Monday, October 05, 2015

Just some buds having fun on Facebook.

GerisLet's see now. Racist has a black co-worker. Black co-worker has a young child. Racist posts a picture of black co-worker's child on his Facebook page. All of his friends (birds of a feather) make racist comments about said CHILD. Racist loses his job after outrage from social media.

I learned a long time ago that racists just aren't very smart people.

"Just when Mars water really had everyone believing that mankind might be capable of making the next great leap in our evolution, some unimaginably stupid shit like this happens. The bro in the screengrab above, presumably a real actual person in the year 2015, decided to share a selfie with a black co-worker's young boy. This bro then accompanied the Facebook posting of this photo with some downright disgusting commentary:"

Geris Hilton, Gerod Roth, racism, Twitter, Facebook
Geris Hilton, Gerod Roth, racism, Twitter, Facebook
And then there was this from Mr. Roth's employer:

"This morning I was disgusted to learn that one of my former employees made several racially charged comments on his personal Facebook page. Even worse, the comments were directed toward the son of another employee.  
It breaks my heart that Sydney and her adorable son Cayden were subjected to such hateful, ignorant and despicable behavior. Cayden visits my office almost every afternoon after daycare, he’s sat at my dinner table and I consider him a part of the PMG family. 
The atrocious lies, slander and racism he and his mother have been forced to endure are wholly intolerable. Myself and the entire PMG family in no way condones this kind of behavior and would never willingly associate with anyone who does.
It has no place in the world.
PMG has terminated the employee responsible and will ensure that none of the businesses that we associate with will ever do business with him again."

Fortunately for him he will have some company while he cools his heels at home.

"Atlanta’s Conch Republic Grill announced on Friday that it had fired the commenter known as Emily Irene Red."

*Pic from Facebook.


  1. Anonymous9:21 PM

    It's so outrageous that people can be so cruel and vicious. You would think that in this day and age!

    But no, nothing's changed. Sons of bitches!

  2. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Tell me something, Field:

    Why haven't you posted about all the racism in Oakland? Why have you not talked about the bm who was brutally beaten in 'Whole Foods' weeks ago? Why haven't you investigated that!

    Blacks in Oakland are pretty gutless. That's a far cry from the days of the Black Panthers MLK and MalcolmX. Blacks are nothing but milquetoast in the bay area.

  3. Anonymous9:30 PM

    OpenID lilacpr2000 said...
    It's so outrageous that people can be so cruel and vicious. You would think that in this day and age!

    But no, nothing's changed. Sons of bitches!

    9:21 PM
    People are 'naturally' cruel. It's been that way since the beginning of human history.

    "It's always been a mystery to me how men can feel themselves honored vy the humiliation of their fellow man."------Gandhi

  4. In Arabia you can't draw a picture of Mohammed. In India, you can't stop a cow from going where it wants to. And in America, you can't make fun of sacred negroes.

    Everybody has their religion, I guess.

  5. Anonymous10:18 PM

    "Let's see now. Racist has a black co-worker. Black co-worker has a young child. Racist posts a picture of black co-worker's child on his Facebook page. All of his friends (birds of a feather) make racist comments about said CHILD. Racist looses his job after outrage from social media."

    Actually, when you think about it, not ALL of his friends could have been happy with these jokes -- otherwise, how would anyone else have heard about this? Facebook is not really a public conversation. Unless I'm missing something, it seems the only people who would initially have seen this picture and the comments on it were Gerod Roth and his Facebook friends.

    Thus, someone in Roth's social circle must have gotten offended and leaked it onto the public Internet.

    Also, I don't think any real, legitimate purpose is served by trying to punish people (by getting them fired from their jobs, for example) simply for saying racist stuff in private. Nobody is fixing racism by doing this, because it's not possible to punish people into not having bigoted beliefs. This sort of thing doesn't encourage people to be less racist, only more discreet about their racism.

    There's no quick fix for bigotry; you have to convince bigots they are wrong.

    1. There were several legitimate purposes served firing the sociopathic bigot. Most importantly, it protected Cayden, his mom and her colleagues from further contact with the sociopathic racist. It protected her employer's business relationships and reputation. It serves as an example to other employers and even helps other racist sociopaths who lack basic human decency to guide their behavior, but might benefit from knowledge that it will be in their self interest.

  6. James Bold10:48 PM

    When you need such draconian punishments to suppress any speech contrary to The Narrative, your control is slipping and you know it.  I hope the whole chain of businesses gets boycotted for caving to BRA.  People are still allowed to vote with their wallets.

    Oh, did you think I'd forgotten you?  Just busy, that's all.  Here's a little tidbit to keep you busy:  during Reconstruction, the state legislature of South Carolina was majority Black... and just as dysfunctional and fiscally irresponsible as Black-run polities of today like Jefferson County and Detroit.

  7. Anonymous11:08 PM

    @ James Bold

    You're thinking everybody's going to be impressed when you link to a dusty, century-old history book written by some racist, whose express purpose in writing that book was to demand that Northerners apologize for granting black people civil rights during Reconstruction (before the Klan "heroically" took them away again)?

    Why not just cite "Birth of a Nation" as your evidence?

    You jokers are ridiculous with your sources of information. You offer up some wad of dirty toilet paper and say, "See, this proves I'm right."


  8. And people thought jerry springer was made up because where could they find that many ignorant white people.

  9. Very interesting post. I don't think they should have been fired but the company was in a tough situation. I mean yeah you can buck inclusion and go the James Bold route and let the public decide or you cut out the cancer. Social media is an interesting beast, you know all too well Field, like most situations in life it is a double edged sword. Some folks need to learn the difference between anonymous posts on the internet and FB posts. Glad we didn't have these problems back in my day when dinosaurs roamed the earth.

  10. Anon @ 11:08pm. Take it easy on James, he had a rough time trying to prove his assertion that blah people were the majority of legislators in the south. Technically even if SC had a blah majority his assertion was that this was the case in all of the south which it wasn't. Also the assertion that corrupt and inept government only happens when blah people are in charge is just laughable. The current occupant of the WH shows that many times we make situations better. Ha!

  11. James Bold12:31 AM

    Yet another Anonymous Coward tries to refute me:

    "You're thinking everybody's going to be impressed when you link to a dusty, century-old history book written by some racist"

    Let me list the errors of your ways.

    1.  A century-old history book was written within the memory of people who lived through Reconstruction.  Nothing written today is as trustworthy.
    2.  You'd consider everyone alive then a "racist", just as you deem anyone today who points out your magical thinking and misbehavior a "racist".  The problem (for you) is that they were correct then, and I am correct now.  You are just blowing hot air.  I can't blame you, because it's worked so well for you since 1954... but those days are rapidly coming to an end.

    "Why not just cite "Birth of a Nation" as your evidence?"

    Because it's not a primary source.  But it was drawn from primary sources.

    "You jokers are ridiculous with your sources of information."

    Whereas you claim you're equal to the White man, but you require and demand all sorts of thumbs on the scale to "equalize" you... and those thumbs get heavier and heavier over time, while your behavior gets worse.  Your problem is that people are sick and tired of you, and are waking up to the deceit.  Equality is an attractive myth... but it's a myth.

  12. James Bold smells like his mom's rotten cootch1:10 AM

    You'd consider everyone alive then a "racist", just as you deem anyone today who points out your magical thinking and misbehavior a "racist".

    Uh no, just people who fit the classic definition of racist which you do.

    From a person who believes in racism, the doctrine that one's own racial group is superior or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.

    Uh James, seems as though anon is correct in his assumption that you and John Burgess are/were racist unless of course you disagree with the definition of the word.

    1. John Brown overcame his time as did many other white people of the era. Right was as right then as it is now.

  13. James "is a methhead brother fucker" Bold1:13 AM

    Seems as though political corruption and lavish spending of tax payers' money crosses racial lines wouldn't you think James?

  14. James "is a methhead brother fucker" Bold1:13 AM

    Seems as though political corruption and lavish spending of tax payers' money crosses racial lines wouldn't you think James?

  15. Limpbaugh1:31 AM

    Facebook is on its way to replacing the mainstream media as people's news source. Sure there is a lot of BS. But at least the truth is mixed in there somewhere. Right now, your TV news is telling you that it is bads that Russia is bombing ISIS. I have close to two thousand Facebook friends and there were at least an hundred shares of my posts today. Who knows how many more people the stuff reached? There are posts like video of Putin talking about the U.S. arming and training mercenary rebels who then join ISIS to make more money, and Putin destroying more terrorists in three days than Obama has in two years. There are posts about Saudi Arabia beheading almost twice as many people as ISIS this year, including a protester kid who is sentenced to have his body crucified in public after he is beheaded. There is a plethora of information about why we should be allied with Iran instead of Saudi Arabia. Turn on the TV news and you'll see politicians and pundits complaining that Russia is killing the good terrorists.

    1. Wing nuts show their true colors with their Putin worship.

  16. Anonymous1:48 AM

    anotherbozo made a really good comment the other say. Maybe people like James "Smelly crotch" Bold should heed his words.

    "Unfortunately, learning which sources deal in propaganda and which deal in facts requires both education and honesty. Quotes to support practically anything are easy to come by."

    We see Old Smelly is neither educated nor honest but one can hope.

  17. Anonymous2:13 AM

    "Also, I don't think any real, legitimate purpose is served by trying to punish people (by getting them fired from their jobs, for example) simply for saying racist stuff in private. Nobody is fixing racism by doing this, because it's not possible to punish people into not having bigoted beliefs. This sort of thing doesn't encourage people to be less racist, only more discreet about their racism.

    There's no quick fix for bigotry; you have to convince bigots they are wrong."

    10:18 PM
    Well, if there is no point in punishing people, then what do you suggest, just let them hurt others with their bigotry? To do 'nothing'?

    People may remain bigots but they will think twice before abusing others if they know they will be fired. Personally, as a racist, losing one's job is a great teaching. It gives one a lot to reflect on when working in the next job. It also serves to protect the vulnerable.

  18. Ahhh bless, little Jimmy Bold is back.

    I needed a good laugh.

    Away you go son, amuse me....

  19. "When you need such draconian punishments to suppress any speech contrary to The Narrative..."

    No narrative has been suppressed. The owner was simply stating his preference not to employ racist slaeaze-balls who amuse themselves by bullying little children.

    Yer man is still perfectly free to express his hatred of little black kids, he'll just have to do it on someone else's dime, is al.

    " I hope the whole chain of businesses gets boycotted for caving to BRA."

    Oh wait a minute, you're not that idiot Kersey back again, are you?

    I mean I knew you were dumb, but I didn't think you were THAT dumb!

  20. Quote: Little Jimmy Bold

    "You'd consider everyone alive then a "racist", just as you deem anyone today who points out your magical thinking and misbehavior a "racist"."

    well yes, you say that little Jimmy, but when we look at the content of the book you linked to, we find this quote on page 133 of my edition.

    "black skin means membership in a race of men which has never of itself succeeded in subjecting passion to reason, has never, therefore, created any civilization of any kind."

    Now call me a paranoid old racism-chaser if you will, but I suspect the author was a teeny, tiny bit racist, n'est–ce pas?

  21. "Now call me a paranoid old racism-chaser if you will, but I suspect the author was a teeny, tiny bit racist, n'est–ce pas?"

    No sir, here in America only people who point out racism are racists i.e. you darker types. You have to learn the intricacies of American life Mr. Cow.

  22. Anonymous6:10 AM

    Nobody can understand the intricacies of American life. I mean, we got so many blacks in the bay area who make Stephen in DJango look like a proud bm. Then again, a skin head just married a bw in Oakland.

    Now Mr PC, do you understand how it works out West, where it's the best? My advice to you is do what all Cali's do: "Don't think about it."

    Let Field handle it in his posts. He'll figure something out...most lawyers do.

  23. 10:18 PM Anonymous said...
    Actually, when you think about it, not ALL of his friends could have been happy with these jokes -- otherwise, how would anyone else have heard about this? Facebook is not really a public conversation. Unless I'm missing something, it seems the only people who would initially have seen this picture and the comments on it were Gerod Roth and his Facebook friends.

    Thus, someone in Roth's social circle must have gotten offended and leaked it onto the public Internet.

    Or what happened is - Roth's friends kept circulating it because they thought it was really funny until it finally got to some people outside his friend's list who didn't find it funny at all. It went from, "Ha ha look at this," to "Can you believe what these racists are saying?" ONLY after it reached people outside his racist inner circle of friends. That's really very sad.

    Also, I don't think any real, legitimate purpose is served by trying to punish people (by getting them fired from their jobs, for example) simply for saying racist stuff in private. Nobody is fixing racism by doing this, because it's not possible to punish people into not having bigoted beliefs. This sort of thing doesn't encourage people to be less racist, only more discreet about their racism.

    There's no quick fix for bigotry; you have to convince bigots they are wrong.

    There is no convincing bigots they are wrong. The only way to let racists know that they are racist is making sure their are real life consequences for their racist views and behavior.

    But far too many White people always want people to spend time holding their hand and singing Kumbayah and demand instant forgiveness and understanding when they behave and speak in despicable ways. I find that these kinds of white people love the ideal of freedom of speech, but they rarely have an idea that speaking freely doesn't mean there are consequences for doing so.

    You are right - there is no quick fix for bigogty. But I have always said and still maintain that non-racist White people will have to help end racism by letting other white people know that bigotry is unacceptable. How do you think that child's mother would feel seeing this man every day, knowing how he feels about her and her child? The employer did the right thing, not only professionally, but hopefully, personally.

    1. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

  24. Anonymous9:34 AM

    It seems too many people don't realize any and everything they post to social media will live on the web and could impact their lives forever. Who knows what words will be verboten in the future? Right now, no one can make fun of any ethnic, religious, sexual orientation group without suffering potential loss of a job. Disparaging Republicans, white males, and Christians are still allowed, but in the future??

    That being said, this guy's friends were asses. This little boy didn't agree to have his photo taken, much less to be set up to be the butt of mean jokes.

    Those who applaud this man's firing better check yourself. Who knows if what you are posting here today on Field's blog will forever remain anonymous and you, too, will be called out one day for socially banned words and ways of thinking.

  25. "Those who applaud this man's firing better check yourself. Who knows if what you are posting here today on Field's blog will forever remain anonymous and you, too, will be called out one day for socially banned words and ways of thinking."

    So when I call you a cunt for instance, could that be potentially seen as a bad word?

  26. Anonymous10:07 AM

  27. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Anonymous postings on a blog don't always stay they? By the way, Purple Cow, are you a sexist and hate vaginas? That word, the c-word, is verboten, or haven't you been keeping up with the latest banned word list?

  28. "By the way, Purple Cow, are you a sexist and hate vaginas?"


  29. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Those who applaud this man's firing better check yourself. Who knows if what you are posting here today on Field's blog will forever remain anonymous and you, too, will be called out one day for socially banned words and ways of thinking.

    9:34 AM
    dear mr Field is it true that anonymous comments posted here won't be forever anonymous? Can you shed some light on this?

    What are socially banned words today? Apparently there are some foul mouth devils on social media. As a precautionary measure, is it possible to have my comments scrubbed? I am ninety years old and would like to sleep at night. Thank you for your consideration.

    BTW, PC is a foul-mouthed fool who will be found out. What's up with that Negro? He claims to have a college education but I don't think so. He is very strange but I am sure he is the product of his culture.

    1. If one of my racist loved ones (we don't choose our families, God does) did this I would still drop groceries by if they or more importantly their kids were hungry, but I would tell them that they got exactly what they deserved.


  30. Gotta love those rich white liberals...

    George Clooney flies to Africa to help black people while 20 miles south of his beverly hills mansion are Black americans he could help.

    Zuckerberg is giving free internet the poor in Africa as the poor in America go without.

    Facebook to beam free internet to Africa with satellites

    To rich white liberals, some Black lives are more important than others.

  31. This is the same pure dehumanization of black children that makes many white (people?) cheer on a racist murdering sociopath like George Zimmerman (may Karma catch up with him before another innocent child does.)

  32. Life in the BRA12:38 PM

    Making fun of blacks is a crime.

  33. Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    John Brown overcame his time as did many other white people of the era. Right was as right then as it is now.

    Doing right ain't got no end.

  34. "There were several legitimate purposes served firing the sociopathic bigot. Most importantly, it protected Cayden, his mom and her colleagues from further contact with the sociopathic racist. It protected her employer's business relationships and reputation. It serves as an example to other employers and even helps other racist sociopaths who lack basic human decency to guide their behavior, but might benefit from knowledge that it will be in their self interest."

    You took the words right out of my mouth, Whitey.

  35. Whitey's Shame1:42 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  36. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Somewhat OT, I for one am sick of black men taking all the blame for the problems of the black family. What Field Negro won’t talk about is the real epidemic of black women who absolutely refuse to give geeky, nerdy, or just decidedly less than thuggy black men the time of day, much less anything else. As they look past them and practically open their legs and invite every former or future prison inmate to come/cum on in. And that is a function of black African socioeconomic organization, that women don’t need men for the sustenance of life and other things, either because of African biospheres in Africa or the welfare state in the white world. In such a scenario, women will select for men that are interesting to her, and the way for a man to be interesting to such a woman is to be a violent thug, because she thinks that he will defend her against other violent thugs. The geek/nerd has potential earning power, but that’s usually a future proposition rather than present reality. His future above board earning potential doesn’t interest her, because she has EBT for that, and a conga line of dope dealing thugs to “make it rain” on her. And the geek does not have the ability to protect her from other thugs.

  37. Anon anove, may I suggest that u work on your dating skills?

    You sound like one of those angry men on websites who take out their dating frustrations on women.


  38. field negro said...
    Anon anove, may I suggest that u work on your dating skills?

    Considering it is metrosexual white virgins that go around shooting up schools, shouldn't there be some government program to make sure they get laid?

    That would probably reduce school shootings more than some stupid gun show loophole law.

  39. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Bill, are you following the murder rates in the top cities? Blacks are killing many more people, black people, on any random weekend in cities like Chicago.

  40. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Anonymous Bill said...
    Considering it is metrosexual white virgins that go around shooting up schools

    Someone needs to put out an APB on Bill.
