Saturday, January 23, 2016


Image result for palin trump cruz republican images

I need a caption for this pic.

For example: How do  load it? I have a meeting with Ted Cruz.

*Pic from


  1. Marco: Let me show you my babalu!

  2. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Big Gut Bill: Why can't we put a limit on mass third-world immigration, much of it from cultures actively hostile to our own?

    Little Ricky: When a society, acting with the purpose of eliminating all historic forms of exclusion and discrimination, including, ultimately, its own historic and ethnocultural identity as a society, admits large numbers of people into it who do not fit into it, either because of lower abilities or incompatible cultural/religious adhesions, the fact that they do not fit, when it is finally recognized, can only be blamed on the society itself.

    Big Gut Bill: What? Don't people who come here of their own free will have some responsibility to conform to our values?

    Little Ricky: To blame the lack of fit on the newcomers would be to revive the very discrimination that their admission was meant to overcome. As long as the host society accepts the principle of non-discriminatory inclusion as the very basis of its own moral legitimacy, it must keep admitting more and more unassimilables, whose lack of ability to function in or identify with the society becomes more and more troublesome, a problem that must be blamed more and more on the racism of the society.

    Big Gut Bill: So, the more aliens we let in and support, the more we must be condemned for racism?

    Little Ricky: Exactly, the more the society undoes itself in the name of indiscriminately including and favoring unassimilably diverse peoples, the more racist and guilty it becomes in its own eyes, leading to more and more minority preferences, speech codes, anti-hate laws, official lies, and the multicultural dismantling of the majority culture.

    Big Gut Bill: You use your tongue prettier than a $20 whore.

    Little Ricky: That's what they pay me for.

    Big Gut Bill: Motherfuckers.

  3. Smiling Guy With Glasses: Know how to use one of these?

    Marco Rubio: Not really but it'll make the NRA happy if I'm photographed holding it.

    Marco Rubio Thought Bubble: OMG this would go SOOOO great with my high-heeled boots!

  4. Rubio: I'd like to stick this right up Trumps leading in the polls, arrogant a**.

    Heart attack gut: Hold on there, let me see if I can find one with a MUCH longer barrel.

  5. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Rubio thinks: Hope my smile is convincing! I'm scared shitless of this thing! Oh moommmaaaa! Don't let it go off!!!

  6. Anonymous11:27 PM

    Fat guy: How's 'bout doing some target shootin out back buddy?

    Rubio thinks: Um...if only id'a used that BB gun I got for Christmas as a kid. Instead I threw a fit 'cos I wanted high heeled booties :(

  7. "Can I get it in black to match my elevator booties?"

  8. "Long and black. My wife will love this."

  9. Nothing brings out the gayness and erotic fantasies of the left more than a Republican holding a gun.

    Weird, creepy that.

  10. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Ted Cruz: "Maybe if I stroke this long enough, my dick will get hard. Maybe it's like Pinocchio; all I have to do is tell enough lies."

  11. ctrl+halt+del8:48 AM

    The "Eager Sanction." Hopelessly behind in the polls Rubio has but one choice.

  12. cilturegiest#1
    Lilac & Ctrl+halt.. Honorable Mention.

  13. Lance Cockstrong12:45 PM

    Can I have a drink of water? ... I think I'm going to faint ...

  14. Lance Cockstrong1:09 PM

    8:19 AM -

    This from you who fantasizes about the left with no clothes?

  15. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Little Ricky: They give me all that money because I'm a "respectable" conservative who doesn't bother giving any credence to the concerns of ordinary Americans.

    Big Gut Bill: Trump’s “Fuck You” policy of halting all Muslim immigration and the shock-horror it created made clear the Presidential race was not between Republican and Democrat, but between Trump and the Establishment. Small party, limited government “conservatives” who want to be conservative-flavored democrats and liberals, who put faltering institutions and social airs above genuine popularity, are completely finished because they disenfranchised a generation.

    Little Ricky: Yeah, so?

    Big Gut Bill: America really was great, and it could have stayed great, but Conservatism, Inc. wrecked it out of shortsighted greed, a fetish for individual freedom, and a misplaced concern with “respectability” as defined by the Left. Now my son's generation has to deal with zero prospects, indentured wage slavery, and “refugees welcome” smashing our windows in. The controlled media are desperate to maintain a veneer of utopian hope in multiculturalism over establishment failure, even as major European countries and large swathes of America completely disintegrate into balkanization and ethnic warfare. Trump, a tycoon with a shrewd eye for emerging trends, offers disenfranchised Americans the chance to hit back against Washington.

    Little Ricky: Well yeah, that's why both parties have united in trying to destroy him.

    Big Gut Bill: Motherfuckers.

  16. Ted Cruz's campaign manager figures out how to get rid of Rubio once and for all.

  17. Wesley R6:19 PM

    Fake Gringo.

  18. Anonymous7:02 PM

    It's 8 pm, where the heck is Field? Did his "power" go out? Is he reading? or shoveling snow? xD

    Ahahahahahahaaa! Me so glad you guys are snowed under!!!! Yaaaasssss! That's what youse get fir not living in the tropics!!!

    There's a full moon tonight, and a warm breeze, just PERFECT!!!!!

    Come on down the waters fine! x*D

    1. I'm in Nassau Desert and I agree it's so much better than freezing my manhood off.

  19. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Weeeeee! Good for you Pilot! Waaay better! but over there the worse part is yet to come, 'cos that snow is beautiful when it's freshly fallen, but wait til it freezes over and you're slippin' and slidin' all over the place! Man oh man how I used to hate that! xD

    Nothing beats the warm tropical breezes,nothing...

    Heaven, I'm in heaven,la la la la la la la la laaaaaaa! Going to the beach tomorrow to watch the surfers!
