Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Those Negroes are just not that smart.

Image result for scalia imagesI am tired of writing about Donald trump. Tonight I want to focus on another powerful racist in America.

His name is Antonin Scalia, and he makes decisions that have more of an impact on your life than even the president of the United States.

"In the oral arguments Wednesday for a Supreme Court affirmative action case, Justice Antonin Scalia—a well known critic of affirmative action—suggested that the policy was hurting minority students by sending them to schools too academically challenging for them.

Referencing an unidentified amicus brief, Scalia said that there were people who would contend that "it does not benefit African-Americans to -- to get them into the University of Texas where they do not do well, as opposed to having them go to a less-advanced school, a less -- a slower-track school where they do well."

He argued that "most of the black scientists in this country don't come from schools like the University of Texas."

"They come from lesser schools where they do not feel that they're -- that they're being pushed ahead in -- in classes that are too -- too fast for them," Scalia said." [More]

This is truly scary. And it is just wrong on so many levels. I could talk about the countless amount of African American youngsters who I am personally familiar with who are destroying their white classmates at Ivy League and other fine schools in this country. (My little cousin, bless her heart, graduated with high honors from Swarthmore not too long ago with a degree in Cellular and Molecular Biology or something like that.)But what would be the point of this? The racist and unintelligent among us, like Antonin Scalia, would never believe it. 

Mr. Scalia is not alone. In the state of Michigan a republican lawmaker made his feelings known about the cognitive abilities of blacks as well.

"As a first-term state senator, Marty Knollenberg of Troy is far from high-profile. He's not in Congress, though he is the son of a man who served eight terms in the U.S. House.

Sen. Knollenberg, a 52-year-old Allstate agent,  is suddenly less obscure -- though not in a good way.
The Republican is the subject of articles at two national news sites -- Huffington Post and Raw Story. He's also the target of criticism and ridicule on social media, including comments at his legislative Facebook page.

The outcry is provoked by widespread posting of videotaped remarks at a Senate education hearing, where the Oakland County politician said: "You mentioned these school districts failing, and you mention economically disadvantaged and nonwhite population are the contributors to that.  I know we can’t fix that.  We can’t make an African-American white.  That's just, it is what it is.” [Source]

"It is what it is" indeed.

The Donald might just become our next president after all.  He is, after all, "the anger translator" for all the secret (and not so secret) racists in America.

*Pic from



  1. No no, it's not racist, only teh blahs can be racist. In fact YOU'RE the racist for pointing this out. Or something like that, I'm sure one of our friends will be along shortly to explain it further.
    But seriously Scalia is just a raging asshole of an idiot who says the dumbest shit one can imagine but the right holds him up as some sort of lega genius. He and his toadie, the negro who sits and says nothing. These next two Presidential elections are important so we can get a few sane SC justices.

  2. Anonymous9:41 PM

    "Referencing an unidentified amicus brief, Scalia said that there were people who would contend that "it does not benefit African-Americans to -- to get them into the University of Texas where they do not do well, as opposed to having them go to a less-advanced school, a less -- a slower-track school where they do well.""

    Brother Field, that brief that Scalia got his information from has some merit to it. For instance, JOSH schools so many FN Negroes right here on FN which clearly indicates that we don't have it in the brain department. And he is one of the lesser Whites struggling to compete among his own.

    Brother Field, I sincerely mean it when I say, I don't think Justice Scalia is a racist, after all, he and Justice Clarence Thomas are good friends.

    Also, CT would be the first Black to agree with Scalia.

  3. Anonymous9:54 PM

    This is true as we have our own crazy white guy here threatening to shoot negroes.

  4. Hate Fact™10:04 PM

    "it does not benefit African-Americans to -- to get them into the University of Texas where they do not do well, as opposed to having them go to a less-advanced school, a less -- a slower-track school where they do well."

    This is true. Not just for black students, but for any student who is admitted to an academic program on any basis other than their academic qualifications for that program.

    In America, we have a small amount of legacy admissions, a larger amount athletic admissions, and an even larger amount of students who get in based on race-based affirmative action.

    All of these groups have lower success rates in school than the total college population.

    The point that Scalia is making is valid: It often does harm to put students in tracks they cannot succeed in. If you put me in a mathematics PhD program at Stanford, I would not be able to keep up and might decide college was not for me. Put me in a school suited to my aptitude, and I'll graduate.

    Take a look at the graduation rate of AA admissions before you scream "racist".

  5. Anonymous10:06 PM

    "...who are destroying thewho are destroying their white classmates at Ivy League and other fine schools in this country"...

    This is complete bullshit, and enough people are finally calling it out.
    Affirmative action blacks undermine the rigor and quality of education for all the other fully-qualified students, diminishing the scholarly atmosphere. Instead, we have diversionary tactics like the Harvard Crimson publishing articles about "black hair" and other such garbage.

    As far as "destroying their white classmates" - bullshit again. I know this from firsthand experience, when the black students in my STEM classes couldn't keep up, and I was told this was "my" problem. Or not. I quit rather than lower my standards.

    My daughter just finished a biochem degree from a TRUE Ivy League school. Far from "destroying their white classmates", the black and hispanic students were allowed to re-write their midterm and final exams as OPEN BOOK. And so on. To say that having to endure putting up with this BS and pretending that (a) black students deserve to be there on "cognitive abilities" and (b) that they "blow their white classmates away" can no longer be allowed to be spouted without being called out for the BS and Progtard talking points they are.

    Scalia is right. Academic mismatch is a big problem. And it must stop, it we are to keep our academic institutions competitive with the rest of the world, instead of virtue chips to meet some amorphous goal of diversity.

  6. Think Education10:08 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    This is true as we have our own crazy white guy here threatening to shoot negroes.

    Think Progress: Agitating progressives who aren't smart enough to understand statistics in order to generate clicks. What a country!

  7. Field, check this out. Not surprising.

  8. The Fixer10:12 PM

    Fox News: Agitating conservatives who aren't smart enough to understand statistics in order to generate clicks. What a country!

    There, fixed it for ya.

  9. Call a Spade a Spade10:12 PM

    "We can’t make an African-American white. That's just, it is what it is.”

    Well if that's true, I guess you'll just have to go.

  10. George Washington Cardboard10:15 PM

    "most of the black scientists in this country don't come from schools like the University of Texas."

    He's right. There are only 12 black scientists in the country, and none of them came from UT.

  11. Anon@10:06, I call bullshit. "True Ivy League school" as opposed to what, exactly?
    Racists like u just don't raise smart children. Sorry. :(

  12. Earl Butz10:22 PM

    "In the oral arguments Wednesday for a Supreme Court affirmative action case, Justice Antonin Scalia—a well known critic of affirmative action—suggested that the policy was hurting minority students by sending them to schools too academically challenging for them"

    How anyone familiar with Yisheng's story could argue with that is beyond me.

    40 years and counting and she still can't finish school.

    With the money we wasted on her, we could have had five or six Asian doctors by now.

  13. "With the money we wasted on her, we could have had five or six Asian doctors by now."

    Somewhere, a two-bit pimp is missing his crack ho.

  14. Yisheng10:38 PM

    @Field the proof that this idiots kid NEVER appliee much less graduated from an Ivy League school is the phrase "real Ivy League school.

    No one that is familiar with education at an Ivy would EVER use such a phrase.

    What Scalia needs to discuss is the rampant cheating among White students,.especially at Ivy League schools. THAT would be something to talk about.

  15. Yisheng10:43 PM

    Now Field, you KNOW you got these Whooteemoos and Gookeymoos reliving all those college rejection letters, LOL!!!


  16. Anonymous11:04 PM

    "What Scalia needs to discuss is the rampant cheating among White students,.especially at Ivy League schools."

    If you are talking about the Ivies, it would be mostly Jews doing the cheating.

    There are very few white Christian students in Ivy league schools. White non-Jewish students are grossly underrepresented in elite institutions based on what their enrollment should be by their test scores. Jews control these institutions, and preferentially give spots to Jewish students:

  17. Anonymous12:02 AM

    Scalia is right. Schools like Selma, Howard, Morehouse, Southern, Grambling, etc are the best schools for AAs.

    Why? Because they were designed for AAs.

    However, "Africans" from other countries do very well in Ivy League Universities.

    There is something in the AA psyche that is keeping them from doing their best.

    Finally, some Anon mentioned Clarence Thomas as a supporter of Scalia's observation of AAs.

    What better proof than a Supreme Justice like CT?

    Brother Field, we must start facing facts and truths about our folks.

  18. Thurston1:11 AM

    Yisheng said...
    No one that is familiar with education at an Ivy would EVER use such a phrase.

    I am extraordinarily familiar with education at Ivy League schools, having attended several real Ivy League schools such as Harvard, Yale, and Princeton, as well as some fake Ivy League schools. I use the the phrase "real Ivy league school" literally all the time. Too much, really.

  19. Anonymous1:50 AM

    Yisheng, I am impressed with the number of top knotch schools you have attended:
    Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Georgetown, Duke...what about John's Hopkins? Wharton? U of Pennsylvania? Stanford?

    My my. You are an educated superstar. You put white and Asian students to shame. You disprove everything that Scalia said about Blacks.

    Keep up the good work Sister. Btw, how many more top notch schools do you have to go to get that Med degree you have been going for?


  20. Black retention rates are a lot lower in colleges for some reason. As Yale, UoM, et al have proven by their instant capitulation, it's not because they don't give blacks everything they demand.

    Some believe it's due to affirmative action measures granting black students 250 free SAT points for absolutely nothing, and weighting their race very heavily as a factor to let them into schools for diversity. So when many students get there, they end up in over their heads and flake out.

    I didn't know this was a racist hypothesis. It might be jumping the gun on causation from correlation with insufficient data, but it's just an observation. On the whole (obviously not counting those secret Einstein blacks Field personally knows, of course) black students are failing out of college at higher rates than anyone else, while at the same time it's easier for a black student to earn acceptance into college due to fairness grading, free SAT points, diversity quotas, etc.

    I mean, getting 2 from those 1s is horrific racism that knocks Trump off the front page? What happens if you promote someone unqualified for the position? Typically it's the case that the position wins out.

    If something exists, there is a reason for its existence. Stop insisting it's racism every time a white person offers up a hypothesis. It's not as if Scalia is just pulling it out his ass. It is a fact in America that being black makes it easier to get into a university than being white, and much easier than being Asian -- you know, 'cause our white oppressive racist society hates minorities so much that we whites allow Asians do better than everyone at IQ, at education, and at earning money.

    And LOL @ the 17 universities Yisheng has attended over the years. None of them managed to teach her biology on even a high-school level, but a STEM MASTER don't need no stinkin' biology!

  21. Anonymous2:22 AM

    Josh is just proud of his online degrees from Bubba Joe's University. You can't make this shit up.

  22. The Fixer2:25 AM

    Stop insisting it's racism everytime a white person offers up a racist hypothesis. It's as if Scalia is just pulling it out of his ass.

    There, fixed it for ya.

  23. Josh's online degree2:27 AM

    And LOL @ Josh for opining on scientific matters with his online English degrees. You really can't make this shit up.

  24. Firstly, LMFAO @ the bunny boilers immediately clinging to my comment. Guys, this is getting pretty creepy.

    Secondly: Yes, I have a degree in English Literature; yes, it came from an online university; yes, I'm proud of having earned it.

    But I notice you buffoons don't speak about the bachelor of science I hold in biology, or the master's of science I hold in evolutionary biology. Only the English Lit degree. And the only reason I can find for it: You morons think it's "English" like you failed in elementary school, so you pooh-pooh it.

    Companies looking for online copywriters were weighting a degree in English Lit higher by a quarter than they were weighting creative writing and the suchlike. So, imagine this impossible scenario. Person in his late 20s wants to do something as a career, so he pursues an avenue of education that will make it easier to obtain success in that career.

    Oh, shit, son; that's unheard of! I need to be embarrassed about that.

    And LOL @ "Josh for opining on scientific matters with his online English degrees..."

    There exists no area of science in which you can out-perform me in any capacity, troll. Don't let the career choice fool ya; I have over seven years in a laboratory setting dealing with science, have completed hundreds of pieces of grad work, and got through my thesis process unscathed as I illustrated how gene suppression in populations (using the standard H^2 = VG/VP phenotypic distribution equation) promotes cooperation. Meanwhile, your brilliant ass cannot figure out the difference between English Literature and English (grammar).

    If you bottom-shelf-of-society fuckwits want to shame me, you need to up your game. I'm not the least bit embarrassed that I obtained yet another degree to help me make personal career choices, where I'm my own boss, set my own hours, pick my own clients, and make more in a quarter than any of you trolls make in a year.

    Try harder.

    Being obsessed with me isn't enough; you have to put in some effort, trolls. I'm genuinely disappointed at your lack of creativity recently.

  25. Anonymous3:15 AM

    Your dumb ass couldn't light a Brunson burner. Does anybody ever listen to you or are you ignored in real life like here on this blog? Maybe you should try harder at shutting the fuck up, no one is listening Joshy.

  26. Josh is weird3:16 AM

    Bunny boilers? This guy is weird.

  27. "Does anybody ever listen to you..."

    Asks the moron who literally only comes to this blog to see what I say before responding specifically to me and not to Field's actual post.

    "This guy is weird."

    Says the moron who stalks me around this blog like a crazy chick looking to slash my tires and boil my bunny.

    Like I said the other day: It's a simple observation. You creepy motherfuckers literally cannot control your impulses. You see JOSH on this blog, and you lose your shit. You MUST reply to every single thing I say. You cannot help it. This observation accurately models reality precisely 100% of the time. I really need to set up my own site with ads. You obsessive creepy fuckwits would make me rich by habitually stopping by my site just to tell me that you're not stopping by. lol

  28. @ the intellectually deficient anon


    Protip: Chemistry and biology = NOT the same thing. lol Understandable you wouldn't know the difference if ever you've read Yisghent speak about her role as crack stem master. But for future reference and all...

  29. Anonymous4:02 AM

    Pot meet kettle YOU must respond to everything I post Josh. Irony is lost on idiots.

  30. Josh's online degree4:09 AM

    Everyone knows the difference between chemistry and biology. Save your amateur tips for your buddies that "attended" the same online special ed "school" as you.

  31. "Everyone knows the difference between chemistry and biology."

    Apparently not.

  32. Josh's online degree4:47 AM

    Guess an online genius like yourself can teach us? Nah, nobody reads your posts. Did you play any sports at Bubba Joe's online school?

  33. "Nah, nobody reads your posts."

    Well, except you.

    You habitually respond to every single thing I say, while simultaneously claiming to not read my posts.

    Not only did you not know biology and chemistry are two different scientific disciplines, but you don't have the self-awareness to refrain from shooting yourself in the foot in your desperate attempts to make fun of me for having an additional degree in English Literature.

    The lack of self-awareness is astounding. It's the literal equivalent of you making fun of a guy who owns a Benz and a Lex for his third car being a Ford Focus. How in the ever-lovin' fuck do you think you're somehow shaming me because on top of a bachelor of science and a master's of science, I also have an English Lit degree?

    You really haven't though this through, have you? You just physically cannot stop yourself from searching Field's threads looking for my posts, so you can spam something stupid across the screen. Keep proving me right while claiming you aren't. The cognitive dissonance happening directly in front of me is entertaining.

    I got $100 against $1 that you don't even have a single degree in any subject or a job that pays within $20k of an average American salary. But, yeah, I'm supposed to be embarrassed and ashamed that one of my degrees is in English Literature. (And you still don't even know WTF it even is. lol You still think it's grammar.)

  34. Of course what field negro won't talk about is what Scalia said is based on a UCLA study. Field negro won't talk about the high failure rates of those who get into college via Affirmative Action instead of their merits.

    "I know we can’t fix that. We can’t make an African-American white. That's just, it is what it is."

    We have a political correct bias in this country where certain truths can't be spoken. More and more Republicans are daring to buck this political correct bias. The left can't rebut the truth so they are left to scream "RACIST!!"" and hurl insults.

  35. The Fixer7:18 AM

    Think Progress: Agitating progressives who aren't smart enough to understand statistics in order to generate clicks. What a country!

    Right the first time.

    Stop insisting it's racism every time a white person offers up a hypothesis. It's not as if Scalia is just pulling it out his ass. It is a fact in America that being black makes it easier to get into a university than being white, and much easier than being Asian -- you know, 'cause our white oppressive racist society hates minorities so much that we whites allow Asians do better than everyone at IQ, at education, and at earning money.

    Right again.

    No work here for me today so i will move on.

  36. "In the oral arguments Wednesday for a Supreme Court affirmative action case, Justice Antonin Scalia—a well known critic of affirmative action—suggested that the policy was hurting minority students by sending them to schools too academically challenging for them.


    "Black retention rates are a lot lower in colleges for some reason."

    How about crapy schools don't prepare them!
    How about low quality K-12 schools in minority neighborhoods making near impossible to score well on SAT.

    There needs to be in house programs dedicated to retaining black students. Of course they will "catch up" and be as prepared as the lucky whites that had an unfair head start and access to "good" schools.

    So many whites just buy their underachieving kiddos way into University anyway. Bush is a super example with Yale 76' and Harvard Business School 75'. And these same white parents roll those eyes over affirmative action admissions??

    And lastly folks, I've decided to start a scholarship for Josh so that he may one day obtain some sort of diversity degree from a brick and mortar school.

    It shall be called the Boil My Bunny Fuckwits Scholarship for Special People.

    Please send cash and I will write your name with a green Sharpie on something important.

  37. James Bold9:53 AM

    "we have our own crazy white guy here threatening to shoot negroes."

    Telling you that your behavior is going to lead to something is not the same as threatening it.  That's the problem with you nappy-headed clowns:  the nappiness is a label for what's not inside.

    I live a long way from any Nogville and have no intention of doing a thing; too damn much work.  But sooner or later people with more skin in the game are going to start reprisals and direct defense like shooting rioters.  You'll lose your shit, but you'll also back off.

    The really funny thing is that a shooting could break out at a march like the one in Detroit the other day, and your reaction would be "ho hum"... if the shooter was Black.  It all comes down to tribalism with you.

    "Some believe it's due to affirmative action measures granting black students 250 free SAT points for absolutely nothing, and weighting their race very heavily as a factor to let them into schools for diversity. So when many students get there, they end up in over their heads and flake out."

    All you'd have to do is look at retention rates for non-Black students admitted with SAT scores 250 points below the class mean to see how true that was... if the school admitted any.  But we're not supposed to notice that race has nothing to do with it.

    "The lack of self-awareness is astounding."

    This blog is a study in the Dunning-Kruger effect, including the owner.

  38. Dakota10:08 AM

    Virginia said...
    "In the oral arguments Wednesday for a Supreme Court affirmative action case, Justice Antonin Scalia—a well known critic of affirmative action—suggested that the policy was hurting minority students by sending them to schools too academically challenging for them.


    What do you find unbelievable, the truth, or the fact someone spoke it?

  39. Progressivism is Religion without God10:39 AM

    Leftists like Field go ape shit when someone like Scalia makes a fact-based assertion about AA or when Donald Trump makes a rational proposal to temporarily halt mass immigration from a population full of hostile terrorists because they are defending the Narrative. They are so committed to believing a hard-to-square-with-reality religion that they cannot allow any heretical words to be spoken. Marxists are fond of calling it “controlling the discourse.”

    Because discourse is what Marxists (and Moslems) fear and hate and spite – and because discourse is what Donald Trump has liberated.

    Marxists (and Moslems) don’t have discourse. They have sterile childish slogans (and the Koran). This is why Marxists (and Moslems) wage war on and against free speech – and it’s why they’ve attacked language itself, and have thereby attacked reason. Of course this is also why neither Marxists (nor Moslems) can take a joke.

    It's much easier ad safer to scream "racist!" or "fascist!" and slay straw men then to abandon their false reality. It's a cultural psychosis.

  40. Yisheng10:40 AM

    @Virginia thanks for the reminder that WHITE MALES are the BIGGEST beneficaries of preferential college admissions practices than ANY other race/gender in the US. And that there are more Bush like grads of the Ivies than ANY other type.

    Folks, when you see Jinga-lumpo-shit's name on a post, it's so damn easy to just scroll through!! Especially since there were really only 5 or 6 comments worth reading anyway.

  41. Yisheng10:58 AM

    One more thing Virginia, my kid attended some of the best schools in the nation from K-12. And if it wasn't for the 2-3 times I was more than willing to put my foot in the hindparts of some racist ass teacher, she may not have done well enough to earn full scholarships to study Engineering at some of the top universities in the nation. The jedi mind trips played on talented Black and Brown kids in educational settings on ALL levels is intense and like nothing I've EVER seen in my life!

    So good K-12 education isn't the only answer for Black kids. Qnd even with an Engineer father and a Scientist mother BOTH with advanced degrees, some ignorant ass whooteemoo that was teaching my kid social studies or some other intellectually easy subject, caused the biggest (well dealt with) obstacles" in my kid's education.

    And now I play it forward, regularly working with Black and Brown students in the K-12 setting, encouraging them to stick with

  42. "Black retention rates are a lot lower in colleges for some reason."

    If this is true it primarily has to do with money.

    As far as Africans doing well at Ivy league schools, it's pretty much the same deal as the Asians.

    If the American immigration system only allows the children of Asia and Africa's best and brightest into the country, then chances are they will do well in school.

    There are a whole lot of poor, ignorant folks in Asia and Africa, but we don't let them over here.

    As far as Scalia's bullshit, it's just more veiled racism.

    When blacks and whites start from the same place, blacks do as well every time.

    The military is a perfect example.

    I went to a inner city public school and a public university. I never had any problems competing with whites or anyone else.


  43. Obama promised Change.

    Middle-class families, pillar of the American dream, are no longer in the majority, study finds

    I remember the old days when dumbocrats were the party of the middle class.

    What happened?

  44. Watch this folks,


    What did Obama specifically do to hurt the American middle class?

    Please answer.

  45. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Anonymous Yisheng said...
    @Virginia thanks for the reminder that WHITE MALES are the BIGGEST beneficaries of preferential college admissions practices than ANY other race/gender in the US. And that there are more Bush like grads of the Ivies than ANY other type

    That is a ridiculous statement. AA is designed to specifically penalize white males.

    Legacy admissions like Bush are a tiny fraction of preferential admissions.

  46. Jose Orina11:26 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    "Black retention rates are a lot lower in colleges for some reason."

    As far as Scalia's bullshit, it's just more veiled racism.

    Reality is unveiled racism.

    Black retention rates are lower primarily because of preferential admissions, not money, as blacks receive much more financial aid than whites.

    Blacks aren't stupid - they are just being placed in positions they are not qualified for to make white academics feel good.

  47. Assnon,

    "Legacy admissions like Bush are a tiny fraction of preferential admissions"

    You don't know this. What is the actual percentage versus those admitted through Affirmative Action.

    Given that whites are far and away the largest college attending population I bet there are far more legacy admissions than AA admissions.

    I might be wrong but I challenge someone to prove it.

  48. Jose Orina11:36 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    When blacks and whites start from the same place, blacks do as well every time.

    The military is a perfect example.

    Actually, blacks have a lot of trouble making it onto special forces units. There have been big AA pushes to get more blacks on elite units, but it has been difficult to make quotas.

    The Army Special Forces, known by distinctive green berets, has 234 African-American officers and soldiers in a force of 5,200 men. Blacks make up 4.5 percent of the Green Berets, compared with nearly 24 percent of the male soldiers in the Army.

    The Navy has only 31 blacks among its 2,299 Sea-Air-Land, or SEAL, commandos, less than 2 percent of the force. African-Americans constitute nearly 17 percent of the male personnel within the Navy.

    And, the Air Force' s special-tactics groups have only eight blacks in a force of 472 men, less than 2 percent. Servicewide, about 14 percent of the Air Force' s male personnel are African-American

    From 2000:

    To 2010:

  49. Jose Orina

    It's obvious that you've never been in the military. Special Forces admissions are based on very subjective criteria. Blacks have had no problems with the physical regimen. It's when they go before the boards and get the "psychological" review is where they get weeded out by the evaluator's "feelings" about their ability to perform under extreme pressure.

    It was the same bullshit that black quarterbacks and head coaches have had to deal with.

    Irrational doubts about their ability to lead, read defenses..etc...

  50. "Black retention rates are lower primarily because of preferential admissions, not money, as blacks receive much more financial aid than whites."

    Another lie you just made up.

  51. UTS, great point about the military and about the "best of the best" coming here from other countries.

    We all know that ONLY WHITE MEN can be dumbasses and benefit form legacy admissions, if you're a woman and/or minority, you'd better have your shit together.

    And the reason the whooteemeoo assnon doesn't get that is because whooteemoos/gookeymoos aren't that good in math.

  52. uptownsteve said...
    When blacks and whites start from the same place, blacks do as well every time.

    The military is a perfect example.

    Except in the military affirmative action ensures blacks start out ahead of whites. Even with racial quotas, social promotions and lower standards in military colleges and promotions for blacks, the military still has a had time finding the magical "diversity" they seek.

  53. uptownsteve said...
    Special Forces admissions are based on very subjective criteria.

    I know someone Black that made it and he told me that special forces guys are the least racist in the military. I guess there's something about having your ass on the line regularly and needing to depend on your fellow solider at ALL times that causes the stupidity of racism to disappear.

  54. Yīshēng said...
    We all know that ONLY WHITE MEN can be dumbasses and benefit form legacy admissions, if you're a woman and/or minority, you'd better have your shit together.

    So at historic black colleges and women colleges, only WHITE MEN benefit from legacy admissions?

    Wow. Dumbass much?

  55. Nothing but racist lies.

    These clowns just make it up as they go.

    There are NO racial quotas in the military.

    Enlistment advancements are based on objective Servicewide exams, time in grade, a personnel evaluations.

    Officer advancement is a little more subjective but given that the military brass is still overwhelmingly white and male, white male junior officers have a built in advantage.

  56. The truth is often racist lies to the left...And blacks get no special treatment or consideration for just being black.


  57. 40 years and counting...12:13 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    "We all know that ONLY WHITE MEN can be dumbasses and benefit form legacy admissions, if you're a woman and/or minority, you'd better have your shit together."

    Unfortunately, you don't.

  58. Total racist lies.

    Nobody ever gave me anything.

    Clowns like you just can't deal with when blacks advance past you.

    There always has to be an insidious reason why.

    You're the same clowns who claim that Obama someone got elected "just because he was black".

    He couldn't have possibly out fundraised, outdebated out campaigned and out performed his oppenents.

    It was because he black.

    Fuck you.

  59. Captain Gristle12:16 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    I know someone Black that made it and he told me that special forces guys are the least racist in the military. I guess there's something about having your ass on the line regularly and needing to depend on your fellow solider at ALL times that causes the stupidity of racism to disappear.

    No, that would be due to the lack of blacks.

  60. Whooteemoo and Gookeymoo clowns just can't deal with when blacks advance past them.

    Whooteemoo and Gookeymoo clowns just can't deal with when blacks advance past them.

    Whooteemoo and Gookeymoo clowns just can't deal with when blacks advance past them.

    Whooteemoo and Gookeymoo clowns just can't deal with when blacks advance past them.

    Whooteemoo and Gookeymoo clowns just can't deal with when blacks advance past them.

    Whooteemoo and Gookeymoo clowns just can't deal with when blacks advance past them.

  61. @UTS I hope you don't mind, it was worth repeating, LOL!!!

  62. Media Jumps The Gun, Attacks Scalia For Perfectly Reasonable Question

    Within the article is links to what Scalia based his question on. And you will see this is something that has been debated and proven true with facts.

    Good read if you are interested in facts.

    Or you can just listen to field when he screams "RACIST!!!".

  63. Yisheng

    Don't mind it at all.

  64. White folks are such geniuses, they're about to kill the whole damn planet and everything breathing simultaneously. When there's no food and water, hope your money fills the bill.

  65. Mr. Ng12:30 PM

    Apiemoo said...
    Whooteemoo and Gookeymoo clowns just can't deal with when blacks advance past them.

    I will deal with it if and when it ever happens.

    Until then, I will enjoy puncturing the delusions of a venal, rapacious, churlish recipient of white America's limitless largesse.

  66. Yīshēng said...

    Whooteemoo and Gookeymoo clowns just can't deal with when blacks advance past them.

    Clearly, you have never advanced past anyone. And you are very bitter about it.


    uptownsteve said...
    Fuck you.

    It's ok UTS. If not this decision, within the next 10 years, affirmative action will be ruled unconstitutional. Then we will see what happens when we start at the same place......


  67. uptownsteve said...
    Watch this folks,
    What did Obama specifically do to hurt the American middle class?

    As an Obama supporter, I expected you to tell me how he helped the middle class.

    Oh well...

  68. Whooteemoo and Gookeymoo clowns just can't deal with when blacks advance past them.

    These people obviously have horrible parents who taught them NOTHING about taking responsibility for their lives.

  69. The Fixer12:50 PM

    Stop insisting it's racism everytime a white person offers up a racist hypothesis. It's as if Scalia is just pulling it out of his ass.

    There, fixed it for ya.

  70. They could rule it out now in college admissions as far as I'm concerned.

    It never affected that many people in the first place and it's just another rallying theme for racists who look for any reason to claim that blacks are taking something from them.

  71. Bill,

    Imagine what the president could have done for EVERYONE if Rethugs had cooperated.

  72. The Fixer12:50 PM

    Fox News: Agitating conservatives who aren't smart enough to understand statistics in order to generate clicks. What a country!

    There, fixed it for ya.

  73. teh stupid12:52 PM

    The really funny thing is that a shooting could break out at a march like the one in Detroit the other day, and your reaction would be "ho hum"... if the shooter was Black. It all comes down to tribalism with you.

    But James' dumb ass doesn't realize he's much more tribalistic than anyone here. Irony is lost on teh stooopid.

  74. James not Bold is a Pussybiatch!12:55 PM

    All you'd have to do is look at retention rates for non-Black students admitted with SAT scores 250 points below the class mean to see how true that was... if the school admitted any. But we're not supposed to notice that race has nothing to do with it.

    So says the dumb ass who couldn't finish ANY college. Just sit in your trailer and dream about race wars like all the other retarded white racist losers. You are one pathetic piece of shit (not so) Bold. A real life Jethro Clampett.


  75. How bad are things going for the dumbocrats when even Playboy is pointing out the double standards?

    Trump’s ‘Stupid’ Plan for Fighting ISIS Online Is the Same as Clinton’s

  76. Some facts about the current AA case before the Supreme Court:

    There were 168 applicants of color who had higher scores than Abigail Fisher, the plaintiff, who were not admitted to UT. According to court documents, 49 students with lower scores and grades than Fisher were offered provisional admission to UT through the summer program. Only five of those arguably under-qualified students were black or Hispanic; the other 42 were white. Yet this sorry racist heeyuck blames black students for her not getting admitted.


  77. Bill,

    As if expected you to back up your assertion.

    To your question: Obama has help the middle class with:

    Tax credits
    The ACA
    Tuition assistance for college
    68 straight months of job creation

  78. Black triplets heading to the Ivy League:

  79. And since I'm doing work for my STEM business today, I think I'll post articles like the one above until Field posts a new topic!


  80. Yīshēng said...
    Imagine what the president could have done for EVERYONE if Rethugs had cooperated.

    Interesting concept.

    So because the rethugs didn't cooperate with Obama, Obama only helped the very rich increase their income?

    Whatever Obama did helped the rich at the expense of the middle class.

  81. James Bold is a pussy1:14 PM

    Yet this sorry racist heeyuck blames black students for her not getting admitted.

    The story of a white racists' life. Just ask James (isn't) Bold. That's why he dreams of shooting us.

  82. And on the subject of other Blacks who excel in STEM, a Black woman mathematician from NASA:


  83. uptownsteve said...
    To your question: Obama has help the middle class with:

    Did you miss the link?

    Whatever Obama is doing it isn't working.

    Middle-class families, pillar of the American dream, are no longer in the majority, study finds

  84. UTS, Bill is a troll who suffers from ODS. He really can't help himself.

    Oh yes, all the Ivy League whites on the site telling us dumb blacks how smart and successful they are. OK then. :)

    Poor Scalia's only black "friend" is Clarence Thomas.

    Hmmm, maybe we can't blame him for his opinion of blacks after all.

  85. Anonymous Bill said...
    So because the rethugs didn't cooperate with Obama, Obama only helped the very rich increase their income?

    Bill I realize logic is hard for your when it comes to Rethugs. But it isn't hard to come to the conclusion that Obama's policies helped a LOT of rich people too, when rich people have purchased the Rethugs in government.

  86. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Blogger Josh said...

    Black retention rates are a lot lower in colleges for some reason. As Yale, UoM, et al have proven by their instant capitulation, it's not because they don't give blacks everything they demand.

    Wow! JOSH proves he is superior again by color. And, he has the data to prove it. uts and Yisheng, you two need to stop defending yourselves and your people because JOSH has already defeated both of you simultaneously.

    Blacks are getting weaker by the day. uts used to take on JOSH and kick his ass. Now that has disappeared. Why?

    Man, this is did JOSH rise to power again? Who's been training this white racist?

  87. Affirmative Action Jackson1:39 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    "Black triplets heading to the Ivy League"

    Nice story, but no one believes blacks achieve anything on their own.

    This is the cost of Affirmative Action.

    I know there are truly talented blacks, but because of AA, you always suspect they got where they were by being black, not by merit.

    People like Yisheng just reinforce the worst AA stereotypes of entitled, ungrateful loudmouths who just don't have the intellect to perform in the field they have been thrust upon.

    It would be better for everyone if the government just stopped with all the racial favoritism, but they won't because sowing distrust and acrimony by making everyone feel like a victim is the way they assert control.

  88. Assnon

    "but no one believes blacks achieve anything on their own."

    Who is "no one"? Inbred racists like you?

    I've been a corporate salesman for 20 years. Never had a problem getting good positions with great companies with great products.


    Because I have a track record of PRODUCING.

  89. Anonymous Affirmative Action Jackson said...
    Nice story, but no one believes blacks achieve anything on their own

    Actually, ONLY racist think this which leaves us overachieving Blacks to respond with a friendly "we don't give a sh*t what ignorant racists think", followed VERY closely with a Kanye Shrug and 1 million "no f*cks given".

  90. Fundamental Changes comes to Britain:

    One of the teenage victims of a major grooming ring uncovered by police in Rotherham was forced into sexual relations with men on an almost daily basis and used as a commodity to settle her abuser’s debts, a court has heard.

    The girl, who was in and out of care from the age of 12, was allegedly taken around the country and made to perform sexual acts on many men, becoming pregnant twice, once when she was only 14.

    She had just turned 16 and was still in the care of the local authority when she was forced into sexual relations on almost a daily basis, the jury was told. She terminated the first pregnancy but later gave birth to a boy who was looked after by her mother.

    The girl is one of 12 allegedly groomed in a child sexual exploitation ring led by seven people, including two sets of brothers and two women, who are accused of 51 counts of abuse at Sheffield crown court.

    The violence allegedly became regular and no one in the victim's care home expressed concern when she returned bloodied or shaken from encounters with the defendants, prosecutor Michelle Colborne QC told the jury.

    Colborne said the victim recalled that on one occasion she ran away from Hussain but he caught her and bundled her into the boot of a car and set off to a house in Tottenham, north London, where she was asked to have sex or engage in oral sex with five men, all in their 20s....

    "She was beaten, had a cigarette stubbed out on her chest, she was tied up, she was raped orally, vaginally and anally from a very young age, often by numerous men, one after the other, at the say-so of Arshid Hussain. She was insecure and vulnerable and believed he was her boyfriend."

    It's important to remember it wasn't just the "Asian gang" responsible for this. It never is.

    For this to happen requires the connivance and facilitation of the machinery of the progressive shadow state, which despises the host country it supposedly works for.

    In America, it is currently the de facto law that you cannot post a picture of Mohammad. That we should live under this stricture of Sharia law -- an alien religion most of us do not believe, and many of us are in fact hostile towards -- was a demand of violent Islamists, but it was actually made into semi-official law by the progressive shadow state which, through both active agitation and passive cowardice, turned a terrorist demand into the reigning de facto law of the nation.

    And so it happened in Rotherham, where a gang of sexual terrorists was allowed to prey freely on girls as young as 12, and the progressive shadow state enabled and facilitated it all.

    The Red-Muslim coalition is of course real: both communism and islamism are violent, indecent revolutionary movements, and both fixate their hatred on everything decent and truly progressive of the West.

    They are allies in fact.

    And always remember: Noting the obvious is exactly what ISIS wants us to do.

  91. I'll repeat that, NO F*CKS GIVEN to what racists who aren't on our level financially, educationally, culturally, or academically.


  92. field negro said...
    UTS, Bill is a troll who suffers from ODS.

    Glass house, stones....

    In your opinion I obsess over the President of the United States, the person many consider the most powerful man on the planet.

    I am tired of writing about Donald trump.

    You obsess over someone you consider a clown.

    Got derangement?

  93. Affirmative Action Jackson2:09 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    I've been a corporate salesman for 20 years. Never had a problem getting good positions with great companies with great products.

    Good for you uptown. I am of course a taking your word for it, but the fact you deserve your success should be a source of personal pride.

    But surely you can see that because our society extends racial preferences towards blacks in education and hiring, some might question how much you did on your own.

    So a white person who is struggling might unfairly dismiss your success out of bitterness.

    Just like a black person who dismisses the achievements of individual whites based what he knows about legacy admissions, institutional racism, or on concepts like white privilege.

    Women believe in "glass ceilings" and men believe in lower standards for females.

    In this way, everyone now thinks they live in an unfair society that awards preferences on everyone else.

    It's genius. Ever wonder who might benefit from this situation?

    The only way to beat this game is to eliminate all racial, gender and "legacy" preferences. The government should be forbidden from even classifying people by race. Individuals who experience discrimination for any reason should have their own recourse on case-by-case basis.

  94. AA Jackson

    "But surely you can see that because our society extends racial preferences towards blacks in education and hiring, some might question how much you did on your own."

    This is an incredibly stupid argument.

    Makes me wonder how much you accomplished on your own.

    Please answer these questions.

    How does Affirmative Action do your job, studying or test taking for you?

  95. Affirmative Action Jackson2:22 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    How does Affirmative Action do your job, studying or test taking for you?

    It doesn't, which is why AA recipients more often have performance issues at work or school. The same would go for legacy admissions, etc.

    You are missing the point which is that the perception that blacks are granted unfair privileges detracts from real black achievement.

    This doesn't apply to just blacks, it applies to everyone because the perception is that everyone is victimized by preferences granted to everyone else.

  96. Anonymous2:25 PM

    UTS-"How does Affirmative Action do your job, studying or test taking for you?"

    2:15 PM


    Lord have mercy. I can't believe the balls on this guy. How I wish we had a thousand more in the AA family. Of course, we don't.

  97. Blogger uptownsteve said...
    How does Affirmative Action do your job, studying or test taking for you?

    Why UTS, haven't you heard? It's the Affirmative action:

    SAT test
    GRE exam, including subject tests
    MCAT exam
    LSAT exam
    PCAT exam

    Along with all the boards/certifications into ALL those professions.

    Speaking of test prep, my tutoring clients are 90% Asian which speaks to the fact that Asians aren't smarter than everyone else, they're simply FAR better prepared.

  98. Affirmative Action Jackson,

    "It doesn't, which is why AA recipients more often have performance issues at work or school."

    You couldn't prove that if your life depended on it.

    It's racist urban legend.

    All Affirmative Action does, like the white good ol boy network, is get you in the door. Once you're inside it's all on you.

    I could give two fucks if some goober I got my job through Affirmative Action. Especially if I'm consistently bring in more revenue than he is.

    I've seen white dudes hired because they belonged to the same frat as a manager or Director.

    I actually saw a hiring manager sift through a pile of resumes and look at one and say "I'd like to meet this nice Dutch boy". Guess what? The Manager was of Dutch ancestry himself.

    That's how America REALLY works. You clowns need to stop the bullshit.

  99. uptownsteve said...
    Makes me wonder how much you accomplished on your own.

    Obviously they've achieved NOTHING which explains their hatred of us.

    Trump's kids don't seem too worried about AA, neither does Chelsea Clinton. But then those kids have smart parents which produced smart kids, hence the BIG problem with the racists on this site.

    What these racists REALLY need to do is b*tch slap their parents for being such dumbasses!!!


  100. This comment has been removed by the author.


  102. Field, your job is too easy. This job with the blog that exposes racism, I mean. Talk about fish in a barrel! They practically label themselves! It used to be easier when the talk was in code words and full of "sympathy" for the "disadvantaged" and the "underachievers."

    But you do a service to broadcast it, anyway. Put them on billboards.

    We all should face what moronic bigots we have in places of power. Our republic rewards the best puppets, the ones who dance best to the oligarch's tune while humoring the hillbillies. And the hillbilly oligarchs.

    Our godforsaken republic. We have to admit "it is what it is" before we can presume to fix it.

  103. Yeah, it's pretty damn obvious that goober boy hasn't gotten over those college rejections yet and uses AA as his excuse, when the fact is that "Molly" was chosen over him because she was better qualified.

    White, male angst is destroying this country/planet.

  104. Thanks Ace Freely for shining a light on Rotherham. It's disgusting how progressives help covered up the rape of children. Unfortunately, that's just one of many examples across Europe.

    It should also be mention how progressive polices have turned Sweden into the rape capital of the western world.

  105. "how did JOSH rise to power again?"

    This is one of the rare instances at Field's where most people--not all, of course--are actually discussing the issue, some more intelligently than others, and it isn't just a troll-fest. Then enter this creepy-ass anon.

    Dude, why do I have such a fucking impact on your life? I'm a 35-year-old average dude who lives in Northern Virginia, outside of DC. I have a decent job, whose salary is sapped up quickly by living expenses, just like the majority of people in the nation. I come to a blog to leave my opinion on matters because I have been a fan of Field's blog for roughly three years. Never in all this time have I gone through and plucked out your comments from the pack and even acknowledged your existence, much less stalked you around the blog for a fucking year. Why do you allow me to have so much control over your life, anon? Honestly.

    I'm just a random motherfucker who's an overqualified copywriter, cruising a blog on my downtime. You literally cannot stop SCREAMING MY NAME, wondering what I'm up to, begging Steve to curse at me, questioning why I have "power" (WTF does that even mean?) etc.

    You need something more stable in your life, buddy. This stalking me shit is getting very old. Did I curse at your old lady one day or something? Did I run you off the road in my car? Did I cut the line at McDonald's? No. I'm a random stranger showing up on a blog, one of tens of millions in the world to do such. And you've made it your life's mission to follow me around like a puppy. Get some help, dude.

    JOSH is not your friend. JOSH isn't even able to tell you apart as a separate anon. JOSH should not have influence like this over your life. JOSH is a stranger. JOSH, the way you view JOSH, is a figment of your imagination. Let it go.

    Holy shit. If I were a progressive feminist, I would have contacted the FBI about the stalking already. This shit is enough to give you cold chills, when you browse around someone's blog and see random motherfuckers you don't know just SCREAMING your name out constantly. Fucking creepy.

  106. uptownsteve said...

    Affirmative Action Jackson,

    "It doesn't, which is why AA recipients more often have performance issues at work or school."

    You couldn't prove that if your life depended on it.

    It's racist urban legend.

    It has been proven over and over again. It's just much easier to cry 'RACIST!!!!" instead of researching and learning.

  107. Yīshēng said...

    Obviously they've achieved NOTHING which explains their hatred of us.

    Who's hating you? We're just mocking your stupidity.

  108. Affirmative Action Jackson3:20 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Affirmative Action Jackson,
    I've seen white dudes hired because they belonged to the same frat as a manager or Director.

    You can't understand my point, but you sure can prove it.

    Thanks for playing.

  109. White Man's Burden3:22 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    White, male angst is destroying this country/planet.

    It's our planet, we'll destroy it if we want.

  110. The Left Has No clothes

    "It has been proven over and over again."

    Then you should have no problem producing evidence right here on the board.

    So do it. Or STFU.

  111. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    >Trump's kids don't seem too worried about AA, neither does Chelsea Clinton<

    Of course they don't, you idiot.

    AA is something the rich inflict on the middle class. Rich people fund their own privileges.

    You are absolutely the most ridiculously stereotypical AA flunky on the internet. There is no reason academia would suffer your dumb ass wasting space in their classrooms for four decades except for the fact they are forced to take you because you are black.

    It's obvious you don't even know what half the words are in the titles of the papers you are assigned to read.

    If you weren't so fucking dumb, you'd realize how lucky you were and how much you owe the white people who coddle you and enable your fantasies of being a "scientafamist".

    But instead of keeping quiet and being happy with your unearned positions, you can't stop bragging about your imaginary success.

  112. Josh is posting as "anonymous" now?


  113. Undeserving dumb whites have always been the biggest beneficaries of Affrimative Action. Back in the day they were promised a job, help from the government and a power structure which will allow the dumbest to rise up past their abilities.

    But, the Rich broke that agreement in 1980 and have been treating white people the same way the Rich treat foreigners, blacks, hispanics and women i.e like trash and dispoable parts. Now white america wants to take their country back.

  114. Josh is a she?3:46 PM

    If I were a progressive feminist, I would have contacted the FBI about the stalking already.

    So Josh is a conservative feminist? Like Caitlin? Who knew?

  115. Anonymous3:47 PM

    "Holy shit. If I were a progressive feminist, I would have contacted the FBI about the stalking already. This shit is enough to give you cold chills, when you browse around someone's blog and see random motherfuckers you don't know just SCREAMING your name out constantly. Fucking creepy."

    3:13 PM
    Are you serious? Are your feelings creeping you out? I had no idea and I'm sorry. I was just trying to hold a reasonable conversation with you, like I do everyone else on FN.

    What do you mean by people screaming you name out on the blog? Is it like DIGITALBLACKFACE!?

    I've been coming to FN for at least 5 years and it just keeps getting worse. PC folks like yourself start thinking someone is trolling them but all they are doing is trying to hold a reasonable conversation.

    OK, I won't EVER comment on your posts again...even though someone needs to comment because some of your posts are rather creepy themselves. BTW, I am the only one who tried to answer your questions, which you complained everyone was ignoring.

    uts replied to your posts and you didn't like that either. I am beginning to conclude that you are like an old grandmother impossible to please.


  116. White male affirmative action Jackson3:48 PM

    You are missing the point which is that the perception that blacks are granted unfair privileges detracts from real black achievement.

    Never bothered white males so why should anyone give a shit? Oh that's right, assholes like you. Carry on.

  117. AA Jackson,

    "You can't understand my point, but you sure can prove it."

    You have no point numbnuts. And I've proven THAT.

  118. Josh has no penis3:49 PM

    OK, I won't EVER comment on your posts again...even though someone needs to comment because some of your posts are rather creepy themselves. BTW, I am the only one who tried to answer your questions, which you complained everyone was ignoring.

    Boo hoo hoo, Josh won't play with me anymore. Am I supposed to cry like you now? You are one weird dude Josh.

  119. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Grung_e_Gene said...
    Undeserving dumb whites have always been the biggest beneficaries of Affrimative Action

    You ought to know.

  120. "I was just trying to hold a reasonable conversation with you..."

    You may perhaps want to Google the word "reasonable."

    Constantly SCREAMING my name, trolling me through every single Field thread, and saying some weird, off-the-wall shit about "power" and the suchlike doesn't exactly inspire confidence that you know what the word "reasonable" means.


  121. Yīshēng said...
    White, male angst is destroying this country/planet.

    kenny g and all those white people clapping on 1 & 3 is the real problem.

  122. ctrl+halt+del4:45 PM

    "...a slower-track school where they do well."

    Is that where we get the term race?

    Anyway, a baseball exec said pretty much the same thing when talking about the lack of diversity in mid-management positions in the majors.

    Those Italians, Madone!

  123. Lt. Commander Johnson4:46 PM

    You know, steve & I have been dueling for a long, long, time.

    BUT. He's right...this time. You wanna fuck with him? A former member of the USCG?

    You bring your monkey-asses on. I'll defend steve...until I get pissed-off at him again.

  124. Someone get @3:38 some extra strength Metamucil before it needs a fecal disimpaction STAT!!

  125. The Fixer6:10 PM

    Someone get me some extra strength Metamucil before i needs a fecal disimpaction STAT!!


  126. The Fixer7:10 PM

    Someone get @3:38 some extra strength Metamucil before it needs a fecal disimpaction STAT!!

    There, it was right the first time.

  127. Just saw Chiraq with Mrs. X. Anyone else see it? Just wondering what you thought, may have to go off blog to prevent spoilers. Ha!

  128. Anonymous10:25 PM

    PX, you ought to go see "Spotlight" cause you need Jesus. Take Yisheng and Field with you.

  129. "PX, you ought to go see "Spotlight" cause you need Jesus. Take Yisheng and Field with you."

    I know Jesus, Jesus Rodriguez from Back of the Yards. Cool guy.

  130. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Converse to Scalia's comments being racist, what is he saying about white students that attend HBCU's or for that matter, white professors that teach at HBCU's. Scalia should not be allowed to downplay these comments and Chief Justice Roberts should be brought to task since this is the "Robert's Court".

  131. He should know all about slow Negroes, he looks like one and sits alongside one. He probably has a degree in NEGROLOGY. The haters are usually hating themselves, Mr. Sicily.

  132. Lt. Commander Johnson3:03 AM

    For God's sake.

    I am old enough to remember Integration.

    That was the first time I ever heard of grading on the "curve". I was an A+ student after that, and I didn't even look at a book.

    Because, all the dumb-assed Negrooeshithooes, were failing. They were stoopid, and stunk like shit.

    I was there. I lived it.

  133. Lt. Commander Dumbass3:47 PM

    That was the first time I ever heard of grading on the "curve". I was an A+ student after that, and I didn't even look at a book.
    Please, you flunked lunch you dumbfuck. That's why you're broke and unemployed now.

  134. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Racists in America?? Look at the Black mayors of every single major city with a majority of black people and the VIOLENCE of the city as it declines in every way. Politicians are not the problem. A black mayor is the new mayor in Houston. Black citizens in the majority of a city is THE problem. Black people in the majority ruin every single fucking city they inhabit.
