Saturday, August 01, 2015


I need a caption for this pic.


  1. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Cop: I love you Blacks. In the white neighborhoods, this kind of spirit is non-existent. Let the party begin!

  2. Space to destroy9:35 PM

    Cop: "If I can just keep smiling, maybe they won't kill me"

  3. ctrl+halt+del9:46 PM

    Police officer gouges out own eye recites, Mark 9:47

  4. Wait, what kind of music video are we shooting here?

    -Doug in Oakland


  5. Everybody was kung fu fighting.

  6. Why do- in 2914- we are pleading with police to increase their closeness with my race. Seeing that the majority of Black households contain no male HOH, the police will be the head of household in lieu of government/man. I have heard of no other neighborhoods that the police must get a closeness to. This has been tried before. The results were the policemen were able to arrest with ease because they "know" the miscreants.

  7. Anonymous1:01 AM

    A Black Panther Forever, your comment is insightful and offers a solution to the police/black community problem.

    Do you think there are enough good honest unbiased cops for that to happen? I don't. However, it is still the best idea I have heard of on FN...and something worthwhile to work towards.

  8. Wesley R1:17 AM

    Real Americans

  9. This is how I'm going to start beating you guys.

  10. Anonymous2:15 AM

    Brother Field, it looks like I have won this contest as the best post. And I am not being biased, just factual.

  11. Anonymous3:34 AM

    "Damnit, Steve, you left the monkey cage unlocked AGAIN!"


  12. Anonymous5:24 AM

    Hey Mom's - is he my daddy?

  13. "Block Party Gets Their Nae Nae On With Officer Stanky Leg"

  14. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Wow ain't it grand! They caught the KKK members who burned those churches in South Carolina!

  15. ctrl+halt+del8:56 AM

    what doesn't belong?

  16. Anonymous9:56 AM

    NYPD Damage control photo op.

  17. Anonymous10:02 AM

    "Wow ain't it grand! They caught the KKK members who burned those churches in South Carolina!"

    "And they were black!"

  18. I see some pretty good captions. Y'all are funny.

    Anon@3:34, that caption would have really hit it off on Stormfront. Here, not so much.

  19. @ctrl+halt+del..... "what doesn't belong?"

    Hmm... Reminds me of the conversation that ensued after a Melissa Harris Perry (MHP) panel was asked to comment on a picture of Mitt Romney family photo celebrating the birth of his black grandbaby.

    Now granted much of the backlash centered on the baby being the punch line of ill humor, Mitt Romney accepted MHP's sincere apology for her role in this, which prompts the question: When can we, as members of the human family, get to the point where the only black or the only white or the only Asian, Hispanic, etc., in the room does indeed belong?

  20. KinkyCon11:49 AM

    Given the obesity rates in the african american community, i'm glad this good white man is teaching blahs to exercise and be healthy.

  21. Faith_and_Fairness said...
    "When can we, as members of the human family, get to the point where the only black or the only white or the only Asian, Hispanic, etc., in the room does indeed belong?"

    When can 'we', as American citizens, get to the point where we won't trash a Republican for adopting a black child because our partisanship trumps our humanity?

  22. Anonymous12:33 PM

    "When can we, as members of the human family, get to the point where the only black or the only white or the only Asian, Hispanic, etc., in the room does indeed belong?"

    11:10 AM
    To be human is hate, kill, rob, rape, lie and discriminate. We see and read and hear about this ALL the time, EVERYDAY! That IS the human family. Some in the human family are considered better than others; some are considered less than.
    That's the way the human family works...accept it.

    So Faith, I hope I have answered your question. It comes from 80+ years of experience of being a part of the human race. The human heart is basically evil. Any casual observer of humanity can see that.

    PS. I wonder What happened to the white cop in the photo? Has he been harassed by his peers? I bet he is catching hell from them.


  23. The head of the DNC Debbie Wasserman Schultz was asked by chris matthews the difference between socialists and dumbocrats.

    She couldn't think of an answer and was forced to change the subject and talk about rethugs.

    Even with days to think of answer, when asked by chuck todd she still couldn't figure out an answer.

    Gotta love those dumbocrat socialists.

    So proud of their beliefs they have to lie about them.

  24. Queen Yisheng1:02 PM

    Will one of you pretty whooteemoos stick your tiny pecker in my mouth 0r my ass?


  25. Another one of those professors and fake claims of police racial profiling.

    I would think that people that are going to file fake reports would look to see if the officer is recording the interaction.

    There must be a good reason so many left-wingnuts in academia make up so many false hate crimes.

  26. Anonymous1:59 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  27. Queen Yisheng3:03 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  28. "To be human is hate, kill, rob, rape, lie and discriminate"

    And to eat other humans, apparently:

    The link is to several accounts of widespread cannibalism in the Congo basin from a century ago.

    When the Spaniards came to the New World, they encountered routine cannibalism everywhere they went. Some of them even experienced it directly, and were eaten by Aztecs.

    The is also plenty of evidence of cannibalism in pre-Christian Europe.

    For most of human history, cannibalism was quite common. The last few centuries are the exception.

    Civilization is thin veneer over inherent barbarism. Don't fuck with it too much.

  29. Anonymous3:22 PM

    FN going to hell, very disgusting. But so has America going to hell, led by Whites, of course. And ignorant Yisheng is following.

  30. Anonymous3:29 PM

    "To be human is hate, kill, rob, rape, lie and discriminate"

    And to eat other humans, apparently:

    You are right. "To be human is to hate, kill, rob, rape, lie, discriminate and eat each other."

  31. "The head of the DNC Debbie Wasserman Schultz was asked by chris matthews the difference between socialists and dumbocrats."

    Well, that's an easy, so I'll answer for her.

    Socialism is about equality of opportunity, it's about every kid getting an equal shot at life regardless of the accident of their birth.

    Socialism is about teamwork. It's about saying that the human being is essentially a cooperative animal that achieves the most when it works alongside other humans for the greater common good.

    Socialism is about everyone receiving security, health and education free at the point of delivery.

    Socialism is about society taking care of those who, for whatever reason, are unable to take care of themselves.

    Socialism is about a society free of exploitation, where everyone - worldwide - receives just compensation for their labours.

    Socialism is about an end to all forms of class warfare including racism.

    Democrats being conservatives with a small 'c' - believe in none of those things.

  32. Incidentally, here's an American song about Socialism.

    The road is long
    With many a winding turn
    That leads us to who knows where
    Who knows when
    But I’m strong
    Strong enough to carry him
    He ain’t heavy, he’s my brother.

    So on we go
    His welfare is of my concern
    No burden is he to bear
    We’ll get there
    For I know
    He would not encumber me

    If I’m laden at all
    I’m laden with sadness
    That everyone’s heart
    Isn’t filled with the gladness
    Of love for one another.

    It’s a long, long road
    From which there is no return
    While we’re on the way to there
    Why not share
    And the load
    Doesn’t weigh me down at all
    He ain’t heavy, he’s my brother.

    He’s my brother
    He ain’t heavy, he’s my brother.

  33. Anonymous4:11 PM

    PC, at the risk of offending you, let me mention that you misspelled the word "l-a-b-o-r", you wrongly spelled it "l-a-b-o-u-r".

    Just trying to help you out...

    I like your definition of "Socialism". It's a very humane system. It's far superior to a democracy laced with the suffering of capitalism.

  34. ctrl+halt+del4:13 PM


    "What doesn't belong?"

    The badge, uniform and gun don't belong. If the individual came on his own time, in his own clothes then I wouldn't have a problem with it. In fact can anyone say if the subject officer is Black, Euro or Latino?

  35. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Sir, the officer is White, of Greek origin.

  36. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Socialism is about equality of outcome.

    It rewards mediocrity and idleness.


  37. The Lying Purple Cow said...
    "The head of the DNC Debbie Wasserman Schultz was asked by chris matthews the difference between socialists and dumbocrats."

    Well, that's an easy

    I thought so too.

    I'm surprised an elected dumbocrat politician and head of the DNC was unable to answer not once, but twice.

    I would have thought after looking foolish the first time she would have gone home and memorized the wikipedia talking points about both parties.

    Most likely assumed her liberal privilege she wouldn't be asked a second time after accidentally being exposed as stupid.

  38. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Faith_and_Fairness said...

    the question: When can we, as members of the human family, get to the point where the only black or the only white or the only Asian, Hispanic, etc., in the room does indeed belong?

    11:10 AM

    I don't know about 'you' but 'we' have no problem with that. It's the Anglos that hate us and do not accept us that you should be addressing this too.

  39. Calvin5:08 PM

    White people are the least racist people on earth.

    Whites invented universalism, and the only people who actually believe in it.

    Everyone else uses univeralist ideals to attack whites.



  41. In the civilised world 'labour' is spelt 'labour'.

    The fact that you people out in the colonies can't spell is no concern or responsibility of mine.

    (C.q. 'Colour')

  42. KinkyCon5:33 PM

    Purple cow thinks that's an American song about socialism? The stupid is strong in the fields on a Sunday evening.

  43. Anonymous6:04 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    In the civilised world 'labour' is spelt 'labour'.

    The fact that you people out in the colonies can't spell is no concern or responsibility of mine.

    (C.q. 'Colour')


  44. The Truth7:38 PM

    Damn, Bill is such a whiny little white bitch.

  45. Anonymous8:03 PM

    PC, "In the civilised world 'labour' is spelt 'labour'."

    Damn, PC you also misspelled "spelt". It is "s-p-e-l-l-e-d." I am beginning to conclude that you are uneducated, that you quit school while in the 5th grade.

  46. Plato8:53 PM

    Fuck Yisheng. Period. End of story.

  47. Per

    "If you're following US writing conventions, use spelled. If you're following UK writing conventions, use spelt."

    (If you're referring to the wheat, use spelt.)

    As such, great the way Field Negro welcomes all writing conventions.

  48. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Faith_and_Fairness said...

    As such, great the way Field Negro welcomes all writing conventions.

    8:54 PM

    'Negrou' 'counventiouns'
