Monday, September 14, 2015

"I just started screaming for someone to help me, and he began hitting me even harder and faster”

Image result for james blake images body slam*Apparently that NYPD officer who assaulted James Blake (yes, that was an assault, not an arrest) during the US Open had some previous issues. And yet, somehow he managed to remain on the police force.

"In 2012, a Queens man said, Officer James Frascatore pulled him over for a broken taillight, opened his car door and punched him three times in the mouth, unprovoked.
The following year, another Queens resident claimed, Officer Frascatore punched him in the stomach several times outside a bodega and called him a racial epithet.
Those accounts, both made by black men, came to light after a rough arrest by the same officer on Wednesday in which he wrapped an arm around the neck of the retired tennis star James Blake and threw him to the sidewalk after mistaking him for a suspect in a credit card fraud investigation."
How do these police departments across the country expect to properly police the communities they serve if they don't start weeding out the bad apples? 

In Oklahoma they clearly have some work to do as well.

"Chris Barger said he was dropping off a friend at an apartment complex when a police officer pulled over and shone a spotlight through his window.

Police said Barger got out with his hand in his pocket, and that’s when the scuffle began.
It’s not an easy night for Barger to talk about.

“I just started screaming for someone to help me, and he began hitting me even harder and faster,” Barger said.

Barger suffered a broken nose and severe bruising after the incident Monday night.
It began when he was sitting in his car at 7th and Taylor.

“He begins to shine his light in my car window repeatedly and, after a while, I decided maybe I should get out of the vehicle and ask the officer what the problem is,” Barger said.
A police report showed the officer pointed his gun at Barger, and Barger put his hands up. Then, Barger said, the officer put his gun back and put him in a headlock.
Barger tried to pull away.

“By the time he threw me on the ground and hit me a couple times with his elbow, at that point, I was like this isn’t a police officer, this is just some guy here to kill me,” Barger said.
Another officer got there and arrested Barger for assault and battery on an officer.
The police report showed Barger knocked off the officer’s glasses.

“I was flinching every time one walked by me ever since in the police station,” Barger said.
Barger spent the night in jail for the first time in his life, where he said the other inmates showed him compassion.

“They brought me chairs and helped me sit down. They were better than the police were to me,” Barger said. “It’s not the way it’s supposed to be. The police are supposed to be the good guys.”

Wednesday, the police chief said he had not talked to the officer involved but, from what he understands, the officer didn’t do anything wrong.

He did say an internal investigation is not out of the question.

Barger is due in court Friday and does not have a criminal record."

Oh, did I mention that poor Chris is white? Yep. I guess that trolls who were itching to comment with some snarky line about Field Negro's racism chasing will have to take pause and maybe skip tonight's post.

(Those lines quoted, which serve as the title for this post, are from Chris.)

Sadly, sometimes the racism chase just leads me to plain old police brutality.

*Pic from



  1. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Officer Frascatore has apparently been sued four times in four years for excessive force incidents! He's quite the overachiever. Yeah, I have no problem saying he should be fired and be forced to find another career. No further information necessary.

    Not to mention that this credit fraud investigation appears to have been seriously bungled. It turns out that James Blake was not identified by an eyewitness, but from a photo provided by a P.I. firm (hired, I'm assuming, by the credit card company). In fairness, the guy in the photo does look like Blake. But apparently, that guy in the photo ... is innocent as well. The P.I. firm pulled that photo off someone's social media account and the cops must not have don't much work double checking the work of the firm.

    Just a clusterfuck from start to finish. Or, as the British put it, an "omnishambles."

    This police division should apologize to New Yorkers for just generally sucking at their jobs.

  2. Anonymous8:53 PM

    "... the cops must not have don't much work double checking the work of the firm."

    Should be "must not have done much work."

  3. Anonymous9:06 PM

    It seems that Officer Frascatore's policing philosophy amounts to imitating this guy:


  4. The FieldNegro said...
    NYPD officer

    The pattern continues.


  5. “When we’re talking about diversity you do it in the casting of the film not in the casting of the show.”

    Another rich white hollywood liberal proudly shares his views of when diversity applies.

  6. Anonymous9:40 PM

    "NYPD officer

    The pattern continues."

    Bill, the Guardian has been tracking all U.S. police killings since the beginning of this year. ( The top 20 states for police killings, on a per capita basis, are:

    Oklahoma, New Mexico, Wyoming, Arizona, West Virginia, Alaska, Nevada, Kansas, Nebraska, Idaho, Colorado, California, Hawaii, Louisiana, Utah, Texas, South Carolina, Alabama, Oregon, Kentucky.

    I count 14 red states, 3 purple states, 3 blue states.

    The pattern continues.

  7. Anonymous9:46 PM

    It seems the crazier they are, the faster they get hired!

    It seems that's a pre-requisite for the job.

    The NYPD wants you! :)


  8. Anonymous said...
    Bill, the Guardian has been tracking all U.S. police killings since the beginning of this year. (

    From your link...
    September 2015, 39 people were killed by cops. 7 were Black.
    August 2015, 104 killed, 24 Black.
    July 2015, 122 killed, 21 Black.

    If we had a bigger government, would we need less cops or more cops?

    Could you imagine the damage to poor communities if the government banned guns and showed up in tanks to make sure grandma and grandpa gave up their 50 year old 38.

  9. 11 word summary of Ferguson Commission report12:01 AM

    Gentle giants of the Fergaza Strip should not rob quickie marts.

  10. Once again the onion pulls more truth than the non-satire news:

    -Doug in Oakland

  11. Anonymous12:38 AM

    Doug in Oakland, what happened to the brother who was beaten in Whole Foods? Did he die?

  12. Anonymous1:11 AM

    Brother Field, I think Officer Frascatore is a very good cop. He just doesn't take any chances with bm. As a bm I don't take chances with the brothers either.

    Blake is way off base by insisting that Officer James Frascatore be fired. Just who the hell does Blake think he is, White? His wife might be White but he is not.

    I swear. Some of our folks really try to upscale when everybody knows we are on the bottom rung of human life.

    Look at Obama and that Iran deal. Hell, in the next few years, that thing will unravel completely.

  13. anon@12:38:
    Near as I can tell, they took him to Highland Hospital, and if that is true, he's probably OK. They really know their business there.
    I do know that there was a protest at that Whole Foods, and that the store supposedly shut down for the duration of it. I wasn't there, so I can't say for sure. They do say that Whole Foods has fired not only the security guard, but the company he worked for. We'll see how it shakes out.

    -Doug in Oakland

  14. Anonymous2:24 AM

    FRM previous thread:

    OpenID lilacpr2000 said...
    Ahahahaa! Yeah Field I think so too! Sour grapes! He's so mad,awww, he lost his chubby wubby! But when you get a hot to trot mama like that, you know she's gonna shop around :)

    Over here they say "se cambia mas de machos que de panties"

    Ahahaha! "She changes more men than she changes her underpants"!

    Aaah such is life! xD

    9:22 PM
    Now this is a complete disregard for Kim Davis and her faith. And you and Field with your #3 husband bullshit can go F..K yourselves.

    You owe Kim several apologies for injecting her 3rd husband into the equation. See, this is why Negroes can't get ahead. They are always picking on the poor vulnerable people like Kim.

  15. Anonymous3:13 AM

    "You owe Kim several apologies for injecting her 3rd husband into the equation. See, this is why Negroes can't get ahead. They are always picking on the poor vulnerable people like Kim."

    This is why wingnuts can't get ahead. They are always pretending that people like Kim are poor and vulnerable and oppressed, when they're really just ignorant, hateful jackasses who deserve to be forcibly expelled from polite society.

  16. Anonymous8:34 AM

    If blahs were not so violent, no o ne would consider every blah violent.

    Blahs are reaping what they sow...

  17. I'm still wsiting for some reporter to follow up on the Frascatore story. I hope Blake keeps true to his vow to see the thug punished or fired. Is it the excessive power of the union? Fear of another police protest in support of their "brother?" A matter of the wheels of justice grinding so slowly that we can't even see them move? I mean, this guy has cases that go waaay back... and it's quite a backlog. Talk about overwhelming evidence.

  18. Anonymous11:55 AM

    antherbozo, get a grip. First, Frascatore is not going to be fired, ok? Wake up. This is NYC, they don't fire cops like Frascatore. They hold them in high esteem much like the Italian cop who choked Garner to death.

    Has anyone noticed that the no nonsense vicious cops in NYC are Italian? Must be the mafia gene in them.

    As far as Blake is concerned he is just another uncle tom who didn't give a damn about unarmed Blacks being killed by cops for no good reason other than the fact that they were Black....ur...just niggers.

    Trayvon Martin, Ferguson, Walter Scott, Chavis Carter-a 21yr-old man shot to death in the back of a police car-while handcuffed!,

    Oscar Grant shot in the back while handcuffed by police...this cop was caught on tape and still only got one year in jail, Michael Brown.....

    I could go on, but my point is Blake was invisible and silent and uncaring until he got slammed by Frascatore. Until then Blake just didn't give a damn about what was happening to Blacks.

    One other very important point is that Blacks who are well off and have 'some' power do not do anything. That is a big reason why Blacks are mistreated by the cops.

    Mark my words: Blake is going to let this thing drop, much like Obama let it drop on the WH Lawn with that sorry ass cop in MA.

    So Frascatore will keep his job, and continue on the "legalized" violent path he has been on from day one.

  19. Anonymous@11:55, I can play the more-cynical-than-thou card as well as anyone, but occasionally my head explodes. You have to excuse me. Darren Wilson, George Zimmerman et al didn't have quite the rap sheets that Frascatore does. And we do have a left-leaning mayor, a black first lady, the Commissioner issued an apology to Blake and I'm sure even white public opinion is a little more enlightened, on average, than in Ferguson.

    I speak of degrees of difference. I'm sure the mayor and city council members saw the same Frascatore dance card that I did. And will be called upon to say something. I'm interested in whatever journalism follows the fun.

    As to Blake, i'm also interested in your stringing him up as a house negro. Do you know him personally? Otherwise, what is the source of your information?

  20. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Anotherbozo, after many years on the planet, I have concluded that one can tell the nature of one's character by one's actions. That includes my own. People often say one thing while thinking something else, and they 'do' another.

    For example, I don't know Obama personally, but I can tell a lot about him by what he says, and his actions. Quite often, they don't match. Of course, O is a public figure for all to see. But so is Blake.

    So "no, I don't know Blake personally", but the source of my information is based on Blake's 'actions/inactions'- (re: police brutality and a biased-corrupt-law-enforcement-justice-system toward Blacks), which has been "zero" until Frascatore slammed his ass on concrete in front of the Grande.

    As to your interest in the journalism to follow, I too will enjoy the fun that follows. IMO, that's about the 'best' will get out of it...publicity short-lived and Frascatore will continue working his job just like Officer Pantaleo has kept his job.

    I've been around for 80+ years and apologies from Mayors and Police Commissioners just don't cut it for me anymore. It's too insincere, and has been going on for decades, if not centuries. So apologies are worthless without some 'action', some change- to back up apologies. Like the prosecution of those six cops in Baltimore responsible for the death of Freddie Gray. Now that is an apology backed up by "action" and a determination by the 'powers that be' to "change" and dismantle an unfair law enforcement system. That's what is encouraging to me...ACTION.

    From what I can see about NYC, until there is a biased Commissioner who won't DO a damn thing against brutal prejudiced police actions against Blacks. And Blake isn't going to push very far for change.

    But it will be interesting to see what Blake is made of. IMO, he is made of 'nothing'. I hope he proves me wrong. But years in America have showed me that most Blacks who have 'made it' move away from doing much of anything, esp for Blacks.

    Blake was a good tennis player, but he has been uncaring when it comes to supporting the black community.

    Blake is a midget next to Arthur Ashe as a conscience leader and humanitarian, as well as an athlete.

    BTW, I didn't know Ashe 'personally' either but I know his actions.

  21. Warren "Whitemeat" Wilhelm2:17 PM

    "I'm sure even white public opinion is a little more enlightened, on average, than in Ferguson."

    That's mighty white of you, Bozo.

  22. Anonymous @ 2:14: As a mere child of 72, I bow to your seniority and proportional advantage in wisdom. Thanks for dispensing it so generously.

    I agree with much of what you said, but you still haven't told us anything about Blake and his irresponsibility toward African-American rights issues. There are many worthy causes in this world and only so many hours of the day. And Blake is hardly in the spotlight as much as Obama, so that's a comparison that doesn't work. At any rate, stop this hacking away at black, or half-black, celebrities who aren't Dr. King. And the implication that he was "punished" for his obliviousness by a vicious cop (i.e., reality) is simple-minded. Maybe in your dotage you've forgotten that fate is totally capricious and arbitrary, there is no cosmic quid pro quo and good deeds often get punished severely.

    Comparing anyone to Arthur Ashe is... a little unfair. I'd argue, however, that lives such as Ishmael Reed's or George Walker's'(a composer in his 90s, if you didn't know) more than justify their time on the planet, with or without social activism in the trenches. But that's a philosophic point of view.

    @Warren: Cute. My point, however, goes unacknowledged.

  23. President Goldman-Sachs2:43 PM

    After 6 years of anti-Wall Street rhetoric that vilifies the very people who put him in office, President Obama may actually let his Justice Department prosecute the crooks and swindlers in the financial industry.

    Under Bush, the federal government prosecuted 1,300 of these bastards, including Ken Lay of Enron.

    Under Obama, nada.

  24. Oh I know the type and they are very common. I flew with an ex-cop not too long ago and all he wanted to talk about was his time on the swat team and k-9 units. It got to the point where we weren't getting along because his stories got to the point where he was ignoring his primary duties. Kind of an a-hole. Divorced, of course and his biggest regret was not ever shooting someone even though he was a sniper. Needless to say it was a long 4 days.

  25. Anonymous3:05 PM

    "Under Bush, the federal government prosecuted 1,300 of these bastards, including Ken Lay of Enron.

    Under Obama, nada."

    It's incredibly frustrating that fraudsters on Wall Street did not get the punishment many of them deserved for inciting the Great Recession. But the reason for the difference in their treatment was not the political party in charge at the time -- it's who got screwed by their malfeasance.

    Who did the "creative accountants" of the early 2000s, like Ken Lay, screw over? Rich shareholders. Punishment: prison.

    Who did the marketers of dodgy mortgage-backed securities screw over? Regular people. Punishment: nothing.

    That is what the financial crisis revealed, more than anything else: who matters and who, apparently, doesn't.

    In addition, the rot that caused the financial crisis was far more pervasive than the Enron-type scandals. It's politically a lot easier to send a few CEOs and CFOs to the pokey than half of the goddamn financial sector.

  26. Oh I know the type and they are very common. I flew with a flight attendant not too long ago and all he wanted to talk about was "white privilege" and the Tuskegee airmen. It got to the point where we weren't getting along because his stories got to the point where he was ignoring his primary duties. Kind of an a-hole. AA hire, of course and his biggest regret was not ever getting to fly the plane even though he was a pilot. Needless to say it was a long 4 days.

  27. There are 3 things if checked for, will greatly decrease whooteemoo cops being on the force:

    1) If and they and they're parents aren't college educated, don't hire.

    2) Check for viagra/cialis during blood tests. Aggressive, angry men are known to also be highly impotent.

    3) Don't hire cops shorter than 6 feet. Angry, impotent, uneducated short racists are a recipe for police brutality.

  28. Jimmy Gristle4:07 PM

    "Aggressive, angry men are known to also be highly impotent."

    PilotX, is this true?

  29. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Yīshēng said...

    There are 3 things if checked for, will greatly decrease whooteemoo cops being on the force:

    1) If and they and they're parents aren't college educated, don't hire.

    2) Check for viagra/cialis during blood tests. Aggressive, angry men are known to also be highly impotent.

    3) Don't hire cops shorter than 6 feet. Angry, impotent, uneducated short racists are a recipe for police brutality.

    All you have to do to keep Blacks out of the Police, is give them a test, any test. They can't pass even the most basic tests, so they then sue to get in using Affirmative action skin color.

  30. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Anonymous Jimmy Gristle said...
    "Aggressive, angry men are known to also be highly impotent."

    PilotX, is this true?

    4:07 PM
    I am a freshman student in college and I am taking a course called "Read between the Lines" 101.

    In applying what I have learned so far, I believe Jimmy Gristle is infering that PX had sex with an ex-cop who is now a pilot who flies with Mr PX regularly for 4 days at a time?

    Isn't that against the law to be doing that in the 'cockpit'? I mean, isn't that endangering the passengers, including the pilots? What gives?

  31. "All you have to do to keep Blacks out of the Police, is give them a test, any test. They can't pass even the most basic tests, so they then sue to get in using Affirmative action skin color."

    This from someone who had a big celebration when he got his GED.

  32. Anonymous8:12 PM

    All you have to do to keep Blacks out of the Police, is give them a test, any test. They can't pass even the most basic tests, so they then sue to get in using Affirmative action skin color.

    8:03 PM
    I DO believe that anon is taking a swipe at Blacks regarding their intelligence.

    FYI, Yisheng is very bright. In fact, she is brilliant and could pass any rinkee dink police exam with flying colors.

    Now for Lilac, that's a different matter. But I don't think they have colleges or Universities in PR.

  33. Bullshit Detector8:36 PM

    Oh I know the type and they are very common. I flew with a flight attendant not too long ago and all he wanted to talk about was "white privilege" and the Tuskegee airmen. It got to the point where we weren't getting along because his stories got to the point where he was ignoring his primary duties. Kind of an a-hole. AA hire, of course and his biggest regret was not ever getting to fly the plane even though he was a pilot. Needless to say it was a long 4 days.

    I call bullshit, you are more than likely an unemployed white male who sits around trolling websites. Your type has never been on an airplane and can barely figure out the bus schedule. Nice try though.

  34. You Know Who8:36 PM

    All you have to do to keep whites out of the Police, is give them a test, any test. They can't pass even the most basic tests, so they then sue to get in using Affirmative action skin color.


  35. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Yīshēng said...

    There are 3 things if checked for, will greatly decrease whooteemoo cops being on the force:

    1) If and they and they're parents aren't college educated, don't hire.

    2) Check for viagra/cialis during blood tests. Aggressive, angry men are known to also be highly impotent.
    3) Don't hire cops shorter than 6 feet. Angry, impotent, uneducated short racists are a recipe for police brutality.

    All you have to do to keep Blacks out of the Police, is give them a test, any test. They can't pass even the most basic tests, so they then sue to get in using Affirmative action skin color.


    Looks like the list inadvertently explains why there aren't many Asian cops, especially 2nd generation.

    I'd also gather that a "regular" dose of viagra/cialis for the average American man, would probably be lethal for an Asian man.

    BTW, how tall are you Anon, ROTFL????

  36. "Your type has never been on an airplane and can barely figure out the bus schedule. Nice try though."

    *Nods head*

  37. Leave those angry, short and impotent trolls alone Doc. Ha! They have enough issues to deal with.

  38. Anonymous2:07 AM

    YiShit said..

    " If and they and they're parents aren't college educated, don't hire."

    This is a college educated negress. AA strikes again.

    "If and they and they're......


  39. @2:07, do you have your associate's degree in blog spell/grammar check yet, ROTFL????

  40. Anonymous8:16 PM

    The Whole Foods protest was after the fact and not meaningful. WF had already had the guard removed from the store, ultimately fired the security firm and replacing it with another and banned the use of guns by security by the time the protest occurred.

    I'm not defending WF. Wouldn't be caught dead in there and yes I can afford to shop there but why. Hate the pompousness of it and the politics of the CEO but the protest was just another excuse for disaffected Occupy white people to stomp around and be a giant pain in the ass.

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