Thursday, October 29, 2015

American psychos.

Image result for republican colorado debate imagesI     I was watching the republican debate last night, and I was thinking to myself, how did we come to this? Forget, for a minute, that the candidates told lie after lie after lie about their previous statements and policies. (It was so bad with Trump that he lied about his own words on his own website.) Not to mention their whining about everything from the green room to the moderators. There were so many of them that the poor moderators couldn't keep up.  But hey, this is where we are with this party these days; everyone thinks that they can be the leader of the free world.

In a way I blame Barack Obama for this phenomenon. (If that n****r can do it so can we.)The "derangement syndrome" has been so strong that the folks on the other side wanted the reddest meat thrown at them to satisfy their hunger and hatred of the "hope and change" guy.

Then there are those folks in the so called middle--- the independents as they call themselves. They are not much better. Many of these same people support Trump now. He is the new outsider who will bring change to Washington.

Eight years ago they wanted the "magic Negro," but not even the tall, magical, bi-racial- "well spoken"-fellow from Chicago could deliver on that fantasy. To make matters worse, the racial animus and ignorance which was hidden under the surface for years came roaring to the top. And it wasn't just the dumb rednecks in places like Mississippi and Arkansas. Powerful people in the halls of Congress harbored this hatred as well. (You lie!)

So here we are. No matter what he (Obama) did could have been enough them. He could have given everyone of his haters a house, a car, and tax free income for life, and they would have complained that the house doesn't have an ocean view.

"Over time, the hostility toward Obama grew dramatically, and so did racist statements. Actually, it did not take very long. One year into his presidency, ABC News catalogued an array of racially tinged and overtly racist statements or actions taken against Obama. They came from election and party officials and media figures, including Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh. In the years since, the number of prominent figures using race as a wedge only grew. They include a New Hampshire police commissioner using the "N" word to refer to the president, a Montana federal district judge sending racist emails, and many others.

Most troubling is that some of the most loathsome comments have been enabled and legitimized. After Ted Nugent called the president of the United States a "subhuman mongrel"—a term CNN's Wolf Blitzer noted was used by the Nazis to justify the extermination of Jews—Texas gubernatorial candidate Greg Abbott welcomed this incendiary and hateful figure at a campaign event. And Colorado Senate candidate Tom Tancredo excitedly announced that he had gotten Nugent to contribute one of his assault weapons for Tancredo to auction off to help finance his campaign.*
When Ann Coulter referred to the black president as a "monkey" for Vladimir Putin—one of the most vile terms to apply to an African American, a term that, when used without malice by the late Howard Cosell to refer to a football player, resulted in massive criticism and ultimate removal from Monday Night Football—Fox News host Sean Hannity was taken aback, albeit in a bemused way, and offered Coulter a chance to rephrase. She refused. Many conservatives criticized her for the remarks, but she was right back on Hannity's TV and radio shows without any hiatus or punishment."

But it's almost over now. Soon, the family of color will be leaving the White House. America's political class will go back to "normal",  and  hopefully political debates will once again look like....well, debates.

*Pic from



  1. Anonymous8:27 PM

    And with all of this evidence before us, Field as of now, do you really harbor any hope that this is something that can be fixed sometime sooner or later?

    In my granted, albeit it uneducated opinion, not,never.

  2. KINKY CON8:46 PM

    Obama did lie. So Wilson was right....

    Gotta love the hypocrisy of the left. Only they can piss and moan about everyone being mean to obama while calling folks psychos and rednecks.

    And field, did you and your ilk forget how you treated Bush for 8years? Or the hateful things you have said about Reagan.....

    I guess with the left it's always do as i say not as i do......

    Blahs should be thankful hypocrisy isn't like suga cause diabetes would be killing y'all all day and night.

  3. KINKYCON8:55 PM

    The liberal media must be getting scared....They sent the liberal moderators who couldn't shoot straight out to destroy the Republican candidates. The lib moderators made asses of themselves and poor field could only call them names and link to fringe kook sites.

    I noticed field you didn't mention the lies the liberal moderators told.

    Odd that.

  4. Unless that family of color is replaced by the current POC running, who just happens to possess all of the characteristics Norquist outlined as necessary at CPAC 2012:

    "We don't need him to think, we just need him to be able to use a pen..."

    Sounds a lot like Carson, whose talents are apparently concentrated in his manual dexterity...

    -Doug in Oakland

  5. "Sounds a lot like Carson, whose talents are apparently concentrated in his manual dexterity..."

    See? Somebody gets it. Let's keep the whitehouse Black!

    Carson/Cain 16!

  6. Anonymous11:13 PM

    JOSH, I want to thank you for your comment in the previous thread regarding the deprecating word "blah". You DO understand the black race and it's culture as much as any Black...maybe even more.

  7. Anonymous11:20 PM

    "I was watching the republican debate last night, and I was thinking to myself, how did we come to this? Forget, for a minute, that the candidates told lie after lie after lie about their previous statements and policies. (It was so bad with Trump that he lied about his own words on his own website."

    Field, with the outrageous lies Hillary Clinton and Obama have told you really ought to STFU.

    Let's be clear. Hillary 'won't' be the next President. After watching the Republican debate I saw and heard 10 strong candidates all of whom are twice as worthy as any Democrat.

  8. Anonymous Asshole1:09 AM

    Bye losers

  9. Anonymous2:07 AM

    Man white pople try to take Black Peoples rites away every day. We suffere'd under 4000 YEARS of oppression from the whiteman. And now they wan't to get "back too normal" ... Hell no. We need another Balck President to finish the injusites that we're committed aginst Us. Fuck all them repubicans Nazi's.

    -A Black Colege Gradaute

  10. Anonymous6:19 AM




  11. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Doug in Oakland hates the fact that a black man can leave the democrat plantation and have success and happiness.

    1. Really Doug? You have a problem when blah men change their party affiliation from Democrat to Republican? Why is this? Can you expound on this? It seems strange you have problems with a certain type of individual changing parties. Please explain this weird fact. Thanks Doug.

  12. "Man white pople try to take Black Peoples rites away every day. We suffere'd under 4000 YEARS of oppression from the whiteman. And now they wan't to get "back too normal" ... Hell no. We need another Balck President to finish the injusites that we're committed aginst Us. Fuck all them repubicans Nazi's."

    -A Black Colege Gradaute


    CODE 6 Violation. Inserting deliberate spelling errors.

    ***This is an automatically generated digital blackface alert triggered when a white man attempts to pass himself off as a brother (or indeed, sister). Like Field-Negro, you too can install this award-winning software on your blog for a knock down price of just $99 per month.***

    [Please read the Terms and Conditions, payment in cash (small denominations, no sequential numbers), NO REFUNDS.]

    [Field, I note with some measure of disappointment that as of 6:19 have been using inferior quality - no doubt cheaper - Digital Blackface Alert software. This is hurtful. I know you were financially disadvantaged by the Anons inc. fiasco, but installing low cost, Chinese-made software just makes your blog look cheap. It's not a good look for you Field, you wouldn't choose to buy an American car when you could have a BMW or an Audi now would you?]

  13. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Whoever created the idea of "digital blackface" has had a profound effect on some FN Negroes. Now they see "digital blackfaces" everywhere on FN. Such is the minds of these unconscious Negroes.

    1. I think we're conscious. Kind of hard to post while unconscious. You must know something special anon.

  14. Anonymous7:40 AM

    PC, "I know you were financially disadvantaged by the Anons inc. fiasco, but installing low cost, Chinese-made software just makes your blog look cheap. It's not a good look for you Field, you wouldn't choose to buy an American car when you could have a BMW or an Audi now would you?]"

    7:15 AM
    First of all, Chinese make excellent products, which Americans use on a daily basis. Your statement is racist.

    Secondly, American cars are better than an Audi, which stays in the shop. It's a lousy car. BMW? also stays in the shop. So why bother with 'wasting' money on them?

    Always go with American. That includes women, as you well know.

    1. Gonna have to agree with anon on this one PC. Have you ever even driven a Ford Fiesta? Until then you've never driven.

  15. I'll love it if/when our own NYC mayor DeBlasio makes a presidential bid. He, with the black wife WHO WAS ONCE A LESBIAN. OMFG!

    The apoplexy all over Right Wingnut-dom will be such fun to see.

    Also, I plan to pre-order Obama's next book as soon as it's announced (and I'll bet big money there will be one). The information they're understandably withholding--the number and frequency of death threats that come in on a daily basis--will probably be amazing. Not to mention plots foiled, not by our national enemies but by our wonderful fellow citizens.

    Meanwhile, strap yourselves in for a long night of Hillary-hating. It won't stop if she becomes POTUS, you may be sure.

  16. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Looks like the Democrats went too far to the left this time so after 50 years of voting only for Democrats, its got to be Trump all the way - 2016!

  17. Speaking of American psychos and the lies they tell-

    Obama in 2013: ‘I Will Not Put American Boots on the Ground in Syria’

    BREAKING: White House to Announce It’s Sending U.S. Special Forces to Syria

    Of course Obama tells so many lies that's it's hard to keep up.

    Where's the anti-war left? Where's the protest marches?

    Right. No where to be found....

  18. Anonymous12:10 PM

    "But it's almost over now. Soon, the family of color will be leaving the White House. America's political class will go back to 'normal', and hopefully political debates will once again look like....well, debates."

    I very much doubt that. While the election of a black man to the presidency has helped to kick Republican derangement into overdrive, the party has been on the highway to bonkersville since the mid-60's.

    You can date the inception of successful movement conservatism to the Barry Goldwater campaign of '64 and the Nixon campaign of '68, when the radicals started taking complete control of the party. Those guys ran on a "law and order" and "state's rights" platform designed to please racist Southerners. This was also the start of of the disastrous War on Drugs and the American incarceration mania.

    With Reagan in the White House in '81, the dismantling of economic and social solidarity began in earnest. He introduced all that garbage rhetoric that "government is the problem."

    And when Newt Gingrich and his fellow malevolent fuckwits took control of Congress in 1994, it was pretty much game over for the GOP as a party of governance. By that point, they had already decided to devote themselves full-time to sabotaging the daily operation of government and to using its institutions primarily to slander and damage the opposition. This was the era of shutdown fever and impeachment. It was also the moment at which Fox News went on the air, wingnut sites hit the Internet, and conservatives retreated into the Bullshit Bubble.

    Its only now that things have gotten so bad the party has become a punch line that media commentators have been shaken out of their state of denial. Even those journalists most devoted to maintaining a pretense of "balance" have now been forced to admit that the country does not, in fact, have two actual functioning political parties; we've got one party of governance, and one party of infantile wreckers who represent the baser emotions of the populace but do not have any workable policies to implement. The unhinged buffoonery is unmistakable now, but the downhill slide has been going on for decades.

  19. "Even those journalists most devoted to maintaining a pretense of "balance" have now been forced to admit that the country does not, in fact, have two actual functioning political parties"

    And yet---

    70 percent of state legislatures, 60 percent of governors, 55 percent of attorneys general and secretaries of state — are Republicans.(AP)

    So put that in yo crack pipe and smoke it....

    While Hillary has a sight advantage in the presidential election, Republicans are looking good on the house and senate side. And come 2018, Republicans will historic majorities in the house and senate...

    No bad for a party in your moonbat words "we've got one party of governance, and one party of infantile wreckers who represent the baser emotions of the populace but do not have any workable policies to implement."....

  20. Anonymous12:45 PM

    "While Hillary has a sight advantage in the presidential election, Republicans are looking good on the house and senate side. And come 2018, Republicans will historic majorities in the house and senate..."

    Don't count on holding the U.S. Senate for long. Republicans are facing some terrible prospects in the next couple elections.

    They've got a better shot in the House, but only because, making use of public anger at the recession during the redistricting process in 2011, they managed to gerrymander themselves a sizable number of safe seats. Basically, they've momentarily capitalized on America's terrible electoral system.

    Polling and demographics do not bode well for the future of the GOP at the national level, and they are not likely to be able to maintain control of state governments outside of the South, either. Enjoy this brief respite in the decline of GOP power while it lasts.

  21. Yes Kinky con-man, gerrymandering will do that for u.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Black “leaders” keep telling blacks the only way to succeed is by playing the aggrieved card. I honestly believe black youth think it’s their duty to misbehave because the villains and their oppressors in this country are the teacher, the cop, the principal. Obama has only added to this chaos and lack of respect for authority.

    Only Ben Carson has addressed the enormously high black unemployment rate... 30+%. The Dems refuse to mention that. The black leaders tell unemployed blacks their lack of employment is “not their fault”.

  24. "Black “leaders” keep telling blacks the only way to succeed is by playing the aggrieved card. I honestly believe black youth think it’s their duty to misbehave because the villains and their oppressors in this country are the teacher, the cop, the principal. Obama has only added to this chaos and lack of respect for authority.

    Only Ben Carson has addressed the enormously high black unemployment rate... 30+%. The Dems refuse to mention that. The black leaders tell unemployed blacks their lack of employment is “not their fault”.

    What blah leaders are you referring to? All of the blah people I know working with youth try to direct them to work hard and get an education because that is usually the only guarantee of success. And keep in mind the real leaders aren't the ones you see on tv selectively chosen to represent all of us but the boots on the ground in the classrooms and such talking and working with the youth. It's a convenient tactic to accuse "our leaders" of teaching folks to be victims but the reality is something different if one would actually want to understand the situation. Or not.

  25. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Pilot X, I was referring to Obama as a black leader, for example, who espouses this philosophy.

    From the article:

    "Education: Milwaukee, St. Paul and other pro-Obama cities admit they've gone too soft on misbehaving students and have lost control of classrooms.

    Now they're rethinking the president's national anti-discipline strategy.

    St. Paul, Minn., public schools are dealing with escalating classroom chaos after adopting minority-friendly discipline policies that the Obama Education Department pushed to close so-called "racial disparities" in suspensions and expulsions."

  26. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "Education: Milwaukee, St. Paul and other pro-Obama cities admit they've gone too soft on misbehaving students and have lost control of classrooms.

    Now they're rethinking the president's national anti-discipline strategy.

    2:05 PM

    I don't know who's crazy here, me or you!

    You call what that cop did to the teen girl, "soft"?

    Well I shudder to think what 'hard' discipline looks like then! LOLOL!

  27. Anonymous2:17 PM

    That was a very inappropriate, wrong, abusive response by the cop. The girl didn't deserve that treatment.

    Did you read the article I posted, lilac, or are you intent on deflecting and redirecting?

  28. Anon 2:05pm, first you linked to an obviously biased site which does not actually explain the "Obama policy" but yet goes on to characterize it as "minority friendly". If I am to just assume the policy that the author of this hit piece is referring is the attempt to reduce suspensions and expulsions of students from school which is a worthy goal and in no way should be abandoned. The author also failed to include scientific research to support his/her argument so..........

    In the end coming to the conclusion that students should not be treated differently and punished more harshly doesn't exactly prove your point of a blah leader telling students the only way to success is playing some aggrieved card. If you can show me specifically where the President said this that would be good but your linked article doesn't do that.

  29. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Not surprised by your response, PilotX, at all. My original point confirmed, once again.


  30. "Turns out that the same insane, liberal policies are the back story to the defiant South Carolina girl ousted from class by a school resources officer. The school district there has slashed suspensions for defiant behavior over the past three years, following the same unfounded complaints about racial bias in suspensions.

    Result: Students like her have taken advantage of the new leniencies, refusing to stop using their phones while disrupting class for other kids who want to learn."

    This is an example of the article you linked us anon. But wait it gets worse.

    "Madison school officials put in place a touchy-feely alternative to suspensions recommended by the Obama regime, but clearly it's not working."

    Obama regime? Really?

  31. "Not surprised by your response, PilotX, at all. My original point confirmed, once again."

    You shouldn't be surprised by my response, I dislike those who use opinion pieces as some how fact to back up their argument which by the way you failed to do. Your point was blah leaders teaching our youth the path to success is using some kind of victim card but the article you linked showed nothing of the sort. What did I miss? Please explain.

  32. Anonymous2:51 PM

    I remember the old days when Obama promised to end the wars and bring the troops back.

    What happened?

    Pentagon: 'We're in combat' in Iraq

    I wonder when the war protests are going to start.


  33. Did Obama lie to appease his voters or was he simply clueless about how the world really works?

    President Obama: "I will not put American boots on the ground in #Syria.

    Syria: Obama authorizes boots on ground to fight ISIS

  34. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Well, well well. The student at the SC Highschool walked out to show support for the deputy who threw the teen girl out of the class. Of course, Negroes like Lilac and Faith think she was innocent and had no bearing on students. Some of you folks ought to wake up.

    That officer should not have been fired. Instead, he should have been honored as a hero.

    Lilac, Faith and Yisheng, please don't reply. We don't need to hear from the peanut gallery.


  35. Man Arrested in String of St. Louis Church Fires
    The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives says there is no indication a hate crime occurred.

  36. "The student at the SC Highschool walked out to show support for the deputy who threw the teen girl out of the class."

    There's only one student at that school? At least they showed solidarity.

  37. Do you use the Yahoo home page, Field? This is a real jaw dropper!

  38. Anonymous7:11 PM

    PilotX, you are spending hours on FN on a daily basis. Do you have a job and what do you 'really' do?

    My guess is you live at home and your wife is the bread are just along for the ride for as long as your wife tolerates you.

    What a leach!

  39. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Lilac, Faith and Yisheng, please don't reply. We don't need to hear from the peanut gallery.

    Stop confusing our posts with your scrotum.

  40. Blogger PilotX said...
    And keep in mind the real leaders aren't the ones you see on tv selectively chosen to represent all of us but the boots on the ground in the classrooms and such talking and working with the youth.


  41. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Yisheng, "Stop confusing our posts with your scrotum."

    7:22 PM
    You are the filthiest posted in the blogosphere. You must be a man because you haven't a feminine bone in your body....CREEP!

  42. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Yisheng, "Stop confusing our posts with your scrotum."

    7:22 PM
    You are the filthiest posted in the blogosphere. You must be a man because you haven't a feminine bone in your body....CREEP!

    As long as you decide to stay an anonymous COWARD, EXPECT to be "labelled" like your fellow anonymous COWARDS!!!

  43. @7:57, and you KNOW damn well who I am on this site, so cut the shit jackass!


  44. Yīshēng said...
    Lilac, Faith and Yisheng, please don't reply. We don't need to hear from the peanut gallery.

    Stop confusing our posts with your scrotum.

    Caption of the day

  45. "My guess is you live at home and your wife is the bread are just along for the ride for as long as your wife tolerates you."

    If she would let me do that I definitely would but alas Mrs. X makes me hustle too. She has the old adage that all blah women preach, "every grown ass person in this house either better be working or looking for a job". Blah women don't play that but if she leaves me maybe you can help me find a sugar mamma.

  46. "PilotX, you are spending hours on FN on a daily basis. Do you have a job and what do you 'really' do?"

    Something I notice is white folks certainly are nosey. Ha! Well, I have a couple of days off from training so I'm loafing. Two more weeks to go and I'll be a wide body pilot. Europe and Hawaii here I come!

  47. When the whole country's psychopathic, there's nothing anyone can do. If a bullet didn't go through your behind, be thankful you're allowed to see another day, hopefully.

  48. Anonymous9:05 AM
