Sunday, November 01, 2015

A more positive view of race relations in America.

Image result for black lives imagesT        The  Field Negro education series continues.

Folks are always ripping me about my cynicism when it comes to race relations in America, so tonight I want to give you a positive article about race relations by Jamelle Bouie.

"On race relations, President Obama is feeling optimistic.

At least, that’s how he comes across in an interview with NPR’s Steve Inskeep, who asks if “the United States is  than it was” when he took office. “No,” Obama says, “I actually think that it’s probably in imore racially dividedts day-to-day interactions less racially divided.”

If America seems more divided, he says, it’s because we’re more aware of our racial shortcomings. “It’s understandable the polls might say, you know, that race relations have gotten worse—because when it’s in the news and you see something like Ferguson or the Garner case in New York, then it attracts attention.” And if many white Americans have a shocked response to claims of unfairness and discrimination, it’s because it’s outside their purview. “If you’d asked whites in those jurisdictions,” he said, referring to racial profiling in Illinois, ‘Do you think traffic stops were done fairly?’ the majority of whites probably would say ‘yes’ because it’s not something they experience. It’s not because of racism; it’s just that it’s not something that they see.”

It’s easy to dismiss this as undue optimism or a retreat to 2008-style post-racial thinking, especially given events in Cleveland, Ferguson, and New York, and the stark divide in how blacks and whites see law enforcement. But Obama isn’t wrong. When it comes to race relations, America is better than it’s ever been.

The most obvious observation is the fact of Obama’s election—and re-election—to the presidency. As a milestone in American life, this goes beyond electoral politics. “The person who occupies that office is not only the head of the executive branch of the federal government,” writes Harvard Law professor Randall Kennedy for the American Prospect, “The president is also the nation’s mourner-in-chief, booster-in-chief, spouse-in-chief, and parent-in-chief.” He continues: “That a black man has been the master of the White House for the past six years does indeed reflect and reinforce a remarkable socio-psychological transformation in the American racial scene.”

You can see this in the data. According to authors Lawrence D. Bobo of Harvard, Camille Z. Charles of the University of Pennsylvania, Maria Krysan of the University of Illinois, Chicago, and Alicia D. Simmons of Stanford University in “The Real Record on Racial Attitudes”—a paper in the 2012 volume of Social Trends in American Life: Findings from the General Social Survey Since 1972—whites have progressed on a wide range of measures. As recently as 1990, more than 40 percent of whites supported a homeowner’s right to discriminate on the basis of race; by 2008, that number had dropped to 28 percent (including 25 percent of highly educated Northern whites). The same goes for the percentage of whites who said blacks were “less intelligent” than whites, which dipped from nearly 60 percent in 1990 to less than 30 percent in 2008." [More]

The article goes on to tell us how whites have become more tolerant of other races and blah blah blah.

OK, if it's racial progress to still worry about how we are viewed by whites and their attitudes towards us well then so be it.

Personally, I don't see this as progress, I see it as more of the same.

But hey, that's just me.

*Pic from 



  1. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Kumbaya my Lord Kumbayaaaa! Kumbaya my Lor...oh wait, is that a white cop over there handcuffing/arresting a black third grader in class, oh yeah, oh well,...Kumbayaaaa myyyy Laaawwddd kumbaaaaaaaaaaa!

    Let's all have a group hug now shall we? x*D

  2. James Bold8:52 PM

    You wouldn't have to worry how you were perceived by people of other races if you lived in a country populated exclusively by Black people.  It would simply cease to make any difference in your life.

  3. Anonymous9:41 PM

    "The article goes on to tell us how whites have become more tolerant of other races and blah blah blah"

    It's encouraging to know that Whites are not only more tolerant of other races but especially of blahs three times over.

  4. James Bold, you are so fucking pretentious. Get over yourself. You are not even remotely unique, special, or insightful.

  5. House negro, you never commented about my comment. Remember, you live next to white people?


  6. Anonymous10:29 PM

    "At least, that’s how he comes across in an interview with NPR’s Steve Inskeep, who asks if “the United States is than it was” when he took office. “No,” Obama says, “I actually think that it’s probably in imore racially dividedts day-to-day interactions less racially divided.”

    Ever notice that when the facts of real life experience is staring you in the face, Obama says it's not really what's happening? That's the kind of President he has been to me.

    Outrageous killings by the police. Outrageous white juries finds them innocent. #BLM was born from the injustices and murders by the police. And Obama says race relations have improved. In other words, what is happening to Blacks is not what it seems.

  7. Anonymous10:29 PM

    Black Judge Delivers Justice in Kentucky Court

    LOUISVILLE, KY — In an age where Melanoid people are being deprived of receiving justice–oftentimes because of juries that don’t represent them demographically–one Black judge has taken matters into his own hands bucking this trend.

    Last week, Judge Olu Stevens halted a drug trial and dismissed the entire jury due to the fact that there were no Black people on the panel. This hasn’t been the only time that this has happened. According to Louisville’s WDRB 41, Mr. Stevens dismissed a jury panel of a theft trail last November and had this to say about his decision:
    There is not a single African-American on this jury and (the defendant) is an African-American man. I cannot in good conscience go forward with this jury.

  8. James Bold10:48 PM

    "There is not a single African-American on this jury and (the defendant) is an African-American man. I cannot in good conscience go forward with this jury."

    In other words, judge Stevens was afraid that the jury would deliver actual justice, rather than "racial justice".

    This is a problem, because the American system is devoted to the idea of rule of law, meaning actual justice.  What judge Stevens wants is a different legal system, which means a different government—a different country.  If you want a country where the courts are set up to deliver racial justice, you have a number to pick from.  The United States isn't one of them, and hopefully never will be.

  9. Anonymous1:51 AM

    In other words, judge Stevens was afraid that the jury would deliver actual justice, rather than "racial justice".

    No that was not his fear. His fear was that just like you whites hold stereotypical biases against blah people. Question James, do you hold a bias towards blah people? If so are you an anomaly or are there many people out there like you? See, if you are a small minority then he was wrong but if there are many whites like you he was correct. Remember, answer honestly James.

  10. Anonymous2:16 AM

    "No that was not his fear. His fear was that just like you whites hold stereotypical biases against blah people. Question James, do you hold a bias towards blah people?"

    Are you White or are you an uncle tom who can't call African Americans by their right name? It's either Black or African's never "blah", you sick-ass Negro.

    You have no right to try to question James Bold when you don't even respect your own race. In fact, there isn't any difference in attitude towards AAs between you and JB. You are the same.

  11. I don't know, James refers to us as niggers. I think that's a bit more offensive than blah but that's just me.

  12. It's always 2 steps forward 1 step back here. Every goal has a penalty; every achievement a price. America is set up to hide black pain from white people for us to to ignore, explain & dismiss it. Black people are defined here as deviant, dangerous, incapable of human emotion and moral value. We have to go out of our way to even see it. I'm surprised that we acknowledge it as much as we do, not that we ignore or deny it.

  13. I have a question for everyone who doesn't live in a major Eastern city. Here almost all our major TV advertizers feature racially mixed casts in their ads, which leads me to two conclusions: (1) that black economic power is sufficient to want to include black faces in pitching products, and (2) white viewers aren't turned off by seeing the racially integrated casts, and in fact may LIKE to think of themselves as sharing couches with black friends to watch games, having interracial (!) barbecues, etc. Commercials depict interracial Edens even though they don't exist (yet) in our reality.

    The question is, Are these ads confined to areas with big black populations? Or do you see the same ads in Idaho or Montana? (won't ask about Alabama just yet)

    It seems to me that once the media start reinforcing images of racial harmony, the game is getting won. What are perceived as cold economic realities rule here, and cold economic realities dictate that acknowledging black consumers is smart business.

  14. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Gallup published a poll a few months ago conducted on multiple races indicated the nation's race relations between blacks and whites are much, much worse than when Obama took office. I fail to see how that is a good thing.

  15. James Bold9:35 AM

    "I don't know, James refers to us as niggers."

    Show me where I wrote that.  I wrote "like a stereotypical nigger" once.  Whether you want to stick to or break with the stereotype is your problem.

    "It seems to me that once the media start reinforcing images of racial harmony, the game is getting won."

    Everyone knows the ads are lies, Potemkin images thrown up in defiance of reality.  Even the White people who posture for moral virtue by touting the importance of "diversity" keep all but tiny, controlled amounts away from their personal lives.  Soon the reality will break through and they will stop feeling guilty for maintaining that separation, and shortly afterward they will argue that it is right and proper—and then you've had it.

    I already boycott companies which put diversity quotas in their ads.  General Mills suffered a major drop in sales of Cheerios when it allowed its ad agency to put in a miscegenated family.  This isn't going to get any better for you.  You may see more ads, but they are the desperate last-ditch attempt of the cultural Marxists to push The Narrative before they resort to outright force; then the backlash will sweep them into the trash-heap of history.

    1. So it's "show me where I wrote nigger other than the time I wrote nigger". Really? You just admitted writing it. Just wow.

  16. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Well this def isn't going to do much for the kumbayaa fest, that's for sure x*D

    I he for real? and the mayors husband? Wow!

  17. Anonymous11:06 AM

    "I already boycott companies which put diversity quotas in their ads. General Mills suffered a major drop in sales of Cheerios when it allowed its ad agency to put in a miscegenated family."

    Well, I guess anyone who doesn't appreciate your commentary here won't have to read it for much longer. If you're boycotting all products that run advertising in which white people and black people appear together (horror!), then you will starve to death in short order.

  18. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Blogger PilotX said...
    I don't know, James refers to us as niggers. I think that's a bit more offensive than blah but that's just me.

    3:04 AM


    Niggers, blah...both are offensive.

    1. Ah, so blah is offensive? Might wanna tell that to the candidate that came in second in the gop presidential race in 2008. I KNEW Republicans were racists!

  19. Anonymous11:22 AM

    WC, "It's always 2 steps forward 1 step back here. Every goal has a penalty; every achievement a price. America is set up to hide black pain from white people for us to to ignore, explain & dismiss it."

    Yeah, an FN poster is always 'explaining and dismissing' racism and the pain it causes Blacks. He always has a 'what if' question to ignore the truth of racism.

    I will never forget his profound denial and explaining away of racism at Elmer's Restaurant, an obvious racist treatment of a bm. That is truly trying to hide and ignore black pain.

    I am amazed at the depth of denial some posters here go into.

  20. "OK, if it's racial progress to still worry about how we are viewed by whites and their attitudes towards us well then so be it."

    I know everything I say falls on deaf ears, or blind eyes, as it were, but someone, anyone -- just look at the phrasing here and, if you can find time in your day, think about it critically for just a mere 10 seconds.

    "to still worry about how we are viewed by whites..."

    "worry about"

    "how we"

    In other words, this if what Field is saying: Let's start with "how we," which is just him saying "because I." Though "we," being the collective terminology for "black," but it's objectively personal to Field, who's just projecting onto every other black person that they're all the same. Next, "still worry," which is a blatant appeal to emotion; e.g. because I might feel a certain way, focus on my feelings! Next, "how we are perceived." In other words, it's not that anything may or may not be racism. It's not that anything may or may not be discriminatory. It's that Field himself, assuming to speak for all blacks, projects onto other people that they feel a certain way about him, and thus that means his perceptions are a white person's reality. If he thinks something is racist, therefore that thing is racist. Magical racism, where it's thought into existence because of literally how someone feels.

    Let's put it all together: Because I still worry how we are perceived. And because I think we are perceived badly, because I assume whites must be a monolith like I assume about blacks, therefore it's not "progress" at all. I still assume that every white person thinks negatively of me because I'm black, therefore we haven't made progress, because obviously "racism" and "progress" are subjective to my personal feelings.

    Man, I know nobody gives fuck-one that I say this, but I'm still going to say it.

    If one wants to claim racism, fine. But show evidence. That is not an unreasonable request.

    Field is literally implying there that because he himself still projects onto white people that they view him negatively due to his skin color, we thus aren't making racial progress. No evidence. Nothing empirical or demonstrable. Just his personal feelings, his own inner feelings projected out onto others, and that means America isn't making racial progress because Field "still [worries]."

    And folks wonder why so many whites balk at the idea of the victim collective. It's the very epitome of sophistry to deny progress because of your objective bias against whites. It's laughable.

    That sentiment in itself is racism. You literally expect white people to be racist, therefore deny progress. If I expected black people to be violent and stone ignorant, wouldn't that be considered my problem as a racist?

    Great insights one can glean from this blog. As I've said, I don't hate. I appreciate this blog and appreciate Field allows all people to leave their opinions. But damn, homes, how must racist projection do you plan on levying against white people here? lol

  21. "Really? You just admitted writing it. Just wow."

    So, any white person to say "nigger" in any context is thus a racist?

    I'm no stranger to that standard. That weird chick who comes here preaching scripture all the time in word-soup-style, can't-fucking-read-it "English" told me the same thing way back. I just thought she was on the fringe, however. I didn't know other people actually stood by that standard.

    So you saying "cracker" is obviously different, though, because...reasons.

    1. I'll tell you what's racist. The filth you spew over on Goldberg's page like "being black is downing a 40 ounce and not having a job". Thank God for the internet, right Josh?

  22. Anonymous12:41 PM

    "It’s not because of racism; it’s just that it’s not something that they see.”"

    Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you. I knew there was a reason we elected you.



    So when I charge you a higher interest rate and the only difference is because of the color of your skin, it's not racism....

    Or when I murder your unarmed child in the street with the gun my badge allows me to carry, it's not racism...

    Or when the administration leaves you in 35% unemployment by not using the government's power to combat your poverty, and thus keeps its bank$ter/donors wealth intact, it's not racism...

    The problem is not racism, we are told. We just can't see.

    So the problem is...optometry?

    Thank you Obama. I am free at last.

  23. darkandlovely12:42 PM

    If the racist comments on articles on any given day across the internet are any indication, then we haven't come as far as we'd like to believe.

  24. @James Bold:

    "Everyone knows the ads are lies, Potemkin images thrown up in defiance of reality."

    I conceded that throughout my post, James. Ads don't depict reality, they depict fantasy. People buy into fantasy; that's what greases the wheels of this economy. My point was that all the advertising agencies and all the focus groups seem to agree that interracial commercials help move the merchandise. So we've got this giant propaganda machine working on behalf of racial inclusion. What is fantasy becomes aspirational reality becomes a general attempt to simulate it becomes, finally, the reality, and never mind how it got here. So the black or brown or Asian person you feel compelled to invite to your party for appearances' sake soon allows you to see that he/she is likable and interesting and worth getting to know as a person. Bingo.
    Your results may vary, but still.

  25. "Or when the administration leaves you in 35% unemployment by not using the government's power to combat your poverty..."

    I don't necessarily begrudge any political ideology, typically only the people who carry it. But this is the one that has always confused me the most. Assuming it's literally someone else's job to combat your poverty -- it just puzzles the life outta me.

    I'm not religious, but it reminds me of that story about the guy on his roof in a flood and refuses the boat because God's supposed to give him a sign. Refuses the helicopter ride because God's supposed to save him. Then, after drowning, is told, "I sent your ass a boat and a helicopter! What else do you want?"

    Schools are free for kids. As far as I know--and someone can provide evidence if I'm wrong--there are no laws anywhere that say black people cannot start their own business or invent their own shit. Are the tools not already in place for someone to combat their poverty? I conquered mine. I grew up in extreme poverty. I went to school. I started working any job that would pay me. I started submitting web copy to hundreds of companies before finding a few that would take me on. I built my own portfolio and references. I eventually landed positions as lead copywriter for some fairly big (to niche scale) companies.

    Could be my white privilege. After all, the background of the Word docs is always white, so I don't know for sure. Could be I'm inherently positioned better to succeed because I'm a straight white male, and somehow people just knew I was white, without inquiring, and gave me bro-dap in the form of white supporting white. Though maybe, just maybe, as insane a thought as it is, I took responsibility for "my" situation and didn't demand government to wave a wand and fix it for me. But, nah, prolly is just white privilege.

  26. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Josh is picking on poor Field. All Field has been doing is posting the truth for all to see. Yet, it's not good enough for Josh. It's NEVER good enough for Josh.

    Poor Field. He tries so hard but Josh just tears him down, ruining Field's week.

  27. Field, i notice you haven't mention the arrest that happen last week in relation to the church burnings you posted about.

    I wonder why?

    Wasn't the person(s) arrested Fox News watching, Tea Party supporting, put y'all back on chains, kkk member of, hating the blah man in the whitehouse racist?

    Oh wait....What??? You mean all that racial paranoia that you posted which lead to many lib posters jumping to conclusions was all for not?


  28. anotherbozo said...
    and in fact may LIKE to think of themselves as sharing couches with black friends to watch games, having interracial (!) barbecues, etc. Commercials depict interracial Edens even though they don't exist (yet) in our reality.

    In your world Blacks and Whites are incapable of being friends and watching sports together?


  29. Kinky_Con said...
    Field, i notice you haven't mention the arrest that happen last week in relation to the church burnings you posted about.

    I wonder why?

    Easy answer.

    It wasn't the politically correct type of hate crime.

  30. "It's NEVER good enough for Josh."

    Dude, listen. If you think it's the "truth" that what you feel about me is thus objective reality, then you're free to feel that way all you want. You're free in this world to be as wrong and stupid as you want. White people aren't stopping you.

    I can't make people think critically. I can only suggest they do. What you are literally arguing is that your perception of me is my reality.

    Can you not grasp why that is mysticism bullshit? I'm really not trying to be condescending here, but I feel like I have to walk you through it like you're a little kid. I can only hope you're being sarcastic here. If not, I actually feel bad. Can you seriously not see how this is an illogical stance to take?

    Because you feel, on a personal level, that white people still think negatively of you, that thus means that white people do think negatively of you and that we thus haven't made racial progress.


    I cannot facepalm hard enough for people who call this the "truth."

    How the heck is it truthful? You're literally saying that your racist projections about an entire race of people thus make the people into racists! This is the exact same argument as the dude here last week who said that believing the universe has meaning thus gives it meaning.

    A thing is either true or untrue. To the extent a thing is true or untrue, it exists in that state despite your acknowledgment, your participation, or your feelings. You thinking white people are racists does not equate to racism.

    If you walk through a store, see a white person, and think, "I bet he thinks negatively of me because I'm black," maybe it's because (a) you think negatively of yourself, or (b) you think negatively of him. How the hell is it that other person's issue that you're projecting things onto him?

    This is not picking on Field. This is pointing out a simple fact: By Field's own admittance, he is literally arguing that because he wants to project things outward on other people, that is thus how other people actually are.

    I thought the dude was an intelligent person in a professional field that required some critical thinking. But it's like I walked into the special education class by mistake, or a religious cult meeting.

    By that standard, if I think you're a woman who's 5-1 and weighs 430 pounds, then that's exactly what you are! But worse than that: Just imagine it--how you already probably imagine it--done by whites to blacks. Whitey McWhiterson believes all blacks are thug criminals, so the universe sprinkles some magic dust around, because McWhiterson's feelings dictate how the universe operates, and thus all black people become thug criminals.

    No? It doesn't work like that? Of course it doesn't! At least it doesn't work like that in the real world. In the world of collectivist groupthink identity politics, or the world of racists, that's exactly how it works: Because Field still has to "worry" how whites view him, because he believes white people view him negatively, that thus means whites are still racist toward blacks.


  31. I think poor James Bold has some self-esteem issues. I know a great shrink who could probably help him but she is black. :(

  32. Anonymous James Bold said...
    General Mills suffered a major drop in sales of Cheerios when it allowed its ad agency to put in a miscegenated family

    I'm the kind of person who will actually go and look up claims like this. I mean seriously, in the age of Google it's not that hard.

    And you're wrong of course.

    Cheerios' Interracial Ad Spiked Its Online Branding by 77%
    Rotten apples didn't spoil spot By Christopher Heine

    Actually the commercial did so well for the Cheerios brand that they brought the same "family" back for their Super Bowl advertising the following year.

    Cheerios brings back controversial interracial family for Super Bowl ad

    So while the Cheerios ad did badly among you and your racist pals back in the dark ages, in the modern and diverse present, the ad did quite well.

    And now I'm going out to buy some Cheerios tonight.

  33. Yeah, kind of figured ole James was lying.:)
    Oh those pesky facts.

  34. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Mr Field, why do you pick on James Bold? He is only 'trying' to be helpful. In an age of post-racism, FN should welcome James. After all, many come here to be embraced and accepted.

    Where is your heart, Brother?

  35. Anonymous9:10 PM

    "So, any white person to say "nigger" in any context is thus a racist?"

    No Josh but in the context James Bold used it was extremely racist. Try to keep up you dumb fucking asshole.

  36. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Oh yeah, that's right Josh, James is your new butt buddy so you have to stick up for him and vice versa.

  37. [ Anonymous Bill said...

    anotherbozo said...
    and in fact may LIKE to think of themselves as sharing couches with black friends to watch games, having interracial (!) barbecues, etc. Commercials depict interracial Edens even though they don't exist (yet) in our reality.

    In your world Blacks and Whites are incapable of being friends and watching sports together?
    Ouch. ]

    Bill is calling me a bigot? BILL!!

    No, not incapable, but many whites just don't HAVE many black friends to ask over to watch games, hang out with, etc. Given largely segregated housing, socioeconomic grouping, etc. this is no wonder.

    But Bill calling me a bigot!!

  38. Wow Anotherbozo, I didn't know you were a bigot! Damn man!

  39. "Oh yeah, that's right Josh, James is your new butt buddy so you have to stick up for him and vice versa."

    Why do all white people suddenly know each other?

    "No, not incapable, but many whites just don't HAVE many black friends to ask over to watch games, hang out with, etc. Given largely segregated housing, socioeconomic grouping, etc. this is no wonder."

    May be some semi-truth to that, at least if we crawl in a time machine. Though, also remember that white people are damn near 70% of the population, while black people are barely 13%. Why wouldn't the majority of a white person's friends also be white? The overwhelming majority of all people in the nation are white.

    It always seems like it's a white person's job to go diversify their portfolio, to get culture, to meet and mingle and mix with minorities, and to broaden their horizons. It's not expected of anyone else. Black folks wanna stick together? Black power! Latinos wanna stick together? Latin culture! White folks wanna stick together? KLAN MEETING NAZIS RACIST, OH NO YOU BETTER DON'T! lol It's hilarious.

    I don't recall the black people I grew up with actually having white friends. About 90% of that community shunned me specifically because I was white. I mean, is there some standard by which people of race A need to diversify their friendship portfolio to include B-whatever? I never took it personally in Suitland. These black folks wanted to be around other black folks and probably felt awkward, among other things, around white folks. Why do they need to diversify? Do what you want! Though, of course, we allow them as society to do that anyway. We only place expectations on one race to forcibly mix and match and to experience other races. There is no "white" culture per mainstream America. It's inherently racist.

  40. James Bold11:20 PM

    "I think poor James Bold has some self-esteem issues."

    It is so funny watching you moolies project.

    "I know a great shrink who could probably help him but she is black. :("

    In case you missed it, the "esteem movement" has proven a total failure in boosting scholastic achievement.  Blacks have the highest self-esteem, but the lowest achievement in schools.  Could believing you're already the greatest be a barrier to doing better even if you're well below adequate?  Obviously... but even the obvious eludes you.

    Most of this comes down to IQ.  Stupidity is a hard upper limit.

    "Cheerios' Interracial Ad Spiked Its Online Branding by 77%"

    I'm not surprised that you aren't bright enough to understand that "online branding" is very different from "sales".  What would happen if savvy consumers DID check out the "online branding" of the health claim of Cheerios?  Why, they'd find that the healthy soluble fiber fraction of the highly-processed toasted oat cereal is much smaller than the soluble fiber fraction of plain old rolled oats, aka oatmeal.  Guess what's in MY pantry, and what isn't?

    "No Josh but in the context James Bold used it was extremely racist."

    Just how tightly are you trying to conform to the stereotype here?

    "No, not incapable, but many whites just don't HAVE many black friends to ask over to watch games, hang out with, etc."

    Most White people live as far from Blacks as they can afford to, because Blacks in general behave between badly and atrociously.  This includes wealthy Blacks like NFL and NBA players, and even Black academics are not exempt (talking to you here, "Skip" Gates).  There is no point in trying to pick Black friends to hang out with, because one can be branded a racist even if one's partner in life is Black (like Ofc. Benjamin Fields).  The only way to win is not to play.  I am a White separatist.  You go your way, I will go mine.

    If you insist that White separatism is wrong, tell me exactly what do you need White people for?  If you want something only we can provide, you should at least pay us for it instead of expecting us to pay you for existing.

    And Josh says...

    "Why do all white people suddenly know each other?"

    I think it's the WPC (White People's Club) cards we're issued at birth.  It's inside that invisible knapsack, gnomesane?

    "White folks wanna stick together? KLAN MEETING NAZIS RACIST, OH NO YOU BETTER DON'T! lol It's hilarious."

    See you after the swastika-burning on the lawn of the one Jamaican family in town, okay?  And we'll smash a case of Dos Equis on some Mexican's door before we drink some good old Jim Beam to celebrate our cracker heritage.

    Do you see why I come back here?  Writing sarcasm is fun, especially if the targets are too dumb to ever get it.

  41. James Bold11:50 PM

    If you wonder why White people increasingly take your complaints of "racism" as bogus, look at this claim of "racism" by Dorothy Bland, Dean of Journalism at the University of North Texas, which was proven totally bogus by the objective evidence of a police car's dash camera.  When you line up in support of the likes of Dorothy Bland and ignore gross violations of behavioral norms in Chicago schools—against all evidence, but in racial solidarity—why do you wonder why we discount claims of racism in airline service and other things?  You cannot perceive reality even when criteria are given to you.  You cannot judge things as White people judge them.  This means you cannot live in the same society as Whites.  Whites owe you nothing except the chance to succeed or fuck up by your own efforts and measures.  If you won't submit to our judgements, you do not deserve our support.  Go deal with reality on your own... if you can survive it.
