too late discover that the fiend is upon you with all hunger of ghastly unnature and the rueful vengeance of all of Hell.

    Take heed. Once having halted the aggression of a zombie, bury at once the dead, abominable corps in the tomb, carefully closing it and mortarizing it after. But have no surprise if on the following morning the body is discovered bruised and banged in the market square as though it had been violently thrown out of its resting place. For such creature as these tortured damned cannot easily attain rest. Be expectant as well that upon your return to the sepulchre you will find only the cerements in which the corpse had been erstwhile wound, and so you must used them to bury it once again. Yet, you may discover that on the following morning the body is discovered to have been thrown forth with even more contumely than before. Nevertheless repose it third time with great care and many holy prayers. Repeat this no less than five times in all, until at last you huddled the poor rotting carrion as best you might into a deep hole dug in some lonely spot far from the consecrated ground of all His Holy Church. In the most dire incidences you may wish to obtain ecclesiastical authority to place within the mouth a freshly consecrated Holy Wafer. For this remedy binds the worst of Hell's creatures. No doubt, these terrible circumstances will surely fill your heart with such amaze that you may indeed make such holy efforts as to repose the undead your only cause in life. For in doing so, you minister peace to many. Does not the Lord Himself say "Come to me and I will give you rest."?

  19. StillaPanther22:22 AM

    Maybe there should be more stories about the generation of Blacks that made it without all the "freebies" of today. This generation consist mainly your grandfathers- if you know him (very sad statement to make) or your parents. This group of Blacks knew that they had to compete with the enemy. Now with this integration that brings Black males that are showcased as race neutral, we see that they too are the racist clowns we should forget. I see "my boy Bruan-Braun is back in the faces of women that will fleece him- I see you Tiger, OJ, Puff. As long as our men demonstrate this need to put women of color down, I suggest BW stop allowing the BM to practice on them.

    Once again the Blacks are redirected from retribution. The Blacks are talking about some fucnting flag. The whites had 100 plus years to take those flags down. We ALWAYS fall for the whites' symbolic bufoonary.

  20. Anonymous2:24 AM

    The brown and black cultures are the best
    Say Lilac pounding her chest
    Arms of fur flailing in the arm
    Leaving her dignity in total disrepair
    Yes, her culture is the best
    For it excites the savage beast

  21. Anonymous2:28 AM


    I live in South Carolina and Confederate Flags are already going up on houses and on cars. I put mine up today. We're not going anywhere. This is our soil.

    Chet Huggins

  22. Anonymous2:39 AM

    See the rebel's post? I'm from Upstate New York but I've known some Southerners. The more you criticize them, the more stubborn and proud they become. This flag thing is only going to energize them and revive their sense of identity. I think a huge mistake is being made over a piece of cloth. Ignoring them and their symbol would be the worst thing you could do to them. Give a Southerner something to fight for and he will fight for it.

  23. America is so fucked.

    The world is laughing.

  24. "Are u crazy? or just an ignorant minor???"

    White racist trolls come in many different shapes and sizes. Probably a 16 year old goofball.

  25. Anonymous3:01 AM

    Listen up you Upstate New York piece of shit Yankee! Your fucking ancestors marched through the south burning cities and raping women. Then you fuckers call us the bad guys. The culture of the North has been the culture of an oppressor dating back to original the slave market on Wall Street. Your state did not abolish slavery until 1799 and then not truly. It still allowed for those already slaves to be forced to continue to be owned by their masters legally. Many of these slaves were forced to dig your Erie Canal by hand. Many died you asshole and your Yankee ancestors have slave blood on their hands as much as any southerner ever did. But that's conveniently left out of your history books. There's a reason my ancestors coined the phrase "Damned Yankee." Your all headed for Hell where you'll all be forced to kiss General Sherman's burning ass for eternity!!! So pucker up motherfucker!!!

  26. Anonymous5:14 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    Quote: Numbnuts Kinky.

    "1. Michael Brown was not a chronic offender. Yes he was. Are you stupid? "

    Kinky son, I'm going to argue this point v-e-r-y-s-l-ow-l-y so that I don't go too fast for you.

    What do you notice about the dates of those four "offences" you listed?

    Hey stupid...that is the date the report was pulled. Good Lord, no wonder why Negroes live as they do, unless they leech off of White built nations.

  27. "Hey stupid...that is the date the report was pulled."

    Nope, sorry son. Try again.

    Read this.

    No wonder you fascists live as you do, unless they leach off black built nations.

  28. Yes, you’re a racist… and a traitor. Part One

    "While I was out jogging this morning, I passed a neighbor’s house that I have passed every day for almost three years. Usually I stroll right on by without giving it a second thought. Today, though… today was different. I stopped in my tracks and blankly stared until a car honked at me to move out of the way.

    This house flies a Confederate flag.

    I don’t live in South Carolina or even Maryland. I live in a small town in Central Pennsylvania, 50 miles north of Gettysburg - the site of the most famous victory of the Civil War. Yet even here, a few hundred feet from my front door flies the unambiguous symbol of hatred, racism, and treason.

    Normally this would elicit some fleeting contempt and I would go about my day. But with the murders in Charleston very much on my mind, I found myself getting angry… very angry. Angry at this person, this “neighbor” of mine. Angry at the culture that permits such blatant hatred. Angry at the media who provide cover for the ignorant. Angry at the teachers who perpetuate historical falsehoods. Angry at myself for not being angry before.

    You see, I study traditional culture. More specifically, I study the ways in which today’s culture manufactures and reinforces traditions through mass media. Folklorists have a unique disciplinary perspective for this sort of analysis because there was this period of time when the field was mired in “romantic nationalism.” The “true character” of a people was said to be rooted in the culture of the volk and was glorified and incorporated into more modern political movements. Like Nazism. So folklorists have a keen interest in serving as the sort-of keepers of cultural authenticity, if you will. If anyone should be highlighting the ways in which “traditions” are being manufactured, distorted, and consumed, it is us… me.

    In America today, the most prominent, prevalent, and pernicious of these revisionist movements is the Lost Cause narrative: the idea that the Civil War was a romantic struggle for freedom against an oppressive government trying to enforce cultural change. There are scores of books on this topic, and you should check those out at your local library. But probably the most famous popular culture Lost Cause text is Gone With The Wind (both book and movie).

    I hate Gone With the Wind. I hate everything about it. I hate its portrayal of the Civil War. I hate its portrayal of Southern aristocrats. I hate its popularity. I hate that it’s become an iconic movie. I hate that it was ever made in the first place. Gone With the Wind is Birth of a Nation with less horses. The movie, and its position among the American cinematic pantheon, has done more to further the ahistoric Lost Cause bullshit than any other single production. Because that’s the fundamental problem with the Lost Cause narrative: it’s not true.

  29. Yes, you're a racist...and a traitor. Part Two

    Let’s go one-by-one through some typical Lost Cause-tinged revisionist talking points:

    The Civil War was about economics, not slavery!

    Yes, the Civil War was about the economics of slavery.

    The Civil War was about states’ rights, not slavery!

    Yes, the Civil War was about the states’ right to maintain slavery.

    That’s not the Confederate flag!

    True, it’s the battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia, which actually makes your usage even worse. It’s the banner under which men fought and died to enact secession.

    Heritage not hate!

    Funny story: the heritage is hate. This is my favorite talking point because it sets up a false dichotomy and then tries to pretend “heritage” is a signifier for some romantic, noble culture just waiting to be recaptured. When Lindsay Graham says things like, “The flag represents to some people a civil war, and that was the symbol of one side. To others it’s a racist symbol, and it’s been used by people, it’s been used in a racist way,” he makes a mockery of the history. Yes, Senator, it does represent one side of the Civil War: the side that advocated slavery and secession. It’s the flag of treason.


  30. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Blogger The Purple Cow said...

    "Hey stupid...that is the date the report was pulled."

    Nope, sorry son. Try again.

    Read this.

    No wonder you fascists live as you do, unless they leach off black built nations.


    You're not only stupid. You're delusional. Negroliciously stupid and delusional. Brown had a juvenile arrest record of 2nd degree murder. Brown was a typical negro yooof.....a criminal.

    As for leeching off black built nations. Now that is sweet.

    Every single black built society, city, nation is a pigsty without some white infrastructure. You don't have the genetics for it. That is why YOU live in a White built nation, that is now degrading into 3rd world status because of allowing to many darkies to immigrate.

  31. Anonymous6:11 AM

    Blogger The Purple Cow said...

    Yes, you’re a racist… and a traitor. Part One

    Isn't it ironic how 3rd world immigrants in the UK who moved there to escape their race and culture and obtain welfare from a faltering White nation, now feel flying the Union Jack is offensive against "their" culture.

    You Negroes are the dumbest people on the planet.

  32. The Purple Cow said...

    America is so fucked.

    The world is laughing.

    2:49 AM

    And yet the world is dying to come to America. And yet, without America, the world would be fucked.

    Odd that.

  33. Oh my God. They emphasize "white privilege" - terrible. These "whiteness studies" should be stopped by the UN.

  34. Racists are funny.

    All the computers in the wingnut asylum are currently in use.

    Just wow.

    Anywhoo, as a world citizen and someone who has traveled quite a bit. I would like to say for the record that I always have way more fun in black countries.

    Just sayin.

    Carry on.

  35. His post had nothing to do with the actual definition of "white privilege."

    Just like a white person to redefine a word/phrase when they feel like it...

  36. Limpbaugh8:46 AM

    I nominate Tennessee sheriff's deputy, Carolyn Grudger for Field Negro of the Day. She stopped a gunman in a high school, and held him at bay until other police arrived. He ended up getting shot and killed, but Grudger was able protect everyone else.

  37. "You're not only stupid. You're delusional. Negroliciously stupid and delusional. Brown had a juvenile arrest record of 2nd degree murder. Brown was a typical negro yooof.....a criminal. "

    O.K. genius, I see I'm going to have to explain to you how this entire debating thing works.

    I'm trying to lower the debate to a level where someone of your limited intellect might follow, but stop me if I go too fast.


    O.K. here we go.

    1. You making shit up as you go along, doesn't help your case. Making shit up, does not constitute evidence. Similarly simple repeating the shit you've made up time and time again, does not make it the truth. Despite what your hero Dr. Goebbels might have said.

    2. As an example of what I mean when I say making shit up as you go along, I mean for instance, posting the four arrest records as shown above, which were actually for an entirely different Michael Brown with an entirely different date of birth and who lived in an entirely different town.

    3. On a similar note Michael Brown had no Juvenile record for second degree murder. None. None at all. How do we know? Well because we have stuff called EVIDENCE that he did not. An example of what we refer to as EVIDENCE is this statement from a court official. It goes as follows:

    "Cynthia Harcourt, a lawyer for the juvenile officer of St. Louis County Family Court, said after the hearing that she could neither confirm nor deny the existence of a juvenile record for Mr. Brown. Missouri state law prohibits the records of most juvenile court proceedings from being released to the public. But she said Mr. Brown had no juvenile cases involving serious felony charges or convictions, including murder, robbery and assault with a deadly weapon. Those felony records would not be required to be confidential and would have been released, but none exist for Mr. Brown, Ms. Harcourt said."


    You see that son? That's what we adults refer to as EVIDENCE. Now, if you have any EVIDENCE That Michael Brown had an extensive criminal record, let's see that EVIDENCE right here.

    And by EVIDENCE, I mean proof from proper unbiased sources, not the feeble-minded, white supremacist hate sites that you rely on for information.

    Now put up, or shut the fuck up.

  38. Rikky Lenin on the money, as usual.

    The Case For Flag Burning

    "Just a quick note on the Confederate flag and this vexed problem of 'whiteness'.

    Every thick white Southern person they interview on television about this stupid flag says something thick about, it's about our heritage, it's not about slavery. It's about the South defending itself, it's not about slavery. It's about states rights, it's not about slavery.

    If this was just ignorance, then the ideological function of 'ignorance' would be self-evident and need no elaboration. But we have to remember that ignorance is an active, not a passive factor; people choose ignorance in order to protect the enjoyment they derive from a particular ideological position. So here's where 'whiteness' comes in.

    Fundamentally, 'whiteness' is unconscious. The signifier, 'whiteness', is linked to the unconscious fantasy of total enjoyment, total domination, total mastery, and total being therein. Obviously, such fantasies can't be expressed or even admitted. They're totally unacceptable to the contemporary political superego. But my impression is that this fantasy manifests itself all the time in the totally obvious slips and lapses of white Americans.*

    So when someone perversely literalises these fantasies by engaging in white-supremacist terror, sincerely trying to put black Americans 'back in their place', it has an interesting series of effects. In the public discourse, there's suddenly an anxiety about whiteness, which the right-wing media try to deflect - like the moronic journalist who questioned whether Roof was even white. But under the surface, people are doing something else: they're buying Confederate flags in record numbers.

    The rationalisations for this, we know: it's not about slavery, it's not about slavery, it's not about slavery. "I'm just buying this because the liberal media is about to go on the attack against Southern people, and I want to show that we're a proud, big-hearted people" etc etc. But there's no getting away from the fact that buying this flag constitutes at a basic level an unconscious symbolic identification with the killer, who was seen brandishing it. It's the unary trait through which they establish their equivalence to him.

    It's an extremely good idea to burn that flag. You're fucking with the enjoyment of white-supremacy. There can be moments at which desecrating a symbol just reinforces the enjoyment in it, but this is not one of them. Burn the flag."


  39. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Right on Penelope, I agree!

    I see lots writing about the maybe or maybe not criminal record for Mr. Brown!

    So what if he stole some cigars?

    Look at all the shit Roof had done,and? spotless record, slap on the wrist and lo and behold! Look what the lily white boi goes and does!!!

    So here we have a deadbeat shithead who was stuck in his room stewing in hatred for humanity against a young man that maybe committed an act out of youthful ignorance as we all do! But was going on to study a profession and be of use to society.

    Compare as to where they both are now?



  40. The Lying Purple Cow said...
    America is so fucked.

    If you actually believe that, why do so many people risk their lives to escape their country and come to America?

    FieldNegro admits he has more fun in "Black countries," yet even FieldNegro wanted to be here in America instead of where he was born.

    There must be something about America you don;t understand LyingPurpleCow.

  41. Woha! Field Negro actually prefers life "where he was born".

    Can't help it if I married a typical American who doesn't want to leave. :)


  42. The FieldNegro said...
    We are trying to have an honest and open dialogue about race in this country. (At least some of us are,

    Only if the conversation is about right-wingers.

    On the other hand, Black people gladly jeopardize their jobs and reputations to protect rich white liberals.

    Citing Ben Affleck’s ‘Improper Influence,’ PBS Suspends ‘Finding Your Roots’

    Maybe FieldNegro can explain how to have a conversation about race when dumbocrats aren't being honest and lie to protect white dumbocrats.

    When we remove the confederate flag do we also get to remove all the grand kleagle robert byrd tributes or are dumbocrat racists deserving of statues and tributes?

    Gotta love dumbocrat double standards.

  43. Go Pack Go11:36 AM

    When will blacks realize that they have only themselves to blame for their bullshit?

  44. field negro said...

    Racists are funny.

    All the computers in the wingnut asylum are currently in use.

    Just wow.

    Anywhoo, as a world citizen and someone who has traveled quite a bit. I would like to say for the record that I always have way more fun in black countries.

    Racists are funnie indeed...your blogging gets me many chuckles.


    And BTW, you'll NEVER be an Attorney, Doctor, and ANY other professional requiring a Doctorate level degree!!!

  46. Anonymous Eat Shit eat said...
    When will blacks realize that they have only themselves to blame for their bullshit?

    When will Whooteemoos realize that minorities don't give a rat's ass what they think?

  47. Looks like we have the LilacPR show today folks, go head' girl!!

  48. Typical white boy12:27 PM

    whine whine whine whine whine whine

  49. Anonymous StillaPanther2 said...
    Maybe there should be more stories about the generation of Blacks that made it without all the "freebies" of today. This generation consist mainly your grandfathers- if you know him (very sad statement to make) or your parents.

    I have to respectively say that the issue of the demise of the Black family today is one of class and culture.

    The men of middle class and "up" families, Africans, and Caribbeans don't abandon their parental duties nearly as much as poor American Blacks do. However in my opinion, the responsibility of teaching a man how to be a man falls on the shoulders of the elders of that community. African and Caribbean men (alnog with all the other cultures/races) don't seem to let poverty prevent them from standing by their families.

    In my estimation, it's Black elder men that have let us ALL down.

  50. Well lookey here and what the ignorant Whooteemoo @12:01
    left out if it's bio of Marylin Mosby:

    "............ She participated in the nationally-acclaimed desegregation program, Metropolitan Council for Education Opportunity (METCO), and later graduated with honors from Dover-Sherborn Regional High School. After receiving a scholarship, she attended Tuskegee University and, in 2002, graduated with a bachelors degree in political science. When it came time for Mosby to apply to law schools, she kept getting wait-listed because her Law School Admissions Test (LSAT) scores weren’t as good as they should have been............After calling numerous law schools and going on countless interviews, she was finally granted admission to Boston College Law School, and, in 2005, earned her law degree."

    Now if Mosby were a Whooteemoo, her actions would have been seen as tenacious, determined, and steadfast. But because the Whooteemoo is a ill intended miscreat and $hit stain on society, it boils down to affirmative action.

    The chlorophyll green cloak of envy this whooteemoo wears is probably highly protective against UV rays, so it's melanoma risk is probably lower than it is for other Whooteemoos, LOL!!!!

  51. The Fixer2:05 PM

    When will whites realize that they have only themselves to blame for their bullshit?


  52. The Fixer2:18 PM

    When will blacks realize that they have only themselves to blame for their bullshit?


  53. Anonymous2:18 PM

  54. The REAL Fixer2:19 PM

    When will whites realize that they have only themselves to blame for their bullshit?

    Now it's correct

  55. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    And BTW, you'll NEVER be an Attorney, Doctor, and ANY other professional requiring a Doctorate level degree!!!

    Neither will you hair hat.

  56. No Pack No2:20 PM

    When will blacks realize that they have only themselves to blame for their bullshit?

    As the racist Go Pack Go implies it was their own fault those 9 people in the church were killed. you know, all that being negro and praying on a Tuesday night and all. They should have known better.

  57. The Online Fixer2:21 PM

    When will blacks realize that they have only themselves to blame for their bullshit?

    Now it's correct

  58. Typical butthurt white boy3:00 PM

    whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine

  59. "If you actually believe that, why do so many people risk their lives to escape their country and come to America?"

    Don't imagine they do anymore. Europe is where it's at these days, baby.


    "FieldNegro admits he has more fun in "Black countries," yet even FieldNegro wanted to be here in America instead of where he was born."

    I think that has more to do with Mrs. Field than anything else. Besides I hear that Field has purchased a plot of land 'back-a-yard' - for his retirement home...

    "There must be something about America you don;t understand LyingPurpleCow."

    I understand enough to know that America is fucked. You shouldn't need me to tell you that. You are here day after day, whining like a little schoolgirl about how bad America is getting. Typical neo-Nazi double standards.

    "Maybe FieldNegro can explain how to have a conversation about race when dumbocrats aren't being honest and lie to protect white dumbocrats."

    One-Trick-Bill demonstrating his one trick there for you, folks.

    In case you had forgotten, what is his incessant whining sounds like...

  60. The Fixer3:25 PM

    When will whites realize that they have only themselves to blame for their bullshit?

    Now it's correct

  61. The Fixer3:26 PM

    "Maybe FieldNegro can explain how to have a conversation about race when Republicans aren't being honest and lie to protect white Rethuglicons."


  62. Yes he has PC. Yes he has. :)

  63. Incognegro4:19 PM

    "Yes of course he was fucking privileged, he had a network of economically well off relatives, by his own admission who helped him!"

    If white privilege is having family members who sacrifice for one another, what is stopping blacks from creating their own such privilege?

    Blacks already have a huge amount of privilege dictated by the government.

    At some point you have to realize that "white privilege" is code for "black failure".

  64. Space to destroy4:28 PM

    Marylin Mosby's abysmal job performance is an indication of just how undeserving her educational accomplishments and career advancement have been.

    Kudos to the medical establishment for so far resisting the cultural forces that seek to promote unqualified candidates of color like Yisheng to positions of medical responsibility.

  65. Spooked to deficate said...
    Kudos to the medical establishment for so far resisting the cultural forces that seek to promote unqualified candidates of color like Yisheng to positions of medical responsibility.

    Interesting since I posted while on lunch break at a major hospital today.

    And NO, I wasn't there checking on your Syphillis results, your Mammy's repair of the anal fistual she's developed near her vaginal canal, or how your father/uncle is recovering from his colectomy surgery. Though I did stop by to tell BOTH your parents to lay of the use of pipes during sex, least those medical conditons get FAR worse.

  66. BTW, Tumor Board was FULL of intersting cases today!!!! ;)

  67. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Yīshēngniqua said...
    Interesting since I posted while on lunch break at a major hospital today.

    I hope the glassware didn't pile up too high while you were slamming down your bucket of Popeye's popcorn shrimp. The real doctors have important things to do in the lab.

  68. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    BTW, Tumor Board was FULL of intersting cases today!!!! ;)

    That was popcorn shrimp, not tumors.

  69. Things that make you go hmmmmmm7:17 PM

    One-Trick-Bill demonstrating his one trick there for you, folks.

    You think Bill is really O'Reilly? Same dimwitted demeanor and lack of self awareness. Hmmmmmmm

  70. Anonymous8:01 PM

    I have heard that there was a silver lining from the Charleston SC church murders:

    For the first time Blacks got to hug Whites. And they were able to forgive Roof because of those hugs. Whites gave Blacks in SC the hugs they have always longed for over the centuries.


  71. Anonymous3:28 PM

    It has nothing to do with white privilege and all's due to the fact Africans and Europeans were never meant to live on the same earthly ground together. The Slave Trade was a ghastly mistake. Should have NEVER happened. White Americans got wealthy, never obtained peace of mind. There's a price to pay for the madness.

  72. Anonymous2:40 AM

    We are trying to have an honest and open dialogue about race in this country. (At least some of us are, others, on the other hand, not so much. They just want to hear themselves talk into the echo chamber that surrounds them.)

    I don't see much honesty from your side of the fence. What I do see is a depressing investment in hatred, division, and recrimination. And virtually no search for healing or common ground. You are intelligent man, and a good writer.

    For your sake -- honest -- I hope you're not so bitter, hostile, and unforgiving as you come across here. Life is short, and none of us is getting out of here alive. Will you make it better, or worse?
