Wednesday, December 23, 2015

In transit.

I'm traveling field hands, so I can't post tonight.

However, I am curious to hear your  thoughts on Mr. trump's latest crass outbursts against the fairer sex.


  1. The Ministry of Truth1:14 AM

    "However, I am curious to hear your thoughts on Mr. trump's latest crass outbursts against the fairer sex."

    It's an outrage. Trump is being persecuted by the liberal media! Trump is getting schlonged!

    Just kidding. The Donald must be in the middle of a creative dry spell, as far as finding new people to demean and scapegoat, if he's forced to join in the sorry wingnut attempt at humor that involves mocking Hillary's potty breaks. That's really scraping the bottom.

    But no worries, I'm sure he'll soon hit his stride again and come up with some new and more exciting exercise in hatemongering.

  2. Interesting piece, let me know what you think.

  3. Anonymous1:16 AM

    I think he said the right words. I personally am tired of Hillary showing up late and keeping the audience and others waiting. She acts like she's elitist and therefore can walk on stage when she is good and damn ready.

    I am glad the hosts did not wait for her and continued on without her. What Trump said about her was Trump at his finest. He nailed her.

    Hillary won't be President. She is Obama in white skin with a skirt.

  4. Oh, noes! Somebody didn't treat women to special standards -- ya know, 'cause we're "equal" and all. lol

    Equality means you can be called mean names and the like. If that's not what folks are expecting, then you don't want equality. What you want is special treatment because of what you are, not who you are. And if that's what people want, you're going to experience a whole lotta butthurt in this life.

  5. "Equality means you can be called mean names and the like."

    Yeah!!,because as every fool knows, what America needs right now is to elect a President who insults women. Those are the kind of standards you need to set to make America great again.


  6. The FieldNegro said...
    your thoughts on Mr. trump'

    Another trump thread?


  7. Obama is an insult and a ghetto wannabe thug loser #BlackLivesAreFecalMatter POS loser to this country.Now all you monkeys get back in your cages ,it's feeding time.Rotten bananas for everyone.

  8. "However, I am curious to hear your thoughts on Mr. trump's latest crass outbursts against the fairer sex."

    Donald J. Trump didn't have a crass outburst against the fairer sex.

    It's Hillary Clinton we are talking about. Can you blame Donald J. Trump? Hillary attacks Donald J. Trump with lies and falsehoods. If Hillary wants to talk about terrorists using someone's words for justification,she can talk about terrorists using her husbands words.

    Donald J. Trump responded like any red-blooded American would have. This is just field and the left helping Hillary do what she does best-play victim.

  9. FN, are you in transit to a Donald J. Trump rally? I hope so. Seeing Donald J. Trump live and meeting him will change your mind about him.

    Donald J. Trump is a patriot. When Donald J. Trump gets elected, he will do more for the blacks, the muslims and the hispanics than our first whooteemulatto president ever has. Only then will the blacks, the muslims and the hispanics realize just how much Donald J. Trump loves them and how wrong they were about him.

    I hope i see you there FN.

  10. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Hehehe....and I'm in the suitcase!;p Yipppeeee! x*D

  11. Holy Silver Bells!! I actually agree with Bill. Another Trump "citing," so to speak. **SIGH & SIGH** again...

  12. Anonymous9:47 AM

    What is worse? Trump correctly, yet crudely, saying Hillary got schlonged by Obama in the previous presidential race for the nomination or Hillary purposely lying to the public, while a Secretary of State, saying the Benghazi massacre of four Americans was started by a youtube video?

    I know which person's words I think were more disgusting, outrageous, and damaging.

    1. The thing is though, that she never actually said that. There's no record of it. There are plenty of wingnut pundits who say that she said it, but no actual written or verbal record, no quote, no actual source for the supposed statement. It's an entirely manufactured myth.

  13. Lance Cockstrong10:53 AM

    Is it really necessary to inhale every fart that blows out Butt Trumpet's bloviating blowhard blowhole? Aren't there more important things to talk about? Like if not putting out a cigarette constitutes Contempt Of Cop and as such grounds for being brutalized and arrested?

  14. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Faith_and_Fairness said...

    Have fun, Lila: Merry Christmas!!

    8:38 AM

    Awww,thank you Faith! to you and yours also, wishing you a blessed and joyous Christmas!

  15. Tramp writes about why he does this in his most recent book. When he says outrageous things he dominates the news cycle and gets invited to call into all the infotainment shows where he gets to repeat his soundbyte de jour 3 times (always 3 times in a row, no more and no less) to plant it in the rubes heads like thistle seeds.

    It's a VERY effective and efficient means of getting a simple (simplistic) message out to simple (minded) people. It's made him the plurality Republican candidate even as its ensured that a quarter of Republicans will either cross vote for Clinton or, like Bob Dole & the Bushs, sleep late that Tuesday & not make it to the polls if he takes the nomination.

    I'm still not convinced that his support will translate to votes. Demographically, the more likely that you are to support tramp the less likely you are to have ever registered or voted. I wouldn't be surprised, especially in the caucus states, to see his vote come in at half of his polling. He has no ground teams; no organizers, no GOTV, no caucus educators. He will poroably keep about 80% of his polling strength in primary states, but caucuses are all about your ground effort.

  16. Anonymous11:45 AM

    "Yeah!!,because as every fool knows, what America needs right now is to elect a President who insults women"

    I'm sick of having a President who has insulted white people for the last seven years.

  17. RampagerX12:01 PM

    PilotX said...
    Interesting piece, let me know what you think.

    The author is quite ignorant of history, and has a very limited understanding of the Constitution, not understanding what the three fifths compromise was to start with.

    What these leftist race-haters omit is that the white man's "500 year rampage" created the modern world that has improved the human condition far beyond what any one believed possible. Gone are the routine famines, plagues and constant warfare that were part of everyone's life. Today we live in the most peaceful, prosperous and healthy world in history. There are 30 times more Africans alive today than there were when the white man's ships arrived on the shores of Africa.

    Without the white man's rampage, that jet you fly wouldn't exist. Nor probably would you.

  18. Poor white trash are meth addicted sisterfuckers12:18 PM

    Obama is an insult and a ghetto wannabe thug loser #BlackLivesAreFecalMatter POS loser to this country.Now all you monkeys get back in your cages ,it's feeding time.Rotten bananas for everyone.

    Who beat inferior Republican candidates twice. Now all of you goober assed trash go back to your trailer parks and vote for Trump. Bwahahahahahahah!

  19. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Hillary absolutely DID blame the Muslim video on youtube for the Benghazi "protests". Link to her peaking her own words on CNN.

  20. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Clinton blamed the video, Obama blamed the video, Susan Rice blamed the video, they all blamed the video for Benghazi attacks.

  21. "Who beat inferior Republican candidates twice."

    He beat establishment neocon candidates who played to lose.

    The revolt in the Republican party continues, and the Bushite neocons will eventually be toppled. They know this, which is why they would rather side with Hillary than let Trump win. They may well hang on this time, but their days are numbered.

    Viva Trump!

  22. "Donald J. Trump is a patriot."

    ...and what do we now about Patriotism?

    Yep that's right, it's the last refuge of.................scoundrels.........

  23. President Scoundrel1:17 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    the last refuge of.................scoundrels.........

    July, 2008:
    "The problem is, is that the way Bush has done it over the last eight years is to take out a credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our children, driving up our national debt from $5 trillion for the first 42 presidents - #43 added $4 trillion by his lonesome, so that we now have over $9 trillion of debt that we are going to have to pay back -- $30,000 for every man, woman and child. That's irresponsible. It's unpatriotic."

    President calls predecessor "unpatriotic" for running debt up $4 trillion, then goes on to run debt up $10 trillion during his term.

    April, 2014:
    “In an equally forceful rebuke to Republicans, Obama accused the GOP of seeking to restrict access to voting in Texas and elsewhere. When one donor shouted out that the GOP effort was “un-American,” the president concurred.

    ““How is it that we’re putting up with that?” Obama asked incredulously.”

    False accusation against people seeking to reduce voter fraud leads to President calling opposition "un-American"

    September, 2015:
    But when I hear folks talking as if somehow these kids are different from my kids, or less worthy in the eyes of God, that somehow they are less worthy of our respect and consideration and care — I think that’s un-American.

    Expressing reservations about bringing millions of people here as wards of the state gets you called "un-American" by the President.

  24. The Ministry of Truth1:19 PM

    Donald J. Trump is an egocentric, opportunistic bigot. When Donald J. Trump gets elected, he will do more TO the blacks, the muslims and the hispanics than our first biracial president ever has.

    Fixed that for you, Mr. LeftHasNoClothes.

    Contrary to what Trump likes to tell everyone, the blacks, the Mexicans, the Muslims, et al., do not love him.


  25. The FieldNegro said...
    However, I am curious to hear your thoughts on Mr. trump's latest crass outbursts against the fairer sex

    I wonder if your party is going to denounce depicting Cruz's kids as monkeys.

    Ted Cruz: Cartoon of Daughters 'Has No Place in Politics'M

    This will be a good time for the dumbocrats to show the country how to stand up to the extremists in their own party.


  26. Interesting showdown at the Mall Of America today.

    Nothing says protesting police abuse like disrupting businesses at a mall.

    The dumbocrat ruling class needs to make a hard choice, protect legal businesses or pander to the #BlackLivesMatter protesters.

  27. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Yep, Bill. And NOTHING draws supporters to a cause like protesters ruining a working person's livelihood precluding him/her to earn money to feed their kids on one of the most important business days of the whole year.

    BLM continues to shoot itself in the foot, the mouth, and the ass. Those BLM people are clueless idiots garnering ire and disgust wherever they "protest".

  28. Anonymous2:17 PM

    from a yardie ,,,, please check the email that you have connected to this blog for an important message,,,

  29. BlackLiesAreGettingTiresome2:53 PM

    "Those BLM people are clueless idiots garnering ire and disgust wherever they "protest".

    And Hillary can't have her "Sister Souljah" moment, because both her campaign and BLM are funded by George Soros.

    Just another reason why Trump is going to be the next President.

  30. I'm voting for Trump too, and as soon as he is elected we are going to “put y’all back in chains”!

    Just kidding about the chains. Y'all will be getting ankle monitors, though.


  31. Good thing San Francisco is so liberal...

    S.F. cops who wrote racist text messages win court ruling

    Imagine the protests if this happened in Texas.

  32. Anonymous3:29 PM

    San Francisco is getting rid of all their San Franegroes.


  33. Gotta love stupid...

    US blocks UK Muslim family from boarding plane to Disneyland
    She said there is "growing fear" among British Muslims that aspects of Trump's plans

    How cute.

    The liberal media needs to forgot Obama is the president and blame the Trump Plan.

  34. So this guy Trump, the alleged 'patriot'.

    He arranged five (5) deferments to avoid going to war in Viet Nam.

    Seems like his alleged 'patriotism' doesn't extend as far as putting himself to any inconvenience, or (heaven forbid) actually putting his life on the line for his country.

  35. President Saddam Hussein Osama bin Biden5:10 PM

    I'll take Trump over an outright traitor like Obama.

  36. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Trump is an ass, but he has the RIGHT to say what he wants. Unlike some who want to deny him that right, like Mrs. Clinton. She even accused his words, wrongly, of being a recruitment tactic for ISIS. I recall reading a recent recruitment ISIS video mentioned her husband and Obama, NOT Mr. Trump.

    Mrs. Clinton is an enemy of the 1st amendment and the 2nd amendment. She is a flip flopping, lying, self enriching politician who has made millions and millions off the backs of voters who trusted her before by influence peddling and back room deals.

    Who is the bigger degenerate? I have to give that title easily to former First Lady, Senator, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

  37. We came, we saw, he died. Cackle cackle cackle.

  38. But it was all over a video.

  39. What difference does it make?

  40. Donald Trump caused ISIS.

  41. I hope Trump points out that Obama brought on BLM and our current racial strife to drive blacks to the polls in 2012.

    The blood is on Obama’s hands, not trump’s.

  42. Anonymous6:31 PM

    “A spokeswoman for Ms Clinton’s campaign said they are not aware of a specific Islamic State video featuring Mr Trump, but that jihadis use Mr Trump’s comments about Muslims for recruitment.”

    This argument is absolutely retarded. How exactly are Trump's comments used as a recruiting tool?

    ISIS Recruiter: Hey, you should join ISIS, because The Donald wants to ban Muslims from immigrating to America. He says we want to kill them.

    Recruitee: But, don't you want to kill them?

    ISIS Recruiter: Yes. Yes, we do.


  43. The young people in Chicago are standing up and I'm proud of em. At a school speech the young people in attendance chanted "16 shots" while Rahm was speaking. There is also a protest planned for tomorrow downtown to force his resignation. I support em but I won't be marching tomorrow because elections have consequences. If you didn't know Rahm was corporate friendly, wanted to privatize everything, let the cops run wild and is shifting the tax burden onto the citizens while giving business a free pass then I don't know what to tell you. I'm with you in spirit and it won't be a bad thing if he gets thrown out of office but where were you last election?

  44. Uhleekh M'Baahles6:35 PM

    Do think maybe Obama's project of using the US Government to push the goals of the Gay Agenda on Muslim countries is being used as an ISIS recruiting tool?

  45. Anonymous6:38 PM

    PilotX said...
    "it won't be a bad thing if he gets thrown out of office but where were you last election"

    Rahm's not going to resign because of some whiny negroes. The only way that works is if the DOJ is in there threatening to kneecap him. And they aren't going to be doing that, since Rahm is Obama's guy.

  46. "Rahm's not going to resign because of some whiny negroes. The only way that works is if the DOJ is in there threatening to kneecap him. And they aren't going to be doing that, since Rahm is Obama's guy."

    That's mostly true but if the bad PR keeps up he may be forced to do it or avoid all public appearances. It is possible but once again elections have consequences and this is a lesson but it is a lesson the young seem to have learned. It may lead to a coalition like the one that lead to the election of Harold Washington and that would be great. We haven't had this much unity in Chicago for at least 30 years. Laquon McDonald may have done something in death no one else has been able to do or ever would have done.

  47. Anonymous7:19 PM

    So Laquon MacDonald's death will have an impact on black men killing other black men, around 470 murders so far this year in Chicago, going forward?

    You are full of shit, X.


  48. PilotX said...
    That's mostly true but if the bad PR keeps up he may be forced to do it or avoid all public appearances.

    Good one.

    Rahm is a dumbocrat.

    Different standard.

    Have you noticed how crickets Obama is about this?

  49. "So Laquon MacDonald's death will have an impact on black men killing other black men, around 470 murders so far this year in Chicago, going forward?"

    Maybe, but the majority of deaths are caused by gang beefs and the young people participating in the demonstrations are largely good kids who will be the next leaders in the community. I'm sure on some level it will help as some of the "bad" kids will see the civic mindedness of the kids giving voice to their concerns so I'm betting this will do some good. How much we'll have to find out but I'll take a little bit of good over more bad any day. Also, a new set pf politicians will see the community in a different light so that should help too.

  50. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Have you noticed how crickets Field is about the Steve Harvey unbelievable screw-up with the Miss Universe Pageant? Only a Negro who can't read would do this.

  51. "Have you noticed how crickets Field is about the Steve Harvey unbelievable screw-up with the Miss Universe Pageant? Only a Negro who can't read would do this."

    Steve is a Que so it was expected.

  52. Laquonald MacDonald10:42 PM

    PilotX said...
    "...the young people participating in the demonstrations are largely good kids who will be the next leaders in the community"

    No, they will be the parasitic, rabble-rousing community organizers of the next generation.

    The good kids are actually going to class and learning marketable skills so that they can contribute to community, not burn it down.

  53. "No, they will be the parasitic, rabble-rousing community organizers of the next generation.

    The good kids are actually going to class and learning marketable skills so that they can contribute to community, not burn it down."

    You obviously did not witness the previous demonstrations. The participants are highly motivated, intelligent and well reasoned. Why would you think they would be a negative influence? They are learning how to exercise their First Amendment rights and the inner workings of local government. These are lessons not readily available in a classroom and besides school is out for winter break. You have such a low opinion of teh yoof anon but that's ok, they will be alright if they stay on this path.

  54. And sometimes you have to rouse some rabble and organize the community.

  55. It’s pretty clear by now that Trump has a solid base of support. The remarkable thing about Trumps’s polling in 2015 is the consistency. Poll after poll, pollster after pollster comes up with the same steady climb higher and higher. He started the year around 10% and is going to finish the year at 40%. No other candidate has had this steady rise in the polls, not even Hillary Clinton.

    What has not been so clear, largely because Republican media has been flooding the zone with wishful thinking, is that the Trump vote has been splintered, split among several candidates. The GOP spin has played this the other way, claiming the establishment vote was split among a bunch of candidates, thus giving the illusion of a Trump lead in the polls. Once the minor figures drop out, the theory goes, the voters will coalesce around a party man and that would be it.

    Yet, the math says otherwise. The latest CNN poll has Trump and 39% and Cruz at 18%. There’s no reason to think that the Cruz vote would go to an establishment figure. People supporting him hate the GOP just as much as the Trump supporters. That’s 57% of the vote. Carson, another outsider candidate is at 10% and it does seem that his vote is shifting to Trump and Cruz.

    When 67% of the vote is going for candidates that exist as a rejection of the status quo, it is ridiculous to think that the remaining candidates will collapse into a unitary candidate and win the primary. Given that they are all equally weak, none of them are ready to quit and support the other so by the time a champion midget is crowned, it will probably be too late anyway.

    My hunch is we are about to see the race transition into a new phase where the party establishment tries to salvage what they can from the wreckage. I’m not really sure how they can pull it off, but that seems to be the plan Cruz has been banking on for months. His act has been to avoid taking on Trump, letting the others take the beating while he lies low, waiting for his moment. My guess is he thinks his moment will be Iowa.

    That sounds a like a great plan, but it assumes Cruz has not already hit the same ceiling we have seen over the past year with other candidates. They bubble up to about 18% and then start to decline again. It also assumes he can survive contact with Trump, something no one has done so far. In fact, the sign that your campaign is over has been when Donald Trump says your name.

    I’m not making any predictions, but the way to bet right now is for Trump to be the nominee. He is schlonging Hillary Clinton right now, which will go a long way toward winning him converts in the GOP. Unless Cruz can handle the Trump schlong, he’s probably going to break on the wheel of Trump too.

  56. Yisheng11:47 PM

    Awww ain't it special, folks realize that heroin addicts need professional help with their addictions and are creating programs to help, AWWWWWW...............these addicts must NOT be Black or Brown. And heroin is "sexier" than crack.

  57. Anonymous11:58 PM

    Maybe you ought to try switching from crack to heroine.

    1. Yisheng12:26 AM

      Maybe you ought to try switching from licking crack to heroine.

      Heed the advice, Assnon PUN INTENDED!!!

  58. The Democrats' Theme for 2016 Is Totalitarianism:

    For those of you keeping track, the Democrats and their allies on the left have now: voted in the Senate to repeal the First Amendment, proposed imprisoning people for holding the wrong views on global warming, sought to prohibit the showing of a film critical of Hillary Rodham Clinton, proposed banning politically unpopular academic research, demanded that funding politically unpopular organizations and causes be made a crime and that the RICO organized-crime statute be used as a weapon against targeted political groups. They have filed felony charges against a Republican governor for vetoing a piece of legislation, engaged in naked political persecutions of members of Congress, and used the IRS and the ATF as weapons against political critics.

  59. Anonymous12:47 AM

    Donald Trump continues to rise in the polls. Yet some FN Negroes don't think he will be President. That's the same shit they said about Obama.

    The reality is this: If Obama can be President, then so can Trump. And he shall. Deal with it because for some on this blog, it's going to be a long long 8 years.

    I can't wait to hear what PC, UTS, Yisheng, and Field have to say after Donald runs away with the Presidency. Yep, your black asses will be in the hot seat.

    And as a bm I am going to enjoy watching you Negroes squirm. It'll be payback karma for calling me Digitalblackfacealert. Revenge is sweet!

  60. Anonymous12:49 AM

    Yisheng is a moron. And not very sexy.

  61. Yisheng1:43 AM

    I'll have earned my Dr. title during the next President's term in the WH!!! So I'll be a little more
    FABULOUS than I already am!!!

  62. Yisheng1:46 AM

    Yisheng is a more intelligent than I am!!. And so very sexy too!

    Thanks assnon! Muah!

  63. The Ministry of Truth7:45 AM

    At a campaign rally the other day, some anti-Trump protesters sneaked in and were, naturally, ejected from the premises. After they were thrown out, he credited their bravery in choosing to crash this rally, "in a group of 9,000 maniacs that want to kill them."

    So there you go. Even Trump acknowledges that his followers (aka the "maniacs") are deranged, dangerous, sociopathic racists. Hey, maybe there really is something to that claim that Trump just tells it how it is. He got this one completely right!

  64. I can't believe all the lies and mischaracterizations going here about Donald J. Trump. Thankfully, most Americans are seeing through all that. Donald J. Trump is good people and he will make America strong again.

    1. Yisheng8:47 AM

      @8:02, I'm predicting 13 home grown terrorist attacks in the first year by male whooteemoos if
      Trump is elected.

      Whooteemoos will be empowered to level never seen before in American history if Trump wins.

  65. I hope everyone is having a happy holiday. And i hope happiness and success follows you into the new year. I know there are many out there who think hope is futile. Hope is for for fools. After 7 years under a oppressive Kenyan, Marxist, Socialist Muslim regime, who can blame Americans for thinking that way?

    Just keep hope alive. By this time next year, American voters will have elected Donald J. Trump. Donald J. Trump will make America strong again. Donald J. Trump will make sure everyone has a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

  66. Anonymous Yisheng said...

    I'll have earned my Dr. title during the next President's term in the WH!!!

    You've been saying that since 1988. I believe you this time. All things are possible when you believe in Donald J. Trump !

    1. Yisheng8:38 AM

      @8:23, I've actually been saying it since 1978. But my grandmother first wished it for a grandchild in 1938 after a rrelative was denied admission to a southern state's medical school because they were Black.

      So shout out to my slave ancestors for passing on the gene for tenacity and resilience on a level that NO OTHER RACE has EVER in human history demonstrated.

  67. Yisheng8:51 AM

    ROTFL @ PX's comment about Harvey being a Que!!

    BLM shutting down the mall/airport. YES!!

  68. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Yisheng, are you studying to be a medical doctor and plan to treat patients? If so, do you plan to treat all races? I wonder, because you have to be one of the most anti-white participants on the blog.

    1. Yisheng3:45 PM

      @9:24, I'm anti-whooteemoo not anti-White, BIG difference.

  69. Quote: The Right Has No Brain

    "...Socialist Muslim regime..."

    You do realise that's an oxymoronic statement, right?

  70. Anonymous11:31 AM

    "Whooteemoos will be empowered to level never seen before in American history if Trump wins."

    Day one: Throw out all the unqualified Apiemoos wasting space in medical programs and give them to qualified Asians.

  71. Anonymous4:18 PM

    You are anti-white, Yisheng. You are a garden variety racist. There is nothing different, big or otherwise, about your way of thinking.

    I pity your future patients, your future nurses, your future coworkers, and your family who will have to be exposed to your poisoned way of thinking. I pity all ignorant racists who thrive on hate of all "others".


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