Monday, October 19, 2015

Is Bubba really sorry?

Image result for black judge bubba mississippi image I am so sick and tired of the sorry I got caught saying what I really believe apologies.

With all due respect to Elton John, sorry is not the hardest word to say.

I mean seriously, does anyone believe that  Bubba Carpenter, an elected republican in Mississippi, while speaking among "friends",  did not mean to say exactly what he said?
Poor Bubba was just too dumb to realize that there are cameras and microhpones everywhere these days.
Oh wait, I am getting ahead of myself. Here is what he said:
"JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — A white Mississippi lawmaker apologized Monday for saying at a local Republican meeting that "a black judge" would decide how to spend money on public schools if state voters approve an education funding initiative.
Rep. Lester "Bubba" Carpenter, who lives in the northern Mississippi town of Burnsville, issued his apology hours after a cameraman posted a video online of a speech Carpenter made at a Tishomingo County Republican meeting.

Mississippi's Nov. 3 statewide ballot includes Initiative 42, which would allow people to sue if the state fails to provide "an adequate and efficient system of free public schools."

"If 42 passes in its form, a judge in Hinds County, Mississippi — predominantly black, it's going to be a black judge — they're going to tell us where the state education money goes," Carpenter said in the speech Saturday.

The speech was posted online Sunday by a cameraman for Ivy Broadcasting, which runs WRMG, a radio station and a local-access cable TV station in northern Mississippi and Alabama.

Carpenter said in a written statement Monday: 'I am deeply sorry for the comments I recently made. They were inappropriate, and I was completely out of line. There is no excuse for what I said. Please forgive me."' [Source]

Bubba, there is an "excuse" for what you said: You MEANT it!

I think it's time for a moratorium on apologies for racist statements. And I am sure that Hulk, Amy, Giuliana, Jamie, Fuzzy, and all the rest of the people who were caught saying publicly what they usually keep among friends would probably agree with me.  

"Daniel HandlerVerified account @DanielHandler Nov 21
My remarks on Wednesday night at were monstrously inappropriate and yes, racist. -DH [1/4]"
*Pic from


    1. Mills8:40 PM

      Josh will say some stupid shit in just a few seconds. It's ok though. He has no life. In between molesting little boys and playing cards, all he does is spew his bile on a black blog. What a fucking no-life loser.

    2. And they have to wonder why blah people aren't Republicans? I certainly wouldn't want to be in a party that welcomes racists like this guy. Sad. I bet that's why 90% of Mississippi whites voted for Romney. "If you dont vote for Romney a blah man will decide where your money goes....."

      Carson/Cain 16!

    3. BTW, did you even have to include Bubba's political party? We could have figured it out for ourselves.

    4. Anonymous9:19 PM

      "I think it's time for a moratorium on apologies for racist statements. And I am sure that Hulk, Amy, Giuliana, Jamie, Fuzzy, and all the rest of the people who were caught saying publicly what they usually keep among friends would probably agree with me."

      I can't really go along with that. All those people's statements were not equivalent.

      For example, Giuliana Rancic's association of dreadlocks exclusively with Rastafarians and weed isn't a stereotype about an entire race. It's a stereotype about a hairstyle. That might be ignorant and insensitive of her, but it's not hate.

      Amy Schumer attempted to make one of those "ironic racism" jokes, in which the target of the joke is supposed to be the comedian, acting out the persona of an ignorant racist. That joke failed and made her sound like Donald Trump, but I very much doubt she actually believes Latinos are all rapists.

      An apology in either of those cases makes sense. Anyone can get a few facts wrong or have a joke go wrong and offend people -- it doesn't necessarily prove the person is a bigot.

      This is not the same situation as the comments from Hulk Hogan's porn video. Those weren't a failed joke or a reflection of mere ignorance. He definitely hates black people, and there's no denying it.

      An apology isn't going to do Hulk much good.

    5. Anonymous9:33 PM

      "And they have to wonder why blah people aren't Republicans? I certainly wouldn't want to be in a party that welcomes racists like this guy."

      In Lewiston, Maine's mayoral race, things are getting pretty ugly.

      The Republican mayoral incumbent, Robert McDonald, is a douchebag who proposed publishing a list of everyone on welfare in the area, in an attempt to shame the poor for their poverty.

      His opponent, Democrat Ben Chin (who is of partial Chinese descent), has come out swinging against McDonald's nasty economic elitism.

      In response, McDonald's slimy followers have posted campaign posters suggesting Chin is a communist because he won't support abusing welfare recipients. The slogan? "Don't vote for Ho Chi Chin."

    6. Anonymous9:36 PM

      Sorry, Feeled, but "Bubba" is exactly right. A black is going to choose to spend more and more $$$ on their fellow blacks. None of which will do any good, of course - black schools are an absolute horror wherever you go - but it will look like the "right thing to do", and the judge will probably profit nicely, too. $$$

      People are waking up, though; you people are dead weight. You are doing nothing but dragging civilization down. It's time to cut off funding.



    7. I would vote to fund a basement where trolls can hide while they play with their little, pink, dicks...

      -Doug in Oakland

    8. Field,
      Is it really necessary to engage in debate over whether Lester Bubba's apology was sincere?

      It's clear a fringe, homegrown Mississippi racist like this ass-clown legislator meant exactly what he said.

      The useless inflammatory comments posted to your blog by the predictably intellectually vacant troll "Anonymous" perfectly illustrate the cesspool of Ann Coulter-ish humanity that Lester Bubba and his Trumpian idols seek to pander to.

      For progressive, forward-thinking individuals of all races, ethnicities and religious backgrounds who call this nation home, Lester Bubba's comments offer insight into the fringe portion of the American electorate who languish in the shadows of an irrational fear that they're now members of a shrinking, marginalized demographic of an increasingly diverse nation that regards them as irrelevant vestiges of a distant past.

    9. Anonymous3:28 AM

      @ cultureheist -

      It's okay that you think we're "intellectually vacant"; we're all just going to sit back and watch you "progressive, forward-thinking" people go careening off a cliff. Then we can clean up the mess you left behind and rebuild society.

      P.S - Loving all the small dick comments. Goes to show what's on the average negro's mind 24 hours a day, LOL.


    10. Blah man in charge at United Airlines. Brett Hart, an Alpha man btw, is running the show. Detroit native U of Michigan undergrad U of Chicago Law. I guess that's one negro who has more on his mind than anon at 0328 thinks. Wanna bet he's more accomplished than anon?

    11. Canadian Liberals unseat Conservative Party in landslide victory. Interesting.

    12. Culture.... u make some good points. But I would quibble with your assertion that these racist wingnuts are on the "fringe". There are far too many of them to say that. If u think the trolls here are bad,try reading the comments section on Yahoo after a post about the President.

    13. Of course it's ok for blah Democrats to openly worry/warn/piss and moan about whitey being in control of "state education" money or any money.......But let a white Republican do it and the racial grievance industry is deployed.

      The hypocrisy spreads like manure in the fields.

    14. dinthebeast said...

      I would vote to fund a basement where trolls can hide while they play with their little, pink, dicks...

      -Doug in Oakland

      Here we have another leftwing male talking about penis. So Doug, do you and purple cow email pictures of white penis to each other?

    15. Anonymous9:10 AM


      And so on, and so on.

      BTW - My dick is more of an olive color; I'm half-Greek.

    16. Anonymous9:54 AM

      "Canadian Liberals unseat Conservative Party in landslide victory. Interesting."

      It's possible that Australia also will replace their conservative government with a more liberal one at their election next year. Although, this is less certain than it was prior to last month, when the ruling party swapped out their clownish, macho-talking, climate-denying prime minister, Tony Abbott, for a less ridiculous and more electable one.

      So the "Anglosphere" -- America's English-speaking allies -- are shifting leftwards. This can only be positive news if you're a Democrat in the U.S.

      The U.K., unfortunately, is not on this track at the moment. They are solidly in the grip of austerity madness, desperately trying to budget-cut their way to prosperity. It is depressing to see so many people there have accepted the "logic" of voodoo economics.

    17. Anonymous10:17 AM

      People will accept anything after left wing policies destroy their countries.


    18. Canadian Liberals unseat Conservative Party in landslide victory. Interesting.


      Anti-immigration party wins Swiss election in 'slide to the Right'

    19. Anonymous11:15 AM


      Anti-immigration party wins Swiss election in 'slide to the Right'"

      I should have mentioned that too. Europe is not only in the grip of austerity economic madness right now, which is weakening economic recovery all over, and absolutely destroying the nation of Greece. Europe is also having a "racist moment" in response to all the refugees pouring in from the war in Syria.

      This is another perfect example of irrational politics. The European Union comprises around 500 million people. Even if the EU had to suddenly absorb a few million Syrians (probably a wild overestimate of the numbers), this would have minimal negative economic impact, provided the refugees were distributed evenly throughout the continent.

      But voters don't do this math when they think about immigration policy. Plus, they have been on the receiving end of demagoguery telling them that everyone from the Middle East is a scary jihadi, so the immediate response to these refugees is to pull up the drawbridges. This only benefits parties like Hungary's Fidesz or Jobbik, or Switzerland's SVP, which is frankly racist.

      The SVP have run nakedly hateful campaign ads in the past, like this one, which shows a white sheep booting a black sheep out of Switzerland:

      Or this one, showing Switzerland "invaded" by Muslim minarets:

    20. Anonymous11:24 AM

      I love seeing white women dating/marrying outside their race. They look happier and more free!


    21. S.F. principal delays vote results, saying winners aren’t diverse

      Good time to start teaching minority kids your votes don't matter.


    22. Police: Indiana University student attacked Muslim woman, bit officer
      According to Bloomington Police, a Muslim woman was sitting at the café with her 9-year-old daughter when a man began shouting derogatory phrases and ethnic slurs at the woman.

      The man, later identified as Triceten Bickford, 19, allegedly shouted “white power” and “kill them all.”

      Imagine the outrage if this person was a trump supporter and not a bernie sanders supporter.

    23. Anonymous12:03 PM

      Today in yet more GOP presidential race bigotry:

      Ted Cruz is pitching a tantrum over President Obama's decision to invite the Muslim "clock bomb" kid to the White House's Astronomy Day.

      Idiot school administrators and idiot cops from the state of Texas, which Cruz represents, arrest a schoolkid for possessing what any idiot could tell is not a bomb (the lack of any actual explosives is kind of a giveaway), and of course, Cruz is on their side, not the kid's:

      "'President Obama, at every stage, tries to politicize what happens, whether it is this teenager here in Texas, whether it is the shootings we saw in the Pacific Northwest,' Cruz said in Texas over the weekend, according to the Dallas Morning News. 'Over and over again, sadly, he seeks to try to divide us, to try to tear us apart. The president really ought to be looking for ways to bring us together, to unify us.'”

      Oh no! You mean President Obama is pointing out the constant steam of episodes of right-wing stupidity and racism? How "divisive."

      Boo fucking hoo.

    24. Anonymous12:10 PM

      "If u think the trolls here are bad,try reading the comments section on Yahoo after a post about the President."

      Or any blah person for that matter. Sad, our kids get to grow up in such a world.


    25. Anonymous12:11 PM

      "The president really ought to be looking for ways to bring us together, to unify us.'”

      Or in right wing translation he needs to be less blah.

    26. Anonymous1:17 PM

      "If u think the trolls here are bad,try reading the comments section on Yahoo after a post about the President."

      Or any blah person for that matter. Sad, our kids get to grow up in such a world.


      Or try reading blah supremacist sites like this one.Or any street corner in Philly or Chicago where you will find blahs with megaphones screaming about raping white women and killing white babies.

      Or go to any hate whitey lecture taught by blahs or white liberals.

      No wonder minority on white violence is rising.

      Sad, our kids get to grow up in such a world.

      1. I live in Chicago and been to Philly many times and I have yet to see someone with a megaphone yelling about killing white babies and raping white women. Wow, you hang in some weird circles.

    27. Anonymous1:28 PM

      Right Anonymous @12:03 PM. It's nothing but bigotry for Cruz to point out the stupidity of inviting a mooslum teen (who's sister was suspended from school for making terrorist threats, who's father is a terrorist sympathizer) who perpetrated a hoax.

      It's racism to point out the fact that Obama has done little to nothing about the recent cop killings brought on in part by his own anti-cop rhetoric his base takes to heart.

      Our poor blah president......

      1. Can you give us an example of the President's anti-cop rhetoric? Paranoia takes a lot of time just so you know.


    28. "Black Lives Matter" and white dumbocrat politicians go running for their cars being protected by police and staff.

      Facing hostile Black Lives Matter protesters, Garcetti's South L.A. forum ends abruptly
      The meeting ended abruptly as dozens of demonstrators began to crowd on stage reaching for microphones. Police officers and City Hall staffers then ushered Garcetti out of the church and into his car through a press of demonstrators and reporters.

      One activist jumped on the trunk of the car as Garcetti disappeared inside. An LAPD helicopter circled overhead, its spotlight on the mayor's sedan.

      After years and years of promises from the white dumbocrats in los angeles, #BLM it appears is no longer drinking the kool-aid.

      And the dumbocrat party responds to #BLM with a bunch of old white candidates.

    29. Anonymous Bill said...

      Police: Indiana University student attacked Muslim woman, bit officer
      According to Bloomington Police, a Muslim woman was sitting at the café with her 9-year-old daughter when a man began shouting derogatory phrases and ethnic slurs at the woman.

      The man, later identified as Triceten Bickford, 19, allegedly shouted “white power” and “kill them all.”

      Imagine the outrage if this person was a trump supporter and not a bernie sanders supporter.

      Since dude is a white lib, i wonder if field will be posting about this topic tonight?

      Field usually ignores these kind of things when libs are the perps. See that angry lib atheist in North Carolina that killed 3 Muslims..

    30. Anonymous2:11 PM

      Racist, xenophobic libs want to take this country back to the 50's, bring back Jim Crow laws, the KKK.... PUT Y'ALL BACK IN CHAINS.

    31. Kinky con-man and his delusional side kick would actually want us to believe that these wingnuts they refer to are more liberal than conservative. Ok then.

      Pilot, that rhetoric exists in their minds along with the black helicopters.

    32. Anonymous7:22 PM

      "Pilot, that rhetoric exists in their minds along with the black helicopters."

      Wait, so you mean you're not walking around Philly with a bullhorn?

