Monday, July 13, 2015

A fictional racist has Americans up in arms.

Image result for kill a mockingbird imagesAmerica is indeed a strange place. All this excitement over Harper Lee's new book, and her main character, Atticus Finch.

Atticus, in case you didn't know, is that lawyer form her famous book, "To Kill  Mockingbird". He was a crusader for civil rights and racial justice. (Full disclosure, when I decided to become a lawyer, Atticus Finch was not one of the people that influenced my decision. ) So now, as it turns out, in her new book, Finch is a racist.

Oh the horror! *sarcasm off*

First, let's make something very clear: This new book is a work of FICTION. So if the 89 year old white woman from Alabama who penned the book decides to make her main character a racist, I say so be it. It's her book.

Sorry, I am more concerned with the real racists out here than a racist in a book.

But you Americans, I swear.

"The idea of being racist is like Spielberg doing a sequel in which ET punches Eliot in the face and steals his lunch money."

"my fictional husband since 8th grade is a racist and my entire childhood is a lie. "
"Don't know if I'll read To Set a Watchman. Loved Mockingbird so so much & the idea of Atticus becoming a racist doesn't appeal."
This non-story has actually gotten more publicity than the potential Iran/American nuke deal, or another black man being killed while in police custody. This time in Alabama.
Harper Lee and her publishers would like to thank you.
Finally, here is a story that I am sure that most of you have not seen.
Check out this picture from my twitter mate, @ShaunKing:
Embedded image permalink
He said it happened in Troy, New York, and these too "hardened looking criminals" were suspected of shoplifting and let go.
Where is Atticus Finch when you need him?



  1. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Way to go, officers! You gotta get 'em used to those bars at a young age.

  2. Fatticus Lynch8:19 PM

    "Sorry, I am more concerned with the real racists out here than a racist in a book."

    Seems you like fictional racists more, like imaginary klansmen burning down black churches.

  3. Anonymous8:20 PM

    After defending "poor,downtrodden" blacks for all those year, Mr. Finch obviously saw the light - blacks are dumb, violent, entitled, sociopathic children. "Helping" them just makes them worse.

    Nothing makes a racist faster than actual contact with blacks. Why do you think liberals don't want to live near you guys? Cuz it would be like a kid finding out Santa Claus is a rapist with a meat cleaver!

  4. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Show of hands here -

    Who here has honestly ever seen actual living, breathing Klansmen?

    Or did you just see them in all those Spielbergsteinowitz movies you grew up watching?

    Be honest!

  5. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Nothing makes a racist faster than actual contact with blacks. Why do you think liberals don't want to live near you guys? Cuz it would be like a kid finding out Santa Claus is a rapist with a meat cleaver!
    No, Whites were racists before any contact with Blacks or Indians. You are naturally born racists, akin to Satan and evil as they come.

    Santa Claus? Your white history says Whites ARE rapists, and much more evil than a child can imagine. Black kids would do well to stay away from Santa, unless he is of color.

  6. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "Show of hands here -

    Who here has honestly ever seen actual living, breathing Klansmen?"

    I'm from the South. I have seen them burning a cross on my neighbors lawn. I have seen parade after parades of white robed Klansmen. I have seen them pull a bm from his house with the rest of the family terrorized and pleading for the life of their father and husband.

    I have seen plenty of Klansmen, esp in the 50's and 60's. You are one ignorant stupid dude. It's because of Whites like you that racism continues and Blacks continues to be killed in churches by the likes of Roof. Make no mistake about it. Roof is very much a modern day racist with the mentality of a klansman.

  7. So sad they criminalize our youth. Handcuffs on a kid? Did Dylan Roof even get handcuffed after killing 9 blah people?

  8. Anonymous9:29 PM

    PX, no Roof was not handcuffed. Did you expect him to be cuffed? What you fail to accept over and over again is there is a difference how Whites and Blacks are treated as criminals. You should know that by now.

    I've tried to explain this fact of American life to you before in previous thread but you just don't get it.

  9. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Here's a very serious notice: El Chapo the Mexican cartel leader who escaped last week has threaten one of our candidates for 2016 WH, Donald Trump! Trump responded that he will kick the Mexican's ass when he becomes President. Whoa! Trump does not play.

    Anyway, the FBI is now involved. Man, Trump is getting bigger and bigger. Trump just might be the next President much like Reagan became President.

  10. It's a nonstory about people being upset about Atticus Finch being a bigot that was the original story before Harper Lee's editors told her to change to make him noble. But was he noble or like most of the Southerners within the white supremacy structure? There's more than one way to interpret the book. It's a fascinating story of how Lee's original book came to light and the motives of Tonja Carter, Lee's sister's former law partner. It's interesting how Harper Lee forgot about a book she wrote more than 60 years left in a joint safe deposit box with her sister Alice. I don't know if consented to publish To Set a Watchman due her current health status. She's currently in a nursing home due to a stroke and barely has sight, so I don't know if she capable of signing her consent. She still makes over $3 million a year from the royalties of To Kill a Mockingbird. The woman hasn't granted an interview since 1964 and refused to write another book. There are questions looming about the publication of the book.

    I read to Kill a Mockingbird and it's an excellent book. Lee did a tremendous piece of writing a story from a child's perspective, and it wasn't simplistic. Make the characters empathetic while writing a strong indictment of a racist structure in which they lived.

    I'll read To Set a Watchman and re-read To Kill a Mockingbird because these books are culturally valuable. It's 2015, and we still are struggling with the effects of white supremacy that's written in these books more than 55 and 60 years ago. Yes, these books are a work of fiction, and on the surface it's a lie. However, there's a deeper truth that the writer is conveying and sometimes we the conventional reader doesn't always recognize it with the first reading. Atticus Finch isn't a real person, but it doesn't mean they we couldn't strive to be better people, look at our biases, and the courage to step out of the status quo. As it's the status quo, that's more dangerous because it allows people like Dylan Roof to exist.

  11. Anon above, I know that u are friends with Mr. Trump, has he ever told u the secret of his hair?

    Anon@8:20, did u hug a friend today? U seem angry and confused. I feel for u.

    Don't worry, in about 30 years it will be all over. You will be dead and gone and no one will even remember u were here.

    Just another loser who sucked up the air for 70 years (give and take a few).

  12. Anonymous10:21 PM

    Mr Field@1013pm, you are a very depressing man who removes all hope for depressed negroes. I can't take this shit anymore from you.

  13. PilotX said...
    Man, same old same old but nowadays that's a good thing. Actually playing hooky to play in a tennis tournament but for the record I never said that, it's more like a 24 cold or something cough cough.

    How unprofessional.

    Affirmative action in action."

    I totally agree, when white males call in sick to go hunting or fishing or whatever else it is they do it is very unprofessional and smacks of white male affirmative action. See, I can agree with trolls on some things.

  14. Anonymous10:57 PM

    White males don't call in sick. They are the ones who go to work every day and keep things together. When they are gone, the planes will fall from the sky.

  15. I also have the book Between Me and the World by Ta-Nehisi Coates and The Empire of Cotton. However, judging from the comments written on this post, it's important to have hobbies. So I am going to doing some sewing to give myself balance. Hate is so unhealthy and life's too short.

  16. Anonymous11:06 PM

    Hey, we all need to come together and catch this El Chapo motherfucker before he gets Donald Trump. Here is picture of this evil drug lord. If you see him, call 1-800-Dirty Sanchez.

  17. PilotX said...
    So sad they criminalize our youth. Handcuffs on a kid? Did Dylan Roof even get handcuffed after killing 9 blah people?

    No, they gave him a bucket of fried chicken in the back of a limo.

    MBlack people will believe anything.

  18. Of course the hipsters are upset: every tenth white boy in Brooklyn, Portland & Santa Fe is named Atticus. Now they're going to have to use their middle names: Marlowe or Hetshepsut. And we make fun of black names.

  19. Anonymous11:16 PM

    Sheri Maple said...
    I also have the book Between Me and the World by Ta-Nehisi Coates and The Empire of Cotton.

    I hate to break this to you Sheri, but reading Ta-Nehisi Coates has conclusively been shown to make you dumber. You'd be better off huffing dry cleaning fluid.

  20. Field, the secret of tRump's hair is the orangutan hide that his toupees are cut from.

  21. Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    "And we make fun of black names."

    Fuck you honkey trash!

    1. Anonymous9:28 AM

      Wow, you should re read that you idiot. It wasn't a shot at blacks. Reading comprehension is your friend.

  22. I read the first chapter online, and thought it was pretty good. As for Atticus being a racist, given when the book was written, it would have been news if he wasn't.

    -Doug in Oakland

  23. Anonymous11:27 PM

    Doug in Oakland is a fucking white racist.

  24. Anon@11:19, u are white. But nice try.

    Sheri, happy reading.

    And don't let the haters get to u. They are just a bunch of trolls on the Internet.

    They are actually quite pathetic, but they give us enjoyment from time to time. :)

  25. Anonymous12:18 AM

    Don't worry, negroes - there's no chance Trump is going to win. The fix is in for Hillary (and her latino/a running mate-to-be). The EBT cards will stay activated for a few more years, and you guys wil continue to become more and more irrelevant.

    And when the Chinese finally take over this country, well .... YOU'RE FIRED!

  26. Anonymous12:26 AM

    "Here's a very serious notice: El Chapo the Mexican cartel leader who escaped last week has threaten one of our candidates for 2016 WH, Donald Trump! Trump responded that he will kick the Mexican's ass when he becomes President. Whoa! Trump does not play."

    Actually, what he said (in foul-mouthed Spanish) was: "Keep fucking around and I'm going to make you eat all your damn words, whitey sperm-pooper."

    Of course, that's just a version of what most people would like to tell Trump, actually -- although most of us wouldn't chop off Trump's head, while El Chapo might.

    Still, if Trump ends up dismembered in an unmarked grave in the Sonoran desert, the world will not be worse off without him.

  27. Anonymous1:17 AM

    Of course, that's just a version of what most people would like to tell Trump, actually -- although most of us wouldn't chop off Trump's head, while El Chapo might.

    Still, if Trump ends up dismembered in an unmarked grave in the Sonoran desert, the world will not be worse off without him.

    12:26 AM
    I believe the entire world would be affected. You obviously don't know much about Trump. If elected, he would be the greatest President of all time.

    As a black man, I believe he will give a lot of jobs to my people. Pray he wins.

  28. Anonymous1:41 AM

    "As a black man, I believe he will give a lot of jobs to my people. Pray he wins."

    You are not a black man.

    And I pray he sticks around long enough for his racist rhetoric to do maximal damage to the Republican Party's image, before El Chapo beheads him. Wrecking his party is all Trump is good for.

    He has zero chance of being nominated, much less elected.

    1. Anonymous9:35 AM

      What racist rhetoric? Please give examples. Just because you don't like what he says about the crime that illegals bring with them doesn't make it racist.

      Facts aren't racist.

  29. Anonymous1:57 AM

    You are not a black man.

    And I pray he sticks around long enough for his racist rhetoric to do maximal damage to the Republican Party's image, before El Chapo beheads him. Wrecking his party is all Trump is good for.

    He has zero chance of being nominated, much less elected.

    1:41 AM
    First, I AM Black. Secondly, they said Reagan had no chance of being elected and look what happened. So, Donald has a big chance of becoming our next President.

    If you think Hillary has a chance, think again.

  30. "White males don't call in sick. They are the ones who go to work every day and keep things together. When they are gone, the planes will fall from the sky."

    Bwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Man, that is funny as hell. Some white cats call in once a month whether they are sick or not. "I'm going to retire with zero sick time" is a common refrain. Hell, some guys never even show up their last year on the job. You have a future as a comedian.

  31. "As a black man, I believe he will give a lot of jobs to my people. Pray he wins."

    Uh oh


  32. StillaPanther23:27 AM

    There still are some of us who have seen actual Klansmen. Even today there are many rural cities that have groups of white men that still evoke fear in the Black population. Several of these cites. Benson, NC. Clayton, Nc. Benson is the headquarters for Eastern NC.

    There is also cities where Blacks have the majority population, bot no Blacks on city council. There are cities where you have to live in off the interstates I-95s and I-85 to know that 1960s life is still alive.

    Personally I have seen Klansmen in full dress. Little Washington, NC during the Joanne Little trial marches. Most Klansmen don't wear sheets... they dress just like your parents and still have the same ideology of the past. A lot of Klansmen are using the masonic order to keep "giggaboos" in their place.

  33. Exactly brotha Panther, most klansmen are undercover. We know we have a few of em posting here.



    Thankfully, we are on to them.

  35. field negro said...

    If that was not in fact Megyn Kelly's site I will have to apologize to her for posting in such a manner.........Not!


    Being blah and a leftist means you can be dishonest at will and never learn the meaning of truth and accountability.

    PilotX said...

    So sad they criminalize our youth. Handcuffs on a kid? Did Dylan Roof even get handcuffed after killing 9 blah people?

    Black youth is the "they" that is criminalizing your youth.

    Dylan Roof was cuffed and treated like every other blah that knows how to act when dealing with cops.

    PX is a typical blah male. Paranoid has fuck. And stupid for the cause.

  36. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Blogger field negro said...


    Thankfully, we are on to them.

    6:51 AM
    No, you aren't on to anybody, brother Field--except in your deluded mind. I am Black and proud of it. Your denial, and dumb ass PC's denial, of my blackness doesn't change shit.

    You two are really fucked up when it comes to identifying who's Black on FN and who's not. Your Black IQ is about 10.

  37. Ass-non sez,

    "Nothing makes a racist faster than actual contact with blacks."

    Then one would really have to wonder why a racist would actually seek contact with blacks DAILY on a messageboard.

    Are you a masochist?

    1. Anonymous9:32 AM

      I don't know. Why do blacks continue to live in such a(allegedly) racist country like the US? It baffles me. Are blacks masochist?

  38. Silvio9:20 AM

    "And I pray he sticks around long enough for his racist rhetoric to do maximal damage to the Republican Party's image"

    Wanting to do something about Mexico dumping their criminals on us = Racist.

    Liberal leftist racial dogma is as every bit as unyielding to reality as the most ferociously dogmatic Biblical literalism. Scary.

  39. PilotX said...
    "Exactly brotha Panther, most klansmen are undercover. We know we have a few of em posting here."

    Look out PilotX! There's one hidin' behind the wood pile over there!

    Deys everywhere!

  40. Ass-non

    In case you didn't notice the President is black. We just got that offensive symbol of hate the Stars and Bars lowered. We are about to run the racists OUT!

    Deal with it. Fool.

  41. El Chapo10:44 AM

    I find the black nationalist flag offensive. It must be banned.


  42. Gotta love how dumbocrats think...

    The crash happened in Cochran’s ward.

    “One of the disturbing things that has come to light is how people on the scene of the accident were saying that the police had no business chasing these guys and are blaming the police,” said Cochran, a former police officer. “But who do you chase if you don’t chase a murderer? . . . Rather than saying the gunman had no business going to shoot and kill somebody, they were saying the police had no business chasing them.”

    At a time when dumbocrats are calling out Atticus for being racist, dumbocrats watch Black lives shoot each other at an alarming rate.

    There must be a good reason rich white dumbocrats get to decide which Black lives matter based solely on the color of the killer.

    There must be a better reason that Blacks willingly go along with it.

  43. Bill,

    What alarming rates? Prove it. Homicide rates in most urban areas are at 40 year lows. And when blacks kill they go to JAIL.

    Unlike Zimmerman, Darren Wilson and many others.


  44. Kinky_Con said...
    PX is a typical blah male. Paranoid has fuck. And stupid for the cause.

    Are you sure?

    Unlike other Black males, in the story PilotX has told many times, when PilotX was taken to jail he wasn't beat or tasered.

    I wonder what is different about PilotX than Eric Garner.


  45. uptownsteve said...
    What alarming rates? Prove it. Homicide rates in most urban areas are at 40 year lows.

    Several big U.S. cities see homicide rates surge

    NYPD: Homicide Rate Up 16 Percent In 2015

    Violent crime spikes in Dallas through first half of 2015

    After a 12-year decline, crime in L.A. surges in first half of 2015

    After years of declining crime, a spike in city violence

    Nationwide Crime Spike Has Law Enforcement Retooling Their Approach

    Spike In Crime In Subway System Prompts Increased Patrols

    Homicides up 20 percent in D.C. this year, with nearly 30 killed since May 1

    Amid renewed spike in violence, Newark announces changes to youth curfew

    Residents, business owners in north Seattle alarmed over increase in violent crime there

    Atlanta neighborhood sees increase in brazen crimes

    Police Chief: July has the highest crime increase in decades

    UptownSteve, it appears that whatever media you watch/read isn't keeping you very well informed.

    No surprise, I believe the left-wing media you consume has an agenda, and that agenda is keeping you ignorant about the spike in crime.

    My proof, your lack of knowledge about the spike in crime.

  46. Thank you, Field. I don't pay attention to anyone who doesn't bother to create a profile and make anonymous posts. I think that the person may have been inhaling cleaning fluid while writing the comment. Better yet this person's lack of fortitude of having nothing interesting to write in the sense of having an argument of anything I previously wrote. It's fine to disagree with me but give a coherent retort. Oh, who I'm kidding, that's not happening.

  47. Bill,

    Question. Why aren't your links accessible?
    Answer: Because you pulled them out of your ass.

  48. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Same old uptownsteve, same old bullshit games.

    He will make unsupportable assertions, demand links to back up yours, and then ignore them when you provide them.

    Over and over again.


  49. uptownsteve said...


    Question. Why aren't your links accessible?
    Answer: Because you pulled them out of your ass.

    That's the most chickenshit answer I've seen in a while.

    I don't blame you for ignoring the links. What else could you do? Admit you were wrong?

    Did you notice one of your links is from last year BEFORE the spike in crime? I noticed. Nice try.

    And your other link from the beginning of the year as the spike in crime was starting.

    Can't you do better UptownSteve? Maybe a link to prove your point from July 2015?

  50. What alarming rates Bill?

    Certain cities have seen slight upticks in crime during the first half of 2015 but that, as many experts have predicted, may level off by the end of the years.

    The currents don't come close to what we experienced 20 years ago.


  51. uptownsteve said...

    What alarming rates Bill?

    Certain cities have seen slight upticks in crime during the first half of 2015 but that, as many experts have predicted, may level off by the end of the years.

    50% is a slight uptick?

    Homicides Up In Minneapolis For First Time In 3 Years
    The latest statistics for the first half of the year has the murder rate up nearly 50 percent over this time last year.

    20% is a slight uptick?

    Homicides up 20 percent in D.C. this year, with nearly 30 killed since May 1

    16% is a slight uptick?

    NYPD: Homicide Rate Up 16 Percent In 2015

    What needs to change to "level off" the crime surge?

  52. Bill

    Just curious. What do you believe the uptick in crime to be?

  53. Not that any readers here would necessarily care, but "Go Set a Watchman" was just Harper Lee's first draft of "To Kill a Mockingbird:"

    In the final rewrite, Atticus Finch had transformed himself from bigot to white savior. As we (white readers) have always liked to imagine things.

    What do I have in common with Field and Ta-Nehisi Coates? I haven't read "Mockingbird" either. Nor seen the movie, for that matter: the eloquent and dignified Gregory Peck alongside the dumb and dependent Brock Peters was already more than I could stand. Clichéd lies. No wonder DuVernay didn't want to expand LBJ's role in "Selma."

  54. Bill said...

    Kinky_Con said...
    PX is a typical blah male. Paranoid has fuck. And stupid for the cause.

    Are you sure?

    Unlike other Black males, in the story PilotX has told many times, when PilotX was taken to jail he wasn't beat or tasered.

    I wonder what is different about PilotX than Eric Garner.

    11:18 AM

    I bet PX went all "YES SIR!!!!, NO SIR, HOW CAN I HELP YOU,SIR!!1".

    Not a trace of militant blah in him. He was all "WE SHALL OVERCOME"

    But when PX left the station?

    The militant blah came out and he started singing "FUCK THE POLICE" and "FIGHT THE POWER".



  55. uptownsteve said...


    Just curious. What do you believe the uptick in crime to be?

    I'm going to ignore your question like you ignored mine about what needs to change to level off the "slight" uptick in crime.

    Fair is fair.


  56. uptownsteve said...



    Says the person that didn't answer my question.

    A better reply would have been to answer my question and pretend you didn't know I really wanted an answer. And then call me out for an answer.

    Instead you proved my point about you not answering my question.

  57. Anonymous1:42 PM

    "The currents don't come close to what we experienced 20 years ago."

    That's because there are more blacks in jail now.

  58. Bill

    I don't really know what to do about upticks and surges. Especially when we are not sure of the reasons behind them.

  59. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Maybe it's the Obama administration's attack on local policing and the championing of false narratives regarding police racism. That might be it.

  60. So are you saying the police are refusing to do their jobs because of Obama's stance against police brutality and racism?

    Hmmmm. Seems to me that any cop who refuses to do their job should be fired and that is a reflection of department leadership.

  61. "The currents don't come close to what we experienced 20 years ago."

    Oh yeah, that's when I was young and had hair and was running the streets. There kids now ain't got nothing on us. Thankfully things are much better and should remain so. Now that we have a President that recognizes sentences are out of whack with crime and when people fulfill their obligations they need to be reintegrated into society with full voting rights and value as a citizen. That will go a long way at lowering crime because for some folks the underground economy is the only option.

  62. "Hmmmm. Seems to me that any cop who refuses to do their job should be fired and that is a reflection of department leadership."

    Yep, that's the gig they signed up to do and if they don't like it go bag groceries.

  63. Anonymous3:26 PM

    So, PilotX was a criminal. Hmm,

  64. Saul Alinsky3:31 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "Hmmmm. Seems to me that any cop who refuses to do their job should be fired and that is a reflection of department leadership."

    You have the strategy down, my small brown friend. Use the DOJ to threaten imprisonment and/or career termination of any cop who is involved with an altercation with a black person. When cops rationally avoid altercations with black people, accuse them of not doing their job as a pretext for asserting more central government control.

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. No matter the decade, the most violent places in this country will still be controlled by Democrats and have majority blah populations.

    the more things change the more they stay the same and stuff.

  67. Anonymous3:54 PM

    "the more things change the more they stay the same and stuff."

    Nature will not be denied.

  68. Saul,

    Is ya crazy? There was a videotape of NYPD cops choking Eric Garner to death and no indictments of the cops. Freddie Gray dies in the back of a police van and it took a riot to get those murderers in blue indicted. Almost every day on the web you can find a videotape of some cop threatening or brutalizing a black person with no fear of department retribution. Remember the Bastrop TX cop body slamming a 14 year old girl at a pool party? What these thugs in blue seem NOT to want to do is serve the public with honor.

  69. More whites are killed by cops than blacks, even though blacks are much more likely to resist arrest:

    You cite three interactions out of millions, and those three can be interpreted quite differently than your highly prejudiced descriptions.

    Black's have more negative consequences from law enforcement primarily because of higher rates of black criminality. End of story.

  70. The reaction to "Watchman" reminds me of the reaction to Jane Smiley's "A Thousand Acres." White people who fantasized about being the heroes in their own white savior narratives, are very uncomfortable with the idea that a white savior, real or fictional, is also racist. It shines a little too much light on their motivations.

    @Anonymous 8:22P - I've seen, and protested, at least five Klan rallies. In the north. In the past 25 years. As for who's "seen a living, breathing Klansman," probably most everyone in the USA. We just didn't recognize them without their hoods.
