Tuesday, October 27, 2015

This Ben is not so gentle.

 Image result for deputy ben fields image    I spent a lot of time on twitter last night. (@fieldnegro) Like most people of conscience (Not you Don, I know that you have to maintain a certain amount of coonery to keep your job. And don't even get me started on this guy.) I was outraged after watching the assault of that female high school student in South Carolina by Deputy Ben Fields.

Once again we have to say thanks to the folks who brought us cell phone cameras, because without the cell phone camera we would not have been able to once again see what goes on when certain folks believe that no one is looking.

This police officer clearly lost his mind, and his "color arousal" issues caused him to go into full combat mode on a female (emphasis on female) high school student.

But alas, that is not the reason for my post. What I want to blog about tonight is the response from the officer's superior to the incident.

This is what Sheriff Leon Lott said. (Yes, that's his name.)

"The sheriff did not release the footage but admitted he was revolted by what he saw in the first two student-made videos that drew nationwide outrage.

“I'm very disturbed by it," Lott said. "I wanted to throw up."

But wait....

"He’s no racist, he’s dating a black woman.

 Deputy Ben Fields has been dating an African-American woman for “quite some time,” Richard County Sheriff Leon Lott said.

“Would that have a bearing on his thought process?” Lott mused. “It may have, but I would think that would have effected it in a positive way, not a negative way."

But Lott said both the student’s teacher and the administrator “felt the deputy acted appropriately.”'


I guess all those plantation owners who raped their house slaves back in the day were just trying to understand their slaves a little better, and they were in no way racist. Noooo.

Sadly, folks, sometimes the response to a horrific incident such as this can be just as bad and as telling as the incident itself.

Just wait and see all the support this officer will get from a certain segment of the population.

For example, this was from Mediaite's comments section after a post about the incident:

    Nope, just kick thug pieces of garbage like this trick out for good...plenty of burger flipping jobs for the little welfare queen"
  • Nice. Just another racist letting his true colors (pun intended) show.

    Anyway, there is plenty more of those types of comments all over the Internet. You will see some of them right here after this post.

    "Well, both Lemon and Hostin returned to The Situation Room tonight for a follow-up discussion. Now that more information has come out about the confrontation and the officer involved, Lemon defended what he said.

    He argued that the job of journalists is to gather all possible information before drawing any conclusions from it, that the flow of information needs to continue.

    We are a news network, Lemon said, which provides context and information and knowledge to our viewers. Knowledge is power. The more information you have, the better it is."

    Don, I think I have seen enough.

    *Pic from dailykos.com




    1. Anonymous9:26 PM

      The three biggest pieces of shit on this blog are (in alphabetical order):


    2. I guess all those plantation owners who raped their house slaves back in the day were just trying to understand their slaves a little better, and they were in no way racist. Noooo.

      Actually Field, they weren't "racists", they were child molesting sodomizers desperate to express their sexually deviant behavior on children who couldn't fight back.

    3. "...caused him to go into full combat mode on a female (emphasis on female) high school student."

      There's that internalized misogyny-- oh, I mean equality again!

      And, seriously. What the fuck do people expect others to say once they're accused of being racists? Field, you and folks like you levy the accusation of "racism" at people with great regularity and abandon. You mean it intentionally to be a damning smear. So, you're causing people to do something that just doesn't work logically; you are making people feel forced to prove a negative. There is a reason that proving a negative is a logical sinkhole. For the claim of "racism" specifically, this is a veritable minefield of dumbphuckery.

      For instance, let's say a guy, let's call him Field, sees a white person do something he doesn't like. So, Mr. Field says, "You're a racist."

      Feeling pressured, maligned and wanting to fight against the smear, the guy, let's call him Whitey Whitehouse, tries to figure out ways he can prove a negative. So he might say, I'm not a racist because:

      - I have black friends (we all know y'all just "LOL" at that one and figure out ways it doesn't matter)
      - I date black women (as can be seen, you'll equate that with slave owner raping slaves)
      - I have black family (well, "you didn't choose your family" will be the counter here)
      - I'd treat all people the same way in instance X (you'd flatly say it's a lie)

      So, seriously, how does one prove the negative? They can't. It's a trap. It's a catch-22. You call someone racist, and then insist that their attempts to rebut that spiteful claim are all themselves racism.

      Folks just need to start saying, "Fuck you. Believe what you wanna believe." Or, like I do, ask people to prove it by posting those racist things. No surprise, 0 evidence, but the smear persists. And I'm not about to prove a negative to anyone. The burden isn't mine. More folks need to start throwing up the finger on these claims, and I predict a swift decline of the claims.

      Maybe this cop is a flaming fucking racist who hates every single non-white person in existence. Could well be. But now that you personally think he's racist, at least be honest with your reading public here. There's nothing he can do to change your mind. There exist no ways by which to prove that negative. It's a trap.

      As you've demonstrated more than once: The accusation is your proof.

    4. Anonymous10:18 PM

      Nope, just kick thug pieces of garbage like this trick out for good...plenty of burger flipping jobs for the little welfare queen"

      Just wow. Nope, no more racism since Barack was elected. Sad, this is EVERY comment section that has ANYTHING to do with blah folks. Tip for parents, never let your kids read the comments section of ANY site that has anything to do with people of color. In 2015.

      BTW, what would dude have done if he wasn't dating a sista? Off the desk drop kick? Superplex? Jimmie Snuka splash?


    5. Anonymous10:21 PM

      I guess we assume some whites are racists just like many whites assume all of us are on welfare. Fair tradeoff? Never see the anons who post racist comments about blah folks attacked as stereotyping by your buddy there Field. Wonder why that is?


    6. Anonymous10:38 PM

      Brother Field, I have noticed that the Officer's name was also Field and he too is committed to a bw like you. The similarities in name and bw are so astonishing that I can't help but think you two might be related.

      Are you?

    7. James Bold10:40 PM

      "Once again we have to say thanks to the folks who brought us cell phone cameras."

      That would be White people.  About time you thanked us for something.  Or would you rather return to Africa and the rule of the people who captured and sold your ancestors?  Could have been worse for your ancestors, they could have been killed and eaten instead of sold and survived to have generations of children like you.  But you have no gratitude to the White people who made your existence possible.

      When you exhaust Whitey's patience, you'll have to consider yourself lucky if you are able to make it back to Africa to plead to the likes of Robert Mugabe for a place in his regime.  Air fare to Harare costs a lot more than most of the alternatives.

    8. Anonymous10:43 PM

      What I'm seeing in the video is that first of, surprisingly, none of the kids around her seem fazed at all or even slightly frightened by whats happening to her.

      The one girl in back and guy sitting next to her have a look almost of "I'm glad she's getting the business" It's possible that she may not be well liked, very disruptive,possibly even feared by the classmates and they all wanted her out.

      But that being said, it was wrong, she's still a child. and children have to be evaluated and mental illness and personality disorders ruled out and/or addressed.

      But I know one thing, if this had been an Anglo troublemaker, this cop would have calmly reasoned with her and asked her to leave, and at her refusal would have tried to put the cuffs on her in any way he could. Except by flinging her as rage-fully and forcefully as he did.

      That right there showed all of his hatred. He treated her not like a disobedient and possibly perturbed teenager, but like a savage animal that had to be stunned and subdued.

      He showed his true feelings with that one move.

      But what will be done? As usual nothing, because it seems that the people that use the public schools have given up on being involved in the school system. Which is a grave error and this is the result.

      Also the school system is not a baby sitter, or a child-rearer.

      Morals, ethics, societal and family values, are taught in the home. In many instances this is not happening for whatever the reasons may be.

    9. Anonymous Asshole10:48 PM

      Fuck this shit.

      I'm out.

    10. Anonymous10:51 PM

      "What I'm seeing in the video is that first of, surprisingly, none of the kids around her seem fazed at all or even slightly frightened by whats happening to her."

      Black kids aren't fazed by physical abuse. They see it and even administer it themselves. You don't yet know AAs and their way of life here in the USA. It's brutal and getting your ass kicked in front of everyone is an act of mercy. Usually the kids are having a shootout to kill.

    11. StillaPanther211:04 PM

      I say that Black people is more racist towards esch other than any white man can be. Killing each other is the highest form of racism I know. This phenomanol is a recent creation. In the 80s I worked with Black young people in a CETA program and I knew that the breskdown of the family- Black- would create a throw- away generation of kids. As I see Today, this group of young people are not valued. They are pawns to keep a meat-slinger in women' lives, income producers for unmotivated mothers and a "bragging" items for many men.

      We will blast that officer -rightly so-, but this ass whopping was pre-ordained. In this tragic situation, I hope this young lady realise that her negative actions can get her head torn off. Everyday in America, some untrained child is learning that life will be a hard bed to lie in. Un fortunately violence will only breed othdr violence

      Sorry about the errors, my one finger on this small tablet is hard to navigate.

    12. http://rudepundit.blogspot.com/2015/10/cops-in-classroom-how-pathetic-are-we.html

      -Doug in Oakland

    13. Anonymous11:11 PM

      As more and more cops are afraid to do their jobs, blacks will continue to become more and more animalistic. They know no one is going to punish them for their outrageous behavior. Of course, in the long run, whites will pull away from as they always do, and blacks will be left behind in poverty and squalor. At which point they will beg for Whitey's help, and so on and so on.

      People are waking up, though. Thanks to the tech available these days, even people in "lily white" (as if this is a bad thing) places can see blacks in their natural habitats, acting as nature programmed them to act, sans Cosbification. (Yeah, I just coined a new term, bitches.)

    14. Anonymous11:19 PM

      Please everybody say a prayer for the family of David and Patti Stevens of Dallas, Tx. Mr. Stevens was recently brutally hacked to death for no reason by a black man, Thomas Johnson; his wife, unable to bear the pain of his loss, committed suicide this weekend. It's very sad.

      If anyone wonders why cops have to go off on blacks, this is why. You all are dangerous as hell.

    15. The officer in this case looks like another "mulatto" whooteemoo passing for White.

      I say give the man a DNA test before firing him.

    16. Anonymous11:28 PM

      Anonymous StillaPanther2 said...
      "I say that Black people is more racist towards esch other than any white man can be. Killing each other is the highest form of racism I know."

      Brother Panther, you are exactly right. After 80+ years I honestly can say that in terms of love and respect for each other we were much better off in the 60s. Maybe it's my age but I don't see much advancement in life for Blacks. We disrespect and hate each other too much. It's as if we have joined Whites in discriminating against ourselves.

      It's a sad situation we are in.

      Nevertheless, I always look forward to your comments. They are honest and straight from the heart. Thank you.

    17. James Bold smells like his father's crusty ass11:37 PM

      When you exhaust Whitey's patience, you'll have to consider yourself lucky if you are able to make it back to Africa to plead to the likes of Robert Mugabe for a place in his regime.

      Africa is a continent with numerous nations but we wouldn't expect a dumbass like you to know geography. Ignorant racists usually are stupid.

    18. James isn't Bold but he does lick male ass11:40 PM

      That would be White people. About time you thanked us for something.

      And what exactly have YOU invented smelly? Oh that's right, we have to hire a Las Vegas lawyer and bet you $100,000 for you to answer simplistic questions. Here's my bet, you invented nothing and sit on your fat ass while your uncle/daddy makes you lick his ass.

      Air fare to Harare costs a lot more than most of the alternatives.

      You can't even afford bus fare to the Walmart you smelly asshole.

    19. Anonymous11:59 PM

      James Blod, "When you exhaust Whitey's patience, you'll have to consider yourself lucky if you are able to make it back to Africa to plead to the likes of Robert Mugabe for a place in his regime. Air fare to Harare costs a lot more than most of the alternatives."

      10:40 PM
      This is what concerns me. When I look at the comments some of my peeps make about Whites, and what Field posts each and every day, I am truly disturbed because law enforcement and the justice system will come crashing down on us.

      How I wish Negroes, esp on FN would NOT act like asses and develop some humility and get rid of that Negro foolish pride.

      James Bold, do you have any suggestions on how Blacks and Whites can get along?

      One suggestion I have is for Field to "chill out" with the posts about racism and quit calling Whites racists.

    20. Digital Blackface 11:28 and 11:59. Blackfacers are out in force tonite.

    21. Wow, looks like Latino Republicans are jumping ship. What took so long?

    22. Limpbaugh12:53 AM

      That girl very well could have been my daughter. Not stopping looking at her phone, not putting it down, not giving it to the teacher, and then not leaving the classroom, is something my daughter would do. The girl is a quiet strong willed kid. Hearing that the guy's girlfriend is black and that he beats up black students, makes me wonder if he has a psychologically belief that the students give his girlfriend's race a bad reputation? As I have said before, modern day racism is believing in negative stereotypes along with believing that some individuals are exceptions to the stereotypes. Ask an old white Ben Carson supporter about it.

    23. "Nope, no more racism since Barack was elected. Sad, this is EVERY comment section that has ANYTHING to do with blah folks. Tip for parents, never let your kids read the comments section of ANY site that has anything to do with people of color. In 2015."

      Sad because you sophists probably truly, honestly don't even realize that black folks--and all folks--are also blazing away on Twitter and Facebook and Tumblr making racist-ass statements in everything that has to do with white folks too. But some of you only notice it when it's white people saying shit about black people. Yes, with 200 million white people, you better believe some are complete fucking morons and will say racist shit.

      A few tweets from those sensitive, always innocent blacks, who are always the victims and never, ever say incendiary shit to/about whites:

      Season44 writes "Who the fuck made you dumb ass crackers think I give a squat fuck about your opinions about my opinions RE: #Ferguson. Kill yourselves." Wow, a bit harsher than "welfare queen," I'd say. Violent!

      jamesakabug tells us how he really feels: "90% of white ppl are nasty. #HATETHEM"

      Darnell has a go at Chinese people, for some reason. "Apple has a new device out for Chinese people. The iOpener."

      crissle west calls white people "thoughtless." Not that I'd say that's blatant or nasty; though, she's stereotyping every single white person because...reasons. "Black people are stupid" or something like that crosses the mind that, if said by a white person, would be a Field post.

      Zandra drops her wisdom on everyone in multi-tweets: "I don't want my child in school with snotty privileged whites...whiteness is most certainly and inevitably terror...more mental health services could prevent white people from acting how they're conditioned to act."

      The #whiteproverbs hashtag seems to have a lot of "I hate white people" drops.

      The #ISaluteWhitePeople hashtag seems to have a lot of "because they're oppressors" and "because they never invented anything" and horrible and the like.

      Salon, the organization, blames "white America" for one lunatic racist murderer at a church.

      Everyone gets the point. This can quickly go over the character limit. There are literally thousands of these you can find by fucking accident without even searching for them. But for some reason you guys never manage to see them. And, sure, I'd bet money that there's more anti-black racism displayed by white people. I mean, shit, there are only 170,000,000 more white people than black people in America! And I don't know if racism was supposed to be dead with Obama. I just know that, per The Field Negro standards of what constitutes "racism," it is impossible for one to be racist toward Obama.

    24. James Bold1:47 AM

      "if this had been an Anglo troublemaker, this cop would have calmly reasoned with her and asked her to leave"

      And an Anglo troublemaker most likely would have done so.  That is one difference between Anglos and Africans.  You Are Not Like Us.

      "He treated her not like a disobedient and possibly perturbed teenager, but like a savage animal that had to be stunned and subdued."

      Because she refused any lesser measures to control her misbehavior.  Anonymous @ 10:51 PM (when the FUCK will Field add dates to comment time-stamps?!) nailed it.

      "If anyone wonders why cops have to go off on blacks, this is why. You all are dangerous as hell."

      Not just cops, also citizens like George Zimmerman and Merritt Landry.  At least Landry is more or less off the hook since Marshall Coulter, the "yout" shot in the head by Landry, has once again been arrested for burglary after a "remarkable" recovery.  Any non-Black should get a pass on any shooting of a Black trespassing on their property.  Blacks should know where they belong, and stay there.  Once upon a time they used to... and that time was known as peaceful, compared to today.

      "Africa is a continent with numerous nations but we wouldn't expect a dumbass like you to know geography."

      Name an African nation that would accept a million Trayvon Martins, save as food or sacrificial offerings.

      "And what exactly have YOU invented smelly? Oh that's right, we have to hire a Las Vegas lawyer and bet you $100,000 for you to answer simplistic questions."

      I wash frequently enough not to be smelly (unlike you), and you have to hire a Las Vegas lawyer to answer the question specifically because I refuse to give you any information you could use to identify me and attack everything I've made and own.  I know you'd do this because I know what animals you are.

      "Here's my bet, you invented nothing"

      It isn't a bet until you put money on it, you pussy.  I AM officially recognized by the United States Patent and Trademark Office as an inventor.  Either put up $100k to bet against me or STFU.

      "You can't even afford bus fare to the Walmart you smelly asshole."

      I can drive to the WalMart for less than a buck, and there is no bus.  AAMOF I buy some of my favorite stuff there.  I'd offer to bet that you're wrong, but I've already proven that you're pussies who won't actually bet that you're correct.  All you do is make noise.  You want something for nothing, like the stereotypical nigger.

      "James Bold, do you have any suggestions on how Blacks and Whites can get along?"

      My 5+ decades of experience says that this is not possible.  Maybe you can beat sense into those of African descent; I don't even want to try.  I just want them gone from the USA.

    25. Too bad Jimmy, we're not going anywhere. BTW, what do you do for a living? Did you graduate from college?
      And from a few years of being on this blog there haven't been any instances of a blah person doing anything to a white poster but the opposite is true. There is a long history of racist whites like yourself destroying the lives and property of blah people because of jealousy. Pretty sure no one is out to get you. Projection maybe (shrug)?
      And we're never going away, hell even your President is one of us. Have a good night Jimmy.

    26. Anonymous5:38 AM

      Poor PilotX, all he does is spend hours on FN and thinks he only spends 15 minutes a day on FN.

      Mr PX, you spend more time on FN than you do flying.

      Such is the deluded world of a bm who calls his fellow Blacks obscure names like "blah" and "digital blackface".

      Poor 'small' black man.

      1. Start the stop watch and let me know how much time I spend here per day.

    27. Anonymous5:46 AM

      PX, "And we're never going away, hell even your President is one of us. Have a good night Jimmy."

      Be careful using absolutes like "never". And no, Obama is not 'blah'. You will not hear Obama label himself as "blah". You need to wake up because James Bold has you beat.

    28. What do you think little Jimmie Bold invented, folks?

      My money is a self-igniting cross that you stick in your neighbour's lawn and it ignites with a touch of an iPhone button. (There's an App for that).

      Or perhaps a low maintenance Klan uniform for folks too dumb to work out how a steam iron works?

      Inventing stuff for fascists - it's an entire field of human endeavour that has been sadly under-utilised.

    29. Incidentally, when did the American education system start criminalising fairly normal teenage behaviour?

      In my day, if someone was unruly or disruptive they would be sent to the head-teacher's office to be rewarded with a detention, no big deal. Now some thug in a paramilitary uniform is sent in to treat them like a prisoner of war.

      1. It probably started when prisons were privatized. Need a pipeline to keep the shelves stocked. At my high school of 1,500 students we had two security officers who weren't cops just regular dudes. Maybe this is a wakeup call.

        Hey James Bold, what do you do for a living? Do you have a college degree?

    30. James Bold9:59 AM

      "Incidentally, when did the American education system start criminalising fairly normal teenage behaviour?"

      When public schools were integrated and the "disparate impact" of all effective disciplinary measures caused administrators to take them away from teachers in the name of "cibil rites".  When police are the only thing teachers have to deal with out-of-control "honah stoonts", that is what they are forced to use.

      Such extreme measures are not necessary in all-White schools.  Blacks ruin everything.

    31. Dr. Ramos, Ph.D10:05 AM

      "to go into full combat mode on a female (emphasis on female)"

      Of course what field won't tell you is that before the police officer clearly lost his mind and went into combat mode the black "female" was asked to leave the classroom. Instead she went into beastie mode and hit the teacher, resource officer and police officer.

      Some will say this is normal black teenage behavior. Or blame the mythical "color arousal". In reality, this is another example of a low IQ black person lacking impulse control. She has been told all her life that she can't help herself and shouldn't be held accountable for her actions. She thinks she is privileged. Which she thinks excludes her from acting like a human and respecting others.

      Of course she will have her enablers like field and the liberal media. They will play the race and victim card. They will use comment sections of blogs to try to deflect from the actions of this alleged female...

      1. Really Ramos? Any evidence this young lady struck the teacher and/or officer? I would like to see that.

    32. Thru all the foolishness I've heard... I have yet to hear what the child did to prompt her getting in trouble. Did she curse out the teacher? Was she on her cell? Just saying the child was "disruptive" isn't enough information

    33. "Such extreme measures are not necessary in all-White schools. Blacks ruin everything."

      I think that's too far off-base and an oversimplification. It's not race; it's the complete double standards in education and enforcement pushed through by whiny progressive collectivists who shove everyone into groups and force "diversity" with different standards of education for white students (0 baseline), black students (+230 free SAT points), Asian students (-50 SAT points), etc.

      I hypothesize that such extremes aren't necessary in schools where students are simply treated the same. I do agree that this girl probably feels entitled, and has probably learned her whole life that, as a black female, she's a double-victim and thus gets to exist by different standards than everyone else. But it's grown-ass, supposedly educated adults who push through these different standards. "Diversity" isn't placing children of all races and backgrounds together and having them exist in one standard. "Diversity" is throwing them together and then enforcing separate tribal standards for each and every "group" of kids.

      Literally teaching people that X is different from Y, A is responsible for B, and expecting that everyone will just magically unify into a Voltron of Hare Krishnas.

      It's not this young girl's fault that her elders have made the world this way. It's not her fault that she's viewed as a fucking handicapped person who must be given free advantages to help her out in life. Adults did this. Most of whom, I'd argue, are well-meaning people who are just brainwashed with the idea that treating people as separate groups is the only way to unify everyone. They are logically inconsistent, double-thinking morons who are screwing up things by skewing shit to the side which they claim is the biggest victim.

      That this girl is black is only a point of interest for the adults who think they have it all figured. She's an individual, and her identity is literally being stolen so that grown-ass people can shove her into a group, like she come out of the black girl factory.

    34. Hey Ramos, looks like Sheriff Lott thought Benny was out of line and fired his ass. I still want to see you evidence man.

    35. Did I just read that? I mean, I'm having what I can only assume is a mini stroke here with laughter so violent my ribs are cracking.

      From people who literally make the case that an accusation is proof, therefore there's call for more accusations, therefore that equates to more proof: "Any evidence...I would like to see that...still want to see you[r] evidence man."

      You can't make this stuff up!


    36. The FieldNegro siad...
      This police officer

      Another government employee. Called in by a fellow government employee.

      I'm seeing a pattern.

      A vote for bigger government is a vote for bigger police power.

    37. I guess blahs expect police officers and the grown-ups in the room to let this blah female continue to hit people and throw her snack cakes against the wall.

    38. Yahoo news says thug-policeman Ben Fields was juat fired. Why am I so amazed and relieved I could almost cry? In a long stream of outrages some rogue cop was finally held accountable and not just re-assigned. God be praised.

      Now, is sanity contagious?


    39. lilacpr2000 said...
      What I'm seeing in the video is that first of, surprisingly, none of the kids around her seem fazed at all or even slightly frightened by whats happening to her.

      Those were the kids victimized by that child acting out in class and depriving the other kids of an education because the teacher has to waste class time with the troublemaker.

    40. Anonymous1:39 PM

      Here's a log of PX comment times:

      12:34AM, 12:36AM, 2:36AM, 10:54AM, 1059AM, 11:50AM, 12:23PM....and the day isn't over yet.

      This blah spends an inordinate amount of time on FN. He owns the comment section on FN....What a life he lives!

    41. Anonymous1:57 PM

      Bill said...
      Those were the kids victimized by that child acting out in class and depriving the other kids of an education because the teacher has to waste class time with the troublemaker.

      12:58 PM

      What I mean to bring to light is that in all likelihood this was not an isolated incident.

      There were prolly a bunch of incidents leading up to this one by the young girl.

      Obviously none of which were addressed correctly, with the proper attention and measures given to the teen.

      So it escalated to this point.

      Whatever she did, DID NOT merit this type of brutality! That is child abuse and child battery! I don't think they even do that to prisoners for God's sake!

      What I do want to point out is that there does not seem to be preventive socio/psychological therapies in place in the society anymore. At least not where it is needed most.

      A large part of society,both Black and White, appears to be crumbling. Sinking into the depths of dishonor and perversity.

      Lest we forget that as a society,we are all one, like a body, and a cancer growing in one part of the body will eventually spread to another part, unless it is treated.

      And I can already hear you thinking, so please don't say: 'okay so let's just cut that part out' okay!

      Because if society is one and akin to the body, you cannot cut out the heart or the brain etc. So yes it must be addressed and treated.

      No matter what she did,of course she did not deserve that deluge of hatred carried out against her.

      I will now step off the soapbox :)

    42. Anon @5:46am said..... "Be careful using absolutes like "never". And no, Obama is not 'blah'. You will not hear Obama label himself as "blah"."


      Too funny coming across posters who've said on occasions, "Google is your friend."

      Yet this is true when it comes to the box President Obama checked when completing 2010 census form:

      Asked to Declare His Race, Obama Checks ‘Black’


      So yes, Pilot X is correct in pointing out the over-the-top drivel spewing forth from the extremists amongst us.

    43. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. Now maybe he can stay at home and watch reruns of The Jeffersons with his black girlfriend.


    44. lilacpr2000 said...
      What I do want to point out is that there does not seem to be preventive socio/psychological therapies in place in the society anymore.

      How many of the people that need help don't think they need it.

      How to force people to do what's in their best interest?


    45. Anonymous said...
      The three biggest pieces of shit on this blog are (in alphabetical order):

      Kinda like a participation trophy.

      I would rather be #1 because I earned it.

    46. James Bold5:25 PM

      "Hey James Bold, what do you do for a living? Do you have a college degree?"

      I've answered those questions before.  Go to the back of the line.  If you want to know affirmatively whether I told the truth, you know my terms.

    47. Anonymous5:37 PM

      So now it turns out that the SC teen had recently been placed in foster care because both her mother and grandmother had died!

      So see, just as I surmised she was dealing with grief,loss and all that comes along with it.

      But, again no help from the school obviously!

      Jesus Christ! Poor kid!!!

      And Bill this is a teen, I don't think she has to be "forced" to do what's in her best interest. She's a child still! A child in dire straits who is now doubly injured!

      Lord have mercy!

    48. Anonymous6:37 PM

      Oh and that cops black girlfriend should be on Fields sidebar as House Negro of the Year!

    49. Anonymous6:50 PM

      Where's daddy at lilacpr 2000? Why can't daddy take care of his chillin?

    50. Anonymous7:19 PM

      Anonymous said...

      Where's daddy at lilacpr 2000? Why can't daddy take care of his chillin?

      6:50 PM

      I don't know! but I'm glad you're concerned, as I am. Let's find out together! Because it does take a village to raise a child.

    51. Anonymous8:23 PM

      Blogger Faith_and_Fairness said...
      Anon @5:46am said..... "Be careful using absolutes like "never". And no, Obama is not 'blah'. You will not hear Obama label himself as "blah"."


      Too funny coming across posters who've said on occasions, "Google is your friend."

      Yet this is true when it comes to the box President Obama checked when completing 2010 census form:

      Asked to Declare His Race, Obama Checks ‘Black’


      So yes, Pilot X is correct in pointing out the over-the-top drivel spewing forth from the extremists amongst us.

      2:33 PM
      Dear Faith, I am surprised that you didn't get the difference:

      Obama checked "Black". Virtually everyone knows that he claims to be Black. But the term 'blah?'

      Definition of 'blah':

      used to refer to something that is boring or without meaningful content.
      "talking all kinds of blah to him"

      "he battled a case of the blahs"
      synonyms: the doldrums, low spirits, a blue funk, depression
      "looks like he's got a case of the blahs"

      Being called 'blah' by your own people based on an insult which originated with Santorum, is lack of black pride...it is self-hate.


    52. lilacpr2000 said...
      And Bill this is a teen, I don't think she has to be "forced" to do what's in her best interest. She's a child still! A child in dire straits who is now doubly injured!

      Do you think she believes she is damaged and needs therapy?

      Until she decides to fix herself no one can do anything.

      A broken leg can be fixed against someone's will, bad parenting can't.

    53. Anonymous9:25 PM

      Bill, Of course bad parenting can't! Yet we don't know if there was indeed "bad parenting"

      Her mother and grandmother are no longer by her side. She was put in foster care so I'll assume there is no family ready at this point to care for her. How do you think she feels? How would you feel. She made it to high school so things can't have been that bad right?

      Cut her some slack, she is still grieving and obviously no one cares.

    54. James Bold9:41 PM

      "she is still grieving and obviously no one cares."

      So of all the aunts, uncles and cousins, nobody gives a damn for her.  You expect the school (which is not chartered or equipped for this) to drop everything for all the other students and be her bereavement support system.

      Maybe she would have GOTTEN some bereavement support if she hadn't gotten violent.  This begs the question of how her mother and grandmother died.  Did someone else's emotional crisis turn violent and wind up as homicide?  Or should I say... some other BLACK's emotional crisis?  Because that is the common thread.

    55. "I've answered those questions before."

      Must have missed that, can you answer now? Simple questions don't you think? As far as your terms I don't think I should pay you $100,000 per question for such simple answers. I mean I do have a decent union job and all but that might get a bit pricey. So for the record James Bold, do you have a college degree? What do you do for a living?

    56. "Here's a log of PX comment times:

      12:34AM, 12:36AM, 2:36AM, 10:54AM, 1059AM, 11:50AM, 12:23PM....and the day isn't over yet.

      This blah spends an inordinate amount of time on FN. He owns the comment section on FN....What a life he lives!"

      Yeah, I know it takes your type a long time to read but each post takes me about 30 seconds to compose and send. Add an additional 2 minutes or so to read Field's original blog and we're up to about 6 minutes or so on FN that you counted. That is actually less than the 15 minutes a day I alot myself for such amusement.
      Oh lookie, I got me a groupie. Didn't know I was so popular. Maybe now I can sit at the cool kid's table. Take THAT James Bold, to the dweeb table for you!

    57. Anonymous9:56 PM

      James Bold said...
      So of all the aunts, uncles and cousins, nobody gives a damn for her.

      9:41 PM

      But let's not lose sight of the point here.

      The point being that an officer of the law slammed a teenager across a classroom floor,because she wouldn't put down a phone.

      This kind of treatment is not even perpetrated on prisoners in prison!

      He took out all of his perverse hatred and rage on a grieving orphaned teen aged young woman. In a classroom!

      SON OF A BITCH! Personally, I won't be satisfied until somebody body slams his ass the same way!

    58. Anonymous10:36 PM

      dear lilac, learn to forgive.

    59. James Bold11:36 PM

      "The point being that an officer of the law slammed a teenager across a classroom floor,because she wouldn't put down a phone."

      No, lilac, her phone had nothing to do with it.  She was body-slammed because she was under arrest for assaulting the teacher, the resource officer and yet another victim, and she refused to get out of her seat and go quietly.  The officer should be re-instated with back pay, a $10,000 apology bonus and a medal.

      The superiors who scapegoated him should be fired.  The Blacktivists calling for his head should be prosecuted for contributing to the delinquency of a minor and terrorism; nobody should have to choose between removing violent offenders from classrooms and having a paycheck.

    60. Anonymous11:42 PM

      Anonymous James Bold said...

      She was body-slammed because she was under arrest for assaulting the teacher,
      11:36 PM

      Nowhere has it been written that she assaulted anyone!

    61. James Bold1:47 AM

      "Nowhere has it been written that she assaulted anyone!"

      I am unable to find a corroborating source for the claim that she assaulted any others, but there appears to be VIDEO evidence that she assaulted Fields.  This page contains an allegation that she struck officer Fields, supported by one of the classroom videos.  Further, nobody is contesting the allegation that the so-called "victim" was disrupting the class with her phone activity and refused the orders of both the teacher and an administrator to put it away.  That is why Ofc. Fields was called to the room in the first place.

      The bitch is a textbook example of Black entitlement:  "I don't have to follow no rules or pay no attention if I don't wanna."  Ofc. Fields is now a scapegoat for trying to make her either behave or leave the room.  You will only get away with insisting that this is part of "Black libes mattah!" for so long... probably until Saturday.  All Whites who aren't total libtards are so disgusted with you, they're ready to puke.

    62. So no white teenagers are disruptive or defiant? That's not blah privilege sir, that's regular teenage rebellion.

      BTW do you have a college degree? What do you do for a living?

    63. Anonymous12:14 PM

      Anonymous James Bold said..
      I am unable to find a corroborating source for the claim that she assaulted any others, but there appears to be VIDEO evidence that she assaulted Fields. This page contains an allegation that she struck officer Fields,

      1:47 AM

      The operative words here being "appears" and "allegation".

      You are also being disruptive here, how would you like it if a guy twice your size and trained in these tactics, threw you out of your chair and body slammed you on the floor? Prolly also breaking your little phone? No right?

      This was a young woman in school.

    64. "The operative words here being "appears" and "allegation".

      But guys like James don't ever give a person of color the benefit of the doubt.

    65. Ben Yankaroo's woman better find someone else before that bastard turns her black behind into a bird. His "yankability" is off the CHARTS!!!!!!

    66. "But guys like James don't ever give a person of color the benefit of the doubt."

      Did I just read THAT too?

      Holy shit. Am I the only one who finds this absolutely hysterical?

      From the guy who literally concludes what a person's skin color is by the way they type on a PC, now the accusation is that "guys like James" don't give POC doubt's benefit.

      Hey, genius, maybe James also plays the objective arbiter of who's which race, and the people you think are POC he happens to think aren't.

      What? His witch hunt isn't as reliable as yours? Accusations can only be proof when you make 'em? Only you are allowed to judge people based on skin color, even on perceived skin color?

    67. Anonymous4:21 PM


    68. James Bold2:37 PM

      "But guys like James don't ever give a person of color the benefit of the doubt."

      The government and media do everything they can to promote you and cover up your misdeeds.  There is no doubt that whatever this "yoot" did to deserve being thrown out of class, the media would refuse to so much as allude to it.  The Narrative is that Blacks can do no wrong; for instance, this assault and battery of a teacher by an "honah stoont" has received no press whatsoever because the assailant is Black.

      But now, like so many times before, we have the narrative collapsing:  Students at Spring Valley High School protested the firing of Dep. Fields, and a majority of the protestors were even Black.  Even the Black students are fed up with the animalistic behavior of their dumber co-racialists, and want them forced to behave.  Why?  So that they have a chance to get an education.  That is something you probably don't want them to do, though, because it's "acting White".

    69. Just because he likes black nookie, means nothing. If old homegirl gets out of bounds, Old Uncle Ben will probably thrown her ass around too, or kill her. He's not married to this woman, and it's obvious Uncle Ben has mental problems. If I was "black woman", I'd be hauling ass from White Uncle Ben, the racial psychopath. His parents taught him well.
