Sunday, July 26, 2015

Legitimizing racism and the end of journalism.

Patrickjbuchanan.JPGWelcome back Pat Buchanan;  the poster boy for your racist xenophobic American.

And shame on Chuck Todd and NBC for bringing him back. This is just what we need in this current political climate; more ignorant and unenlightened thoughts from Richard Nixon's former inside man.

This is what John Amato, writing for Crooks And Liars, had to say about the aforementioned Mr. Buchanan:

"Buchanan has repeatedly defended Adolf Hitler and once labeled him "an individual of great courage." He claimed "in a way, both sides were right" during the Civil War. He declined to disavow the idea that minorities have inferior genes. He defended a school's ban on interracial dating. He opined that "this has been a country built, basically, by white folks" and falsely claimed only "white males" died at Gettysburg and Normandy. He once claimed "conservatives are the niggers of the Nixon administration" and urged President Nixon not to visit Martin Luther King Jr.'s widow because King was "one of the most divisive men in contemporary history."


Anyway, speaking of Adolf Hitler, it seems that yet another right- wing politician thought that it was cool to  refer to a time in our history when Adolf Hitler was committing atrocities in Europe, while talking about the policies of the president of the United States.

"Hyperbolic analogies to Nazis or the Holocaust are hardly a new feature of American political rhetoric, but Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee got weirdly specific about concentration-camp crematoriums yesterday when denouncing the Obama Administration's nuclear deal with Iran. In a Breitbart interview, Huckabee declared, "This president’s foreign policy is the most feckless in American history. It is so naive that he would trust the Iranians. By doing so, he will take the Israelis and march them to the door of the oven."' [Source]

What is it with these guys and their love affair with all things Nazi?

And Huckabee in particular seems to be enamored with the whole Nazi thing.

He does it, for instance,  here, and here, and here.

Anyway, I know that Mike Huckabee is a "religious" man, so I am going to give him a quote from a book that I know he reads:   "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he".

Pic from Wikipedia


  1. Huckabee thinks Beyonce is the devil's music, but it's OK for him to play bass on Cat Scratch Fever with Ted Nugent. I don't know if he's really religious or not, but he's definitely a moron.
    Why anyone listens to Pat Buchanan, other than the fact that they keep putting him on TV, is way beyond me.

    -Doug in Oakland

  2. Ronald Reagan's ballsack10:52 PM

    Why are white conservatives such whiny bitches?

  3. Anonymous11:33 PM

    "And shame on Chuck Todd and NBC for bringing him back. This is just what we need in this current political climate; more ignorant and unenlightened thoughts from Richard Nixon's former inside man."

    Mr Field, fyi, ratings are the name of the game in TV land. FYI, Pat Buchanan is good for ratings. That's 'why' he is on TV. People love to watch him and listen to him.

    Let's face the truth: a lot of Americans 'love' Buchanan. He 'might' be a racist but that doesn't matter if you are White.

    Just like Farrakhan makes sense to Blacks, Buchanan makes sense to Whites. Are you able to understand? Mr Field, this is America where racism is the norm.

  4. It isn't Jeans It's Genes.11:52 PM


    What word is this?

    He declined to disavow the idea that minorities have inferior genes.

    Science, remember? Democrats hate science.

  5. Anonymous11:54 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Just like Farrakhan makes sense to Blacks, Buchanan makes sense to Whites. Are you able to understand? Mr Field, this is America where racism is the norm.

    11:33 PM

    This,unfortunately, is true.

  6. Queen Yisheng12:49 AM

    Buchanan is bitching from the position of the oppressor. Therefore, to compare his position with that of Farakkhan is utterly ridiculous.

    And I speak as a person who doesn't support Farakkhan due to his role in the killing of a Malcolm X.

  7. Anonymous1:13 AM

    He claimed "in a way, both sides were right" during the Civil War.

    To say otherwise is to claim that the ruinous tariffs on the South (which paid 70% of the Federal budget at the time) were not anything the South had a right to object to.

    He declined to disavow the idea that minorities have inferior genes.

    Did he ever make such a claim, or did someone demand he disavow the idea as a "gotcha"?

    Frankly, you should WISH that AA, Hispanic, etc. problems were due to genes.  You aren't responsible for the genes you're born with.  You ARE responsible for the choices you make with the capabilities you have.  Insisting that you're equal means that you are deliberately being dysfunctional and criminal.  Be careful what you wish for.

    He defended a school's ban on interracial dating.

    Yes, nobody must EVER have the choice of a school that bans inter-racial dating.  Diversity means chasing down the last white person.

    He opined that "this has been a country built, basically, by white folks" and falsely claimed only "white males" died at Gettysburg and Normandy.

    Negroes/Blacks/African-Americans (what's the proper term this week?) were very scarce in the north until the Great Migration of the 20th century, and were totally absent from parts of the west for a long time; Oregon's founding documents banned Africans by law.  It should not be necessary to tell you this, but you didn't build that!

    The irony is that you claim you're so great, but you simply cannot get enough of white people.  Everyone else—Europeans, Hispanics, Easterners—wants nothing to do with you, but you insist on being with and around them.  If you were so great, Haiti and Liberia would be paradises.  Would you live in either place?  How about Zimbabwe?  Go on, show the courage of your alleged convictions.  Leave other races alone and show them what you can do.

  8. Anonymous1:49 AM

    I caint spel reel goode cuz I is a nigger.

  9. Anonymous2:02 AM

    Ha ha yall bicth ass crackers have small little dicks. The Afrcan Man is the Suprerior Man. We have big dicks that's why you women wan't us so bad.

  10. Anonymous2:12 AM

    Ezeoma Obioha, a COLLEGE-EDUCATED black man, was arrested for brutally murdering Carrie Jean Melvin in Los Angeles, all because he didn't want to honor a check he wrote to her. Even college can't take the jungle out of you guys!

    I hope he makes some Mexican friends in prison. :)

  11. The Black Avenger2:36 AM

    Q: What did the jackass say when he saw Anon Asshole @1:49 A.M.?


    Fuck you Josh!!

  12. Side show Don is soaking up all of the media attention. There are only 2 ways left for one of the also-ran republi clowns to get any press: attack him & hope that he responds in kind (Almost certain, his skin is so thin it's see through) mentioning their names & getting into the news cycle for a day or so; or light your own hair on fire just like him so that they pretty much have to cover you. Huckleberry, Cruz & Sanctimony can't attack sideshow because they all need his supporters whenever he gets bored with pretending to run for president to extend their own book-tour/fake campaigns until they implode from political irrelevance.

  13. "To say otherwise is to claim that the ruinous tariffs on the South (which paid 70% of the Federal budget at the time) were not anything the South had a right to object to."

    Well given that the cash value of the slaves that Southerners owned represented 40% of America's GDP, I don;t imagine they have much to complain about when paying taxes.


    "He declined to disavow the idea that minorities have inferior genes.

    Did he ever make such a claim, or did someone demand he disavow the idea as a "gotcha"?

    What difference would that make?


    "Frankly, you should WISH that AA, Hispanic, etc. problems were due to genes. You aren't responsible for the genes you're born with. You ARE responsible for the choices you make with the capabilities you have. Insisting that you're equal means that you are deliberately being dysfunctional and criminal. Be careful what you wish for."

    Poverty causes criminality, every 1,7% increase in poverty causes a 10% increase in crime. If you shove kids into ghettos, send them to school in grim slums with teaching staff who have long ago given up hope. if you ensure that the narcotics distribution industry is the only industry that is recruiting in their neighbourhood. If you then imprison black men for finding employment in the only industry that is recruiting in their neighbourhood - then indeed you will create a self-reinforcing cycle of poverty, crime and hopelessness. That is capitalism's poisonous gift to the black man, having stolen them from Africa and used the profits from their labours as the seed capital for the industrial revolution, the black man's reward for enabling the very existence of modern, technological western society is to have their souls crushed and hope destroyed.

    That is your legacy. Thanks for nothing.

    "Yes, nobody must EVER have the choice of a school that bans inter-racial dating."



    "He opined that "this has been a country built, basically, by white folks" and falsely claimed only "white males" died at Gettysburg and Normandy."

    "Negroes/Blacks/African-Americans (what's the proper term this week?) were very scarce in the north until the Great Migration of the 20th century, and were totally absent from parts of the west for a long time; Oregon's founding documents banned Africans by law. It should not be necessary to tell you this, but you didn't build that."

    Your response is totally irrelevant to the point being made. And of course, it is also demonstrably wrong as I have already demonstrated.

    "The irony is that you claim you're so great, but you simply cannot get enough of white people. Everyone else—Europeans, Hispanics, Easterners—wants nothing to do with you, but you insist on being with and around them."

    Oh really? The slaves insisted on being captures and sent to the Caribbean did they? Cheerfully lay down in slave ships to die? That's really your view of history? For a member of the master race, you are not very well informed.


    "If you were so great, Haiti and Liberia would be paradises."

    If capitalism was so great, Haiti and Liberia would be paradises.

    There, fixed it for ya.

    " Would you live in either place? How about Zimbabwe? Go on, show the courage of your alleged convictions. Leave other races alone and show them what you can do."

    We would have been more than happy to leave you alone, had you offered us the choice.

    1. Anonymous8:53 PM

      Nobody stole blacks from Africa. They were bought in the slave markets. How did they get there you ask? Why they were brought there by other Africans and Arabs.

      Stole from Africa indeed!

  14. "Ligit" urban slang...... but ok.

    Anywhoo, great comments above.

    Well.....most of them, anyway.

  15. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Queen Yisheng said...
    And I speak as a person who doesn't support Farakkhan due to his role in the killing of a Malcolm X.

    Which one?

  16. Cracker Jack8:16 AM

    No one has "inferior" genes - everyone alive today has been equally successful in the game of evolution. Some people have genes that make them better at certain talents or provide certain health benefits, but in the end what is superior is decided by nature, not men.

    Buchanan has never said minorities have inferior genes.

    Buchanan has never praised what happened under the Nazis.

    He has spoken some historical truths, for example those who died at Gettysburg and Normandy were almost exclusively white men, that counter the Narrative enforced by society, but are none the less true.

    People like Field brand him 'racist' for expressing sentiments that they themselves express about their own people.

    MLK has been sainted because he has been chosen to represent the completion of the American founding promise of equality through the Civil Rights moment. The man himself was deeply flawed, prone to plagiarism and infidelity, and espoused as many treasonous and hateful ideas as he did messages of liberty and togetherness.

    Today's Narrative encourages disparagement of the founders by focusing narrowly on the slave holding of Washington and Jefferson, while forbidding any discussion of MLK's sins.

    Buchanan is one of the bravest figures in American political life for his willingness to express opinions outside of what the Narrative deems acceptable. Dismissing him by using the label "racist" is the cowardly act of a conformist unable to debate on the facts.

    Buchanan is a Field Whitey.

  17. The Butcher8:35 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    "...given that the cash value of the slaves that Southerners owned represented 40% of America's GDP..."

    Nonsense. The US GDP did not decline 40% after the Civil War. The South was devastated, but the overall economic output of the country actually increased. Slavery was becoming less and less economically viable, and would have disappeared within a generation or two on its own without the war.

    "Poverty causes criminality, every 1,7% increase in poverty causes a 10% increase in crime."

    Nonsense. There are plenty of moral and law abiding poor people.

    "If capitalism was so great, Haiti and Liberia would be paradises."

    Why have the people of Haiti and Liberia stuck with 'capitalism' for over 200 years?

    "We would have been more than happy to leave you alone, had you offered us the choice."

    What's stopping you now?

  18. Anonymous8:35 AM

    It sure would be nice if EVERYBODY would just STFU for 6 months and say absolutely nothing so that we're enabled to gather our WITS about us. We're ALL sick of each other to the max. We're all on each other's last damn nerve. STFU!!!!

  19. Anonymous8:36 AM

    "Why anyone listens to Pat Buchanan, other than the fact that they keep putting him on TV, is way beyond me."

    Because the bookers of the Sunday political panel table shows are way out of touch with what most people in America want to see.

    They feel like Buchanan speaks for some meaningful section of the electorate, but I don't think even the bigots are really all that enthusiastic about Buchanan. He's a fossil.

    It's the same thing with John McCain. The Beltway press still think he's the bee's knees, but back in reality, no one is riding the McCain "Straight Talk Express" anymore. He's got nothing much to say, except that we need to be invading every country that is not America, pronto!

    These Sunday shows either need a serious infusion of new blood, or else they will never play again to any audience besides the old folks' home.

  20. Anonymous8:47 AM

    "To say otherwise is to claim that the ruinous tariffs on the South (which paid 70% of the Federal budget at the time) were not anything the South had a right to object to."

    To say the South seceded because of tariffs and not slavery is to prove you attended a Southern school with a historically revisionist curriculum designed to keep you ignorant.

    Did your textbooks refer to the Civil War as the "War of Northern Aggression"? Did they teach that black people liked slavery, too? I'll bet they did.

  21. Anonymous9:16 AM

    "And I speak as a person who doesn't support Farakkhan due to his role in the killing of a Malcolm X.

    Which one?"

    They kept a spare Malcolm X in suspended animation in case they ever needed to thaw him out at a future date. You know, like Austin Powers.

    Btw, Lenin isn't really dead either. He will be popping out of his glass box when people least expect it.

  22. Anonymous9:30 AM

    "He has spoken some historical truths, for example those who died at Gettysburg and Normandy were almost exclusively white men, that counter the Narrative enforced by society, but are none the less true."

    What "narrative enforced by society"? No one disputes that most of those fighting in the Civil War were white men. If anything is overlooked it is that some black people fought for the Union, while others fought for the Confederacy (under duress).

    "MLK has been sainted because he has been chosen to represent the completion of the American founding promise of equality through the Civil Rights moment. The man himself was deeply flawed, prone to plagiarism and infidelity, and espoused as many treasonous and hateful ideas as he did messages of liberty and togetherness."

    Treasonous and hateful ideas, such as that the Vietnam War was a colossal fuck-up (it was) and America's economic system is grossly unequal and elitist (it still is)?

  23. Anonymous9:42 AM

    "Poverty causes criminality, every 1,7% increase in poverty causes a 10% increase in crime.

    Nonsense. There are plenty of moral and law abiding poor people."

    That hardly refutes the point. The fact that some people are always willing to put up with unfair and miserable conditions doesn't change the fact that some people are always NOT willing to put up with them and resort to crime. And this happens across every population fairly predictably, regardless of race or culture.

    To be more accurate, poverty that occurs within societies which also contain great wealth results in very high crime rates. Unfair economic policies that result in gross inequality and low social mobility have always been accompanied by high levels of crime, and always will be.

    Moralistic conservative preaching that people just need to have a better work ethic and pull themselves up by their bootstraps has never reduced crime and never will do so.

  24. Pat Buchannan should have been tossed into the dustbin of history long ago. NBC should be ashamed. Huck is deranged but that seems to be the going trend in the Republican Party.
    Pat seems to be upset Christianity is being looked upon like any other religion. Uh, yeah pretty much dude. Sorry.

  25. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "Poverty causes criminality, every 1,7% increase in poverty causes a 10% increase in crime.

    Nonsense. There are plenty of moral and law abiding poor people."

    That hardly refutes the point. The fact that some people are always willing to put up with unfair and miserable conditions doesn't change the fact that some people are always NOT willing to put up with them and resort to crime. And this happens across every population fairly predictably, regardless of race or culture.

    Change the conditions, stop looking for the White man to do for you what you will not do for yourself.

    Immigrants of all races come in and economically take over Black neighborhoods. They don't wait for Whitey to give them handouts.

  26. Quotes:the Butcher:

    Nonsense. The US GDP did not decline 40% after the Civil War.

    Wow! Are you really that stupid? Think about what you are saying, man.

    Engage your brain before you type next time.

    Nonsense. There are plenty of moral and law abiding poor people.

    There sure are, but that in no way refutes the point I was making.

    "Why have the people of Haiti and Liberia stuck with 'capitalism' for over 200 years?"

    Excellent question. I wish I knew.

    "We would have been more than happy to leave you alone, had you offered us the choice."

    What's stopping you now?"

    You can't turn back history, dummkopf.

    You stole Africans from their native lands and brought them to the west by force, but that doesn't mean that African Americans are any less American than you. The first African slaves were already working in Florida, Virginia and Puerto Rico years before the Pilgrim father's landed on the rock.

    But hey if you want to finance my trip to Africa, I'll take three million dollars thank you, used notes, small denominations, if you please.

  27. Anonymous10:15 AM

    "If capitalism was so great, Haiti and Liberia would be paradises."

    Why have the people of Haiti and Liberia stuck with 'capitalism' for over 200 years?"

    I don't know about Liberia, but Haiti's problem is not merely "capitalism."

    Haiti has a long history of being beaten on by outsiders.

    First, as a result of the slave revolt that resulted in that country's independence from France, Europe and the U.S. punished them. As a condition of France not invading and re-enslaving them, Haitians were forced to pay a sizeable debt, considered to be the value lost when the slaves "stole themselves" from their slaveowners. This amounted to US $20 billion and was actually far above the actual economic value of slavery in Haiti, because in practice, this was meant as punishment. The country was paying this off for many years, during which the debt acted as a drain on economic growth.

    Also for many years, Western countries put Haiti under an economically damaging trade embargo, because, again, this was meant as punishment. It was intended to put a scare into slaves on other Caribbean islands, in case they got any funny ideas.

    Later, ongoing debt (which changed hands over time) became an excuse for U.S. and other administrators to take over rule of the island. Lots of bribery of local officials took place to allow foreign businesses to be established on favorable terms. This established a culture of pervasive corruption, which remains Haiti's biggest problem to this day.

    Finally, when dynasty of scummy dictators, the Duvalier family, took over the island, ruling with an iron fist, the U.S. backed them, because at least they weren't communist. This was the unpleasant pragmatism of the Cold War, in which any right-wing ruler, no matter how horrible, was automatically preferable to a left-wing one.

    Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, and that didn't happen because Haitians are just lazy. The country was subject to a succession of disastrous interventions.

  28. Anonymous10:22 AM

    "Immigrants of all races come in and economically take over Black neighborhoods. They don't wait for Whitey to give them handouts."

    Most of the immigrants coming in and "taking over black neighborhoods" aren't pulling themselves up by their bootstraps either. There is a myth that everyone comes to this country "with nothing but the clothes on their backs."

    This is nonsense. A large percentage of the immigrants founding start-up businesses here, particularly those coming from East and South Asia, hail from those countries' middle classes. They have expertise and capital saved up from running those businesses in the old country, neither of which black folks in the ghetto have access to.

    Your narrative of hard-worker immigrant bees versus shiftless urban negroes is low on facts and long on hate.

  29. No matter how cynical I get, I just can't keep up. —Lily Tomlin

  30. Queen Yisheng10:40 AM

    Why do folks here continue to waste time explaining Black world history to whooteemoos?

  31. Anonymous11:06 AM

    can someone expleain whooteemoos?


  32. The FieldNegro said...
    And shame on Chuck Todd and NBC for bringing him back.

    It made Black people upset.

    Upset at republicans.

    Win Win for the dumbocrats that brought him back.

    Anything dumbocrats can do to divide the country helps your party.

  33. C'mon Bill, have you not developed that second trick yet?

    How about that second braincell?

  34. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Anything dumbocrats can do to divide the country helps your party.
    So what helps Republicans Bill or is your head so far up your ass you don't have a clue?


  35. The Lying Purple Cow said...

    C'mon Bill, have you not developed that second trick yet?

    How about that second braincell?

    One braincell is all it takes to goad you into replying LyingPurpleCow.

    When that trick no longer works I'll go to option 2.


  36. Anonymous said...

    Anything dumbocrats can do to divide the country helps your party.
    So what helps Republicans Bill

    The same exact thing.

    Divide the country.

  37. Anonymous12:00 PM

    FN folks like PC helps the Republicans. Whites reading FN now know how lost and ignorant folks like PC and Yisheng are.

    FN folks like PC and some Anons are so far removed from reality, i.e. they 'don't' know what is in their best interest when it comes to voting.

    98% of Blacks voted for Obama and look what they got: highest rate of joblessness in the history of America. That is not smart voting.

    Brother PC, why do you ignore facts and reality? there can be only one answer: you don't know the truth when you see it. I am ashamed to be your bruther.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Selective outrage much? I don't remember anytime field getting his panties in a bunch when Democrats were comparing Republicans and President Bush to nazis.

    I guess field thinks the only time field thinks it's kool to refer to a time in our history when Adolf Hitler was committing atrocities in Europe, is when Democrats do it.

  40. Anonymous Fucker12:16 PM

    Damn, I bet Yisheng's husband contemplates suicide everyday of his miserable life.

  41. You can't fix stupid12:18 PM

    "Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, and that didn't happen because Haitians are just lazy"

    It's mostly because the average Haitian IQ is around 70. If that.

    They are lazy, true, but also superstitious, impulsive, and horrifically violent.

    Haiti was the richest piece of property per acre in the world when the French ran sugar plantations on it. The Haitians could have continued sugar production and still done quite well paying good wages - if they could have figured it out.

    But 200 years later, they can't even provide basic services without external aid.

  42. Anonymous12:19 PM

    "Damn, I bet Yisheng's husband contemplates suicide everyday of his miserable life."

    I'll bet Yisheng's husband does not exist.

  43. Yellow Privilege12:21 PM

    "Your narrative of hard-worker immigrant bees versus shiftless urban negroes is low on facts and long on hate."

    Recognizing America is the land of opportunity and hard work can lead to success is racist because black people can't do it.

  44. ^^^^^^^^^^^
    Hate Fact

  45. Mr. Lee12:30 PM

    The Purple Cow said...

    C'mon Bill, have you not developed that second trick yet?

    silly rabbit, tricks are for black women like queen yisheng...


    Anonymous Queen Yisheng said...

    Buchanan is bitching from the position of the oppressor. Therefore, to compare his position with that of Farakkhan is utterly ridiculous.

    the only thing you being oppressed by is yo stupidity. so stop bitching and start studying. at this rate, you will never be smart like Asians. you will never advance like Asians. Asians will always need someone to bring coffee and sweet rolls. be proud Asians let you have that job.

    who's that calling? 2livecrew wants a video girl who is the same color has doodoo and has a big ass. queen yisheng, that's all youuuuuuuuu!

  46. Mitchell12:36 PM

    This place is absolutely toxic, from regular douchebags like Yisheng and PilotX and Purple Cow and Kinky and Bill, to the anonymous cowards who spew shit. There is NOTHING positive about coming here.

  47. "There is NOTHING positive about coming here."

    So fuck off, then.

    What's the problem?

  48. "It's mostly because the average Haitian IQ is around 70. If that."

    Don't you nazis have any new lies?

    We've debunked this one about a thousand times so far.

    Yet you still come back lying through your yellow teeth.

  49. Queen Yisheng1:51 PM

    Double ditto what PC said! !!

    And to the whooteemoo coon that makes up 10, 000 usernames to post comments to itself, have a LARGE sip of a sulfuric acid soda CHUMP!!

  50. Queen Yisheng1:57 PM

    Now que the gay, Black male penis obsessed, pedophile, as his other assnon "profile", in 5, 4, ..........

  51. Anonymous1:57 PM

    If Yisheng's IQ was above 90, 45 years of college should have been enough to get her that MD.

  52. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Some American White people adore Hitler, but don't be fooled FN, this is an old diversion trick. European and American White people have murdered and terrorized non-white Humans on EVERY Continent on this EARTH. They use Hitler as an way to keep people from looking at the true Horrors committed by whites around the world. LOOK at the World Map, Now tell me one continent that white haven't murder and continue to murder non white people today.

  53. Yisheng's pubic hair3:08 PM

    I bet a million dollars Yisheng isn't even married or a doctor. She's just a ghetto hoodrat sitting in her dirty basement shooting up and writing stupid ass shit on Field Negro. What a fucking poser.

  54. Anonymous3:22 PM

    "Some American White people adore Hitler,"

    So do some black and muslim Americans.....

  55. Whitey3:28 PM

    "Some American White people adore Hitler, but don't be fooled FN, this is an old diversion trick. European and American White people have murdered and terrorized non-white Humans on EVERY Continent on this EARTH."

    That's right, bitches.

    Undisputed world heavyweight champs for the last 1,000 years.

    Float like a butterfly, sting like bee.

    You can't beat Whitey's global hegemony.

  56. Anonymous3:30 PM

    So do some black and muslim Americans.....

    Check this dude out:

    Talk about diversity....

  57. Queen Yisheng4:01 PM

    Now que the gay, Black male penis obsessed, pedophile, as his other assnon "profile", in 5, 4, ..........

    I guess ol' boy is a "Queenie" type black man penis lover versus a "macho" type. Figures.

    Oh chile', keep showing the world who really are you hepatitis C carrying, stretched out anal sphincter having, HPV positive in your esophagus fool!!


  58. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Not doctor material.

  59. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Dear Brother Field, please, please stop PC and Yisheng from commenting. They make us look bad as a black race. They do, however, demonstrate why Blacks are at the bottom of the human race. And I am saying this as a bm. Those two are very embarrassing.

  60. Queen Yisheng6:03 PM

    If all the vulgar sexual deviants and whooteemoos who post here dropped dead, that wwould be wonderful too!!

  61. Huckabee is going old school. Reviving the Daisy ad. He'll never be President and like all of the other clowns with maybe the exception of Kasich he's doing damage to the Gop brand if that's even possible now.

  62. Queen Yisheng6:25 PM

    Donald Trump is the male whooteemoos dream come true.Rich with endless supply viagra and toupees.

    Because of this I think he can win the Rethug nomination.

  63. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Queen Yisheng said...

    Donald Trump is the male whooteemoos dream come true.Rich with endless supply viagra and toupees.

    Because of this I think he can win the Rethug nomination.

    I can't imagine how ugly and nasty you must be. We know you're a ghetto hoochie mama who has lived off White welfare grants most of your life to keep you as a "student"

    Imagine, it takes you a lifetime to get some duh-greese" and you're still a moron with an IQ of 65 if you're lucky.

  64. "Because of this I think he can win the Rethug nomination."

    Maybe but only because the gop has descended into madness probably caused by the election of a blah man. And they wonder why none of us wants to vote for them? All 16, with maybe one exception, is a religious psychopath. Trump? Huckabee? another Bush? I'm just surprised Palin didn't enter but I guess even rethugs finally caught on that she was an idiot. As Nixon said, even the mediocre need representation.

  65. "And I am saying this as a bm. Those two are very embarrassing."

    You are not black.

  66. Queen Yisheng8:38 PM

    I forgot all about Palin, what was McCain thinking, lol??

  67. Kinky Con8:51 PM

    Who wonders why? It was the Obama Administration who told us blahs are the most ill-informed, uneducated and unaware voters in America. If you took the D away from a name on a ballot, blahs wouldn't know who to vote for.

    No need to wonder why you won't vote for us.

    What i wonder about is why blahs piss and moan about being oppressed. What did blahs think life on the Democrat plantation was gonna be like? All 40's and white women?

  68. Anonymous12:09 AM

    Oh, dear, it looks like I've written too much.  Part 1 of 2.

    given that the cash value of the slaves that Southerners owned represented 40% of America's GDP

    Purple Cow, who created the cash-valuation of Africans-in-America?  It was a Black man named Anthony Johnson who sued to be declared the owner of another Black man named John Casor.  Slavery is an African tradition that came from Africa and still lives in Africa.  I've read that even at the twilight of slavery in the South, the largest owner of slaves in North Carolina as recorded in the 1860 census was Black!

    In other words, had it not been for the African love of slavery (to the point of demanding that the institution be copied in the new territory of Virginia) there would have been no slaves in the South to be valued as property.

    What difference would that make?

    Do you disavow the racist statements of Malik Shabazz and Louis Farrakahn?  Do you disavow the notion that Whites are devils, the permanent enemy of Black people?  When Shabazz says "you need to kill some White people, you need to kill dey babies", do you condemn him?  Where are your statements on record?  No record?  I guess you're not just a racist, but a high risk to become a racist murderer because you won't disavow the hate-speech of certain Black men.

    Poverty causes criminality

    Hogwash.  Poor Whites in West Virginia are far less criminally-inclined than much wealthier Blacks.  The Great Depression was not marked by a massive White crime wave.  The claim is provably false.

    That said, why would you bother making it?  Simple:  the obvious demand is that Whites make Blacks rich (without any effort on Blacks' part) to stop the criminality.  It's an excuse for extortion, the advantage of theft over toil.  It's "gibsmedat", and we're not going to take it any more.

    If you shove kids into ghettos

    They weren't ghettos when Whites built them and lived in them.  Ghettos stop being ghettos when Whites move back and gentrify them.  Whitey doesn't shove you into ghettos; you ghetto-fy any place you go.  It's you.

    send them to school in grim slums with teaching staff who have long ago given up hope.

    Schools that your "parents" (mostly unwed mothers) send children to without the slighest bit of preparation, and demand that teachers teach without one whit of support from home.  Not even support for good conduct in the classroom!  Faced with a room-full of entitled brats insisting that they do not have to follow orders, sit still or even refrain from assaulting teachers and each other, who would NOT give up hope?

    If you then imprison black men for finding employment in the only industry that is recruiting in their neighbourhood

    The White man gave you schools to try to educate you for jobs in commerce and industry, but you turn every school you dominate into a war zone.  Blacks often "graduate" from high school unable to read, while many White parents teach their children to read before sending them to kindergarten.  Affirmative Action and "diversity" preferences allow Blacks to get jobs with much lower qualifications than Whites.  Why are any at all unqualified for legal jobs... unless you REFUSE to learn?

    If the problem is in your genes, at least you deserve pity.  If the problem is that you choose to be evil, you deserve no mercy whatsoever.  Anyone who can handle English as well as you do has chosen.

    "Yes, nobody must EVER have the choice of a school that bans inter-racial dating."


    In other words, "diversity" means chasing down the last White person.  You can still ethnically cleanse Whites from anywhere you are; that's Black privilege.

  69. Anonymous12:12 AM

    Part 2 of 2.

    And of course, it is also demonstrably wrong as I have already demonstrated.

    And when Blackie wants things the other way, he admits that all the Black exclusions were true after all.  He even quotes one of the activists of the day:

    "The object is to keep clear of this most troublesome class of population. We are in a new world, under most favorable circumstances, and we wish to avoid most of these great evils that have so much afflicted the United States and other countries."

    Americans dealing with today's plague of "diversity" will eventually agree, no matter how many times you call them "racist".

    The slaves insisted on being captures and sent to the Caribbean did they?

    It was better than becoming lunch for their (Black) captors.  Why don't you take it up with today's Africans, the descendants of those who sold you rather than the ones who saved you?  Oh, right:  they have no guilt you can exploit.  Whitey is dispensing with it too.

    If capitalism was so great, Haiti and Liberia would be paradises.

    Haiti was the wealthiest part of the New World until the slave revolt of 1804.  Black rule of the island with the biggest wealth-producing potential of the region turned it into a shithole.  Unless you are claiming that the governments of Haiti and Liberia are capitalist (big-man rule by "Papa Doc" Duvailer was capitalist?) you just blew your argument.

    We would have been more than happy to leave you alone, had you offered us the choice.

    We offered you transport to Monrovia.  We tried to MAKE you leave us alone.  If you were ever willing to leave Whites alone, why desegregation laws?  Why would you even want to sit at a Whites-only lunch counter, or live in a White neighborhood?  Why not just make your own, like the Mexicans and Chinese and so many others do?

    It's because you can't.  You can't build civilization, or even maintain it when it's given to you.  You elect incompetents to school boards and strip the wiring from street lights, then claim "racism" when nothing works.  Sorry, the race card is maxed out.  The problem is you and always has been.

    To say the South seceded because of tariffs and not slavery is to prove you attended a Southern school with a historically revisionist curriculum designed to keep you ignorant.

    Ha!  Wrong on every count.  I grew up less than 100 miles from the Canadian border and my public schooling NEVER touched on the issues behind secession (BTW, the term "American civil war" is a misnomer because the South did not want control of the government in Washington, it wanted to leave it).

    But this is classic Black behavior; any unwelcome truth is deemed "ignorance" at best, and anyone who dares speak it is "racist".

  70. "I forgot all about Palin, what was McCain thinking, lol??"

    You know what time that was, he tried to grab all the disaffected Hillary voters the PUMA's. Craven, reactionary and cynical but that is what the gop does best.

  71. Limpbaugh1:44 AM

    The mainstream media is pure corporate propaganda. There was a time when the "news" was an expected public service of the networks and not for profit. There was a time before Fox News won the right to lie for all news organizations. There was a time before Bill Clinton let the big news corporations buy up all the little ones. There was a time when we had the fairness Doctrine. Don't expect journalism to expose anything like Watergate these days. The next step is to end net neutrality.

    George Will deserves a footnote in the history of the deterioration of journalism. He played the debate moderator when Reagan practiced for for his debate against Carter. He later admitted that he knew they used a stolen copy of Carter's debate preparations and he didn't say anything.

  72. Limpbaugh2:40 AM

    Civil War history is distorted by modern historians. Neither side was for freeing slaves when the war started and both sides were before the war ended. After Lincoln came out for freeing the slaves in the rebel states, the tariff issues didn't go away. I don't know how many blacks fought for each side, but I imagine individual slaves who fought were promised freedom after they served. There were more free blacks in the north, and more slaves in the south. There were slaves in the north, and I don't know how common it was, but at least at times there were some free blacks in the south. It seems like there could have been more blacks fighting for the south before the Emancipation Proclamation. After it, freeing other people would be an added incentive to blacks from the north. It's interesting that that would correspond with the tide of the war changing in the north's favor. But it would have also corresponded with the south losing foreign support, primarily from England who opposed slavery by then.

  73. What is it with these guys and their love affair with all things Nazi?

    It is called projection:
