Friday, October 23, 2015

Night off.

I'm off tonight field hands.

Holla at you soon.

Everyone stay safe.


  1. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Brother Field, this has happened before. How many Friday nights do you plan to take off? This is unfair and very selfish of you.

    As a bm you are acting like the stereotypical lazy bm. Please don't do this again...don't succumb to being like so many of our race as lazy and undependable.

    I was counting on you to post tonight. I skipped work just for the post and now you tell me you are taking the night off? That is utter bullshit.

    You are a disgrace to your race.

  2. Digital blackface trolls work on the weekends I guess.

  3. Anonymous9:44 PM

    PX, as a bm you are spending far too much time on FN harrassing and calling your Black brothers names. Oh are not Black, you claim to be blah as Santorium has called you.

  4. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Field said...
    Holla at you soon.

    "Soon" "Soon"??? But how near or how far is "soon"?

    "Soon" could be like, a week away or more, right guys???

    I dunnoo........

  5. Have fun!

    -Doug in Oakland

  6. Anonymous11:55 PM

    dinthebeast said...

    Have fun!

    -Doug in Oakland

    10:33 PM

    Wha? He has fun here! He doesn't need 'more' fun! I say he has enough cyber fun. AND real fun just can't compare anyway! So 'real' fun time is UP x(

    Time to write up a post MR.FIELD!

    Oh I forgot tomorrow is caption Saturday, that is if he hasn't terminated that too due to the little suggestions from certain 'Anons' here!

    There's no certainty in life anymore! I'm going to bed! x(

  7. Anonymous12:09 AM

    Yes, Field has terminated caption Saturday due to Anons' suggestions. You see, the caption game is outdated and was never fair in the first place. It was designed for regulars like Lilac and PX and Bill and Doug in sorry-ass Oakland to win.

    Everybody, and I mean EVERYBODY knows the caption game is rigged and it's against the law of blogs. Even Stormfront plays fair.

    But do Negroes play fair? Hell no. That's why I was so glad to see DJango put a bullet through Stephen in that movie. We don't need any more like him anymore.

    But it's clear why Lilac wants to keep playing caption on Saturday night. She gets to win....I mean, the woman has been a loser for so long the caption game helps her to sleep at night on Saturdays and all day Sundays.

  8. Anonymous12:15 AM

    I'm not listening, I mean reading, I went to sleep okay! Look below ^ {supposed to be pointing down)but oh well.


    -S-O-U-N-D A-S-L-E-E-P- ZZZzzzzzzzz

    I don't see anything. Good night! Till tomorrow, God willing


  9. Anonymous12:16 AM

    Anon, you forgot to mention that Lilac doesn't sleep after Sundays. But she anxiously awaits for the next caption to be posted on Saturday.

    Well, let's hope Field won't show up again until Sunday. That should mess up her life and PX, and Doug real good.

    I am going to enjoy this very much this weekend watching them suffer.

  10. Anonymous12:23 AM

    Dear Brother Field, thank you for following our suggestions. Anon Inc will be considering a 'special betrayal discount' because of your betrayal to those resident people with names. We will be giving you a deep discount for 2016.

    That way you will be able to contribute more money to your Democratic candidate, another loser, for President.

    May Anon Inc suggest voting for the 'Salt n Pepper' Republican duo? They will be the winners and the 'only' ones who can turn this country around.

  11. Anonymous12:27 AM


    I can't hear you! I can't hear anything you sayyyy! LALALALALALALALALALALALALLALALALALALALAL!!!

    Huh! who the heck is the "Salt n Pepper duo"??? 00

  12. Anonymous12:44 AM

    Hillary loves the coloreds:

  13. Anonymous12:47 AM

    Anonymous said...

    I am going to enjoy this very much this weekend watching them suffer.

    12:16 AM

    I heard that!!!I heard that in my sleep!
    I don't want to allude to anyone in particular, BUT, there is a certain sadist Anon here!

    AND I HATE HIM! and I hope he/she gets a stomach ache! and can't eat for a week! and loses weight! and DISAPPEARS ALTOGETHER!!! That's my curse!

    Good night, back to sleep for me!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. ”Oh yes the Lancet figures were most certainly thoroughly discredited more than once:”

    Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. He links to two articles not written by epidemiologists, but by a an American Paratrooper (!) and a Society that criticized the speed at which the Lancet released its methodology. The methodology incidentally, that was developed by the American government, and was widely seen as the gold standard for epidemiological studies in poor countries.

    Meanwhile yet another survey confirms the Lancet figures of 500,000+ dead:


    ” And Saddam killed more of his own people in the 20+ years he ran Iraq than died during the Iraq War.”

    Yeah, riiiiight….

    • "Pre-invasion: 5.5 deaths/1,000/year
    • March 2003–April 2004: 7.5 deaths/1,000/year
    • May 2004–May 2005: 10.9 deaths/1,000/year
    • June 2005–June 2006: 19.8 deaths/1,000/year
    Overall post-invasion: 13.2 deaths/1,000/year"

  16. Saddam was a Socialist11:58 AM

    Both the methodolgy and the data used in the Lancet study was found to deeply flawed. The conclusions were intentionally skewed to fit the biases of the study's authors and funders. It is nothing but government agitprop.

    During email discussions between the Oxford-Royal Holloway team and the Johns
    Hopkins team conducted through a reporter for Science, for an article to be published
    October 20, it became clear that the authors of the study had not implemented a clear,
    well-defined and justifiable methodology. The Oxford-Royal Holloway team therefore
    believes that the scientific community should now re-analyze this study in depth.

    Per the London Times, half of the funding for the study came from the George Soros group the Open Society Institute:

    The study, published in 2006, was hailed by antiwar campaigners as evidence of the scale of the disaster caused by the invasion, but Downing Street and President George Bush challenged its methodology.

    New research published by The New England Journal of Medicine estimates that 151,000 people – less than a quarter of The Lancet estimate – have died since the invasion in 2003.

    “The authors should have disclosed the [Soros] donation and for many people that would have been a disqualifying factor in terms of publishing the research,” said Michael Spagat, economics professor at Royal Holloway, University of London.

    The Lancet study was commissioned by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and led by Les Roberts, an associate professor and epidemiologist at Columbia University.

    He reportedly opposed the war from the outset.

    Leftists use their control of media, academia and government to lie, lie, lie and lie some more. There are serious criticisms to be made regarding the conduct of the Iraq War; the Lancet study is not one of them.

    Leftism is a cultural cancer that will either be cut out or kill the patient. It has no future as it will either be defeated or die with its host. So there's that.

  17. You Know Who1:29 PM

    Conservatives use their control of media, academia and government to lie, lie, lie and lie some more. There are serious criticisms to be made regarding the conduct of the Iraq War; the Lancet study is one of them.

    Conservatism is a cultural cancer that will either be cut out or kill the patient. It has no future as it will either be defeated or die with its host. So there's that.


  18. The reputation of the Lancet study remains unblemished, and has been backed up by other studies from other institutions.

  19. Quick question since I see everyone still comments even on non-post posts: If Anthony Mackie were just words on a screen, would the brilliant arbiters here of what "black" is accuse him of wearing digital blackface?

    Of course, we all know the answer is hell fucking yes. Anyone who said "I support Trump and pulled myself up from nothing, and by the way I'm black," would be met with, "Digital blackface alert!" by people who, on one hand, claim to be fighting against racism, while on the other unabashedly promoting it to the point the only reason they check in is to promote it.

    Good job!

  20. Field, I think Mackie later stated he was joking. Not sure if that's correct or not.

  21. According to he tweeted he was making a joke. I guess the sistas who tweeted about how he lost his "fine" got to him. I would backtrack too if my female fans started leaving. I wonder if he was begging like Keith Sweat. Ha! I guess I can still watch Black Panther.

  22. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Quick question since I see everyone still comments even on non-post posts: If Anthony Mackie were just words on a screen, would the brilliant arbiters here of what "black" is accuse him of wearing digital blackface?

    Probably not. Unless of course Mackie was pretending to be an 80 year old Black man when he's obviously not. My guess is Anthony doesn't troll like that but I could be wrong.

  23. "Unless of course Mackie was pretending to be an 80 year old Black man"

    My point being: For some reason, the psychics on this blog instantly know who's pretending and who isn't. And what is it based on? Ideology. The lead of the BlackfaceBusters squad says it's because black men never say "As a black man," though that's demonstrable nonsense for anyone who's ever watched First Take or read a YouTube comments section on a Tommy Sotamayor or Vernaculis thread. So it boils down to a simple premise: Agree with me, you black; disagree, you got blackface.

    It's not like people can't just go back through the public comments here. Every time it's a person who takes the opposite side of the issue and is supposedly black, without fail, you can find "digital blackface alert" tacked on right under.

  24. Trust me Josh, we know them. You can't fake being black, even while posting on the Internet.

    1. I guess this bothers him and he doesn't want to admit this.

  25. "You can't fake being black..."

    So, I was right all along. There is an admissions criteria set by black people here to judge other black people.

    Not sure why folks argued with me in the first place.

    One in particular who argued with me, who then cried and begged me not to mention his name anymore, argued against it being ideology, while basically making the argument it was expressly ideology. And then said that a real black person doesn't say, "As a black man." However, I literally cannot count how many times I've heard a black person start out with, "As a black man," particularly when seeking to qualify and adopt that level of expertise regarding a racial discussion -- which, I'd argue, is in itself stupid as all hell, but nevertheless true.

    What you're explicitly saying is that "black" acts a certain way, all 40-some million in the USA. There is a set, collective, Borg-like way blacks act. And they only ever act like that. They act like that so predictably that you can tell who's black and who isn't simply by the way they type via the Internet. Anyone not acting in a fashion of what you perceive to be "black" is thus not black.

    Now imagine a white person saying that. Which, obviously, you don't have to imagine. Enough of the dumb fuckers spout that shit here as is.

    But it's okay when you do it, of course.

    I still say had Anthony Mackie taken his stance on this blog, he would have been met with "digital blackface alert!" And if Ben Carson were a member here, nary a one of you on your side of the issues would admit he was a black man.

    After a lifetime to ponder it, I finally got the big "why" behind airborne osmosis of experience. I get it, regardless of how many racists want to say I'm unable to get it because my skin color is a handicap. But this one just befuddles me. Now you psychics can look through screens and inside heads and conclude the color of one's skin by the words they use.

    I don't see any of you typing in broken-ass, made-up, grammatically horrific AAVE. Am I to assume you're all white?

  26. PS

    I would be inclined to trust you if ever, even one time, you have successfully found a white person or any non-black person pretending to be black. Though as far as I can find, I only see your accusations.

    So what else you're explicitly saying: Your accusations do not need to meet a burden of proof. By your say-so, as electing yourself King of Blacks, the accusation itself is proof. Once the accusation has been levied, the person is not black. No picture needed, no ISP search, no admittance of guilt, no trial, no evidence whatever. "Digital blackface" drop, with "Yep. I know that's right." And guilty.

    You know who else did that? lol We don't even need to go there.

    I'm constantly amazed at how exceedingly regressive you collectivist progressives are. Constantly.

  27. Anonymous11:16 PM

    "Trust me Josh, we know them. You can't fake being black, even while posting on the Internet."



  28. Okay. Then you know. And knowing is all the battle -- with black GI Joes, apparently.

    Is it literally out of bounds for me to ask for evidence or proof of this?

    In all the times y'all have sat behind your computer screens and literally judged the color of someone's skin because of the way they type not meeting your admissions criteria, have you ever found any evidence beyond guessing as to your blatant assumptions of what "black" must be to be counted black? Have you ever actually caught a non-black person up and found them out?

    Or, like European witch hunters of centuries past, are they all witches because you've accused them of being witches?

    Not for nothing, but it seems like the latter to me. Seems you guys say you're right because you accuse people. You accuse people, so you're right. You're right, so you accuse more people. More people accused, so you're more right. You're more right, so now you accuse more people.

    Jesus drinking Sprite, man; thank goodness we don't have any sort of system that fucking works like that today!

    Y'all are legitimately scary-ass dudes I hope never manage to take power in any nation in which me and mine reside. Fucking Kim Jong-Un could learn a thing or two from y'all.

  29. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Fuk all yall. Im Black. You cant fake thet shit. Cracker ass crackers tryin 2 be Black but you cant fake that shit Now what I mean?

    Donlad Trump a faggit punk. Obama are real president.
