Saturday, February 20, 2016


I need a caption for this pic.

Example: If that's an Apple phone it won't take my pictures.

*Pic from


  1. Pope who? Donald J. Trump wins big tonight. America wins big tonight.

  2. ctrl+halt+del7:59 PM

    Galaxy Airways ticket agent scans neanderoid prior to boarding Mars shuttle.

  3. Hillary looks like a black widow trying to convince America she didn't murder her previous 4 husbands.

    Donald J. Trump will make America great again.. VIVA TRUMP!!!

  4. The Ministry of Truth8:12 PM

    Senator Cruz, you broke my phone. I was running the new Lie Detector app, and when you started talking, the phone immediately overheated and died.

  5. Lance Cockstrong8:20 PM

    I'll take that motherfucking Obama phone thank you very much ...

  6. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Trump wins state #2.

    Lots of people sweating now.

    Hillary barely beats Bernie in Nevada.

    What an election this is turning out to be.

    Cruz, "I'm done. Stick a fork in it. Please shake my hand on the way out the door."

  7. The Ministry of Truth8:35 PM

    Hey, Senator Cruz! Check out this cool video of you lying your ass off to gullible Republican voters, telling them a liberal Supreme Court would knock down veterans' memorials and tombstones because they contain religious symbols.

  8. Holy crap! It's Grampa Munster! Quick get a pic!

  9. Please sir, can I have my phone and high heeled boots back?

  10. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Rubio wore the boots, not Cruz.

  11. "Oh, look. A brown person. I'll be taking that phone now, please. We're looking into having the mobile companies decrypt your terrorist activities."

  12. ctrl+halt+del9:03 PM

    Cruz rushed to hospital suffering from "Fake Smile Virus."

  13. The Ministry of Truth9:13 PM

    "Rubio wore the boots, not Cruz."

    Actually, Cruz wears cowboy boots all the time. They made fun of Rubio because his boots were the urban/metrosexual kind, not the hillbilly kind. (And also because Republicans are basically playground bullies.)

    Cruz just seems to get away with his bad sartorial choices because he's from Canada -- er, I mean Texas. Although, I don't know why. That "suits and boots" look makes you come off like a dumbass in all 50 states.

  14. Proud Veteran9:25 PM

    The Ministry of Truth said...
    "a liberal Supreme Court would knock down veterans' memorials and tombstones because they contain religious symbols."

    That's terrible. This means war.

  15. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Ahahaha! Great pic for captioning! and great captions! So funny!

    I also thought the same as a few others the minute I saw it :)

    Cruz: "May I please borrow that phone sir,I'll hand it back right before I get on the plane...promise..."


  16. ctrl+halt+del9:49 PM

    Welcome to Walmart! July 22,2016

  17. Anonymous10:07 PM

    Cruz: Just hand it over son,we know you stole it!

  18. sendlawyersgunsandmoney10:25 PM

    Go ahead, smell my hand. Really.

  19. If I can get a good enough picture of his hand, maybe I can run his prints through the database...

    Doug in Oakland

  20. The Ministry of Truth11:24 PM

    "Holy crap! It's Grampa Munster! Quick get a pic!"

    The Cruz/Grandpa Munster resemblance is not as close as Trump/Chucky.

  21. Anonymous11:54 PM

    Looks like we are finally free of the Bush oligarchy. Hopefully, the Clintons are next.

  22. jeeter12:11 AM

    Hildawg's rhetorical style is clearly aimed at a lower IQ than Bernie's. Bernie is going for people who read blogs like this and can find Europe on a map.

  23. Limpbaugh5:07 AM

    Have you heard that Ben Carson dropped out?

  24. ctrl+halt+del7:33 AM

    Hillbilly Bob: weapons for $200, Alex.

    Alex: Cruise missiles

    Hillbilly Bob: What is, Ted got to the store too late?

  25. The Fixer7:38 AM

    Hey, Senator Cruz! Check out this cool video of you speaking the truth to Republican voters, warning them a liberal Supreme Court would knock down veterans' memorials and tombstones because they contain religious symbols.

  26. Good Sunday morning everyone!!! What a great day to be an American!!

    Nevada wasn't feeling the Bern last night. Hillary and her canned spam speeches. Yuck. Donald J. Trump. Just wow. What an astounding victory in South Carolina!!! What an uplifting speech!!! Only in America can a man who came from such humble beginnings be on his way to the WhiteHouse.

    Now it is on to Nevada where Donald J. Trump is up by 20. All field's Nevada readers be sure to bring your family and friends to caucus night. If you need help please go to . Donald J. Trump's website is staffed by hard working Americans who are helping make America great again.

    After we win in Nevada it is on to Super Tuesday. Donald J. Trump will sweep the SEC and be well on his way to the nomination!!!!!

  27. The Real Lance Cockstrong1:02 PM

    It's no lie. White people are true devils.

  28. White Devil1:05 PM


    If that's true, why does everyone want to live in white countries?

  29. The Real Lance Cockstrong2:15 PM

    Fuck off, white boy

  30. 100 Percent2:18 PM

    A new University of Wisconsin study found that Ministry of Truth is full of shit and is always talking out of his ass, and that Lance Cockstrong actually has a tiny, limp dick. I don't know why a straight black guy like him is always so obsessed with penis.

  31. 100 Percent2:20 PM

    That same study also found that Yisheng is just a dumb nigger, and that lilac is nothing but a greasy cunt.

  32. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Fact: Josh molests his nephew.

  33. Quote:The Right Has No Brains

    "Donald J. Trump. Just wow."

    Not wow at all. It was not a good night for Trump. His support is deep but very narrow. Republican establishment hates him, evangelicals hate him. Independents hate him, Dems dispise him. His ceiling is 35% of the 25% of Americans who self-identify as Republicans.

    His success so far has been a function of the wide field of Repug candidates. As those numbers are whittled down the votes will coalesce around a less hated candidate. That's why last night was bad for Donald - Bush dropping out. You can be sure his supporters won't switch to Trump.

    Cruz is universally despised by other Republican politicians, so Rubio has the best chance - but don;t count out John Kasich.

  34. Of course you knew all that TRHNB - because you are not actually as stupid as you want us to think you are.

  35. Trump is a baller7:18 PM

    "His support is deep but very narrow. Republican establishment hates him, evangelicals hate him. Independents hate him, Dems dispise him. His ceiling is 35% of the 25% of Americans who self-identify as Republicans."

    You are always wrong about American politics. In fact you are almost always wrong about everything.

    Stick to cricket. Nobody around here would know if you were wrong, and they wouldn't care anyway.

    Trump is going to be the next President.

  36. Lilac@10:07, MOT @8:12, and, and Josh@8:48, are 1-2 &3 so far.

    Hon mentions to Doug in Oakland, sendlawyersgunsandmoney, and ctrl- alt...@7:59.

  37. Anonymous7:20 PM

    PC, the press and pundits have said since Trump entered the race he was a joke, would implode, couldn't win.

    They All have been incredibly wrong. I think you are, too.

  38. The Ministry of Truth7:38 PM

    @ PC

    I think you're correct overall that Trump's support is deep but not broad, but I'm not sure I agree with you that his ceiling will kick in during the primary season. The Republican leadership have been hoping that if there were one establishment-anointed candidate in the race, Trump would get knocked off. And that was the conventional wisdom most people believed last summer -- that Trump had the opposition against him divided, that lots of voters weren't paying attention, etc. -- because it's what happens most election years.

    But I think there is, in fact, a real possibility of his pulling enough support to win the nomination. The hardcore evangelicals don't actually hate him that much (which just goes to prove the phoniness of their beliefs -- many of them are closet racists hiding behind their Bibles, and they're happy to support an obviously non-observant Christian like Trump). If he took most of Cruz's support, that would put him nearly over the top already. He might even take some of Carson's support, when Carson inevitably drops out. (And to the trolls, no, Carson's supporters aren't necessarily all non-racist. Carson is a black man who tends to trash other black people, and racists rather tend to like that.) There's still a fair number of undecided voters in the polling, too.

    Where Trump falls completely apart is in the general election. The American populace is 37% non-white. And despite Trump's "minorities love me" blather, he'll get virtually none of that vote. To win, he'd have to lock up essentially ALL of the white vote.

    And there's absolutely no way he will. The general election electorate looks nothing like the rabidly right-wing GOP primary-goers. Huge numbers of white people will run screaming from him in the general election. The math does not add up for Trump. Nominating him would be a delusional, irrational act of self-harm for Republicans, but that still doesn't mean they won't go ahead and do it anyway.

  39. Trump is a baller7:58 PM

    "The American populace is 37% non-white"

    No it isn't.

    The voting age population is over 75% white.

    And Trump polls better than any Republican among non-whites. Not enough to win any individual minority bloc, but enough to eliminate the automatic Democrat advantage.

    Trump is going to be the next President.

  40. Anonymous8:06 PM

    field negro said...

    Lilac@10:07, MOT @8:12, and, and Josh@8:48, are 1-2 &3 so far.

    Hon mentions to Doug in Oakland, sendlawyersgunsandmoney, and ctrl- alt...@7:59.

    7:19 PM

    YESSSS!!! I agree! Specially with the first place x*D (liddleolemehehehehehe)

  41. We have always been at war with Eastasia8:24 PM

    The Ministry of Shitlibs said...
    "And despite Trump's "minorities love me" blather, he'll get virtually none of that vote.

    The anti-white racism that the liberal establishment has been promoting increasingly in recent years serves to unify an electoral coalition that doesn’t otherwise have much in common unless it can be given an Emmanuel Goldstein to hate. Without endless explanations in the media of why everything and anything is the fault of hereditary white guilt, African-Americans and Chinese-Americans, for example, will tend to notice that their interests don’t overlap much.

  42. Anonymous8:33 PM

    The anti-white racism that the liberal establishment has been promoting increasingly in recent years serves to unify an electoral coalition that doesn’t otherwise have much in common.

    .....endless explanations in the media of why everything and anything is the fault of hereditary white guilt....


    I agree and will vote for any Republican nominated.

  43. LOL @ PR, I think you've won more than anyone!

  44. Anonymous10:22 PM

    Yisheng has lost more than anyone. :(

  45. Anonymous1:06 AM

    That's because Yisheng is one dumb fucking cunt.

  46. Anonymous5:07 AM

    Please, Ted, let me take a pic of your mouthwatering dingdong and fragrant scrotum.

  47. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Here, let me put a worm (gusano) in that phone for you.
