Saturday, October 03, 2015


I need a caption for this pic.

Example: Does your mom have more of that  mac and cheese that she packed for your lunch?

*Pic by Chris Hill featured on


  1. Anonymous6:56 PM

    "Where are the parents or grandparents to walk these black kids home? If one black kid is hurt, I'm screwed as a white man."

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Anonymous9:40 PM

    The White Man's Burden, taking care of the children black parents won't.

  4. Now remember, if I get jumped again don't just run the police.

  5. ctrl+halt+del11:07 PM

    "Did Mr. Tanner just say Columbus discovered America?"

  6. ctrl+halt+del11:16 PM

    "Slow White and the seven wards frolic in the forest."

  7. Anonymous12:02 AM

    Pickaninny One: My mammy tells me the white man is the Devil, but white people are the only ones who ever feed me.

    Pickaninny Two: Yeah, me too. My mama sure don't hold my hand when I cross the street.

    Pickaninny One: When I tell her I hungry she tell me she ain't got no money for that and I better shut the fuck up or her boyfriend will whoop my ass again.

    Pickaninny Two: What she buy with all that money she get from the state every month?

    Pickaninny One: Tatoos and purses, mostly.

    Pickaninny Two: Motherfucking trash.

  8. White guy: Maybe if I try to help these kids a little the white trolls will hate on me some more. They sure seem to like it...

    -Doug in Oakland

  9. You Know Who2:24 AM

    Peckerwood One: My mammy tells me the Black man is the Devil, but Black people are the only ones who ever feed me.

    Peckerwood Two: Yeah, me too. My mama sure don't hold my hand when I cross the street.

    Peckerwood One: When I tell her I hungry she tell me she ain't got no money for that and I better shut the fuck up or her boyfriend will whoop my ass again.

    Peckerwood Two: What she buy with all that money she get from the state every month?

    Peckerwood One: Tatoos and meth, mostly.

    Peckerwood Two: Motherfucking trash.


  10. Anonymous2:51 AM

    "Now smile for the camera, Sha'Quontarius! Stop pulling on your braids, Ka'Shontasia! We need this photo op to look NATURAL so that all of my liberal white cuck friends will think I'm a hero!"


  11. Anonymous2:53 AM

    Feeled, you're just not funny, bruh. Any time you attempt humor it falls down flatter than Willow Smith's ass.

    Stick to whining and blaming YT. It's what you're good at.

    (Cue "meth addict trailer trash sister fucker" insults in 3, 2 ....)

  12. Hilliary Clinton's 21st Century "It Takes a Village"

  13. Anonymous3:28 AM

    White Dude: ... and then Brad and Angelina decided they wanted to do 7 more humanitarian adoptions, and offered me a big, fat check if I would set it up! This is a huge score for all of us, so you can't screw it up.

    Now, remember, you do not live in Compton. Repeat after me: "I am from S-O-U-T-H S-U-D-A-N."

  14. Anonymous3:55 AM

    @ 3:28 -

    I lol'd. :)

  15. Ctrl-halt... is en fuego, Pilot@10:36, is good as well, but Anon@3:28, is the leader so far.

  16. The children are pretty as pictures. There's nothing to say.

  17. Anonymous1:08 PM

    I agree with ohmigosh, and it's a wonderful idea and upon reading the article from the pic, it sounds as though everyone enjoys it.

    It's like in small town schools where everyone knows their teachers, and where everyone lives.

    It's really the best way actually. But I suppose in urban areas it might not be possible though...

  18. ctrl+halt+del2:49 PM

    "My, what a pretty bow!"

  19. You Know Who3:19 PM

    Anon at 2:53, you're just not funny, bruh. Any time you attempt humor it falls down flatter than Willow Smith's ass.

    Stick to whining and blaming teh blahs. It's what you're good at.


  20. Anonymous3:22 PM

    The children are pretty as pictures. There's nothing to say.

    We only wish the racist trolls had nothing to say.

  21. Anonymous3:44 PM

    My only doubt or question about that image would be that there should have been black teachers also. That the black teachers that do this should have also been pictured Because as it is, it might give the impression that it's a photo op or damage control for racial tensions.

    1. Hey Lila!! How do.....When clicking on the link with the full story, there are teachers of colors in other pictures in which it was mentioned they do indeed walk with the children as well.

      While I greatly understand the dismay about the lack of diversity in many of these professions, at the end of the day, it's especially gratifying when good-hearted souls such as the teacher in today's caption provide much needed positive role models to nurture children's academic and social development.

  22. OpenID lilacpr2000 said...
    My only doubt or question about that image would be that there should have been black teachers also

    The black teachers were all busy, either at a Fighting White Privilege seminar in the Bahamas or out in the school parking lot guarding their Mercedes from the repo man.

  23. Anonymous5:58 PM

    White people (especially the men) aren't shit.

  24. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Faith_and_Fairness said...

    Hey Lila!! How do.....When clicking on the link with the full story, there are teachers of colors in other pictures in which it was mentioned they do indeed walk with the children as well.

    4:05 PM

    Indeed! Thanks for pointing it out Hope! :)

  25. Here is a picture when I first looked at it couldn't imagine why it was chosen to be the subject of these witticisms and snarky comments.. If you follow the link, here is a teacher who is trying his best to help his students, regardless of the teacher's or students' ethnicity. I cringed when one poster went as far as to call him a pedophile. This is what male teachers fear and which causes teachers, male or female, to hesitate to become involved.

    Even if I get past this, the comments are really not that witty.

    Field, I can't imagine why you took something that was good and used it as a post.

  26. Anonymous6:18 PM

    I've noticed when blacks move into a neighborhood, organic supermarkets, yoga studios, and gourmet coffee shops are not far behind.

  27. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Real Estate 101:

    Always invest in areas that are experiencing an influx of African Americans.

    Their arrival is always a sign of a neighborhood is primed for long term economic growth.

  28. Diversity is Strength!7:37 PM

    "Their arrival is always a sign of a neighborhood is primed for long term economic growth."

    And the crime rate will go down and school performance start to improve.

  29. "Field, I can't imagine why you took something that was good and used it as a post."

    I am also aware of the good works that this man seems to be doing.

    Not all of my posts are bad. I do, from time to time, post about what is good.

    All I can say is that we can only hope the ignorant trolls who post here from time to time can at some point in their miserable lives learn to be a bit more human.

  30. "I've noticed when blacks move into a neighborhood, organic supermarkets, yoga studios, and gourmet coffee shops are not far behind."

    Don't know about moving in but I've noticed a few of these things popping up on the South Side in blah neighborhoods. Money os money to these folks I guess.

  31. Anonymous2:10 AM

    @ anon 5:58 -

    Careful there, boy ... without white men, you wouldn't have an internet to write your ig'nant comments on. Actually, w/o YT, you'd be back in Afreaka rubbing sticks and baboon bones together.

    White men rule!! We rock!!!

  32. The 5.2 inch lie4:52 PM

    "White men rule!! We rock!!!"

    LOL- No you don't.

    You are a bunch of pathological liars, and sociopaths with penis envy.

    "White people (especially the men) aren't shit"

    Above (and below).

  33. Anonymous4:53 PM


  34. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Walk together children, now dont'cha get weary!

  35. Sing it, Anon!! "Cause there's a great camp meeting in the Promise Land..." :-)

  36. Just because we have the same colored shirts doesn't make us the same ok?

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Just because we have the same colored shirts doesn't make us the same ok?
