Saturday, February 13, 2016

Caption Saturday.

I need a caption for this pic.

Example: FOX NEWS pilot: They are all looking up at me. Should I continue the fly over?

*Pic from


  1. Anonymous9:46 PM

    Drill team fail. No one is in line.

  2. Police pilot: We had to shoot them from the helicopter, they were clearly brandishing firearms...

    -Doug in Oakland

  3. Bill O'Reilly Talking Points Memo... As I've reported previously, Beyonce is no role model encouraging young women to join the notorious Black Panther Party. And the audacity to unleash such a devious plan in front of millions at the Super Bowl no less should concern every law abiding citizen.

    Per Donald Trump's Twitter feed... "Absolutely Disgusting!!!"

  4. Ladies: hey PilotX!

    Me: cool that, my wife is watching!

    1. I agree with Yisheng, Pilot X... Another clever caption! And lucky gal that Mrs. Pilot X :-)

  5. PX, for the VERY cute win!!

  6. More Hillary Clinton Emails Released, Including 3 Now ‘Secret’

    Looks like its going to be Bernie:

    Pollster Pat Caddell, also a former adviser to President Jimmy Carter, asserted that the Hillary Clinton email scandal is “worse than Watergate.”

    Long the pinnacle of modern American political scandal, Nixon resigned after he was connected to the break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters.

    “This is the greatest scandal in the history of the United States,” Caddell said. “They all ought to be indicted. This is worse than Watergate.”

    Clinton, he explained, would soon be exposed for using her connections in the State Department to enrich her family, her foundation, and her supporters.

    “They were selling out the national interests of the United States directly to adversaries and others for money,” he said. “There is just nothing that satisfies them. They are the greediest white trash I have ever seen.

  7. Anonymous11:05 PM

    What has made us free is our Constitution..The genius of the American constitutional system is the dispersal of power. Once power is centralized in one person, or one part of government, a Bill of Rights is just words on paper.

    Antonin Scalia.

    RIP Justice Scalia

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Though plenty of misgivings about the Justice Scalia legacy, the spirit of the quote Anon posted is a powerful one indeed.

  8. ctrl+halt+del11:21 PM

    "Move over Einstein, Beyoncé proves how bodies in motion creates negativity."

  9. Anonymous11:36 PM

    Brother Field, I am so bummed about the death of Justice Scalia that I cannot participate in your game tonight. It is of my opinion that you should have dedicated your post to Justice Scalia, a great Justice. Frankly, I surprised that you didn't, considering you are a lawyer.

    As Blacks, we need to be more sensitive. And I am so disappointed in F&F in her support of Yisheng and PX. She has lost all credibility with our folks.

    I demand that Field do a special post in honor of the greatest Supreme Court Justice there ever was, and will ever be!

  10. Lance Cockstrong11:40 PM

    "Once power is centralized in one person, or one part of government, a Bill of Rights is just words on paper."

    On the other hand, a handful of billionaires, no problem.

  11. Anonymous11:49 PM

    Why does Bey look like she has thunder thighs? Do we have any wm w/o overgrown thighs and asses? Name one.

  12. Scalia with that dumb a** statement about affirmative action, has single handedly disparaged the hard work and academic achievement of thousands of monorities that have earned degrees at top institutions. And it's a "legacy" that will cast aspersions on the efforts of generations of minorities that matriculate at top institutions for YEARS to come.

    That said, I'm now leaning Dumbocrat with the hopes that a moderate/liberal will replace dumbo. And I hope Prez. Obama gets to makes that nomination!!

  13. Why does Bey look like she has thunder thighs?

    It only looks that way because you have a crayon sized phallus.

    1. Lol...and white womem are lining up at the plastic surgery to achieve that same look.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. The Ministry of Truth11:56 PM

    Avid Fox News Viewer Watching the Big Game:

    Politicizing the Super Bowl ... grumble, grumble ... no respect for our police ... grumble, grumble ... anti-white terrorists ... grumble, grumble ... political correctness ... grumble, grumble ... slutty outfits ... grumble, grumble ... country going down the toilet ... grumble, grumble ... argh!

    Mabel, call 911, I'm experiencing shortness of breath!

  15. According to a BET poll, of the 25 black women on the field at halftime of Super Bowl 50, none of them had their real hair. Even under their "natural" wigs were hair weaves using straight, black hair from India. This is apparently what passes for "real" black in 2016.

  16. The Ministry of Truth12:04 AM

    @ "Things just keep getting crazier"

    The craziest thing of all is that you quote Pat Caddell (lol) and Breibart and expect anyone to take that garbage seriously.

  17. Anonymous12:06 AM

    Brother Josh, thank you for the info about the hair bit. Thank you for keeping it real, you always keep it real. God bless you.

  18. Anonymous12:06 AM

    Hillary is going to jail.

  19. 智慧12:10 AM

    Yisheng said...
    "disparaged the hard work and academic achievement of thousands of monorities that have earned degrees at top institutions."

    No, just those like you who have so obviously squandered that opportunity, by taking 40 years to get a degree.

  20. "I agree with Yisheng, Pilot X... Another clever caption! And lucky gal that Mrs. Pilot X :-)"

    I'm going to quote you next time I end up in the dog house. Ha! Thanks ladies.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. LOL, Pilot: However, you also might want to consider the Meghan Trainor lyric during the next walk to the dog house... "Even if the Mrs. was wrong [LAUGH] You know she's never wrong. Why disagree? Why, why disagree?"

  21. **HAND CLAP** to Josh's caption @11:57pm, totally nailing the natural hair debate.

  22. crrl+halt+del8:09 AM

    "Color within the lines!"

  23. ctrl+halt+del8:14 AM

    "Black is beautiful!"

  24. Now ladies, hold your weave up to the light. If you weave looks, smells nasty and has weave bugs, than your weave is nasty, smelly and has weave bugs. This is called the weave formation.

  25. Anonymous said...
    What has made us free is our Constitution..The genius of the American constitutional system is the dispersal of power. Once power is centralized in one person, or one part of government, a Bill of Rights is just words on paper.

    Antonin Scalia.

    RIP Justice Scalia


  26. Pilot@9:57, leader.
    TMOT@11:56 a close second.

    Josh has a sister jones, I bet he tried to hook up with one before and she scorned him. :)

  27. Thought of another one: "Beyonce & Feminista Black Panthers Maneuver Control of the Illuminati."

  28. So, what you want are captions that aren't true. Okay. Got it.

    Tell the truth, and one musta been scorned. Because, you know, everybody is supposed to keep this horribly kept secret and pretend that black girls aren't addicted to hair weave like rich white boys are addicted to light colored polos.

  29. Faith_and_Fairness said...
    **HAND CLAP** to Josh's caption @11:57pm, totally nailing the natural hair debate.

    Urgh, FAF, really a hand clap?!?!? However true his comment is in referencing the natural hair debate, that's some "crabs in the bucket" stuff right there IMHO!!!

    I personally wouldn't co-sign with a half whooteemoo on a billion dollar lottery ticket but hey, I draw VERY strict lines when it comes to racial solidarity and loyalty! Except when it comes to hatin' a** Black women like "neva' read a book" AKA she got other, masculine usernames on Fieldnegro!!

    Signed, a natural hair Black woman that couldn't give a rat's a** about Black women wearing wigs/weaves/perms!!

  30. Faith_and_Fairness said...
    Thought of another one: "Beyonce & Feminista Black Panthers Maneuver Control of the Illuminati."

    This is a good caption though!!

    1. Thank you, Yisheng :-) And please don't read too much into my appreciation of Josh's caption, which I viewed as an observance of what's being conveyed in numerous forums and social media. Quite frankly, the conversation turns me off when coming across the various put-downs of self-expression related to black women's hair. As long as a woman exudes confidence in her unique form of self-expression it's all beautiful.

  31. Josh said...

    "Why you folks get so mad that I'm right?"

    Y' know, if Josh didn't exist, Field would have to invent him.

  32. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Yīshēng said...
    I personally wouldn't co-sign with a half whooteemoo

    HA! Thats because no half or full whooteemoo would ever co-sign with you, yishengcow. They know you are not smart like Asians and can't be trusted like smart Asians.

  33. The Purple Cow said...
    Y' know, if Josh didn't exist, Field would have to invent him.

    I seriously doubt and educated Black man would waste time creating such a buffoon.

  34. Is anyone else appreciating the irony of today's FN caption in light of the Saturday Night Live sketch call "The Day Beyonce Turned Black"? If not aware of last night's, do YouTube it. Several LOL moments...

    And by the way, Happy Valentine's to all :-)

  35. Quote:Yisheng

    "I seriously doubt and educated Black man would waste time creating such a buffoon."

    Well he's a buffoon alright, but also a living caricature of the semi-educated embittered white supremacist. Not knowing Josh's phycho-sexual history it's difficult to determine why he comes here, day after day, to say the same bollocks over-and-over again, but it has to be something to do with low self-esteem I think.

    He's clearly another of that type that we have seen here many times over the years, the type of guy who is embittered and angry about how life has treated him. He feels humiliated in his day to day existence so he needs to come here to impose his manhood on us (such as it is). It's like he's saying "well people laugh at me, my career is gong nowhere, white women cross the street when they see me coming, but at least I can show those drakes who's boss."

    I can't imagine any other reason why he comes here, it's not like there's any danger of any of us being persuaded to change our minds by the laser-accurate brilliance of his logic!

    That's why I say Field would have to invent Joshy if he didn't exist - we've always had Josh-types here over the years. Some were better than others, and as I often say, the quality of the racist we get here these days is much lower than it was.

    1. Pretty much sums up the situation. BTW, what is a drake?

  36. Anonymous11:35 AM

    "the quality of the racist we get here these days is much lower than it was."

    I guess you're just not worth it anymore.

    1. Whatever, Anon **SIGH** Quite possible these narcissists found a home in forums that came to adopt the FN position of non-censure. And upon discovering their impact is minimum or results in net-zero effect, cyber-extremists tend to disappear.

  37. The Purple Cow said...
    Not knowing Josh's phycho-sexual history it's difficult to determine why he comes here, day after day, to say the same bollocks over-and-over again, but it has to be something to do with low self-esteem I think.

    Your statement about the quality of the trolls here diminishing over the years I'm sure ins't coincidental when considering the fact that many Whites have come to the realization that America isn't getting brown, it IS brown! Add that to the idea that middle/lower class White men aren't faring too well health wise, and the angst is somewhat understandable.

    But Josh represents a "different" kinda' racist because he's biracial, not fitting in with overachieving Asians because he's not very smart, and certainly not with Whites because of that yellow tinged skin. Having "no people" to relate to him makes him especially angry.

    Race aside, Josh is intellectually, educationally, professionally, personally, academically, inferior to EVERYONE who posts here meaning that in this case, his online life perfectly mimics his real one.

  38. Faith_and_Fairness said...
    Is anyone else appreciating the irony of today's FN caption in light of the Saturday Night Live sketch call "The Day Beyonce Turned Black"? If not aware of last night's, do YouTube it. Several LOL moments...

    I'll have to check that out ASAP!!!

  39. Oh that was HIL-LAR-RI-OUS!!!!!

  40. Porcupine12:14 PM

    Actually, Yisheng is a grade A racist.

  41. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Josh, you have a tiny penis. No wonder you're always so bitter. LOL!!!!!!!!!!

  42. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Honestly I don't really hate Sanders supporters; they're just economically retarded idealistic kids.

    Clinton supporters are just evil cunts

  43. Eat shit1:09 PM

    Yishrag said...
    Race aside, Josh is intellectually, educationally, professionally, personally, academically, inferior to EVERYONE

    Not to you. Your posts are self-absorbed, rancorous and nonsensical. You exhibit a profound lack of logic and a weak grasp of facts. Your overarching theme is one of desperate social climbing, a goal you believe comes not from your own achievement or worth, but by disparaging the achievements and worth of others. You constantly try to group yourself with successful, educated, high-intellect blacks, when in fact you share none of their qualities. People here give you shit not because they are jealous of you, but because you such an obviously awful person.

  44. Anonymous1:40 PM

    I agree with Anonymous @ 1:09

  45. The Fixer TM1:54 PM

    Honestly I don't really hate Cruz/Rubio/Bush/Trump supporters; they're just retarded idealistic kids.

    There, fixed it.

  46. The Fixer TM1:59 PM

    Honestly I don't really hate Sanders supporters; they're just economically retarded idealistic kids.

    There, fixed it.

  47. PilotX said...
    BTW, what is a drake?

    Ditto this question PC, is this an English thing, lol??

  48. Drake2:45 PM

    What a dumbass.

  49. And as a former dancer, I must say that the line "formation" (pun intended) for Beyonce's superbowl performance was waaaaaayyyyyy off, you could get benched or worse for 'ish back in my day!

  50. Sorry guys that one slipped though accidentally. Drake is Brummie slang for an idle or indolent person.

  51. Diggler3:10 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    >And as a former dancer, I must say that the line "formation" (pun intended) for Beyonce's superbowl performance was waaaaaayyyyyy off, you could get benched or worse for 'ish back in my day!<

    Yeah, but back then strippers only got quarters, and getting "benched" meant giving head out in the parking lot. For a buck.

    Those were the days, huh Yishy?

  52. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Valarie Cutthecrap Clark said...
    Lol...and white womem are lining up at the plastic surgery to achieve that same look.

    Do you mean Beyonce's blonde hair?

  53. The Fixer Tm3:55 PM

    Honestly I don't really hate Cruz/Rubio/Bush/Trump supporters; they're just retarded idealistic kids.

    There, fixed it.

  54. Seeing the wheels turn in folks whose IQs are two SDs below average, as they attempt to psychoanalyze by guessing repeatedly and repeatedly, hoping something sticks, is beyond hilarious.

    Why so angry that I'm correct? If I were saying something so outlandish, like some here do, or just false, like many here do, I could see the reason why over a dozen people here put my name in their posts and reply to every fucking word I say. But because I'm right? Sorry, folks, Americans have allowed their government to become a blob of failure. That is objectively factual. And black women love weave. Who the fuck are y'all trying to fool? It's not racist to point out the fact that black women, by and large, keep Indians in dirty rice with their fetish for other people's hair. For fuck's sake -- Chris Rock says it and is held a hero of the black community. Josh says it and black folks lose their shit.

    Sorry, black people, but you have no secrets. You live here with the rest of us, and we see you. We know you! This "ya dun no what iz like ta be black" shit is a meme. We know y'all, same as y'all know us. Whodafuq we trying to fool here? We know the difference between a permanent (dull, dry-looking, frizzy straight hair) and weave (silky and glossy and fresh). It is what it is. Why does that cause so much butthurt? We know the faux Black Pantherettes were wearing natural-black-looking WIGS at halftime, and we know under those wigs were other wigs, sewn into hair nubs with a lace front. lmfao. It's not a fucking secret!

    Why you folks so angry about those two incredibly benign and evident points of fact?

  55. "Drake is Brummie slang for an idle or indolent person."

    Hate to keep taxing you but now WTH is a Brummie? Ha!

    1. Yisheng4:42 PM

      Lol@ Px 4:09, PC should provide an English dictionary with his posts, lol!!

  56. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Yisengcow claims to be a dancer? HA!!! Dancing with your vacuum cleaner as you hum the theme to the Jeffersons while cleaning the offices of smart Asians dosen't make you dancer.

    I feel sorry for yisengcow. Wait.. No i don't..

  57. Drake4:49 PM

    For the dumbasses, yes.

  58. What a knee-slapper coming across "64 slang words and phrases you will only understand if you're from the north of England" from Mirror Online.

    For example, here's a quirky expression in light of a few Josh comments: "Well someone's seen their arse, 'aven't they?"

    Great suggestion, Yisheng: Only snag with the top Brummy slangs is it does not include "drak

  59. So cannot believe celebrating a Caption Day without Lila. Prolly busy baking lots of heart-shaped cupcakes for Valentine's :-)

  60. After the disgusting racism on display at the too-white Oscars, tonight America can unite in a celebration of Diversity at the NBA All Star game!

  61. "A bit black over Bill’s mother’s"

    This was the best.

  62. Hey PX, why haven't you mentioned this?!?!



  64. "Hey PX, why haven't you mentioned this?!?!"

    I think I did. That was years ago. Rachelle has moved on to Delta.

  65. Actually Doc if you're on Facebook check out Delta's site. Rachelle is in one of their videos and also their first blah pilot.

  66. Now you know I would have remembered that PX, but you may have posted during that ~ 2 years I wasn't visiting this site.

  67. "Now you know I would have remembered that PX, but you may have posted during that ~ 2 years I wasn't visiting this site."

    I don't think I was here then. If I was I would have definitely posted it but yeah that was over 6 years ago.

  68. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Faith_and_Fairness said...

    So cannot believe celebrating a Caption Day without Lila. Prolly busy baking lots of heart-shaped cupcakes for Valentine's :-)

    6:02 PM

    Awww, thank you for caring! Actually my neighbors on either side had liked my carrot cake some time ago, and as I was making for my kids I decided to make them each one also, so I was busy although nothing "heart shaped" though :) I sure felt like making my beloved "heart cookies" though xD! But although the spirit is willing, the flesh is weak unfortunately, my vertebrae just do not allow that level of activity these days :)

    Also,in truth, I'm often in awe of the commenters on here, we have some very erudite posters here,one of which is yourself. I, not knowing much about politics just feel kind of lost, so I just keep quiet and practice that old adage "better to be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt" :) Although, as is common knowledge, I often do open my mouth and remove all doubt!!! But ce la vie! As long as Field doesn't mind too much,I guess I'm good hehehe x*D

    1. Glad you enjoyed Valentine's, Lila: And yes, you were indeed missed since much of your commentary is presented with a humorous and insightful perspective :-)

  69. Anonymous1:48 PM

    If you fuck me right, I'll buy you Red lobster.
